44 minute read

Meditation Tools

9781615196197 9781789046878 9780738761848 Brain Training with the Buddha - Harrison, E Going Within in a Time of Crisis - Mistlberger, P Mindful Place of Calm - Miller, A

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This is a small collection of our Meditation Tools. Please see our webstore or come in person to browse our selection.


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THE MANDALA BOOK Patterns of the Universe New in by Lori Bailey Cunningham Paperback $30.95, paper. Sterling. 312 pages, 8x8, colour illustrations

The mandala is an archetypal symbol of wholeness that is replicated on a cosmic scale—not only in manifestations of art, architecture, and religion but also throughout the natural universe. The mandala represents concepts and primal patterns upon which all physical things are created. It is no surprise

that we are attracted to mandalas because they illustrate the core of who and what we are.

The Mandala Book is a visual symphony of over 500

stunning images from nature and civilization, all related to the mandalic patterns and shapes that are explored in the text. Drawing from mathematics, history, science, and art, Lori Bailey Cunningham takes you on a journey that comprises the infinitely small to the immeasurably grand, from prehistoric petroglyphs to present-day works of art.

Magnificently illustrated with mandala images of the awesome, artful flowering of creation (from the tiniest to


How Creative and Performing Artists (and

Everyone Else) Can Finally Meet Their Goals by Eric Maisel

Eric Maisel dedicates this book “for everyone who grows a daily practice in the service of the greater good.”

Anyone who has ever picked up a creativity or self-help guide has likely been advised to keep to a daily schedule, daily pages, or other everyday ritual. But “just do it” usually just doesn’t work. Longtime creativity coach and therapist Eric Maisel has found an approach that does work: giving clients, and now readers, a clear understanding of what makes them personally blocked or stuck and unable to start or finish. Not enough time, resources, or talent?

Fear of success, guilt about being “selfish,” and variations on the theme of “what’s the point?”

Maisel has spent thirty years helping people overcome these kinds of blocks with skills including anxiety management, positive self-talk, cognitive behavioral therapy, and even “sleepthinking.” The Power of Daily Practice distills his best coaching into three parts:


Five Steps to Freeing the Creative Within by Diana Rowan 254 pages, b/w illustrations

While creativity may seem like a leisure-time luxury, it is actually the engine of cultural advancement. All human innovations, from cave painting to the internet, have been fueled by someone’s ideas and follow-through. Whether we’re writing a novel or an op-ed for the local paper, crafting on Etsy or designing a building, our own lives are advanced and enhanced

when we tap into our unique personal core of creativity.

Our creative acts require not just ideas but ingenuity and perseverance, confidence and courage, the ability to dream and to do. The Bright Way helps readers cultivate all of the above. A simple yet profound program

of inspiration plus action, designed for a lifetime of use, the Bright Way System empowers readers to access motivation and progress, find joy in skill-buildthe vastest in scale), this unique book invites us to “look with new eyes.”

This book is about me and you and everything in between…It’s also about shapes and how they describe a very important part of what we are: connected elements evolving from, and revolving around a unifying center— the mandala. Recognition of patterns and shapes can profoundly affect how we see ourselves in relation to each other and the world in which we live, to embrace ideas that unite us, not divide us. In observing connections, we can establish associations that lead to kinship and the possibility of peace. Interspersed with the satisfyingly broad and deep text— and fantastic images—are apt quotes from a wide variety of sources. At the end of the book thirteen beautiful mandalas are included to photocopy and color-in for fun or meditation.

From the most fundamental to the most grand, all things are composed of mandalas. Each shares a quality of emptiness and contributes to the creation of one vast, infinite mandala of which our finite minds cannot conceive… Everything is connected; everything changes. Pay

Artful Practice

$26.00, paper. New World Library. 305 pages, b/w illustrations

$23.00, paper. New World Library.


♦ The Elements of Practice (Initiation, Regularity, Playfulness, Intensity, Presence, Ceremony, Discipline, Devotion, Seriousness, Honesty, Lightness, etc. ♦ The Varieties of Daily Practice (Creativity, Meaning-Making, Health, Relationship-Building, Activism, Performance, Healing, Warrior, Problem-Solving, “Any Activity Practice,” etc. ♦ Challenges to Daily Practice (Restlessness, Skill Set Issues, Conflict, Mistakes and Messes, Anxiety and Distractibility, Bodily Sensations, Self-Talk, Boredom and Meaninglessness, Chaos and Noise, etc.

I think the best way to maintain a daily practice is to make it integral to your life as part of a comprehensive philosophy. It isn’t just something that you do—it is part and parcel of how you live. The tools Maisel offers are a potent alternative to waiting for the spirit to move or the muse to inspire: a sustainable, self-directed path to creative success.

For more info, check out kirism.com.

Among Eric Maisel’s many other books are Fearless Creating and Coaching the Artist Within.

ing, and courageously share their creative

works.Grounded in the belief that all people are naturally creative, that they must express their creativity to feel whole, and that everyone can learn how to do this, The Bright Way shows the way. I see the eternal flame inside you: You were born with this bright light. May our journey unveil your true radiance, Blazing your joy from the inside out, Lighting up the lives of all around you, Shining your bright knowledge down through the ages to come. You are stronger than you know: Throw down your shields, and declare yourself boldly. Together let’s illuminate your way Back to your true self, Bright One. Welcome home.

Diana Rowan, a professional harpist, founded Bright Knowledge Guild to teach in the digital environment.

