The Brazilian Post - Issue 67

Page 1

SPORT: p14


GUIDE: p15

Check out who are the Brazilian and British medal hopes in the Games

July 17th – 31th 2012

Rio Occupation brings 30 days of Brazilian interventions to the city • Issue n. 67

BRAZIL: p03 New plan tries to make a real change in public education

COMMUNITY: p05 Interview: rapper Emicida wants to dialogue with the world

PROFILE: p07 Interview: designer Gilson Martins is the authentic Bag Man

LATIN AMERICA: p08 Ongoing change Paraguay’s coup




TECHNOLOGY: p10 Surface tablet shows new Microsoft’s approach

ECONOMY: p11 New York Fed was aware of false reporting on interest rates

Belo Monte:

and the struggle of a people Main project of energy production in Brazil, the construction of Belo Monte on the Xingu River in Para, exposes the contradictions between development and sustainability, represented by the struggle of local coastal communities, as well as the Indians Yawanawas. New documentary questions the role of government and puts the future of the region under discussion. Read more on page 2.

02 | July 17th – July 31th

Brazil | 03

Brazil Editorial

Extra! Extra! There is news in the streets! An attentive reader might remember this phrase, as we used it to open the editorial in the first edition of The Brazilian Post. And today we use it again as we are here to announce the new format for 67th edition, one that begins a new era TBP. We are interactive and collaborative, and we believe that these characteristics are the result of our work over the last two years as we progress through different phases. In the beginning, when we launched the newspaper, in February 2010, the initiative was alternate English and Portuguese editions. Four months ago, we launched our

On focus

Public education in debate web site The Brazilian Post online. Today we arrive at another phase: a biweekly and bilingual edition. All ours steps were made with the objective to contribute to be part of the integrating process of the Brazilian community in this great universe that is the lovely London. To go beyond, transgressing barriers of territory and reach readers in different parts of the world. We are not crazy - the Portuguese content can be found if you flip the newspaper around. The 14 page sections are the same in the both languages but the information is adapted to the idiom and in the middle, The Brazilian Post Guide continues

to bring you cultural news and information with a lot on offer for you have fun in the queen’s land. Our journalistic spirit always feeds our ideas. We understand that the source of information and the telling of these stories are intrinsic to providing a quality newspaper. The information is the clay to the continuity of this process, with respect to you, our reader. When you turn the pages, you will see the commitment of each collaborator, so that today we can say that this result is this qualified effort. We live in an increasingly interactive and connected world world, in which technology supports and modifies our social be-

haviours. We are no longer just readers, but actors in the great stories of our time, we got a universe of possibilities that can make us more than receptors, but also produce and diffuse information. This is why we have changed, and we invite you to contribute with us on this two-way interaction and exchange of information. We would like to say that we are open to criticism, suggestions and information. In this way we build and reaffirm our relationship with you, and saying again, that our first responsibility is the provision of good information. We keep in touch! Ana Toledo and Marcelo Mortimer


Film strikes to the core of modern Bazil The construction of Belo Monte’s hydroelectric exposes contradictions between development and sustainability By Kate etc The Amazon River and its surrounding rainforests have always been used by man in some way or another. The region is a fundamental key for the world climate’s balance; its trees process our waste and feed us oxygen in return. On a smaller and equilibrated scale the river and forests provide produce and income for local communities. Yet there are those who still refuse to admit that this complex and unique environment, the Amazon forest, is a whole interconnected body, an eco system in total balance. They are still not satisfied and are looking for ways to extract even more from what people already call “the heart of the earth”, turning a blind eye for the ecological and social costs of these projects. A new documentary, Belo Monte, Anúncio

de Uma Guerra (Belo Monte, War Declaration) seeks to explore and raise awareness for the social concerns surrounding the development of the colossal hydroelectric dam in Belo Monte, at the Para state in the Amazon region. Concerns over this project have been felt for some time and here in the UK, some might remember celebrities such as Sting stepping in to raise awareness, though this has not let to any long-term changes. In this edition of The Brazilian Post we have sought to bring you more about this unfolding story and promote awareness for this issue to a new audience. The Amazon already creates 9 per cent of Brazil’s total energy, government estimates say that this will climb to 25 per cent if the Belo Monte dam is constructed, though critics are quick to point out the real energy impact will fall far short of this. Brazil’s federal government and congressman Wanderkolk Gonçalves are painting an optimistic and utopian portrait of this development, arguing that

Mortimer, Marketing & Media LTD CEO Marcelo Mortimer 078 2816 5812 Editor-in-chief Ana Toledo Editors

Kate Rintoul Guilherme Reis Contributors Christiano Holanda Cibele Porto Fernando Rebouças Fernando Tresseno Janinne Veloso Nathália Braga Renata Fornari Rômulo Seitenfus

the dam will act a “icon” and a benchmark to other Brazilian states. In reality the company, Norte Energia S/A is already failing to meet guidelines set out and the entire project has been marred by so much anger, confusion and ill feeling that few would look to it as responsible example. As well as the Amazon River, the Belo Monte dam development also cuts across many of social, political and economic concerns that have been stirring under the surface in modern Brazil. The sheer scale of this project means that it’s impact is far-reaching and perhaps this is one of reasons that the government have failed to facilitate proper, open public debate on the issue. Brazil’s current race for development has lead to a highly momentous and fast program of building. This, matched with this it’s new status as a leader in renewable energy have inspired developers to seek increasingly experimental ways to utilize the countries bounty of natural resources.

Saulo Caliari Tico Silvério Zazá Oliva Graphic Design Roman Atamanczuk Translation Roberta Schwambach Departamento Comercial Marcelo Mortimer

This unmetered development and economic strengthening has to, of course, be welcomed but in reality this success has a social and economic cost that many fail to account for. Some argue that the idea that Brazil has found some ‘magic formula’ to produce clean energy are deeply flawed as the social and environmental costs are negated from this equation, leaving communities and Brazilian people to pay the hidden price. The location of the development in the core of indigenous land also complicates things further and raises issues that go back to Brazil’s birth as a colonial state which destroyed and forever damaged the natural order of the country. While a lot has been done to protect and maintain the customs and environments of Amazon communities, the Belo Monte development proves how this has been for more for public perception than actually redressing the imbalance between the dominant power and the areas they see as belonging to them. Continues on Page 08

Janaina Brevilheri 075 9285 8505 Jornais Associados - Support El Ibérico The Indian Post Distribution BR Jet 34 Quixley Street, London E14 9PU

What Brazil needs to do to finally have a good public education? By Guilherme Reis A special committee in the Brazilian Congress passed in late June the National Education Plan (NEP), which points 20 goals to be achieved by the sector over the next ten years. Among these goals are to increase enrolment in day care centres, the equalization of teachers’ pay with other professionals with higher education, the eradication of illiteracy and provision of teaching full time at least 50% of public schools. It should be noted, however, goal number 20: extend the capabilities of current education 5.1% of GDP to 10% by the end of the period of the plan in 2022 - this level is expected to reach at least 7% in five years. While most federal institutions of education in the country is closed because of a teachers’ strike, the NEP’s draft, which had great support from social movements, raises the questions: Is the increase in resources the solution to the problems of Brazilian public education? What does it represent? What Brazil needs to do to ultimately achieve the full development as a result of a good education? Defender of the target of 10%, the general coordinator of the Campaign for the

Right to Education, Daniel Cara, believes that “Brazil needs to prioritize education in budgetary terms.” “In short term this level represent the attractiveness of the teaching career, equalling the average pay of the teacher to the average pay of other public professions requiring the same time schooling. In the long run Brazil will be able to be more decent and competitive in the international arena, as better educate the generation of the years 20102030”, he said. To Daniel, “Bra- “We have to zil has improved go back to in terms of ex- being able panding access to think the to education, but world” still has to guarantee the quality; the right to education includes access and quality”. He pointed that the goal of 10% of GDP for education was considered feasible by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA), linked to the Strategic Affairs Secretariat of the Presidency. The president of the National Union of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (Andes-SN), Marinalva Oliveira, also advocates for increased resources for the sector. “The goal is plausible and the Andes-SN, together with other social movements and trade union demands the immediate application of 10% of GDP on public education, to begin the process of rescuing the quality of public education in Brazil, and not until 2023 as was stated in the NAP approved”, she said. Marinalva believes that “policies imple-

mented by successive governments have created an education with few resources and high competition among teachers, who are being forced to work under the logic of productivism”. “Teachers can no longer change anything because all the worry is replaced by productive character within the system adopted. Moves to build an individualized environment where there is no time, space or interest to think about society and its transformation. We have to go back to being able to think the world, the reality around us and have some possibility of social transformation”, she added. New system Position more skeptical about the NEP is supported by Senator Cristovam Buarque, for whom the National Education Plan is nothing more than “a set of intentions.” “I’m not excited about this idea of ​​10%. I’m against binding to GDP. What happens if GDP growths suddenly like China? Always place the 10%? And if GDP falls, we throw the girl out of school? The role of the NAP should say where to put the money”, argued Senator. “Investing more money in the current system is a waste of money. We need a new system, see how much it will cost and do the math on how many per cent of GDP must be invested”, he added. Cristovam Buarque believes that it must to be made a new federal system of education in Brazil. He believes the solution is to multiply the good examples in federal schools in the country. “My proposal is that the government adopt the education of cities. And that means creating a na-

tional career of the teacher. These people still have a one year course after chosen. We can do this over 20 years, 250 cities a year, 100 000 teachers. In 20 years we have made a new Brazilian educational system”, he said. More debate Although the National Education Plan set important goals to the development of Brazilian public education, we need more debates to the project doesn’t become just a list of good intentions, especially with regard to resources for the sector. Where will the money come? Other government areas will have a reduced budget and this is the discussion of what is a priority for the country - and education, no doubt, has to be treated more carefully. Moreover, in fact NEP does not specify where the new resources will be invested. Approved conclusive character, the National Education Plan goes to the Senate, where it is expected to be more discussions before the project go to the sanction of the President Dilma Rousseff. While the focus of the government follows in the economic sector - with more and more stimulus packages to the economy - and while the opposition does not open his mouth to talk about something else than corruption or infrastructure, the discussion of education becomes even more essential and shows, in spite of everything, it still has many people concerned about the issue in the country - even though the Brazilian mass media does not promote the debate on their necessary extent.

Brazil | 04 | July 17th – July 31th



British Council invests around £500,000 to support Brazilian students in the UK The partnership also includes the donation of books, coaching for university preparation. The British Council has announced a partnership with the Brazil’s Ministry of Education (MEC) to provide free books and proficiency tests to low-income Brazilian students who wish to study in the UK with the program Science Without Borders (CsF). The investment - half a million pinds 500 thousand pounds or 1.6 million reais (Brazilian currency) will be made by the British organization in the first year of this project. The Brazilian students who win scholarships to study at foreign universities with CsF must demonstrate fluency in English, undergoing certification exams such as the International English Languages ​​Testing System (Ielts), which costs 440 reais

and is overseen by the British Council in over 100 countries. Those low-income students appointed by the CsF coordinator of each institution may take the test for free as the council will subsidise the costs. The partnership also includes the donation of books, coaching for university preparation and a series of exams so that students can improve their knowledge of the language. Students selected to receive the CsF scholarship will also spend up to six months in the country doing an “immersion” in the language after passing the certification test. Those who fail to pass this exam cannot begin their studies at a foreign institution. “Language proficiency is our biggest challenge”, said Education Minister Mercadante. According to the minister, many poor young people have performed excellently in the National High School Exam and therefore are entitled to participate in such programs as CsF, however deficiencies in knowledge of the English language holds them back, this partnership seeks to address this,“we’re making a concerted effort to move higher education in this direction,” said Mercadante.


Brazil ranks 4th in sustainable buildings According to the survey A study by the international body, Green Building Council (USGBC) has revealed that Brazil occupies the 4th position in the world ranking of sustainable buildings. United Stats lead the table with 40,200 sustainable buildings, followed by China with 869, and United Arab Emirates with 767. According to the survey, the first sustainable building registered in Brazil was erected as recently as 2004 but from 2007 the enterprise has gained momentum. The study found that up until April this year, of 526 sustainable enterprises, 52 were certified and 474 are in the certification process. The trend in this kind of construction has grown as it is proven for reducing the operating costs for those who occupy these new sustainable buildings, making the concept attractive to property developers and the Government. Any company or tenants occupying these new generation of buildings use less energy and reuse water therefore reducing waste, the buildings also need less maintenance. It is estimated that these developments create major savings, reducing power and

water consumption by 30 and 50 per cent respectively. The operating costs are also between 8-9 per cent lower than the maintenance of a conventional building. Such figures and benefits have led the federal government to expand the use of sustainable techniques and materials in public works, principally on the My Home, My Life project. Guided by the Brazilian Program of Quality and Productivity of Habitat, the scheme will also establish the use of materials manufactured according to strict building standards, legal timber and hiring certified of contractors. Within this programme the individual measurement of water consumption and energy in each housing unit will be measured and one tree will be planted for every unit of sustainable energy used. These projects will serve families with incomes less than 1600 reais (around £500). The program also provides socioeducational actions to ensure empowerment of these families and the participation of the residents to ensure the future sustainability of housing.

