Bulletin issue 11 - Jan/Feb

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Issue 11 January/February 2015


TRANSPORT IMPROVEMENTS FOR GROWTH Trans-Pennine update and local links.

Also inside this issue: • New Chamber Appointments • Chamber Welcomes New Patron

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Chamber View Chief Executive, Andrew Denniff brings you right up to date with the Chamber and its plans, hopes and expectations for the next few months.

We are very excited looking forward into 2015. The Chamber made a significant decision to refocus the direction of travel for our organisation and during 2014 a lot of hard work went into reshaping the business to enable us to respond to our key focus – Membership. Our key goals for 2015 will be to have a Chamber full of active, engaged and diverse members. This will also extend to our partners across the whole Sheffield City Region and especially our two local authorities in Barnsley and Rotherham. We must continue to be recognised as the primary organisation for the voice of business in our locality and we must also play our part as key influencers on behalf of not only our members but indeed the wider business community. As 2014 was a transitional year for the Chamber we performed well, despite having a reduced headcount, membership and attendance at our events increased, but this new year must be one of progress and development, to stimulate greater engagement with business and to promote as widely as possible the opportunities for investment within the region.

start to have finance available and money to spend. It is essential that Chambers of Commerce, as representatives of business, are both fully supportive and indeed totally engaged in the “Growth Agenda�. As the economy continues to improve and expand, our own membership will also continue to grow. With the increase in profile comes a responsibility to show leadership on behalf of our members. To enable this to be achieved we must also expect wider and constructive engagement from the business community. It is only with their continued support and their involvement within the Chamber movement that we can progress and prosper.


Chamber News All the latest news from inside the Chamber.


Platinum Members News from our Platinum Members.


External Affairs Latest Policy and Representation activity.


Bite Size News Latest news in brief.


Cover Story A focus on local infrastructure.


Member News More news from our members.

No doubt 2015 will provide many challenges, especially following the general election in May. The role of the Local Enterprise Partnership will come under greater scrutiny as they actually

Andrew Denniff Chief Executive





New Members A full listing of new members. Events Forthcoming Events.

If your company would like to feature a news item in The Bulletin, please call our marketing team on 01709 386 200 or email thebulletin@brchamber.co.uk




Paul Jagger - New President This is my first contribution to the Bulletin, so first let me thank the board for placing their confidence in me. Let me also thank Owen Gleadall for his two years as President, I know I will receive his help and support during my term of office. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the challenges that face us and on which I will focus during my period as President. In two years we will not have completed them all, but I do hope we will have made significant progress and have structures in place within South Yorkshire to move forward. My first task for all the things we need to do is to find a closer way of working within the Chamber movement in South Yorkshire. Across Barnsley and Rotherham we have our own success stories. Members who have won major international contracts and others who have shown their excellence in key sectors through regional and national competitions. Many members in the other South Yorkshire Chambers have racked up similar successes, but working together will have the effect of maximising our impact. The local authorities are talking with government about new structures that will hopefully bring more resources to the region. We must positively influence those discussions to maximise the benefit for business and job creation. This needs to come from a unified Chamber network working together for business. We already meet regularly, but we need to widen our perspective. I am not talking about full scale merger, although that may be on a later horizon and your board would not do anything without the support of its Barnsley and Rotherham members. We need to collectively understand the South Yorkshire dynamic, as well as our own, at a time when the government is driving us toward more regionalisation.

to the North’. We came close to getting a fast-link in the late 1980’s, but that chance was snatched away in a round of cuts, whilst the big London infrastructure bids in that same plan are now being built. Interestingly the London Mayor is also calling for more expensive rail links in the near future, so HS2 will still be challenged for the massive investment needed.

That leads me to another challenge - HS2.

In the Chamber network we must fight, along with all our local authorities, to nail and embed the HS2 commitment and secondly, we must be creative in developing the business opportunities during the build programme. Finally, we need to think through what our economy could and should look like post the HS2 build. We need to do this together across the city region for all businesses.

I seem to have been arguing for over 20 years now for fast links for the North and I mean fast links ‘for the North’, not ‘from or

So I believe I have set an agenda for business, it is long term, but with a growing Chamber here in Barnsley and Rotherham we must



work across the city region together to maximise these massive opportunities. In order to achieve those goals we must within our own Chamber at both Board and Council level reflect our business community. I am very pleased to say we have two female members of the board and one is our new Vice-president, but we still have much to do both in terms of membership of the Chamber and inclusion within our structures of the minority communities in our towns, as well as getting the gender balance even stronger than it is at present. This is a challenge we must all own and I will during my period of office be wanting to visit as many Chamber members as I can and hope to see as many of you as possible in the months ahead.

Paul Jagger MBE President


New Chamber Appointments Following the 8th AGM of the Chamber, Lisa Pogson of Airmaster Air Conditioning was appointed as a new Vice-president, with Helen Jaggar of Berneslai Homes and Matthew Stephens of Gateway Plaza Ltd elected as new board members of the Chamber.

Lisa Pogson

Helen Jaggar

Matthew Stephens

Resources Director Airmaster Air Conditioning

Chief Executive Berneslai Homes

Development Director Gateway Plaza Limited

Lisa is the Resources Director, managing finance, HR and internal operations at Airmaster, a national building services company specialising in energy efficient heating and cooling based in Swallownest. Lisa has been an active member of the Chamber for a number of years, representing the Chamber’s Women in Business Group and as part of the Representation Council and the Chamber Board.

Helen has been Chief Executive of Berneslai Homes since January 2007 and in June 2009 the company was thrilled to be assessed as three stars excellent with excellent prospects for improvement by the Audit Commission.

Originally from Swansea, since graduating from the University of Hull, Matthew has an enviable track record within the property industry, working in the acquisitions and development sector. He joined Gateway Plaza from a Dublin based development company, dealing heavily in the residential sector, both purchasing schemes for investment, and also selling developments to the investor markets within the UK and Europe.