Poetry, Writing & Stories WHEN THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD WAS SUBDUED, OUR SONGS CAME THROUGH A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry edited by Joy Harjo $25.95, paper. Norton. 458 pages

The first historically comprehensive Native poetry anthology…

United States Poet Laureate Joy

Harjo gathers the work of more than 160 poets, representing nearly 100 indigenous nations, into one momen-

tous volume. This landmark anthology celebrates the indigenous peoples of North America, the first poets of this land, whose literary traditions stretch back centuries.

Opening with a blessing from Pulitzer Prize winner N. Scott Momaday,

the book contains powerful introductions from contributing editors who represent the five geographically organized sections (Northeast and Midwest; Plains and Mountains; Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Pacific Islands; Southwest and West; and Southeast). Each section begins

with a poem from the massive libraries of oral literatures

and closes with emerging poets, ranging from Eleazar, a seventeenth-century Native student at Harvard, to Jake Skeets, a young Dinh poet born in 1991, and including renowned writers such as Natalie Diaz, Tommy Pico, Layli Long Soldier, and Ray Young Bear. In When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through, Harjo offers the extraordinary sweep of Native literature.

PRAYER FOR WORDS My voice restore for me. Diné

Here is the wind bending the reeds westward, The patchwork of morning on gray moraine: Had I words I could tell of origin, Of God’s hands bloody with birth at first light, Of my thin squeals in the heat of his breath, Of the taste of being, the bitterness, And scents of camas root and chokecherries.

And, God, if my mute heart expresses me, I am the rolling thunder and the bursts Of torrents upon rock, the whispering Of old leaves, the silence of deep canyons. I am the rattle or mortality. I could tell of the splintered sun. I could Articulate the night sky, had I words. —N. Scott Momaday

THE SELECTED POEMS OF TU FU Expanded New Edition translated by David Hinton $28.50, paper. New Directions. 269 pages

Tu Fu (712-770 C.E.) has for a millennium been widely considered the greatest poet in the Chinese tradition, and David Hinton’s original translation played a key role in developing that reputation in the West. Most of Tu Fu’s best poems were written in the last decade of his life, as an impoverished refugee fleeing the devastation of civil war. In the midst of these challenges, his always personal poems manage to combine a remarkable range of possibilities: elegant simplicity and great complexity, everyday life and grand historical drama, private philosophical depth and social engagement in a world consumed by war. Through it all,

Tu Fu’s is a wisdom that can only be called elemental, and his poems sound remarkably contemporary:

Leaving the City

Its bone-bitter cold, and late, and falling frost traces my gaze all bottomless skies.

Smoke trails out over distant salt mines.

Snow-covered peaks slant shadows east.

Armies haunt my homeland still, and war drums throb in this far-off place. A guest overnight here in this river city, I return again to shrieking crows, my old friends. “To Fu’s richly layered work is well-represented in these crisp translations. One of the world’s finest poets is made available here.” —Gary Snyder

LITTLE BOY A Novel by Lawrence Ferlinghetti $21.00, paper. Doubleday. 179 pages

From the famed publisher and poet, author of the million-copy-selling collection A Coney Island of the Mind, his

literary last will and testament—part autobiography, part summing up, part Beat-inflected torrent of language and feeling, and all magical.

In this unapologetically unclassifiable work Lawrence Ferlinghetti lets loose an exhilarating rush of language to craft what might be termed a closing statement about his highly significant and productive 99 years on this planet. The “Little Boy” of the title is Ferlinghetti himself as a child, shuffled from his overbur-

New in



A Thousand Mornings, Dog Songs, Felicity, and Blue Horses by Mary Oliver $87.00, paper. Penguin. 432 pages, 4 volumes in a box

Available in one set for the first time, this deluxe box set contains the last four original collections Oliver published, before her death in 2019. Included are A Thousand

Throughout her career, Mary Oliver touched innumerable readers with her brilliantly crafted verse. In this box set, containing her four most recently published collections, she returns to the imagery and subjects that have come to define her life’s work: transporting us to the coastline of her beloved home, Provincetown; dened mother to his French aunt to foster childhood with a rich Bronxville family. Service in World War Two (including the D-Day landing), graduate work, and a scholar gypsy’s vagabond life in Paris followed. These biographical

reminiscences are interweaved with Allen Ginsberg-esque high energy bursts of raw emotion, rumination, reflection, reminiscence and prognostication on what we may face as a species on Planet Earth in the future.

Little Boy is a magical font of literary lore with allusions galore, a final repository of hard-earned and durable wisdom, a compositional high wire act without a net (or all

that much punctuation) and just a gas and an inspiration to read.

AND what am I to do with the rest of my life or your life as the days rave on, the nights too the long nights as the daze goes on and where are we anyway on the face of existence in the race for existence and which way are we facing with our bullyboy consciousness But is not laughter the sublime expression of consciousness which can go from extreme depression to ecstasy and the final ecstasy nothing but pure silent laughter Oh the sublimity of it and if I weren’t laughing I’d be dying I’d be crying “Little Boy may start off sounding like a conventional memoir, but before long, Ferlinghetti reclaims his beat soul, quickens the pace, dropping punctuation like a used-up booster rocket, and off we go on the last wild, motor-mouth, book-length riff of this poet’s generation. All finger-popping readers will be gleefully swept up in this hip word-flood, this spontaneous stream—no, make that

