37 minute read
ADDICTION-FREE NATURALLY Free Yourself from Opioids, Pharmaceuticals, Alcohol, Tobacco, Caffeine, Sugar, and More by Brigitte Mars $21.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 288 pages, b/w illustrations
Addiction affects more people than any other disease. Breaking a habit can be daunting—it’s hard to know where to begin beyond quitting cold turkey. But just as habits can be acquired, they can be broken. Others have done it, and so can you! In this holistic guide to beating addiction, Brigitte Mars details how to replace negative habits and behaviors with positive healthy ones and safely support your body, mind, and spirit for a successful recovery. The author
shares specific herbs, supplements, homeopathic remedies, flower essences, behavioral therapy, and alternative practices, such as meditation and yoga, that can help liberate you from habitual substance use and ease the withdrawal period as well as methods for cleans-
ing the body of toxins and healthy ways to combat depression, anxiety, fatigue, and stress. She looks in depth at individual addictive substances and behaviors, including sugar, caffeine, alcohol, opioids, tobacco, and tranquilizers, offering specific advice and remedies for each. She shows how each technique can be used in conjunction with conventional therapies, such as psychotherapy, methadone, or Alcoholics Anonymous. Drawing on recent research, she also explores the enor-
mous potential of psychedelic therapy for overcoming addiction and, with the spreading legalization of cannabis, she addresses how this plant can be of benefit for recov-
ery, without being misused.
Offering advice on designing a personal program to break your addictions, the author also shows how to use natural remedies to maintain your new energy and vitality as you walk the road to recovery.
A founding member of the American Herbalists Guild, Mars is author of many books, among them The Natural First Aid Handbook and The Sexual Herbal.
TRAUMA AND THE 12 STEPS, REVISED & EXPANDED EDITION An Inclusive Guide to Enhancing Recovery by Jamie Marich $23.95, paper. North Atlantic. 268 pages
An inclusive, research-based guide to working the 12 steps: a trauma-informed approach for clinicians, sponsors, and those in recovery.
Step 1: You admit that you’re powerless over your addiction. Now what? 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have helped countless people on the path to recovery. But many still feel that 12-step programs aren’t for them: that the spiritual emphasis is too narrow, the modality too old-school, the setting too triggering, or the space too exclusive. Some struggle with an addict label that can eclipse
the histories, traumas, and experiences that feed into addiction, or dismisses the effects of adverse experiences
like trauma in the first place.
Advances in addiction medicine, trauma, neuropsychiatry, social theory, and overall strides in inclusivity need to be integrated into modern-day 12-step programs to reflect the latest research and what it means to live with an addiction today.
Dr. Jamie Marich, an addiction and trauma clinician
in recovery herself, builds necessary bridges between the 12-step’s core foundations and up-to-date developments
in trauma-informed care. Foregrounding the intersections of addiction, trauma, identity, and systems of oppression, Marich’s approach treats the whole person—not just the addiction—to foster healing, transformation, and growth.
Written for clinicians, therapists, sponsors, and those in recovery, Marich provides an extensive toolkit of trau-
ma-informed skills that: ♦ Explains how trauma impacts addiction, recovery, and relapse ♦ Celebrates communities who may feel excluded from the program, like atheists, agnostics, and LGBTQ+ folks ♦ Welcomes outside help from the fields of trauma, dissociation, mindfulness, and addiction research ♦ Explains the differences between being trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive; and ♦ Discusses spiritual abuse as a legitimate form of trauma that can profoundly impede spirituality-based approaches to healing.
Inspiration & Self-Help
SPARK CHANGE 108 Provocative Questions for Spiritual Evolution by Jennie Lee $29.99, cloth. Sounds True. 184 pages
It’s been said that finding the right question is as important as finding its answer. In Spark Change, Jennie Lee shows you how to identify your most important personal questions and explore how they might redefine the trajectory of your life.
Quality questions lead to quality answers. Questions promote deeper thought, connection, authenticity, and humility.
Here, Lee guides you through 108 inspiring prompts de-
signed to deepen your awareness of your innermost needs
and initiate powerful shifts throughout your life. Whether it’s examining the attitudes that hold you back or investigating where you truly want to go in life, these guided inquiries are meant to cultivate gratitude for your gifts, peace with the present moment, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
For the last two decades, Lee has used conscious inquiry practices to encourage self-reflection in her yoga therapy practice. Inspired by the source teachings of classical yoga
as well as Lees own inner journey, these prompts delve into some of the most enduring questions of psychology, self-improvement, and the spiritual path. With Lee’s piercing insight and constant guidance, Spark Change provides 108 prime opportunities to stop, ponder, and listen to the call of your most essential self. “We must stop to ask ourselves the very questions that Jennie Lee offers in this powerful guide to help us along our journey. The questions are insightful, evocative, and
carry a depth of raw introspection beyond any standard
list of questioning. They also do not leave you hanging. She offers the open hand and loving heart to support you as you take your dive inside. Jennie Lee is one of the most supportive, loving, and knowledgeable guides available to us. This book is a true treasure.” —Emily Francis, author of The Body Heals Itself
SPIRITUALLY SASSY 8 Radical Steps to Activate Your Innate Superpowers by Sah D’Simone $32.50, $32.50, cloth. Sounds True. 232 pages 7 CDs. 6 hours, 38 minutes
Transform your mind, open your heart, and help the world by uncovering and celebrating the authentic you!