Community Interview

EMICIDA: ‘we seek dialogue with the world’ The Brazilian rapper was in London to sing at the festival Back2Black and talked with TBP

The Brazlian Post: What’s it like performing to an audience who don’t understand Portuguese? EMICIDA: I love the impact of music. Each time we play in a new country it is as if my career is back to zero. You play for people who do not know you and do not understand your language. It is an exercise to learn how to communicate with a smaller fresh audience again.

He began his career by participating in MC battles - when two rappers duel for the best rhymes. And it was there that Leandro de Oliveira Roque became the EMICIDA - a kind of killer MC - a nickname that was given to him as he won most of his duels. From the small stages of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, gradually EMICIDA won over Brazil and now wants to show his talent to the world. With an eye on his international career, EMICIDA was in London in late June to play at the Back2Black festival. Before leaving for shows in Germany and Switzerland, the rapper received The Brazilian Post at the hotel where he was staying and for nearly an hour, talked about the experience of travel outside his country, his impressions of London and about making music in Brazil and abroad.

TBP: Have you had much time to get to know the city? What are your impressions of London? E: It’s cold and the food is bad! Everyone told me it was summer and fooled me, when I arrived it was sunny but after just four hours it was cold. I’m not like tourists who will see the castle, the and attractions apart from if I happen to pass by them. There’s so much to do that several times you travel and do not see the city. TBP: How important is it for your career to perform abroad? E: Today we seek dialogue with the world. I would be a liar if I told you I visualize only Brazil when I do my job. I think I broke some barriers that were invisible; talking about several things that rap was not used to speaking about in Brazil.

#Picture Romulo Seitenfus

TBP: What do you learn when traveling outside the country? E: There is noting better than the experience of not being in the middle of your culture to see how it is valuable. From the moment you come to a place so distant and so different, you start to notice details of living in Brazil that sometimes make you miss being there. TBP: What about the musical side? E: One thing that I would like to take to Brazil is the relationship of seriousness and professionalism within music. Several people who are embedded in music in Brazil have a tendency to think that things can be messy, but that’s not the case in the UK, here most people are well ruled. TBP: Do you think its easier to be a new artist here than in Brazil? E: No I think it is more difficult to be underground in the UK, because it has a structure functioning in a bigger way. But an artist who is starting out here will be able to identify places to play. This is not the same in Brazil, there are very few initiatives for artists, especially for beginners.

TBP: Do these trips give you inspiration to write lyrics? E: Yes. Actually I have been really focussed on writing. One of the things that inspires me most is traveling, because you are somewhere, you jump to another place and your head goes round, seeing so many different things, it gives me a lot I want to talk about.

1.000 Balloons

Campaign brings Brazilian taste to Camden A night of Brazilian Culture will take place in the heart of Camden Town this Thursday (19 July). The idea came as an initiative of Renato and Barbara, ambassadors of the month for the 1.000 Balloons Campaign. The event will be hosted at their famous Made in Brazil, a Brazilian bar and restaurant in Camden, where the ambassadors are going to be inviting guests and clients to celebrate and raise money to support Happy Child‘s work in Brazil. The English NGO offers support and shelter for children in precarious situations in two big Brazilians cities: Recife and Belo Horizonte. The tickets will be available on the door for £5. “The idea is to create an eclectic ambiance where people can enjoy Brazilian music and culture, and a courtesy cocktail is included in the ticket price”, explains Bárbara, who also emphasises “that all money collected will be destined

to this work that Happy Child develops in Brazil for more than 20 years”. Get to know the project The campaign started about three months ago and with the aim of raising 1.000 subscribers to stand orders to donate form £3 to £5 pounds per month during at least one year. Once we get our goal of 1.000 subscriptions we will be launching 1.000 balloons with the name of each donor inside fulfilling London’s sky and hosting a big party. The money will be used to develop new shelters in Recife, Pernambuco, for street children and children who are victims of sexual abuse and infantile prostitution. To organize and promote the fund-raising, 10 Brazilian entrepreneurs in London joined the campaign and are working as ambassadors of the 1.000 Balloons Campaign. With the collaborative effort, the ambassadors seek the support of our community to take part and enrol in the 1.000

Balloons Campaign contributing to the important social work that already saved the future of hundreds of children in Brazil. How to contribute? There are many ways. You can fill a standing order in a leaflet distributed in many places in London to donate from £3 to £5 once or during a period of time. Or you can go to the websites and happychild/donate and make your donation from there. If you prefer to do another form of donation you can talk with Happy Child ambassadors or calling 01372 375848 or addressing an e-mail Service Fund-raiser for Happy Child International When? Thursday 19 July, 17.00 - late Where? Made in Brazil (bar and restaurant) 12 Inverness Street, NW1 7HJ


Brazilian embassy had changed In the last friday (13), Embassy of Brazil in London sent a statement of change of address. Acoording to the note, change has been to larger premises at 14-16 Cockpur Street, near Trafalgar Square. On monday (16) will be the first day at new building. The new phone number is 020 7747 4500, and as soon the other numbers will be avaiable on the website: The Consulate remains at Vere Street (W1G 0DG).

Community | 06 | July 17th – July 31th

Community| 07 Profile

Gilson Martins: the Bag Man The Designer belives that “Rio de Janeiro the place where fashion and style were born”. By Rômulo Seitenfus


© Revistas COQUETEL 2012

Biographical film about former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher portrayed University by Meryl Streep of London Tina (?), one of the greastest divas A house Hairstyling product

William Robbed (?), poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language

A father To equip or mother with weapons Suffix of "sadness"

This is the section in which the Brazilian Post listens to the opinion of its readers about the last edition’s front page. You too can send your opinion, get involved! Send your emails to

To reverberate A mountain range

The last edition we talked about ‘Jorge e Mateus’ perfom and record a live DVD in a prestigious venue as the Royal Albert Hall.

Style of opentopped shoe Green vegetable used in soups

Is not (red.) Once more

A cave or hollow used as a refuge American singer who collaborated with Vanessa da Mata on the song "Boa Sorte/ Good Luck"


Venomous snake To shed tears of sorrow or pain

Edible seeds


Per cent (abbr.) Consonants of "law"

Nitrogen (symbol)

To look intently

A female


(?) John, British rock star

The first letter


To leave



(?) Kennedy, American politician 1


The designer was born in the warmth and beauty Rio de Janeiro. From the heights of his home in Santo Cristo, Martins watched over the tourist attractions that would later become the inspiration for his genre-defining designs. Growing up, his favourite game was to compete with his brother, Gerson, to see which cable car would arrive first to the summit of Pão de Açúcar, the famous Brazilian landmark. The brothers remain close, today Gerson is the president of the brand’s factory in Penha, Rio. It was these experiences and memories that made his childhood the formative period that would inspire so much of his art. “The touristic attractions in Rio were vital in my life. When I was a child in Santo Cristo, with great natural monuments all around, I always had inspiration from colourful and immense places of beauty, which are unique in the world” Martins told The Brazilian Post. Rio still plays a huge role in Martins’ life and equally he has also become part of the city’s aesthetic legacy, his stores showcase lots of colour and distinct Brazilian styles. In the 1990s, Martins rose to international acclaim with his collection ‘Brasil’, with bags like a Pão de Açúcar and while these remain features in his designs, the brand has evolved to include a great range of well-crafted and sophisticated luxury collections.

More details of his work

Foto: Romulo Seitenfus






Google Earth (abbr.)

3/gel — lay. 4/okra — reed. 5/andes. 6/stolen. 7/oneness.


One that reads A small insect Mile (abbr.)

“It makes us proud to know that Brazilian artists are going to perfom and record a live DVD in such a prestigious venue as the Royal Albert Hall. I would very much like to be in the audience for the recording in September.” - Luis do Feijão, Duque de Caxias - RJ

To put on a surface

The most famous prehistoric megalithic monument in A gentle the British knock Isles


The Brazilian designer Gilson Martins caused a sensation by creating bags featuring landmarks of Rio de Janeiro such as Pão de Açucar (sugar loaf mountain), Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer) and the Brazilian flag. The idea was soon approved and embraced by Brazilians and the international style crowd. Major names in fashion including Naomi Campbell, Bono Vox, Gisele Bünchen, Dolce e Gabana, Jean Paul Gaultier and Madonna flocked to wear his designs since they first appeared in 1993. Martins has also created unique bags for gigantic brands like L’Oréal, Coca-Cola, Cannes Film Festival and Festival de Cinema do Rio e Rede Globo. With his bags becoming icons of Brazilian design, Martins has also staged exhibitions at The Louvre and Galleries Lafayette, in Paris, New York’s MoMA and Deutsche Bank, Berlin.This year, Martins celebrates 30 years of his career and publishes his autobiography, “Gilson Martins Viajando no design”. The biography, which covers his childhood in Rio to his rise to international success, has delighted critics, with its descriptions of his extravagant and exotic view of life, was edited for Editora Estação das Letras e Cores. A devotee of Saint Sebastian, Martins likes numerology and loves welcoming in the New Year.

When asked about what image he thinks he and other Brazilian artists portray on the international stages of art and design, Gilson explains: “Brazil has always been a centre of creativity and Rio de Janeiro the place where fashion and style were born, which also add to the city’s simplicity and hospitality. Now our art is well-known and easily recognisable throughout the world. It´s very good to see new business opportunities opening doors in our country, it is a personal and professional victory for Brazilian artists”. During this booming economic period in Brazil, this entrepreneur has watched the growth of his accessories label and artwork. “It´s possible to see Brazil as the forerunner in the world of business for many people. Due to the crisis in the USA and Europe, our economy has stabilized and we have received major investments. In this growing economy, I can see the growth of tourism and consumption which will have a positive impact on design”. So what does the release of his biography, published by Editora Estação Letras e Cores mean to Martins? “I was surprised, but really happy about the book. It is a great privilege to have my life story told to so many readers. It gave me the opportunity to remember so many great moments in my life and revisit older work which can now be seen and contemplated in the future”. Martins seems to be looking forward to developing his brand and work in the future, taking inspiration from the current sense of excitement and optimism felt in the city which has defined his work and which he has also forever immortalized in style.

08 | July 17th – July 31th

Continuação da Página 02

Joel Nixiwaka Yawanawa, representante da comunidade Yawanawa We spoke to Joel Nixiwaka Yawanawa, from the Yawanawa community found further North of the Para region where the dam is being constructed. “This is sad for us, it is sad for everyone, not only the indigenous people but the white people that live around the river, the Ribeir-


inhos. We think that this project in Belo Monte is going to destroy everything in the forest, and the river.” Though, Joel also recognises and welcomes development in Brazil. “This is a project of development in Brazil that is good, in one side, because it means that Brazil is growing, but in the other side it is a project that is going to destroy everything, all the natural diversity and resources, all the richness that Brazil has, nature, animals”. And another very important, consideration is the lives of the people that live in this Xingu region. This is going to be a catastrophe, a general destruction. We are in a very dedicated moment. While I don’t live around Xingu, but, the forest is everything, for us, indigenous people are the same. We think that the government of Brazil have a lot of ways to create or build energy, not necessarily in the river.” His community, the Yanawa, have found that the only way to truly have their voice heard has been from working with NGOs as they were the only ones to communicate with the government in terms they understand. The communities affected by the development are already facing turbulent times, ongoing conflict over land ownership and increasing secularization means some groups are in the middle of effective civil war, which will only be made worse with the arrival of such a colossal building program. There are already reports of major companies making illegal payments and exemptions to certain local groups and figures in order to buy support for their work, which is only increasing tensions. Joel agrees but thinks opening up communication and debate is key to help-

ing local groups, “there are many tribes that are living in difficult situations, and there are others that have all the support of political and institutional in Brazil, but we have found the ways to talk to people, and try to find new ways to help the people.” From working with external agencies and organisations some Amazonian communities have learned to work with ideas and have their voice effectively communicated but this has not been the case with those living in the Para region. Brazil’s history and development has bared witness to atrocities and terrible human acts as wherever indigenous groups and non-have lived together social issues arise. Ever since areas were first mined for resources and more recently seen with other major construction sites, areas have become cesspits of humanity, streets lined with brothels, violence, disease and degradation. The forest and river also play a crucial role in the order and preservation of local customs and religion. “For us is very

Rio Xingu, nasce em Mato Grosso, segue para do Pará e desagua no Rio Amazonas.

