82 minute read
Tibetan Buddhism
Thich Nhat Hanh & Plum Village
HOW TO CONNECT by Thich Nhat Hanh $13.50, paper. Parallax. 124 pages
The simple, refreshing meditations of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh give us the
tools to restore our inherent connection to nature, each other, our ancestors, and ourselves.
With our world experiencing the deep effects of loneliness, environmental detachment, and digital overload, this eighth pocket-sized How To book reminds us of our crucial need to connect to ourselves, our ancestors, and nature. Written with characteristic simplicity and kind-
ness, these wise meditations teach us how to remem-
ber, at any time, our fundamental gift of belonging. All
EVERYDAY PEACE CARDS 108 Mindfulness Meditations by Thich Nhat Hanh $24.95, paper. Shambhala. 58 cards with instructions in a box
Inspiring, joyful, and deeply insightful, this deck of cards offers 108 contemplations from one of today’s most important spiritual teachers. Thich Nhat Hanh’s powerful and transformative words of wisdom bring you accessible teachings and daily opportunities to make peace with yourself, those around you, and the earth. Everyday Peace Cards
show us that “when we come back to ourselves and stay grounded in the present moment, we can handle even the most challenging of situations and peace becomes possible.”
Because you are here, now, you have arrived. You are home. These cards are a reminder that we can practice
Zen koans, beginning some 1500 years ago, refer to stories or questions arising in encounters between monks ters, and include commentaries designed to help the Zen practitioner awaken. Koans like Hakuin’s What is the sound of one hand clapping? are wellknown, and the word koan has even gone mainstream.
Thousands of classic koans emerged from the lives of monks living inside a Chinese or Japanese culture, and the commentaries on those koans contain poetic elements and images that have proved challenging for many Westerners.
The Book of Householder Koans is a collection of koans created by 21st century Zen practitioners living a lay life in the West. The koans deal with the challenges of relationships, raising children, work, money, love, loss, old age, and death, and come from practitioners across three con-
tinents, and with commentaries by two Western teachers.
The collection is based on the premise that our lives as householders contain situations rich with challenge and grit, the equivalents of old Zen masters shouts or blows meant to sweep the ground right from under their students. They become koans, or koan practice, when they jolt us out of our usual way of thinking, when were no longer observers of our lives but plunge in, closing the gap between ourselves and the situation we face. Mindfulness Essentials books are illustrated with playful sumi-ink drawings by California artist Jason DeAntonis.
Every second has in itself many jewels, and each minute, each second, is itself a jewel. When we look into the jewel of this very second, we see the sky, the earth, the trees, the hills, the river, and the ocean—so beautiful! Let us profit deeply from each moment that is given us to live.
Other volumes in this lovely series that introduces How to Love, How to Fight, How to See, How to Sit, How to Walk, How to Eat, and How to Relax.
everyone to the essentials of mindfulness practice are peace at any moment in any day. We do this simply by stopping whatever else we are doing, returning to our in-breath and out-breath, and bringing our awareness to the present moment and the conditions for happiness in us and around us.
Each card in this collection has a single teaching or practice on each side of the card – 108 mindfulness meditations in all.
Consider the reading on the card as your practice for the day. You might find it helpful to display the card in your home or workplace using the enclosed card stand. Or keep the card with you in your bag to use whenever you want a moment of practice…
Try to stick with the card you randomly chose for the day, rather than to keep searching for the “right” card. Each one has something in it that may be unexpectedly
THE BOOK OF HOUSEHOLDER KOANS Waking Up in the Land of Attachments by Eve Myonen Marko $26.50, paper. Monkfish. 266 pages
and old Chinese and Japanese mas-
useful for you that day. uniqueness of each moment of the situation as a blessing to penetrate and, finally, even appreciate?...
What are you waiting for? Plunge in!
“Radical, useful, and wild, this rich collection of householder koans opens a treasure house of wisdom for all.
What a wonderful adventure in the practical mind and heart of true Zen and true life.” —Joan Halifax, Abbot, Upaya Zen Center
“A wonderfully wise, knowing, and light-hearted look at how we can live this one precious unrepeatable human life in beauty.” —Norman Fischer, author of The World Could
Be Otherwise
“These two extraordinary Zen teachers offer a cutting-edge immersion into the koans of our actual lives, issue by issue, urging us to plunge in, and be intimate with what actually is, in this very moment.” —Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, author of Most Intimate
Tibetan Buddhism
TARA The Liberating Power of the Female Buddha by Rachel Wooten $23.50, paper. Sounds True. 274 pages
A practical guide for invoking the power and blessings of Tara, the beloved female Buddhist deity of Tibet
“Tara connects you to the archetypal Divine Feminine,” writes Dr. Rachael Wooten, “an energetic force that exists within us and all around us.” While there are many scholarly books on Tara, this practical, psychological
guide shows how those of any tradition can directly access her, through clear instruction and authentic Tibetan Buddhist teachings.
In her myriad forms, Tara—also known as the female Buddha of Tibet—has the power to protect us from inner and outer negativity, illuminate our self-sabotaging habits, cleanse mental and physical poisons, open us to abundance, give us strength and peace, help us fulfill our life purposes, and more. Here, readers
explore each of the 21 manifestations of Tara, engaging with each through traditional meditations, visualizations, praises, mantra chants, and the author’s extensive experience as a depth psychologist.
Along with detailed practice instructions, I will share stories from my life and the lives of friends, colleagues, clients, and Tara devotees to illustrate how meditating on Tara helps with our common struggles to attain spiritual and psychological maturity—challenges such a claiming personal authority, spiritual development, shadow work, isolations, shame, self-judgment, fear, and projection. You will learn key principles to empower your meditations.
“If ever the voice of wisdom and compassion was needed in the form of an awakened female figure such as Tara,” writes Wooten, “that time is now.” This book illuminates the way to her healing, blessings, and aid.
Rachel Wooten is a psychologist and a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst. She has been mentored by spiritual teachers such as her Tibetan root guru Lodro Tulku Rinpoche and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi.
SOMATIC DESCENT How to Unlock the Deepest Wisdom of the Body by Reginald Ray $23.95, paper. Shambhala. 180 pages Here’s a powerful meditation practice for connecting with your body’s innate, guiding wisdom.
Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about a certain person or situation? Or a sense of intuition about how to respond to a particular challenge in your life? There’s nothing magical or mystical about those kinds of scenarios. In fact, our body contains immense wisdom not directly available to our conscious mind, and it is continually communicating to us in the form of bodily feelings, impressions, sensations, corporeal intuitions, and felt senses. However, because most of us are so cut off from our somatic experience, we are quite unaware of this dimension of our body’s expression. Although this intelligence may feel hidden most of the time, the wisdom of the body can ac-
tually be a guide for us in living our lives fully and also in responding compassionately to others.
Through a meditation practice called Somatic Descent, Reggie Ray shows us how to connect with our body’s intuitive intelligence. In Somatic Descent we see that the body
is always showing us what sort of response, direction, or
action may be called for at any given time, and can in fact be relied upon as a primary practical resource for deci-
The Buddhist on Death Row—Still!
THE BUDDHIST ON DEATH ROW How One Man Found Light in the Darkest Place by David Sheff $36.00, cloth. Simon & Schuster. 248 pp.
Jarvis Jay Masters has become one of America’s most inspiring Buddhist practitioners while locked in a cell on death row. Yet his early life was a horror story whose outline we know too well. Born in Long Beach, California, his house was filled with crack, alcohol, physical abuse, and men who paid his mother for sex. He and his siblings were split up and sent to foster care when he was five, and he progressed quickly to juvenile detention, car theft, armed robbery, and ultimately San Quentin. While in prison, he was
set up for the murder of a guard—a conviction which landed him on death row, where he’s been since 1990.
At the time of his murder trial, he was held in solitary confinement, torn by rage and anxiety, felled by headaches, seizures, and panic attacks. A criminal investigator repeatedly offered to teach him breathing exercises which he repeatedly refused. Until desperation moved him to ask her how to do “that meditation shit.” With
How Death Row Broke and Opened My Heart by Jarvis Jay Masters $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 148 pages
In this collection of stories, essays, poems,
and letters from death-row inmate Jarvis Jay
Masters, he explores the meaning of true freedom on his road to inner peace through
Buddhist practice. He reveals the life of a young man surrounded by violence, his entanglement in the criminal justice system, and—following an encounter with Tibetan
Buddhist teacher Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche—an unfolding commitment to nonviolence and peacemaking. At turns joyful, heartbreaking, frightening, and soaring with profound insight, Masters’s story offers a
vision of hope and the possibility of freedom in even the darkest of times.
Jarvis Masters has lived on Death Row since 1985. He is still awaiting his appeal. Finding Freedom is his deeply moving memoir written from the netherworld of San
Quentin’s death row. Jarvis’s 40 short essays are sometimes sad, raw, funny, poignant, revelatory, frightening, soul-stirring, and uplifting. They trace his spiritual growth in an environment where despair and death are constant companions. sion-making in our everyday life. The book includes links
to online audio recordings of the guided meditations to further aid the reader.
Somatic Descent leads us through a progressive journey into full presence and engagement with the wisdom of our three aspects: (1) it opens up an unconditioned, experiential space in our own being to receive and witness all the realities of our life and death, and those of others—the world we have to be in and interact with; (2) it brings us to an intimate, powerfully somatic, felt experience and connection with what this universe is, including all its realms and beings; and (3) it unleashes the natural and spontaneous responsiveness, the unconditional love, that is an integral part of our awakened nature and that, alone, can be of most benefit to this world of ours. What realization could possibly be more complete or more ultimate or more fulfilling than this? Among Reggie Rays’s other books are Touching Enlighten-
uncanny clarity, David Sheff describes Masters’s gradu al but profound transformation from a man dedicated to hurting others to one who has prevented violence on the prison yard, counseled high school kids by mail, and helped prisoners—and even guards—
find meaning in their lives. Along the way, Masters becomes drawn to the principles that Buddhism espouses—compassion, sacrifice, and living in the moment—and he gains the admiration of Buddhists worldwide, including many of the faith’s most renowned practitioners. And while he is
still in San Quentin and still on death row, he is a renowned Buddhist thinker who shows us how to ease
our everyday suffering, relish the light that surrounds us, and endure the tragedies that befall us all.
Set in a place of unremitting violence, insanity, confusion, and rage, Masters’s story traverses the haunted caverns and tributaries of loneliness, despair, trauma, and other suffering—terrain we all know too well—and arrives at healing, meaning, and wisdom. Again and again, I have felt deeply Masters’s power to inspire. His spiritual practice is outrageously inventive; it’s often hilarious to see how Masters flips a situation, using the tricks of an environment he knows better than any other. It’s fascinating to read a well-written book about prison life—a life that is closed to many of us. The characters are vivid, funny, often terrifying. Masters’s simple and di-
rect style gives the sense that he’s living at the end of the line and doesn’t need to lie to anyone, least of all himself.