Wild dance parties, vegan cake, and meaningful spirituality. Stop trying to put yourself into a box of what spirituality should look like—because, honey, being yourself is spiritual.
Thus sez Sah D’Simone in Spiritually Sassy, a guide for a generation that
celebrates diversity, authenticity, and freedom both in life and on the spiritual path.
A queer, brown, flamboyant, immigrant spiritual seeker, Sah is a voice for anyone who wants to grow in creative ways. To be of service and make an impact on the world. To embrace their fierce, funny, and fabulous selves—even the parts they might feel ashamed of or figure just arent spiritual enough.
With Spiritually Sassy, Sah distills the art of living well in our modern world into eight radical yet totally attainable steps. By incorporating scientifically backed principles
of modern psychology with time-tested Buddhist techniques—and a heavy dose of sassy sauce—Sah will help you unblock your heart, befriend your mind, and live your truth out loud. In other words, he’ll help you find your sass.
Highlights include: ♦ Clear out old ways of thinking to make room for a new story that reflects your fabulous heart and quiets your inner critic ♦ Overcome imposter syndrome and know you are worthy of love, abundance, and joy ♦ Get out of your own way in a big way Uncover your true self to become spiritual—and sassyAF ♦ Get real about your dreams and goals, and learn powerful manifestation practices to help make them happen ♦ Embrace your superpowers—the gifts and talents that help you live your purpose ♦ The importance of looking beyond yourself to your community, your tribe, and how you give back ♦ Plus tons of practices for meditation, breath work,
mantra, movement, journaling, working with your mind,
and more.
It is my mission in life to help you find your sass, whatever that means for you, so it can radiate out and touch everything you do.
To lean into life requires a quiet courage that lets us find our aliveness. And the reward for leaning into life is that everything hidden becomes sweet and colorful. Or more, we’re finally present enough to receive the sweetness and color that is always there. Consider how a flower opens. It doesn’t prepare for a particular moment but stays true to a life of opening and leaning toward the light. When a flower blossoms, it turns inside out and wears its beauty in the world. In just this way, a soul opens over a lifetime of leaning into life.
Despite the hardships we encounter, and in spite of our pain, the heart keeps opening after closing, the way day follows night—until meeting life is our daily experiment in truth. No matter the obstacles, we’re asked to welcome all the teachers we encounter along the way, each shouting and whispering that the secret kingdom is everywhere.
As we keep searching, these efforts never go away: the work of presence, the listening for teachers, and the vow to stay close to the fire of our aliveness. I confess, when I began, I wanted to light so many things. Now I’m the one being lighted and there’s nowhere to go. I can see that as being becomes a nest, there’s no reason to fly. —Mark Nepo, from The Book of Soul
Mark Nepo on Soul & Inner Courage
THE BOOK OF SOUL 52 Paths to Living What Matters by Mark Nepo $25.99, cloth. Picador. 270 pages
In The Book of Soul, Mark Nepo, author of The Book of Awakening and Drinking from the River of Light—wonderful books!—now offers us a powerful guide to inhabiting an authentic and wholehearted life. After we are physically born, we must be spiritually born a second time, a process that takes place
through the labor of a lifetime as we develop into more fully realized beings. The Book of Soul delves into the spiritual alchemy of that transformation in all
its mystery, difficulty, and inevitability.
This dynamic transformation—which we all have to face—connects two of my recent books. By living The
One Life We’re Given, we release the wisdom that waits in our heart, and that tender, human process leads us to The Way Under the Way: The Place of True Meeting.
