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Volume II Issue 10 `65 March 2018

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for 8-10 age group

Volume II Issue 10 March 2018

Calendar........................06-07 Hobby ...................................11 Picture Story................12-13 Amazing Facts....................17 Center Spread..........18 & 27 Comparison......................... 28 Monuments......................... 29 Invention....................... 30-31


MARCH 2018

Science Magic.................... 32 Life Story........................... 33 Quiz...................................... 36 Environment.................38-39 Event.................................... 40 My Eyes Stronger..............41 Fun Activity........................ 42 Craft.................................... 43

MARCH 2018


Volume II Issue 10 `65 March 2018

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for 8-10 age group


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Inviting reports from schools

REPORTERS Dear children, Brainfeed Primary is having a column exclusively for young student reporters. Interesting events/activities/programmes/incidents happening in your school may be sent in lucid and simple English in 150 words. The writing should be of students’ own and creative! The best selected report will be published in the Brainfeed Primary magazine and it could win the Best Journalist Award! So what are you waiting for? Hurry Up! Be the early bird! Students may email their reports with a photo to


MARCH 2018

Chief Editor


Brahmam K V Group Editor

Venkat Pulapaka

Dear children,


Experience the spring season and always look as fresh as this season. To look fresh one has to have proper sleep. The cover story tells you about the importance of sleep. So have sufficient sleep for better concentration and health.

Vanalatha Reddy T Content Writer

Sonika Daniel Art & Design

Riaz Ahmed Artist Lakshmi D

Turn the hobby page to know about an exciting hobby and try to do the experiment mentioned in the science magic column. Know about Arabian Oryx and Bee-Eater. Learn about the occurrence of Blue Moon and the inflatable hotels that are making their way to space. The importance of water in our life and its major role in proper functioning of our kidneys is discussed in the health column.


Hemachandra Rao S +91 91777 74851 +91 85018 26317 Printed, Published and Owned by

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Sphoorthi Printers Pvt Ltd 11-5-439, Red Hills, Lakdikapul, Hyderabad-04

Published from 8-3-191/565/K, Vengal Rao Nagar SR Nagar Post Hyderabad-500 038 Telangana, India. Contact No.: 040-65 51 51 51 040-42 62 20 24

Eraser has taken its place in the invention column and comparison is about world’s tallest and smallest skyscrapers. Also known as ‘Wind Tower’, Panch Mahal takes its place in the monument section. There are many more to go through. Enjoy the stories and fun activities section. Have a fun filled and memorable summer break by utilising your time productively. Happy Reading!!!

3 types of rocks http://www.brainfeedprimary. com/video-march18-01a

Brahmam KV Chief Editor Balanced diet

http://www.brainfeedprimary. com/video-march18-02a

If you think http://www.brainfeedprimary. com/video-march18-03a

MARCH 2018

Salty sea http://www.brainfeedprimary. com/video-march18-04a




Sarojini Naidu, prominently known as the nightingale of India, died in Lucknow. 1949 Yellowstone National Park was established as the world’s first national park. 1872


Activity: Collect information about Sarojini Naidu and share it with your friends.


INS Vikrant, the first Indian aircraft carrier of the Indian Navy, was commissioned. 1961 NATIONAL SAFETY WEEK/ NATIONAL SECURITY DAY


The Geological Survey of India (GSI) was established in Kolkata. 1851



Indian Mughal Emperor Akbar defeated Bengal army at the Battle of Tukaroi. 1575




‘The Nightingale’, the first magazine for nurses was published. 1886


Hubble Space Telescope released the first surface photos of Pluto. 1996



The first successful test of a telephone was made by Alexander Graham Bell. 1876

In one of the first in-depth attempts to study the solar system, Pioneer V was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. 1960

The New York Stock Exchange was founded. 1817 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Activity: Plan an event to honour your mother/ sisters/ friends on this day.


Mahatma Gandhi began the Salt March to protest the British monopoly on salt in India. 1930 Activity: Discuss about the Satyagraha movement.


The Barbie doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York. 1959


The Seikan Tunnel, the longest undersea tunnel in the world, opened between Aomori and Hakodtae, Japan. 1988

MARCH 2018



Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany. 1879


Christopher Columbus returned to Spain after his first trip to the Americas. 1493 WORLD CONSUMER RIGHTS DAY




Sachin Tendulkar became the first cricketer to score 100 international centuries. 2012

Queen Elizabeth II opened New London Bridge. 1973

Activity: Discuss with your friends about Sachin’s achievement in his career.