I began to write stories about my life so I could look into it, understand it more fully. My writing and spiritual practice have become inseparable... If I am executed, there will be some who believe I deserved it. But those who want to try to make sense of it will see, through my writing, a human being who made mistakes. Maybe my writing will at least help them see me as someone who felt, loved, and cared. My writing will hopefully show those people that they could easily have been me.
“This is one of my favorite books, which I have often referred to in my teachings.” —Pema Chodron
Also by Jarvis Masters is That Bird Has My Wings: The Autobiography of an Innocent Man on Death Row.
This insightful collection of teachings about death and dying helps us face life’s greatest mystery with equanimity.
ing, designing, and structuring every aspect of our lives, but how many people are willing to contemplate the inevitability of death? Although dying is an essential part of life, it is an uncomfortable topic that most people avoid. With no idea what will happen when we die and a strong desire to sidestep the conversation, we make all kinds of assumptions.
Living Is Dying collects teachings about death and the bardos that have been passed down through a long lineage of brilliant Buddhist masters, each of whom went to
great lengths to examine the process in minute detail. Renowned author and teacher Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse responds to the most common questions he’s been asked about death and dying—exploring how one prepares for death, what to say to a loved one who is dying, and prayers
and practices to use as a handhold when approaching the
unknown territory of death. Whether you are facing death today or decades from now, preparing for it can help to allay your worst fears and help you appreciate what it means to be truly alive.
At death, the laws of nature shear away your physical senses and your mind is left naked and entirely alone. As you no longer have eyes made of flesh and blood, everything you perceive is raw and unfiltered…
Buddhism tells us that for a spiritual practitioner, the instant of complete nakedness we call the “moment
of death” is extremely precious. At death, the forces of nature actually help us to appreciate, recognize and grab hold of the innate nature that has always been within us, our buddha nature—the Buddha. That is why the moment of death is especially precious to a practitioner who is already acquainted with the nature of mind, and why Buddhists develop the skills and abilities we need to make the most of the opportunities that death naturally brings while we are still alive. Among the other books by this author are What Makes
You Not a Buddhist and The Guru Drinks Bourbon?
RADICALLY HAPPY A User’s Guide to the Mind by Phakchok Rinpoche & Erric Solomon $25.95, paper. Shambhala. 220 pages, colour illustrations
Get to know your own mind, stop judging, and be attentive— here’s a Buddhist guide to happiness that’s relevant to everyone. Beautifully colourful too! East meets West in a fresh, modern take on a timeless challenge: how to find contentment and meaning in life.
A longtime meditator and seasoned Silicon Valley entrepreneur meets a young, insightful, and traditionally
educated Tibetan Rinpoche. Together they present a path to radical happiness through accessible meditation and mindfulness techniques. Following three parts, the authors guide readers through Basic Happiness, Interconnected Happiness, and finally Radical Happiness, with each section building on itself to form a complete program. Filled with personal stories, sci-
entific studies, suggested daily plans, and step-by-step exercises, this is the perfect introduction to meditation and
Buddhist thought. It’s a thoughtful exploration of modern science and ancient wisdom—there’s no dumbing things
the body—the wisdom of our body. It leads us back to ment, The Awakening Body, and The Practice of Pure Awareness.
LIVING IS DYING How to Prepare for Death, Dying and Beyond by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse $24.95, paper. Shambhala. 242 pp, colour
Lifetimes of effort go into organiz-
down—yet it doesn’t take itself too seriously. But meditators or not, we all need an easy-to-use,
pragmatic operator’s manual for the mind. You’ve
found it here…
Phakchok Rinpoche hails from a long line of meditation masters… His earthy tales of dealing with life’s stuff mix with his remarkably clear and accessible instructions— heart advice for navigating the tricky shoals of our own mind…
Erric Solomon speaks in the no-nonsense voice of a techie but with the clarity of the seasoned practitioner, presenting mind-training methods in a way that resonates with our wired world. —from the foreword by Daniel Goleman and Tara Bennett-Goleman
Pema Chodron on Courage
WELCOMING THE New in UNWELCOME Paperback Wholehearted Living in a Brokenhearted World by Pema Chodron $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 192 pages
From the beloved author of When Things Fall Apart comes this open-hearted call for human connection, compassion, and learning to love the world just as it is during these most challenging times.
In her first new book of spiritual teachings in over seven years, Pema Chödrön offers a combination of wisdom, heartfelt reflections, and the signature mix of humor and insight that have made her a beloved figure to turn to during times of change. In an increasingly polarized world, Pema shows us how to strengthen our abilities to find common ground, even when we disagree, and influence our environment in positive ways.
Sharing never-before told personal stories from her re-
markable life, simple and powerful everyday practices, and directly relatable advice, Pema encourages us all to become triumphant bodhisattvas—compassionate beings—in times of hardship.
There’s more at stake in learning about spirituality
Working Compasionately with Difficult Emotions New on CD by Pema Chodron $32.50, 4 CDs. Sounds True. 3.2 hours
In the midst of fear, anger, or sadness it may seem impossible to find our ground.
Yet, the feelings we want to avoid the most can open the way to fearlessness, our basic goodness, and true freedom. Beloved Tibetan Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron has a unique gift for helping those of all faiths to work with their most difficult inner and outer challenges. In
this supportive series of talks, listeners will join her at
her best—showing us the way back to our wisest and most heartful selves.
Here, Pema shares three simple, time-honored steps
to practice when we are in pain or crisis:
Finding the stillness and space within our inner storms so that we can act rather than react
Using all of our felt experiences—positive and negative—as a direct path not only to immediate relief, but to real courage, nurtured through compassion
Transforming our emotions and welcoming them as friends The feelings that we want to run from offer us the very
First published in 1999, and finally available in trade paperback!
Nearly every time you see him, he’s laughing, or at least smiling. And he makes everyone else around him feel like smiling. He’s the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and a hugely sought-after speaker and statesman. Why is he so popular? Even after spending only a few minutes in his presence you can’t help feeling happier. If you ask him if he’s happy, even though he’s suffered the loss of his country, the Dalai Lama will give you an unconditional yes. What’s more,
he’ll tell you that happiness is the purpose of life, and that
and meditation than just trying to feel good about yourself or getting better at chilling out.
Replacing “us and them” with a feeling of our universal sameness and interconnectedness is becoming a practical requirement for
survival… Buddha and many other wise people in this world have given us tools for taking whatever occurs in our lives and using it to cultivate our basic goodness and become more and more able to be there for others. Whatever the
future brings—welcome or unwelcome—we can use for our path of awakening. To me, this attitude is the best kind of optimism.
Welcoming the Unwelcome includes teachings on the true meaning of karma, recognizing the basic goodness in ourselves and the people we share our lives with—even the most challenging ones, transforming adversity into opportunities for growth, and freeing ourselves from the empty and illusory labels that separate us. Pema also provides step-by-step guides to a
basic sitting meditation and a compassion meditation that anyone can use to bring light to the darkness we
face, wherever and whatever it may be.
fuel we need to grow our strength and self-acceptance. Program Highlights: Session 1: Refraining from Emotional Re-
♦ The three steps to courage ♦ Guided Practice: Feeling Our Feeling ♦ Facing debilitating insecurity and feeling with kindness ♦ ”Recognition” and the ability to refrain ♦ Releasing our storylines and softening into experience ♦ Emotions and intimacy Session 2: Emotions as Paths of Awakening ♦ Melting the ice cube: becoming intimate with your experience ♦ The mindful gap, letting go, and clear seeing ♦ Q&A topics: holding space, recognizing wisdom, empathy, and basic goodness Session 3: Transforming Emotions ♦ Working with grief and loneliness ♦ Courage, ignorance, and the “qualities” game ♦ Cultivating spaciousness with tonglen practice ♦ Q&A topics: karmic seeds, shenpa, patience, loneliness, optimism, regret, virtue, and the healing power
THE ART OF HAPPINESS by The Dalai Lama, with Howard Cutler $23.00, paper. Riverhead. 336 pages New in Paperback
of love.
the very motion of our life is toward happiness. How to get
there has always been the question. He’s tried to answer it before, but he’s never had the help of a psychiatrist to get the message across in a context we can easily understand.
The Art of Happiness is the book that started the genre
of happiness books, and it remains the cornerstone of the field of positive psychology. Through conversations,
stories, and meditations interrelating Buddhism and psy-
chology, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-today anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. Together with Dr. Howard Cutler, he explores many facets of everyday life, including relationships, loss, and the pursuit of wealth, to illustrate how to ride through life’s obstacles on a deep and abiding source of inner peace. Based on 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations mixed with a healthy dose of common sense and friendly humour, The Art of Happiness is a book that crosses the
boundaries of traditions to help readers with difficulties common to all human beings. This book has touched countless lives and uplifted spirits around the world. DREAMS OF LIGHT The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming by Andrew Holecek $24.99, paper. Sounds True. 332 pages
Most of us are absolutely certain that we’re awake here and now—it’s a given, right? Yet, according to Tibetan dream yoga, ordinary waking life is in fact a delusion, as illusory as our nightly dreams. In his previous book Dream Yoga, Andrew Holecek guided us into Tibet’s nocturnal path of lucid dreaming and other dimensions of sleeping consciousness. Now, with Dreams of
Light, he offers us a step-by-step guide to Tibetan dream yoga’s daytime practices. Known in Tibet as the “illusory form” practices, these teachings include insights, meditations, and actions to help us realize the dreamlike nature of our lives.
Through an in-depth exploration of the tradition, beginners and seasoned practitioners alike will learn everything they need to enter the unexplored realms of our waking states.
If you’ve struggled to awaken in your dreams, these techniques will often spark spontaneous lucidity during sleep. And if you’re already a successful lucid dreamer, they will open you to new depths of experience throughout your day. For those curious about altered states of consciousness, psychedelic therapies, and near-death and out-of-body experiences, Dreams of Light opens a time-honored gateway to kindred—and for many, even more profound—terrains of perception.
“Andrew Holecek’s revelations about the illusory, dream-like nature of everyday life—drawing deeply upon the combined wisdom of science, religion, and philoso-
phy—will blow your mind… Holecek is not just a teacher of lucid dreams: the spiritual path that he illuminates changes everything.” —James Kingsland, author of Am I
Dreaming? The New Science of Consciousness and How Altered States Reboot the Brain
THE LUCID DREAMING WORKBOOK A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life by Andrew Holecek $31.95, pb. New Harbinger. 200 pp, 8x10
Have you ever realized you’re dreaming inside your dream? If so, you’ve experienced a lucid dream. Lucid dreaming, also known as conscious dreaming, is simply knowing that you’re dreaming while being able to remain in the dream without waking. And by learning to stay aware
inside your dreams, you can learn more about yourself, the world, and the universe than you ever imagined!