Lisa often works closely with schools in business skills challenges such as BizKids, the Entrepreneur’s Exchange, Make £5 Blossom, the WorkWise Foundation and Longley Park College Career Academy. Lisa also has links with the local STEM projects to get more women into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and advocates for the work that organisations like the Work Wise Foundation and Sheffield Hallam University are involved in. She feels strongly that as a member of the Sheffield City Region LEP Retail Forum, she really wants to back local retailing and ensures Airmaster works with a range of large and small retailers.

Helen has worked in the public sector for thirty four years, becoming professionally qualified in housing whilst working for the London Borough of Camden and extended her professional portfolio into Human Resources and Organisational Development with Leeds City Council. Berneslai Homes are a one star company in the Sunday Times Best Companies One Hundred List and have IIP Gold status. Helen is also Chair of Leeds Federated Housing Association and represents Northern ALMO’s on the National Federation of ALMO’s Board and is Chair of the NFA Executive Steering Group.

Matthew has responsibility for the development of the now completed Gateway Plaza development in Barnsley Town centre, the £45 million scheme was a key part of the regeneration strategy created through the Remaking Barnsley programme. Matthew has extensive network of contacts within the City Region and will provide the Chamber Board with expertise in the commercial and residential property development sector.




Giving winter illness the cold shoulder As the weather gets colder, the coughs and colds return with a vengeance. While it’s tempting to curl up on the sofa and give in to comfort food, a healthy diet and exercise will help maintain a strong immune system and fight off the bugs.

Westfield Health’s Chamber Primary Health Plan is available to all members of Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber. The cover includes DoctorLine™ - a GP consultation service providing telephone or webcam access to a team of qualified practising GPs, 24/7.

But as much as we try to avoid winter illnesses, getting sick will often be inevitable and the NHS will be under pressure as demand increases. Health organisations are encouraging people to take charge of their health, saying ‘self care’ is the best choice to treat very minor illnesses and injuries.

while hospitals say many A&E patients could be treated by pharmacies or GPs instead.

Some also suggest patients with minor ailments should seek advice from their local pharmacist,

But with a national shortage of GPs, staff may struggle to get an appointment.

If you’d like to know more about Westfield Health’s harder working health cover, visit www.westfieldhealth.com/ chamber or call 0845 602 1629, available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

The Source are now offering fully funded* customer service training WorldHost customer service training has been used to train over one million people worldwide. The programmes provide a gold standard in training for any business that relies on day to day interaction with customers for success. Course objectives • • • •

To provide an understanding of the importance of excellent customer service To assist delegates to communicate more effectively and efficiently with customers To assist delegates to demonstrate their attentiveness to customer needs To provide delegates with an understanding of the value of retail

The Source is delivering World Host Customer Service training, in partnership with Ingeus, to businesses in the Retail, Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism sectors across Sheffield City Region (South Yorkshire) with co-financing from the European Social Fund (ESF). For a limited period, businesses satisfying the following eligibility criteria can access funding for this training: • Individuals must be employed within a small or medium enterprise (SME) with fewer than 250 employees • Employers must be based within the South Yorkshire region (Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield). • Individuals must be aged 19+

*For further information or to check your eligibility please contact Laura Vincent on 0114 2635650 or email laura.vincent@thesourceacademy.co.uk The Source Skills Academy 0114 263 5600 | info@thesourceacademy.co.uk | www.thesourceacademy.co.uk


Chamber welcomes new Patron Goldthorpe based IT Desk (UK) Ltd, have become the latest business to become a Patron of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce. The company has been established for over 8 years and has been a member of the Chamber since 2009. This longstanding relationship with the Chamber has been taken further and patronage allows the company to work closer with the Chamber and strengthen its links with local businesses and Chamber members alike. Commenting on the announcement, Chris Wright Managing Director of IT Desk (UK) said “We are proud to have become Patrons of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce. We would like to thank the Chamber for its continued support and we are looking forward to working closer with the Chamber and its members” IT Desk (UK) are committed to providing proactive IT management and support to businesses. By offering 24 hour a day monitoring systems they are able to minimise downtime and solve issues before they arise. The firm works closely with businesses to reduce disruption and provide support services at times that are convenient for the customer.

Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive of the Chamber said “We have been working really closely with IT Desk (UK) over the past few months and this opportunity to both promote them and their relationship with the Chamber is welcome.

“All our Patrons play a key role in the activities of the Chamber and their support for a great many of our events and helping our diverse, strategic engagement across the region will only be enhanced by this new addition.”

Enterprise Agency at full capacity Rotherham Enterprise Agency Ltd [REAL] is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chamber of Commerce and as part of its day-to-day activity manages a small portfolio of commercial properties. This currently includes the Chamber’s head office at Genesis Park, a three storey building presently, jointly occupied by The Source Retail Academy and the Gillian Banks Theatre School on the High Street in Rotherham and 32 small industrial and workshop units on a site in the Dearne Valley at Bolton Road. These units have recently been the focus of a major upgrade and refurbishment programme over the past 12 months and this has coincided with an upturn in

occupancy levels – leaving us currently with only one unit unused. Businesses ‘in residence’ at Bolton Road vary from a Building Contractor, a Furniture Maker, Mechanical Engineers and a Fish Bait Distributor, all of which have supportive, long-term lease arrangements, in line with the overall requirements of their activities. An increase in occupancy is probably a fair reflection of the optimism within the local economy. Many businesses are now looking forward to the new year and planning for the

future, rather than ‘fire fighting’ their way through several years of major challenges and financial pressure. Start-up business have seen a big increase recently and this has been a large part of the Chamber and REAL’s activity over recent months. For more information on REAL activities and Chamber support please contact 01709-386200.



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Cancer support charity named Charity of the Year The Pippa Jones Little Treasure Trust became the first recipient of the Charity of the Year Award at the Barnsley and Rotherham Business Awards. The gift and activity bags are provided to children from the ages of one to 12 and for teenagers with cancer. The charity also provides treasure bags for siblings with brothers and sisters receiving treatment for cancer.