When we commit to these holy engagements that join who we are with the world, we discover that the tem-
ple is the world. This is the central inquiry of this book: how we inhabit the soul on Earth through a messy hu-
man life, living tenderly and authentically enough that we can be who we are everywhere and create a path to what matters. The book is divided into four sections that mark the passages we all face: enduring our Walk in the World, until we discover Our True Inheritance, which allows
FINDING INNER COURAGE by Mark Nepo $27.95, paper. Red Wheel. 304 pages
The word courage comes from the Latin cor (core, heart), Nepo explains in this lovely, heartfelt meditation. “If to find our way
to the core is to face the lion, then to stand
by our core is to be the lion,” he says. Nepo, a poet, philosopher and teacher, believes there are two paths to manifesting courage: going within and knowing oneself, and turning outward, steadfastly facing life, allowing oneself to be vulnerable to experiences. The cost of not doing so is numbness, or living death, Nepo believes, and he sees courage as an ongoing series of choices. We need to consider the art of softening habitual routines back into meaningful practices. We need to discern when the rigid ones just need to be broken so our heart can once again breathe. For if we can learn the mysterious art of navigating our patterns, those rivers will guide us to our core. In a book filled with verbal images, stories and analogies, including the archetypal tale of Jacob wrestling us to live in the open by Widening Our Circle, as we Help Each Other Stay Awake.
Our constant challenge is to accept how life wears away what doesn’t matter until
the miracle of life is revealed in everything. Once living this barely in the open, our work is to let the light of Spirit come through, never thinking that we own it, but letting it use us to brighten and warm the hearts of others. This is the purpose of the human journey: to live openly and honestly until we become a source of uncovered light. Then life pours forth to renew us and all we meet.
The Book of Soul is a piercing guide, replete with beautiful truths and startling insight, that leads us deeply into the process of transformation.
When facing what’s ours to face, we’re surprised to learn, time and again, that under what seems unbear-
able is the rest of life waiting to be lived…
To learn from life and its web of relationship, we are constantly challenged to stay in conversation with the moments of our lives. And so, I invite you to listen and reflect your way through this book, to write your way through the topics and stories by way of a journal. To help with this process, I offer “Questions to Walk With” at the end of each chapter… These sections include prompts to self-reflect in your journal as well as entry
points to dialogue with a trusted friend or loved one. with the angel, Nepo also relates his own experiences surviving cancer and overcoming certain fears. Finding Inner Courage is work
from the heart that helps us find our own courage and experience how connection to our own core connects us to all of human-
kind, as well as to nature and spirit itself.
If you want to learn about healing, it helps to know of suffering. The strong live in the storm without worshipping the storm. This is what it means to stay in conversation with life. He relates stories of ordinary people, political activ-
ists, artists, and spiritual teachers from all traditions— people who are summoning the best of who they are in
all kinds of moments, great and small.

I invite you to inhale these stories, to let them fill your lungs and circle your heart, to let them empower you to stand more firmly by your core and a little taller in the world.
Among Mark Nepo’s many other books are The Book of Awakening and Drinking from the River of Light—all highly recommended.

Psychology, Therapy & Dreams
THE ANXIETY FIRST AID KIT Quick Tools for Extreme, Uncertain Times by Rick Hanson and Matthew McKay $24.95, paper. New Harbinger. 118 pages
Here’s a quick-relief guide for calming anxiety and stress
right now—during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you’re feeling unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety right now, please know that you aren’t alone. In these extreme and uncertain times, it’s natural to be in a constant state of mental and physical strain. Whether you’re dealing with job loss, a sick loved one, or just feeling the weight of the world during your 2 a.m. doomscroll—you need quick tools you can use right now, whenever and wherever you are, to lower stress and soothe anxiety. This emergency kit has you covered.
Written by a dream team of mental health experts and grounded in evidence-based therapy, The Anxiety First Aid Kit offers powerful tools for triaging stress and anxiety in
the moments when you need it most. You’ll find easy and doable ways to help you press pause on panic, and find your calm spot right away. You’ll discover in-the-moment interventions to help you relax before your anxiety and stress go into overdrive. And finally, you’ll learn how to
make healthy and workable lifestyle changes to improve
your mental health and increase resilience, so you can effectively deal with stressful situations in the future—no matter what life throws at you.
Between pandemic-related economic fears, the frustrations of social distancing, indoor confinement, work and household double duties (now including homeschooling!), and the looming threats of serious illness and climate chaos, is it any wonder you’re feeling completely stressed out and anxious? If you need immediate relief,
The Anxiety First Aid Kit has everything you need to man-
age stress and anxiety—right now.
Just like the first aid kit stashed under the bathroom sink, this mental health toolkit can give you a welcome respite from panic and worry about the future so that you can focus on what you can do in the here and now. In this short book, we have compiled forty of the easiest
and most effective anxiety-reducing exercises, tech-
niques, and practices from top mental health experts.