In this exciting guide, Andrew Holecek offers a step-by-step approach for developing and honing
the skills. This engaging workbook blends ancient wisdom with modern knowledge to teach you the science behind
lucid dreaming, the benefits of practicing this visionary art, and a variety of ways to induce these remarkable dreams.
Use this wondrous workbook to: ♦ Experience unexplored passions ♦ Discover the richness of your innerworld ♦ Learn from your subconscious ♦ Develop your talents while you sleep ♦ Go beyond the bounds of your waking life
With these exercises and meditations, you’ll embark on an incredible journey to explore the deep inner space of your dreaming mind and learn how to take control of your dreams to guide them toward the experiences you want to have. You’ll also learn about the stages of lucid dreaming,
how they interconnect, and how the spiritual aspects of dreaming are related to life and death.
Lucid dreaming can take you to places you’ve never been before.
Taoism, Chi, & the Martial Arts
THE I CHING OR BOOK OF CHANGES A Guide to Life’s Turning Points by Brian Browne Walker $19.50, paper. Picador. 144 pages
For more than a quarter of a century, Brian Browne
Walker’s translation of I Ching has been not only the bestselling English rendition of the classic Taoist text, but one of the few directly
translated from the original text. The result is a modern classic on its own.
For centuries, The I Ching or Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life’s turning points. When
its wisdom is sought with sincerity and
sensitivity, this Chinese oracle will help to promote success and good fortune and to impart balance and perspective to your life. Its enduring popularity lies in the lessons that it teaches about how to use your positive qualities in order to attain life’s greatest rewards—prosperity, understanding, and peace of mind.
Brian Browne Walker’s highly accessible translation of the I Ching, because it is clear and direct, allows you to make the wisdom of the ancient Chinese sages your own. Walker has studied the Chinese language for twelve years, and has studied and practiced Taoist philosophy with a number of teachers in the United States and abroad.
This translation’s easy-to-use format and contemporary language has made it one of the standards, delighting new users and long time practitioners as well.
Other nimble translations by Brian Browne Walker include Tao te Ching and Hua Hu Ching.
THE TAO TE CHING The Essential Transltion of the Ancient Chinese Book of the Tao by John Minford $24.00, paper. Tarcher. 368 pages
Here’s the original mindfulness book, in a landmark new translation by the award-winning translator of the I Ching and The Art of War in a Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition, with flaps and deckle-edged paper.
The most translated book in the world after the Bible, the Tao Te Ching,
or Book of the Tao, is a guide to cultivating a life of serenity and compassion. Through aphorisms and parable, it leads readers toward and evokes the
Tao, or the Way: harmony with the life
force of the universe. Attributed to Lao-tzu, a Chinese philosopher thought to have been a contemporary of Confucius, it is the essential text of Taoism, one of the three great religions of ancient China. As one of the world’s great works of wisdom literature, it offers a practical model based on modesty and self-restraint for living a balanced existence and for opening your mind, freeing your thoughts, and embodying wisdom.
This new translation seeks to understand the Tao Te Ching as a guide to everyday living and encourages a slow,
meditative reading experience. The Tao Te Ching’s eightyone brief chapters are accompanied by illuminating commentary, interpretation, poems, and testimonials by the likes of Margaret Mead, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Dr. Wayne Dyer. Specially commissioned calligraphy for more than two hundred Chinese characters illustrates the book’s essential themes.
Self-Cultivation, Balance & the Tao
XIU YANG Self-Cultivation for a Happier, Healthier and Balanced Life by Mimi Kuo-Deemer $26.99, paper. Orion. 223 pages, illus.
For centuries, Chinese sages, rulers and spiritual seekers have embraced a simple yet powerful principle to enable them to live in
harmony with the Source of nature and all life: the art of “self-cultivation” or, xiu yang. Xiu yang works with the idea that we can steadily nurture our capacity to being fully
human and fully awake. Like a field that is patiently cultivated to optimally grow the nourishing and healthy crops, we can undertake practices aimed at smoothing out the roughness and irregularities in our bodies, minds and spirits in order to produce a deep, lasting spiritual happiness.
Xiu yang promotes the idea that inner balance leads to outer radiance: in order to be in harmony with the world, we must first be in harmony with ourselves. By tending to the field of our own bodies, hearts, minds and relationships, we can start making positive changes within our lives and in the lives of others. In this nurturing lifestyle guide, Mimi Kuo-Deemer champions the contemporary value of adopting this ancient approach. Through a combination of practices
Nourishing Practices for Body, Mind, and Spirit by Mimi Kuo-Deemer $23.95, paper. Dover. 242 pages, photos
Reduce stress, release pain, and create bodymind harmony with this introduction to qigong and the yin/yang balance of tai chi, the ancient Chinese arts of movement meditation. This accessible book features information about these practices as well as insights into their benefits, providing tools
for replenishing inner resources and managing energy levels. It also offers advice on making healthier choices in everyday life that will support the body’s natural capacity for energy, balance, and well-being.
Through intentional movements, we begin to feel more present and sensitive to our body’s needs. We pay attention to where we hold stiffness, tightness and tension, and learn to deliberately relax and soften these areas. We also consciously deepen and refine our breathing, which lets the movements become meditative… Breathing practices also begin to circulate qi.
When this happens, qigong becomes more than just exercising the muscles and moving the bones. When qi
Put Jade
Out of mind,
Return to Rock,
To the One,
Most precious thing of all,
Mystery of Mysteries,
Gateway to All Marvels,
Ancestor of the Myriad Things. “A wonder and a delight. The simplicity and purity of this translation resonate directly with the original. It conveys the innermost essence of Chinese culture, drawing the reader deep into its enchantment and wisdom. Every word is charged with effortless energy—a radiant union of form and spirit.” —Tang Yuen-ha, Chinese opera artist
from meditation and mindfulness to yoga and qigong, Xiu Yang offers a fresh approach
to finding balance and bringing peace into your life, home and community. The book is filled with practices and perspectives that will help you “come alive.”
Breath helps you remember your innate ability to find true peace and calm abiding in any moment. It wakes you up to your true nature, which is a connection and oneness with all things… By focusing on the breath mindfully our busy mind starts to settle, which helps us feel relaxed and more peaceful. “Exquisite... for anyone interested in building a sustainable life that is imbued with vibrant healthy, mental and emotional clarity, and the most basic human need of all: happiness” —Donna Farhi, author of Yoga
Mind, Body, Spirit
“A treasure chest for the heart and mind, a potent tonic for body and breath, and a vibrant life essence for the spirit” —Simon Low, Principal, the Yoga Academy Also by Mimi Kuo-Deemer is Qigong and the Tai Chi
Axis: Nourishing Practices for Body, Mind, and Spirit.
effectively circulates, it means that we open
the body to the uninhibited flow of qi. This nourishes our blood and helps us steady our energy levels.
When we start to feel the effects of qigong, we begin to know what it is like to be
healthy, vibrant, and clear. We can also sense when we feel off-kilter and imbalanced. Once we become aware of this, we have the capacity to change it. Qigong gives us the tools to see, respond and adjust to our experiences so that we can stave off the detrimental effects of fatigue, tension and stress before they become deeper problems.
Above all, qigong works to integrate the virtues of trust, integrity, wisdom and compassion into the human body and spirit. It is a practice that people of all ages and levels of experience can embrace and find beneficial. “Mimi Kuo-Deemer takes the reader on a journey
through the five elements and seasons of qigong, explaining their connection to health, lifestyle, and state
of mind… It is a pleasure to read such a balanced approach. I highly recommend Qigong and the Tai Chi
Axis!” — Ken Cohen, author of The Way of Qigong

BodyMind Healing, Ayurveda, & Chinese Medicine
THE HEALING SELF A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life New in by Deepak Chopra & Rudolph Tanzi Paperback $23.00, paper. Penguin. 304 pages
Deepak Chopra, a leader in the field of integrative medicine; and Rudolph Tanzi, the pioneering neuroscientist and discoverer of genes that cause Alzheimer’s Disease… After their collaborations on the successful Super Brain and Super Genes books, they now present a groundbreaking work on the importance of our immune system in relation to our lifelong health. In the face of environmental toxins, potential epidemics, pandemics, superbugs, and the accelerated aging process, the significance of achieving optimum health has never been more crucial—and the burden to achieve it now rests on individuals making the right lifestyle choices every day.
That means you. You—not doctors, not pharmaceutical companies—are ultimately responsible for your own health.
In The Healing Self they not only push the boundaries of the intellect to bring readers the newest research and
insights on the mind-body, mind-gene, and mind-immunity connections, but they offer a cutting-edge, seven-day
action plan, which outlines the key tools everyone needs to develop their own effective and personalized path to self-healing.
In addition, The Healing Self closely examines how we can best manage chronic stress and inflammation, which are immerging as the primary detriments of well-being. Moreover, Chopra and Tanzi turn their attention to a host of chronic disorders such as hypertension, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s Disease, known to take years and sometimes decades to develop before the first symptoms appear. Contemporary medical systems aren’t set to attend to prolonged low-grade chronic inflammation or the everyday infections and stresses that take their toll on the body and can lead to disease, aging, and death. Thus, learning the secrets of self-healing is not only urgent but mandatory for optimum health. The Healing Self then is a call to action, a proven, strategic program that will arm readers with the information they need to protect themselves and achieve lifelong wellness.
REGENERATE Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through the New Biology by Sayer Ji $35.99, cloth. Hay House. 358 pages
Modern medicine and human health are at a critical crossroads, and the truth is that you and not your genes are in the driver’s seat. You are the one who gets to make informed decisions on how you use and nourish the evolutionary miracle that is your body. Combining analysis of cutting-edge scientific findings with our deepest ancestral wisdom and health-promoting practices, Sayer Ji, founder of Green-
MedInfo, offers a time-tested pro-
gram to help prevent and manage the most common health afflictions of our day-cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic syndrome.
Sayer Ji articulates our innate potential for self-regeneration and radical healing. The New Biology explains why biological time is not a downward spiral and how chronic illness is not inevitable when you implement nature’s re-
Everyday Ayurveda & Chinese Medicine
THE EVERYDAY AYURVEDA GUIDE TO SELF-CARE Rhythms, Routines, and Home Remedies for Natural Healing by Kate O’Donnell, Brostrom $39.95, paper. Shambhala. 288 pages, 7x9, colour photos
A holistic guide to self-care based on traditional Ayurvedic wisdom—from the bestselling author of The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook and Everyday Ayurveda Cooking for a Calm, Clear Mind.
