50 minute read
Celtic Spirit
Witches Crafting Beauty
SEASONS OF MOON AND FLAME The Wild Dreamer’s Epic Journey of Becoming by Danielle Dulsky $26.00, paper. New World. 350 pages
The yearning to slow down and simplify, return to the earth, and maybe even rewild what has been tamed in ourselves persists even though that dream seems ever more remote in contemporary life. Danielle Dulsky shows that even in our high-tech and high-pressure lives, it is possible. As a young woman, Dulsky found refuge, nurturance, and wisdom in her grandmother’s rustic home. As an adult, after years of seeking elsewhere, Dulsky came to recognize the wise elder, or Crone, in her grandmother and to explore ways of honoring that lineage.
She offers fellow seekers a way to manifest their own year of the wild and to tap into often-forgotten wisdom ways. Seasons of Moon and Flame guides readers to live
cyclically while working with the archetype of the Sacred Hag, or wild grandmother, who appears in various guises. Lunar phases within lunar seasons are highlight-
ed through rituals and ceremonies. Wonderfully inclusive, with adaptations for families, spiritual groups, and other traditions, this book is a potentially life-changing guide to living mystically, magically, and in empowering
Using the Magick of the Pentacle to Bring Harmony to Your Life by Phoenix LeFae $24.99, paper. Llewellyn. 288 pages
Using the pentacle and its five points as a magickal framework, this inspiring book presents techniques and exercises that help you manifest joy, discover your inner and outer beauty, recognize blessings, and bring balance to your life. Phoenix LeFae presents a revolutionary approach based on the five points of the pentacle—Beauty, Devotion, Desire, Creativity, and Expression. Walking in Beauty awakens you to the magnificence of the world; it is both a meditation tool and a key to greater awareness. Through exercises, rituals, affirma-
Celtic Spirit THE LOST BOOK OF THE GRAIL The Sevenfold Path of the Grail and the Restoration of the Faery Accord by Caitlin & John Matthews $31.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 342 pp.
Unveiling the long-forgotten prequel to the Grail quest stories, Caitlin and John Matthews examine The Elucidation of the Grail, a forgotten 13th-century French text, and show how it offers the key to understanding the sevenfold path of the Grail and the deeper stories beneath the Christian Grail narrative. Beginning with a new translation of
The Elucidation by foremost esotericist
Gareth Knight and Caitlin Matthews, the authors provide a complete commentary on the poem, revealing a star-
tling alternative cause of the Wasteland and the Grail quest, one which has a profound resonance
with our own times. They examine the forgotten story of the Faery Wars and explain the Faery Accord, an agreement that once existed between humans and the Faery and upon which the spiritual and physical health of the land depends. The offering of the Grail and its regenerative powers by the Maidens of the Wells—Faery women—was part of this Accord. King Amangons and his men violated harmony with the worlds of spirit and nature.
The hag teaches us to slow down—to look where we feel both joy and hurt and find, right there, the impenetrable wildness of who are are. We look to the most ancient medicine of our people, to their gods and fairy tales, and we cocreate our stories of becoming out of a bone-deep desire to belong the way those long-gone ancestors of our belonged and a simultaneous knowing that ours is a more wounded, more watered, more fragilely interconnected world. We Witches live close to that knowing. We can feel the future pulsing in our veins as much as we feel the echoes of the past, and we sense both the
past and the future being reordered, re-membered, through our everyday movement, by our morning
prayers and our evening ceremonies…
May we make good art. May we slow down and taste the marrow of the magick we are brewing. “Bold, exquisite, empowering, and healing in its concoction and execution… An exceptional achievement.” —Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch
Also by Danielle Dulsky: The Holy Wild.
tions, and beauty acts you can take out into the world,this marvelous guide shows you how to run the energy of the pentacle through your body and clear any blocks that keep you from living a fully engaged and
beautiful life. “Phoenix LeFae has done more than simply write a book. She has gifted us with a jewel. Walking in Beauty is gentle and lovely, but also power-filled and empowering. It leads with the heart into our collective soul.” — Courtney Weber, author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and
Magick of the Celtic Goddess
Phoenix LeFae is a rootworker and ritualist who has practiced witchcraft for over 25 years. She guides an
esoteric Goddess shop called Milk & Honey. the Accord, through their abuse of the Well Maidens and other evil actions, causing the wasting of the land. The Knights of King Arthur seek to avenge the Well Maidens and rebirth the Grail to restore access to the lost paradisiacal Courts of Joy held in ancestral memory. On their quest, they encounter the Rich Company whose greed keeps the Knights occupied in long wars of attrition, yet their quest to restore the generous hospitality of the Wells—the true Grail, the Faery Grail—continues. In addition to the Faery Accord and Knights quest, the authors examine the Seven Guardians of the Stories, the Rich Fisher, the Courts of Joy and paradise lost, and the otherworldly Land of Women. They show how this lost
book of the Grail reveals themes familiar to the modern world and offers hope of healing the rift between the worlds of Faery and human as well as restoration of our
natural belonging to the land.
CELTIC TOTEM ANIMALS Ancient stories of shamanic helpers and how to access their wisdom by John Matthews $25.95, paper. Eddison. 160 pages, 2-colour illustrations, cut-out cards
Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes
Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition help you in your own life today.
Using the web link included in the book to play the shamanic drumming soundtrack music and allow yourself to be safely carried on a wave of sound “to experience your own shamanic
journey safely, to meet with and learn from the Totem Animals, and to find which of these will become an inner helper for as long s it is needed and made welcome.” In this gentle trance you can find your Totem Animal, and the 20 Totem Animal cards included will help you choose animal helpers for particular situations —for guidance on life issues, for self-empowerment, paths to healing, or simply for fun.
By working with Totem Animals today, we are following in the steps of our Celtic ancestors, and in the process learning not only to honour the creatures who share our world, but to see through their eyes into a deeper place where spirit is central and all-important. In the process we learn more about ourselves, our own place in the web of creation, and the constantly changing possibilities which are part of our personal heritage.
Christian & Jewish Spirit
TEACHINGS OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTICS edited by Andrew Harvey $14.95, paper. Shambhala. 180 pages
The Christian mystics are the treasure of Western civilization—yet they remain little known among those of us who are potentially their spiritual heirs. Andrew Harvey’s anthology confronts us
with the mystics in their own words, to show us how well they serve, even now,
as guides for the spiritual life—and to challenge our preconceived ideas about the path of Christianity.