TRIGGERS How We Can Stop Reacting and Start Healing by David Richo $22.95, paper. Shambhala. 186 pages
Here psychotherapist David Richo examines the science of triggers and our reactions of fear, anger, and sadness. He helps us understand why our bod-
ies respond before our minds have a
chance to make sense of a situation. By looking deeply at the roots of what provokes us—the words, actions, and even sensory elements like smell—we find opportunities to understand the origins of our triggers and train our
bodies to remain calm in the face of
traumatic experiences. In-the-moment exercises on how to process difficult emotions and physical manifestations are offered throughout the book to cultivate the inner resources necessary to deal with recurring trauma.
Triggers thrive on the illusion that we can’t trust ourselves. With inner resources we find out we can trust ourselves indeed—and in deed.
Trauma never goes entirely away but it can become what happened rather than what still hurts… Our goal is not to root out all our triggers but to find a trailhead from them into the psychological and spiritual work that
has been so long awaiting us. This is how we turn our triggers into tools.
“When we are triggered,” Richo writes, “we are being bullied by our own unfinished business.” Explore what your body’s knee-jerk reactions to trauma can teach you. Triggers: How We Can Stop Reacting and Start Healing acts as a guide to your body’s powerful responses, helping you to remain calm under pressure and discover the key to emotional healing.
“David Richo helps normalize the fact that everyone has
triggers—and they can be a gift. Triggers point directly to interrupted spiritual work that can free us from suffering.
This book offers creative tools to step aside from reactivity and engage the curiosity that can lead to deeper exploration and truly liberating discoveries.”—Jan Chozen Bays, author of Mindfulness on the Go
DON’T TELL ME TO RELAX Emotional Resilience in the Age of Rage, Feels & Freak-Outs by Ralph La Rosa $21.95, paper. Shambhala. 214 pages
A handbook for staying grounded, emotionally connected, and empowered regardless of what’s in the headlines and who’s in your face.
“How can I practice acceptance when what I see all around me is unacceptable?” “How can I ‘let go’ when the headlines that trigger me are constant?” “How do I get involved without burning myself out?”
For empathetic people who don’t want to ignore the challenges of living in a politically divisive time and don’t want to have our minds commandeered by the media, the challenge of living with mindful
equanimity is a daily struggle. If distress isn’t at the forefront of our awareness, we are, at the very least, holding a background anxiety that makes us susceptible to emotion-
al reactivity. We know that acting out strong emotions impulsively robs us of our clarity, hinders our relationships, and distorts our ability to respond effectively. Yet, so many approaches to emotional intelligence and mindful coping seem to fall short in the fever-pitch moments. How do we walk through the fire of these times without getting scorched?
With his signature warm, funny, street-wise style, author Ralph De La Rosa gives us a handbook for mindful living
in contentious times. Full of insights and dozens of practices to address common reactions to our current political
climate—from media addiction and rage to dissociation and apathy—Don’t Tell Me to Relax brings the welcome news that our thoughts and emotions are not the enemy. That in fact, when used skillfully, they can become a powerful foundation to support our practice.
With a little bit of persistence, the perspectives and practices in this book can become resources available to you whenever you find yourself in emotionally challenging situations.
“This book is like a flotation device amidst the churning waters of insanity—not only in the world we live in but inside our bodies and minds as well.” —Will Johnson, author of The Posture of Meditation and Breathing as Spiritual
Also by Ralph De La Rosa is The Monkey is the Messenger.
POLYVAGAL EXERCISES FOR SAFETY AND CONNECTION 50 Client-Centered Practices by Deb Dana $25.95, paper. Norton. 328 pages
Deb Dana is the foremost translator of polyvagal theory into clinical practice. Here, in her third book on this groundbreaking theory, she provides therapists with a
Healing Personal & Collective Trauma
HEALING COLLECTIVE TRAUMA A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds by Thomas Hubl $33.99, cloth. Sounds True. 288 pages
A comprehensive guide to understanding and addressing collective trauma.
What can you do when you carry scars not on your body, but within your soul? And what happens when those spiritual wounds exist not just in you, but in everyone in your life?
Whether or not we have experienced personal trauma, we are all—in very real ways—impacted by the legacy of familial and cultural suffering. Recent research
has shown that trauma affects groups just as acutely as it does individuals; it bridges families, generations, com-
munities, and borders.
I believe that unresolved systemic traumas delay the development of the human family, harm the natural world, and inhibit the higher evolution of our species.
However, just as trauma can be integrated and healed for a single person, groups large and small can also find recovery. With Healing Collective Trauma, this world-renowned spiritual teacher presents a deeply hopeful road map.
