Fairy Tail Book of Writing

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America Fernandez


Meet the author: America Fernandez About Me: America Fernadez is a 11th grade student at Bravo Medical Magnet High School. Born and raised in California, America grew up in a small apartment in Compton. Where she continues to live with her Mother, Father, Little brother and three pet dogs. Has no particular passions that motivate her to get into college. But plans to get out of the apartment she has been living her entire life and live in different places. She dreams to live everywhere for at least six months hoping to find a new place she could call home. A place that wont give her goosebumps when she looks at the window. A place where it feels safe. A place that isn’t Compton California. In 2016, in her 6th grade year on Americas’ usual stroll through Netflix to watch Matilda for the 100th time. She found an interesting “cartoon” named Fairy Tail. Thus began her adoration for Japanese anime even though she had been watching pokemon (it is an anime). And later find her favorite movie: Perfect Blue.

About Me + Kindergarten: a bunch of kids who snot everywhere and read the alphabet religiously. That was where snot nose America first learned words. Fairly straight word from there she learned how to write and on the 5th wrote letters to a Penpal in the nowhere U.S.A (doesn’t remember where). The pinnacle of America's writing career was 8th grade creative writing class. She developed her love of poetry and short stories. Hopefully, soon when she has the time, she plans to write a story. But for now it is just this one: Fairy Tail Book of Writing

Introduction Fairy Tail is a 238 episode Japanese animated series created by Hiro Mashima. The anime is based in a fictional world, specifically the Kingdom of Fiore. This is where the Fairy Tail guild is located. And where Team Natsu is, composed of: Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla. They go on many magical adventures called quests of which they find on their guilds request board. But Fairy Tail does not only include Team Natsu but the whole Fairy Tail Family!

Natsu Dragneel

Lucy Heartfilia


Gray Fullbuster

Juvia Lockser

Erza Scarlet

Wendy Marvell


Honerable mentions

Zeref Dragneel


Jellal Fernandes


Mavis Vermillion

The Fairy Tail Guild

Punctuation – Identify the functions of each mark and create one (1) example sentence of the usage for each mark. 1. . Period: Used to mark the end of a sentence 2. , Comma: phrases on either side can be switched 3. – Em Dash: Used to draw attention 4. - En Dash: used to connect words (hyphenate) 5. : Colon: What comes next 6. ; Semicolon: before 7. ? Question Mark: Interrogative sentence 8. ! Exclamation mark: Exclamatory sentence 9. ‘ Apostrophe: indicate ownership (contraction) (quote mark) 10. “ ” Quotation Marks: quote 11. … Ellipsis: Something unsaid 12. [ ] Brackets: To insert something 13. ( ) Perencthis: parenthetical useful to know 14. / Back Slash: indicated a choice

Capitalization – Identify and create one (1) example sentence for each rule of capitalization. Please list the rules of capitalization here: Period: Natsu has motion sickness. Comma: Wendy asked Erza, Natsu, and Lucy to help her Dragon. Em Dash: Is that a – Plue! En Dash: Lucy looks like she is a 20-year-old. Colon: Jellal can't say something: He loves Erza. Semicolon: Lucy had now found Fairy Tail; She searched hard. Question Mark: How are Zeref and Natsu brothers? Exclamation mark: FAIRY TAIL! Apostrophe:I’m having a tough time here Quotation Marks: "If I haven't Had fear, then I also wouldn't have been able to know what it's like to have bravery in my heart. Bravery that awakens when you're being consumed by fear. " Wendy Melville Ellipsis: I think … no way! Brackets: She happened to [really] like candy so I offered her some. Perencthis: “We should hang out sometime,” Lucy said joyfully. (I really want out here) Back Slash: (She/He/Exceed)

NOUNS Types of nouns: · Common Nouns: name a class of people, places, things, or ideas. Bar, apartments · Proper Nouns: give the name or title of a particular person, place, thing, or idea (must be capitalized). Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza,Mira, Jellal, Plue ,Mavis · Compound Nouns: consist of words used together to form a single noun.. Request Board, Guild Hall, S Class Wizards · Concrete Nouns: refer to material things, to people, or to places. Stool, Key, Armor · Abstract Nouns: name ideas, qualities, concepts, emotions, or attitudes. Friendship, Magic, Ice-Make, Fire Dragon

Gray performing a Ice- Make Hammer <-Natsu performing a Fire Dragon Iron Fist --->

Functions (How nouns are used): · Subject (comes before the verb) Gray eliminated the enemy that hurt Juvia, with ice make magic. Natsu yelled at Gray because he got in his way.

