Essays Essays – An essay is a piece of writing that expresses the author's pers nal p int of view; yet, the definiti n is ambiguous, merging with tho e of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short ficti n. ypes – Explain each type of essay and state it purpo e Persuasive (Argumentative): It’s purpo e is to persuade the reader by informing the reader as to why their opini n is correct and why other opini ns are incorrect. Expo itory (Informative): It’s purpo e is to inform the reader by using factual evidence based n primary sources and/or data. Definiti n or Descripti n: he ficti n-writing technique for c nveying a mental image of a story's details. Process (How-to): A direct guide with instructi ns. C mpare and C ntrast: he similarities and differences between topics or of the topic. Cause and Effect: he reas n as to why s mething occurs and what the result are whether po itive or negative. Analytical/Critical: In an analytical essay, you'll need to make a claim or make an argument regarding the subject you're studying. Evaluative: A piece of writing that makes value judgment n a certain issue based n a set of criteria. Interpretive: When ne interpret a piece of literature. Narrative ( ells a story): Any account of a series of related event or experiences, whether n n ficti n or ficti nal, is referred to as a narrative, story, or tale. Pers nal Statement/Anecdote: A pers nal statement is a narrative that describes unexplored areas of neself. Research: An essay in which you describe what you've learnt after thoroughly researching your topic. imed: An essay written with a limited amount of time. Document Based Questi n (DBQ): An essay or set of short-answer questi ns written by student based n their own expertise and informati n fr m a variety of sources. Synthesis: A written discussi n that incorporates support fr m a variety of sources with oppo ing viewp int .