A solar eclipse, equinox and a supermoon, all occurred on the same day. 2015 WORLD HAPPINESS DAY


Bhutan officially became a democracy, with its first ever general election. 2008


World’s largest dinosaur footprint at 1.7 metres was found in Kimberley, Western Australia. 2017



India’s most famous shehnai player, Bismillah Khan was born in Bihar. 1913 WORLD FORESTRY DAY


The largest omelet in history was made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama, Japan. 1994

Gandhiji was sentenced to six years in prison for civil disobedience. 1922 WORLD SLEEP DAY



Mary Cooper published the first book of English rhymes called, ‘Tommy Thumbs Song Book’. 1744

Pakistan became the first Islamic republic in the world. 1956 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL DAY



The world’s first tunnel under a navigable river, the Thames Tunnel in London, was opened for pedestrians. 1843


The world’s largest oceanographic museum was opened in Monaco. 1910 Activity: List out the largest oceanographic museums in the world.



The NASA space shuttle Endeavour and its crew of seven made a night landing in Florida following a 16 day mission to the International Space Station. 2008


Charlie Chaplin received France’s distinguished Legion of Honor. 1931 WORLD THEATRE DAY Activity: Enact like Charlie Chaplin and entertain your friends/family.


Rolls Royce was purchased by BMW in a $570 million deal. 1998

Explorer 1 re-entered the earth’s atmosphere after 12 years in orbit. 1970


MARCH 2018


Cover Story

- Nisha Biyani World Sleep Day is being celebrated since 2008 to celebrate the health benefits of sleep and raise awareness on sleep related problems like fatigue and drowsiness. This year, World Sleep Day will be celebrated on March 16, 2018. The slogan for this year is “Join the sleep world. Preserve your Rhythms to enjoy life.” People celebrate this day by taking a day off from their hectic life and sleeping the entire day. It is essential for us to sleep. If we don’t sleep for at least 9 hours every night, we are 89% more likely to become fat.


MARCH 2018

A good amount of sleep can increase our levels of concentration and make us productive for the next day. Many of us don’t like drinking milk, but do you now that drinking a glass of warm milk before going to bed can help you fall asleep easily? Also, sleeping in a room without any light is important so that you can sleep without any disturbance. So kids, it’s time to brush your teeth and head to bed!




• Finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? There’s a word for that, called dysania • A man has set a record of not sleeping for 11 days • Humans spend a third of their life sleeping. That’s close to 25 years

MARCH 2018


Special Feature

- Rahul Kamath

Every second full moon in the month is a blue moon. The second full moon in March will occur on Saturday, March 31, and will be known as a Blue Moon. The March 31 moon is also known as pink moon. A Full Moon occurs roughly every 29.5 days and on rare occasion, the Full Moon falls at the very beginning of a month. There is a good chance a Blue Moon will occur at the end of the month. Most of the time the "full moon" is never perfectly full. Only when the moon, earth and the sun are perfectly aligned, only then the moon is 100 percent full, and that alignment produces a lunar eclipse. Sometimes once in a blue moon.




• It's not really blue: the full moon has reddish pallor • The blue moon has many names. Example: Blood Moon Wolf Moon, Honey Moon, Thunder Moon etc...


MARCH 2018


- Rahul Kamath

Collecting foreign currency is an interesting hobby because it increases your knowledge and awareness about other countries. From the currencies, you can learn about that country, its culture and about its important personalities. Get the note/coin, put it in a cover and write the name of the country on the cover. It's easy!


There are 195 countries and 180 official currencies in the world.



This is one of the oldest hobbies of the world. It is also called the ‘hobby of the Kings’. In the olden times, kings and elite class of the society used to collect foreign currencies.

• The person who collects currencies is known as Notaphilist

• The study of coins and notes is called Numismatic

MARCH 2018


Picture Story


1 One afternoon, the Wind and the Sun were having an argument about who was stronger.



“I can cover you with clouds so that no one can see you! You can’t do that to me,” said the Wind.


But the Sun just smiled warmly. “I still think I’m stronger than you,” he said calmly.


He whipped around, looking for something to show off his strength. “Shall we see who can knock down the most number of houses?” he asked.


“I’ve uprooted huge trees and drowned millions of ships. You can’t do either of those things,” said the Wind proudly.