Mary Oliver’s Eye

The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver nature of things and of being alive. by Mary Oliver $27.00, paper. Putnam. 480 pages “In Devotions, one of our most beloved writers offers both the best of her work and a spir Throughout her celebrated career, Mary itual road map of sorts. Spanning more than Oliver has touched countless readers with 50 years and featuring more than 200 poems, her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on the collection shows Oliver, in the early years, her love for the physical world and the pow- turning away from grief and finding in naerful bonds between all living things. Devo- ture a “vast, incredible gift.” Over time, as she tions is a stunning and definitive collection carefully observes and records, Oliver extols

of her writing from the last fifty years. the beauty and complexity around her and re-

Carefully curated, these 200 plus poems minds us of the interconnectedness of living.

feature Oliver’s work from her very first book of poet- She also asks important questions, such as “have you ry, No Voyage and Other Poems, published in 1963 at the ever dared to be happy/ ... have you ever dared to pray,” age of 28, through her most recent collection, Felicity, and “Tell me, what it is you plan to do/ with your one published in 2015. This timeless volume, arranged by wild and precious life?”… The luminous writing pro-

Oliver herself, showcases the beloved poet at her edi- vides respite from our crazy world and demonstrates

fying best. Within these pages, she provides us with an how mindfulness can define and transform a life, moextraordinary and invaluable collection of her passion- ment by moment, poem by poem.” ate, perceptive, and much-treasured observations of the —The Washington Post

Mornings, Dog Songs, Felicity, and Blue Horses.

torrent of consciousness. Bravo, maestro!” —Billy Collins

reminding us of what it truly means to belong to the natural world;, celebrating the special bond between human and dog, and expounding on the wild and the quiet within our own

hearts. Within every book, Oliver honors life, love, and beauty. This beautifully designed set makes a lovely gift for every occasion, and a wonderful addition to the library of both longtime fans and new readers. People are continuing to discover Mary Oliver!

Listen--are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?... To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.

EVERY DAY IS A POEM Find Clarity, Feel Relief, and See Beauty in Every Moment by Jacqueline Suskin $23.50, paper. Sounds True. 256 pages

How do we deal with the heaviness of everyday living? When we are surrounded by uncertainty, distrust, and destruction, how do we sift through the chaos and enjoy being alive? In Every Day Is a Poem, Jacqueline Suskin aims to answer these questions by using poetry as a tool for finding clarity and feeling relief. With provoc-

ative questions, writing practices, and mindset exercises, this celebrated poet shows you how to focus your senses, cultivate curiosity, and create

your own document of the world’s beauty. Emphasizing that the personal is inextricable from the creative, Suskin offers specific instructions on how make a map of your past and engage with your pain to write a healing poem.

Poetry isn’t a magic cure-all that makes adversity vanish, but it does summon the wondrous and sublime out of the shadows. Suskin seeks to remind you how incredible it is to be alive at all, even when it hurts. Most importantly,

Every Day Is a Poem reveals that we all have the ability to weave beauty and meaning out of otherwise difficult and overwhelming times.

“This is not a book of goopy wackadoo-woo-woo: this is a practical guide for everyone to learn the requisite art of slowing down, becoming more curious in order to ‘nurture transformation and love limitlessly.’ Get out your

pickax and get ready to mine the wonders of this life on

earth through the power of poetry.” —Derrick C. Brown, author of How The Body Works The Dark

“Any moment can become a poem and your poem can open up whole new ways of thinking and feeling and being. Suskin’s tools create a way back into the self for the world-weary reader.” —Beth Pickens, author of Your Art

Will Save Your Life

PETRA A Novel by Shaena Lambert $22.95, paper. Random House. 292 pages

Inspired by Petra Kelly, the original Green Party leader and political activist who fought for the planet in 1980s Germany, Shaena Lambert brings us a

captivating new novel about a woman who changed history and transformed environmental politics—and who, like many history-changing women, has been largely erased.

January, 1980. At the height of the Cold War, Petra Kelly inspires hundreds of thousands to take to the streets to protest the placement of nuclear missiles on West German soil—including a NATO general named Emil Gerhardt, who shocks the establishment by converting to the cause. Petra and her general not only vault to fame as the stars of the Green Party, but they also fall in love. Then Manfred Schwartz, an ex-lover, urges Petra to draw back the curtain on Emil’s war record, and they enter a world both complicated and threatening.

Told by Manfred Schwartz, from his place in a present world even more beset by existential threats, Petra is an exploration of love, jealousy, and the power of social change. A woman capable of founding a new and world-changing politics and taking on two superpowers, Petra still must grapple with her own complex nature and a singular and fatal love.

“Petra is a masterpiece—a fierce, humane and powerful novel for our times. Shaena Lambert brings to life the nearly forgotten revolutionary, Petra Kelly, and the circle of activists who transformed environmental and global politics. Petra, the story of generations reckoning with history, sex, the land, guilt, and our troubled future, is at every moment personal and political. What does it mean

to remake not only the world but one another, what if our inner morality is riddled with falsehoods, why do we harm in the name of love? Spellbinding and shattering, Petra is a tour de force—a haunting and a courageous awakening.” —Madeleine Thien, Scotiabank Giller Prize-winning author of Do Not Say We Have Nothing

NOTHING MUCH HAPPENS Calming Stories to Soothe Your Mind and Help You Sleep by Kathryn Nicolai $26.95, cloth. Penguin. 288 pages

Busy minds need a place to rest. Whether you find yourself struggling to sleep, awake in the middle of the night, or even just anxious as you move through the day, in Nothing Much Happens, Kathryn Nicolai offers a healthy way to ease the mind before bed: through the timeless appeal of classic bedtime stories.

