Branches of Light, Winter - Spring 2020 - 2021

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W I T C H E S ,




Witches Crafting Beauty SEASONS OF MOON AND FLAME The Wild Dreamer’s Epic Journey of Becoming

harmony with the worlds of spirit and nature.

by Danielle Dulsky

$26.00, paper. New World. 350 pages

The yearning to slow down and simplify, return to the earth, and maybe even rewild what has been tamed in ourselves persists even though that dream seems ever more remote in contemporary life. Danielle Dulsky shows that even in our high-tech and high-pressure lives, it is possible. As a young woman, Dulsky found refuge, nurturance, and wisdom in her grandmother’s rustic home. As an adult, after years of seeking elsewhere, Dulsky came to recognize the wise elder, or Crone, in her grandmother and to explore ways of honoring that lineage. She offers fellow seekers a way to manifest their own year of the wild and to tap into often-forgotten wisdom ways. Seasons of Moon and Flame guides readers to live cyclically while working with the archetype of the Sacred Hag, or wild grandmother, who appears in various guises. Lunar phases within lunar seasons are highlighted through rituals and ceremonies. Wonderfully inclusive, with adaptations for families, spiritual groups, and other traditions, this book is a potentially life-changing guide to living mystically, magically, and in empowering WALKING IN BEAUTY Using the Magick of the Pentacle to Bring Harmony to Your Life by Phoenix LeFae

$24.99, paper. Llewellyn. 288 pages

Using the pentacle and its five points as a magickal framework, this inspiring book presents techniques and exercises that help you manifest joy, discover your inner and outer beauty, recognize blessings, and bring balance to your life. Phoenix LeFae presents a revolutionary approach based on the five points of the pentacle—Beauty, Devotion, Desire, Creativity, and Expression. Walking in Beauty awakens you to the magnificence of the world; it is both a meditation tool and a key to greater awareness. Through exercises, rituals, affirma-

Celtic Spirit THE LOST BOOK OF THE GRAIL The Sevenfold Path of the Grail and the Restoration of the Faery Accord by Caitlin & John Matthews

$31.50, paper. Inner Traditions. 342 pp.

Unveiling the long-forgotten prequel to the Grail quest stories, Caitlin and John Matthews examine The Elucidation of the Grail, a forgotten 13th-century French text, and show how it offers the key to understanding the sevenfold path of the Grail and the deeper stories beneath the Christian Grail narrative. Beginning with a new translation of The Elucidation by foremost esotericist Gareth Knight and Caitlin Matthews, the authors provide a complete commentary on the poem, revealing a startling alternative cause of the Wasteland and the Grail quest, one which has a profound resonance with our own times. They examine the forgotten story of the Faery Wars and explain the Faery Accord, an agreement that once existed between humans and the Faery and upon which the spiritual and physical health of the land depends. The offering of the Grail and its regenerative powers by the Maidens of the Wells—Faery women—was part of this Accord. King Amangons and his men violated

The hag teaches us to slow down—to look where we feel both joy and hurt and find, right there, the impenetrable wildness of who are are. We look to the most ancient medicine of our people, to their gods and fairy tales, and we cocreate our stories of becoming out of a bone-deep desire to belong the way those long-gone ancestors of our belonged and a simultaneous knowing that ours is a more wounded, more watered, more fragilely interconnected world. We Witches live close to that knowing. We can feel the future pulsing in our veins as much as we feel the echoes of the past, and we sense both the past and the future being reordered, re-membered, through our everyday movement, by our morning prayers and our evening ceremonies… May we make good art. May we slow down and taste the marrow of the magick we are brewing. “Bold, exquisite, empowering, and healing in its concoction and execution… An exceptional achievement.” —Mat Auryn, author of Psychic Witch Also by Danielle Dulsky: The Holy Wild.

Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes of the shamanic tradition help you in your own life today. Using the web link included in the book to play the shamanic drumming soundtrack music and allow yourself to be safely carried on a wave of sound “to experience your own shamanic journey safely, to meet with and learn from the Totem Animals, and to find which of these will become an inner helper for as long s it is needed and made welcome.” In this gentle trance you can find your Totem Animal, and the 20 Totem Animal cards included will help you choose animal helpers for particular situations —for guidance on life issues, for self-empowerment, paths to healing, or simply for fun. By working with Totem Animals today, we are following in the steps of our Celtic ancestors, and in the process learning not only to honour the creatures who share our world, but to see through their eyes into a deeper place where spirit is central and all-important. In the process we learn more about ourselves, our own place in the web of creation, and the constantly changing possibilities which are part of our personal heritage.

Christian & Jewish Spirit tions, and beauty acts you can take out into the world,this marvelous guide shows you how to run the energy of the pentacle through your body and clear any blocks that keep you from living a fully engaged and beautiful life. “Phoenix LeFae has done more than simply write a book. She has gifted us with a jewel. Walking in Beauty is gentle and lovely, but also power-filled and empowering. It leads with the heart into our collective soul.” — Courtney Weber, author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess Phoenix LeFae is a rootworker and ritualist who has practiced witchcraft for over 25 years. She guides an esoteric Goddess shop called Milk & Honey.

the Accord, through their abuse of the Well Maidens and other evil actions, causing the wasting of the land. The Knights of King Arthur seek to avenge the Well Maidens and rebirth the Grail to restore access to the lost paradisiacal Courts of Joy held in ancestral memory. On their quest, they encounter the Rich Company whose greed keeps the Knights occupied in long wars of attrition, yet their quest to restore the generous hospitality of the Wells—the true Grail, the Faery Grail—continues. In addition to the Faery Accord and Knights quest, the authors examine the Seven Guardians of the Stories, the Rich Fisher, the Courts of Joy and paradise lost, and the otherworldly Land of Women. They show how this lost book of the Grail reveals themes familiar to the modern world and offers hope of healing the rift between the worlds of Faery and human as well as restoration of our natural belonging to the land. CELTIC TOTEM ANIMALS Ancient stories of shamanic helpers and how to access their wisdom by John Matthews

$25.95, paper. Eddison. 160 pages, 2-colour illustrations, cut-out cards

Here is a fascinating collection of traditional Celtic stories to amaze and entertain you. Animal tricksters, boasters, and heroes all dwell herein, set amidst the dazzling universe of Celtic lore. Now you can use these archetypes




$14.95, paper. Shambhala. 180 pages

The Christian mystics are the treasure of Western civilization—yet they remain little known among those of us who are potentially their spiritual heirs. Andrew Harvey’s anthology confronts us with the mystics in their own words, to show us how well they serve, even now, as guides for the spiritual life—and to challenge our preconceived ideas about the path of Christianity. The selections here represent all eras of the Christian tradition as well as an amazing range of people who have embodied it, like Francis of Assisi, Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, Bede Griffiths, and many others. There are gems from the Bible, “Sayings of the Desert Fathers,” Gregory of Nyssa, Saint Augustine, Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Traherne, William Blake, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Teilhard de Chardin, “The Way of a Pilgrim,” and many more. Andrew Harvey writes in his introduction: The real Second Coming will be the birthing of Christ-consciousness in millions of beings who turn, in the Father-Mother, towards the fire of love and take the supreme risk of incarnating divine love-in-action on Earth. This Second Coming could potentially alter the level of consciousness of the whole of humanity and initiate it into that mystical wisdom that it desperately needs if its problems are going to be solved. ON THOMAS MERTON

by Mary Gordon

$24.95, paper. Shambhala. 160 pages

This is a probing, candid exploration of Thomas Merton’s life and writing from best-selling novelist and memoirist Mary Gordon. Thomas Merton (1915-1968) was a Trappist monk, poet, essayist, activist, and author of some of the most influential spiritual writing of the 20th century. He entered the Trappist monastery of Gethsemani in Kentucky as a young man in his twenties, seemingly abandoning the promising literary career that lay before him. But from the silent cloister

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