MARCH 2018

“Let’s keep it simple. See that man over there?” asked the Sun. The Wind looked down and saw a man walking down a road. He was whistling happily to himself and had a shawl thrown across his shoulders.

3 The Sun smiled and shrugged. “That doesn’t mean you’re more powerful,” he said.

6 The Wind began to grumble. He didn’t like the idea of the Sun being stronger than him. “Why don’t we have a test?” the Wind finally suggested.

9 “Shall we see who can force him off the road first?” the Wind asked. “No, that will only hurt him,” the Sun replied. “Let’s just see who can take his shawl off.”


HINDI video-march18-05a video-marc18-06a

10 The Wind shrugged and whipped around the sky. He huffed and puffed and made the leaves in the trees shiver. The man frowned at the sky and wrapped his shawl tightly around himself.




Thunderclouds appeared in the sky. Animals began running for shelter and the Wind began to roar. The man wrapped his shawl even tighter.

Soon the thunderclouds drifted away. The Wind had blown himself out. “I give up. I can’t do it,” panted the Wind. He curled up on top of a cloud to catch his breath.



“Now it’s my turn,” said the Sun. He yawned lazily and stretched his rays. He seemed to grow brighter and bigger in the sky. Soon it was as hot as a summer day.

The man looked up at the sky and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

“What strange weather we’re having today!” he said to himself. Then he took his shawl off and tucked it under his arm. “Looks like you win,” the Wind agreed cheerfully.




He clapped his hands and made the leaves on the trees rustle.

“You don’t have to knock a man down to take his shawl off,” said the Sun with a teasing smile

They laughed together and watched the man walking down the road, again whistling happily to himself. The End

MARCH 2018


Amazing Animal

• The Arabian Oryx is also called as the white Oryx • It is about 1m in height and weighs about 70 kgs • It has a shiny white coat • Legs are brown and black stripes are seen when the

head meets the neck • It has long straight or slightly curved ring horns • It stays peacefully in herds • It has a life span of 20 years • It is found in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE, Jordan, Syria


MARCH 2018


MARCH 2018



Once, there were two friends, a donkey and a fox. They did everything together.


One day, when they were searching for food, they are stopped by a hungry lion. The lion roared and said, “I will eat you for lunch!’. The donkey got scared. But the fox said, “I will go talk to the lion”. The fox then showed his true cunning nature and told the lion that he would help him capture the donkey, but his life should be spared. The lion agreed and the fox somehow tricked the donkey into falling into a deep pit. As soon as the donkey falls, the lion jumps onto the fox and eats him up! He did not eat the donkey, as he would have himself got stuck in the pit if he jumped in to eat.


MARCH 2018

Amazing Facts Sleeping without a pillow helps to keep your spine stronger

Olympus Mons, a mountain on planet Mars is the tallest mountain in the solar system A shark is the only known fish that can blink with both eyes

In 2015, NASA astronauts ate food that had been grown in space for the first time Woodpeckers identify each other by the noise they create while pecking trees

MARCH 2018


- Nisha Biyani Bee-eaters are a group of land birds from the family of Meropidae. They are found in Asia, Africa, New Guinea, Europe and Australia. There are 26 species of bee-eaters. Their diet consists of flying insects, ants and wasps. Bee-eaters catch their prey only when they are flying. They ignore the insects once they land.

Before eating the bee, they repeatedly hit the bee on a hard surface to remove its sting and venom. Bee-eaters live together by forming colonies on sandy banks. They are 15-36cm in size. They can consume up to 700 bees in a day. Bee-eaters have long downturned bills and medium to long wings which can either be pointed or round.


MARCH 2018

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MARCH 2018



Burj Khalifa is the tallest skyscraper in the world today. It is located in Dubai, UAE. The height of this structure is 829.8 metres with 163 floors. It is three times taller than the Eiffel Tower. Before the inauguration, it was called as Burj Dubai.

The Newby-McMahon Building in Texas, US is popularly known as the world's littlest skyscraper. The height of this building is 12 metres with four floors. It is almost half the height of a palm tree.


