30 minute read
Transpersonal Psychology
Matt Kahn’s Healing Mantras
THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS HAS A PLAN The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go by Matt Kahn $23.99, cloth. Hay House. 156 pages
Gifted spiritual teacher and intuitive Matt
Kahn, whose first book was Whatever Arises,
Love That, here guides readers on their path with 10 Golden Rules to help unlock emotional freedom. In this short yet powerful work, Matt Kahn shows how you can do the most profound spiritual work from the most loving, heart-centered perspective. The Golden Rules of Matt: #1: You’ve Done Nothing Wrong #2: Anyone Who Blames You Isn’t Happy #3: Hardships Can Be Fast-tracked through Thankfulness #4: Feeling Better Helps Everyone Heal #5: Well-being Is a Signal that You Are Ready to Embody Your Potential #6: The Universe Always Has a Plan
A 52-Card Deck by Matt Kahn $28.99, cards. Hay House. 52 colour cards + guidebook in a box
What is a mantra? A mantra is an echo of your highest wisdom, reflecting back in your own voice to help you recall all the things you were born to remember. Together, they’re doses
of vibrational medicine delivered into your energy field through the power of your voice. Mantras are the lan-
guage of unity consciousness; where the one speaking its wisdom and the one receiving its power are seen to be the same.
This card deck from gifted healer and intuitive Matt
Kahn contains 52 channeled mantras that have been encoded with healing energy, to realign your mind, body, Dying & Grieving AN ENERGY HEALER’S BOOK OF DYING For Caregivers and Those in Transition by Suzanne Worthley
Written by a highly skilled intuitive energy worker, this compassionate guide reveals what is happening energetically during the transition back to spirit and details how to provide
support in any phase of losing a loved one: before death, during the dying process, and afterward. Taking readers step-by-step through the nine ener-
getic levels of dying, author Suzanne Worthley explains what is happening at each level or dimension energetically, what to watch for in each stage, and specific ways in which we can support our loved ones through their transition back to spirit. For each of the nine stages, she describes what the dying person may see and experience, including the stages of transition at which people undergo the familiar elements of near-death experiences, such as entering a tunnel, conducting a life review, or encountering angels, guides, loved ones in spirit, or a bright light. She explores what family members and friends may see and experience, such as spirit energy, and what they can do to offer practical support and emotional solace to their loved one.
Examining how life force energy works as well as what Akashic records and soul contracts are, Worthley shares hospice case studies for each level of transition, so caregivers can see how belief systems and energy blocks in specific chakras affect the death process and why it is im #7: Everything Changes, But It Can Only Change You for the Better #8: In Order to Be Emotionally Free, It’s Okay to Dislike #9: Projecting Anger Drains You of Energy #10: Love Is Your Liberator
Along with each Golden Rule, there’ll be exercises and mantras that I will give to help you explore each attribute of your highest potential in the most practical way. Each chapter
will also highlight personal stories of how each Golden Rule has been implemented
throughout my life. I will serve as your resident “spiritual myth buster,” helping you see through the façade of superstitious beliefs and limited viewpoints, to lead you into a more heart-centered reality.
Matt also shares energetically-encoded mantras and exercises that will enable readers to jumpstart their
spiritual growth and access deeper levels of inspiration,
ease, freedom, and joy.
heart, and soul. In this deck, users will strengthen their connection to the Universe, and a remembrance of their innate wholeness and perfection. Mantras include these and many more.
The light is always within me. I was born of infinite joy. I am worthy of all the pleasure my heart desires.
My intuition flows whenever I am still.
Abundance is my birthright, and I receive it now. Your life’s greatest purpose and its deepest meaning may be revealed to you--one magical, healing mantra at a time. Also by Matt Kahn is the book Whatever Arises, Love
$18.99, paper. Findhorn. 176 pages, illus.
portant to clear energy blocks like fear, anger, or guilt
during life if possible. She explores the grieving process and offers helpful strategies for moving through it as well as at-a-glance reference tables of the nine stages and related healing strategies designed to be referred to by those holding vigil.