The charity, which distributes gift and activity bags to children and teenagers with cancer, received £3000 in prize money and the title after impressing the judges with their entry. The Charity supply gift and activity bags to hospitals in Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester and Durham and will use the prize money to extend their service to two new hospitals – Leicester Royal Infirmary and the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. Louise Jones, one of the founders of the Charity said “Winning the award is a wonderful accolade in recognition of the hard work of our volunteers, trustees and supporters who have helped us raise funds over the last 4 years. “We think it will add further credibility and esteem to our charity and will help

The gift bags include items such as games, toys, arts and crafts and for teenager’s toiletries, high street vouchers and magazine vouchers.

us raise awareness of our activities and hopefully attract more funding from local businesses and the community. We were up against some amazing charities and feel very honoured to have been selected to win this award.”

Commenting on the ceremony Louise said, “We would not ordinarily have an opportunity to showcase the Pippa Jones Little Treasure Trust in the wider business community so winning this award has already benefited the charity as we raised awareness of our activities in the best possible arena – at the Barnsley and Rotherham Awards ceremony.”

Howard Webb supports local Hospices Rotherham world cup referee, Howard Webb has shown his dedication to his Yorkshire roots by making a donation to two local hospices. Howard made the decision to donate his fee from the 2014 Barnsley and Rotherham Business Awards where he was the host. The £1000 was split between the towns two local charities, Barnsley Hospice and Rotherham Hospice.

worked with and supported both hospices for many years and we were delighted that Howard asked us to split his fee from our Business Awards and donate half to Barnsley Hospice with the other going to Rotherham Hospice.

Matt Wright, Barnsley Hospice Chief Executive said: “We are delighted that Howard wanted to make a donation to Barnsley Hospice and really appreciate him and Mark taking the time out to visit the hospice and see how their funds help make a difference to patients and their families”

“Howard’s gesture will go a small way to allowing the great work of the hospices to continue and the Chamber is delighted to facilitate this.”

Mark Hannigan, Operations Manager at the Chamber said said: “The Chamber has

Anne Giblin, Rotherham Hospice’s Fundraising Team Leader said “We are extremely grateful to Howard for his kind and generous donation which will help to make a difference for those in our care”




Members recognised for commitment to apprentices Two Chamber members have been named “Employer of the Year” by local training provider 3aaa, who specialise in technology, accounting, social media and digital media apprenticeships. to building our helpdesk with enthusiastic young people that understand our mission to keep great customer service at the centre of everything we do. 3aaa understands exactly what we’re looking for and with their help we have recruited and trained some fantastic engineers (we call them superheroes!) and they’re all heavily involved in the continued growth and success of the company.”

Dinnington based Digital Design Agency, Castus and Barnsley based IT providers Cultrix both received the accolade at the 3aaa annual celebration in December, which took place at the Palace of Westminster. The event hosted by 3aaa, allows the acknowledgement of their apprentices and employers and each are nominated by centres across the UK. Gary Hides, Technical Director at Castus said “We’re very proud to be recognised for our efforts in supporting these great young people choosing the apprenticeship path in to their careers. At Castus we’ve always given a huge amount of credit for attitude when taking on new team members so it’s very important to us that we’re able to support apprentices wanting to get in to the workplace and learn their trade. Both Castus and our clients are benefitting hugely from the youth and enthusiasm that our apprentices bring to the business.”

Shaun Wilder, Managing Director of Cultrix highlight the importance of their apprentices “We’re very proud to have received an Employer of the Year award from 3aaa recognising our services to apprenticeships in 2014. “Our rolling apprenticeship scheme is key

Caroline Walton, Employer Engagement Executive for the Sheffield branch and who matches apprentices with companies said, “What won the award for Castus and Cultrix was not our nomination, it was because they take their engagement to the next level when supporting their apprentices. Both companies take the time to nurture their apprentices to become outstanding and well-rounded individuals with heaps of experience to boot.”

Morthyng Top for Safeguarding Rotherham-based charitable training provider Morthyng Group Ltd has been awarded “Grade 2- Good” by inspection body Ofsted based on their inspection in October. The group were award an “outstanding” grade for Safe Guarding of young people and this is Morthyng’s second such grade in successive Ofsted Inspections, the last in 2011 and the company are extremely proud of this. Chris MacCormac, CEO of the group, said: “This is a great result from a difficult and



stringent inspection regime, and we are proud to buck the trend and bring good news to our home town of Rotherham and the wider communities we serve. “Our staff are experienced, qualified and committed to putting the learner at the centre of all we do, a company where people count, not profits”

The senior leadership team and directors said they are open and willing to work with all organisations to help raise the general standards of education and specifically the safeguarding of young people in all geographical areas.


Teacher returning to classroom after 15 years backs campaign A Barnsley-based recruitment agency has launched a campaign to get more teachers back in to the classroom after long career breaks. Provide Education works with 2,200 teachers helping them to find supply teaching posts and sometimes permanent jobs - in hundreds of schools across South and West Yorkshire and the East Midlands.

Director of Provide Education Barry Simmons said: “It is safe to say Suzy was a little nervous about returning to the classroom and it was great to give her the support she needed to ease her back in to it. Suzy is now one of the most popular teachers on our books and has won several of our ‘teacher of the month awards’ based on head teacher feedback.

Their job candidates range from newly qualified teachers to those with many years’ experience - and about five percent on their books are teachers who have come back to the profession after a significant time away. Provide Education now wants to attract more teachers who have had a break from the classroom, but are thinking about returning. Their campaign is being backed by a teacher who has returned to the chalkface, with their support, after 15 years away. Suzy, aged 49, decided she’d like to get back into teaching last year. Suzy said: “It was a daunting prospect at first, but the support I was given by Provide Education was marvellous and I was surprised how quickly I got back in the swing of it. Once a teacher always a teacher I suppose.” Suzy has worked at numerous schools in the

last year and currently works at two or three on a regular basis, covering for staff sickness and training courses. “It is great to be able to get work when I can and suits me down to the ground. I am never hassled to take a job either. It is entirely up to me and my availability. I continue to work in the property market and support my teenage sons with their studies.” Suzy’s past experience in teaching includes work at schools in Derbyshire, Cambridgeshire and British Forces schools in Germany, where her husband was stationed with the RAF. She took a complete break for teaching in 1999.


