July 2022 • Volume 18 • Issue 7
QUEENS CHAMBER MEMBER NEWS SHREYA UPPAL Shreya Uppal only recently started working for the Chamber’s outreach team but said that she has found they share a common goal in helping others. “Even though I’ve only worked here for five or six months, it feels like I am doing something impactful,” Uppal said. “Going outside and doing outreach, you learn something new every day. Whether it’s technology or party planning. All the different kinds of things people do.” Working with the outreach team has given her a chance to go out and meet with different kinds of busi-
nesses from all different areas of the world. Immigrants, who much like herself, share a hard-working lifestyle with a similar goal of being successful in whatever they do. “It feels good to know we’re in this together,” Uppal said. “That’s what the Chamber has given me… I just hope to continue with a career where I am out and about helping any way I can.” Recently, she received her Bachelor of the Arts degree in Clinical Psych and Sociology from CUNY Hunter College. In the future, she hopes to continue her studies, pursuing either a Masters or Ph.D., and hopes to someday work with children.
Shreya Uppal recently graduated from CUNY Hunter College with a degree in Clinical Psychology and Sociology
Tasneem Sultana recently graduated from CUNY Hunter College with a triple major in Political Science, Public Policy and Economics. TASNEEM SULTANA to hit communities that the Chamber hadn’t traditionally served before. Tasneem Sultana also works She also enjoys the cultural diveras an outreach assistant with the sity of “The World’s Borough,” esChamber of Commerce and has pecially getting to experience the recently graduated from CUNY many different types of cuisine from Hunter College with a triple major all over the world. “They’re just a in Political Science, Public Policy, train ride away,” she said. In addition to having just comand Economics. pleted her undergraduate degree, In addition to meeting with local businesses, she helps with email Sultana says she is currently studymarketing, webinars, and meetings ing for the LSAT and looks forward to going to law school sometime in with stakeholders. “I think of it as a combination of the near future. “I just want to thank the Chamall my studies,” Sultana said. “I like ber for giving me the opportunity working with people in underserved and for being so flexible,” Sultana communities and helping out small said. “[Woriking with the Chamber] and minority-owned businesses.” Sultana said that being multilin- helped provide me with the expogual has been beneficial to her ex- sure to professional life while conperience because it has allowed her tinuing my academic journey.”