Drive Inspired Action Toolbox
drive inspired action toolbox
Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND Strategic product design Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Delft University of Technology Master Graduation Project 2015
This toolkit is designed for you to:
find a common and personal PURPOSE
By discovering your personal drives and that of your company and you will gain insight in your common purpose. You will be using 23plusone method designed by BR-ND to create a profile based on emotive drives, offering a common language that everyone understands.
have the AUTONOMY and responsibility to work on projects
By the end of this toolkit your team will have a number of projects you can start completing that will implement the company drives in your company culture. You are given the responsibility not only to generate these ideas but to bring them to life with a team of inspired colleagues.
MASTER and implement your own drives and that of your company
The projects offer diversity offering a challenge for every coworker. You can choose which project you want to join based on which of your personal (or company) drives you want to explore in the next months.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
How to use this toolkit We believe everyone deserves to be happy at home and at work, but because studies have shown that many are not, we have designed this toolkit to give you the tools to make it happen. This toolkit is designed for small teams and start-ups that have great and inspiring products but that want to explore their company culture further. This toolkit will give every team member a chance to help build and grow your company as well as themselves. You will be going through five phases, each of which has workshops descriptions and tools that can be found in this guide. This toolkit is designed to include every one in your team, working together and collaborating is extremely valuable when you want a connected, happy and engaged team. There are five phases you will go through in the following months. Set a time limit for yourself in which you want to complete the program. The suggested time span is to complete the discovery and imagination and planning phases in
one month. And then continue to re-evaluate your progress every 6 months. This program is designed for change, and seeing change takes time. If you see your team is losing momentum, don’t hesitate to move faster. These are guidelines, you know what works best for your team.
Don’t hesitate any longer, get everyone involved and get started!
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
GETTING STARTED DELIVERABLES 1. Motivated team 2. Your goal 3. Understanding 23plusone drives
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
While we believe happiness starts with you, creating a happier company with engaged employees is something you cannot do on your own. Selecting a team of committed co-workers is the first step in this process. Are you a small start-up company, then be sure to involve every one. Are you a team within a larger company, and you are not in the position to get everyone involved, see this as a stepping stone to involving more co-workers later on.
Invite your co-workers to join, get them enthusiastic about becoming more engaged and discovering more about themselves and their company.
In order to get everyone up to speed and involved as quickly as possible, provide all members of your team with a purchased and printed a copy of this manual.
When selecting your team make sure that you have a few crazy enthusiasts who will keep everyone inspired and active! Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Organise the first meeting to discuss why your company should work with this manual. The following pages will help you with and explaining why this program can benefit your team. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
RIPPLE EFFECT happiness is contagious
A worldwide study conducted by Gallup showed that more than 70% of people is not engaged at work. We spend most of our time at work and yet most of us search for happiness outside these office hours. Why have you decided to take action? Clarify what you want to achieve by using this toolkit.
Happiness at work starts with you, if you believe in your company, are enjoying your every day activities, and are challenged to give your all, you inspire others around you to do the same. It starts with you, grows within your team, and expands to all your stakeholders and clients.
Perhaps everyone is engaged and loves their job, but you want to take a next step in innovation and offer your employees more freedom and responsibility to be part of this process.
This guide is written especially for entrepreneurs, small companies and start-ups because we believe every person deserves to be happy and engaged at work. A person that loves their job and the company they work for, is the best brand ambassador you can have. Investing in your employee’s happiness and well-being will result in greater profits and more creative outcomes.
Or you see yourself getting stuck in everyday tasks and are no longer learning new skills or exploring talents that can be valuable to you and the company.
Does your team know what your company stands for, why you do what you do? Perhaps it is time to review your vision and purpose. No more dusty documents in a drawer, but lets turn it into action!
With this toolkit you will be discovering not only more about your company and co-workers, but also about what drives you personally. Independent of your company culture, feeling happy and engaged at work cannot be achieved unless you take a look at what you want to achieve and how you can get there.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
using this guide, and why it is of importance.