Hübl explains the most recent science of trauma and shares the principles of his Collective Trauma Integra-
Energy Healing for Traumatic Times by Stephanie Mines $27.95, paper. New Page. 256 pages
We Are All in Shock provides the tools for reclaiming complete well-being after overwhelming experiences of shock, whether caused by the massive sweep of current events such as the Covid-19 pandemic or a personal catastrophe. Dr. Mines redefines
psychological trauma and revolutionizes the concept of self-care by identifying the true
cause of anxiety, explaining why it is so prevalent in society today and how by recognizing its effect we can find new stability and healing. Parents, nurses, crisis workers, and body workers, psychotherapists and the everyday reader will benefit from the practices.
We Are All in Shock demystifies energy medicine by presenting accessible tools to help diminish and eliminate the nervous system’s habitual responses to overgrab- bag of polyvagal- informed exercises for their clients, to use both with-
in and between sessions. These exercises offer readily understandable explanations of the ways the autonomic nervous system directs daily living. They use the principles of polyvagal theory to guide clients to safely connect to their autonomic re- sponses and navigate daily experiences in new ways. The exercises are designed to be introduced over time in a variety of clinical sessions with accompanying exercises appropriate for use by clients between sessions to enhance the therapeutic change process.
With its invitation into “the practice of home-play, which
captures your interest with an open invitation to enter into, and enjoy, gentle practices of autonomic listening and skill
building,” this book is essential reading for any therapist who wants to take their polyvagal knowledge to the next level and is looking for easy ways to deliver polyvagal solutions with their clients. tion Process (CTIP), a protocol he has facilitated for groups in the US, Germany, Israel, and elsewhere. He examines collective trauma both from the perspective of the latest research and through a spiritual lens informed by 15 years as a meditation teacher. Including
contributions from renowned experts from across the field of trauma treatment, as well as meditative practices to support both coun-
selors and clients, Healing Collective Trauma presents a fresh perspective on trauma integration along with practical tools for beginning the journey to wholeness.
Such as… ♦ The innumerable ways trauma shapes our world— from identity and health to economy, geopolitics, and the state of the environment ♦ The concept of “trauma loyalty”—unconscious group bonds based in a pain narrative ♦ How the climate crisis is both a manifestation of humanity’s collective trauma and an opportunity to heal ♦ Retrocausality—how the power of presence can reshape the past and make new futures possible.
As Thomas declares,
Together, I believe we can and must heal the soul wound that marks us all. In so doing, we will awaken to the luminous possibility and profound potential of our
true, mutual nature as humankind.
whelming traumas. Dr. Mines’ work combines skills from Japanese energy healing arts related to acupressure on the energy meridians of the body with the most contemporary scientific interpretation of how the brain works, to offer a clear understanding of neurological behavior. “Dr. Stephanie Mines offers practical steps people can use to fortify and empower themselves and their loved ones ... It is a book for our times.” —Peter A. Levine, author, Wak-
ing the Tiger: Healing Trauma
“We are all in Shock is a landmark book. Reading like a novel but informing like a text, it edifies that psycholog-
ical shock is a universal malady of modern and technocratic cultures, and teaches us practical ways that shock
can be self-managed and treated. It’s a “must read” for anyone who wishes to self-heal or to heal others.” —William Emerson, American Association of Pre- and Peri-
natal Psychology “A beautiful example of the notion that ‘sensing, naming, and identifying what is going on inside is the first step to recovery.’ Deb Dana lucidly guides you to travel deep inside of yourself to become aware of how your internal surveillance system—the safety settings of your autonomic nervous system—is the foundation of the way we feel, act, and think. This is a valuable manual to help you ad-
dress your inner physiology and thereby create the neces-
sary conditions for safety and connection.” —Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score
“I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation. I have little doubt that as individuals, families, communities, and even nations, we have the capacity to learn how to heal and prevent much of the damage done by trauma. In so doing, we will significantly increase our ability to achieve both our individual and collective dreams.” —Peter A. Levine, Healing Trauma
HEALING DEPRESSION WITHOUT MEDICATION A Psychiatrist’s Guide to Balancing Mind, Body, and Soul by Jodie Skillicorn $23.95, paper. North Atlantic. 318 pages
Here’s an effective, evidence-based guide for preventing, treating, and overcoming depression—without drugs.
Antidepressants—the first line in our standard of care for treating depression-—may not be much more effective than placebos, yet 1 in 6 North
Americans takes medication to alleviate feeling sad, anxious, stuck, or un-
able to focus or sleep. More and more, conventional medicine pathologizes how we respond to life’s challenges, like feeling trapped in an unfulfilling job, grieving the death of a loved one, or being anxious about a bad relationship, telling us that they’re symptoms of disease.