The selections here represent all eras of the Christian tradition as well as an amazing range of people who have em-
bodied it, like Francis of Assisi, Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, Bede Griffiths, and many others. There are gems from the Bible, “Sayings of the Desert Fathers,” Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Augustine, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Traherne, William Blake, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Teilhard de Chardin, “The Way of a Pilgrim,” and many more.
Andrew Harvey writes in his introduction:
The real Second Coming will be the birthing of Christ-consciousness in millions of beings who turn, in the Father-Mother, towards the fire of love and take the supreme risk of incarnating divine love-in-action on Earth. This Second Coming could potentially alter the level of consciousness of the whole of humanity and initiate it into that mystical wisdom that it desperately needs if its problems are going to be solved.
ON THOMAS MERTON by Mary Gordon $24.95, paper. Shambhala. 160 pages
This is a probing, candid exploration of Thomas Merton’s life and writing from best-selling novelist and memoirist Mary Gordon.
Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, poet, essayist, activist, and author of some of the most influential spiritual writing of the 20th century. He entered the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani in Kentucky as a young man in his twenties, seemingly abandoning the promising literary career that lay before him. But from the silent cloister
EYE OF THE HEART A Spiritual Journey into the Imaginal Realm by Cynthia Bourgeault $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 218 pages
Eye of the Heart investigates the imaginal realm—an energetic realm well known to the mystical traditions but often forgotten in our own times. It is invisible to the physical eye, but clearly perceptible through the eye of the heart. The imaginal realm has long
been associated with the personal world of dreams, prophecy, and oracles, and it also points toward a higher vision of our human purpose that is both
evolutionary and collective. Bourgeault explores both aspects of imaginal reality and shows readers how we can cooperate more fully with its guidance in our lives.
Expertly blending her own lived experiences with research on the imaginal realm, Bourgeault explores how her personal relationships have helped to bring these teachings into sharper focus and the role this realm plays in Christian and other mystical traditions. She delves into the connections between our inner consciousness and what happens in the world. Eye of the Heart presents Bourgeault’s spiritual journey with the
imaginal realm and encourages readers to attune their
hearts for the well-being of the world.
Properly understood through its own Western filter, the imaginal realm is collective and evolutionary; its
THE WAY OF FORGIVENESS A Story About Letting Go New in by Stephen Mitchell Paperback $22.99, paper. Picador. 288 pages
Stephen Mitchell’s gift is to breathe new life into ancient classics, which he’s done with the Tao, the Gita, the Odyssey, Rilke, and many other books. In The Way of Forgiveness, he offers us his riveting novelistic
version of the Biblical tale in which Jacob’s
favorite son is sold into slavery and eventually becomes viceroy of Egypt. Tolstoy called it the most beautiful story in the world. What’s new here is the lyrical, witty, vivid prose, informed by a wisdom that brings fresh insight to this foundational legend of betrayal and all-embracing forgiveness. Mitchell’s retell-
ing, which reads like a postmodern novel, interweaves the narrative with brief meditations that, with their Zen surprises, expand the narrative and illuminate its main
By stepping inside the minds of Joseph and the other characters, Mitchell reanimates one of the central stories of Western culture. The engrossing tale that he has in which he spent all but the last few weeks of his life, Merton`s influence
spread worldwide through his writing, primarily on topics related to the spiritual life—a subject which he demonstrated to be very broad indeed. His life of dialogue led him to explore a
range of contemplative practices, particularly Buddhism, and he was one of the pioneers in raising awareness of Buddhist philosophy and practice among Westerners.
Mary Gordon, as a Catholic in critical dialogue with her church, came to explore Merton relatively late in her own journey, becoming fascinated with him as a fellow writer. She documents her exploration of Merton through his books—the ups and downs of the experience, areas of disagreement and sympathy, of annoyance and, ultimately, deep connection. It is a profoundly personal view of one of the great spiritual figures of our age, by an interpreter who, while disinclined to go easy on her famous subject, nevertheless reveals a great admiration and fascination ultimate purpose is to guide, shape, nourish, and, where necessary, offer course correct ions to our entire planetary and interplanetary unfolding…
It is also and primarily supremely the realm of cosmic assistance. It is the “place” from which saints, teachers, masters, and all manner of abler souls reach out across the apparent divide between the worlds to support or where necessary modify earthly outcomes in tandem with willing and attuned hearts here below.
“This exquisitely written love story distills the intricacies of the esoteric Western traditions into a transformational elixir—both rigorous and luminous—simultaneously intoxicating and sobering.” —Mirabai Starr, author, Wild Mercy
“A brilliant synthesis that both situates the imaginal
world and gives it more meaning than it has previously
had… [Bourgeault] is a true representative of the Western spiritual tradition.” —from the afterword by A. H.
“Eye of the Heart is an immensely original piece of thinking, feeling, writing. There is nothing like it. It
opens new terrain, plants new seeds, starts them on
their way toward the light.”—Roger Lipsey, author of
Gurdjieff Reconsidered
Among Cynthia Bourgeault’s other books are The Wisdom Jesus and The Heart of Centering Prayer
created will capture the hearts and minds of modern readers and show them that this ancient story can still challenge, delight, and astonish.
In the Joseph story we can see the enlightened mind in action, the mind in harmony with the way things are, after the deadly tricks of the ego have been met with understanding. Joseph realizes that there is a vast, compassionate intelligence always at work beneath the surface of the apparent. —from the foreword “How do you honestly and deeply ‘interpret’ a dream? By dreaming it onwards. How do you honestly and deeply read a story from the Bible? By telling it onwards, again and again, with a reverent imagination. Stephen Mitchell has beautifully reimagined the Biblical story of Joseph with an enhanced retelling in exqui-
site language and with subtle insight. You won’t find a more moving, inspiring and enlightening book on the
Bible.” —Thomas Moore, author of Ageless Soul with his life and work.
JUDAISM FOR FHE WORLD Reflections on God, Life, and Love by Arthur Green $42.00, cloth. Yale. 408 pages
An internationally recognized scholar and theologian
shares a Jewish mysticism for our times.
Judaism, one of the world’s great spiritual traditions, is not addressed to Jews alone. In this masterful book, Arthur Green calls out to seekers of all sorts, offering a universal response to the eternal human questions of who we are, why we exist, where we are going, and how to live.