Decide with your team what kind of impact you want to have. Are you aiming at individuals and personal development or do you want to have a greater impact and start a community of happy and inspired people? Write down who will be affected by Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
With this guide and throughout the program you will be using the 23plusone emotive drives to inspire and motivate you as well as using it as a common language when discussing about what drives you in life and what drives the company you work at. 23plusone stems from scientific research by Kim Cramer, PhD. and Alexander Koene, owners of BR-ND based in Amsterdam. The starting point was research into answering the question “what drives people?” and learning that positive behaviour is driven by how happy people feel. Intuitively and subconsciously people pursue happiness in life by following 24 fundamental drives, such as friendship, curiosity, winning, health and sexuality. These 24 drives can be divided into five categories that provoke a similar feeling. Using the 23plusone method means that you will be working from an emotive mind set rather than a rational mind set. This is what makes this guide different from employee engagement research. Asking
yourself what feels right, instead of what you think is right. Speaking from an emotive point of view and using the cards as a reference also means that everyone can participate as you are speaking a common language. From engineers to designers, to lawyers and pharmacists, everyone will be able to communicate with each other about what your company stands for, and that is what we are aiming for: A common understanding on the future of your company. The 24 cards can be divided in to 5 categories of drives that provoke a similar feeling. Some of the categories have more cards than others. The five categories are basics, self-development, ambition, vitality and attraction.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
The basics is the category that can be seen as social and physical security. This category contains cards such as “warmth”, “loyalty” and “connected”, emotions related with feelings of relationships with others, but also “safety” and “structure”.
The next category is selfdevelopment. This category can be explained as “the child in you”, with drives such as “imagination”, “discovery” and “fun”, but also “independence” and “individuality”.
The ambition category is about making an impact on the world, the feeling of “winning” and achieving, but also the “pride” that is felt from the success. This category also contains the drives “status” and “possession”. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Vitality is about mental and physical strength and energy, through “nutrition” and physical “exercise”. The final category attraction speaks to the senses with the drives “beauty” and “arousal”. Research has shown that a balance of drives is what people find the most appealing, the contrasting drives create an exciting energy. An experience is much more appealing to people when it is fun, and attractive, but offered in a safe environment with people you are connected to. This is also the same for companies and products, a brand is more appealing when it touches people at all drives. A company will be less exciting when it is just safe and strives to be the best, when it’s products are not appealing or creative.
Don’s spend hours in an argument over two cards from the same category, you are probably aiming for a similar emotion!
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
DISCOVER DELIVERABLES 1. Personal drives trinity 2. Company drives trinity 3. Drives to develop
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
INDIVIDUAL DRIVES what drives you?
We will be exploring what drives you at work, but before we do that, let’s discover what drives you in general. Perhaps these are the same things, perhaps not! Take the 24 cards, these are all the aspects we aim for in life, but most of us do not explore all drives evenly, we have a natural preference for some over the other, we are now going to discover which ones you value most at work. This will be the basis from which you will continue your individual journey, so take the time to choose your cards, or rely on intuition and go with your gut.
Ask yourself the following questions:
INDIVIDUAL DRIVES what drives you?
1. What drives you at work? Why do you get up in the morning and make magic every day? Make three piles yes, no and maybe.
- What drives me? - What inspires me? Having a balance in drives means that we explore various drives in our lives, if you have only one colour cards, this could be the opportunity to see that you have only been focussing on one aspect of life, there is more to life than one category!
2. Now choose 6 cards from your yes pile that are the most suitable to the question. Don’t have 6? Look back at your maybe pile and take the remaining cards from there.
time 15 minutes participants every member of the team does this individually materials set of 23plusone emotive drive cards per person. Drives worksheet. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
3. Turn over your cards and look at the colour on the back of the cards. How diverse are your drives? Are you driven by only one category? Why do you think that is? Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
INDIVIDUAL DRIVES what drives you at work?
At the centre of this program is you, the individual. You can only become more engaged at work when you are aware of what makes you happy and energised. Uncovering what drives you at work will bring insight in whether the job you are currently doing satisfies these drives. Perhaps you are only working from one or two drives, and there is room to create balance by exploring the drives you have slowly pushed to the side.
Ask yourself the following questions: - What drives me at work?
2. Turn over your cards and look at the colour on the back of the cards. How diverse are your drives? Are you driven by only one category? Why do you think that is?
- What drives me to give my all? - What drives the product or service I deliver? - What drives my interaction with others?
time 15 minutes
1. What drives you at work? Why do you get up in the morning and make magic every day? Make three piles yes, no and maybe. Now choose 6 cards that are the most suitable to the question.
“Should I choose cards for how it is now, or how I want it to be?� Is there even a difference?
participants every member of the team does this individually materials set of 23plusone emotive drive cards per person. Drives worksheet. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
3. Compare the cards you chose for yourself and those related to work. Are they different? What does it say about you? Are you another person at work, why?