But what if everything we thought we knew about depression—and how to heal from it—was wrong? Psychiatrist Dr. Jodie Skillicorn presents a new path, debunking
the myth of the neurochemical imbalance and exploring the roots of depression, like adverse childhood experienc-
es (ACEs) and poorly managed day-to-day stress. In Part 1, Dr. Skillicorn explains what depression is, why we get it, and how we got to where we are now within a pharmaceutical-driven treatment paradigm. Part 2 addresses different aspects of physical and mental health and includes
practical, guided Wellness Rx exercises that teach readers
to nourish, heal, and restore balance to body and mind. Fully supported and evidence-based, Dr. Skillicorn introduces holistic methods for beating depression, including nutrition, mindfulness, fostering meaningful connections, exercise, sleep, nature, and breathwork—and empowers readers to become agents of their own wholeness and healing.
Learning self-care skills empowers you for life and gets to the root of the problem… Neither you nor I are passive players doomed to a lifetime of pills, but active participants in our own healing (or wounding). By collaborating in our healing process, we are removing the sense of powerlessness and helplessness that fuels anxiety and depression, and replacing it with a greater sense of control and self-efficacy, reducing the risk of mental illness.
SOMATIC INTERNAL FAMILY SYSTEMS THERAPY Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement and Touch in Practice by Susan McConnell $33.95, paper. North Atlantic. 352 pages, b/w illustrations
Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy introduces a new therapeutic modality that blends principles of somatic therapy—like movement, touch, and breathwork—with the traditional tools of the Internal Family Systems framework. Broadening the benefits and applications of the IFS model, author Susan McConnell introduces 5 core
practices that mental health professionals can apply to their practice: somatic awareness, conscious breathing, radical resonance, mindful movement, and
attuned touch. Clinical applications include the treatment of depression, trauma, anxiety, eating disorders, chronic illness, and attachment disorders.
Within the IFS framework, clients will learn to identify their “inner worlds”—the discrete subpersonalities within each of us that hold emotions, perceptions, and belief systems, and that affect our behavior and emotional wellness. Body-based somatic tools are incorporated into therapy as patients learn to recognize different facets of their internal family and reconcile the needs of subpersonalities— like their inner child or internal manager—to bring more harmony to their physical and emotional well-being.
Viktor Frankl: Yes to Life!
MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING by Viktor Frankl $20.00, paper. Beacon. 165 pages
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s memoir has riveted generations of readers with its de-
scriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its
lessons for spiritual survival. Between 1942 and 1945 Frankl labored in four different camps, including Auschwitz, while his parents, brother, and pregnant wife perished. Based on his own experience and the experiences of others he treated later in his practice, Frankl argues that we cannot avoid suffering but
we can choose how to cope with it, find meaning in it,
and move forward with renewed purpose. Frankl’s theory—known as logotherapy, from the Greek word logos (“meaning”)—holds that our primary drive in life is not pleasure, as Freud maintained, but the discovery and pursuit of what we personally find meaningful.
The way in which a man accepts his fate and all the suffering it entails, the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity—even under the most difficult circumstances—to add a deeper meaning to his life. It may remain brave, dignified and unselfish. At the time of Frankl’s death in 1997, Man’s Search
In Spite of Everything by Viktor Frankl $25.95, cloth. Beacon. 127 pages
Eleven months after his liberation from
Auschwitz, Viktor E. Frankl held a series of public lectures in Vienna. The psychologist, who was to become world famous, explained his central thoughts on meaning, resilience and the importance of embracing life even in the face of great adversity. Frankl then edited those lectures into a short book, which was published in Austria only in 1946. Published for
the very first time in English, Frankl’s words resonate as strongly today as they did then. He offers an insightful exploration of the maxim “Live as if you were living for the second time” and unfolds his basic conviction that
every crisis also includes an opportunity. Despite the unspeakable horrors in the camp, Frankl learnt from his fellow inmates that it is always possible to say “yes to life”—a profound and timeless lesson for us all.
Midlife & Elder Wisdom
Tools and anecdotes to reframe aging from the bestselling author of Work as a Spiritual Practice and Aging as a
Aging is not just a process, but a journey: a decades-long adventure of new opportunities and surprises. And while loss, tragedy, and decline are inevitably part and parcel of getting older, so too are joys, gifts, and new discoveries. For men in particular,
the decline in virility and power that accompanies age is a tough pill to swallow: when these fall away, what remains? And without them, what does it mean to be a man?
As life unfolds, a man’s identity is renewed, reviewed, and negotiated: the markers that make him himself at 20 won’t be the same at 35, 50, or 70. This book shows readers how to turn toward these changes, to come into their for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in 24 languages. A reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a “book that made a difference in your life” found Man’s Search for Mean-
ing among the ten most influential books
in America. It has inspired religious and philosophical thinkers, mental-health professionals, teachers, students, and general readers from all walks of life. It is routinely assigned to college, graduate, and high school students in psychology, philosophy, history, literature, Holocaust studies, religion, and theology.