Shedding light on one of the great mysteries of existence, An Energy Healers Book of Dying offers a compact yet comforting guide to support you through this emotional, grief-filled, and exhausting time and help you bring solace to your loved one during the transition back to spirit.
RADICAL ACTS OF LOVE How We Find Hope at the End of Life by Janie Brown $32.00, cloth. Doubleday. 304 pages
This deeply moving and ultimately uplifting exploration of our last great challenge is from the director of Callanish, an organization that helps
and accompanies people near death.
In this profound and moving book, oncology nurse Janie Brown recounts
twenty conversations she has had with the dying, including people close to her. Each conversation uncovers a different perspective on, and experi-
ence of death, while at the same time exploring its universalities. Offering extremely sensitive and wise insight into our final moments, Brown shows practical ways to facilitate the shift from feeling helpless about death to feeling hopeful; from fear to acceptance; from feeling disconnected and alone, to becoming part of the wider, collective story of our mortality. Most people now under sixty have never seen a person die, and so have become deeply fearful about death, their own and the deaths of their beloved others. They have had no role models to show them how to care for a dying person, and therefore no confidence in being able to do so. My hope is that the baby boomer cohort who
pushed for the return of the midwives to de-medicalize birth will also be instrumental in reclaiming the death process. This book is my contribution to the re-em-
powerment of all of us to take charge of our lives and our deaths, remembering that we know how to die, just as we knew how to come into this world. We also know how to heal, and to settle our lives as best we can, before we die. In my view, this is the greatest gift we could give our loved ones: to be prepared and open and accepting when the time comes for us to leave this world.
OPENING TO GRIEF Finding Your Way from Loss to Peace by Claire Willis & Marnie Samuelson $24.95, cloth. Red Wheel. 144 pages
Grief is alive in us more and more, here on Earth these days. We all feel alone, shocked, confused, and heartbroken by the losses we have experienced in recent times. Opening to Grief is a gentle guide to the learnings in this experience. Like a loving friend, the authors move past the prevailing idea that grief moves in stages. Instead they
offer a personal path, an invitation to turn toward the emotions and sensa-
tions that arise and explore the ways that are most healing for you.
“A wise and sensitive book, this guide to working with grief is a treasure.” —Roshi Joan Halifax, author of Being
with Dying
“A comforting and elegant collection of healing wisdom. The perfect book for our times.” Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness
“Opening to Grief invites readers to approach and be with their grief, rather than turn away and try to avoid it. The
authors mix reflections with simple yet profound practices
anchored in mindfulness. It’s easy-to-read and a wonderful addition to the grief literature.” —Sue Morris, Director of Bereavement Services, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston
Transpersonal Psychology
YOUR SYMPHONY OF SELVES Discover and Understand More of Who We Are by James Fadiman & Jordan Gruber $24.99, paper. Inner Traditions. 434 pages, b/w illustrations
Offering groundbreaking insight into the dynamic nature of personality, James Fadiman and Jordan Gruber
show that each of us is comprised of distinct, autonomous, and inherently valuable selves. They also show that honoring each of these selves is a key to improved ways of living, loving, and
Explaining that it is normal to have multiple selves, the authors offer insights into why we all are inconsistent at times, allowing us to become more accepting of the different parts of who we and other people are. They explore, through extensive reviews, how the concept of healthy multiple selves has
been supported in science, popular culture, spirituality,
philosophy, art, literature, and ancient traditions and cite well-known people, including David Bowie and Beyoncé, who describe accessing another self at a pivotal point in their lives to resolve a pressing challenge.
Instead of seeing the existence of many selves as a flaw or pathology, the authors reveal that the healthiest people,
Karla McLaren on Anxiety as Fuel
EMBRACING ANXIETY How to Access the Genius Inside This Vital Emotion by Karla McLaren $23.50, paper. Sounds True. 172 pages
This is an in-depth guide for engaging
with anxiety—not as an affliction, but as an essential source of foresight, intuition,
and energy for completing your tasks and projects.