Already beloved by millions of podcast listeners, the stories in Nothing Much Happens explore and expose small sweet moments of joy and relax-

ation: Visiting the local cider mill in the autumn. Watching the tree lighting in the park with friends in the winter. Sneaking lilacs from an abandoned farm in the spring. Watching fireflies from the deck in the summer. Closing up the book shop for the night and opening the bakery in the morning. You’ll also find sixteen new stories never before featured on the podcast, along with whimsical illustrations that expose sweet little moments of peace and joy.

Using her decades of experience as a meditation and yoga teacher, Kathryn Nicolai creates a world for you

to slip into, one rich in sensory experience that quietly teaches mindfulness and self-compassion, soothes frayed nerves, and builds solid habits for nurturing sleep.

Yoga & the Hindu Tradition GET YOUR YOGA ON 30 Days to Build a Practice That Fits Your Body and Your Life by Kino MacGregor 168 pages, 7x9, colour photos

Yoga is a healthful, stress-busting, powerfully life-changing practice that is truly for everyone! You don’t need to be

young, flexible, or athletic to do yoga, and you don’t need to spend hours on the mat. You just need to be yourself and commit to practicing at least five minutes a day.

Here, renowned yogi Kino MacGregor presents a basic, self-paced plan to encourage you to try each of the thir-

ty foundational poses included and

slowly build a regular yoga practice. Through step-by-step instructions, over two hundred color photographs, and modifications for different body types and abilities, Kino makes yoga possible at whatever level you may be. By challenging yourself for just five minutes a day, you will end up learning a strong, basic yoga sequence that you can grow and adapt for a lifetime of yoga.

Readers will also get free access to an online companion course on Omstars (www.omstars.com)!

Gilead… and Gilead (The Testaments)

THE TESTAMENTS A Novel by Margaret Atwood $22.00, paper. McClelland & Stewart. 429 pages

Margaret Atwood’s dystopian masterpiece, The Handmaid’s Tale, has become a modern classic—and now she brings the iconic story to a dramatic conclusion in this riveting sequel. More than fifteen years after the events of The Handmaid’s Tale, the theocratic regime of the Republic of Gilead maintains its grip on power, but there are signs it is beginning to rot from within. At this crucial moment, the lives of three radical-

ly different women converge, with potentially explosive

results. Two have grown up as part of the first generation to come of age in the new order. The testimonies


A Novel by Marilynne Robinson $18.95, paper. HarperCollins. 247 pages

A hymn of praise and lamentation from a 1950s preacher man. A testament to the

sacred bonds between fathers and sons. A

psalm of celebration and acceptance of the best and the worst that the world has to offer. This is the story of generations, as told through a family history written by Reverend John Ames, a legacy for the young son he will never see grow up. As John records the tale of the rift between his own father and grandfather, he also struggles with the return to his small town of a friend’s prodigal son in search of forgiveness and redemption.

WHEN LOVE COMES TO LIGHT Bringing Wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita into Modern Life by Richard Freeman & Mary Taylor

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most influential and widely recognized ancient texts in Indian epic literature. Through the telling of the story and traditional philosophical teachings, the text provides deep insight into how to meet life’s inevitable challenges while remaining open, clear, and compassionate. It offers modern day

wisdom seekers a framework for understanding our essence—who we are and our core beliefs—revealing the fact that healthy relationships to oth-

ers and the world are essential to living a full, compassionate, balanced life. Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor, both deeply respected yogic teachers, offer a practical, immediately relevant interpretation that emphasizes self-reflection and waking up in our modern world.

Following the traditional sequence of teachings in The Bhagavad Gita, from its opening scene in which Arjuna finds himself hesitating in the middle of the battlefield of dharma and action through the various paths he might choose in the process of awakening, Freeman and Taylor interweave insight into how these classic teachings are rel-

evant for modern readers struggling with what it means to live responsibly in the twenty-first century. With quotes,

citations, and a full translation of the original text, they look at the overall arc of the The Bhagavad Gita’s teachings and how that relates to the turmoil that arises, not only for Arjuna, but for any of us in the face of crises of conscience, spirit, and form. Exploring the essential

themes such as love, wisdom, and karma, and by offering embodiment exercises to apply the teachings, When Love Comes to Light guides readers in the step-by-step process

of waking up their intelligence and finding a path toward of these two young women are joined by a third voice: a woman who wields power through the ruthless accumulation and deployment of secrets.

As Atwood unfolds The Testaments, she opens up the innermost workings of Gilead as each woman is forced to come to terms

with who she is, and how far she will go for what she believes. “A chilling invitation no Atwood fan can resist . . . The Testaments reminds us of the power of truth in the face of evil.” —People “It’s terrifying and exhilarating.” —Judges of the Booker Prize 2019 Also now available is The Handmaid’s Tale & The

Testaments Boxed Set. The winner of two major literary awards, Gilead is an exquisitely written work of literary fiction, destined to become a classic, by one of today’s finest writers. “Gilead is a beautiful work—demanding, grave and lucid.... Robinson’s words have a

spiritual force that’s very rare in contempo-

rary fiction.” —New York Times Book Review “At a moment in cultural history dominated by the shallow, the superficial, the quick fix, Marilynne Robinson is a miraculous anomaly: a writer who thoughtfully, carefully and tenaciously explores some of the deepest questions confronting the human species.” —Los Angeles Times Book

$33.95, paper. Shambhala.

$25.95, paper. Shambhala. 298 pages

Revew compassionate action.