Drawing on over half a century as a Jewish seeker and teacher, he shows us
a Judaism that cultivates the life of the
spirit, that inspires an inward journey leading precisely toward self-transcendence, to an awareness of the universal Self in whose presence we exist. As a neo-hasidic seeker, he is both devotional and boldly questioning in his understanding of God and tradition. Engaging with the mystical sources, he translates the insights of the Hasidic masters
into a new religious language accessible to all those eager to build an inner life and a human society that treasures
the divine spark in each person and throughout Creation. “Arthur Green draws on a lifetime of scholarship, teaching, and activism to offer unparalleled insights and rare depths of soul. Written by a spiritual master, this book constitutes a religious classic that will inform and inspire all who open its pages.” —David Ellenson, Hebrew Union College
Sufism, Islam & Rumi
THE STUDY QURAN A New Translation & Commentary by Seyyed Hossein Nasr $67.99, paper. HarperCollins. 2048 pages
This new and accurate translation of the Quran offers a meticulous analysis of its theological, metaphysical, historical, and geographical teachings and backgrounds, and includes extensive study notes, special introductions by experts in the field, and is edited by a top modern Islamic scholar, respected in both the West and the Islamic world.
The Study Quran conveys the enduring
spiritual power of the Quran and offers a thorough scholarly understand-
ing of this holy text. With a two-color, two-column layout, it’s beautiful and accessible.
With an introduction by general editor, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, here is a nearly 2,000-page, discussion of the entire Quran that provides a comprehensive picture of how this sacred work has been read by Muslims for over 1,400 years.
The Quran contains above all a doctrine about the nature of reality on all its levels, from Absolute Reality Itself, that is, the One God, to the reality of creation
both macrocosmic and microcosmic… The Quran also deals fully with the nature of human beings. It teaches us who we are, why we were created and placed here on earth, what our goal in life is… The Sacred Text deals with every aspect of human concern, from the deepest intellectual questions and the most lofty spiritual issues to the mundane matters of ordinary life.
SWEET LUNACY Divine Intoxication in Sufi Lore renditions by Vraje Abramaniam $22.50, paper. Hohm. 85 pages
“Divine Intoxication” is a common theme in Middle Eastern poetry. The “wine” on which the seeker becomes “drunk” is nothing less than the nectar of love. Such “inebriation,” however, often produces unconventional behavior, even hints of madness, marking the lover as one apparently lost to the ordinary world. And so, the poetry written
by or about these “drunkards” is often saturated with perennial wisdom, with stark reflections of the truth (in vino veritas), and with a variety of prayerful longing that is found throughout all
mystical traditions.
Sweet Lunacy contains works by some of the most wellknown mystical Sufi poets from the 11th through the 14th century. But the reader will also meet lesser-known authors here whose messages, both unique and fresh, are equally inspiring.
The human heart is a candle whose only yearning is to be lit, a gaping wound biding its time by the Friend’s Presence to be filled.
Learn to endure this burning this wounded patience and waiting and someday you will witness that Love can never be taught that It can only be caught. —Rumi
While the subject matter is rare and refined, the author is clear that every human being nurses within his or her heart a nostalgia, remote and nameless, a longing for something they cannot express. This fine collection is valuable not only for the refinement of poetic content but also for the spiritual guidance of the great mystics whose voices are made available herein. Sweet Lunacy is for lovers, seekers of truth, and connoisseurs of beauty alike.
Vraje Abramian, born in Iran and a native speaker of Farsi, has worked to keep his translations as close to the meaning and cultural flavor of the originals as possible. He has researched “Wise Fools” in various cultures/religions in the Near, and Middle East, Central Asia and India.
THE BOOK OF RUMI 105 Stories and Fables that Illumine, Delight, and Inform translated by Maryam Mafi $24.95, paper. Hampton Roads. 188 pp.
Philip Pullman, author of ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy, has remarked that “after nourishment, shelter, and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” This new collection of Rumi stories fills that need.
This fresh prose translation of 105
short teaching stories by Rumi, which form the core of the six-volume
Masnavi, explores the hidden spiritual aspects of everyday experience. Rumi
transforms the seemingly mundane events of daily life into profound Sufi
teaching moments.
These stories include well-known and popular tales such as “Angel of Death,” “The Sufi and His Cheating Wife,” “Moses and the Shepherd,” “Chickpeas,” and “The Greek and Chinese Painters” as well as the less commonly quoted parables: “The Basket Weaver,” “The Mud Eater,” and “A Sackful of Pebbles.”
Reading one Rumi short story per day could easily become anyone’s ritual.
Rumi’s voice alternates between playful and authorita-
tive, whether he is telling stories of ordinary lives or inviting the discerning reader to higher levels of introspection and attainment of transcendent values. Maryam Mafi’s translations delicately reflect the nuances of Rumi’s poetry while retaining the positive tone of all of Rumi’s writings, as well as the sense of suspense and drama that mark the essence of the Masnavi.
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
ALCHEMY OF LIGHT Working with the Primal Energies of Life by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee $22.95, paper. Golden Sufi. 146 pages
Now in an updated edition, Alchemy of Light explores a simple but revolutionary idea: that the light of our spiritual nature, its en-
ergy and divine spark, can be a catalyst for
global transformation. “The work of the present time is to welcome the light of the sacred back into the world.” Delving into the inner world of ar-
chetypes and drawing on the ancient tradition of alche-
my, this reflective guide emphasizes the inner spiritual light of each individual as part of the spiritual light of the world, and as a potent agent for global change. Spiritual seekers—those interested in higher consciousness, spiritual activism, spiritual service, and the connection between spirituality and everyday life—can learn how to
recognize their own spiritual light and to work with it in service of life, expanding their spiritual horizon from their own individual journey to encompass the fate of
all of life on this planet.
Light, my light, the world-filling light,
How It Works by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee $23.95, paper. Golden Sufi. 164 pages
How can we use spiritual power to help heal and transform our world? In this new, fully revised edition, Llewellyn Vaughan-
Lee, Sufi teacher and author of Catching the
Thread, The Darkening of the Light and other books, here takes a radical approach to the problems of our present time, bringing spiritual activism to a whole new level of global involvement. He suggests that only through the activa-
tion and use of real spiritual power can we make the transition out of our present era into the future that is awaiting us: that we need spiritual power to purify and
awaken the world.
There is an ancient tradition of using spiritual power in the world and we need to reclaim this knowledge.