When we ignore or repress our anxiety, it can overwhelm us. But when we learn to welcome it with skill, we can access its remarkable gifts. Engaged with wisely, anxiety is your task completion ally—it helps you to focus, plan, take action, and fulfill your goals. With Embracing Anxiety, you’ll join this acclaimed educator to explore: ♦ Principles and practices to befriend your anxiety at every level of intensity (before it overwhelms you)
Accessing the Wisdom and
Energy of This Vital Emotion New on CD by Karla McLaren $38.99, 4 CDs. Sounds True. 4.7 hours
Are you struggling with anxiety? If so, you’ve probably tried the usual options— distraction, repression, medication, exercise, or just trying to ignore it. But anxiety, like all of our emotions, evolved to help us. And when we know how to work with it, this powerful emotion gives us focus, foresight, and the motivation to complete our tasks and fulfill our goals.
This audio program guides you through the essential practices taught in Karla McLaren’s book Embracing
Anxiety: mentally and emotionally, are those that have naturally learned to appreciate and work in harmony with their own
symphony of selves. They identify the Single Self Assumption as the prime reason why the benefits of having multiple selves has been ignored. This assumption holds that we each are or ought to be a single consistent self, yet we all recognize, in reality, that we are different in different situations. Selves have always been here—even in psychology—so we might as well learn to work with them. Offering a pragmatic approach, the authors show how you can prepare for situations by shifting to the appropriate self, rather than being switched or triggered into a sub-optimal part of who you are. They also show how
recognizing your selves provides increased access to skills, talent, and creativity; enhanced energy; and improved
healing and pain management. Appreciating your diverse selves will give you more empathy toward yourself and others. By harmonizing your symphony of selves, you can learn to be in the right mind at the right time more often.
Also by pioneer of transpersonal psychology James Fadiman is The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide.
ON THE MYSTERY OF BEING Contemporary Insights on the Convergence of Science and Spirituality edited by Zaya & Maurizio Benazzo $24.95, paper. New Harbinger. 224 pages
Who are we? What is our place in this vast and ever-evolving universe? Where do science and spirituality meet?
If you’ve pondered these questions, you’re not alone. Join some of the most spiritually curious and renowned minds of our time for an exploration into the mystery of ♦ Strategies to engage with anxiety as a source of foresight, conscientiousness, and motivation ♦ Why fear, confusion, and panic are not the same as anxiety, and tools to work with each effectively ♦ How anxiety blends with anger, depression, and other emotions, and how to clarify these compounded states ♦ Using McLarens Conscious Questioning practice to engage with anxiety and garner its insights ♦ How to embrace procrastination and get things
When you identify, listen to, and act on anxiety skillfully, you support its purpose, and allow it to recede naturally until it is needed again. Also by Karla McLaren are The Art of Empathy and
The Language of Emotions.
♦ Strengthening your boundaries to create a safe and calm personal space ♦ Conscious Complaining—a technique to stop repressing anxiety and allow it to self-regulate and reveal the information it carries ♦ Burning old “contracts” to bring your emotions back to their natural balance ♦ Resourcing—rejuvenating yourself with somatic healing practices for comfort and empowerment ♦ Conscious Questioning: a self-inquiry process for accessing the insights and energy of anxiety, and more
When you identify, listen to, and act on anxiety skilfully, you support its purpose, and allow it to recede
naturally until it is needed again. being. From founders of the Science and Nonduality (SAND) conference, Maurizio and Zaya Benazzo, On the Mystery of Being brings together an ar-
ray of visionary spiritual leaders, psychologists, philosophers, scientists, teachers, authors, and healers to cele-
brate and explore what it means to be human. This beautifully arranged collection of essays and insights highlight topics on the convergence of spirituality and science, weaving scientific theory and spiritual wisdom from some of the most influential thinkers of our time—including Deepak Chopra, Rupert Spira, Jean Houston, A.H. Almaas, Mirabai Starr, Adyashanti, and many more—with pieces that get straight to the heart of the matter. Juicy.