“We know lots of other former teachers have been away from the profession for a while. They may have been caring for family or working in another field. Whatever the reason, if they are considering returning and are a little daunted the prospect, we can help. We offer a range of support and have had some excellent results with getting talented teachers back into the job after a career break.” Provide Education’s campaign reflects a national shortage of teachers – especially working in UK primary schools. Latest published figures show that thousands more teachers are needed to prevent a drastic shortage over the next few years. Not enough are currently being trained and recruited to meet growing demand.


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Autumn Statement Summary George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer gave his annual Autumn Statement to Parliament on 3rd December 2014. Here is an overview of the key announcements for business. International Trade


• £ 20 million funding increase for UKTI to support first-time exporters

• A long-term investment fund will be established from shale gas tax revenues and ring-fenced for investment in the north of England. A new £5 million fund to provide independent evidence directly to the public about the robustness of the existing shale regulatory regime will also be created.

Labour Market & Skills • U niversity students to be given loans to study for masters’ degrees. • F rom April 2016, employer NICs will be abolished for apprentices under 25, on earnings up to the upper limit.

Access to Finance • T he Funding for Lending scheme to boost bank lending to SMEs will be extended for another year. • U p to £500 million of new lending in 2015-16 though the Enterprise Finance Guarantee scheme.

Business Rates • R eview into the structure of business rates to be completed in early 2016. Business groups invited to participate. • 2 % cap on the RPI increase in the business rates multiplier and doubling of Small Business Rate Relief extended to April 2016. • I ncrease in rates discount for high street shops, pubs and cafes by 50% to £1,500 next year.

The Chamber’s View “The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement is a package of measures that should be welcomed, however this should be just the start of a comprehensive redistribution of investment initiatives from the South to the North. “Businesses will be pleased that the Chancellor has committed the government to a fundamental review of business rates. This unfair tax is sapping good companies’ strength year after year, long before they make a single penny in profits. The review must deliver fundamental change to the business rates system. Tinkering at the edges is simply not acceptable when good companies have to scale back their growth ambitions because of out of control rates bills.



“The government has listened to our calls to improve conditions for business growth. However, the government must ensure that the positive proposals announced in the Autumn Statement do not get bogged down by short-term political thinking, Whitehall bureaucracy and treacle in the banking sector. We will be watching to ensure that the promises made become a reality and deliver real change for British business, despite the climate of fiscal constraint. “Despite the announcements this week, the northern economy is still behind the south in many indicators of economic performance and so not only do we need to see action and results quick, we need more of the same to rebalance the UK economy to support businesses in all areas of the country and provide prosperity and opportunity for everyone.”


Achievements During 2014 The Policy & External Affairs activities of the Chamber have been very busy during 2014 and we have maintained, if not increased our involvement in many varied but essential areas of engagement. We continue to be involved in the partnership arrangements in Barnsley and Rotherham as well as regionally through the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Sheffield City Region Chambers Group. We have representatives on both the Barnsley and Rotherham strategic partnerships right down to the more hands on town centre focus groups. It is important that the Chamber keeps up this level of engagement to ensure we maintain our position as the leading voice for business in the area and the go to organisation for business engagement. Key Achievements • S uccessfully lobbied for a trans-Pennine feasibility study to be carried out. This was

done in partnership with neighbouring Chambers of Commerce, local Members of Parliament and Local Authorities. We hope that this can contribute towards the wider argument of connectivity between all of the northern cities from Liverpool to Hull in regard to both road and rail infrastructure. • D elivered four specific market themed international trade events as well as supported over a hundred local firms with their export documentation. In 2014 we held numerous events to promote and facilitate local firms accessing international markets to sell their products and services. The Chamber Chief Executive has also represented the Chamber and members on a trade mission to Xian in China.

• W e continue to work with our partners to promote the case for the HS2 station location at Sheffield Meadowhall. Since it was announced that the proposed HS2 station location was to be at Sheffield Meadowhall we have been very clear that we support this option as the only location that will support genuine growth for the entire region. • I ncreased our response rate to the Chamber Quarterly Economic Survey (QES). The QES is the Chamber of Commerce’s national flagship indicator of business performance and is used by Government as a reference point for how the economy is performing and is likely to perform in the future. This is now a regional publication between the four Chambers of Commerce in the Sheffield City Region.

Legislation Update ICO updates surveillance camera code Environment Agency Enforcing Separate of practice Recycling Collections as of January 2015 An updated code of practice outlining requirements for firms which use CCTV and other surveillance camera technology has been published by The Information Commissioner’s Office. The code of practice covers topics such as: what firms should consider before installing surveillance camera technology, what measures should be taken to avoid collecting excessive personal data, and what should be done to store and destroy data securely. Firms which fail to follow the ICO’s code, for instance by using surveillance cameras excessively, could face an enforcement notice.

Draft guidance published by the Environment Agency states that from January 2015 commingled waste collections will only be permitted where they provide “high quality recyclate” or where separate collection “is not practicable”. The regulations state that dry recyclables of at least paper, metal, plastic and glass for household and commercial waste must be collected separately.

For more information about the updated code of practice, contact the Chamber on 01709 386200 or 01226 308444




Barnsley FC announce a new club sponsorship We are delighted to announce Pukka Pies, in association with Eric Twigg Foods, have agreed to become the Official Sponsors of the East Stand at Oakwell. The sponsorship sees Britain’s biggest pie provider become the official sponsor of the famous East Stand and sole supplier at Oakwell Stadium after signing a lucrative three-year sponsorship agreement.

have a great reputation and have become synonymous with football.“ Throughout the season Pukka Pies will be running some fantastic matchday competitions and special offers for our fans. This partnership is further evidence of our strategy to engage and develop long term partnerships with reputable national brands.”