Spiritual Power introduces us to this esoteric tradition,
Astrology, Tarot & Oracles PARKERS’ ASTROLOGY The Definitive Guide to Using Astrology in Every Aspect of Your Life
Curious to calculate and interpret your or others’ birth charts? The new edition of this highly praised reference
trologers Julia and Derek Parker is a thorough, excellent, and accurate text-
book-workbook. Explore the world of astrology and learn how to draw and interpret your own charts with this authoritative approach to the practice. Parkers’ Astroloshowing you how to use astrology to improve every aspect of your life, from relationships and career to health and finance.
Written in an easy-to-understand style, beautifully illustrated, and filled with practical information, it is an un-
beatable reference guide for every aspiring astrologer and
those with more experience. Informative descriptions of eye-kissing light, heart-sweetening light!
Ah, the light dances, my darling,
At the centre of my life… —Tagore Sufi teacher Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, whose work integrates depth psychology and dreamwork as well, shows how to recognize
and use one’s light to work with the images that define our life, to change the collective
dream from the present materialistic nightmare to one of sustainability and global unity. He takes the reader into the archetypal primal powers underlying life, and explores how to work with these energies for global rather than just individual healing and transformation.
If we will embrace our responsibility for our part in
the world’s recreation, we can be awake at the dawn, at the moment when the world shifts on its axis and a breath from the beyond blows away the debris of the last era. We can be the future welcoming God back into
His world. Among his other books are For Love of the Real and Spiritual Ecology: 10 Practices.
Visit him at workingwithoneness.org. and shows how we can each make a dynamic contribution to help the world to evolve. It
describes the differences between worldly
and spiritual power, how we can access the light of the soul of the world, and use it to break through the forces of materialism. It also takes us into the realm of natural magic, showing how we can work with this creative energy that is needed for life’s regeneration. Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee stresses the role of the feminine at this time of transition, how she holds the secrets of life’s oneness and the patterns of relationship that are needed to reconnect us with the sacred.
This is practical mysticism on a global level, the simple wisdom that can unite heaven and earth and awaken us to the oneness of life. Without an influx of spiritual power our world will slowly die. Using this real power we
by Julia & Derek Parker $52.00, cloth. DK. 496 pages, 8x11, charts & colour illustrations
to astrology from world-renowned as-
gy guides you through the techniques,
can welcome the dawn that is waiting. the 12 sun signs, explanations of interpretative techniques, guidance on chart interpretations, and updated text on all the latest astrological developments make Parkers’ Astrology the most authoritative guide to astrology.
Included are all the tables and references you need to calculate charts—and loads of interpretive lore, in impressive detail. Astrological techniques are many, varied, complex, and always being developed and improved… There is no other discipline that has so vast a depth and breadth of theory and tradition bound up with so many other areas of life and study—including medicine, politics, warfare, magic, weather forecasting, psychology, and, of course, the contentious and fascinating area of what used to be called “prediction.” The latter is now better described as
“assessing the possibilities of the future.”…
The universe is not only stranger than we think but stranger than we can think… Very good wishes for your adventure into astrology. You will never be bored again!

All twelve signs are broken down by elements: earth, air, water, and fire. Earth signs set down roots and are concerned with the material world; air signs are motivated by inspiration, freedom, and ideas; fire signs are about excitement, creation, and change; and water signs are responsive, emotional, and deep. —from Astrology for Real Relationships by J. Lanyadoo
RUNE READING YOUR LIFE A Toolkit for Insight, Intuition, and Clarity by Delanea Davis $25.95, cloth. North Atlantic. 256 pages, b/w illustrations
Reveal the wisdom of the runes—24 Norse symbols, from the ancient word runa, meaning “secret” or “mystery”— to connect with your true self, master the art of being present, and fearlessly welcome your future’s unfolding. Like
pulling an angel card, consulting a horoscope, or reading tarot, choosing runes with a question or intention in mind allows us to draw on the divinatory magic of these ancient symbols. We can make space for dialogue with our
inner selves, convert intentions into actions, and open ourselves to being more aware and awake than we ever thought possible.
This approachable, accessible, and empowering introduction to the runes shows you how. In three practical sections, Rune Reading Your Life provides an introduction to the 24 runic symbols and their history, explains their ancient meanings, and reveals their modern interpretations. It guides readers on a 30-day transformational rune reading practice, showing how to read, interpret, and apply runic wisdom to everyday life.
KABBALAH: THE TREE OF LIFE ORACLE Sacred Wisdom to Enrich Your Life by Cherry Gilchrist $38.95, cards. Eddison. colour cards + 144-page guidebook, boxed
This oracle is based on the ancient Kabbalistic map of creation that dates back at least a thousand years in the Jewish mystery tradition. The Tree of
Life is a sacred symbol in many cultures of the world, but here it is used as a path to knowledge linking the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet with the twenty-two paths of the Tree
of Life and the astrological houses.
Each resulting word forms a rich and powerful wheel symbol that reflects a segment of the tree, depicted on a card in the oracle deck. Follow the reading sheet to lay the cards in the zigzag line of creation, and consult the guidebook to receive guidance on any life issue. Both the oracle and the tree are highly structured, and from this framework of harmony comes wisdom that you will value forever.
Cherry Gilchrist has studied meditation, Tarot and Kabbalah since her early twenties. She has also been a lifelong member of the Nine Ladies association, concerned with renewing feminine spirituality. As an author, and lifelong participant in the Western wisdom tradition, she has written definitive books on alchemy, Russian mythology, and divination.
TAROT FOR TROUBLED TIMES confront your shadow, heal your self, transform the world by Shaheen Miro & Theresa Reed $24.95, paper. Weiser. 260 pages, b/w illustrations
There is a shadow that darkens each of our inner and outer lives. In Tarot for Troubled Times, Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed help us find the light in this darkness. Learning to work with
the shadow—facing it directly and leaning into it rather than away—is
the key to becoming unstuck so we can change negative patterns into positive ones and find healing and empowerment for ourselves and others. Tarot,
as the authors show, offers a rich and subtle path for this profound transfor-
New Astrologers
YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance by Chani Nicholas $31.00, cloth. HarperCollins. 287 pages, charts
A beloved Los Angeles astrologer with more than one million fans here shows a new generation how to use astrology as a tool for self-discovery, success, and self-care. Astrologer Chani Nicholas shows you how to bring this life-changing practice into your life and embrace self-empowerment, intentionality, and spirituality. Gone are the days of “on Tuesday you will meet your prince charming” horoscopes. Instead,
Nicholas is spearheading a radical new approach to astrology. In her hip, inspirational weekly horoscopes, she doesn’t tell readers what will happen to them. Instead, she encourages her devotees to take control—to con-
Master Your Ultimate Cosmic Potential with Psychological Astrology by Jennifer Freed $28.99, cloth. Sounds True. 274 pages
Transform your life and grow into your highest potential using psychological astrology. Who am I, really? What did I come here to do?