At SAND… we navigate that space where something else takes over—call it intuition, deep knowing, trust, surrender—a place from which new discoveries in sci-
ence and realizations in spirituality become possible… in the beauty of the questions, in the wonder, facing
the unknowable on the edge of the known…
We invite you to read each piece with an open heart and mind and to notice the invisible thread that weaves them together, remembering that we can never understand, but only surrender to the mystery we call life.
As a powerful antidote to our chaotic and materialist modern world, this dazzling volume offers timeless wisdom and new insight into humanity’s age-old questions. On the Mystery of Being also reveals the cutting-edge explorations at the intersection of science and spirituality today. May it encourage your spirit, challenge your mind, and deepen your understanding of our interconnectedness.
FREEDOM FOR ALL OF US A Monk, a Philosopher, and a Psychiatrist on Finding Inner Peace by Matthieu Ricard, Christophe André & Alexandre Jollien $25.99, paper. Sounds True. 368 pages
Three luminary teachers unfold a compelling series of dialogues on inner freedom—what it is and how to cultivate it in ourselves and others.
We are, nearly all of us, the playthings of our whims, our conditioning, our impulses, our inner conflicts, our wandering thoughts, and our afflictive emotions. This servitude of ours is at the root of much that torments us.
How do we free ourselves from the prison of these mental mechanisms, in the face of which we often feel helpless, even resigned? —Matthieu Ricard
With their previous book In Search of Wisdom, these three gifted friends—a monk, a philosopher, and a psychiatrist—shed light on our universal quest for meaning, purpose, and understanding. Now, in this new in-depth offering, they invite us to tend to the garden of our true nature: freedom.
Turn by turn, each shares his own unique perspective on the various obstacles to inner freedom, the ecology of freedom, the ways to cultivate it, and the harvest that comes out of it. What emerges is a panoramic vision and
road map for us to overcome the barriers that hinder our liberation.
It is our hope that this book will clarify the means for freeing ourselves from the causes of suffering.
Filled with unexpected insights and specific strategies, Freedom for All of Us presents an inspiring guide for breaking free of the unconscious walls that confine us.
“It’s rare to find a gathering of such wisdom in a single volume. And it is a delight to be in the company of these
three teachers, as if you were sitting with them and listen-
ing in. Far-reaching, penetrating, and profound, this is a gem of a book.” —Rick Hanson, author of Neurodharma “Down to earth, with doses of wit and self-deprecating humor, Freedom for All of Us captivates from the outset. This book is for all wish to discover anew joy, happiness, and who they are meant to be.” — Sharon Salzberg, author of
Real Change
Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk, author of many books, who has served as an interpreter for the Dalai Lama. Christophe André is a psychiatrist specializing in the psychology of emotions. His book is Looking at Mindfulness. Alexandre Jollien is a philosopher/writer who spent 17 years in a home for the physically disabled.
GOOD CHEMISTRY The Science of Connection, from Soul to Psychedelics by Julie Holland $34.99, cloth. HarperCollins. 320 pages
We are suffering an epidemic of disconnection that antidepressants and social media can’t fix. This state of isolation puts us in fight or flight mode, deranging sleep, metabolism and libido. What’s worse, we’re paranoid of others. This kill-or-be-killed framework is not a way to live. But, when we feel safe
and loved, we can rest, digest, and re-
pair. We can heal. And it is only in this state of belonging that we can open up to connection with others.
In this powerful book, psychiatrist
Julie Holland helps us to understand the science of connection as revealed in human experiences from the spiritual to the psychedelic. The key is oxytocin—a neurotransmitter and hormone produced in our
bodies that allows us to trust and bond. It fosters attachment between mothers and infants, romantic partners, friends, and even with our pets. There are many ways to reach this state of mental and physical wellbeing that modern medicine has overlooked. The implications for our happiness and health are profound. We are looking for connection in all the wrong places and in the process, we’re losing our connection to ourselves, to one another, and to our communities. The epidemic of loneliness is causing a mental health crisis, driving up rates of addiction and suicide. Opioids, phar-
maceuticals and technology all trick our brains into feeling connected though our bodies are not. Good Chemistry
shows how to restore real connection to heal us, body and soul.