Barnsley FC Commercial Sales Manager, Linton Brown, said: “We are delighted to enter into a commercial relationship with the country’s leading pie maker through local supplier, Eric Twigg Foods.

Pukka Pies Brand Manager, Sally Voss added “We are delighted to have secured a three-year sponsorship deal with Barnsley FC and we wish them every success for the coming season.”

“This is a very exciting partnership for the club and for all our fans. Quality pies are a vital part of the matchday experience and Pukka Pies





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Bite Size News Content provided by Rotherham Business news editor, Tom Austin. For the latest Rotherham Business News as it happens visit www.rothbiz.co.uk

Rotherham needs to capitalise on Tesco investment As the new £40m Tesco Extra opens its doors to town centre shoppers, the developer spearheading the key scheme hopes that it can kickstart regeneration in Rotherham. Stephen Holme, development director of TCN UK Ltd, said: “Bringing this project to completion is a milestone in the regeneration of Rotherham’s town centre and has transformed the area positively, paving the way for renewed investment in the town.

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for the latest RothBiz News

Duke officially opens AMRC Training Centre HRH The Duke of York, KG officially opened the £20.5m AMRC Training Centre in Rotherham recently, the pioneering centre that is shaping young people into the future of manufacturing in the region. The active supporter of expanding access to apprenticeships, also had the opportunity to meet some of the centre’s current trainees, their employers and training centre staff.

“What is crucial now is that Rotherham capitalises on this level of change. South Yorkshire has huge development potential but is not yet witnessing the levels of investment and pace of change that we are witnessing across other sites in the UK such as Bristol and Birmingham.”

At the event, The Duke of York said: “The level of learning and training here is absolutely outstanding and I wish all the apprentices, businesses and sponsors every success. I have been blown away by The AMRC’s contribution to the future.”

Sam shines at entrepreneur awards

New plan outlines Todwick North development

Sam Goddard of Response Vehicle Lighting has been named as Rotherham Young Entrepreneur of the Year for 2014.

The awards, now in their ninth year, cover all sectors and look to recognise the achievements of business owners under the age of 30. Sam first impressed the judges to win the Best Established Business category sponsored by The Source. Having steadily grown his sales through eBay and his own website over the past four years, the firm now supplies a wide range of vehicle lighting products to domestic and business customers and Sam has seen a huge increase in sales and growth over the last 12 months after securing accounts with two leading UK brands. Sam received a special trophy and a cheque for £1,000 for winning overall.

Thousands of jobs could be created at an agricultural site at the new Todwick roundabout in Rotherham after it was earmarked for a high quality business park in the latest plans for the borough’s future employment land. Currently in the greenbelt, the 30 acre site is being put forward for new offices and new commercial floorspace in the general industrial planning class, as well as the potential for some storage and distribution uses. It is hoped it will “attract major inward investment by accommodating one or more large users or through the development of smaller plots which comprise a high quality business park.”



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Top award for engineering leader Anne Wilson, Managing Director of Numill Engineering has been named as Business Women of the Year at the 2014 Forward Ladies Women in Business Awards. The top award was won following Anne’s earlier success by winning the SME Business Woman Award.

faced exceptionally difficult trading during what was a catastrophic economic period.

Anne was presented with her award by headline sponsor, Debra White, regional director for small businesses at HSBC. Debra said: “The winner is a truly inspirational woman, and embodies what the Forward Ladies Women in Business Awards are all about.

“Yet she has more than doubled exports by building new international markets and launching an apprentice scheme to allow the skilled, but ageing workforce, to pass on their invaluable knowledge to the next generation, ensuring the continued survival and sustainability of the company.”

“Anne has taken her business to the next level, which is particularly significant since the company

Anne originally joined Numill as a bookkeeper and later went on to purchase the business

and helping it to develop and grow overseas. As well as being Managing Director of Numill, Anne is also Regional Director of the Engineering Association, a Freeman of the Company of Culters in Hallamshire and an active apprentice support. The Forward Ladies’ Women in Business Awards recognise the achievements of professional business women in the North West of England, the Isle of Man and Yorkshire and the North East.

Cannon PR get fired up after awards success A Rotherham Public Relations practitioner been named as Yorkshire and Lincolnshire’s Outstanding Freelance PR Practitioner of the year by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. Matthew said, “The PRide awards are one of the most a highly regarded accolades in the PR industry, especially as all entries are judged by senior PR professionals working in the industry with first-hand experience of what makes a good campaign.

Matthew Ridsdale founded Cannon PR, in 2011 and was presented with one of the top industry awards by BBC Look North’s Harry Gration at a glittering awards ceremony at the Queen’s Hotel, Leeds which recognised the very best public relations campaigns, teams and individuals from across the region. It is the first time in the eleven year history of the PRide awards that the title of Outstanding Freelance Practitioner has been awarded to a South Yorkshire-based consultant.

city and redundancy beckoned.

Matthew began career as a PR professional in 2001 after completing an MSc at the University of Stirling. Since then he has worked in Edinburgh, Derby and latterly headed up the Sheffield division of a national PR agency. His career path took an unexpected turn in 2011 when the company decided to pull out of the

The judges of the awards, which comprised of senior members of the Public Relations industry, based outside of the region, were particularly impressed by Matthew’s outlook after he was made redundant and his ability to see his misfortune as an opportunity rather than a setback.

“When the finalists were announced it was terrific to discover that my work had been shortlisted in four categories and see work that I’ve undertaken be named alongside some of the largest PR agencies and communications teams in the region was something that I immensely proud of, but to go on and be named as the region’s Outstanding Freelance Practitioner has been the highlight of my career to date.