important, we can contact the spiritual world by the forest. Our spirituality has already been threatened, there was one time that we stopped practicing our faith. Our culture was disappearing, we lost our spirituality. We were confused, we didn’t know, we were not whites and we had lost ourselves”. Construction of the dam has already started and the makers of this new documentary wanted to do something to be part of a growing number of people who are fighting to raise awareness for environmental and social concerns surrounding Brazil’s momentous development in this sector. The film offers a far reaching and indepth view of the Belo Monte project, taking over two years to film, 120 hours of footage covering three expeditions of the Xingu area, five protests and almost 90 interviews. The film was funded and made in a totally independent way as the team wanted to be able to produce a true and serious investigative film without jeopardising the integrity of its message. This approach allowed the filmmakers to work ‘free from fear’ during the production stage but when it came to editing their funds were dry so they turned to the latest tool employed by independent organizations, crowd-funding. By using the crowd-funding website Catarse the filmmakers asked for funding to edit and show the film online. They also felt this would be another means of mobilizing public awareness of the issue, giving the socially concerned a right to participate in the issue that has rocked modern Brazil to its core. While it is unthinkable that Brazil’s government should be allowed to auction the

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Latin America Geopolitics

Paraguay’s coup and the ongoing change in Mercosur

The Mercosur bloc was created in 1991 to foster the economic integration among Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Under the strong influence of neo-liberal perceptions, its pillars were erected by the idea of ​​integrating to compete in the global market through the elimination of trade barriers, weakening of the state through deregulation, privatisation and free movement of services and capital. More than 20 years after its creation and after the rise of many leftist governments in the region, Mercosur is back at the center of the debate in South America, mainly due to the recent suspension of Paraguay, due to the impeachment proceedings that brought down former President Fernando Lugo last month, and the subsequent entry of Venezuela in the bloc, which was approved by

Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The trigger for the breakdown of the political balance of the bloc occurred in late June, when the Paraguayan Congress approved in less than two days, impeachment proceedings against former President Fernando Lugo, who was succeeded by Federico Franco. Although the mechanisms of the political process are provided in the Paraguayan Constitution, the move was seen as a coup by most countries in the region, as time was not given to the former president’s defence. Consequently, Paraguay was suspended from Mercosur until new presidential elections are held in the country, which will take place in April 2013. The attitude of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay is partly explained by the politicalideological alignment that these countries had with Fernando Lugo’s administration. The former Paraguayan president lost his support mainly for having faced the interests of an elite that, possessing large estates, feared the government’s interests to discuss land reform - about 80% of farmland in Paraguay is controlled by 2% of the population. As was expected, it served as ammunition for the right, which approved the impeachment proceedings held in Paraguay. Critics question whether, had it been a right-wing government to fall from


Ex-Argentine dictator Videla sentenced to 50 years in prison The Argentine court convicted the former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla to 50 years in prison for kidnapping a baby as part of a systematic plan implemented during the military government in Argentina between 1976 to 1983. Considered an emblematic case, the trial began with a denunciation of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo by “subtraction, retention, concealment and replacement of identity under ten years” and includes 34 cases. The Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, a movement of grandmothers of kidnapped children, estimated that, in fact, 500 children were stolen from their biological families during the last military government. In most cases, these children were born in detention centres where their biological parents were killed. In addition to Videla, former dictator Reynaldo Bignone, sat in the dock and was

also the sentenced to 15 years. Antonio Vanek, a retired admiral was sentenced to 40 years, the former lieutenant commander Jorge Eduardo Acosta, sentenced to 30, and former military member Omar Riveros, 20, among other members of the repressive military dictatorship. Sitting in the front row, Videla listened without showing any reaction to the announcement of his sentence, which adds up to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity during his time leading the Argentine government. Argentina, Chile and Uruguay provided examples in South America in the judgment and sentencing of representatives of the military dictatorships that ruled in their respective countries. In Brazil, a committee was open to clarify the facts of the past, but has no intention of bringing human rights violators to trial.

power, the attitude would be the same. But as the reverse question is also plausible (if it were a right-wing government to be impeached, the rightists would not call it a coup?), weighs more, regardless of ideological position, the fact that a democratically elected government was swept authoritatively, without the case has been based in dialogue and with all due importance to the defence. The suspension of Paraguay in Mercosur, however, was not the only answer to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay to the Lugo’s impeachment. As the Paraguayan Congress was the only barrier to entry of Venezuela in the bloc, these three countries took advantage of the suspension to approve Venezuela’s entry in the group. Again, the attitude was the target of much criticism in South America, especially by those who think President Hugo Chavez an undemocratic character. This decision seems to have been highly opportunistic and at this point, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay acted with the same authoritarianism of the Paraguayan parliament. It is important to remember that Paraguay has been suspended from Mercosur, not expelled. Exclude Paraguay from such a decision (the entry of a new member) is far from being a democratic attitude.

Anyway, the inclusion of Venezuela has more political than economic reasons. And at that point, Mercosur is correct, because Venezuela is not Hugo Chavez. October’s presidential elections will be held in the Caribbean nation and South American integration is a project that cannot depend on one or another political party or ideological vision. As written in the first paragraph, 20 years ago, the governments responsible for the creation of Mercosur were fully aligned with neoliberalism. This does not hold true today which means the block does not have the same strategic importance for the development of the region. With the entry of Venezuela, Mercosur’s GDP will total approximately $ 3.2 trillion, reaching 75% of South America, the population of the member countries will increase to 272 million, 70% of the region’s total. The bloc will be established as a leading world producer of energy, food and manufactured goods. Venezuela has other advantages, related to its vast reserves of minerals, water and biodiversity, which are predicted to play a growing role on the world stage. Moreover, the country has a particular geographical location, relatively much more embedded in international flows of trade within the Northern Hemisphere.

10 | July 17th – July 31th






Financial system

Surface tablet shows new approach

Libor talks go back to early 2008

New York Federal Reserve was aware of false reporting on rates

New tablet marks Microsoft’s entry into growing market and the adoption of Apple’s philosophy. Microsoft’s announcement of its new tablet –the Surface seems to prove the company has understood and finally surrendered to one of their rival’s key philosophies: that the guarantee of a good product relies on the union between hardware and software created for each other. The Surface, which at first might seem like a delayed response to the iPad, actually marks the company’s entry in the hardware market, an activity previously pursued through partnerships with Dell, Lenovo or HP. It is hoped that the Surface (still no price or release date set), which uses the Windows 8 Operating system, will close the hardware-software divide. Looking back it is not true to say that all the physical products of Microsoft have been public failures. The arrival of the Xbox in 2001 rocked the games console market and the next generation, the Xbox 360, relegated Sony’s Playstation 3 to the

third position, behind only Nintendo’s phenomenally successful Wii. Microsoft have long dominated the software sector but after the poor reception of the Zune, launched in 2006 in a bid to rival to the iPod and the Kin smartphone, in 2010, Microsoft is hoping Surface will once and for all strengthen their place in the hardware market. The main attraction of the Surface is sure to be the magnet-attached screen cover, which contains a built-in keyboard. This design feature instantly positions the Surface in the niche market between the tablets and laptops. The keyboard cover will make the Surface attractive for those looking for the portability of a tablet but who do not like to type documents, messages or emails on a touch screen. Microsoft sees The Surface as a beautiful weapon in the on-going battle against Apple, rivalling both the MacBook Air with the keyboard attached and the iPad as a tablet device. Tablet market set to continue expansion Consumer preference for portability will mean that sales of tablet devices will ex-

ceed laptops in just four years, according to recent research from NPD DisplaySearch. The need for technology ‘on the go’ means the company also expects notebook sales to increase from 208 million units this year to 393 million by 2017. The demand for tablets, however, will grow much more rapidly, increasing nearly four-fold from 121 million units this year to 416 million in the same five year period. Portability is not the only reason tablets are and will remain so successful. The research company points out that the battery life of a device is much better than a laptop, due to lower computing power and while some people might need greater memory capacity, most users think that tablets provide enough to meet their needs.

Barclays employee warned Federal Reserve about misreporting interest rate Top U.S. and U.K. officials were aware in early 2008 that large international banks might have intentionally distorted a key global interest rate, but a trove of releases by central banks unanswered how aggressively authorities pressed banks to address the problem. In a transcript of an April 11, 2008, telephone call between Barclays PLC and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a Barclays employee acknowledged to a New York Fed analyst that the U.K. bank was misreporting interest rate data to avoid “unwanted attention”. In October of 2008, after the crisis worsened, a Barclays employee told the New York Fed that the interest rate in question – known as the London interbank offered rate, or Libor – was “rubbish”. The records were released by the New York Fed and the Bank of England. The Fed was responding to requests by Congress for documents related to the matter and could provide more information as it searches its records. The Fed releases showed that Treasury Secretary Timothy, who was then president of the New York Fed, alerted U.S. Treasury officials, other U.S. regulators

Augmented reality

Smart glasses’ race shakes technological world After smartphones and tablets, all indications point to smart-glasses as the next big thing in the technology market. While these products are still in production, industry giants have announced news in this area, delighting technology lovers and consequently other companies are rushing not to be left behind in what is currently considered an open race. At the end of June, Google introduced its so-called ‘augmented reality glasses’ at a conference in San Francisco, USA. These smart glasses come feature an integrated camera and postage-stamp size screen, which appears slightly above the line of vision of right eye, designed to show content, from images to emails. The device is also equipped with microphone, speaker, Internet connection, operates on the Android system and is controlled the user’s head movements. Currently only a prototype, Google wants to know the opinion of the sector’s technicians and specialists in order to advance development for a commercial release to consumers, though no release date has yet been set. Parallel to this, Apple is also attempting to carve out a place in this sector, having filed several patents for video displays built into glasses, according to the

New York Times. Earlier this month, Apple also patented a “peripheral device to the head mounted displays”, which can be used to project images into the eye of the user. Olympus, who have been struggling in their original sector of photography are also vying for a place in the specs-race. Their prototype ‘MEG 4.0 ultra compact wearable display’, weighs only 30g including the battery and is based on a Bluetooth connection with a smartphone, according to a statement released in early July,

By Christiano Holanda

and U.K. authorities in 2008 about problems associated with Libor and proposed changes to the way the rate was determined by the British Bankers’ Association. But the documents offered only a partial picture of the internal discussions regulators held about possible Libor problems. It wasn’t clear, based on the disclosures, whether U.S. or British regulators pressed the issue beyond Mr. Geithner’s efforts for changes in mid-2008. The health of large global banks during this period was crucial, because several months later several of them toppled or were nationalized as the financial crisis intensified. Libor is used as a benchmark for trillions of dollars-worth of consumer and business loans and financial-market trading contracts. The rate is a measure of what banks pay each other for shortterm loans.

Europe crisis

Thousands protest civil servant wage austerity cuts in Spain Spanish civil servants, many dressed in mourning black, took to the streets Friday in angry protest as the government approved new sweeping austerity measures that include wage cuts and tax increases for a country struggling under a recession and an unemployment rate of near 25%. Spain is under pressure to get its public finances on track amid concerns in the markets over the state of the country’s banks and the wider economy. “Spain is going through one of its most dramatic moments,” Deputy Prime Minister Saenz de Santamaria said after a Cabinet meeting at which sales tax hikes and spending cuts were approved. Admitting that the austerity measures were “neither simple, nor easy, nor popular,” she said the government would try to enact the measures “with the maximum justice and equity.” The conservative government has come under mounting criticism that the austerity measures are hitting the middle and working classes the hardest. “The government should go after the big companies that don’t pay tax and bank-

ers that have committed fraud and have run this country to the ground,” said Pablo Gonzalez, 52, who works for the Madrid regional government. “Instead, we have to pay.” The aim of the latest package of measures is to chop $79 billion off the budget deficit through 2015, the biggest deficitreduction plan in recent Spanish history. As dusk fell, several hundred mainly young protesters marched in Madrid, stopping to jeer outside the headquarters of the ruling conservative and opposition Socialist parties before heading to the parliament. Though the increase in sales taxes, which risks slowing consumption and worsening Spain’s recession, will take effect Sept. 1, other reforms will be left for later in the year, including a plan to speed up the gradual raising of the retirement age from to 65 to 67. Meanwhile, Economy Minister Luis de Guindos announced the creation of a new mechanism to help Spain’s 17 regions finance themselves more easily. Some, such as Valencia in the east, are finding it increasingly difficult to tap capital markets for much-needed cash.

JP Morgan disclosed that losses on its botched credit bet could climb to more than $7 billion and that the bank’s traders may have intentionally tried to obscure the full extent of the red ink on the disastrous trades. Mounting concerns about valuing the trades led the company to announce that its earnings for the first quarter were no longer reliable and would be restated. Federal regulators, who were already examining the trades, are now looking at whether employees of the nation’s biggest bank by assets intended to defraud investors, according to people with knowledge of the matter. The revelations left Jamie Dimon, the bank’s chief executive, scrambling for the second time within two months to contain the fallout from the trading debacle. It has already claimed one of his

most trusted lieutenants, compelled Mr. Dimon to appear before Congress to account for the blunder and prompted the bank to claw back millions in compensation from three traders in London at the heart of the losses. A top bank official said that the board could also seize pay from Mr. Dimon, but did not indicate that it would do so. Since announcing initial losses of $2 billion in May, Mr. Dimon, once vaunted for his risk prowess after navigating the bank deftly through the financial crisis, has worked to prove that any flaws in risk management are limited to the chief investment office, a once-obscure unit with offices in London and New York. But the latest news is prompting fresh questions about whether risk controls throughout the bank are weak.