Learn to befriend your body and discover how best to care for yourself day by day and season by season with Ayurveda, India’s ancient holistic healing system. The Everyday Ayurveda Guide to Self-Care takes the ancient Ayurvedic principles and focuses on how to be an integrated, whole person while balancing the everyday demands of our modern world.
EVERYDAY CHINESE MEDICINE Healing Remedies for Immunity, Vitality, and Optimal Health by Mindi Counts & Kristen Sink $39.95, paper. Shambhala. 368 pages, 7x9, colour photos
Achieve vibrant health in every season with the holistic techniques of traditional
Chinese medicine. This friendly guide to a 2,000-year-old lineage of healing wisdom integrates both the Five Element theory and the practices of traditional Chinese medicine to uncover what your body needs for balance and optimal health. Everyday Chinese Medicine demystifies, simplifies, and reveals patterns to help you take control of your own well-being from the comfort of your own home and kitchen.
Mindi Counts—a holistic medical practitioner, acupuncturist, and herbalist—walks you through the sea-
sons, elements, and organ systems to help you understand your unique constitution and how to achieve energetic and physical balance. With simple recipes, siliency tools.
In his thoughtful exploration of the New Biology, Sayer Ji illuminates: ♦ the fascinating new science of food as information ♦ the truth about cancer and heart disease screening and what real prevention looks like ♦ how to reverse the most common forms of degeneration using food-based approaches ♦ how the body extracts energy from sources other than food, including water and melanin; and ♦ how to make sense of conflicting dietary recommendations and out-of-date food philosophies. Encoded within every tissue of your body is your ability to regenerate. Unlock your radical resiliency through this
roadmap for diet, exercise, stress reduction, and the cultivation of the environment in which you choose to live.
The best possible outcome I can imagine is that you will learn, as I have, to experience deeper awe and gratitude for what already is: this miracle of our incarnation and the planet that continually nourishes and supports everything in our lives. “Regenerate is a brilliant, enlightening blend of ancient traditions, modern medicine, cutting-edge science, and sacred spirituality, conscientiously woven into an alchemical roadmap of living life in the 21st century. A must-have for curious, soul-seeking readers in the pursuit of a highvibe path!” —Deanna Minich, nutritionist and author of
Whole Detox
Organized into three parts, the book opens
with an introduction to Ayurveda, helping you to better understand your doshas and your
basic Ayurvedic anatomy. The second section illuminates the art of self-care—exploring the daily routines and seasonal practices that
can help prevent imbalance in both mind and
body. Part three discusses the medicinal qualities of foods, spices, and herbs to support cleansing, rejuvenation, and management of common imbalances and ailments.
From self-massage, oil pulling, and tongue scraping to breathing practices, meditation exercises, and eating with intention—this detailed guide will walk you
through every step of important Ayurvedic practices that can be easily integrated into your existing self-care
routine. You will also learn how to effectively use herbal routines, recipes, and rituals to achieve exactly what your body needs on a daily basis.
self-care practices, and time-tested herbal
remedies, Everyday Chinese Medicine is the perfect companion on your path to complete wellness. “Everyday Chinese Medicine awakens the reader’s health awareness with teachings on nutrition, herbs, lifestyle suggestions, and other alternatives that can result in safer, more enduring healing experiences.”—Paul Pitchford, author of Healing with Whole Foods
Mindi Counts offers us a timely gift from the ancients; a gift full of practical wisdom and knowledge that is tremendously relevant and important to modern-day health and well-being. She has created a comprehensive path to finding the balance and harmony we need to take more responsibility for our health before we fall into patterns of disease.”—from the foreword by Marlow Brooks, LAc, author of Singing Our Heart’s Song: A
Guide to the Five Elements
THE WIM HOF METHOD Activate Your Full Human Potential by Wim Hof $33.99, cloth. Sounds True. 232 pages, b/w illustrations
Here’s the definitive book authored by Wim Hof on his
powerful method for realizing our physical and spiritual potential.
This method is very simple, very accessible, and endorsed by science.
Anybody can do it, and there is no dogma, only acceptance. Only freedom. Wim Hof has a message for each of us: You can literally do the impossible.
You can overcome disease, improve your mental health and physical performance, and even control your physiology so you can thrive in any stress-
ful situation. With The Wim Hof Method, this trailblazer of human potential shares a method that anyone can use— young or old, sick or healthy—to supercharge their capacity for strength, vitality, and happiness.
Wim has become known as The Iceman for his astounding physical feats, such as spending hours in freezing water and running barefoot marathons over deserts and ice
fields. Yet his most remarkable achievement is not any record-breaking performance—it is the creation of a method that thousands of people have used to transform their lives.
In his gripping and passionate style, Wim shares his method and his story, including:
Breath—Wim’s unique practices to change your body chemistry, infuse yourself with energy, and focus your mind Cold—Safe, controlled, shock-free practices for using cold exposure to enhance your cardiovascular system and awaken your body’s untapped strength Mindset—Build your willpower, inner clarity, sensory awareness, and innate joyfulness in the miracle of living Science—How users of this method have redefined what is medically possible in study after study Health—True stories and testimonials from people using the method to overcome disease and chronic illness Performance—Increase your endurance, improve recovery time, up your mental game, and more Wim’s Story—Follow Wim’s inspiring personal journey of discovery, tragedy, and triumph Spiritual Awakening—How breath, cold, and mindset can reveal the beauty of your soul.
Wim Hof is a man on a mission: to transform the way we live by reminding us of our true power and purpose.
This is how we will change the world, one soul at a time. We alter the collective consciousness by awakening to our own boundless potential. We are limited only by the depth of our imagination and the strength of our conviction. Also by Wim Hof is his 11CD audio set, The Iceman Speaks.
Healing Energies, Healing Herbs
AURAS The Anatomy of the Aura: A Start Here Guide by Eliza Swann $20.50, paper. Picador. 194 pages, b/w illustrations
Auras: The Anatomy of the Aura is a modern illustrated guide to the ancient practice of aura reading. This is the perfect book to introduce readers to the power and beauty of auras. These
layered veils of energy surround all physical things and reflect the state of their internal energy flow. Author and teacher Eliza Swann demystifies the
world of auras and brings an ancient tradition into the modern era, teaching readers: ♦ What an aura is from both mystical and scientific perspectives ♦ Techniques for learning to perceive auras ♦ The history of the concept of auras ♦ An in-depth explanation of the layers of the human aura ♦ An extensive glossary of terminology relating to the human aura ♦ How to heal the human aura Black and white illustrations throughout the book help readers visualize the techniques as they read. Packed with information yet always fun and accessible, Auras is a lively beginner’s guide!
Learning to perceive auras tunes us in to emotions, dreams, and patterns within ourselves and other beings and offers surprising solutions to problems. By embarking on the journey of energy reading, we can begin to see the relationship between cause and effect. Our thoughts affect our energy fields, which in turn affect our bodies and our health, which in turn affects the health of our communities and our planet.

Energy Healing / The Chakras
THE LANGUAGE YOUR BODY SPEAKS Self-Healing with Energy Medicine by Ellen Meredith $26.95, paper. New World Library. 262 pages, b/w illustrations
Energy healing is based on the premise that energy is our essence, that while our bodies appear solid, they are in fact a constantly swirling set of energetic exchanges. Ellen Meredith’s innovative approach to energy medicine recognizes these exchanges as a language in itself. Speaking that language allows us to hear and understand what the body is telling us so that we can heal ailments and maintain optimal well-being.
Though this communication may seem esoteric, it is actually a fundamental human skill, one we had as preverbal infants. The Language Your Body Speaks teaches
readers to relearn it through simple experiments, meditations, exercises, and practices. The resulting dialogue
amounts to an infallible internal guidance system that empowers anyone to read their physical and emotional symptoms and understand how to heal them. Learning to speak the body’s language creates a potent, personalized path to not only healing but the realization
THE ENERGY CODES The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, New in and Live Your Best Life by Sue Morter Paperback $23.00, paper. Scribner. isbn 9781501169311 336 pages, b/w illus.
Transform your life with this revolutionary and accessible seven-step guide —grounded
in energy medicine, neurobiology, and quantum physics—to awaken your true health and potential through energy healing.
Some years ago, health pioneer and practitioner Dr. Sue Morter had a transformational experience. While meditating, she spontaneously accessed an energy field—a level of consciousness—previously unknown to her. This dramatic awakening changed her life, freeing her from years of struggle and pain. It also set Dr. Morter on her new life’s mission to deepen her studies of energy healing and medicine in the hopes of recreating this radical, positive transformation for herself and her patients.
CHAKRA HEALING THERAPY Awaken Spiritual Energies and Heal Emotional Wounds by Glen Park $31.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 360 pages, 8x10, colour illustrations
In this in-depth guide to working with the chakras, author Glen Park draws on her decades of experience as a Chakra Therapist to explain how the chakras can be understood as an embodied map of the psyche, with each chakra representing a different stage of development from infancy and childhood through adulthood, with the Heart Chakra playing a central role in awakening the spiritual potential of the upper chakras. She exam-
ines each chakra individually on the physical, psychological, psychic, and spiritual level, as well as through the lens of the solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) channels. She shows how the connections between the
chakras and developmental stages parallel the findings of Western psychology and neuroscience and how our collective expressions of the chakras influence cultural trends in society.
The author’s system of Chakra Therapy integrates
healing touch with guided chakra visualizations, offer-
of one’s unique mind, body, and spirit potential.
In her foreword to this book, Donna Eden (author of Energy Medicine) says:
This book is a breath of fresh air…She offers
techniques that help us enter into our own
psyches and energies for healing. As Ellen says, `The goal of this work is not to fix your energies but to encounter them and heave a heartfelt, loving, supportive dialogue.`The Language Your Body Speaks teaches you to trust your body and know it as your partner.
Weaving insights from ancient cultures, her teachers, and her own council, Ellen invites you to commune
with the vast intelligence at work inside you and be-
come emotionally congruent and deeply satisfied… One of the best things about this book is the realization that consciousness is a whole-body phenomenon. When something goes wrong with your body, it is a welcome relief to know you can converse with it and find out why your body did this, what it might mean, and what you can do to heal yourself. It is empowering, It is
freeing. Through years of study, she developed the seven Energy Codes, a life-changing program that has enabled herself and her patients to overcome pain, disease, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, and to awaken creativity. Inspired
by the seven Chakras, and bridging ancient healing practices with cutting edge science, The Energy Codes offers a detailed roadmap to help you activate previously untapped energy
and neuro-circuitry within the body. Grounded in practical, accessible exercises like simple Yoga sequences, breathwork, and meditations, and complete with dozens of inspiring success stories, The Energy Codes empowers you to tap into the pure energy of your being.