Direct Object (comes after the verb and answers what or whom) Erza asked Natsu to go into the cart so that he could vomit. · Indirect Object (answers to who or to whom) Lucy gave a key to Plue for safekeeping. Pronouns take the place of nouns that have been established. Personal: Nominative (subjects) I/we you/you

Objective (objects)

me/us you/you

He, she, it, one/they him, her, it, one/them Possessive My, mine Your, yours

our, ours your, yours

His, her, hers, its, one’s

their, theirs

Relative: Nominative








of that

those/ this

Interrogative: who, which, what, whatever, whoever Reflexive: (personal pronouns plus the suffix –self or –selves) Used only: when the action verb is directed toward the subject of the construction: Gray taught himself more ice make magic to intensify a point:Demonstrative: this, these

that, those

Indefinite: all, another, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, few, many, much, neither, nobody, none, no one, nothing, one, other, several, somebody, someone, such. VERBS Verbs show the time, action, and state of being of a subject. Tense: verbs indicate time via tenses: simple past simple present


past perfect


past progressive

present perfect present progressive

present perfect progressive

future future perfect

Types: There are at least eleven (11) types of verbs: auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) linking verbs (verbs that do not describe action, but connect the subject of a sentence to other parts of the sentence – usually the predicate) lexical verbs (main verbs) dynamic verbs (indicate action) stative verbs (describe a condition) finitive verbs (indicate tense) nonfinitive verbs (infinitives or participles) regular verbs (weak verbs) irregular verbs (strong verbs) transitive verbs (verbs followed by a direct object) intransitive verbs (verbs that do not take direct objects) Voice: Voice is the form of the verb that indicates how it relates or interacts with the action. The English language has two voices: ACTIVE and PASSIVE. Active: Natsu had already decided to find Igneel. Passive: Happy has already fallen in love with Carla. Verbals: (VERB FORMS NOT USED AS VERBS) Gerund: word ending in “ing” used as a noun. · Erza is good at killing. Participle: word ending in “ing” or “ed” used as an adjective · Mavis founded Fairy Tail with her friends. Infinitive: verb preceded by the word “to” (to go, to jump) used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs · Life likes to die when Zeref is around.

ADJECTIVES Adjectives modify, describe, limit, and identify nouns and pronouns. Guild Hall: Dirty, Messy, eventful ADVERBS Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. · Endings –ly, -s · Conversions · Types: Wizard, Magic Example Types: Manner – Natsu answered the request quickly. (How did he answer?) Time – Jellal will leave for Edolas immediately. (When will he leave?) Place – Lucy was willingly here earlier to catch a good request. (Where was she?) Degree – Happy’s exceptionally good Flying cannot be overrecognized. (How good is he?) Frequency – Mira is consistently pleasant to everyone at the bar. (How often is she pleasant?)

CONJUNCTIONS Coordinating (FANBOYS): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Correlative: Either/or; neither/nor; not only/but also; both/and; whether/or; as/so Subordinate: after, though as, as if, as long as, as thought, because, before, if, in order that, provided that, since, so, so that, that, though, till, unless, when, where, whereas, while Relative pronouns: who (refers to people), which (refers to nonliving object or animals), that (may refer to animals or nonliving objects) PREPOSITIONS Prepositions link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other parts of the sentence. Prepositions are NEVER followed by verbs. There are one-word prepositions and complex prepositions. These are some common one-word prepositions: aboard, about, above, according to, across, across from, after, against, along, alongside, alongside of, along with, amid, among, apart from, around, as, as far as, aside from, at, away from, back of, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, but (except), by, by means of, concerning, despite, down, down from, except, except excluding for, for, from, from among, from between, from under, in, in addition to, in behalf of, including, in front of, in place of, in regard to, inside, inside of, in spite of, instead of, into, like, near, near to, notwithstanding, of, off, on, on account of, on behalf of, onto, on top of, opposite, out, out of, outside, outside of, over, over to, owing to, past, prior to, to, toward, under, underneath, until, unto, up, upon, up to, versus, with, within, without.

INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the final part of speech. A aha, ahem, ahh, ahoy, alas, arg, aw B bam, bingo, blah, boo, bravo, brrr C cheers, congratulations D dang, drat, darn, duh E eek, eh, encore, eureka F fiddlesticks G gadzooks, gee, gee whiz, golly, goodbye, goodness, good grief, gosh H ha-ha, hallelujah, hello, hey, hmm, holy buckets, holy cow, holy smokes, hot dog, huh, humph, hurray O oh, oh dear, oh my, oh well, oops, ouch, ow P phew, phooey, pooh, pow R rats S shh, shoo T thanks, there, tut-tut U uh-huh, uh-oh, ugh W wahoo, well, whoa, whoops, wow Y yeah, yes, yikes, yippee, yo, yuck