12 | July 17th – July 31th


Sport | 13

1908, 1948, and 2012

by Tico Silvério

Brazilian football

Pros and cons of a gold medal Finally the Brazilian “soldiers” were called for the Olympic mission. Manos Menezes announced the list of athletes who will try and win the long awaited gold medal for football in London in 2012. As always the call did not please everyone, perhaps even displeasing many. Of athletes over 23 years, Mano will take Thiago Silva, Marcelo and Hulk, maintaining the base that played in the last friendlies. But the question remains: what would an Olympic gold medal add to the Brazilian soccer? Olympic champion would be like saying to the world: work done, we have won everything and now nothing is missing, and all the pressure and expectation


Best player

Neymar better than Messi? Messi or Neymar? After two encounters on the pitch and two extraordinary performances from Lionel Messi (Barcelona V Santos - 2011 FIFA Club World Cup final with 3 goals from Messi and Brazil V Argentina - friendly with 3 goals from Messi), for me there is no doubt Messi is at the top of the game. Messi is the most dangerous player in the world and Neymar still needs to develop his football. But according to Brazilian legend Pele, Neymar is a “more complete” player than Lionel Messi. After winning three consecutive Ballon d’Or awards, Messi is widely considered to be one of the most talented and gifted footballers to have ever graced the game. However, writing for Ole, Pelé stated that the Argentinian internation-

al is a more limited player than Brazil’s no.11 Neymar. ‘’In a straight comparison Neymar is more complete, more technically proficient than Messi because he has more at his disposal. He can go down the right or left, he hits both sides of the rival defense”, the three times world cup winner opined. Messi tends to move down the left, but he has more experience and he plays in a more demanding football league. Neymar has an advantage in that he can hit the ball well with both feet, but he struggles when he plays against European or Latin defense. Having the responsibility to always save the team is a heavy burden. It cannot be like that forever.

Now is a goalkeeper turn Goal scoring is the magic moment in football and because of that the goalkeepers are always overlooked for recognition. Everybody might be talking about Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo but after Spain won the Euro, their goalkeeper Casillas became one of the favorites to win the Ballon d’Or. There is no doubt about Casillas’ performances in big tournaments, he has contributed as much as the forwards

would no longer exist, should Brazil win at the Olympics. But in the present moment of our selection, I see more cons than pros in winning a gold, because a victory in London would create the illusion that our football is prepared for the 2014 World Cup, which is not true. A gold medal would bring the feeling of accomplishment, but at the same time throw all the dirt under the rug. Brazil currently has a fragile defensive system, a midfield without a leader and an attack with no personality, so perhaps a defeat next month could mean a victory in 2014. For, as we know, we learn much more through defeats than the victories.

in Spain’s victories. You can have the best No.10 but it won’t work if there isn’t a great goalkeeper behind him. Casillas has had a season to remember for club and country, captaining Real Madrid to the La Liga title before lifting the European Championship trophy for Spain. The 32-year-old goalkeeper has made 137 appearances for his country, enjoying 100 wins during an era of great success. He has also not conceded in a knockout game for his country since 2006. So there are many reasons to give Casillas the Ballon d’Or but the question is: will the football world be prepared for that?

London ready to hold its third Olympic Games In the later editions, the British capital had to assume the role of “saviours” of the Games The city of London is ready to welcome the world from July 27 to celebrate the Olympic Games. More than 10,000 athletes from 204 countries will be represented in 26 sports and the British capital receives the largest sports event quite differently from the previus games it host-

ed in 1908 and 1948. With the help of sponsors, the British were able to spend around £10 billion in infrastructure and facilities. Spending was chiefly spent on transport, opening and closing ceremonies, the construction of roads and the Olympic Village. Though it is estimated that from the initial budget, expenditures exceeded 101% from what was planned. The 1908 games were distinctive as the

1908 Dates and duration Number of countries Number of athletes

27/4 a 31/10

city had only two years to replace Rome, due the disaster caused by the volcano Vesuvius. On this occasion, the British built a stadium for 70,000 people in ten months and edited a guide to all the regulations of all sports in English, German and French. Forty years later, the situation was not good. The world was fragmented after World War II. Still, London received more than 4,000 athletes representing 59 coun-

1948 188 days

2012 17 days

29/7 a 14/8





White City Stadium 130.000


Wembley 85.000

U.K.: 56 U.S.: 23 Swedeen: 8

U.S.: 38 Swedeen: 16 France: 10

Approximately 8 million pounds will be invested in the project. “This is a very austere budget” said Carlos Nuzman, president of Rio 2016 Committee and the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB). “We will spend the same amount of Beijing four years ago. But the house will run for a bigger period”. The Brazil House will be open from July 27 to September 9 and will occupy 2,200 m² of Somerset House, a cultural center of London. This year, for the first time, the site will operate throughout the period of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Since its first edition in 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, the house functioned only during the Olympics. According Nuzman, Casa Brazil in London will host basically three types of event.

The first comprises of thematic exhibitions, one of these projects will be dedicated only to the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. A film festival and social events will also be hosted. Brazilian artists will perform in ‘happy hours’ organized by Rio 2016 committee or by governments or sponsors of House Brazil (Nissan and Ernest & Young). The committee will also hold its 2016 press conferences and releases of actions related to the Games at the House of Rio de Janeiro where Brazil to launch a line of coins for 2016 and a line of stamps depicting the Olympics in Rio. There will also be 6 breakfast meetings with members of the Olympic committees of other countries to present the training facilities available to delegates.

Favorite X Surprises

Now is just the time to control the emotions, because London 2012 has arrived. International passports have been stamped, participants are in the final stages of preparation and now it’s to the dispute medals. But even before the opening party, some names are already listed as a certain presence on the podiums. Rafael Nadal, Usain Bolt, Cesar Cielo, the American Basketball

27/7 a 12/8, 29/8 a 9/7 (Paralympic Games)

28 days

204 10.500

Stadiums/ Capacity

London 2012

and Brazilian Beach Volleyball teams: these are some of those who you will certainly see celebrating winning an Olympic medal. But there is another list of names threatening to listing of some other names threatening to sppil the party, like Yohan Blake, who owns the second best mark in the history of the 100 meters and beat Usain Bolt recently, Andy Murray, playing at home and pushed by the crowd could be a stumbling block for bi-Olympic Nadal, and the American beach volleyball players are occasionally ready to play with force in games with Brazilian doubles. These are some of the surprises that can counter the betting exchanges. The Olympics are the biggest sporting event on the planet, and are always full of surprises. Those who arrive as a favorite, often leaves empty-handed.

tries, taking the place of Tokyo, which was unable to host the Games. The panorama of London 2012 is completely different. The 34 installations were presented when there were 100 days of planning for the opening ceremony. Everything is now ready and the city can now expect to celebrate this historic moment for sport.

In four years

Brazil invests millions to promote Rio 2016 in London House of Brazil will hold various events to promote the ‘wonderful city’ The Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2016 presented earlier this month the House Brazil to London Olympics. The site will be a Brazilian pole in city hosts the Olympic Games this year and will serve mainly to publicize the Games in Rio, in four years.

Olympic Stadium 80.000 U.S.: 41 China: 34 Russia: 21 (Prevision)

Sport | 14 | July 17th – July 31th


Guide · Guia

Who can win medals in London 2012? Over ten thousand athletes will test their limits in the London Olympic Games. While the British want to do well in their country, the Brazilians want to show what they can do before the Games in Rio

in 2016. Brazil will have 259 athletes (136 men and 123 women) in 32 sports. The number is the same for Beijing 2008 and fulfils the goal set by Brazilian leaders to take at least 250 athletes to England. Brit-

Aaron Cook

ain will be represented by a delegation of 542 athletes, 262 women. The British won 47 medals in Beijing and is expected to rise it in London to 48 in 12 sports. The forecasts for Brazil point to 18 medals.

Jessica Ennis

Sport: Taekwondo In 2009, aged just 17, Cook narrowly missed out on a bronze medal in Beijing and will be desperate for revenge in London,

it is good to note that he warmed up nicely with gold in the European championships.

Fabiana Murer


Mode: Heptathlon One of the most important athletes in promoting the London Olympics, Jessica Ennis is the favourite for Olympic gold in the heptathlon, which includes seven events: 100m hurdles, high jump, shot put, 200 meter dash, long jump, javelin and 800 meters.

Mo Farah

Style: 5000 meters and 10,000 meters The 29-year-old took silver and gold respectively at the world championships last year and has looked to be on imperious form outdoors in 2012. But with the return of world and Olympic record holder Kenenisa Bekele, as well as the added threat of his younger brother, Tariku, and a host of other Ethiopians and Kenyans, Farah can take nothing for granted.

César Cielo

Rio Occupation: 30 days with Brazilian art in London Thirty Brazilian artists are going to be in London participating on the project “Rio Occupation London”, presenting their art in different spaces, such as stages, museums and institutions in London before and during the Olympic Games. This initiative has already begun, and runs till 3 August. It is part of the Festival London 2012, the cultural aspect of the Olympic Games. “Rio Occupation London” also involves a film festival, the Occupation On Screen – The New Cinema from Rio. Between the 12-31 July, the festival will showcase 44 productions from the new generation of filmmakers from Rio de Janeiro, among them, 9 documentaries, 12 fiction films and 23 short films at Somerset House and the Biscuit Factory in Shoreditch. As a continuation of this project, the London Festival Occupation Rio will be promoted and hosted in Rio de Janeiro, in 2013, pushing the dialogue between British and Brazilians artists goes further. Trinta artistas brasileiros participarão do projeto Rio Occupation London, que ocupará palcos, instituições e museus de Londres antes e durante as Olimpíadas. A iniciativa, que segue até o dia 3 de agosto e integra o Festival Londres 2012, programação cultural dos Jogos Olímpicos. O Rio Occupation London também envolve uma mostra de cinema, a Occupation Onscreen - The New New Cinema from Rio. Entre os dias 12 e 31 de julho, serão exibidas 44 produções da nova geração de cineastas do Rio de Janeiro, sendo nove documentários, 12 longas de ficção e 23 curtas-metragens. As projeções acontecerão nos cinemas do Somerset House e Biscuit Factory. Como resultado destas ações em Londres, será realizado um projeto no Brasil. O Festival London Occupation Rio será promovido no Rio, em 2013, como uma continuação do diálogo com os artistas ingleses. + info page 21

Sport: Pole Vaulting Fabiana Murer surprised the World 2011, when he knocked out Olympic champion Yelena Insinbayeva and won the gold in World Championship. In London, the Brazilian will try to make it onto the podium, and may surprise the world by overcoming his own record of 4.85 meters.

Sport: Women’s Football Elected five consecutive times as the best female soccer player in the world, Marta leads the women’s team in search of Brazil’s first Olympic gold. In the 2008 edition, in Beijing, the selection was the runner-up and is a favorite in London in 2012.

Sport: Swimming Cesar Cielo (who won the first gold medal in Brazilian swimming history by winning the 50 meters freestyle race in Beijing) wants to repeat this victory in London 2012. Brazil has eleven other med-

als and 32 Olympic finals in swimming. The Brazilian team in the London Games will have 20 athletes in the pool.

Showbiz | 16 | 20 de junho de 2012

| 17

Lindsay Lohan: Fib as Usual

It’s Official! J. Lo Announces American Idol Exit American Idol is in lack of judges. Just a day after Steven Tyler announced he will be leaving Idol, Jennifer Lopez has decided to hand in her notice as well. Lopez teased the decision on The Today Show last Friday morning, but now it’s official. Just like Tyler, Lopez cites a desire to focus on other things as her reason for leaving. The singer told Ryan Seacrest on his radio show, “I honestly feel like the time has come for me to doing the other things I do that I’ve kind of put on hold.” So who will take the places of the departed judges? Adam Lambert seriously wants the gig, with Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and, believe it or not, Charlie Sheen also being thrown around.

