About the Author My name is Amelia Bri nes and I am 16 years old. I started learning how to write when I was in presch ol and I am still learning how to improve my writing skills to this day. When I was younger I never really cared for writing or reading until I entered the 2nd grade. My 2nd grade teacher introduced me to the amazing world of reading which I believe helped me improve my writing. As I became a str nger reader I also became a str nger writer. I still remember that the very first b k series that I was a huge fan of was he Magic rees House. hese b ks inspired me to want to write my own stories and little did I know at that time that I would have the chance to do so in the future. In the 6th grade I had the opportunity to write a short story that could be a part of an anthology for the Huntingt n Library. Out of 4 5th and 6th grade classes, nly 19 stories were cho en to be a part of the Anthology, and luckily for me, my story was ne of the stories that were cho en. Having my story be a part of the anthology showed me that I could achieve my dream of ne day bec ming a published author. While I want to write a story of my own, I haven’t d ne so as I know that there are still many ways I can (and need) to improve my writing. he Lummis house is very clo e to where I live and I have visited it multiple times, however, during the pandemic I couldn’t go out and see it as it was clo ed. Once they reopened I went to walk around the garden around the house with my mother. When I finally saw the state of the house after such a l ng period of time I was absolutely devastated. he garden was unkept and there was even s me trash n the side of the fences. he house had already been l king more and more disheveled the last few times I had seen it as it was no l nger the headquarters for the Historical Society of Southern California but it wasn’t as bad as it is now. After talking to s me of the rangers that gave tours of the house they told me that I could write a letter to the City of Lo Angeles Department of Recreati n and Parks but I knew that my letter al ne wasn’t g ing to help the Lummis House. When I found out I was g ing to have to do a b k of writing for english I decided that I was g ing to focus n the history of the Lummis House and Charles Lummis with the hopes of bringing more awareness to the house.