4. Now choose the 6 cards you want to continue with at work. On the drives worksheet write down what each card means to you and why this drives you at work. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
It might be a bit difficult to describe what each drives means to one by one, when often the things we do are driven by a combination of the six cards. Therefore we are now going to place them in a Trinity. What if the person next to you has chosen the same six cards, is he the same as you? No, not at all, you are driven by similar things in life, which means you probably have a lot in common. Go have a chat with them! But every person will behave differently, everyone has their own way of bringing these drives to life. The most interesting and exciting things we do are not just a result of
1. Take the worksheet with the trinity, lay your 6 cards on the triangle.
one drive but a combination of all of our drives. We are now going to take the next step and turn the 6 drives into 3 stories that say something about you. By organising the cards into three triangles you can play around with the drives a bit, try to put different colour drives in the outer corners, this will create more contrasting and exciting combinations.
2. Shuffle the cards around to where you create three smaller triangles that tell a story about you. 3. Name each triangle and add a short description.
time 15 minutes participants every member of the team does this individually
4. Does this correlate with the work you do?
materials set of 23plusone emotive drive cards per person. Trinity worksheet.
Do you get to use these three sides of you in your daily activities or does one dominate?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
COMPANY DRIVES must be done collectively!
Your company drives are why you exist, what your vision is and how it is implemented in everything you do: the way you communicate with clients, the products and services you deliver, and your company culture. These should all be aligned and consistently driven by the same vision or purpose. Employees are more engaged when they are acting from a shared company vision, purpose or core values. We all know this, yet in practice, these are often written on a document and disappear in a drawer somewhere until they are reviewed a couple of years later. Working towards a common goal is what creates consistency in your
products and services, which is not only valuable to your employees but also for your customers. Knowing that by purchasing your products they are supporting what you believe in. In this exercise you will be working together and going in discussion about what drives your company. Ask yourself the following questions:
time min 45 minutes
- What drives us? Why do we exist?
participants every member of the team joins the discussion. Break up in smaller groups of 3 or 5 to speed up the process.
- What drives us to create our products and services?
materials 23plusone emotive drive cards
Think about why your company started and where you want to be in the future.
- What do we aim to deliver?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
COMPANY DRIVES must be done collectively!
1. Depending on the size of your company, divide the team up in smaller groups of 3 or 5. In your group, make three piles yes, no and maybe, when answering the questions, then select 6 cards.
2. Post your selections on the wall or whiteboard. Present the 6 cards to the other groups and see where you have similarities and differences.
3. Collectively decide on which 6 cards represent your company, and create a Trinity. Give a short description for each card, and the three stories.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Now that you have a clear vision on what drives your company and what drives you, let’s see where your drives match those of your company. Working for a company that has similar drives as you makes it easier for you to do what you love, or perhaps you now at a position where you are exploring new drives. Overlay your trinity with that of your company to see how many drives you have in common. Having a completely different profile than the company you work at does not mean you cannot be happy with your job, but let’s face it, having some drives in common probably makes it easier to give your all, or put in that little bit of extra effort to
achieve something. Take a look at everyone’s profile, does the team cover all the company drives? Which of the drives are well represented in the team and which are not?
This exercise can bring two kinds of insight: 1. The drives that are lightly covered by the team are ones you are trying to force fit into your company, when it really does not represent your organization. 2. Inspire the team to explore these missing drives more as they are key to the products and services you offer. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Now that we have mapped the drives, the question that follows is which of the drives would you like to develop in the coming weeks? Take look at your drives and that of your company and make a selection. The drives you choose are the ones you are encouraged to explore by taking part in company projects, in the coming weeks. You can choose a drive that is really close to you and that you are not applying in your day to day job. When your job challenges you in all your drives, look at the company profile and see which of these drives you do not have, but would like to time min 10-15 minutes participants every member completes this individually. materials 23plusone emotive drive cards and trinity worksheet
explore. We believe that employees who are driven by their company’s vision feel much more connected. Re-arrange your cards to where on the bottom of the pyramid you place the cards with drives that you are already using, and to the top place the cards you wish to explore further. Do this for your personal trinity and that of your company. Write for each of the cards you chose to develop a short sentence why you wish to develop this drive, and in what way you could achieve this. Take a look at how this corresponds with the three stories you wrote earlier to match your trinity, did you choose a whole triangle or are you looking to explore drives from all sides?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
EXAMPLE Marjolein's drives & trinity
Creative solutions
Doing it my way
Collaborating with others
Working as a team to create new and innovative solutions Delivering beautiful products
Taking pride in creating products that are beautiful and useful Innovative new solutions
Using my creativity to create something nobody else would have thought of Taking pride in what I accomplish
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
IMAGINE DELIVERABLES 1. What your team should stop doing 2. List of project suggestions 3. List of priorities
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
You have completed the discovery phase and every team member has chosen the drives they want to work on the coming months. In the imagine phase your team will come up with suggestions on how to implement your company drives. Before you start generating new ideas let’s take a look at what you are currently doing. There are several techniques you can use to uncover what you are doing now in various layers of your company. If you are a start-up you have probably filled out a Business Model Canvas, or a Lean Startup Canvas, or the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek. These are great canvasses to use as an addition to this guide and inspiration for the Imagine Phase. time 30 - 45 minutes participants Collectively materials 23plusone emotive drive cards and culture question cards.