Since one of the primary teachings of the Gita is the importance of tangible contemplative practices that enable one to embody and thereby fully assimilate the teachings, we also include an appendix of embodiment

exercises that reflect essential themes from the Gita, such as impermanence and the nature of change, as well as simple practices to foster stillness and the

stability of mind and body. We hope these exercises will not only shed light on the teachings but also be helpful when facing challenges that arise in everyday life, offering practical ways to stay focused, grounded, and in the present moment.

THE PRACTICE IS THE PATH Lessons and Reflections on the Transformative Power of Yoga by Tias Little $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 170 pages

For over 30 years, Tias Little has explored yoga as a spiritual path. In this book he offers key teachings from

his journey that will resonate with anyone who has dedicated themself

to a mind/body discipline. In short, accessible chapters, Little shares his struggles and joys as a yogi and chronicles the transformation of his understanding and practice along the way. There are many physical and emotional trials that come up in yoga as a spiritual practice: the urge toward perfectionism, the desire to get it all right, the way we push ourselves in the practice, being with “not-knowing,” and the many ways some people use yoga as a sedative. To help the reader embody and experience

each theme, Little includes companion practices at the end of each chapter including poses, reflections, meditations, and explorations.

THE GENIUS OF YOGA How Yogic Meditation Can Unlock Your Innate Brilliance by Alan Finger & Peter Ferko $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 124 pages

Both mindfulness meditation and yoga practice have reached such a level of popularity that they have revolutionized how we think about tending to the health and well-being of ourselves, our families, our patients, students, and co-workers. But med-

itation done through a yogic framework goes beyond mindfulness. It not only gives you specific tools for improving health and creating emotional balance, but also offers you an experience beyond the

sense-focused mind. It allows you to access atman, your unbound intelligence, or what the authors refer to as your innate “genius.” Accessing atman allows you to go beyond the limits of mindfulness to reach a deep source of creativity and inspiration within you—and connects you to your true purpose and direction in life.

Meditation provides a transcendence of ordinary

THE INNER PATH YOGA PHILOSOPHY PRACTICE DECK Card Deck & Guidebook by Zamir Dhanji $44.99, cards. Mystic Yogi. 26 colour cards + 150-page guidebook

Yoga is more and deeper than just the poses—it’s a holistic science for body, mind and spirit. Learn yoga philosophy and practices with this creative tool that transforms your practice both on and off the mat. “Yoga means to move towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of the existence.” — Sadhguru

The Inner Path Deck helps you on the journey to heal

your body, develop your mind, and awaken your spir-

itual potential. Inspired by the eight limbs of classical yoga, you’ll deepen your practice through carefully cu-

rated stunning art images, powerful insights, and guid-

ed teachings from different traditions that integrate this wisdom into your daily life. In the beginning we make elaborate assumptions about the way we should be. The soul is yet to pass through the gates of fire, loneliness, and deep silence that build maturity and wisdom. We have yet to experience loss and suffering and to witness directly the beauty and fallibility of our own small, fragile selves…

One of my Zen teachers would always ask, “How wide is your path?” Might we see in time that the path is everywhere? Might the way of our path, like the old

Tao, include all things? In this book, we will travel the path together, a path that enables us to see beyond the confines of our own perspective… In the journey that lies ahead, we must leave behind the person we always thought we should be and travel, step by step, to where we are. There is really only one way to do this… The practice is the path. Also by Tias Little is Yoga of the Subtle Body.

Buddhism A BIGGER SKY Awakening a Fierce Feminine Buddhism by Pamela Weiss $23.95, paper. North Atlantic. 214 pages

Written by the first layperson to receive full Dharma Transmission in the Suzuki Roshi Soto Zen lineage (she’s also a Theravada teacher on the Spirit Rock Teacher Council—and practiced The Diamond Approach for 12 years), A Bigger Sky explores what it means to fill the gaps

of a Buddhism created by and for men, to navigate the

mental activity into the realm of what is spiritually described as connecting with pure consciousness. In colloquial terms it could be called finding your “genius,” the aspect of

yourself that is full of intuition and creativity, insight and purpose, and an innate

brilliance. Yogis consider it finding the whole of who you are… In this book we look at the important benefits of taking meditation beyond mindfulness. Using contemporary language, we aim to demystify the traditional descriptions and practice of yoga meditation… This book provides background and a starting practice that is suited to anyone, from the curious nonmeditator to the seasoned mindfulness practitioner.

“We are evolving toward a greater expression of being human; learning the deeper meditation found in authentic yoga is key.” —Deepak Chopra, author of Meta Human Also by Alan Finger are Chakra Yoga and Tantra of the Yoga Sutras.

The 26 art cards and 150 page wisdom

booklet come in a beautiful custom box

that’s easy to travel with. High quality matte-laminate finishing makes the cards very durable and make the visionary images and colours pop.

Wanting to understand how life operates, the earliest shamans, mystics, and yogis began to inquire into the ‘world behind the world’…. While we live, work, play and create in this earthly realm, there is a deeper Reality behind its appearance, beckoning us to walk in harmony with it. The aim of the yogis and mystics has been to lift the veil to this Reality and teach us its principles. Accepting this approach involves making conscious daily choices and developing our awareness so that we can fashion a life that is unlimited in its freedom, yet always abiding in the Way. This is walking the Inner Path.