We can find oneness in meditation, in community, or in awe at the beauty around us. Another option: psyche-
delic medicines that can catalyze a connection with the
self, with nature, or the cosmos. Good Chemistry points us on the right path to forging true and deeper attachments with our own souls, to one another, and even to our planet, helping us heal ourselves and our world. Julie Holland is the editor of The Pot Book and Ecstasy: The Complete Guide. She is the medical monitor for several clinical research studies on treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, one using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, and another examining the effects of various strains of cannabis.
LISTENING TO ECSTACY The Transformative Power Of MDMA by Charles Wininger $23.99, paper. Inner Traditions. 256 pages, 20 b/w illustrations
In a world that keeps us separate from each other, MDMA is the chemical of connection. Aptly known in popular culture as Ecstasy (and as Adam in the early days), MDMA helps us rediscover our own true loving nature, often obscured by the traumas of life. Well on its way to becoming a prescription medication due to groundbreaking research on its use to treat PTSD, Ecstasy can offer benefits for all adult life stages, from 20-somethings to seniors. In this memoir and guide to safe use, Charles Wininger, a licensed psychoanalyst and mental health counselor, details the countless ways that Ecstasy has helped him become a better therapist and husband. He recounts his coming of age in the 1960s counterculture, his 50 years of responsible experimentation with mind-altering substances, and his immersion in the new psychedelic renaissance. He explains how
he and his wife found Ecstasy to be the key to renewing and enriching their lives as they entered their senior years.
It also strengthened the bonds of their marriage.
Countering the fearful propaganda that surrounds this drug, Wininger describes what the experience actually feels like and explores the value of Ecstasy and similar substances for helping psychologically healthy individuals live a more optimal life. He provides protocols for the re-
sponsible, recreational, and celebrational use of MDMA, including how to perfect the experience, maximize the benefits and minimize the risks, and how it may not be
for everyone. He reveals how MDMA has revitalized his marriage, both erotically and emotionally, and describes
how pleasure, fun, and joy can be profound bonding and
transformative experiences. Revealing MDMA’s versatility when it comes to bringing lasting renewal, pleasure, and inspiration to one’s life, Wininger shows that recognizing the transformative power of happiness-inducing experiences can be the first step on the path to healing.
Excellent DIY resources are accessible at Charley’s website: charleywininger.com.
Stan Grof & Claudio Naranjo
THE WAY OF THE PSYCHONAUT VOLUME 1 Encyclopedia for Inner Journeys by Stanislav Grof $34.95, paper. MAPS. 416 pages, colour & b/w photos
The Way of the Psychonaut is one of the most important books ever written about the human psyche and the spiritual quest. The new
understandings were made possible thanks to Albert Hofmann’s discovery of LSD—the microscope and telescope of the human psy-
che—as well as other psychedelic substances. This comprehensive work is a tour de force through the worlds of psychology and psychotherapy, Holotropic Breathwork, maps of the psyche, birth, sex, and death, psychospiritual rebirth, the roots of trauma, spiritual emergency and transpersonal experiences, karma and reincarnation, higher creativity, great art, and archetypes.
The commanding breadth and depth of Grof’s knowledge is astounding, the tone of his writing easy and ac-
cessible, and his narratives brightened with amusing anecdotes, intriguing personal accounts, and brilliant case
studies. Grof reviews the history of depth psychotherapy, the important revisions that are needed to make it more effective, and why the inner quest is such an essential pursuit.
As one of the fathers of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, its most experienced practitioner, and deeply deserving of a Nobel Prize in medicine, in these two vol-
umes Grof has successfully unveiled a new and sweeping paradigm in self-exploration and healing. The vast and practical knowledge in this book is sure to be an in-
valuable and treasured resource for all serious seekers.