In this toolkit you will be looking into your company culture with the 23plusone method. Company culture is something that develops and grows with every person that joins the team. To get happier and more engaged employees it is beneficial to create not only alignment across your products and services but also within your company. What drives you should be consistent with what you do inside and outside of your company. With the question cards in the tools guide you can discover more about your company culture and how this suits your company drives. The new initiatives are the foundation to project suggestions for your team. Before we get there, the first step is to look at what you are doing now.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
1. Print the question cards and cut them out to ‘play’. Want to go the easy way? Just ask the questions from the pages, but where’s the fun in that..
2. Post a flip over page on the wall, or work on a white board this will be used later on in this phase. One (or two) people should be up there with pen and post-it to put up all the answers.
3. Put the question cards on the table, in a stack or spread out.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
4. One person takes a question card from the stack and poses the question to the group.
Rules of brainstorming!
Ice breakers!
Creative sessions are not nature to everyone, so making sure everyone is comfortable is very important. We want people to feel safe to share their ideas.
To get everyone out of their desk mode and into a creative and active mode you can start with some ice breakers. These are quick exercises to get everyone energised and act a little silly to feel comfortable.
1. Defer judgment
5. The group answers the question together and the answers are written on the postits and posted on the wall. Be as visual as possible, sketch!
2. Encourage wild ideas 3. Build on the ideas of others 4. Stay focused on the topic 5. One conversation at a time 6. Be visual
Enjoy! 6. Make sure you have answered questions from all categories, in order to get a complete picture. (Not enough fun? Come up with your own questions cards and add them to the stack) Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Pass the.. Stand in a circle. You will throw an imaginary object from one person to the next, between every person the object changes as you catch it, and you have to act out what the object is. Person A throws an imaginary dove to person B, who quickly has to think of something else and catches it as a hot potato, then quickly throws it to person C who turns it into a very heavy car.. get creative!
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
You have filled the wall with post-its of your team’s behaviour, habits and activities, or product services and relationships. You are now going to take a critical look at everything that is up, and decide whether your team should continue or stop doing it. If you want to create consistency across your team or organisation, you must align everything you do with your vision. You have determined your company drives, now let them drive your behaviour and your products and services. 1. Divide your worksheet into three sections, one called stop, one called continue and one called start. The last column will be for the next time 15 minutes participants collectively materials company drive cards, worksheet/ flipover paper, post-its, pen.
exercise. 2. Take the trinity with the company drives and post it onto, next to, or above your worksheet where it is clear for everyone to see. 3. Re-evaluate the post-its you have just posted on the wall to see whether they are driven by the trinity you have chosen. Does it fit within your company vision? Does it make the impact you want to have? 4. Divide the post-its according to whether you should stop or continue doing what is written on the post-it. 5. You should now have a continue column filled with activities that match your drives. A stop column with ones that you should stop. And perhaps a few in the start column you should start doing more.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
You now have a page filled with activities you should stop or continue doing. The activities you should stop doing perhaps were great and fun activities, but did not fit with your drives. Now you can come up with new ideas on how to do it differently. Now you are starting the last part of the imagine phase. At the end of this phase you will have an overview of suggestions that are the starting point to the projects you will be working on. Now is the time to share your great ideas with your team! Don’t be shy about suggesting something you feel could benefit everyone in the team, or just a few people, an initiative that you find valuable should be put up on the board. time min 20 minutes participants Collectively materials 23plusone emotive drive cards post-its, pens, flop-over paper Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
1. Review the question cards but now try to come up with new ways to do it.
2. Write down your own ideas first and post them on the board. 3. Take a look at all the post-its and ask for some explanation when it is unclear.
4. Go into discussion about the ideas that were posted on the board. Try to find out how these ideas can benefit your team, an individual and the company vision. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Bring structure in your post-its by ligning them up by category. For example by which should be implemented first to last, or by how easy or difficult the completion will be.
