Business Advice
HOW TO GET AHEAD IN SELF-ISOLATION Not words we ever thought we’d be writing in BPI News. But as the UK transforms from a nation of shopkeepers into a nation of home workers to combat the spread of Covid-19, we offer essential tips and tricks on how to run a business remotely – and seek to make a success of it!
s someone who has been ‘self isolating’ for the past 16 years – what we more commonly used to refer to as ‘working from home’ – I find myself in the unusual position of perhaps being better placed than most to offer advice on how to build and maintain your own little empire from the back room. With shops and places of work shuttered across the land because of the invisible threat, and the majority of retail shifted to online-only sales, we’re all making a major lifestyle adjustment in an alarmingly swift period of time. Particularly those of us now home schooling as well as trying to hold our working lives together – a tricky task indeed. When we began to put this issue together the photo trade was hastily cancelling hotel rooms and re-routing product in light of The Photography Show’s abrupt postponement, only to be followed a week
later by sending staff home and shutting the doors on their businesses entirely. It’s fair to say many of those in the trade we’ve spoken to over the past couple of weeks have expressed bewilderment – and while some have simply chosen to sit out the present difficulties, pressing the pause button on product launches and further promotional and sales activity until May or June – there are those, like us, who have chosen to keep calm and carry on. Or at least make the best of it. With bills to pay, many of us simply don’t have any other choice. Firstly, any home worker will tell you that setting up and maintaining a routine is essential. To-do lists, although it sounds terribly grown up and boring, also prove invaluable. Otherwise you can find it’s 4pm and you’ve spent most of the day on Twitter. And, by having a list of essential tasks, and crossing them off as you complete them,
there is at least some sense of pride in achievement, rather than crippling ennui. Maintaining a positive attitude and good mental health is likewise essential. It’s always been said that working from home is not for everyone – but now it literally is, some selfdiscipline is required – especially when you feel it is a situation, like this one, you’ve been forced into, rather than chosen by choice, so there is extra stress involved. The division between home life and working life has been ripped asunder, so work quickly to establish your sense of order amid the chaos. Establish your working hours within the day and try and stick to them as closely as possible; even if working a straight eight hours when you’ve got kids at home may prove challenging, aim to establish some boundaries. As mentioned earlier, it’s all about establishing a routine, and from that will naturally come a degree of self-discipline.
Got an idea for a photo trade-related business issue you’d like us to cover? Let us know direct via 20 April / May 2020 | BPI News