MARCH 2018

Monuments • Panch Mahal is near the Fatehpur Sikri fort located in Uttar Pradesh • It is also called as wind tower as it helps to maintain the building's temperature • The Mahal has five floors that are arranged in a descending order • The bottom-most floor is constructed with 84 columns and the top-most floor has only four columns • The architecture used in Panch Mahal was inspired by Buddhist Temples




• A pool called Anoop Talao is near the Mahal and it was a stage for arts like music, drama and dance • The entire surrounding place is covered with gardens

Make list of other things that surround the Panch Mahal

MARCH 2018


Invention - Rahul Kamath An eraser is used for correcting our mistakes in writing. But, did you know that the eraser was created by a mistake. In 1770, an English engineer Edward Nairne unintentionally picked up a piece of rubber, instead of bread. And the rubber erased everything anyway! He later developed the first marketed natural rubber for a contest and it was a great success. By 1778, the word rubber became a synonym for eraser. Nairne sold the rubber for high prices.

About 49 years later, Charles Goodyear solved this problem when he discovered the process of vulcanisation. Erasers became common with the advent of vulcanisation.


MARCH 2018

Today, erasers come in various shapes and sizes. So, next time you make a mistake, pause and think!



KNO • The original erasers were

moist bread • The name for the little erasers found at pencil ends is “plugs!”

MARCH 2018


Science Magic - Nisha Biyani

You need: • 2 tablespoons of table salt • 2 tablespoons of black pepper • 1 ruler • A sheet of paper • Piece of wool

Method: • Mix salt and pepper well and put them on a sheet of paper • Rub the ruler with the piece of wool • Hold the ruler just above the pile of salt and pepper • Watch how the pepper sticks to the ruler

Why does that happen? Electricity is a type of energy that builds up in one place or flows from one place to another. When the electricity builds up in one place, it is called as STATIC ELECTRICITY. Static electricity is produced when you rub two things together. Here, when we rubbed the piece of wool against the ruler, it created static electricity. And since pepper is lighter than salt crystals, it takes less effort to overcome gravity. Hence, it stuck easily to the ruler.


MARCH 2018

Life Story Ustad Bismillah Khan was an eminent musician who popularised the shehnai, the wind instrument. Bismillah Khan was born in Bhirung Raut Ki Gali at Dumrao, Bihar, in 1913 to Paigambar Khan and Mitthan into the family of musicians.


His forefathers were musicians in the courts of the princely states of that time like Bhojpur, Bihar and his father was a shehnai player in the court of Maharaja Keshav Prasad Singh, Dumrao. At the tender age of 6, Khan was shifted to the city of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, where he received training in music under the supervision of his uncle Ali Baksh, who was a famous shehnai player and used to play for Varanasi’s Vishwanath Temple. For his creativity, Bismillah Khan was given the title of Ustad. He was awarded Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan, Padma Shri, Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, honorary doctorates from Banaras Hindu University and Viswa Bharati University.

MARCH 2018



- Ni

You must have eaten kidney beans or Ra thought why kidney beans are called in that look very similar to an important par

Kidneys are located on each side of our spin facing each other. They help in filtering our and balancing the body fluids. They also help


MARCH 2018




- Nisha Biyani

beans or Rajma, right? Have you ever alled in that manner? It is because they portant part of our body: kidneys.

e of our spine, right below the lowest rib filtering our blood from harmful products ey also help to make new red blood cells.

We need to drink a good amount of water to keep our kidneys healthy. How to know if your kidneys are healthy or not? Simple! Check the colour of your urine. If it’s light yellow or colourless, then your kidneys are perfectly fine. But if it’s dark yellow, it is time to drink lots of water! However, also remember, too much of water consumption can lead to water intoxication or water poisoning. You will start getting a headache or start feeling nauseous if you drink too much of water. It can also interfere with your brain functions.


• • • •

World Kidney Day is celebrated every year on March 8 Children from the age of 8 to 13 should drink 7-8 cups of water every day Kidneys measure about 4.5 inches in length. Very close to the Average size of a smart phone