Who am I in relationships? A good therapist will help you answer these questions; so will a good astrologer. For the last 25 years, Dr.
Jennifer Freed has combined her deep understanding of both these practices to deeply transform people’s lives. Freed introduces you to psychological
astrology as a way to dive deep into understanding your-
self and others in a profound and life-changing way. If you think of yourself as simply a Virgo or a Pisces or a
Capricorn, be prepared to expand your self-knowledge many-fold. The knowledge in this book will give you a
far more complete picture of your psychological and
emotional blueprint.
By understanding your cosmic DNA, nine core strengths, and cosmic committee, you’ll “come to trust In Tarot for Troubled Times, Miro and Reed show readers how to: ♦ Work with the archetypes of the Major Arcana to befriend our shadows ♦ Discover—through affirmations, tarot prescriptions, and other healing modalities—how to empower ourselves and find our true voices ♦ Take our newly found powers and speak out so that we can become a helpful ally for the light and begin to do our greater work in the world ♦ Calculate our astrological “birth card” so we can un-
derstand the unique wisdom hidden in the personal chal-
lenges that confront us.
Tarot for Troubled Times is not just another book on how to read the tarot—the authors provide specialty readings and suggested practices for issues such as grief, addiction, depression, fear, anger, divorce, illness, abuse, and oppression, and provide practical suggestions for stepping up as an ally or leader so that you can shape social policies. With a selection of mindful, introspective tarot spreads, you’ll learn how the tarot can help you rewrite your healing story and change your life, and help transform the world. front themselves, their desires, and their needs—to fulfill their potential using the power of the stars.
Written in her lyrical, cool-girl, feminist writing style, You Were Born for This explains how knowing your star signs and what they mean for your individual character can be revela-
tory. Understanding the astrological chart can help you refine your intentions, identify your strengths, recognize areas for growth, become more connected to your core self, and steer you on your spiritual path.
Astrology is a relentless reminder that we are the way we are on purpose. And that who we are has purpose. Has value. Has within it a blessing. The setbacks, difficulties, and challenges we face are all a part of what make
us unique. that there is a divine orchestration that guides you, that you have a purpose in the world, and that both your light and your shadows are welcome participants in your psychological and relational lives.”
Once any of us delve deeply enough into our own archetypal nature and its connection to universal themes, we become more available to help others find their way. We see how we are alike in ways that have nothing to do with our small ego concerns. We become more accepting of differences between people. Through
understanding our planetary placements, we get clear about how we can be useful and meaningful to others around us. We need social and emotional skills to do
this well.
“Jennifer Freed’s ability to tap into an acute reading of the stars and their accompanying psychological impact is enormously intuitive, revelatory, and deeply helpful. She has honed her craft to a high art form and it is both a pathway and a liberation.” —Eve Ensler,
author of The Vagina Monologues

UNTOLD TAROT The Lost Art of Reading Ancient Tarots by Caitlin Matthews $39.95, paper. Schiffer. 224 pages, colour
Discover forgotten divinatory skills, and learn to read the Tarot with confidence. Not just another Tarot book,
Untold Tarot presents historic styles of
reading little known in the modern era. It teaches traditional ways of reading used for pre-twentieth-century decks, drawing upon older cartomantic arts such as blending and pairing cards, reading lines, and following “line of sight” to piece together untold stories according to the direction in which the characters are facing. The time to rediscover these lost skills is ripe, and the practical and
personal approach presented here empowers you to read in your own fluid style and develop a full palette of skills.
The book also includes a selection of card spreads drawn from traditional French and Italian sources, plus methods of reading cards based on the author’s own extensive research.
“This is a book which will be read, re-read, and used as a book of study. Untold Tarot is an important contribution to tarot in the 21st century.” —Linda Henery, the Tarot Conservatory Caitlin Matthews is acknowledged as a world authority on Celtic Wisdom, the Western Mysteries, and the ancestral traditions of Britain and Europe. She has written over 80 books.
THE MAKING MAGICK ORACLE 36 Power Symbols for Manifesting Your Dreams by Priestess Moon $31.95, cards. Rockpool. 36 colour cards + 96-page guidebook, boxed
Symbols have been used as talismans for thousands of years to attract good luck, prosperity, healing, love, and success, as well as being employed as amulets to repel unwanted influences. Enter the charmed world of magickal symbols!
Featuring a dynamic combination of medieval charms,
THE ANGEL GUIDE ORACLE by Kyle Gray $25.99, cards. Hay House. 44 colour cards + guidebook, boxed
From Kyle Gray, a bestselling angel author, this oracle deck reminds us—and illustrates how—loving, divine guidance is always available to anyone.
The Angel Guide Oracle card deck is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, bringing together 44 guardian angels with powerful, loving and insightful messages that will guide and inspire. Everyone has one or more angels with them at all times; they are always there to offer guidance and support. This oracle
deck encourages spiritual seekers to connect with their very own angels. Instead of focusing on named angels or higher
THE HEART PATH ORACLE CARDS Miraculous Messages of Love by Nadine Gordon-Taylor $37.50, cards. Bear & Company. 53 colour cards + 128 page guidebook
Beautifully illustrated with images of animals, birds, insects, plants, esoteric symbols, and transformative myths from around the world, the 53 full-color cards of The Heart Path Oracle Cards of-
fer a gateway to the invisible—a gateway into the
path of the heart. Working with the cards, you step through a portal uniting you with your higher consciousness. Immersing yourself in the vivid art on each card—from deer, bison, bluebirds, and ladybugs to platypus, ferns, ankhs, and the Tree of Life—will help you activate and align with loving energies that resonate and confirm your own soul-self. In the accompanying guidebook, artist Nadine Gordon-Taylor shares the years of research into animal
THE GREEN WITCH ORACLE Discover Real Secrets of Botanical Magick by Cheralyn Darcey $31.95, cards. Rockpool. 44 colour cards + 144-page guidebook, boxed
Learn and explore the hidden powers of the Green Witch and her sacred herbs, plants, and flowers through folklore, healing properties, garden magick, and hidden messages.