Whether this is your first exploration with using energy as medicine or you’re well versed in the subject, the Energy Codes’ revolutionary methods offer unique insights and protocols that will be life-changing for you
and for those whose lives you touch.
ing practical exercises to nourish and balance each chakra so it can be integrated and in harmony with the entire chakra sys-
tem. She explores how to work with the Heart Chakra for deep transformation and self-healing, including healing emotional wounds from childhood and enabling the psychic and spiritual levels of the Throat and Eye Chakras to develop, with the potential of opening to the divine realm of the Crown Chakra. Sharing case studies from her Chakra Therapy practice, she shows how we gain a richer understanding of ourselves both mentally and physically by working with the chakras, opening ourselves to the potential for deep soul growth and transformation.
“Chakra Healing Therapy includes beautiful charts and diagrams; solid references related to research, psychology, and transpersonal theories of development; and
specific practices for balancing chakras and grounding,
many based on the Alexander Technique… This is an excellent reference for therapists and anyone with an interest in enlivening, balancing, and transforming their subtle energy system.” —Bonnie Greenwell, psychotherapist and author of When Spirit Leaps
THE BLOOM BOOK A Flower Essence Guide to Cosmic Balance by Heidi Smith $31.50, cloth. Sounds True. 496 pages, 7x10, colour photos
What a gorgeous book of “flower power!” From lavender’s ability to soothe frazzled nerves to rose’s charms in healing the heart, flowers don’t just delight the senses—they have a secret history as doorways to transformation. With The Bloom Book, Heidi Smith offers a holistic and
comprehensive guide for working with flower essenc-
es—the vibrational signatures of our botanical allies— to bring about healing, awakening, and deep change.
Flowers represent a branch of plant medicine that is specifically concerned with our consciousness and evolution. To connect with their essence catalyzes the
blossoming of our own healing and spiritual journeys.
A psychosomatic therapist, flower essence practitioner, registered herbalist, and long-time student of ancient wisdom traditions, Smith seamlessly integrates the
healing power of flower essences with vibrational med-
icine, and the rise of the divine feminine. The result is
NATURAL WOMAN Herbal Remedies for Radiant Health at Every Age and Stage of Life by Leslie Korn $33.95, paper. Shambhala. 303 pages, 7x9
Plant medicines are a woman’s ally to achieve optimal health; they bring balance and nourishment to daily life and can reduce or eliminate symptoms of physical and emotional distress. They can also provide alternatives to many pharmaceuticals. This go-to herbal sourcebook helps women thrive at every age and stage of their lives, with remedies using common herbs and plants to support a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
Organized by disease or discomfort, this book is an essential guide to help women find the herbal sup-
port they need. Treatments for sleep disorders, menstrual issues, autoimmune conditions, anxiety, fertility, post-partum recovery, skin ailments, and more, can be found and prepared with ease. Herbal guidance for
rites of passage or moments of community are provid-
ed, and the inclusion of psychoactive herbs, protocol for end-of life care, and extensive resources round out the coverage—including common discomforts that af-
THE REBEL’S APOTHECARY A Practical Guide to the Healing Magic of Cannabis, CBD, and Mushrooms by Jenny Sansouci $27.00, pb. Random House. 356 pp. illus.
When health coach and wellness blogger Jenny Sansouci learned that her dad was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, her extensive knowledge of the latest alternative therapies was put to the test. Jenny dove into the world
of cannabis and mushrooms and their medicinal prop-
erties—and she and her dad are now outspoken champions of the healing power of these plants and fungi— not only to tame the side effects of chemotherapy, but to address many everyday wellness concerns.
The Rebel’s Apothecary is the result of her heartfelt and rigorous quest—a science-based and supportive guide that will enhance the lives of anyone living with pain, anxiety, depression, a weakened immune system, insomnia, and more. Complete with background infor-
mation, dosing instructions, and everyday recipes, this is the essential handbook for harnessing the ancient healing powers of cannabis and mushrooms—safely, without confusion, fear, or an unwanted high.
I never thought I would put cannabis and mushrooms into my body on a daily basis, but they’ve become a fundamental part of my everyday life. My perception of them has completely changed, as I’ve learned to use them in quite a different way than I did in college—without any intoxicating effects… Once you learn to use them without fear or uncertainty, they may quickly become a a cosmic doctrine of healing that empowers readers to align with their highest selves and help to bring about planetary transformation. Highlights include: ♦ An intuitive approach to working with flower essences for balance and optimal health ♦ Detailed instructions for making, selecting, and formulating flower essences ♦ Rituals, recipes, and case studies for protection, grounding, dreamwork, grief, love, and more ♦ Complementary applications of vibrational healing—including breath work, moon cycles, colors, chakras, and sacred symbols ♦ Working with trauma and systemic oppression—how
flower essences can support multi-generational, intersectional healing.
With gorgeous illustrations by artist Chelsea Granger, The Bloom Book is both an information-rich resource and interactive guidebook. Every chapter contains several creative exercises to engage your right brain (feminine, intuitive, subconscious hemisphere), inspire, and encourage deeper study.
fect children. Dr. Leslie Korn brings over
40 years of experience in numerous herbal traditions and healing modalities to Natural Woman, offering timeless wisdom that can be shared with friends and passed down in the family for generations.
“Since moving to the jungle of western Mexico as a young woman, Dr. Leslie Korn has spent over four decades studying the use of herbs by indigenous healers. Her new book, Natural Woman, is an accessible and comprehensive resource that shows how herbs support health, heal physical, emotional, and spiritual illness, and add delight and nourishment to our food. The reader-friendly organization of the book allows easy access to specific health conditions and specific herbs. Particularly moving is a chapter on the use of herbs in rituals that mark important life passages. This book is en-
cyclopedic, and Korn peppers her impressive knowledge with stories about her own meaningful encounters with
herbs. Natural Woman will provide assistance to women in all phases of life and will create a much-needed link to the healing wisdom found in indigenous cultures.” — Kathryn Ridall, author of Dreaming at the Gates
cherished part of your daily life, too. In addition to debunking myths and de-stigmatizing these powerful healing plants and fungi, The Rebel’s Apothecary presents: ♦ Specific protocols and dosage guides for wellness uses (mood, sleep, immunity, focus, energy) and managing common chemotherapy side effects ♦ Everyday wellness routines ♦ Recipes for delicious, easy, health-enhancing cannabis and mushroom infused smoothies, coffee drinks, teas, elixirs, gummies, and broths—including recipes from chefs and wellness experts like Dr. Andrew Weil, Kris Carr, Seamus Mullen, Marco Canora and more ♦ The latest research on CBD, THC, medicinal mushrooms and even psilocybin ♦ Tips for creating a cutting-edge home apothecary of your own.
“Delightful, well-informed, and user-friendly… You’ll get a big boost from reading this book!” —Martin Lee, director, Project CBD, author of Smoke Signals “While not a substitute for appropriate medical care, this book provides two of the important ingredients we need when a loved one is diagnosed with cancer or a chronic, debilitating, or painful condition: tools to help
mitigate their suffering, and possibly improve their im-
munity, resilience, and health. Help and hope. That’s what this book is all about—and who doesn’t need that?” —Aviva Romm, MD, author of The Natural Pregnancy Book and The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution
THE ALCHEMY OF STONES Co-Creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones for Healing and Transformation by Robert Simmons $37.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 496 pages, 7x10, colour photos
The Alchemy of Stones presents an inspired breakthrough in Robert Simmons thirty-five year career of exploring and revealing the spiritual qualities and potentials of minerals, crystals, and gemstones. This holistic, Earth-based
framework for understanding stones and their energies initiates readers into
an alchemical worldview that leads to spiritual healing, transformation, and transcendence.
Engaging readers step by step, Simmons provides guidance on discovering and harnessing the three human powers of intention, attention, and imagination, each a crucial component for meeting and working in harmony with the energies of the Stone Beings. Simmons also introduces us to the Divine Feminine intelligence known as Sophia, or Wisdom. The Stone Beings are her emissaries, and through relating and co-creating with them, the healing and redemption of ourselves and the Earth becomes a reality.
Offering an illustrated dictionary of the spiritual qual-
ities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones, Simmons also explores in depth what he calls
the Four Cornerstones of the Alchemy of Stones: Moldavite, Phenacite, Azeztulite, and Rosophia. He discusses the stages of alchemical transformation and provides meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage. He also explores how to work with stone mandalas, crystal body layouts, gemstone elixirs, and Orgonite energy devices and details powerful techniques for working with stones. Woven throughout are Simmons personal stories
of the pivotal mystical experiences that triggered his ca-
pacity to feel stone energies and led him to develop his relationship with the stones, revealing how this work can open minds and awaken hearts.
Lavishly illustrated, The Alchemy of Stones is an invitation to a journey of enlightenment, transformation, and spiritual metamorphosis aligned with the path of our living, conscious Earth.
The author of several books, including The Book of Stones and Stones of the New Consciousness, Simmons lives in New Zealand.
CRYSTAL BASICS The Energetic, Healing & Spiritual Power of 200 Gemstones by Nicholas Pearson $37.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 402 pages, colour photos
In this in-depth yet easy-to-follow guide, crystal healing teacher Nicholas Pearson offers a full-color compendium of 200 crystals and gemstones as well as a hands-on practical handbook on crystal healing, perfect for those just beginning their crystal journey as well as long-time stone lovers seeking an all-in-one reference.
The handbook of crystal use opens with a thorough explanation of crystal energy, including its interactions with the human energy field, and teaches readers how to extrapolate what a crystal does based on its composition, crystal structure, formation process, and other properties.
In the chapters on techniques, Pearson offers guidance on selecting your crystals and gemstones, then step-bystep instructions on how to cleanse, charge, activate, and program them. He explains how to make crystal grids and healing layouts, including templates for both, and also discusses the numerology and geometry of crystal grids. He explores the essentials of crystal elixirs, complete with
elixir recipes, and details how to perform crystal medita-
tions, clear the energy centers and the aura, and practice
more advanced techniques, such as engaging with the crystal devas, creating sacred space, and practices for spiritual hygiene and protection.
The compendium includes 200 rocks, minerals, gem-
stones, and crystal formations, organized alphabetically
and featuring full-color photographs. Each entry includes geological information and the physical, psychological, and spiritual healing qualities for every stone. Some stones, such as jasper and quartz, have multiple varieties, each given their own entries to provide a thorough reference guide for crystal healers and collectors.
ENTANGLED LIFE How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures by Merlin Sheldrake $37.00, cloth. Random House. 352 pages, colour photos
When we think of fungi, we likely think of mushrooms. But mushrooms are only fruiting bodies, analogous to apples on a tree. Most fungi live out of sight, yet make up a massively diverse kingdom of organisms that supports and sustains nearly all living systems. Fungi provide a key to understanding the planet on which we live, and the ways we think, feel, and behave.