Learn more at mysticyogi.com.

seemingly contradictory domains of secular and spiritual life, and to walk a path through the heart of the

world. Reorienting Buddhist practice through a wider, more inclusive feminine lens, Pamela Weiss’s personal and spiritual journey speaks to the bits of brokenness in us all, shining a light on the different pathways we can walk to become whole. Blending memoir, Buddhist practice, and cultural observation, Weiss explores the illness that led her to seek healing and brought her to Buddhism; life at Tassajara Zen Mountain monastery; feelings of helplessness amidst the legacy of intergenerational trauma; her husband’s near-fatal accident; her work translating mindfulness and Buddhist principles to a broad lay audience; and stories of Buddhist women, past and present.

Through beautifully crafted prose, Weiss shares what it means to be an ordinary Bodhisattva—describing how the Buddha’s profound vision of freedom can be lived

outside of institutions and rule-bound practice, and supporting us in deepening our connection—with ourselves, each other and the planet. A Bigger Sky illuminates how integrating a more feminine approach to Buddhist teachings can be applied in spiritual practice, in community, in day-to-day life.

The crises we are facing—irreversible climate change, widespread hatred and violence, the growing assault on the truth—are overwhelming. Too big for any of us to hold alone, they call us to join hands and join hearts, to come together in new ways and discover responses we have not yet dared to dream.

“Employing a treasure-trove of stories, dreams, and myths, Pamela Weiss helps us to imagine what a ‘bigger

sky’, no-part-left-out, fierce feminine Buddhism might actually feel like. This is a deeply soulful, engaging, and

ultimately joyous book. I read it in one sitting and put it down with a broad smile.”—Jan Willis, author of Dreaming

Me: Black, Baptist, and Buddhist

REAL CHANGE Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World by Sharon Salzberg $33.99, cloth. Picador. 220 pages

In today’s fractured world we’re constantly flooded with breaking news that causes us anger, grief, and pain. People are feeling more stressed out than ever and in the face of this fear and anxiety they can feel so burnt out and overwhelmed that they end up frozen in their tracks and can’t do anything. In Real Change Sharon Salzberg, a leading expert in Loving-kindness and Mindfulness meditation, shares sage advice and indispensible techniques to help free ourselves from these negative feelings and actions. She teaches us that meditation is not a replacement for action, but

rather a way to practice generosity with ourselves and summon the courage to break through boundaries, reconnect to a movement that’s bigger than ourselves, and have the energy to stay active.

Consulting with veteran activists and social change agents in a variety of fields, Salzberg collects and shares their wisdom and offers the best practical advice to fos-

ter transformation in both ourselves and in society.

These changemakers have generously allowed me to quote them in my efforts to convey how to navigate these waters of action and awareness in the healthiest ways possible. I want to share their insights and stories.

We make this journey together. To help tame our inner landscape or chaos, Salzberg offers savvy mindfulness practices that will help readers cultivate a sense of agency and stay engaged in the longterm struggle for social change.

Real Change is the book I’ve been wanting to write for years, to explore the intersection between the activity of working toward change in the world and the clarity and compassion arising from mindfulness and loving-kindness practice. The book is organized to map out the journey

we often take toward a more impactful and sustainable

expression of our values: expanding our vision; embodying real efforts toward change; working with the anger and grief that accompany a clear-eyed look at pain; supporting ourselves and remembering joy in the midst of challenging realities; looking afresh at who counts, who matters; awakening discernment and insight; coming to balance and knowing peace.

Real Change will help guide you with the fundamental principles and mindfulness practices that will lead to the clarity and confidence that lets us lift a foot and take our next step into a better world.

Poems of the Early Buddhists

THE FIRST FREE WOMEN Poems of the Early Buddhist Nuns by Matty Weingast $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 137 pages

The Therigatha (“Verses of the Elder Nuns”) is the oldest collection of known writings from Buddhist women. Composed during the life of the Buddha, the collection contains verses by early Buddhist nuns detailing everything from their disenchantment with their prescribed roles in society to their struggles on the path to enlightenment to their spiritual realizations. Among the nuns, a range of voices are represented, including former wives, women who lost children, women who gave up their wealth, and a former prostitute.

My sisters, sit like you are dead already.

How could this world possibly give you what you’re looking for when it’s so busy falling apart— just like you?

Look closely.

Don’t move until you see it. In The First Free Women, Matty Weingast revives this



Enlightenment Poems from the

Theragatha and Therigatha translated by Andrew Schelling &

Anne Waldman $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 150 pages

More than two thousand years ago, the earliest disciples of the Buddha put into verse their experiences on the spiritual journey—from their daily struggles to their spiritual realizations. Over time the verses were collected to form the Theragatha and Therigatha, the “Verses of Elder Monks” and “Verses of Elder Nuns” respectively.

I hunted the house builder, life after life scouring this world and others

Now I’ve discovered the house is impermanent

“You will not build another structure the rafters are broken the roof collapsed

This mind has been blown asunder” —Sivaka

In Songs of the Sons and Daughters of the Buddha, renowned poets Andrew Schelling and Anne RELAX AND BE AWARE Mindfulness Meditations for Clarity, Confidence, and Wisdom by Sayadaw U Tejaniya

Since mindfulness is known to be so physically, mentally, and spiritually beneficial, why not practice it right now? Why not in every moment? Burmese Buddhist master Sayadaw U Tejaniya writes that we can indeed practice in this way, and the key is consistency.

Thirty-one short chapters—“A Month of Daily Life Meditations”—show precisely how to build a regular practice

that will deepen over time. With evident compassion and insight, U Tejaniya teaches full-time, daily-life meditation as a process that steadily ancient collection with a contemporary and radical adaptation. In this poetic re-envisioning that remains true to the original essence of each poem, he infuses each verse with vivid language that is not found in other translations. Simple yet profound, the nuance of language highlights the beauty in each poem

and resonates with modern readers exploring the struggles, grief, failures, doubts, and ultimately, moments of profound insight of each woman. Weingast breathes fresh life

into this ancient collection of poetry, offering readers a rare glimpse of Buddhism through the spiritual literature and poetry of the first female disciples of the Buddha.