To make it easier to decide which of the suggestions suits your drive development all the proposed projects need to be tagged with the drives they represent. Make sure all the post-its get the corresponding tag.
time min 10 minutes
time min 10 minutes
participants Collectively
participants Collectively
materials Post-its
materials Post-its or colored drive tags
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
PLAN DELIVERABLES 1. Suggestions turned to projects 2. Projects wall
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
You have completed the discovery and imagination phase, is up to your team how you want to continue this journey, whether you continue on the wall or with an online platform. If you are a small team with a low number of projects, posting everything on the wall works great. Are you a larger team or do you have a great list of suggestions, creating an online environment offers structure and overview that will help in managing your projects.
Benefits to working on paper: 1. A creative session is started in no-time 2. Motivation and inspiration when walking past
Benefits of the platform: 1. Personal dashboard 2. Quick search tools 3. Customisation offers preselected projects that suit your drive development. Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
PROJECTS on the wall
PROJECTS on the wall
The list of drive tagged suggestions you have created in the imagining chapter of this manual will now be turned into projects. Choose a suggestion post-it and turn it into a project, this means you take the responsibility and the title of project owner. You are the go-to person for the completion of this project. Every suggestion can be turned into a project. Some do not need a team to complete it, but some take a bit more time and resources. Participation in a project requires responsibility and investment of time, how you do this depends on you. When designing this program, we believe that every employee will have the best interest for their company and will be able to plan around their every day tasks. Also take into account that when you CAREFUL! Only take on projects that you feel you are able to manage, or get together a team with whom you take the responsibility together.
are taking part in this program, your co-worker, colleague, manager or boss, trusts you will see this as an investment in yourself and in the company.
The project layout that can be found in the materials book will turn that post-it into a project! Get a team together of co-workers who want to join and plan your first meeting. Make a list of tasks that are necessary for the project to be completed, and get started!
TIP Print photos of all your colleagues and post them with the projects that they are in. This gives a nice overview or who you are working with. Aim to get as many suggestions turned into projects in order for them to be completed. Select a suggestion that you are inspired by, or that has been given priority by the team and get started.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
ACT DELIVERABLES 1. Get in action!
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
The projects are up on the wall, it is time to choose which ones you want to participate in on take on a project manager role. Take a look back at your personal drives profile and see whether there is a match between the existing projects and what you set out to achieve.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Get started! Progress will not be made if nobody takes the first step. Plan a meeting, complete the first tasks, get your team excited about the progress that has been made.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
CELEBRATE DELIVERABLES 1. Set celebration moments
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
CELEBRATE our progress
Celebrating success is what keeps everyone motivated. By looking back at what has been accomplished monthly, or quarterly will give everyone the inspiration to continue this journey. Take out time in everyone’s schedule and block a moment in the calenders where you look back at all the ongoing process and the results.
CELEBRATE your progress
Celebrate as a team, but also celebrate your personal developments. Take a look at what you have personally achieved and how you have grown. Have you learned new skills? Are you finding more balance in using your drives in your job? Review the drives you want to work on every so often to continue challenging yourself.
Take a moment to reflect on the goal you set at the beginning, the impact your team wanted to make, and see how far you have come.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Praising your co-workers for their efforts is just as enjoyable as receiving it. Just like celebrating success, team members should celebrate each other.
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Get creative with the feedback, for example create a space on the wall next to your projects where people can post a small comment saying what a great job your team member did!
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
What drives you at work?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
personal drives
company drives
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Which drives do you want to explore?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
How do you provide a feeling of safety and security?
How do you interact with each other?
What are your bonding moments?
How do you connect outside of work?
What encourages trust between each other?
When you walk into the office what is the first thing you do?
Which company is an inspiring example?
How do you provide feedback?
When (and how) do you praise each other?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
How do you celebrate success?
We innovate by..
Fill in: In ten years we want to be the ….. company of ….
Our clients praise us for..
What do you do to have fun together?
How do you provide opportunities for growth?
We offer possibilities for people to learn and develop themselves by…
We laugh when..
How do you keep vital?
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
What does lunch time at the office say about your team?
How do you keep energised during the day?
How do you keep eachoter energised?
Our office represents us because..
When a client walks into your office, how do you want them to perceive you?
What does your dress code say about your team?
How do you express your creativity in your products and services?
Our meetings are always..
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Project name suggestion post-it Project owner’s name
next meeting
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Project name
Project name
suggestion post-it
suggestion post-it Project owner’s name
next meeting
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Project owner’s name
next meeting
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015
Designed by Marjolein Luijckx for BR-ND | TU Delft graduation 2015