In Entangled Life, the brilliant young biologist Merlin Sheldrake shows us the world from a fungal point of view, providing an exhilarating change of
perspective. Sheldrake’s vivid exploration takes us from yeast to psychedelics, to the fungi that range for miles underground and are the largest organisms on the planet, to those that link plants together in complex networks known as the Wood Wide Web, to those that infiltrate and manipulate insect bodies with devastating precision—and have done so for millions of years.
Fungi throw our concepts of individuality and even intelligence into question. They are metabolic masters, earth
makers, and key players in most of life’s processes. They can change our minds, heal our bodies, and even help us remediate environmental disaster. By examining fungi on their own terms, Sheldrake reveals how these extraordinary organisms—and our relationships with them—are changing our understanding of how life works.
Fungi roll us toward the edge of many questions. This book comes from my experience of peering over some of these edges. My exploration of the fungal world has
made me reexamine much of what I knew. Evolution, ecosystems, individuality, intelligence, life—none are
quite what I thought they were. My hope is that this book loosens some of your certainties, as fungi have loosened mine.
“A dazzling, vibrant, vision-changing book… I ended it wonderstruck at the fungal world—the secrets of which modern science is only now beginning to fathom.” —Robert Macfarlane, author of Underland
“True to his name, Merlin takes us on a magical journey
deep into the roots of Nature—the mycelial universe that
exists under every footstep we take in life. Merlin is an expert storyteller, weaving the tale of our co-evolution with fungi into a scientific adventure. Entangled Life is a mustread for citizen scientists hoping to make a positive difference on this sacred planet we share.” —Paul Stamets, author of Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save
the World
“I thought I knew a lot about fungi, but I found much that was new to me, and exciting. Sheldrake is a rare scientist who is not afraid to speculate about the truly profound implications of his work. A very good read.” —Andrew Weil, author of Spontaneous Healing and Healthy Aging

Cannabis for Medicine & for Couples
THE WHOLISTIC HEALING GUIDE TO CANNABIS Understanding the Endocannabinoid System - Addressing Specific Ailments & Conditions - Making Cannabis-Based Remedies by Tammi Sweet $34.95, paper. Storey. 260 pp, colour
Author Tammi Sweet combines her ex-
pertise in herbal medicine and neurobiology in this in-depth, respectful guide to understanding the science of how and why canna-
bis medicine is effective. She explains the physiology of the body’s endocannabinoid system and how it is affected by ingesting cannabis, as well as the chemistry of the whole plant.
Based on research and her own clinical experiences, Sweet provides instructions for the best preparation techniques and specific dosage recommendations for addressing a wide range of conditions including stress, chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia, and more. This book will be extremely valuable to healthcare professionals, practitioners of the healing arts, dispensary workers, and medical cannabis users who want to understand the science of cannabis and its effects on the whole body.
Like other master plants such as peyote, psilocybin (both actually not plants but fungi), or ayahuasca, cannabis has the ability to change the consciousness of humanity. The term “master plant” comes from shamanic traditions where it is recognized that the spirit of the plant or fungus has the ability to be in direct relationship with us and to change human consciousness. Plants are our elders… When we are chosen and choose a particular plant to work with, we are in an “ally relationship.” We are committing to be schooled and to learn from and with our plant. I will at times refer to the cannabis plant as “she.” First, this is a sign of respect and gratitude. Second, the plants we use for making medicine are female… Working with cannabis, or any plant, as a plant ally is based on relationship, one that develops over time and can’t solely be cultivated with book learning or casual participation. The plant will undoubtedly bring her gifts, and you must bring your whole self, willing to be in a co-creative relationship, not a relationship of dominance and “knowing better.” You will need to surrender your ideas about control, specifically who has it. Don’t worry; we all have control issues of one kind or another, and you will have plenty of opportunities to practice working on yours with cannabis.
If you are not used to thinking in this way, think of it as building up a very small muscle. It takes time and use to become strong.
CANNABIS FOR COUPLES Enhance Intimacy and Elevate Your Relationship by John Selby $18.99, paper. Inner Traditions. 212 pp.
In this friendly guide, psychologist John Selby explores how to use cannabis as a pow-
erful and effective path to strengthen your
relationship and nurture your intimate life. Drawing on his own NIH brain research on the emotional impact of psychoactive chemicals, he explains the difference between
getting high alone and as a couple and examines from a psychological and neurological perspective what hap-
pens when you get high. Revealing seven primary types of inner experience and outer behavior stimulated by THC, the author shares stories from his four decades of practice as a couples therapist, discussing the power of THC and other cannabinoids to help heal emotional wounds and boost intimacy—and how to determine if using cannabis together is right for you and your partner.
The author explains how to properly prepare for a
cannabis session and how to use breath, meditation, and other focusing techniques to deepen the effects of
being high and facilitate bonding.
Depending on several variables, pot can make us feel stoned and relatively unconscious or high and acutely
Bodywork & Movement
Use the healing power of touch for a healthier, happier pregnancy. [Note: special low price of $19.95 (half of
regular price!) while supplies last—as Christine donated
Banyen a boxful of her book] Pregnancy is an exciting time full of promise, but most women could do without symptoms such as back pain, headaches, nausea, and swollen feet—luckily, many of these conditions can be treated with massage. Touch has conscious… Can we get high together in ways that actively and predictably enhance our relationship?
This book also explores the use of cannabis for sexual pleasure and how the muse of mar-
ijuana can serve as an inner therapist to work
out relationship issues. Shared laughter and emotional freedom are likewise encouraged. Selby also explores cannabis’s energetic influence on the chakras and how to balance and integrate the seven energy centers together with your partner during a cannabis session.
“The guidance is also just as useful for individuals looking for reliable, extensively ‘field-tested’ information.” —Stephen Gray, editor of Cannabis and Spirituality
“If you’ve ever imagined a kind older person with
decades of personal and professional experience on how to best use cannabis, who would share in depth a
multitude of ways to improve your experiences, John Selby is all of the above and a lot more. This book will lead you into more pleasure, more awareness, greater depths, more sensory excitement, more fun, and more wisdom. Spoiler alert: the last few chapters take what you’ve learned from the rest to a whole new level. Consider this book to be a gift to yourself, your partner, and your relationship.” —James Fadiman, author of The Psy-
BIRTHING IN GOOD HANDS Holistic Massage for Pregnancy, Labor, and Babies by Christine Sutherland $19.95, paper. Brush Education. 184 pages, 8x11, b/w photos
chedelic Explorer’s Guide
the power to heal, calm, and nurture
relationships. Christine Sutherland, co-founder of Toronto’s Sutherland-Chan School and Teaching Clinic, teaches the basics of prenatal massage for healthy pregnancies. From the first trimester
to postpartum recovery, Christine’s healing methods will help moms-to-be through every stage of pregnancy, including childbirth and breastfeeding. There’s even a chapter on the basics of baby massage,
which new parents, grandparents, and siblings can use to relieve common infant conditions and bond with the new child.
Hundreds of photos and illustrations clearly illustrate
HUMANUAL A Manual for Being Human): an epic journey to your expanded self by Stuart Eisendrath $26.50, paper. Waterside. 260 pages, 8x11, b/w photos
Betsy Polatin is a dancer by training; a student of movement, music, breath, and meditation; as well as an Alexander Technique Practitioner (among the many disciplines that she has mastered). In Humanual, she shows us how to listen to the signals of our bodies, and guides us to shift out of habitual patterns that keep us stuck. Her book is a trustworthy guide to learn to feel at home within yourself.
Each of us has an everyday self that we assume our self to be. But what if there is more to us than meets the eye? What if there is an expanded version of our self that includes not only the habitual patterns, the lost parts, and the innate organization but also a connection to the grand, scintillating space of the universe and the possibilities it offers us?
HUMANUAL offers a clear, concise, and rather simple
set of explanations and exercises to facilitate understand-
ing and unity of body, mind, and spirit. Many of us have lost our connection to each other, the planet, ourselves, and our bodies, causing distress and discomfort. But in actuality, we have a wealth of resources inside of us that we can learn to enliven and use to our advantage to access health and well-being.
Anyone can use the exercises in this book for personal
exploration and growth. You will learn:
DYNAMICS OF STILLNESS Develop your senses and reconnect with nature through meditation by Ian Wright $25.95, paper. Eddison. 160 pages, 7x9, colour photos
This book is the antidote to the information overload of the modern age, helping readers to disengage from chaos and find stillness within. In this practical book, experienced osteopath Ian Wright blends holistic disciplines—including those from Buddhism, Taoism, and Aboriginal traditions—with modern science and fluid dynamics to help readers quiet their minds to self-heal. Through mindfulness and meditation techniques, he guides readers toward a calm, nonreactive “state of neutrality,” while at the same time allowing them to establish a deep connection between their senses and the world.
This beautiful book offers something genuinely new and different.
The Dynamics of Stillness process takes us step-by-step
through a series of practices, which are designed to first bring our nervous system to a state of quiet neutral, an important step which allows us to deepen any meditative practice that follows.
From this point, we explore and develop our relationship to our
MOVING FROM THE INSIDE OUT 7 Principles for Ease and Mastery in Movement: A Feldenkrais Approach by Lesley Mclennan & Julie Peck $28.95, paper. North Atlantic. 224 pages, 65 b/w photos
More often than not, we move through life focused on results or where we’re going, rarely paying attention to how we move until we experience pain or need to learn a new skill or perform at an elite level. But movement isn’t just about getting things done or getting from here to there: at its essence, it’s an integration of thinking, sensing, and feeling with action such that to change one part changes the whole.
This book is written for those times when we don’t need quick fixes, bandaids, or shortcuts to solve an immediate problem, but can instead dedicate time and attention to
explore, laying the foundation to become experts in our own body and movement patterns for long-lasting positive
growth. Moving from the Inside Out shows us how to resolve complex movement issues, balance stability and instability, increase power and precision, and explore our own movement using innate learning strategies.
Written for practitioners, movement therapists, and somatic teachers and students, the curious athlete or casual
learner will also find much to gain in learning the practical How to become aware of habitual thought and movement patterns that prevent you from embodying your full sense of Self in body, mind, and spirit.
How to breathe to full capacity, with maximum efficiency and minimal effort, according to our
inherent design, which fully oxygenates your system to feel more awake and alive in the present moment. How to cope with and resolve overwhelming experiences, and handle stress that can hinder enjoyment of a rich, positive experience of life. How to awaken your inherent potential by finding the support from the ground that can lead to full stature and expansion, while noting how trauma and overwhelm can interfere with this process.