Luana Piovani critica site de fofoca de sua própria emissora A inquieta Luana Piovani mostrou que não tem mesmo papas na língua: nesta sexta-feira (13), em seu Twitter, a atriz fez duras críticas ao site Ego, página de fofocas de sua própria emissora, a poderosa Globo. — Aos espíritos de porco: critico e desprezo o trabalho infame e pejorativo do site Ego. Não estamos falando da Globo, ela é uma mega empresa, tem muitos segmentos, coisas distintas. Não satisfeita, Luana continuou atacando o trabalho do site, e acusou tanto a Globo quanto os paparazzi de “roubarem as vidas” dos famosos. — Esse é o assunto. Sensacionalismo existe em todo lugar, mas a empresa que é mãe não deveria ser também a maior consumidora do roubo das nossas vidas. Pois é o que fazem os paparazzi: nos roubam a paz, sem compaixão com nenhum tipo

Lindsay Lohan is not exactly prone to truth-telling. Her claim that her brakes failed and caused her recent car crash shockingly did not pan out after Porsche itself tested the car after the crash. The brakes on her rented car passed with flying colors. The star blamed the car’s brakes, telling friends how she slammed on the brakes when an 18-wheeler allegedly cut her off, but nothing happened. Obviously concerned, Porsche caught wind of Lindsay’s excuse and contacted the rental car company, asking to test what was left of the car. Porsche ran its tests, finding the brakes were perfectly fine, and showed zero evidence of malfunction or tampering in the car they fabricated. And it seems that they are not the only one to fabricate something; Lohan also fabricated her story. Lohan was hospitalized after the car crash which result in no criminal charges for anyone.

Katy Perry banned from wearing spinning bra

Michael Clarke Duncan: Hospitalized After Cardiac Arrest! Saved by his love! Actor Michael Clarke Duncan was hospitalized last Friday following a cardiac arrest, as sources confirm The Green Mile star is in stable condition. Duncan suffered a myocardial infarction early on Friday’s morning, and his girlfriend Omarosa Manigault performed CPR on him around 2 a.m. The two-time Apprentice contestant was apparently able to successfully resuscitate the baritone actor upon finding him. Duncan has been nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe, and most recently starred in the now-cancelled Fox show, The Finder.

Depois de quatro meses, Gretchen se separa do 16º marido

Sabrina desabafa sobre separação: “Vou ter que ir ao psiquiatra” Embora aparente ser um poço de alegria, Sabrina Sato é uma mulher como as outras e também passa por desilusões. Em entrevista ao site “Terra”, a musa do “Pânico na Band” confessou que talvez precise ir ao psiquiatra para lidar com a separação. “Eu sou igual a todas as mulheres, tenho os mesmos problemas, não sei por que acabou. Acho que vou ter que ir ao psiquiatra para descobrir”, declarou Sabrina. Ela terminou, há alguns dias, o relacionamento de três anos com o deputado Fabio Faria. O já na moda “choque de agendas” e as constantes idas dele ao Rio Grande do Norte podem ser os motivos da separação. A apresentadora disse, porém, que está trabalhando tanto que não teve tempo direito para pensar em tudo que aconteceu. Na última edição do programa “Pânico”, ela até chorou ao vivo ao falar do fim do relacionamento. Bola pra frente Sabrina que a fila anda!

Katy Perry has been banned from wearing her famous spinning peppermint bra after it was declared a safety hazard by her tour insurers and the decision came after the rotating undergarment malfunctioned on stage.: “My hair got caught in the wheels of my spinning peppermint bra and began to coil around and around,” she told one British tabloid. “I’m forced to just go with it so, by the end of the song, it looked quite like I was licking my own tit. What a girl does for her art.” Although really funny the incident Perry’s tour insurers failed to see the funny side of and instead stopped the pop star from wearing it. “I keep being told the insurers are worried I will injure my neck. I seriously doubt it could be lethal but they want a new bra designed that will not allow hair to be caught up,” she added. C’mon Katy it cannot be lethal but fatal for your body. Imagine if your tits get caught up and spinning along? Seriously…

Izabel Goulart vai a evento de gala sem calcinha A top brasileira Izabel Goulart chamou atenção no evento de gala organizado pelo fotógrafo Mario Testino em Lima, no Peru. Izabel Goulart, que já pisou nas mais famosas passarelas do mundo, desde Stella McCartney, Oscar de la Renta, Dolce & Gabanna, Victoria’s Secret, Givenchy, Armani, Rosa Chá, Cia Marítima, Chanel, entre outros, estava com um vestido ousado, que apesar de longo, tinha uma mega fenda lateral e revelava que a modelo estava sem calcinha. Alguns acharam desnecessário e muito mas se você prestar atenção ao modelito verá que realmente não tem espaço pra calcinha alí. E é só para quem pode!!!

A longa lista de ex-maridos de Gretchen acabou de ganhar mais um nome. A dançarina, de 53 anos, se separou do pecuarista Tulio Sotto Mayor, 35 anos, com quem foi casada por quatro meses. O término, no entanto, aconteceu dois dias antes de Gretchen entrar no reality show “A Fazenda”, da Rede Record. Tulio precisou se mudar de São Paulo para Pernambuco, como conta a coluna “Retratos da Vida”, do jornal “Extra”, da quinta-feira (11). Segundo a coluna, a motivação para a saída da Rainha do Rebolado do reality, aliás, tem a ver com as filhas Giulia e Valentina, que consideravam Tulio como pai e estavam sofrendo com a ausência dele e da mãe. Por um lado, Tulio, ainda apaixonado, quer Gretchen e a família de volta. A dançarina, porém, está decidida a não reatar o relacionamento. Será que, com tanto amor, ela não vai mesmo dar uma chance ao coitadinho? Ai ai, o que é que a essa Grethen tem?

Food | 18 | 20 de junho de 2012

Travel | 19

A gods recipe, Ambrosia!

Rio de Janeiro

This recipe got’s history, not only because it was the Athens gods delight, but especially cause my grandmother love it and this became my favorite desert. All my family likes it and always exists a kind of dispute to see who knows to do the way she did it. All the plates that make people be together and remember loved ones should be perpetuated! That’s why I’m going to tell you all some trucks and secrets about this delicious and simple gods delight, the Ambrosia!

by Janine Veloso

Recipe 1l of whole milk 12 eggs (if you do this dish often, by an aviary) 1 lemon 750g of sugar How to prepare it Mix in an Inox Pan the milk and the juice of the lemon. Split into two different recipients the two different parts of 9 eggs. (you can keep the white part in the refrigerator for 24h. It worths do an omelet to use then after) Mix the sugar, this 9 egg yolks and 3 whole eggs in a recipient. Throw this mixture in milk and mixture it really well with the fouet, till it is homogeneous.

Put all in a pan and cook it in low heat, preferentially over an iron plate, or in “banho-maria” and leave it cook for approximately one hour.

Why I should visit? Rio offers everything: nature, culture, party and sun. The relaxing, easy going and sexy atmosphere added to the various options of leisure and attractions will make your journey special and unforgettable. Rio received about 950,000 international visitors in January 2011.

When the ambrosia is cooked, it looks like a big omelet. With the liquid well reduced, you should mixture it, making an texture bigger or smaller, as you prefer it. To finish it, my grandmother used to rapidly tost it in high heat, and so obtain a gold color from this reaction, that used to be hers flavoring and the special truc that she got in hers Ambrosias. She didn’t used cinnamon, clove or vanilla. I prefer with some epices, especially vanilla and cardamom, because the both go really well with eggs sweets. Saulo Caliari

Uma receita dos deuses, Ambrosia! Esta receita tem história, não por ser a comida dos deuses gregos, mas por minha bisavó adorar e ter sido sua sobremesa favorita. Minha família inteira gosta e sempre existe aquela disputa para ver quem sabe fazer do jeitinho que ela fazia. Todas as comidas que fazem as pessoas ficarem juntas e lembrarem das pessoas amadas devem ser perpetuadas! Por isso passo os truques e segredos desta simples e deliciosa comida dos deuses, a Ambrosia!

Receita 1 litro de leite integral em temperatura ambiente 12 ovos (se fizer este prato sempre, compre um aviário) 1 limão 750 g de açúcar Modo de preparo Coloque em uma panela de inox o leite, o suco de limão e misture. Separe em um recipiente as claras das gemas de 9 ovos, (guarde na geladeira as claras por no máximo 24 horas. Vale a pena fazer omelete, pudim de claras ou ovos nevados para aproveita-las) Misture o açucar, 9 gemas e 3 ovos inteiros em um recipiente. Jogue esta mistura no leite e mexa muito bem com o fouet, até homogeneizar. Leve ao fogo baixo, de preferência em cima de uma chapa de ferro, ou panela de ‘banho maria’ e deixe cozinhar em fogo

lento por aproximadamente uma hora. Quando a ambrosia estiver totalmente cozida, ela ficara parecida com uma grande omelete. Com líquido bem reduzido, neste ponto você irá mexer, deixando a textura que mais lhe agradar, grumos maiores ou menores. Para finalizar minha bisavô dava uma tostada direto no fogo alto, para obter um dourado da reação de mailard, que dá o tempero que ela usava para dar o toque especial neste doce. Não usava canela, cravo, macis ou baunilha em fava. Eu prefiro com várias especiarias, principalmente baunilha e cardamomo, pois combinam com doces de ovos. Fica delicioso com frutas da estação e, para decorar, ramos de canela.

Where I should stay? Z.bra or Spto Leblon are located in the charming area called Leblon, next to Ipanema Beach. The hostels are a new concep of hostels, they look like more boutique hotels ands prices starts at 65 reais (about 25 pounds) per nigth. Hang out at... Lapa or Baixo Gavea. Both are bohemian areas full of bars and nightclubs. In Lapa there is the Bar Nova Esperança where the feijoada and caipirinhas are great! In Baixo Gavea a good bar to go is Bar do Alemao, very popular with the cariocas (Rio residents)


Foto: Rômulo seitenfus

Secret knowlage There is a beach called Grumari that is near Barra da Tijuca in west Rio. It is a nature reserved beautiful beach with a laid back atmosphere. In the end of the beach there is

Europeu Moderno

Modern European

Borough é um dos mais finos mercados, mas sua crescente popularidade também significa que um passeio ali pode ser tumultuado e cansativo. Se você prefere um passeio mais relaxado, contorne a multidão e vá direto ao Elliot’s Cafe. No coração do mercado, Elliot’s serve uma comida moderna fantástica, e o menu muda diariamente já que os chefs buscam sempre os melhores produtos do próprio mercado para prepará-lo. Porque ficar em filas quando você pode relaxar com seus amigos com deliciosos pratos de comida saudável? Entre as especialidades estão as batatas fritas Maris Piper com Aioli (£3.50), mortadela grelhada (£6.50) e pratos principais com peixes e carnes frescas e eticamente produzidas (£12-15). Com um ambiente agradável e atendentes amigáveis, e preços das bebidas convidativos (agora também incluindo drinks experimentais) e uma atmosfera bem casual, Elliot’s é um espaço perfeito para abrigar-se do agito do mercado, e ainda mais, pertinho da London Bridge. www.

Borough is of the world’s finest markets but its growing popularity means that shopping there can be busy and tiring. If you prefer a more laid back approach then skip the crowds and head straight to Elliot’s Cafe. Found in the heart of the market, Elliot’s serves up fantastic modern food with a menu that changes daily as their chefs scout out the best products from the stalls. Why queue when you can relax with friends over steaming plates of delicious food? Favourites include fried Maris Piper potatoes with Aioli (£3.50), griddled mortadella ham (£6.50) and main courses featuring fresh, ethically produced meats and fish (£12-15). With friendly staff, a well priced drinks list (now including experimental cocktails) and a casual atmosphere, Elliot’s is the perfect retreat from the bustle of the market and nearby London Bridge.

Take a look: janine

Foto: Janinne Veloso

Getting around The subway in Rio is convenient and covers a good part of the city. There is card that you can pay as you go, as an oyster card. You can also rent a car at the various rent a car agencies or use the taxis. Take care It is not recommeded to walk in the streets at nigth alone, as in any big city, this can be dangerous. Do not carry your passport with you. When visting the central area prefer a small bag and a small amount of money. Do not leave your bags without anyone taking care when going to a dip in the sea. How to get there Fligts costs about 600, 700 pounds, depends of the time of the year, during the summer prices can increse. Fly with brazilian air

Rio de Janeiro, Pão de Açucar

Foto: Cati Calixto

Hostel, localizado no coração de Brighton o albergue oferece quartos privativos por £20 com café da manhã incluso. Dormitórios comunitários saem por £15 sem café da manha e £17 com este incluso.

Saulo Calliari Cheff and Economist / Cheff e Economista

Hang out at... O balneário é sinônimo de badalação, em Brighton o visitante encontra restaurantes, cafés, pubs, bares e nightclubs para todos os estilos e budgets! O passeio pelo Brighton Pier e pelas The Lanes (As Linhas), ruelas charmosas com cafés, lojas, restaurantes e pubs, garante o contato do visitante com a atmosfera hype, cool e descontraída de Brighton. Para os turistas mais ligados em aventura e natureza uma boa opção é o passeio até Seven Sisters, podem pegar um ônibus local no centro de Brighton e chegar lá em mais ou menos meia hora. Seven Sisters é um parque nacional com sete chapadas imensas de frente para o mar. A vista e de tirar o fôlego! Brighton Pier

Porque devo visitar? Localizada a 90 quilômetros ao sul da capital inglesa, o balneário de Brighton é um destino muito visitado pelos londrinos, a praia abriga o famoso Brighton Festival e conta também com atrações como o Royal Pavillion, palácio construído em meados de 1700 com vasta coleção de Chinoiserie – decoração de inspiração chinesa - outra peculiaridade local é a Brighton Wheel, versão litorânea e menor da London Eye.

a Mountain with a restaurant/bar on top called Point de Grumari. The place is rustic with a spetacular view. Food has a homemade taste and there are a lot of options for deserts.