Heighten your intuition through 44 cards of botanical magick in the Green Witch Oracle and discover sacred messages of support and guidance to enhance your power, and cast your
ORACLE OF THE 7 ENERGIES by Collette Baron-Reid $28.99, cards. Hay House. 49 colour cards + guidebook, boxed
Acclaimed teacher Colette Baron-Reid presents a 49-card deck based on the power of 7 energies.
The powerful energy of the number seven is reflected in belief systems and cultures throughout history… and in your own life today. As you will learn in this oracle, the wisdom of the energy of seven can be seen in the way you think, how you make decisions, what you encounter within yourself, and the conditions of your world. Drawing upon the
power of seven, this oracle reveals how we as individuals experience our lives, giving us a framework from which to make
inspired choices as we co-create our reality.
Within this oracle, the concept of the seven energies can be said to apply to the totality of your life’s story:
The way you think… How you make your choices… What you encounter within yourself… The conditions of your world as you
ancient symbols, alchemical glyphs, and Priestess Moon’s own channeled sigils, each card depicts a
powerful cypher that has been designed to tilt the future in your favor. Light a candle and let the cypher work its magick or carry a symbol card with you during the day. Priestess Moon is an Australian artist and runs Priestess Moon Design, which specializes in bespoke artworks, handmade spells, sabbat cards, and oracle decks, including The Enchanted Spell Oracle and Making Magick Mini Cards.
beings from spiritual texts, this deck is open to interpretation so that it offers a space for everyone
to find an angel they relate to. Some messages in this oracle guide the seeker to develop their own interpretations in an intuitive way (‘Blessings and Abundance’, ‘Surrender, and ‘Divine Timing’) while others prompt positive action from the seeker (‘Take a Step Back’, ‘Clear, Cancel and Release’, ‘Expect Miracles’ and ‘No!’). The Angel Guide Oracle can be easily used by complete beginners and will inspire spiritual seekers wherever they are on their journey to tap into their intuition and feel their angels’ presence by their side.
The radiant, angelically illuminated artwork is by Jennifer Hawkyard.
symbolism and world cultures that laid the founda-
tion for her art. She explores how to use the cards intuitively and explains how the deck was designed to reveal unconscious emotional patterns, shift us from old ways of thinking, and resonate with the vibration of unconditional love. For each card,
she offers an explanation of its title and symbolism, a channeled message of love, and an affirmation to implement the message of the card in
your life. Cards include Programming Your Highest Intentions, Vision Questing, Karmic Forgiveness, Spiritual DNA, Melody of Thought, and many more. Designed to be felt rather than intellectually experienced, the symbols on the cards are your mentors and offer profound insights to help you along your path.
When you choose a card you are intuitively guided to what is most right for you at the moment. Trust that process
and know that you are held in the heart of Divine love.
own special rituals and spells.
These forty-four cards allow you to draw upon both the magickal and medicinal aspects of the
garden. Ethnobotanical and plant folklore historical facts are sprinkled throughout the guidebook enclosed, along with gardening advice and spells.
Oracle meanings are completely aligned with the doctrine of signatures to enable this deck to be
used as a complementary medicine modality tool.
Cheralyn Darcey is a naturalist, botanical alchemist, botanical history author, eco-artist, organic gardener, sustainable florist, and the author of several books and oracle decks.
journey forward… What new horizons will be available when you have the tools to co-create a new and aligned life story?
With guidance from intuitive oracle expert Co-
lette Baron-Reid, you can now awaken to the power of Source within you, becoming a channel for Divine abundance and miracles.
Oracle Cards can help you with your smaller, everyday questions as much as they can with the big ones that advance
your spiritual and personal growth. While your focus might be on how to evolve spiritually, it’s equally important to be in this world, here and now. Wisdom must also be practical so you can live your life embodying courage and grace. With The Oracle of the 7 Energies, you will gain insight into the energies moving your daily life and material world… as well as those moving in your higher self and the spiritual realms. Among the other decks by Colette Baron-Reid are Spirit Animal Oracle and Wisdom of the Oracle Divination Cards.
Three New Tarot Decks
THE GRAIL TAROT A Templar Vision by John Matthews $51.99, cards. Schiffer. 78 colour cards + 192-page illustrated book
The Grail legend is one of the most famous mysteries the world has ever known. This 78-card Tarot deck with spectacular
Renaissance-style art by Giovanni Caselli
relates to the quest for this sacred Christian relic and connects it to our desire to understand the puzzles within our own lives. Characters drawn from over 2,000 years of fascinating Grail history—including the enigmatic Knights Templar, one of the most influential groups of the Middle Ages—take their place in the Major Arcana. The
suits are represented by the four Grail Hallows: Stone, Sword, Lance, and Vessel. Discover the symbolism and stories of the Grail as a universal and potent represen-
tation of the search for truth, and find how to connect them with your own spiritual quest.
A 78-card deck and guidebook by Chris-Anne Expect magic, exploration, and inspiration—a new deck from the artist/creator of
The Light-Seer’s Tarot. Infused with a wildly eclectic spirit, Chris-
Anne’s The Muse Tarot will illuminate your path towards inspiration and magic with its bright symbolism and powerful Muse energy. The suits are recast as Emotions (Cups), Inspiration (Wands), Voices (Swords), and Materials (Pentacles) to deliver messages from the source of creation. The detailed guidebook contains card
meanings, poetry, and word prompts to offer insight into your readings while stoking the sparks of your cre-
ativity. Allure/Arouse/Ignite the Muse within!
A Deck and Guidebook Inspired by Deities, Folklore, and Fairy
Tales from Around the World by Yoshi Yoshitani 78 colour cards + guidebook in a box
The path of enlightenment is unique for each of us, but many of the lessons we learn are shared stories passed among cultures and generations. With rich, vibrant art and a keen understanding
of traditional tarot archetypes, illustrator Yoshi Yoshitani infuses Tarot of the Divine with worldly insight and an intriguing selection of fables and folktales from cul-
tures across the globe. The Major Arcana cards are brought to life with characters from beloved stories who embody the fool’s jour-
Metaphysics & Philosophy THE RETURN OF HOLY RUSSIA Apocalyptic History, Mystical Awakening, and the Struggle for the Soul of the World by Gary Lachman $39.99, cloth. Inner Traditions. 438 pages
At the turn of the 20th century, a period known as the Silver Age, Russia was undergoing a powerful spiritual and cultural rebirth. It was a time of magic and mysticism that saw a vital resurgence of interest in the occult and a creative intensity not seen in the West since the Renaissance. This was the time of the God-Seekers, pilgrims of the soul
and explorers of the spirit who sought the salvation of the
world through art and ideas. These sages and their visions of Holy Russia are returning to prominence now through “This deck holds something more. It is a
Journey, a Course, a Magical Maze through which one can work a slow steady pathway to
the very centre of oneself… and find there what all who tread the paths of self-knowledge desire… the meeting of the higher and lower Selves.” —Dolores Ashcrost-Nowicki “This is a deck to be discovered slowly, taking time to form a relationship with each card. It is not for the faint of heart or those looking for a quick fix for their problems, but a deck to be studied and savored as it re-
veals its mysteries. One of the greatest joys
of this deck is the artwork.” —Brian and Wendy Froud John Matthews has been a practicing shaman for over thirty years and is a leading authority on the Grail and Arthurian legends and the Tarot. The author of a number of successful divinatory systems based on early spiritual beliefs, he has also acted as advisor on several motion pictures, including Jerry Bruckheimer’s King
$35.99, cards. Hay House.