HUMANUAL will help you learn to use what you already have within you… and expand your full potential! Learn
to do whatever you do with just a bit more presence in
every minute. By exploring the tangible role of “embodied expansion,” she shows how poorly most of us use our bodies and our being. Here I am referring not only to the physical, anatomical body, but to the living, sensing, and yes, knowing body… Moving the body properly carries multiple opportunities for how we feel, our levels of health and energy, and the equanimity of our emotions. Properly observing ourselves and moving our body efficiently has a bearing on everything we do. Read, experience, and learn what it means to be fully human. —Peter Levine, from the foreword
own health and our relationship to the natural rhythms and tides in nature. Everything in nature has a fluid consistency and tides are rhythms within this fluid nature. Our course work allows us to attune our senses to these tides. With each practice, we deepen our connection to the great stillness which is ever present in and around us always. If we can learn to take our awareness back to a place where we feel stillness, which the Taoists would term returning to the source of everything, this place of stillness holds the potential for everything. There is a great dynamic within this stillness, which can be reached once we are in a state of neutral.
The course is based on over thirty practices and is about developing a specific skill base, a combination of mindful meditation and sensory development with each technique building on the last.
Some of the keys to this veteran osteopath’s course are: ♦ Quieting the mind, then learning about attention and how to become consciously aware of where we place it and how to place it anywhere ♦ Developing our sensory awareness to ‘sense’ fluid fields both in ourselves and in nature ♦ Detailed practices to deepen our connection to nature, to learn how to feel the great tides within it as well s its alchemical processes ♦ How to meet our health and learn the techniques needed to self-heal.
and accessible fundamentals of movement. Lesley McLennan and Julie Peck introduce seven core principles:
The dynamic balance between instability and stability How to move with ease and grace The secrets of flexibility and support embedded in every musculo-skeletal system How anxiety and curiosity shape our individual developmental sequence How qualities of movement are clues for your investigation The special role of intra-abdominal pressure in our physical and emotional worlds How moving and learning are entwined “Moving from the Inside Out is an exciting and lucid presentation of the potent ideas behind the practice of the Feldenkrais Method. A central theme of the text is the pivotal role that how we move plays in our overall health. The authors create an inviting, multifaceted narrative, using stories,
theory, and movement experiments that quickly engage the reader. Moving From the Inside Out provides a wonderful new
introduction to the Feldenkrais Method, and at the same time its themes will be relevant to a wide variety of health professionals.” —Elizabeth Beringer, Feldenkrais Trainer and editor of Embodied Wisdom techniques that even beginners can master. Christine also includes real-life stories that showcase how the power of massage helped women through their own pregnancy journeys.
If your partner or loved one is expecting, this book is for you.
“Christine’s book is an outstanding tool for pregnant women, their support people, and massage therapists
alike. The narrative is interesting, and her massage instruction is eloquent and easy to follow.” —Laurel Fowlie, RMT, Instructor and head of Department of Education, Kikkawa College (Toronto) “What a delightful, engaging and inspiring book. Chris-
tine’s abiding commitment to social justice and changing
the world one massage at a time is as meaningful today as it was 40 years ago.” —Trish Dryden, RMT, Centennial College
Christine Sutherland is a licensed massage therapist and massage instructor and the Director of the Canadian Institute of Palliative Massage. She makes Nelson, British Columbia, her home. She’s also written Dying in Good Hands: Palliative Massage and the Power of Touch.
BREATH The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor $37.00, cloth. Penguin. 280 pages
No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or young or wise you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly.
There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences. Journalist James Nestor travels the world to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. The answers aren’t found in pulmonology labs, as we might expect, but in the muddy digs of ancient burial sites, secret Soviet facilities, New Jersey choir schools, and the smoggy streets of Sao Paulo. Nestor tracks down men
and women exploring the hidden science behind ancient breathing practices like Pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya, and Tummo and teams up with pulmonary tinkerers to scien-
tifically test long-held beliefs about how we breathe.
Modern research is showing us that making even slight adjustments to the way we inhale and exhale can jumpstart athletic performance; rejuvenate internal organs; halt snoring, asthma, and autoimmune disease; and even straighten scoliotic spines. None of this should be possible, and yet it is.
Drawing on thousands of years of medical texts and recent cutting-edge studies in pulmonology, psychology, biochemistry, and human physiology, Breath turns the
conventional wisdom of what we thought we knew about our most basic biological function on its head. You will
never breathe the same again.
By your 10,000th breath, and the close of this book, you and I will know how the air that enters your lungs affects every moment of your life and how to harness it to its full potential until your final breath. “This book is awesome. Most people have no idea how to do breathing exercises and how beneficial they are. Over the last few weeks I’ve been using the methods I learned from his book and I can tell you there are absolutely some real benefits to be had from this.” —Joe Rogan on Instagram
“It’s a rare popular-science book that keeps a reader up late, eyes glued to the pages. But Breath is just that fasci-
nating. It will alarm you. It will gross you out. And it will inspire you. Who knew respiration could be so scintillat-
ing?” —Spirituality & Health
FREE YOUR FASCIA Relieve Pain, Boost Your Energy, Ease Anxiety and Depression, Lower Blood Pressure, and Melt Years off Your Body with Fascia Therapy by Daniel Fenster $22.50, paper. Hay House. 219 pp, photos
Fascia is a single, interconnected web of tissue that runs from the top of your head to the bottoms of your feet.
Fascia surrounds every organ, every muscle, every bone, and every nerve fiber. And it has an astonishing range of
functions. At Complete Wellness, New York’s #1 pain management clinic, director Dr. Daniel Fenster is using both high-tech and low-tech fascia therapies to change the lives of people for the better. With this book, you’ll learn if you have fascia-related problems--and if so, how serious they are.
Fascia doesn’t play a small role in your body. It plays a huge role, and that why it deserves the respect it’s now starting to receive. Thousands of doctors and
therapists around the world are now targeting the fascia in order to relieve people’s pain, enhance their performance, and improve their lives… The fascia connects and interacts with every part of your body, never acting in isolation. As a result, when we treat the fascia, we’re also affecting other structures—In particular the muscles.
If self-therapy is the right choice for you, Dr. Fenster
outlines a simple, effective “Free Your Fascia” Plan, a holistic program including stretching, foam rolling, destressing (meditation), fascia-friendly eating, hydration, and
self-massage. Dr. Fenster also offers an insider’s perspective on the most powerful tools in fascial manipulation: medical massage, acupuncture, cryotherapy, and trigger point therapy and trigger point injections.
Within these pages, you’ll find a simple guide to what fascia is, how to assess your own fascial health, and how to support your body with nutrition, at-home therapies, and professional aid… Dr. Fenster gives you the knowl-
edge and tools you need to free your fascia—either on your own or with the help of experts—to effect healing
on a deeper level than you may have ever experienced. —Liana Werner-Gray, from the foreword
STILL RUNNING The Art of Meditation in Motion by Vanessa Zuisei Goddard $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 170 pages
Learn how to bring the power of stillness into your running practice with meditations, guidance, and inspiration from a long-time runner and Zen practitioner.
When we see running solely as exercise and focus on improving our times, covering a certain number of miles, or losing weight, we miss the deeper implications of this art. We miss the opportunity to take up running as a
practice that bridges the apparent gap between stillness and movement, med-
itation and activity.
Moving away from the limited definition of running as fitness training, Vanessa Zuisei Goddard combines her
decade of experience leading running retreats with her two-decade practice of Zen to offer insight, humor, and practical suggestions for grounding your running, or any
physical practice, in meditation.
Whether you are a new or experienced runner, you will learn how to be more embodied through thirteen running practices to help improve your focus and running form. Using mantras and visualizations, as well as a range of other exercises, Goddard offers ways to practice running as a moving meditation with an eye toward bringing the power of stillness to all the activities in your life. Ultimately, Still Running is a book about freedom, ease, and the joy of movement; it’s about the power of stillness and learning how to use that power to live wholeheartedly.
Food & Healing
MEDICAL MEDIUM: CLEANSE TO HEAL Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety, Depression, Acne, Eczema, Lyme, Gut Problems, Brain Fog, Weight Issues, Migraines, Bloating, Vertigo, Psoriasis, Cysts, Fatigue, PCOS, Fibroids, UTI, Endometriosis & Autoimmune by Anthony William $45.99, cloth. Hay House. 570 pages, 7x9, colour photos
From the bestselling author of Medical Medium: Celery Juice and Medical Medium: Liver Rescue, here’s everything you need to know about cleansing. If you think you don’t need to do a cleanse—if you’re sure you couldn’t possibly be harboring any toxins in your body—think again. In to-
Everyday Herbalism and Recipes for
Radical Wellness by Sarah Kate Benjamin &
Summer Singletary $39.95, paper. Shambhala. 262 pages, 7x9, colour photos, French flaps
Turn your kitchen into a healing sanctuary! This cookbook will help you identify
your unique constitution based on the five elements—earth, water, fire, wind, and ether. Use that insight to design an everyday wellness practice with
nourishing meals, healing herbs, and self-care rituals.
Tapping into these elements is at the heart of all traditional medicines—Ayurveda, Western Herbalism, and
Chinese Medicine—and it is the key to discovering your most vibrant self. May herbalism return to being an everyday kitchen practice that connects us back to our bodies and ecosystems. May all who touch this book one day become the collective ancestors who preserve and protect the plants, heal themselves and others, and inspire a sense of awe and magic for the generations to come. Discover the power of herbalism and the elements to feel balanced and well from season-to-season. With
simple spices and healing herbs, you’ll feel confident creating remedies that support mental clarity, en-
Transform the Way You Eat with 250
Vegetarian Recipes Free of Gluten,
Dairy, and Refined Sugar by Amy Chaplin $56.00, cloth. Artisan. 400 pages, 8x11, colour photos
This generous cooking book, from Amy
Chaplin whose previous book is At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen, is a winner of the
James Beard Award for Best Book in Vegetable-Focused
Cooking. Eating whole foods can transform a diet, and masthe proper techniques and strategies. In 20 chapters,
Chaplin shares ingenious recipes incorporating the foods that are key to a healthy diet: seeds and nuts, fruits and vegetables (land and sea), whole grains, and
other plant-based foods. Chaplin offers her secrets for eating healthy every day: mastering some key recipes and reliable techniques and then varying the ingredients based on the occasion, the season, and what you’re craving. Once the reader learns one of Chaplin’s base recipes, whether for gluten-free muffins, millet porridge, or baked marinated tempeh, the ways to adapt day’s world, there are poisons and pathogens that threaten our health starting before we’re even born, and they continue to hold us back as we encounter them in our everyday life.