Beacon Press, the original English-language publisher of Man’s Search for Meaning, has issued this new
paperback edition with a new Foreword, biographical Afterword, and classroom materials to reach new gen-
erations of readers.
For the world is in a bad state, but everything will become still worse unless each of us does his best.
So, let us be alert—alert in a twofold sense: Since Auschwitz we know what man is capable of. And since Hiroshima we know what is at stake. —Postscript 1984,
“The Case for a Tragic Optimism” A new introduction by Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence, Focus) explores Frankl’s thought and sets the book in the context of our times:
The lesson Frankl drew from this existential fact: our perspective on life’s events—what
we make of them—matters as much or more
than what actually befalls us. “Fate” is what happens to us beyond our control. But we each are responsible for how we relate to those events…
Frankl ended these lectures—and this book—by saying his entire purpose has been that any of us can say “Yes” to life in spite of everything.
“This slim, powerful collection from Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Frankl (Man’s Search for Meaning) attests to life’s meaning, even in desperate circumstances...This lovely work transcends its original context, of-
EVERY BREATH, NEW CHANCES How to Age with Honor and Dignity—A Guide for Men by Lewis Richmond $22.95, paper. North Atlantic. 256 pages
Spiritual Practice.
fering wisdom and guidance.” —Publishers Weekly own as older men by reframing the losses of age as strengths and opportunities for growth.
Drawing from interviews and personal anecdotes, each
chapter includes a contemplative practice called Deep
Mind Reflection to help readers navigate aging and topics like divorce and single living; illness, death, and emotions; relating to partners; health, denial, and substance abuse; retirement and encore careers; and reframing a masculine identity once predicated on strength and virility. For every challenge or difficulty men face as they age, there are positive outcomes and fresh possibilities. This book encompasses the totality: fears and aspirations, new careers and next steps, and spiritual preparation for the final decades of life.
AGING WITH AGENCY Building Resilience, Confronting Challenges, and Navigating Eldercare by Sandi Peters $23.95, paper. North Atlantic. 304 pages
As we become healthier as a society, so too are we living longer. But with aging can come new fears, challenges and concerns. Loss of career, loved ones, or our physical and cognitive abilities can leave us feeling isolated and scared. But in Aging with Agency, Sandi Peters shows us that old age
Dreaming Explorations
DREAMING TECHNIQUES Working with Night Dreams, Daydreams, and Liminal Dreams by Serge Kahili King $19.99, paper. Bear & Company. 224 pp.
Dreams can change our lives in profound and tangible ways. In this guide to mastering the art of dreaming, Serge Kahili King explores techniques to harness the power of dreams for healing, transformation, and changing your experience of reality.
Drawing on his analysis of more than 5,000 of his own dreams as well as those of students and clients from his almost 50 years of clinical work, King examines
the types of night dreams we have, how to remember them better, how to make use of them to improve our
health and well-being, and how to interpret them. He explores how dreams are understood in neuroscience and psychology, in Native American and Aboriginal cultures, in indigenous Senoi dream theory, and in India, Tibet, Hawaii, and Africa as well as ancient Egypt, Greece, and China. He examines the power of limin-
al dreams—those experienced in the half-awake state
before or after sleep—for manifestation and self-un-
Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires Through
Twelve Secrets of the Imagination by Robert Moss $24.50, paper. New World Library. 325 pages
Robert Moss is a respected author of many books on dreams. Among his earlier titles are and The Secret History of Dreaming. Imagination is sometimes confused with idle daydreaming, but the two are worlds apart. The imagination is a powerful creative resource for insight and self-actualization, one that can be tapped by anyone with the right attitude and practice. In Growing Big Dreams, Robert Moss shows readers how to harness the power of the creative imagination to manifest the life they truly desire. The process involves setting an intention, visualizing the goal with such intensity that it becomes tangible, and then using the imagination to make the vision take root in the real world. Moss offers a wide array of techniques to access
the creative imagination, including lucid dreaming, the yoga of sleep, summoning spirit guides, cultivating psychic states of consciousness, and more. Great artists, mystics, and shamans know that there are places of the
imagination that are entirely real. Growing Big Dreams shows everyone how to get there. need not mean the end of personal growth. In fact, late adulthood can
prove to be the most meaningful and transformative period of one’s life. The key, says Peters, is the develop-
ment of one’s inner life, and with it a shift in one’s relation to the aging process. Minimally theoretical and maximally practical, this book draws on history, philosophy, psychology, gerontology, and spirituality to deepen and expand our understanding of what it means grow old in the twenty-first century. Peters shares time-tested contemplative practices such as
meditation, active imagination, dream work, and creative
writing designed to enhance one’s inner worlds and enable us to face life’s inevitable changes with equanimity and insight. She offers practical advice on issues such as
assisted living and home care, and a refreshingly new per-
spective on matters of memory and cognitive change. “The way Aging with Agency has woven together theory derstanding. He offers techniques for enhancing the dream experience for both night dreams and liminal dreams, along with practical methods to induce lucid (conscious) dreaming and to create healing thoughtforms.
