Decade Book of Writing

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About The Author/ Dedication I possess many roles in life, one of the ones I hold dearest in my heart is that of being a student. I’ve been a student for about threefourths of my life and let me tell you I would not want it any other way. I thrive in the social construct that is school. For it has never really been too challenging for me, that's not to say that I’m perfect however because that statement is far from true. I am a flawed person, one of my flaws being I am extremely difficult to satisfy and I get bored of things really easily. A blessing and a curse signifying that I always, always, want more. I’d like to think that I change a lot and I'd even argue that I am not the same person that I was when I started writing this piece. This is because I feel as though every single thing we do, experience, hear, live, etcetera, impacts us and this impact manifests itself as a profound change in us. This book affected me by making me a better writer.

That being said, I am also a product of my environment. I’ve learned a lot from those around me, my mother, father, siblings, teachers, acquaintances, everyone. Although I don’t recall how exactly I learned how to write, I believe it must’ve been from one of them. I credit a lot of my knowledge to my mom and school and I am super grateful for the gift that is literacy. For this book would not have been possible without it.

I dedicate this book to my loving mother, and generous kindhearted English teacher Mr. Rodriguez.

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