Regional and local improvements needed for future growth The latter end of 2014 saw some interesting announcements around regional and local transport infrastructure, with both positive and negative impact. While the Chamber was pleased with the announcements of investment and planned studies into improving trans-Pennine links, there were concerns with delays in local road infrastructure with the news of the 12-month delay with the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in the Lower Don Valley and the adjusted start date of the Tram-Train pilot between Meadowhall, Rotherham Central and Parkgate. The BRT scheme is designed to improve links between Rotherham and Sheffield and its aim is to support economic growth along the Lower Don Valley corridor by giving people access to jobs and opportunities. The major part of the scheme is an alternative transport route which will cut out the southbound Junction 34 of the M1, on the Tinsley viaduct, which already suffers from heavy congestion. Following the news of the completion date delay and the earlier removal of the A1 bus service between Meadowhall Interchange and

04 18


Rotherham along Sheffield Road, Chief Executive Andrew Denniff heeded a warning; “The fragile economic recovery we are currently experiencing should take a firm hold as we go into 2015, but it is essential that our local businesses are given every support with a practical and efficient transport infrastructure. “The economic links between Rotherham and Sheffield have played a major part in our region’s commercial activity since the early 19th century, let us not allow ourselves to slip back to a pre-war transport offer” On a more positive note, the announcement to improvements to trans-Pennine links was very much welcomed by the Chamber. The Chamber, with local partners and politicians has lobbied to raise the profile of transport improvements across the Pennines. The announcements of road improvements across the country and particularly those associated

with trans-Pennine links is the culmination of many years of work for the Chamber. The message is clear – our regions transport infrastructure will aid the growth of our economy and it is important we all support these schemes and get the commitment to deliver them as soon as possible. The Chamber’s Transport Working Group and Policy & External Affairs Committee will continue to feed the views of the Chamber and its members to local and national government to ensure the recent transport campaigns do not lose momentum.

For more information or to find out how you can get involved contact the Policy & External Affairs Committee on 01709 386200 or email info@brchamber.co.uk


A View from our Members Clive Watkinson, Chair of the Chamber’s Transport Working Group:

Tony Hickton, Trans-Pennine Tunnel Campaigner and Chamber Member:

“Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber has been a major force in pushing for these changes over the past decade and we are particularly pleased to see not only the bypass proposals for the Manchester side of the link, but also improvements on the Barnsley side along with a feasibility study into a new tunnel under Woodhead.

“I am delighted with this news. I hear all the time about schemes in the south of England costing billions of pounds and when questioned, the answer comes back that for every pound spent it will add 3 pounds to the GDP of this country.

“We have been specifically asking for this to deliver a once in a generation transport scheme to genuinely open up the north as a powerhouse to rival that of London and the South-East. However, we would encourage the government to include improved rail links in this feasibility study.”

“Well, we in the North can also produce better GDP results, if we are given the right amount of funding to do so. I am sure that bringing the three great cities of Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds closer together with vastly improved travelling reliability and time, will increase prosperity in this part of the world and significantly add to our GDP.”

Recent involvement in the Trans-Pennine Stakeholder Reference Group which the Chamber played an instrumental role in setting up, provided the evidence base upon which the announcements have been made.




Measuring your Marketing ROI With 2015 here, it’s time for B2B Marketers need to provide a little more insight than ‘we’re going to have a great year’. B2B Marketers are doing WHAT? Only 15% of marketers consider “proving ROI” as their No.1 priority. But, marketers that measure ROI are 12x more likely to generate a greater return – meaning just measuring your ROI will generate better results. Definitely DON’T measure anything past revenue vs spend With the amount of data available to marketers. You should measure conversion and at every stage of your sales cycle, that way, you can be sure you won’t be generating the very best ROI possible. DO, benchmark conversion rates to stay in control of your activity What are the industry standards in comparison to your company? What does management

expect to see? Set these as low, medium and high conversion targets to get a clear overview of where you need to be. Forecast performance at every stage of the sales funnel If you want to generate the best return possible, you have to understand how your conversion at each stage of sales cycle effects your overall ROI.

Want to be the ultimate B2B Marketer? Chamber members can sign up for an exclusive 2 week free trial and 10% discount by contacting Lead Forensics directly on 0203 131 0806 and quoting code ‘BRC0914’


Trust aims to give Wentworth Woodhouse a secure future Details have been revealed of the new charitable trust that aims to acquire Wentworth Woodhouse in Rotherham, the largest privately-owned house in Europe, after the Newbold family confirmed that they have decided to sell the historic Grade I listed mansion house. The estate is a private family owned estate which is managed and maintained by its owners, Mr Clifford Newbold and his family, who purchased the property in 1999 for a reported £2m. The East Front measures 615 feet and its courts and buildings cover three acres or more of ground. It is thought to have 365 rooms but given its sheer size it is difficult to know what constitutes a corridor and what constitutes a room. A statement from the Newbold family read: “We fell in love with Wentworth Woodhouse 15 years ago, buying it to save it from neglect and to try and find a sustainable future for this wonderful piece of history. Extensive restoration works have been carried out in that time, starting with reinstating plumbing, heating and electrical systems throughout which had not been touched since the turn of the 20th century. “After such a “labour of love” it is with great regret that we have made the difficult

decision to move on. Our father whose home it is, is now nearly 90 and does not have the energy he once had; it is his and our greatest wish to find someone to carry on our work and see the house truly secure for the long term. Next spring the house will be offered for sale.

Plans prepared for the trust include continuing to offer tours to the public, which would be carried out by the National Trust, using the building for events, creating holiday lets and apartments for rent, and converting the stables for use by enterprising businesses.

“The most important thing is to see the house in safe hands together with the preservation of the finest Georgian interiors in the country for future generations to enjoy.”

The WWPT is chaired by Julie Kenny, chair and chief executive of Rotherham-based Pyronix Limited. She said: “Wentworth Woodhouse is a property of great national importance and its descendants have played such an important role in the history of the United Kingdom and South Yorkshire.