Cleansing is a vital tool, and Antho-
ny William, the Medical Medium, has placed a vast wealth of insight and information into a one-stop resource for cleansing of all kinds, starting with his acclaimed nine-day 3:6:9 Cleanse and expanding into life-saving protocols for
specific health needs—including an anti-bug cleanse, a morning cleanse, and a heavy metal detox. You’ll discover: ♦ How to choose the cleanse that’s right for you ♦ A deep dive into the causes of your symptoms and conditions ♦ Critical cleanse dos and don’ts, including modifica-
Whole Foods in the Kitchen
tions and substitutions
hanced digestion, a relaxed nervous sys-
tem, and promote an overall radiance. From cleansing tonics like Roasted Dandelion Chai or Hibiscus Punch with Schisandra Salt to rejuvenating classics like Kitchari with Golden Ghee or Tumeric Congee, you’ll find transformative recipes and uses for adaptogenic herbs to restore and find balance every day.
Ideally, we suggest committing to a full lunar cycle and seeing what comes of it. Use our seasonal charts and elemental lists to stock your kitchen with herbs and foods that will harmonize your elemental constitution. Prep all sauces, dressings, and snacks ahead of time to make life easy. Drink tea and cook a recipe each day, choosing foods and flavors that best suit your elements, and engage in rituals that keep you grounded
“Every page of this stunningly beautiful book overflows with seasonal wisdom, herbal teachings, and unique recipes for health and well-being. But more than just another book of delicious seasonal recipes, The Kosmic Kitchen is a colorful compendium of sensory delights, a wellness manual, and an herbal cook book all rolled into one. Colorful, flavorful, and fabulous, in every sense this book is certain to be a classic.” —Rosemary Gladstar, author of Medicinal
tering the art of cooking these foods can be easy with
Herbs—A Beginner’s Guide and customize it are endless: change the fruit depending on the season, include nuts or seeds for extra protein, or even change the dressing or flavoring to keep a diet varied. Chaplin encourages readers to seek out local and organic ingredients, stock their pantries with nutrient-rich whole food ingredients, prep ahead of time, and, most important, cook at home.
These recipes are also integral to the meal prep plans you’ll find at the back of this book. Prepping meals ahead in batches is an economical solution to our timestarved lifestyles, and a guaranteed way to ensure a steady flow of healthy food options no matter what your daily demands are… Cooking with ingredients straight from nature does much more than just feed us: it connects us to our environment and the seasons; gives us a regular opportunity to be creative with flavors, colors, and textures; helps us fine-tune our intuition; and draws friends and families together. I have been both delighted and honored to have the opportunity to touch people’s lives by rekindling their natural ability to nourish themselves through cooking. I hope this book does just that for you.
♦ The truth about trendy topics such as intermittent fasting and the microbiome ♦ A guide to supplements you may choose to add to your cleanse ♦ The physical reasons why cleansing can be an emotional experience ♦ More than 75 recipes and sample menus to get you through your Medical Medium cleanse ♦ Spiritual and soul support to remind you that healing is possible.
The cleanses in this book speak to what’s truly going wrong inside of our bodies that no trendy lifestyle approach can ever address. Have compassion for yourself and know that your suffering is not your fault. Your struggles are not your fault. You’re accomplishing great things every single hour and day as you work on your healing process with the powerful tools in this book. I believe you can heal.
LIFE IN THE FASTING LANE How to Make Intermittent Fasting a Lifestyle—and Reap the Benefits of Weight Loss and Better Health by Jason Fung, Eve Mayer & Megan Ramos $35.99, cloth. HarperCollins. 268 pages
Over the last decade, intermittent fasting—restricting
calorie intake for a proscribed number of hours for a set number of days—has become increas-
ingly popular. While some in the medical community initially dismissed the idea as a dangerous fad, in recent years researchers have validated the safety of fasting for weight loss, and found compelling evidence that it offers wide-ranging health benefits, including lowering blood pressure; reducing risk factors for diabetes, cancer, and other diseases; promoting longevity; and increasing cognitive function.
However, many people aren’t sure how to incorporate fasting into their daily routine. What are best practices? Do you need to fast every day? What do you eat on non-fasting days? How can you fast when your family doesn’t? What if you’re a person who gets hungry after not eating for a few hours?
In this essential guide, Dr. Jason Fung, Megan Ramos, and Eve Mayer address common questions and offer prac-
tical advice for integrating beneficial periods of food re-
striction into daily life. They set three initial goals: Start Your Fasting Engine, Find Your Fasting Lane, and Win the Race. Each goal is broken down into ten manageable steps that can be taken at your individual pace. Love breakfast? Then it may take a little while to get used to not eating it. Already skip it? Jump ahead to restricting lunch. Fung, Ramos, and Mayer know every person’s physiological and
psychological response to food restriction is different, and they’re here to help you find the tools and strategies
that will work best for your life.
Combining Mayer’s and Ramos’s years of personal experience with Dr. Fung’s clinical experience and scientific rigor, Life in the Fasting Lane is a unique, accessible, and life-changing guide to developing a sustainable and beneficial fasting routine.
Also by Jason Fung is The Diabetes Code. More info: TheFastingMethod.com
DIY SOURDOUGH The Beginner’s Guide to Crafting Starters, Bread, Snacks, and More by John & Jessica Moody $19.99, paper. New Society. 144 pages, 7x9, colour photos
Your helping hand for adding simple, homemade, whole grain sourdough to your weekly schedule. If your goal is to
make simple, nourishing, and delicious whole grain sourdough for your whole family, then DIY Sourdough is your
one-stop beginner’s guide. Coverage includes:
Fermenting Culture
WILDCRAFTED FERMENTATION Exploring, Transforming, and Preserving the Wild Flavors of Your Local Terroir by Pascal Baudar $39.95, paper. Chelsea Green. 304 pages, 7x10, colour photos
Wild krauts and kimchis, fermented forest brews, seawater brines, plant-based cheeses, and more!
One of the most influential tastemakers of our time invites you on an extraordinary culinary journey into the lacto-fermentation universe of common wild edibles. Used for thousands of years by
different cultures all around the world, lacto-fermentation is the easiest, safest, and most delicious way to preserve food. And nature provides all the necessary
ingredients: plants, salt, and the beneficial lactic acid bacteria found everywhere. In Wildcrafted Fermentation, Pascal Baudar describes in detail how to create rich, flavorful lacto-ferments at
FERMENTATION AS METAPHOR by Sandor Ellix Katz $35.95, cloth. Chelsea Green. 128 pages, 8x8, colour photos
Sandor Katz—an “unlikely rock star of the
American food scene”—delivers a mesmeriz-
ing treatise on the meaning of fermentation alongside his awe-inspiring photography of this transformative process, teaching us with words and
images about ourselves, our culture, and being human. In 2012, Sandor Ellix Katz published The Art of Fermentation, which quickly became the bible for foodies around the world, a runaway bestseller, and a James
Beard Book Award winner. Since then his work has gone on to inspire countless professionals and home cooks worldwide, bringing fermentation into the mainstream. In Fermentation as Metaphor, stemming from his personal obsession with all things fermented, Katz meditates on his art and work, drawing connections between microbial communities and aspects of human culture: politics, religion, social and cultural movements, ♦ Simple sourdough recipes for breads, snacks, and more ♦ The secrets to consistent results ♦ Tips and tricks for homemade sourdough, including flour buying, home milling, and sourdough starter ♦ Homemade bread scheduling options, including split-day sourdough recipes for making sourdough an easy part of your weekly routine.
DIY Sourdough is your personal guide to getting started with sourdough. It gives you a helping hand to succeed and offers a simple time-saving approach to make nourishing and delicious sourdough that fits into a hectic lifestyle.
The Moody family has been making traditional foods, including fine-tuning sourdough recipes and making sourdough with grains, for over a decade. Involved with farming, food, and homesteading, the Moody family of two old-timers and five rambunctious kids farms and homesteads on 35 acres in Kentucky.
THE ART OF PLANT-BASED CHEESEMAKING How to Craft Real, Cultured, Non-Dairy Cheese by Karen McAthy $24.99, paper. New Society. 160 pages, 7x9, colour illustrations
Making real, full-flavored and richly textured cheese without the use of dairy has long remained a mystery until now! With step-by-step guidance from acknowledged mashome from the wild and cultivated plants in your local landscape or garden. From sauerkrauts and kimchis to savory pastes, hot sauces, and dehydrated spice blends, Baudar includes more than 100 easy-to-follow, plant-based recipes to inspire even the most jaded palate. Step-by-step photos illus-
trate foraging, preparation, and fermentation techniques for both wild and cultivated
plants that will change your relationship to the edible landscape and give you the confidence to succeed like a pro.
So much more than a cookbook, Wildcrafted Fermentation offers a deeply rewarding way to reconnect with nature through the greens, stems, roots, berries, fruits, and seeds of your local terroir. Adventurous and creative, this cookbook will help you rewild your probiotic palate and “create a cuisine unique to you and your en-
vironment.” art, music, sexuality, identity, and even our individual thoughts and feelings. He informs
his arguments with his vast knowledge of the fermentation process, which he describes as a slow, gentle, steady, yet unstoppable force
for change. Throughout this truly one-of-a-kind book, Katz showcases fifty mesmerizing, original images of otherworldly beings from an unseen universe—images of fermented foods and beverages that he has photographed using both a stereoscope and electron microscope—exalting microbial life from the level of “germs” to that of high art.
When you see the raw beauty and complexity of microbial structures, they will take you far from absolute boundaries and rigid categories. They force us to reconceptualize. They make us ferment.
Fermentation as Metaphor broadens and redefines our relationship with food and fermentation. It’s the perfect gift for serious foodies, fans of fermentation, and
non-fiction readers alike. ter plant-based cheesemaker Karen McAthy, anyone can learn to craft authentic, delicious vegan cheese.
Drawing deep from the well of traditional cheesemaking but extending and developing the methods into
plant-based ingredients, this new edition of the award-winning The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking is a lavishly illustrated, practical guide packed with step-by-step recipes and straightforward processes from beginner to advanced. Coverage includes: ♦ Equipment, sanitation, food safety ♦ Non-cultured beginner recipes through to advanced cultured cheeses ♦ How to grow your own plant-based cultures, including rejuvelac, sprouting, fermentation, kefir, and probiotic capsules ♦ Using emulsifiers, starches, and binders ♦ Flavors, aging, rind curing, and working with molds ♦ Troubleshooting tips and tricks ♦ Updated step-by-step guidance and a detailed breakdown of the culturing process.
The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking, 2nd edition makes incredible homemade vegan cheese accessible for beginners, aspiring DIY non-dairy cheesemakers, and serious
foodies alike. The texture, the sharpness, the taste; you will be proud to serve up your creations.
Simply everything you need to make delicious non-dairy cheese right at home.