With a foreword by Richard Tarnas, the contents of Volume One include:
THE WAY OF THE PSYCHONAUT VOLUME 2 Encyclopedia for Inner Journeys by Stanislav Grof $34.95, paper. MAPS. 354 pages, b/w & colour photos
As one of the fathers of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, its most experienced practitioner, and deeply deserving of a Nobel Prize in medicine, in these two volumes Grof has
successfully unveiled a new and sweeping paradigm in self-exploration and healing. The vast and practical knowledge in this book is sure to be an invaluable and treasured resource for all serious
With a foreword by Rick Doblin, the contents of Volume Two include:
MY PSYCHEDELIC EXPLORATIONS The Healing Power and Transformational Potential of Psychoactive Substances by Claudio Naranjo $37.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 448 pages, b/w illustrations
In the time of the psychedelic pioneers, there were psychopharmacologists like Alexander “Sasha Shulgin,” psychonauts like Aldous Huxley, and psychiatrists like Humphrey Osmond. Claudio Naranjo was all three at once. He was the first to study the psychotherapeutic applications of ayahuasca, the first to publish on the effects of ibogaine, and a long-time collaborator with Sasha Shulgin in the research behind Shulgin’s famous books. A Fulbright scholar and Guggenheim fellow, he worked with Leo Zeff on LSD-assisted therapy and Fritz Perls on Gestalt therapy. He was a presenter at the 1967 University of California LSD Conference and, 47 years later, gave the inaugural speech at the First International Conference on Ayahuasca in 2014. ♦ The History of Psychonautics: Ancient, Aboriginal, and Modern Technologies of the Sacred ♦ The Revision and Re-Enchantment of Psychology: Legacy from a Half Century of Consciousness Research ♦ Maps of the Psyche in Depth Psychology: Toward An Integratoin of Approaches ♦ Architecture of Emotional and Psychosomatic Disorders ♦ Spiritual Emergency: Understanding the Treatment of Crises of Transformation ♦ Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Psychotherapy and Self-Exploration
“The Way of the Psychonaut is a treasure trove of insights distilled from Stanislav Grof’s long and distinguished career in psychedelic therapy and Holotropic Breathwork. This is a rich and comprehensive statement from a master clinician who has forever changed our understanding of our mind and the mind of the universe. Essential and wonderful reading.” —Chris Bache, Ph.D., author of LSD and the Mind of the Universe: Diamonds from Heaven “Future historians will describe the emergence of psychedelic compounds and plants in the mid-1960s as an event that radically changed psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy. It also sent shockwaves through Western culture, transforming lifestyles, worldviews, the arts, theoretical physics, technology, and the computer industry. If you think this is an exaggeration, read The Way of the Psychonaut, Stanislav Grof’s well-crafted and beautifully written account of an era that may save humanity in spite of itself.” —Stanley Krippner, Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University
♦ Self-Exploration and Therapy with Psychedelics: Importance of Set and Setting ♦ Synchronicity: C.G. Jung’s “Acausal Connecting Principle” ♦ Holotropic States of Consciousness and the Understanding of Art ♦ The Promethean Impulse: Higher Creativity ♦ The Archetypes: Guiding Principlies of the Psyche and the Cosmos ♦ Roots of Human Violence and Greed: Consciousness Research and Human Survival ♦ Psyche and Thanatos: Psychospiritaul Dimensions of Death and Dying ♦ The Cosmic Game: Exploration of the Farthest Reaches of Human Consciousness ♦ Epilogue: Psyche and Cosmos by Richard Tarnas
Across his career, Dr. Naranjo gathered more clinical experience in individual and group psychedelic treatment than any other psychotherapist to date. In this book, his final work, Dr. Naranjo shares his psychedelic autobiography along with previously unpublished interviews, session accounts, and re-
search papers on the therapeutic effects of psychedelics, including MDMA, ayahuasca, cannabis, iboga, and psilocybin. The book includes Naranjo’s reflections on the spiritual aspects of psychedelics and the healing transformations they bring, his philosophical explorations of how psychedelics act as agents of deeper consciousness, and his recommended tech-
niques for controlled induction of altered states using
different visionary substances. Naranjo’s work shows that psychedelics have the strongest potential for transforming and healing people over all therapeutic methods currently in use.
Among his other books are The Healing Journey and The Revolution We Expected.
PSYCHEDELICS AND SPIRITUALITY The Sacred Use of LSDd, Psilocybin, and MDMA for Human Transformation edited by Thomas Roberts $23.99, paper. Inner Traditions. 320 pp.