$25.99, cards. Random House.
Arthur. Deck creators are forever pushing the limits of tarot’s suits and cards, working within the confines of what makes a deck truly a tarot deck—78 cards, 4 suits, majors and minors, etc.—to shake loose new ways to innovate with these strictly ordered cards. This is a very successful reinterpretation of the
traditional suits that stays very true to the source material but truly offers users a new and unique
experience. Chris-Anne is the author and designer of this deck, which means she is able to infuse the artwork itself with layered significance that will make a difference to discerning deck buyers with its attention to detail and artistry. This unique deck features images that look to be from high-fashion photo spreads that look to be seen through a kaleidoscope of color and movement.
ney, from the Danish fable of the naive Little Mermaid(a character who represents The Fool) to China’s Beauty and the Beast (The Lovers) to the Maori legend of Hinemoa and Tutanekai (The World). The archetypes of the Minor Arcana—focused on suits of cups, coins, swords, and wands—are made richer with diverse cultural fables, ancient mythologies, and spiritual legends like the Crane Wife (Japan), Aladdin (Persia), Jack and the Beanstalk (England), Fenrir (Norway), Oedipus (Greece), the Pandavas (India), and dozens more.
As you acquaint yourself with your cards, a 44-page guidebook illuminates how these fables support tra-
ditional tarot imagery and themes. With fables from more than forty countries, this spiritual journey is a worldly experience like no other. Russian president Vladimir Putin, who, inspired by their ideas, envisions a new Eurasian civilization with Russia as its leader. Exploring Russia’s long history of mysticism and apocalyptic thought, Gary Lachman examines Russia’s
unique position between East and West and its potential role in the future of the world. Lachman discusses Russia’s original Slavic paganism and its eager adoption of mystical and apocalyptic Eastern Orthodox
Christianity. He explores the Silver Age and its occult revival with a look at Rasputin’s prophecies, Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Roerich’s Red Shambhala, and the philosophies of Berdyaev and Solovyov. He looks at Russian Rosicrucianism, the Illuminati Scare, Russian Freemasonry, and the rise of other secret societies in Russia. He explores the Russian character as that of the holy fool, as seen in the great Russian literature of the 19th century, especially Dostoyevsky. He also examines the psychic research performed by the Russian government throughout the 20th century and the influence of Evola and the esoteric right on the spiritual and political milieus in Russia.
Through in-depth exploration of the philosophies that inspire Putin’s political regime and a look at Russia’s unique cultural identity, Lachman ponders what they will mean for the future of Russia and the world. What drives the Russian soul to pursue the apocalypse? Will these philosophers lead Russia to dominate the world, or will they lead it into a new cultural epoch centered on spiritual power and mystical wisdom? “The Return of Holy Russia is a startlingly brave and thrilling work of historicism and political-mystical philosophy. I found it absolutely enthralling.” —Mitch Horowitz, author of The Miracle Club
Among Gary Lachman’s many other books are Dark Star Rising and The Secret Teachers of the Western World.
WISDOM OF SOULS Case Studies of Life Between Lives by the Michael Newton Institute $26.99, paper. Llewellyn. 255 pages
Following in the footsteps of Dr. Michael Newton’s bestselling books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls, this book shares awe-inspiring stories of healing and wisdom experienced by real people. Discover what it’s like to make an astral journey to the realm of spirit, where guides and higher beings of love and light await to provide instruction and warm encouragement.
Compiled by members of the Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy, these fascinating case studies provide profound spiritual
insights and lessons that will help you work through and release past traumas that may be influencing your current life. The stories focus specifically on some of the most common challenges faced by people in the modern world, including:
Facing a Health Crisis Anxiety and Depression Healing from Loss Navigating Romantic Relationships Moving from Self Sabotage to Strength Growing Through Family Conflict Nurturing Relationships Balancing Career and Finances Transforming from a Brush with Death Aging and Dying.
Life Between Lives sessions offer a way to connect with our real self while immersed in the human experience. The cases have demonstrated how to receive guidance from our higher self, guides, and wise beings, and how to
gain a unique perspective on our lives.
THE SCHOOL OF LIFE An Emotional Education introduced by Alain de Botton $22.50, paper. School Of Life. 310 pages, b/w illustrations
Emotional intelligence affects every aspect of the way we live, from romantic to professional relationships, from our inner resilience to our social success. It is arguably the single most important skill for surviving the twenty-first century. But what does it really mean? One decade ago,
Alain de Botton founded The School of Life, an institute dedicated to understanding and improving our emotional intelligence. Now he presents the gathered wisdom of those ten years in a wide-ranging and innovative compendi-
um of emotional intelligence which forms an introduction
We aren’t ever done with the odd business of becoming that most extraordinary and prized of things, an emotionally mature person—or, to put it a simpler way, an almost grown-up adult. In an ideal society, it would be not only children who were known to need an education. All adults would recognize that they inevitably required continuing education of an emotional kind and would remain active followers of a psychological curriculum.
Schools devoted to emotional intelligence would be open for everyone, so that children would feel that they were participating in the early stages of a lifelong process.
Using his trademark mixture of analysis and anecdote, philosophical insight and practical wisdom, he considers how we interact with each and with ourselves, and how we can do so better. From the reigning master of popular
philosophy, The School of Life: An Emotional Education is an
essential look at the skill set that defines our modern lives.
We need to be sophisticated enough not to reject a truth because it sounds like something we already know. We need to be mature enough to bend down and pick up governing ideas in their simplest guises. We need to remain open to vast truths that can be stated in the language of a child.