Rio de Janeiro, Ipanema

Restaurant Spy: Elliot’s Cafe, 12 Stoney Street, 020 7403 7436 by / por Kate Rintoul

company TAM or British Airways or another european companies (TAP, Air France, etc).

Onde eu devo ficar? É possível encontrar desde albergues Bed and Breakfasts até hotéis e apartamentos para sua estadia em Brighton. A média de preço dos hotéis é de 70-80 libras por noite. O Artist Residence Brighton Hotel and Gallery tem localização privilegiada de frente para o mar e é uma mistura de galeria de arte com hotel boutique. A proposta é oferecer acomodação num lugar aconchegante e estiloso por um preço mais acessível. Outra opção é o Kipps Backpackers

Como se locomover Se você quiser usar o transporte público em Brighton (ônibus), a tarifa custa £2.20 e o oyster card não é aceito. Mas o melhor jeito de conhecer a cidade, e a pé mesmo. Nada como caminhar a beira mar ou se perder pelas ruelas do centro parando no café, bar ou restaurante que tiver a sua cara! Dicas Nos festivais e concertos que costumam reunir multidões, leve somente o necessário como dinheiro, identidade e uma capa de chuva (nunca se sabe!), não é re-

comendável carregar câmera fotográfica, celular, cartão de crédito e objetos de valor. Outra dica é se vestir com roupas leves e usar sapatos confortáveis. Como ir para lá? Existem trens partindo de 15 em 15 minutos ou de meia em meia hora de várias estações em Londres. Em Victoria Station os trens custam em média £20 e demoram cerca de uma hora para chegar. Também e possível chegar lá de ônibus (coach), a viagem custa cerca de £10 e dura em média 2 horas. O aeroporto mais próximo de Brighton é o londrino Gatwick e existem ônibus partindo de lá até o balneário e vice-versa. + info: http://coach. e Fique ligado! A boa pedida é provar o fish and chips de Brigthon. A cidade foi desenvolvida a partir de uma pequena vila de pescadores, então a reputação é de um dos melhores fish and chips britânicos, com peixes frescos e deliciosos! Os festivais de arte e música também são marca registrada da badalada praia. Prato cheio para quem gosta e aprecia arte é o Brigthon Festival evento que dura 3 semanas e conta com diversas atrações culturais. Além disso, o concerto anual do consagrado Dj inglês Fatboy Slim é uma atração que costuma atrair as multidões para dançar ao som de música eletrônica. Programe-se! Saiba mais: chadascincodiario

London by Night | 20 | 20 de junho de 2012

What's On | 21

London by Night

BT River of Music By Cibele Porto

Check out the beautiful places and people that make these places special! by Fernando Tresseno.

@ Barraco

@ Canecão

@ Barraco

The BT River of Music Festival will take palce on 21 and 22 July as part of the celebrations for the Olympic Games. Free concerts will be take place across six stages along the Thames, with each stage representing a continent, bringing well-known artists from the participating countries of the games and also emerging artists to take over thesespaces. For those who do not want to miss the shows, which are a great opportunity to see new artists, here is what you need to know. The Asia Stage will be mounted in Battersea Park, the Afrika Stage at the London Pleasure Gardens, the Europe Stage will be divided into two, one at Trafalgar Square and another at the Somerset House, the Americas Stage will be in the Tower of London and the Oceania Stage at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich.

Rio Occupation @ East London Rio meets London as 30 artists descend on Rich Mix in a celebration of culture from the creative centres of both cities. The music, performance, flavours and digital art will mix with East London’s culture to create a party right in the artistic hub of the capital. Free entry, no booking required but you can pre-register attendance via Rich Mix box office: Telephone: 020 7613 7498 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, LONDON E1 6LA – Station: Shoreditch High Street Take a look at the full schedule and information on artists +

@ Canecão

@ Tia Maria

How are you going to celebrate the amazing cultural events taking place in London 2012? Send us your pictures an experiences via Facebook and Twitter thebrazilianpost e O Rio invade o East London no dia 13 de julho. Os 30 artistas vão desembarcar no Rich Mix para celebrar o encontro de culturas das duas cidades. Música, performances, artes digitais, e sabores do Rio vão colidir com a produção cultural do East London para criar uma festa no coração de um dos eixos artísticos da capital. Entrada gratuita. Não é necessário fazer reservas, mas se você quiser pré-registrar a sua presença através da bilheteria do Rich Mix: telefone 020 7613 7498. Fique ligado nas datas! + info

Katavento @ back 2 black

Also please note that tickets are free but there is a fee of £ 3 processing fee. You can buy the ticket on-line and make sure you’ll arrive at the show before 4.30. After 4:30, the entries will be released by order of arrival, if room is still available. Where and when: 21st and July 22, on stages along the river Thames. For further information, just visit the site Durante os dias 21 e 22 de julho, acontece o BT River of Music Festival. O evento faz parte da programação cultural dos Jogos Olímpicos. Serão shows grátis em 6 palcos montados ao longo do rio Tâmisa, cada um representando um continente, trazendo artistas já conhecidos dos países participantes dos jogos e também artistas que estão surgindo e conquistando seu espaço. Pra quem não quer perder os shows, o Palco Asia, será montado no Battersea Park; o Palco Africa no London Pleasure Gardens, o Palco Europa, foi dividido em dois lugares, um palco naTrafalgar Square e outro no Somerset House, já Palco Améri-

London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay City Celebration Finale Concert A show marking the end of the journey of the Olympic torch in London with presentations from artists Dizzee Rascal, The Wanted, You Me at Six, Eliza Doolittle, Mark Ronson and Katy B and special presentation of the group Lloyds TSB Followers Flame, which is a mixture of street dance with sport. The show that promises to last for 8 hours will end with the lighting of a cauldron on stage, allowing the audience to see the Olympic flame. The Olympics begin the next day, July 27 and runs through August 12. The tickets cost £ 15 plus tax and can be purchased through the website Where and when: July 26, in Hyde Park. Tube: Hyde Park Corner or Marble Arch. Show marcando o final da jornada da tocha olímpica em Londres com apresentações dos artistas Dizzee Rascal, The Wanted, You Me at Six, Eliza Doolittle, Mark Ronson e Katy B e apresentação especial do grupo Lloyds TSB Flame Followers, que é uma mistura de street dance com esporte. O show que promete durar 8 horas será encerrado com o acendimento de um caldeirão no palco, permitindo que o público veja a chama olímpica. Os Jogos Olímpicos começam no dia seguinte, 27 de julho e vai até 12 de agosto.

cas vai ficar na Tower of London e o Palco Oceania no Old Royal Naval College em Greenwich. P.s.: os tickets são grátis, mas há uma taxa de £3 de processing fee. É preciso garantir o ticket antes do show (on-line) e o mesmo garante a entrada no show para todo aqueles que chegarem antes das 4h30. Depois das 4h30, as entradas serão liberadas por ordem de chegada, se ainda tiver espaço disponível.

Saturday night fever Everyman Cinema and Old Vic Tunnels present a ‘Saturday Night Fever’, a cinema experience, bringing the ‘70s classic back to life with live music, disco dancers, a New York streetscape, gaming arcade and food and drink. There will also be the chance to get dressed up in a vintage boutique. The event takes place until July 21, from Tuesday to Saturdays 7pm, with matinees on Saturdays and Sundays at 3pm. Tickets costs between £15 and £45. Where: Old Vic Tunnels, Station Approach Rd, SE1 8SW Lembram do filme “Nos embalos de sábado a noite”? Então, Everyman Cinema e Old Vic Tunnels apresentam o ‘Saturday Night Fever’, uma “experiência cinematográfica”, trazendo de volta à vida, os clássicos da disco dos anos 70. Tem música ao vivo, dança, cenário Novaiorquino, jogos e comida! Tem também a opção de se caracterizar na boutique vintage e ja descer pra 2001 Odyssey. O evento acontece ate dia 21 de julho, de terça a sabado ás 7 da noite, com matinee aos sábados e domingos às 3 da tarde. Os ingressos custam entre £15 e £45. Do you remember the move Saturday Night Fever?

Fashion | 22 | 20 de junho de 2012

Fashion | 23

A Magical Tour

Macy's campaign brings the brazilian style and a bit from Amazon By Kate Fashion and fundraising have always been great partners - over the years the industries biggest names have helped raise awareness and funds for everything from children’s play parks to animal welfare. This summer, American retail giant Macy’s has turned its attention to raising funds and awareness for the environment and communities of the Amazon with ‘Brazil – A Magical Tour’, a campaign with collections for men and woman and homeware. As well as working with socially responsible style leaders like Rio’s Parceria Carioca (a shop that curates a mix of craft from local co-ops), proceeds from the campaign will go to The Nature Conservancy, an organisation that helps empower indigenous groups, reduce deforestation and create alternative incomes for communities in the rainforest. The collection, also in partnership with Calvin Klein and Delta airlines includes some of the most exciting and talented fresh design talent from Brazil and it is great to see the usually conservative US market daring to inject some sunshine into their style! Macys offer shipping to the UK on all items and with pieces now on sale it is a good time to take a mini shopping trip to Brazil. The stand-out pieces of the campaign is the collection of stunning dresses by Gaurani-born Francisco Costa, creative director of Womenswear at Calvin Klein since 2001. If you’ve ever lusted after the perfect minimal femininity of the luxury label, now is your exclusive chance to shop as dresses are priced to match Macy’s mid range ethos. Better still the collection is now on sale so you can pick up a timeless and sophisticated dress for under £80 (similar dresses in Calvin Klein ready to wear retail at around £850). While the price is excellent the design and thinking behind the collection have been exquisitely executed with Costa drawing on inspiration from Brazilian architecture for structure and sunsets for the colour palette. Thoughtful design and tailoring means the capsule collection of dresses has something for everyone from more structured paneled maxis, to more playful thigh-skimming shifts and dramatic empire line evening wear. The paneled shifts would be perfect for those looking for chic dresses that can cross over from sunrise to sunset depending on accessories – perfect for women with a Brazilian spirit who never know what party is around the corner. Along with this there are the expected array of tropical prints and vivid colours from designers including Bar III and Neon. While these are fun and capture the essence of Brazilian’s vibrant culture they are perhaps a little obvious and stereotypical, overlooking some of the more interesting street trends and looks currently found in Brazil’s growing urban catwalk. Of course as it is a summer collection and it’s Brazil there is also a large range of skimpy bikinis and bandeaus. There are

also some great geometric-print halter neck swimsuits by Bahia-based label Sauipe that offer good structure, perfect for Brazilian curves! While there are some stylish tailored linen jackets and blazers by INC International Concepts, the men’s collection does not have the same range of exciting fashion and unfortunately includes some rather too many questionable animal-print jersey t-shirts. The homeware collection has some iconic pieces from excellent Brazilian artists and designers. Self-taught graphic artist Romero Britto has applied his coloufrul and playful skills to design a fantastic range of china that will no-doubt become collectable pieces that also show the painters ongoing commitment to using art for social good. Fashion designer Isabela Capeto, labeled as one of the most exciting new generation of designers in Brazil turns her attention to homeware for this campaign, creating a range of products Made in Brazil from re-used materials is both quirky and has great production values, re-using materials though be warned this collection is selling out fast! It is a little disappointing not to see more pieces from the next generation of talented industrial and product designers from Brazil, instead a range of uninspiring Martha Stewart earthenware and American-designed bedding makes you realize that this is very much ‘Brazil for the conservative American market’. At times it feels that all you need to class a product as ‘Brazilian’ is a splash of vivid colors and a scantily clad model next to or in it. These assumptions and stereotypes are already too abundant and it is a shame that this very publicized campaign fails to tell willing consumers anything new. On the whole Macy’s ‘Magical tour of Brasil’ is a little bit like a package holiday. While there might be too many mediocre and clichéd pieces, there are also moments of sheer excellence - including an interesting collaboration between Seu Jorge and American designer/philanthropist Rachel Roy. While it might not deliver as much as we would like the sheer fact Macy’s an American retail giant with over 800 locations and shipping worldwide have done this is something to celebrate and with proceeds going to support Amazon communities and agencies this is feelgood fashion at its best. Moda e captação de recursos sempre foram grandes parceiros, ao longo dos anos os maiores nomes da indústria têm ajudado a conscientizar e levantar fundos para diversas áreas, desde parques infantis ao bem-estar animal. Neste verão, a gigante de varejo americana Macy's voltou sua atenção para angariar fundos e sensibilizar para questões sobre o ambiente e as comunidades da Amazônia com “Magical Tour of Brazil", uma campanha com coleções para homens e mulheres e artigos para o lar. Além de trabalhar com líderes de estilo