Modern organized religion is based predominantly on secondary religious experience—we read about others extraordinary spiritual encounters with God but have no direct experience ourselves. Yet there exist powerful sacraments to help us directly experience the sacred, to help us seek out for ourselves the meaning of being human and our place in the universe, and to help us see the sacred in the world that surrounds us. In this classic book, more than 25
spiritual leaders, scientists, and psychedelic visionaries examine how we can return to the primary spiritual encounters at the basis of all religions through the
guided use of psychedelics. With contributions by Albert Hofmann, Huston Smith, Stanislav Grof, Charles Tart, Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Myron Stolaroff, and many others, this book explores protocols for ceremonial and spiritual use of psychedelics, including LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, and MDMA, and
the challenges of transforming entheogenic insights into
enduring change. It examines psychoactive sacraments in the Bible, myths surrounding the use of LSD, and the transformative ayahuasca rituals of Santo Daime. The book also includes personal accounts of Walter Pahnkes Good Friday Experiment as well as a 25-year follow-up with its participants.
Dispelling fears of inauthentic spirituality, addiction, and ill-prepared encounters with the holy, this book reveals the potential of psychedelics as catalysts for spiritual development, a path through which faith can directly encounter God’s power, and the beginning of a new religious era based on personal spiritual experience. “A major contribution to ensuring the continued expansion of the renaissance in psychedelic research. This book would be an outstanding textbook in all courses of psychedelic psychotherapy, mysticism, and spirituality.” —Rick Doblin, director of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
“For those who value profound religious experiences and who wish to become increasingly well informed about
how entheogens could become responsibly integrated into
meditative practices and the offerings of spiritual retreat centers, there is much to be learned from the well-chosen essays in this book.” —William Richards, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, author of Sacred Knowledge
Also by Thomas Roberts are The Psychedelic Future of the Mind and MindApps.
Shamanism & Ritual
MAGDALENA: RIVER OF DREAMS A Story of Colombia by Wade Davis $39.95, cloth. Penguin. 432 pages, colour photos, maps
A captivating new book from Wade Davis—renowned author and photographer, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence for more than a decade—that brings vividly to life the
story of the great Rio Magdalena, illuminating Colombia’s complex past,
present, and future in the process.
The Magdalena River is the life-
line that runs the length of the nation. For centuries, it allowed Colombians to settle their mountainous, geographically unique region—one of the most challenging on the planet. Colombia’s complicated history reflects the beautiful, wild and impossible geography of its largest river: in places, it is placid and calm; in other moments, tortured and unpredictable. A
Living Shamanic Teachers
SHAMAN Invoking Power, Presence and Purpose at the Core of Who You Are by Ya’Acov Darling Khan $29.99, paper. Hay House. 272 pages, b/w illustrations
Now from Ya’Acov Darling Khan, the co-founder of Movement Medicine and author of Jaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart, this guidebook blends experiences of
shamanic teachers with transformational exercises and rituals designed to bring shamanism into the 21st centu-
ry—and to activate the Inner Shaman in you.
A shaman is someone who reminds us of the rhythm of life that is dancing inside us and invites us to follow it, who shows us how we can dream a better world into being. Shamans are no longer only isolated healers in faraway places. Their spirit has returned and is infusing the work of teachers, artists and activists, leaders in business and people throughout all areas of our societies.
We all have an inner shaman and this book is for you if you: recognize there’s untapped power inside you that you want to learn how to harness
SPIRIT HACKING Shamanic Keys to Reclaim Your Personal Power, Transform Yourself, and Light Up the World by Shaman Durek New in Paperback $24.95, paper. Picador. 320 pages eration shaman shares life altering shamanic keys allowing you to tap into your personal
banish fear and darkness from your life in favour of light, positivity, and strength.
Shaman Durek’s bold and sometimes controversial wisdom shakes loose our assumptions about ourselves and the very world around us. He ultimately teaches us how to step fearlessly out of this Blackout (the age of darkness we are currently experiencing) and access a place of fierce empowerment by use of tools and techniques of timeless Shamanic tradition. This transforma-
tion is both personal and collective; as individuals step out of darkness and begin to experience the light, we bring our loved ones and communities out of the shad-
ows as well.