The School of Life “can be found online, in stores, and in welcoming spaces around the globe. For more information, see: www.theschooloflife.com.”
Transmissions & Revelations
AWAKENING IN THE DREAM Contact with the Divine by David Wilcock $39.95, cloth. Knopf. 562 pages
A UFO researcher suddenly comes into telepathic contact with the very beings he has been so avidly studying? What happens when tapes of these “readings” begin predicting the future with astonishing precision—and
speaking about an incredible upcoming event in which all life in our solar system will undergo a spontaneous transfiguration?
David Wilcock is a master at weaving together cutting-edge alternative science, esoteric insider information, and his own personal experiences to reveal stunning truths about humanity, extraterrestrials, and the universe we share. In Awakening in the Dream, David again
combines his extensive research, the Law of One series, new insider revelations, and his own connection with the divine to bring humanity closer to full disclosure than ever
before—as well as help you activate your full potential on the eve of ascension. A TV personality, filmmaker, lecturer, and consciousness expert, David Wilcock is the perfect person to guide readers through the hidden realities of our world. With its myriad information, anecdotes, “Big Picture” compar-
ative analysis, and trustworthy messages channeled direct-
ly from the highest-level angelic sources, Awakening in the Dream promises to be his most astounding book yet.
For those of us who “do the homework” and prepare ourselves for this fascinating global transformation, our everyday lives will become indistinguishable from a lucid dream… We may well find ourselves awakening within the dream we once were so convinced was reality. “David Wilcock is a leading thinker who makes a magnificent case...that a Golden Age is indeed within our grasp and can be brought into manifestation if only we choose to make it so.”—Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints
of the Gods
Transmissions / Higher Frequencies
ALCHEMY: A CHANNELED TEXT The Beyond the Known Trilogy #2 by Paul Selig $22.99, paper. Picador. 304 pages
Renowned channeler Paul Selig shares the wisdom of The Guides:
Trust yourselves, please, to embark on this journey with us. Trust yourselves, please, to know each station as it reveals itself to you.
And trust us, if you wish, to direct you only in the ways that you require. In Alchemy: A Channeled Text, The Guides offer us a way to engage the transformational process of moving beyond a limited interpretation of the self and into a place of true manifestation. As humanity stands at a crossroads, the voices of The Guides offer insight and a path forward.
Paul Selig, the author of Beyond the Known: Realization,
A Guidebook for the Journey into
Higher Dimensions by Judith Corvin-Blackburn $22.50, paper. Bear & Company. 284 pp.
We are in a time of great transition. Higher
frequency light is flooding our planet, awak-
ening large numbers to reclaim our original nature as fifth-dimensional humans. As 5D humans, we live from our hearts wisdom, from Unity Consciousness, unconditional love, and unbridled creativity. 5D humans have highly developed inner senses of empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, and clairsentience—qualities that are opening for many as we go through this dimensional shift. While this journey is exciting, its demands can be overwhelming. In this hands-on guide to activating the 5D potential lying dormant in our DNA, Judith Corvin-Blackburn shows us how to navigate the Ascension
process, including how to handle emotions, resistances,
Previous books by David Wilcock include The Source Mysteries.
Business & Work by Kai Romhardt, Welter
This no-nonsense Zen approach to our economic realities can change everything and help us regain our freedom.
Is it possible to be personally fulfilled, and also make a difference within our current financial system? If you’re skeptical, business coach and Zen practitioner Kai Romhardt proposes a minimalist, awareness-based
strategy that totally reconfigures our core economic relationships: work,
consumption, and money.
How do we do that? We need to pause, breathe, and get in touch with our true intentions. Too often, we think of the economy as something outside of us, as beyond the scope of our individual choices. We’re unhappy with how things are going, with unthinking growth that polarizes our world and condenses wealth at the top, but we don’t know what to do. Romhardt argues that individuals who wield a sharp Buddhist mindset can,
is one of the foremost spiritual channels in the world. Alchemy is composed of the pure,
unedited words of the Guides as they have been channeled through Paul. Their message is poignant and beautifully written, humming with wisdom and insight for all who are ready and willing to receive their words.
You are sung, in every moment, through your true expression. And your expression now, as a result of this endeavour with us, is about to shift in ways that you will know and see in your experience. Be prepared, friends, for a new sky, a new world, a new song—to be sung by your lips, seen with your eyes, and experienced through the senses that have been afforded a higher accord to what has always been true. Among the other books by Paul Selig are The Book of
Knowing and Worth and The Book of Freedom.
and fears and welcome our 5D frequencies. Using the 9-dimensional-axis theory first ex-
plored by Barbara Hand Clow, the author details what is happening psychologically, emotionally, and socially with the dimensional shift, including revealing the denser, pain-inducing frequency of being a 3D human and the challenges of the 4th dimension. She
offers transformative activations and tools to explore and master the psycho-spiritual
demands of this transition, including identifying and integrating the shadow self, healing emotional wounds that hold us back, and discovering higher frequencies and the cellular vibration of unconditional love and Oneness. Once we reclaim ourselves as loving, conscious, creator beings and realize we are part of a global 5D team, together we can consciously help co-create a New Earth by anchoring the 5D frequency in both our inner and
Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key, and The Ascension
WE ARE THE ECONOMY The Buddhist Way of Work, Consumption, and Money $22.95, paper. Parallax. 256 pages
outer worlds. in fact, create change through personal decisions: when
we can see in to society, and in to our constructs, we become empowered to choose deeply real and purposeful
“Written in an engaging and pragmatic voice, this book offers a compassionate, meaningful approach to an area of our lives that has been so often associated with greed, toxicity, unethical practices and a winner vs. loser mindset.” —Lion’s Roar
“Kai shows us how the practices of stopping and of deep looking can become powerful instruments to overcome the suffering caused by our current economic thinking and acting.” —from the foreword by Thich Nhat
A SMALL FARM FUTURE Making the Case for a Society Built Around Local Economies, Self-Provisioning, Agricultural Diversity, and a Shared Earth by Chris Smaje $32.95, paper. Chelsea Green. 288 pages
In a time of looming uncertainties, what would a truly
resilient society look like? British farmer and social scientist Chris Smaje argues that organizing society around small-scale farming offers the soundest, sanest and most reasonable response to climate change and other crises of civilization—and will yield humanity’s best chance at survival. Drawing on a vast range of sources from across a multitude of disciplines, A Small Farm Future analyses the com-