Ask yourself what you are really prepared to give up in order to be free.

“Like opening a window and letting a clean, fresh wind blow through my being.”—Joanna Macy

“Honest. Courageous. Inspiring. These reflections can’t help but touch the hearts of all who read them.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness

Waldman have translated the most poignant poems in these collections, bringing forth

the visceral, immediate qualities that are often lost in more scholarly renditions. These selections reveal the fears, loves, mishaps, expectations, and joys of the early monks and nuns, when, struck by wild insight, they cried out the anguish or solace they knew in their lives.

Abandoning his house mind just drifting rooting his snout through mud like an impatient hog here comes the fool flickering through yet another womb.

“How is it these songs are getting better, stronger, more alive than ever, more necessary than ever... or is it because I just need to hear them more than ever?”— Red Pine

“These are earthy, courageous translations of the

most ancient Buddhist poems. How honest the struggle of these practitioners with death and lust and self-

doubt (just like us); how beautiful their moments of release.”—Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart develops relaxation, refreshment, and enlightenment. In addition to the guided meditations, the book features a helpful introduction by longtime student and meditation teacher Doug McGill, as well as opening chapters on Buddhist wisdom and energy practices that support continu-

ous daily awareness.

The right time to meditate is all day long, from the moment we wake up and open our eyes, until the mo-

ment we fall asleep at night. Meditation shouldn’t make the mind or the body tired. If you are practicing correctly with right effort, it will definitely bring peace and joy. U Tejaniya’s teaching emphasizes the application of awareness to every aspect of ordinary daily life, while de-emphasizing the centrality of formal sitting practice. His style is relaxed, funny, and informed by his intimate knowledge of the workaday world.

“This is an enormously helpful approach to mindfulness training with a focus on the states of mind wherever we are… an invitation to well-being and freedom.” —Jack Kornfield

“Relax and Be Aware reminds us what is essential to mature mindfulness practice. To be wholly present beyond a meditation cushion or retreat requires intention in each

thing we do. It is this persistent effort to cultivate an observing mind that enables us to see things as they are and not as we wish them to be. This powerful way of being nourishes wisdom that liberates us from suffering.” —Sharon Salzberg, author of Real Change Also by U Tejaniya is When Awareness Becomes Natural.

THE ART OF SOLITUDE by Stephen Batchelor $32.50, cloth. Yale. 192 pages

When world renowned Buddhist writer Stephen Batchelor turned sixty, he took a sabbatical from his teaching and turned his attention to solitude, a practice integral to the meditative traditions he has long studied and taught.

He aimed to venture more deeply into solitude, discovering its full extent and depth.

This beautiful literary collage documents his multifaceted explorations.

Spending time in remote places, appreciating and making art, practicing meditation and participating in retreats, drinking peyote and ayahuasca, and training himself to keep an open, questioning mind have all contributed to Batchelor’s ability to be simultaneously alone and at ease. Mixed in with his personal narrative are inspiring stories from solitude’s devoted practitioners, from the Buddha to Montaigne, and from Vermeer to Agnes Martin.

While this book recounts—sometimes explicitly, sometimes implicitly—the inner story of my own struggle with Buddhism, and while I continue to draw on sources and themes from that tradition, I do not consider The Art of Solitude to be a Buddhist book. I am not interested in presenting a Buddhist interpretation of solitude. I want to share with you what practitioners of solitude, from varied backgrounds, disciplines, and traditions, have reported back from the coalface of their practice. In a hyperconnected world that is at the same time plagued by social isolation, this book shows how to enjoy the inescapable solitude that is at the heart of human life.

“The Art of Solitude is a marvel. Carefully constructed and entirely original, it sings with a haunting melody of wistful contemplation. Reading it is a true joy.” —Mark Epstein, author of Thoughts Without a Thinker

Among Stephen Batchelor’s other books are After Bud-

$23.95, paper. Shambhala. 160 pages

dhism and Confession of a Buddhist Atheist.

Joseph Goldstein on the Dharma

THE EXPERIENCE OF INSIGHT A Simple and Direct Guide to Buddhist Meditation by Joseph Goldstein $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 178 pages

This modern classic of unusually clear,

practical instruction for the practice of

Buddhist meditation—presented as a thirty-day meditation retreat taught by Joseph Goldstein— includes teachings on sitting and walking meditation, how one relates with the breath, feelings, thought, sense perceptions, consciousness, and everyday activities. Basic Buddhist topics such as the nature of karma, the four noble truths, the factors of enlightenment, dependent origination, and devotion are discussed. We dress up corpses as if they were going to a party, never confronting the face of death. The first noble truth of the Buddha’s enlightenment is the truth of suffering. It does no good to pretend that it does not exist. No matter how we obscure it, the body is going to get old and diseased. It is going to die. No matter how many distractions we are entertained with, there will be anger and ill will and frustration and anxiety and tension.... We are on this wheel of pain because we cling to it, and we cling to it out of ignorance.

CREATING A LIFE OF INTEGRITY In Conversation with Joseph Goldstein by Gail Andersen Stark $25.95, paper. Wisdom. 230 pages

A lovely, practical, intimate, and wise book, Creating a Life of Integrity is our personal trainer for strengthening our integrity muscles.