By agreement with the Newbold family, the recently established Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust (WWPT) has begun fundraising and has already raised pledges of £3.4m and prepared detailed plans for the future of the property. The trust aims to acquire the property if it can raise £7m. A further £42m needs to be spent on the fabric of the house over the next twelve to fifteen years to meet the backlog of repairs and subsidence damage.

“It is vitally important that Wentworth Woodhouse is saved for the future. The proposed scheme is a viable plan that is intended to be sustainable in the long term and will play an important part in the regeneration of Rotherham, South Yorkshire and the North, promoting regeneration, tourism and community use.”




South Yorkshire business woman backing Government initiative Government experts from the academic and business sector have for years been championing initiatives to get more women and girls into Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects and careers. Women now make up 46 per cent of the UK’s workforce, but only 15.5 per cent of the STEM personnel are women. Onebusinesswomanwhohasalwaysdefiedthe odds and backing the latest proposal is Cheryl Sanderson, chartered waste manager, director

and founder of CTS Environmental that is celebrating its sixth anniversary. The company based in Worksop specialises in helping businesses source the most environmentally friendly, cost effective and legally viable waste streams. Cheryl (48) from Rotherham takes up the story: “Over the years I have found it extremely saddening the lack of females taking up STEM subjects, I was always fascinated in sciences, nature and the natural environment form watching TV programmes as a small child, this boosted by the support of my parents and enthusiastic teachers at school.

“Over more recent years, with Government backing, more and more females are getting involved in science, the environment and engineering - which is great for the future of the country.” There is a whole host of career paths for women in predominately male dominated industries and lots of different routes available. Cheryl continues: “I was in the small percentage of people who took Science at school and that was predominantly Biology rather than physics and chemistry but that didn’t put me off. “On leaving school I embarked on an OND which was transferred to an ONC followed by HNC so I could fit my studies around my job at the time. Working in the industry as a Microbiologist and Chemist affirmed my passion for environmental Science. “It wasn’t until I was 29 that I decided to venture onto a degree in Environmental Science as a mature student. As daunting as it seemed at the time, it was a great experience and one that I’m glad I went on to complete. “Not everyone wants to do A levels and a degree full-time straight from school. I did my degree part time while I was working. Earning and gaining experience while studying is a great option. It gives young people the confidence when entering industry full time that they already have a wealth of ‘on the job’ experience which is backed up by qualifications. I would love to see more women leading top environmental companies in the next 10 years!”




Is this Yorkshire’s best kept secret? Situated on the Dove Valley Trail section of the Trans-Pennine Trail, Barnsley College’s Wigfield Farm provides a perfect visitor attraction at which to refresh yourself in the cafe and shop facility. The farm is a campus for Barnsley College, providing courses in horticulture and animal care whilst also being a working farm.

The farm employs over 30 full time staff and day to day work of the farm is undertaken by students following one of the many programmes of study, providing

a realistic working environment in which to develop their skills and knowledge through practical and real life experiences. The modern horticulture unit supports the learning and development of students following both vocational and recreational courses in horticulture and gardening. The farm has a wide range of animals including meerkats, cattle, goats and alpacas to name a few. As well as an educational farm, it is also open for the public to visit and has regular events and activities for visitors. The farm has applied for a zoo licence and if it is granted, will allow the College to host a broader range of animals extending the learning experience for their students.

RBS names HSG UK as successful innovator in the search for new ‘green’ inventions HSG UK has been selected to take part in the RBS Innovation Gateway after 26 finalists pitched their green inventions to a panel of judges, in a bid to test their new products in selected RBS buildings and branches in the UK. The RBS Innovation Gateway, which was launched in March 2014 has three aims; to help RBS save more energy, water and waste; to nurture new, brilliant ideas and help local innovators and SMEs to accelerate their ideas to market. The project attracted more than 140 submissions in just 40 days, from brand new concepts through to market-ready products and services. The ideas came from innovators and small businesses (SMEs) from around the UK and the world, including the US, Australia and Europe. The innovation submitted by HSG UK is The

Ureco Water Management System, designed to dramatically reduce water consumption, once it has been retro- fitted into gent’s urinals. Mark forester UK Business Development Manager, at HSG UK said: “It is difficult to put into words at the moment what this achievement means to us. To say we are ecstatic and extremely proud to have been selected is very much an understatement”. Announcing HSG UK as a successful innovator, Marcela Navarro from RBS, who is leading the Innovation Gateway initiative, said:

“Everyone connected with the RBS Innovation Gateway has been incredibly impressed by the innovators’ creativity and dedication to resource efficiency. The quality and the range of ideas have been phenomenal and HSG UK stand out from a great group of brilliant innovators.” Three years ago RBS set a target to reduce the banks energy and water consumption by 15% and they are currently on track to achieve this. RBS currently uses 1173 GWh of energy per year and it is initiatives such as the gateway that will help to further reduce consumption.




Microsoft powering ahead with Windows 10 release If you’ve bought new PCs for your company in the last year or so, they’ll have Windows 8 on them, and chances are you and your employees will have grumbled and griped as you tried to make sense of the tiled interface and find out how you could do all the things you used to easily do on previous versions of the pervasive operating system. Take heart – just as you’re getting to grips with Windows 8, along comes the successor! upcoming version include Task View, allowing people to move between virtual desktops; Continuum, for multi-interface devices such as those with touch screens, and switching between them; and Snap Assist, to enhance multitasking by determining the best way to display different windows.

Microsoft has already given us a glimpse of Windows 10 – the upcoming version – for enterprise, and it will come with enhanced management and security features. Now the American software company is to unveil the consumer version of Windows 10, at an electronics show in Las Vegas in early January, according to industry insiders. The new operating system hadn’t been due for release until sometime around the end of 2015, but with the apparent rush to showcase its features, for business and consumers, it seems it may well be available much earlier in the year. That’s great news for everyone who dislikes Windows 8, which is a lot of people, so many in fact that Microsoft was forced to issue a free update, Windows 8.1, to address the loathed tile layout.