MARCH 2018



Choose the correct answer

1 Which Indian woman first won the Olympic medal? A. Karnam Malleswari

B. Mary Kom

C. Sania Mirza

D. Mithali Raj

2 Which Indian female was the first to climb Mount Everest?

A. Kalpana Chawla B. Bachendri Pal C. Prathibha Patil D. Mary Kom

3 Who was the first woman to become Prime Minister of India? A. Priyanka Gandhi

B. Indira Gandhi

C. Maneka Gandhi

4 Who was the first Indian female to reach space? A. Kalpana Chawla

B. Saina Nehwal

C Sania Mirza

5 Who was the first Indian female pilot? A. Amy Johnson

B. Anny Divya

D. Sonia Gandhi

D. Sunita Williams

C. Avani Chaturvedi

D. Sarla Thakral

6 Who was the first female President of India?

A. Indira Gandhi B. Priyanka Gandhi C. Pratibha Devisingh Patil D. Sushma Swaraj

7 Who was the first Indian female doctor?

A. Anupama Niranjana B. Suniti Solomon C. Shashi Wadhwa D. Anandi Gopal Joshi

8 Who was the first Indian female to win Nobel Prize?

A. Mother Teresa B. Alice Munro C. Malala Yousafzai D. Linda B. Buck

9 Who was the first female judge appointed at the Supreme Court of India?

A. Justice Sujata V Manohar B. Justice R Banumathi C. Justice M Fathima Beevi D. Justice Ruma Pal

10 Who was the first lady cadet to join the Indian Army?

A. Divya Ajith Kumar B. Punita Arora C. Sapper Shanti Tigga D. Priya Jhingan For Answers see Page 43


MARCH 2018

Space - Raell Bose Have you ever dreamt of having an ‘Out of this World’ holiday experience? Let’s say, a holiday in space maybe? Well, now it is possible!


By the year 2021, inflatable hotels are to come up in space! Hotelier Robert Bigelow and his private company, Bigelow Aerospace, came up with this idea in 1999. The space hotel will have 17 meters long inflatable pods that will be linked together. The hotel is likely to orbit the Earth once in every 90 minutes! One can stay at the space hotel at a cost of 10 million Euros per passenger. Scientists say that staying in the space hotel would mean that one will be able to see 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets. Seems almost impossible right? Let us just wait and watch!




• The hotel will be orbiting at a

distance of 403km from the Earth • Before the space hotel idea, Bigelow sent an inflatable pod with cockroaches, Mexican jumping beans into space

MARCH 2018



- Nisha Biyani

On March 22 every year, the entire world comes together to create awareness about the importance of water. This day is known as World Water Day. Water is made of two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. Water is essential for us to survive on this planet. Only 3% of water is usable on earth.


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• It takes 3 glasses o wash one glass in re • Giraffes cannot sw • Water expands by it freezes


MARCH 2018

It is very important for us to save water. Dumping our garbage in water resources causes water pollution. Using chemical fertilizers and pesticides not only causes soil erosion, it also turns the ground water harmful. We can save water by turning off the taps tightly after use and not overfilling our glasses and then throwing away that water.

s 3 glasses of water to e glass in restaurants s cannot swim expands by 9% when


MARCH 2018


Event - Rahul Kamath The Tulip Festival is an annual celebration held in Srinagar that aims to showcase the range of flowers in the garden as a part of tourism efforts by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir. Srinagar celebrates Tulip Festival from April 1 to April 15 in the Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden, which is considered to be largest Tulip garden in Asia, situated at the foothills of the Zabarwan range in Srinagar, overlooking the Dal Lake. It was inaugurated in 2007 and is spread across 30 hectares. The seven terraced garden was built with the intention to promote tourism and floriculture in Kashmir. Tulips there range from simple whites to blushing pinks, from fiery reds to golden yellows, and hybrids with double colours. Apart from tulips, many other species of flowers - hyacinths, daffodils and ranunculus have been added as well in the garden.


MARCH 2018

This activity develops Cognitive Skills

My Eyes Stronger

Spot 10 differences between the two pictures

MARCH 2018


Fun Activities 1








This activity develops Fine Motor Skills




MARCH 2018


You Need: • • • • • • •

Green Card Stock (2 sheets) Yellow Card Stock Scissors Stapler and Staples Glue Googly Eyes Red Balloon


1. Fold one sheet of the green card stock in eighths 2. Repeat Step 1 using the yellow sheet of card stock 3. Fold a green strip of paper around and staple it. Loop a yellow strip through the green hoop and staple it. Repeat the process till all of the strips of paper have been used 4. Cut one large and one small rounded triangle out of the other sheet of green card stock 5. Glue the large triangle onto the end of the paper chain for the snake’s head 6. Glue the small triangle onto the other end of the paper chain for the snake’s tail. 7. Glue the googly eyes onto the large triangle. 8. Glue the red balloon onto the large triangle for the snake’s tongue.

Quiz Answers : 1-A, 2-B, 3-B, 4-A, 5-D, 6-C, 7-D, 8-A, 9-C, 10-D MARCH 2018


This activity develops Fine Motor Skills

Match the correct pattern of the animals

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