When we don’t speak or act from our own sense of integrity, we feel lousy. Find out how you can live with more integrity—

and subsequently more joy—as you follow these lively conversations between Joseph Goldstein, a founder of the modern mindfulness movement, and Gail Stark, a businesswoman and his student.

As Joseph and Gail unpack the components of integrity—generosity, virtue, renunciation, wisdom, courage, patience, truthfulness, resoluteness, loving-kindness, and equanimity—we discover each is a step on a path that transports us to an empowered place of clarity, commitment, and, consequently, more joy. As we strengthen and weave these qualities into our daily lives they become our trusted first response in a world that needs our integrity now.

Strong, clear and simple, its teachings are

often illustrated with stories and anecdotes, First published in 1987, and now with a new preface reflecting on how the conversation around meditation has changed over the last forty years, this book is the perfect companion for experienced and new practitioners alike.

Doing loving-kindness enriches Vipassana because of the spaciousness and lightness it creates in the mind. It strengthens the ability to see without judging, and helps us avoid the very common tendency in spiritual practice to condemn who

we are and seek in a grasping way to be someone else. “The Experience of Insight is arguably one of the best and most easily accessible modern meditation instruction manuals available. Decades after its original publication, Goldstein’s work remains a fresh and alive

guidebook for any student of meditation… It is a wise and insightful book on the actual dynamics of medita-

tion practice and the incorporation of the meditative mind into daily life.” —Inquiring Mind

Among Joseph Goldstein’s other books are Mindful-

ness: A Practical Guide to Awakening and One Dharma.

In the midst of these challenging and often confusing times, I hope that this engaging book will be an inspiration for many others who would like to actively engage in refining the understanding of integrity and how

that can express itself in the busyness and complexity

of our lives. This one overarching value can be a healing balm both for ourselves and for the world we all

share. —Joseph Goldstein, from the foreword

“Reading this book was like actually being present with Joseph Goldstein, a person of exceptional integrity, as he shares down-toearth yet profound wisdom with the author, Gail Stark. Different parts of my mind and heart were opened to new possibilities because of her unique way of expression. Cre-

ating personal integrity is the deepest kind of respect and care we can have for ourselves and others. This book is deeply reaching medicine, leading to inner calm and inviolable peace.”

— Kamala Masters, guiding teacher and cofounder, Vipassana Metta Foundation, Maui

“This book is unique in both form and substance. It allows us to listen in to conversations between Dharma teacher Joseph Goldstein and student Gail Stark as they explore the promise and pitfalls of the “paramis,” Buddhist trainings of the mind and heart. While many meditation students become focused almost exclusively on what happens on the zafu, the conversation between Joseph and Gail takes mindfulness into the street and into the daily life of a householder. Using their conversational format, the teachings come alive and all of us get to feel their power to affect our lives. In one of their conversations Joseph and Gail even sing together, revealing a deep sharing of the freedom and joy that develop on the path. There is a lot of wisdom in this conversation, and warmth on every page. As this book says, quoting the Dalai Lama, ‘Our part is to bring a cheerful mind and heart to a suffering world.’” — Wes “Scoop” Nisker, author of The Essential Crazy Wisdom

ZEN MIND, BEGINNER’S MIND (50TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION) Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice by Shunryu Suzuki $23.95, paper. Shambhala. 176 pages

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” Seldom has such a small handful of words provided a teaching as rich as has this famous opening line of Shunryu Suzuki’s classic. In a single stroke, the simple sentence cuts through the pervasive tendency students have of getting so close to Zen as to completely miss what it’s all about. An instant teaching on the first page. And that’s just the beginning.

In the fifty years since its original publication, Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

has become one of the great modern Zen classics, much re-read, and often recommended as the best first book to read on Zen. This one book has been read and reread by generations of practitioners, with tattered and mended copies featured in cabins, boardrooms, and by-the-cushions “all over this land.”

Shunryu Suzuki (1905-1971—the Soto Zen master who founded the San Francisco Zen Center, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, and Green Gulch Farm) here presents the basics—from the details of posture and breathing in zazen to the perception of nonduality—in a way that is not only remarkably clear, but that also resonates with the joy of insight from the first to the last page. It’s a book

to come back to time and time again as an inspiration to practice.

Our “original mind” includes everything within itself. It is always rich and sufficient within itself. You should not lose your self-sufficient state of mind. This does not mean a closed mind, but actually an empty mind and a ready mind. If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open to everything. In the beginner’s mind

there are many possibilities; in the expert’s mind there

are few.... This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner.

Here one begins to understand what Zen is really about. Every page breathes with the joy and simplicity that makes a liberated life possible.

We must have a beginner’s mind, free from possessing anything, a mind that knows everything is in flowing change. Nothing exists but momentarily in its present form and color. One thing flows into another and cannot be grasped. Before the rain stops we hear a bird. Even under the heavy snow we see snowdrops and some new growth. In the East I saw rhubarb already. In Japan in the spring we eat cucumbers.

Also available by Suzuki Roshi are Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness and Not Always So.

We have to think and observe things without stagnation. We should accept things as they are without difficulty. Our mind should be soft and open enough to understand things as they are… This is mindfulness… Just to see, and to be ready to see things with our whole mind, is zazen practice… It is the readiness of the mind that is wisdom… But we should not become attached to some particular wisdom, such as that which was taught by Buddha. Wisdom is not something to learn. Wisdom is something which will come out of your mindfulness. So the point is to be ready…

—Shunryu Suzuki, from Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

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