socialmente responsáveis, como a Parceria Carioca (loja que faz curadoria da mistura do artesanato local com moda e design contemporâneos), o produto da campanha vai para The Nature Conservancy, uma organização que ajuda a fortalecer os grupos indígenas, reduzir o desmatamento e criar rendimentos alternativos para as comunidades da floresta tropical. A coleção, também em parceria com a Calvin Klein e as companhias aéreas Delta, inclui alguns os mais empolgantes e talentosos novos designers do Brasil. É muito bom ver o mercado conservador dos EUA se atrever a injetar um pouco de luz do sol em seu estilo! A Macys oferece o frete para o Reino Unido em todos os itens e com peças já em promoção. É um bom momento para fazer uma pequena viagem de compras do Brasil. As peças destaques da campanha fazem parte da coleção de deslumbrantes vestidos desenhados pelo mineiro Francisco Costa, diretor criativo de moda feminina da Calvin Klein desde 2001. Se você já cobiçou a feminilidade mínima perfeita desses artigo de luxo, agora é a sua oportunidade. A coleção está em promoção e você pode comprar um vestido sofisticado por menos de £ 80 (vestidos semelhantes da Calvin Klein prontos para o uso de varejo em torno de £ 850). Enquanto o preço é excelente, o design e a ideia por trás da coleção foram primorosamente executados com desenhos de Costa, inspirados na arquitetura brasileira. Projeto bem planejado, os vestidos são perfeitos para quem procura roupas chiques que podem ser usadas de sol a sol, dependendo dos acessórios - perfeito para mulheres com espírito brasileiro, que nunca sabem o qual festa pode surgir. Junto com isso há a esperada matriz de impressões tropicais e cores vivas de estilistas da Bar III e Neon. Enquanto eles são divertidos e capturam a essência da vibrante cultura brasileiro, são talvez um pouco óbvios e estereotipados, tendo em vista algumas tendências de rua mais interessantes em estilos facilmente encontrados na cena urbana do Brasil. Claro que é uma coleção de verão e o Brasil conta também com uma grande variedade de biquínis. Há alguns trajes de banho com formas geométricas e oferecem uma boa estrutura, perfeitos para as curvas brasileiras! Embora existam alguns elegantes paletós de linho personalizados e blazers do conceito INC Internacional, a coleção masculina não tem o mesmo alcance e, infelizmente, inclui algumas camisetas bastante questionáveis. A coleção de artigos para o lar tem algumas peças icônicas de excelentes artistas e designers brasileiros. O artista gráfico Romero Britto aplicou seu estilo colorido e brincalhão para projetar uma fantástica variedade de peças porcelana que, sem dúvida, mostram o compromisso dos pintores em usar a arte para o bem social. A estilista Isabela Capeto, rotulada como um das principais figuras da nova geração de designers no Brasil, volta

Hello everyone ;-) As you know, we are celebrating our first bilingual edition and of course the Cool Hunter couldn’t be left out of all the fun. To be part of this exciting edition I bring you a special collection of styles that showcase the best looks when Brazilian styles mix with other cultures. Like a good cocktail the art of combining different vibes and flavours has some amazing results, Ok, let’s mix!!! Como vocês já sabem, nós estamos celebrando a nossa primeira edição bilingue, e com certeza o Cool Hunter não podia ficar fora dessa, não é mesmo? Para fazer parte dessa mudança, por que nāo uma Edição Especial misturando o estilo de brasileiros x estilo de pessoas de outras culturas? Ok, vamos misturar!!!

sua atenção para utilidades domésticas nesta campanha, criando uma gama de produtos fabricados no Brasil a partir da reutilização de materiais. É um pouco decepcionante não ver mais peças da próxima geração de talentosos desenhistas industriais e de produtos do Brasil. Às vezes parece que tudo que você precisa para classificar um produto como "brasileiro" é um “splash” de cores vivas e um modelo seminua. Estas suposições e estereótipos são já demasiado abundante e é uma pena que esta campanha muito divulgada não dizer aos consumidores que desejam algo novo. No conjunto, a campanha “Magical Tour of Brazil” é um pouco como um pacote de férias. Embora possa haver muitas peças medíocres e clichê, há também momentos de pura excelência - incluindo uma colaboração interessante entre Seu Jorge e designer filantropo americano Rachel Roy. O simples fato da Macy's ser uma gigante americana de varejo com mais de 800 no mundo é algo para celebrar - com rendimentos que vão apoiar as comunidades da Amazônia.

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Sunglasses: Ray-Ban: £130

Hat: Accessorize: £24 / Neck-

Sunglasses: Ray-Ban: £120 /

/ Shirt: Gap: £35 / Trou-

lace: Spitalfields Market: £8 /

T-shirt: Diesel: £25 / Shirt:

Dress: Spitalfields Market: £5 /

Hollister: £40 / Jeans: Die-

‘Limāo’, 34

sers: Charity Shop: £5 /

Brazilian/ DJ and Mar-

sic: “anything that i do

keting Manager

not play” / Best thing of

Trainers: Vans: £65 / Mu-

London: “My bike”

Carina, 23

Bag: Zara: £19 / Boots: Material Girl: $70 / Music: Rock, Alterna-

Helio, 27

Brazilian/ Bartender

sel: £ 90 / Trainers: Vans: £ 50 / Music: everything /

Brazilian/ fash-

tive, 80’s Rap, Pop music / Best

Best thing of London: mix

ion student

thing of London: East London

of culture, nightlife

Hat: Topshop on sale: £12 / Necklace:

T-shirt: Topshop: £30 /

Jumper: Verri: £75 /

Chloe, 18

Primark: £4 / T-shirt: Topshop: £12

Blazer: Grandmother’s /

Belt: American apparel:

/ Belt: Topshop: £10 / Skirt: Selfridg-

Teresa, 19

Bag: Miu Miu: £700 / Boots:

£35 / Trousers: Diesel:


Best thing of London: Soho,

thing of London: “The


different cultures, different styles

Oxford Street for shopping


British/ stu-

es: £25 / Bag: Mulberry: £650 / Shoes: River Island: £20 / Music: Drum & Bass, Dubstep Best thing of London:

Spanish/ fashion stu-

Zara: £50 / Music: Pop Music, Rihanna, Lady Gaga /

Tim, 27

Italian/ bar manager

£110 / Shoes: Aldo: £55 / Music: techno / Best

T-shirt: American Appar-

Patricia, 20 Brazilian/ fashion student

el: R$40 / Blazer: Zara: £49 / Jacket: Carina Duek: R$800 / Legging: mum’s / Boots: Schutz: R$340 / Music: Rock, Alternative / Best thing of London: Brick Lane

Cap: Chuwak signature

Ugnius, 20

Lithuanian/ model

snapback: £20 / Hoodie: Chuwak: £60 / Trousers: Ralph Lauren: £35 / Shoes: Vans Limited Edition: £30 / Music: Hip Hop / Best thing of London: Parties and friends

Feel Good | 24 | 20 de junho de 2012

Feel Good | 25

Part 1:

It’s time to walk in London

Tired of Being Tired?

Avoiding the public transports during the Olympic Games can be a good opportunity to adopt a healthy and pleasant new habit

Tired of being tired? And even just saying “I’m tired”, can be quite tiring. It’s OK, tiredness is a messenger that’s telling you, you haven’t been getting enough sleep or at least not good quality sleep. The amount we need is individual, usually between 5-9 hours a day. Good quality sleep is linked with a good diet, enough exercise, and then, to finish the day properly, wind down and put it to rest. Quality sleep is also more likely if we create the habit of going to bed and getting up

at the same time 7 days a week, with the thought to wake up refreshed and well-rested. Are you doing all these things and still feel tired? Take this as a signal to look inside. Has tiredness become your habit? What is your first thought on waking? ‘Oh no, not another day’ or, ‘Great, a beautiful morning.’ A good tip is to start your day with a morning meditation to create good feelings for what lies ahead.

Then, throughout the day, check your thoughts. Are you focusing on the tired feeling? What is your background ‘inner’ dialogue? Is it repetitive? Repetitive thinking is linked to boredom. Begin to challenge yourself to do something a bit differently, e.g. change your route to work, cook something new or visit a new place.

our purpose we are aligned with the highest part of ourselves. Tiredness can come when we are not awake to, resisting or suppressing our full potential. A sign of this is feeling stuck. Living our potential is living with head and heart in balance, and there is a sense of the joy of life and in it’s unfolding.

Another reason for tiredness can be not living with purpose. When we align to

1ª Parte

Aries 20/03 to 20/04 This week you have to be strong when dealing with people’s criticism of your decisions, especially in your professional life. You will be determined to do whatever it takes to get what you want, even though it may seem like a waste of time to others. However, you are not worried about waiting a little longer to achieve your goals. Go ahead and trust in your abilities to open closed doors. Esta semana você terá que ser forte para lidar com o criticismo de algumas pessoas com suas decisões, especialmente em sua vida profissional. Você estará determinado a fazer o que for necessário para alcançar o que quer, mesmo que isso pareça perda de tempo para os outros. Contudo, você não está preocupado em esperar um pouco mais para obeter suas conquistas. Vá em frente e acredite em suas habilidades para abrir portas fechadas. Taurus 21/04 to 21/05 This week you should have the force to sort everything out you need to by the middle of the week. The entrance of the Moon into Capricorn is giving you a sense of responsibility that you should finish what you have started. By the weekend you will be free to enjoy time with your friends and take the time out from work that you richly deserve. Give yourself the right to play and blast off into adventures! Você terá o estímulo para conseguir aquilo que busca pelo meio dessa primeira semana. A entrada da

Lua em Capricórnio estará dando a você o senso de responsabilidade que deve terminar o que começou. Ao final de semana você estará livre para aproveitar seu tempo com amigos e ter aquele descanso do trabalho, que tanto merece. Dê a você mesmo o direito de se divertir e aventurar. Gemini 22/05 to 22/06 Don’t you dare run away from your problems again! This week you will have to face up that serious conversation that you have been avoiding for so long. The Moon in Capricorn should bring you the energy to help you be more straightforward and stop trying to whaffle your way out of trouble, which is not useful anymore. Firstly, be honest with yourself and you will see that is going to be much easier to deal with things head on. If you succeed, then by the weekend you should feel lighter and free of the weight of these unresolved issues. Não se atreva a correr de seus problemas de novo! Essa semana você terá que enfrentar aquela séria conversa que vem evitando há tanto tempo. A Lua em Capricórnio deverá trazer a energia que o ajudará a ser mais direto e a parar de “enrolar” seus problemas e a querer correr deles o que não é mais nada útil. Primeiramente seja honesto consigo próprio e verá que que será muito mais fácil enfrentar de cabeça seu problemas. Tendo sucesso se sentirá mais leve a livre do peso desses problemas não resolvidos. Cancer 23/06 to 22/07

Você anda fazendo tudo isto e ainda sente-se cansado? Tome isto como um sinal para olhar para dentro. O cansaço se tornou um hábito? Qual o seu primeiro pensamento ao acordar? “Oh não, outro dia” ou “Ótimo, uma boa manhã”. Uma boa dica é reservar um momento em sua manhã para meditar e desejar bons fluídos para o dia que tens pela frente. Depois, durante o dia, confira seus pensamento. Você foca sua atenção no sentimento de estar cansado? Como se passa sua conversa interior? É repetitivo? Pensamentos repetitivos estão ligados a sensação de tédio. Comece a desafiar-se a fazer algo um pouco diferente, por exemplo, mude