Phrases – groups of words that function as a part of speech. Noun Phrase: A group of words consisting of nouns or pronouns and their modifiers that function as a noun. Natsu and Happy made everyone aware of Sabertooths rivaily towards them. Verb Phrase: A group of words consisting of verbs working together and that function as a verb. Erza can always be trusted, for she has very bad deceptive ways. Prepositional Phrase: A group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun, and functions as an adjective or an adverb. Jellal was always happy when he saw Erza. Appositive Phrase: A group of words that include all the words that modify an appositive and function as an adjective - IT MUST BE SURROUNDED BY COMMAS. Somehow, Lucy had managed to awkwardly make her grand entrance. Verbal Phrases: A group of words that begin with a verbal and ends with a noun. Gerund Phrase verb ending in -ing that functions as a noun. Throwing up, Natsu always feels motion sick in vehicles . Participial Phrase word ending in -ing (present participle) or ed (past participle) that functions as an adjective. Mavis' life had ended the second she was near Zeref.

INTERJECTIONS Interjections are the final part of speech. A Infinitive Phrase verb preceded by the word “to” (to read, to study, to write) that function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Everyone in Fairy Tail knew that Acnologia was going to Firoe.

Acnologia Big Meanie Clauses – groups of words with BOTH a subject and a verb that function as parts of speech. There are TWO kinds: Independent and Dependent (called “Subordinate”) INDEPENDENT – CAN stand alone as a complete sentence, known as a simple sentence pattern. Natsu can’t ride a bicycle. DEPENDENT (SUBORDINATE) – CANNOT stand alone as a complete sentence and MUST begin with a SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTION. There are seven (7) kinds: Noun Clause: Used as the noun in a sentence and may function as a subject, a predicate noun, a direct object, an object of a preposition, an indirect object, or an appositive.

Where he grew up firmly made his longing for Friendship. Kindly give whoever calls an answer. Lucy was happy when when Natsu showed her kindness Macorov wisely checked Lucy for her potential. Adjective Clause: Used to modify a noun in an independent clause. Some adjective clauses begin with an introductory word: This is the Guild where many triumphantly do well. There are many people to see in Fairy Tail The Class that Lucy wanted is not within her grasp. Some adjective clauses begin with relative pronouns: Erza made her way to S Class quicker than anyone else . There goes the Jellal whose attendance is usually missed. Adverb Clause: Used to modify verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in an independent clause, introduced by a subordinate conjunction and used to indicate time, place, cause, purpose, result, condition, and/or concession. Modifying verbs: They, unfortunately, rebuilt the guild-hall where a few could see it. Modifying adjectives: Fairy Tail 0 oldly seems like a very long series. Modifying adverbs: Lucy studied harder than Natsu did. (condition) Relative Clauses: Dependent clause that begins with a relative pronoun.

Juvia could only to so much to attract Gray’s attention. Elliptical Clauses: Adverb clauses in which part of the clause is omitted. When Flying, Happy and Carla stay low in order to be near Natsu and Wendy. Essential Clauses: Clauses necessary to the meaning of the sentence. The key that most interests Lucy is clearly Aquarius.

Aquarius RIP ;-;

Nonessential Clauses: Clauses that are NOT necessary to the meaning of the sentence. Igneel's dragons lessons, which began six months ago, are still going.

Paragraphs – a group of sentences that together convey a shared purpose structured around the same topic. Introductory Paragraphs (Introductions) Hook (Lead / Opening Statement) – Fairy Tail is a 238 episode Japanese animated series created by Hiro Mashima. The anime is based in a fictional world, specifically the Kingdom of Fiore. This is where the Fairy Tail guild is located. And where Team Natsu is, composed of: Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla. They go on many magical adventures called quests of which they find on their guilds request board. But Fairy Tail does not only include Team Natsu but the whole Fairy Tail Family! Query Based:How did Mavis find Fairy Tail? Thesis Statements : Ice-Make magic includes a lot of training in the icy cold. Fact: Mavis looks like a child. Opinion: Natsu is the Best Character in the whole anime. Belief: Zeref and Mavis’s love is morally wrong. Generalization: All of Juvias’ advances are rejected by Gray. Document-Based: Fairy Tail episode one shows Lucy's adventures in Team Natsu. Theory : Erza’s requip magic proves to be effective most of the time.

Essays – An essay is a group of paragraphs Types – of Essays Persuasive (Argumentative): Essay aimed to convince Establish an Argument and make a thesis Expository (Informative): Essay aimed to inform Analytical/Critical Dives deep into evidence Narrative (Tells a story) Personal Statement/Anecdote A life story of Natsu Dragneel Research An amalgamation of evidence Timed Document Based Question (DBQ) (really annoying to write) . Strategies/Planning Tips/Steps – Pre-writing/Prompt Analysis/Outlining Ex: CER, LEQ, Researching/Evaluating of Sources Make sure to scan and take what you need, make sure to source it. Work Cited Page – MLA Format (Heartfillia p.9) APA Format (Heartfilia X793 p.9)

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