King then explores daydreams in depth, including fantasy, guided imagery, meditation, visions, and remote viewing and pro-
vides techniques for using daydreams for
healing, insight, and creativity. He divides daydreaming into two categories, defining “active daydreaming” as the scripted dream in which you envision a goal happening and “passive daydreaming” as allowing ideas and memories to arise spontaneously from the depths of the mind. Reflecting on how dreamlike our daily experience is, King shows that each of us can use dreams as tools for seeing the world differently and influencing the behavior of people, things, and nature. Serge Kahili King is the author of many books on Huna and Hawaiian shamanism, including Urban
Active Dreaming, Dreaming the Soul Back Home,
Shaman and Instant Healing. This book will help you connect with your inner imaginer and become scriptwriter, director, and star of your own life movies, choosing your preferred genre and stepping into a bigger and brave story. Where do you find the material and inspiration for this? Dreams show you the secret wishes of your soul… Your great imaginer is your magical child… What is in your way may be your way… You have treasures in the twilight zone… Your body believes in images… Your story is hunting you… You are magnetic… There is a world of imagination, and it is entirely real…
If you can see your destination, you are halfway there…
You can grow a dream for someone who needs a dream…
You don’t have to drive used karma…
The stronger the imagination, the less imaginary the results…
You are about to discover that you stand at the center of all times and need not be bound by past or alternate histories, including your résumé life and the demons
under your bed. and practice, personal stories with those of the cultural and theoretical Zeitgeist, inspiring the reader—with practical suggestions—to move inward, to see her and his aging as a tremendous opportunity to deepen and grow, to connect with self and Self, is truly astounding. It is a major contribution to our effort to end the insanity we have in our perceptions of aging, of elders, of the way we care for our elders, and the way we look at life.” —Nader Shabahangi, Elder Ashram, Oakland, California
“Grounding her work in Jungian Analytical Psychology, she challenges the reader to maturation, searching for meaning in diminishment, finding hope in loss and grief, and living our personal myths in depth into the dying process.” —Donald Bisson, founder of the Center for Jungian Christian Dialogue “This book is actually more thrilling than its title implies. It presents the possibility of an exploration of vibrant and awakening awareness of the inner life that flourishes even as the body is coming toward the end of its viability.” —Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist meditation teacher and author of
It’s Easier Than You Think
Jungian Psychology
LIVING BETWEEN WORLDS Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times by James Hollis $29.99, cloth. Sounds True. 167 pages $38.99, 6 CDs. 6.7 hours, unabridged
How did we get to this crossroads in history? And will we make it through—individually and as a species?
We all assumed that learning, rationality, and good intentions would prove enough to bring us to the promised land. But they haven’t and won’t. Yet what we also do not recognize sufficiently is that this human animal is equipped for survival. In time, as we have seen of life’s other insolubles, we grow large enough to contain what threatened to destroy us.
Dr. Hollis’s readers know him as a penetrating thinker (and eminent Jungian analyst) who brings profound insight and sophistication to the inner journey. In Living Between Worlds, he broadens his lens to encompass the
relationship between our inner struggles and the rapid-
ly shifting realities of modern human existence. You will learn to invoke the tools of depth psychology, classical lit-
erature, philosophy, dream work, and myth, to gain access to the resources that supported our ancestors through
their darkest hours. Through these paths of inner exploration, you will access your locus of knowing—an inner wellspring of deep resilience beyond the ego, always available to guide you back to the imperatives of your soul.
If you do not like how your life is turning out, you may need to see what “ideas” your life is serving, assess whether they are conscious or unconscious, and then try to get better ideas. To that end, I will talk about the cryptic, even unconscious, notions that we serve on a daily basis—the universal themes, motifs, and hidden agendas that are running our lives. Getting some idea about these
“ideas” is the only way we can begin to challenge them and regain our soul’s journey. Though many of the challenges of our times are unique, the path through for us personally and collectively will always rely on our measureless capacity for creativity, wisdom, and connection to a reality larger than ourselves.
Here you will find no easy answers or pat reassurances. Yet within the pages of Living Between Worlds, you will en-
counter causes for hope.
We can find what supports us when nothing supports us. By bearing the unbearable, we go through the desert to arrive at a nurturing oasis we did not know was there.
Among James Hollis’s other books are Living an Examined Life and Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to
Finally, Really Grow Up