It’s time to arrange that meeting with that person that you haven’t seen for a long time and it’s time to call that person that you’ve been thinking about, but never seem to find the time for. This week you should plan to be surrounded by the friends and family and that you love. After the stressful period that you have been through together, your partner may appreciate being included in your plans for the weekend. É hora de arranjar aquele encontro com aquela pessoa que você tem pensando tanto, mas nunca acha tempo para vê-la Essa semana você deverá estar cercado pelos amigos, a família que tanto ama. Depois do estressante período pelo qual passaram juntos, seu parceiro adorará estar incluído no seus planos de final de semana. Leo 23/07 to 22/08 You may feel like a stranger in your own nest, as if you don’t have a partner with which to share your inspirations. The best thing to do this week is not to count on other people’s support. Be confident in your own way of doing things. It doesn’t mean that nobody loves you, it is just that they are also trying to find their own path. If you ask for help, they will be there for you. Don’t be sad for not feeling like the centre of the Universe this week. By the end of week you will sense once more how important you are. Você deve estar se sentindo com um estranho no ninho, como se não tivesse um parceiro com quem

dividir suas aspirações. A melhor coisa a fazer nessa semana e não contar com o apoio dos outros. Seja confiante na sua própria maneira de fazer as coisas. Isso não significa que outros não te amem, é que eles também estão procurando o seus próprios caminhos. Se precisar de ajuda eles estarão lá para você. Não fique triste por não se sentir o centro do Universo essa semana. Ao final da semana você irá sentir novamente o quão importante é. Virgo 23/08 to 22/09 You should have lots of energy to share with people around you this week. Show them how determined you are to put your life back on track. Your partner should feel proud of you because you are really accomplishing your promises and your relationship is starting to feel the freshness of happier days. At the weekend be careful not to go over the top with your celebrations because you may wake up with a bad hangover that will undo all that positive energy you have built up over the week. Você deve ter muita energia para compartilhar com as pessoas ao seu redor nesta semana. Mostre-lhes como você está determinado a colocar sua vida de volta nos trilhos. Seu parceiro deve sentir-se orgulhoso de você, porque você está realmente cumprindo suas promessas e seu relacionamento está começando a sentir o frescor dos dias mais felizes. No fim de semana tenha cuidado para não exagerar com as suas celebrações, pois você pode acordar com

Texto: Nathália Braga

Estar “vivendo sem um motivo” pode ser outra razão para o cansaso, quando temos um objetivo de vida, estamos conectados com a parte superior de nosso ser. O cansaço pode aparecer quando não estamos atentos, resistimos ou oprimimos nosso verdadeiro potencial. Um dos sinais é sentir-se preso. Viver nosso potencial é viver com nossa cabeça e coração balanceados, e então percebemos um senso de alegria pela vida e seus desdobramentos. Inner Space, Covent Garden

Libra 23/09 to 22/10 This week you might feel the weight of duty from your family. You will find their demanding attitude difficult to deal with and you may have some difficult choices to make. It will be impossible to please everyone, so take a deep breath and have faith in your judgement. Don’t blame your partner for not helping you, it’s time to make your own decisions. At the end of week give yourself a break and go out with friends.

me up with a good plan in order to improve it. Essa semana você deverá aproveitar seus aspectos positivos no céu para por em prática sua teoria em praticar e criar algo real. No começo da semana telefone para aquela oportunidade de trabalho ou mesmo ache tempo para terminar aquela tarefa que vem protelando. Usando de sua força de vontade verá que mesmo um pequeno passo pode trazer grandes resultados. Ao invés de se preocupar com sua vida financeira, pense numa idéia para melhorar seus ganhos. Sagittarius 23/11 to 22/12

Essa semana você deverá sentir o peso da responsabilidade de sua família. Você estará achando que as exigências de familiares estão insuportáveis e poderá ter que fazer escolhas difícies. Será impossível agradar a todos, assim, respire fundo e tenha fé no seu julgamento. Não culpe seu parceiro por não ajudá-lo, é seu tempo de tomar decisões. No final de semana dê a si mesmo uma folga com os amigos.

Your social life may be of full of nice people, but you still have the sensation that something is missing. There is nothing wrong with those around you, but you need the excitement of new ideas, fresh input and inspiration all the time. Take a moment to reflect and try to employ some of the ideas that you already have into something useful. Be aware that your partner may feel resentful about your lack of recognition about his or her efforts.

Scorpio 23/10 to 22/11

Sua vida social pode ser cheia de pessoas interessantes, mas você ainda segue com a sensação de algo está faltando. Não há nada errado com esses à sua volta, mas você preicsa do frescor das novas idéias e de inspiração o tempo todo. Tire um momento para refletir e tentar usar algumas das idéias que já tem em alguma coisa útil. Esteja atento que seu parceiro poderá estar ressentido com sua falta de reconhecimento de seus esforços.

This week you should take advantage of the aspects on the sky by putting your theories into practice and creating something real. At the beginning of the week make that call about that work opportunity or even take the time to finish that essay you’ve been putting off. By using your strong will, you will see that even the smallest step can bring you great results. Instead of worrying about your financial life, co-

Capricorn 23/12 to 21/01 At the beginning of the week and it is time to deal with certain emotions that you’ve been avoiding. You may feel upset without any logical reason, but something deeper in your unconscious wants to come to the surface. Your relationship with your parents, especially with your mother may be the key to find out what’s going on. Open yourself up to this experience and you will see that so many things become clear. A semana começa e é tempo de lidar com certas emoções que está evitando. Você poderá se sentir chateado sem uma razão lógica, mas alguma coisa profunda em seus inconsciente quer aflorar. Sua relação com os pais, especialmente sua mãe pode ser a chave para descobrir o que está se passando com você. Abra-se a essa experiência e verá que muitas coisas irão clarear. Aquarius 22/01 to 20/02 Whatever duties you have this week, they will be hard to achieve. What you really want to do is lose yourself in your imagination and explore your playful side. The Moon is in conjunction with Neptune in your sign at the end of the week and this is pulling you away from reality. You can use this energy in two different ways. You can either create wonderful things or just put your feet up and party. It’s up to you. Sejam quais forem suas obrigações essa semana, elas serão difíceis de serem feitas. O que você quer mesmo é se perder em sua imaginação e explorar seu lado divertido. A Lua estará

This specialist affirms that the benefits can be felt in the whole body. “Walking can reduce the arterial pressure, increase the good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol. It can also reduce sugar levels in the blood and improve the immunologic system”. Meneghlo also says that the benefits of daily walking could also be extended to the most serious diseases, “Today we know that the physical activity is important to avoid cancer. Also, if combined with techniques to reduce the stress, it could alleviate the symptoms of panic’s

syndrome” Another advantage is that, for short a walking it is not necessary a previous medical evaluation, so it is possible to start exercising immediately. “To practice walking it is not necessary a bigger evaluation. If someone walks and doesn’t feel any kind of dizziness, discomfort or pain in the chest it means that there is no contraindications. This is also true for cardiac persons”, explains the cardiologist.

Evitar o transporte público durante os Jogos Olímpicos pode ser uma boa oportunidade para adotar um hábito saudável e prazeroso

sua rota para o trabalho, cozinhe algo diferente ou visite um local desconhecido.

uma ressaca que pode desfazer toda essa energia positiva que você construiu ao longo da semana.

There’s some time now that the London citizens had been advised to do a better plan for daily journeys during the Olympic Games. With the arrival of this giant sports event to the capital, the underground, trains and buses tend to be crowded because of the touristic demands on then. One of the solutions presented by the Mayor has been to walk the gap in between stations and cycle more, what could save time and help not to overload

the public transport. Moreover, during the summer, walk by the streets observing the London architecture is a good leisure choice. And another great benefit is that this could become a new habit for Londoners, exercising their body and improving their health. “Any person can achieve benefits to their health doing only a 30 minutes walking every day. This time can be divided by three times of 10 minutes walks”, says the cardiologist of the Albert Einstein Hospital, in São Paulo, Romeu Sergio Meneghelo.

É hora de caminhar em Londres

Cansado de estar cansado? Quando mesmo dizer “estou cansado” torna-se cansativo. Tudo bem, cansaço é uma mensagem do seu corpo lhe dizendo que você não está dormingo o suficiente ou que não está tendo uma boa qualidade de sono. A quantidade que precisamos de sono diário varia de pessoa para pessoa, normalmente entre 5-9 horas por dia. Uma boa qualidade de sono está ligada a uma boa dieta, exercícios físicos e, assim, para terminar o dia bem, acalme-se e coloque-se em repouso. Uma boa qualidade de sono pode ser melhor alcançada se criarmos o hábito de dormir e acordar no mesmo horário, os sete dias da semana, sempre pensando em acordar renovado e bem descansado.

by Nathália Braga.

em conjunção com Netuno no seu sígno no final da semana e está te tirando de sua realidade normal. Você pode usar essa energia de duas formas: poderá criar coisas maravilhosas ou “cair no crime” e festar. Você decide! Pisces 21/02 to 19/03 Don’t waste your time reminding yourself of all the negative experiences of the past. Now is the time to move on and enjoy what life has in store for you. Meet up with friends, ask that crush out on a date or even leave town this weekend. Remember that the more you dwell on your sorrows, the more you will feel them. Understand that pain can become a habit, but so can happiness. Make your choice! Não perca seu tempo relembrando experiências negativas do passado. Agora é hora de deixar pra trás e aproveitar o que a vida tem de surpresas para você. Encontre seus amigos, dê aquela escapulida ou apenas viaje no fim de semana. Lembre-se que ficar lembrando é cutucar na ferida e mais doído ficará. Entenda que a dor pode se tornar um hábito e da mesma forma a alegria. A escolha é sua.

Renata Fonari Life Coaching | Astro Coaching fornari.renata@ or www.

Já faz algum tempo que a população de Londres vem sendo avisada e orientada a planejar melhor suas jornadas diárias durante os Jogos Olímpicos. Afinal, com a chegada do maior evento esportivo à cidade, estações de metrô, trem e linhas de ônibus tendem a ficar superlotadas por conta da alta demanda de turistas. Uma das soluções sugeridas pela prefeitura local é, sempre que possível, fazer parte do trajeto a pé, o que economiza tempo e ajuda a não sobrecarregar o transporte público. Além disso, durante o verão, caminhar pelas ruas enquanto se observa a bela arquitetura londrina é uma boa pedida. Mas outro grande benefício incluso no que pode vir a se tornar um novo hábito para londrinos e imigrantes é a melhoria da saúde que a prática de exercícios pro-

porciona ao nosso corpo. “Qualquer pessoa pode ter benefícios para a saúde se caminhar pelo menos 30 minutos ao dia. Este tempo pode ser dividido em três vezes de 10 minutos”, afirma o cardiologista do Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Romeu Sergio Meneghelo. Segundo o especialista, estas melhorias atingem o organismo como um todo. “A caminhada pode reduzir a pressão arterial e aumentar o colesterol bom, embora não reduza o mau colesterol. Pode ainda queimar açúcares, melhorando a resistência das pessoas”. Ainda de acordo com Meneghelo, os benefícios se estendem também para as doenças mais graves. “Hoje já sabemos que a atividade física é algo importante para evitar o câncer. Assim como, se aliada a técnicas de redução de estresse, pode aliviar os sintomas da síndrome do pânico”. Outra vantagem é que o praticante de ca-

Plan our trip According to the Olympic Games Transport’s official web site (, informative maps will be spread in various tube stations, like Liverpool Street, London Bridge, Kings Cross/St Pancras , Victoria, Paddington, Marylebone, Waterloo and Charing Cross. It is also possible to plan the route by foot on the site

Planeje sua viagem De acordo com o site oficial sobre transporte durante os Jogos Olímpicos (www., mapas informativos estarão espalhados em várias estações da cidade, como Liverpool Street, London Bridge, Kings Cross/St Pancras , Victoria, Paddington, Marylebone, Waterloo e Charing Cross. É possível ainda planejar a rota a pé pelo site

Walk safely Always walk on the sidewalk; Use the crosswalk (even though some of them could be closed you will find alternatives in a maximum three minutes walk) Some traffic lights also could be turned off, so take double attention when crossing the streets; Some streets could be closed because of the Olympic events, so plan your trip before leaving home.

Caminhe com segurança Ande sempre na calçada; Atravesse na faixa de pedestre (alguns destes pontos podem estar suspensos, mas haverá outro a uma caminhada de três minutos ou menos de distância); Alguns semáforos serão desativados durante este período, portanto, redobre a atenção ao atravessar a rua; Algumas ruas estarão fechadas para a realização de alguns eventos dos Jogos. Por isso, planeje sua viagem antes de sair de casa.

minhada não precisa passar por prévia avaliação médica para caminhadas curtas. Assim, é possível começar a se exercitar de imediato. “A caminhada independe de uma avaliação mais importante. Se a pessoa cami-

nha e não tem nenhum sintoma como tontura, desconforto ou dor no peito significa que não há nenhuma contraindicação. Isso vale até mesmo quando se trata de pessoas cardíacas”, explica o cardiologista.

“Walking can reduce the arterial pressure, increase the good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol”. / “Qualquer pessoa pode ter benefícios para a saúde se caminhar pelo menos 30 minutos ao dia. Este tempo pode ser dividido em três vezes de 10 minutos”

Steps that worth prizes! To stimulate you to walk you can download a free app for your mobile that accumulate points each time you walk around or do cycling in London. Each time you complete a usual walking faster, or if you pollutes less the environment, according to the own calculations of this app, you accumulate points and change them for gifts.

Passos que valem prêmios! Para incentivar a população a caminhar, é possível baixar um aplicativo móvel gratuito que acumula pontos cada vez que você escolher andar ou pedalar por Londres. A cada vez que você completar o percurso mais rápido, poluir menos o ambiente ou queimar mais calorias, segundo cálculos do próprio aplicativo, é possível acumular pontos que podem ser trocados por brindes. Por exemplo o GAIN Fitness.

| 26 | 20 de junho de 2012

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