Shaman Durek inherited a rich legacy of ancient wisdom and now shares this knowledge for a modern Elizabeth Meacham details her field-tested method of shamanic ecotherapy practices to resolve our centuries-long trend toward disconnection from the web of life. Through these practices, you will learn how to recon-
nect to Earth’s systems and help restore
health and balance to people and the planet.
Translating transformative ideas from visionary environmental thinkers into engaging shamanic rituals for profound spiritual growth, Meacham offers dozens of
practices in three categories: Earth-connecting practices, Spirit-connecting practices, and Dream-connecting practices. Building on one another, the exercises open channels to allow you to directly experience the intelli-
gences of the Earth and Spirit realms, rebirth your inherent shamanic abilities, realign you with the rhythms and flow of life, and reclaim your ancestral power for co-creating a healing dream for our species and all of life on our planetary home.
Guiding the reader through a progressively deepenwant to feel a deeper connection to your own nature, your ancestors, your community and the intelligence of life itself care about the future of life on our planet and wish to redress the balance between humanity and nature know your purpose is to co-create a world that is built on justice and sustainability. The title of this book is an invocation. And I am drumming and singing it into the eight directions through the roots, trunk and braches of the Tree of Life: ‘Shaman! Hey! You there! Yes, you!
I’m calling to you —you inside your skin, inside your bones. To the ancient memories that are alive in your
DNA— the Inner Shaman who remembers your unbreakable connection to the magnificent spirit of life and who you truly are. It’s time to awaken. Your body needs you. The Earth needs you. Your heart needs you.
Your dreams need you. You are creation itself in the form of a human, and you have so much to give…’ The rich transmission of soul story, movement medicine and ritual practices, and passing on of shamanic power, purpose and resources make this book a living
In Spirit Hacking, Shaman Durek, a fifth-gen-
power. Through new information you will
EARTH SPIRIT DREAMING Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices by Elizabeth Meacham $21.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 222 pp.
toolkit and guide. More info: darlingkhan.com. context. He works with everyone from celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Nina Dobrev to royals such as Princess Marta of Norway and innovative executives such as Bullet-Proof Coffee founder Dave Asprey, who writes, “This
guy does next level stuff. I have worked with him and I have no idea how or why he is able to do some of the things I have witnessed. Science is just catching up with biohacking. It’s time to start studying spirit hacking and how Shaman Durek can achieve the tangible
results he achieves.”
Spirit Hacking shatters readers’ complacency, giving them tools to navigate the tumultuous times in which we find ourselves.
“Rarely, if ever, are books by or on shamanism
page-turners. This is the first I have seen and it is stunning. Spirit Hacking will surprise you, undo you, and
make you laugh. It invites you to a way of seeing the world that is deeply inspired and unique, entirely based on experience. It is authentic, gobbledygook free, astonishingly honest, a verbal mind-blow that is urgently needed at this time. It will flat out change how you see the world.” —Paul Hawken, environmentalist, entrepreneur, author of Drawdown
ing journey toward connection with ourselves, each other, and the consciousness of our biosphere, the practices also invite profound mindfulness, as we work to hold a vision of connection with the Earth and Spirit realms, while choosing consciously to focus on joy, beauty, gratitude, love, and healing. It is simply a matter of grounding ourselves more deeply in the touch and sound and pulse of nature. From here our boundaries slowly open, and we begin to engage with a larger life, an older life that is both us and more than us. Earth
Spirit Dreaming is deeply needed medicine for our
times and a true gift to the world. —from foreword by
Christopher Bache, author of LSD and the Mind of the
Illuminating a shamanic awakening within Western culture at the dawn of an ecological age, Earth Spirit Dreaming reveals how the birth of a global consciousness of healing depends upon our commitment to individual and collective spiritual evolution. Calling us back to our shamanic heritage of a living nature spirituality, this manual offers much needed guidance on the essential journey back to an intimate love of Earth.