So what can businesses and consumers expect from Windows 10 when it becomes available next year? For starters, the tile interface that bewildered so many people is gone – almost. It will no longer dominate the Start screen, and the Start menu is making a welcome return, with a shrunken tiled section stuck on to it. Other new features being introduced in the

If you’d like to know more about Windows 10 and how it can benefit your company by increasing efficiencies and productivity, contact IT Desk (UK) for the best business IT support, serving Barnsley, Sheffield, Rotherham, South Yorkshire and beyond. Call us on 01709 470073 or email enquiries@itdeskuk.co.uk.


Penistone FM moves up Penistone FM has signed a 5 year lease for Suite 7 in the new prestigious Penistone 1 Development adjacent to the Market Barn. This exciting development and move has been made partly possible through an “Awards for All” community grant from the Big Lottery. community radio station to many more members of the public”

Penistone FM began transmitting from its current home on the upper floors of a retail/office unit in the centre of Penistone in June 2009 and Ofcom recently renewed the station’s FM operating licence until June 2019. Martin Sugden, Station Director said, “I’m very proud to be able to announce this relocation for Penistone FM, which is exciting news for all our listeners, presenters and clients. We have had a happy five years in our current location but have always planned to grow with time and offer more.

“The new easy access location maintains Penistone FM’s brand as being at ‘The Heart of the Community’ and will allow us to improve our programmes and services whilst, at the same time, offering the ability to become part of a highly successful

The move will be a gradual transition of services to the new studios once the building works, transfer of equipment and testing has taken place. Penistone FM has been supported by Voluntary Action Barnsley, for funding advice, and Dransfield Properties Ltd. The station will continue broadcasting from their current location until the new studio is ready but intend to be fully re-located by the end of March 2015.

3aaa “An Outstanding Apprenticeship Provider” – Ofsted November 2014 Apprentice provider, 3aaa have become the only independent training provider to achieve Ofsted Grade 1 Outstanding in all areas on a first inspection. 3aaa, founded by Peter Marples and Di McEvoy-Robinson in 2008, places a huge emphasis on employing high-quality, industry-experienced staff, delivering outstanding apprenticeship programmes that are developed with a focus on providing industry led skills and experience. The team of eight inspectors judged all measures of success as Outstanding; Effectiveness of Leadership and Management, Outcomes for Learners, Quality of Teaching Learning and Assessment and Overall Effectiveness. In addition Grade 1 was awarded for all subject areas. With its head office based in Derby and a local training centre in all major cities or towns throughout England, 3aaa is a success story

that is changing the lives of young people on a daily basis. 3aaa provide Apprenticeships in professional services including Accountancy, IT, Social Media, Business Administration, Financial Services and Technical Sales. Peter Marples, Founder, comments on the achievement “We are absolutely delighted to have achieved Grade 1 – Outstanding, the highest possible across all areas of the business, in our first Ofsted Inspection. This is indeed a reflection of the sheer dedication, hard work and commitment of everyone; staff, employers and partners – we are so proud” Di McEvoy-Robinson, Founder, added “We are so thrilled with the grading and hugely positive report. This will help inspire us all to continue to deliver our ‘Outstanding’ programmes and

change more and more young people’s lives for the better. We have worked exceptionally hard to understand the needs of employers at a local level and fit those needs, so to be recognised by Ofsted for this is such an achievement”. The ‘Outstanding’ grading is unique in that 3aaa are the first to achieve Grade 1 across the board as a National Provider, covering multi sectors. Only 2% of all other providers have achieved an Outstanding Grade in total, 3aaa being the first to do so in a first inspection. If you would like to read the Ofsted report in full please visit www.3aaa.co.uk/outstanding



Advertise in the Bulletin

Advertising rates Full page Half page Quarter

£450 £275 £150

Discounts are available for multiple editions. For more information or to book your space please contact – Mark Hannigan 01709 386200 or email mark.hannigan@brchamber.co.uk The Bulletin is a bi-monthly member’s magazine produced by Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce. The magazine is distributed to members of the Chamber, local businesses and online.



Wedding Fair Sunday, March 22nd, 2015, 11am to 3.30pm The wedding fair is held within the house and will fill the lower pillared hall, with a majestic staircase leading to the marble room on the upper floor, and a further adjoining four rooms of this stunning venue.


Social Media Focus

Does Google Rate Your Website as Mobile Friendly? Chris Harpin from Castus talks about updates to Google. I have asked the Chamber if we can stretch the Social Media Focus topic area in this edition of The Bulletin so that I can make you aware of what I view as a major update to Google regarding mobile friendly websites.

Mobile Friendly Specification

The mobile web is nothing new. Use of the internet by mobile devices has been growing steadily for a number of years but this way of accessing websites and grown rapidly over the last year or two. Many companies still rely on a desktop only website which has a detrimental effect on conversion rates of mobile users.

• Display text at an appropriate size so that the user doesn’t have to zoom in to read

In November Google announced that they will be making a change to their search results page for mobile users. With immediate effect they started to list whether a site meets the Google criteria for use on a mobile device. If you perform a search on your mobile device you will see that some search results now have a grey ‘mobile friendly’ message before the description snippet:


https://www.example.com/ Mobile-friendly - This is an example of a website that is well-designed for mobile devices.

A page is eligible for the “mobile-friendly” label if it meets the following criteria: • A voids software that is not widely used on mobile devices such as Flash

• Avoid left and right scrolling to view a page (scrolling up and down is fine) • P lace links away from one another to avoid accidental clicks Experimental Rankings There is more to Googles plans than simply awarding a badge of honour. As part of the announcement Google stated “We see these labels as a first step in helping mobile users to have a better mobile web experience. We are also experimenting with using the mobilefriendly criteria as a ranking signal.” As search rankings are a highly important KPI for any website I expect that this step from Google will be the catalyst required to make the majority of website owners seriously consider their mobile offering.

performs against the new criteria www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ mobile-friendly/ - or you can search ‘mobile friendly tool’. If you don’t pass it would be good to speak to your web site provider and discuss what options are available to make your site mobile friendly for 2015. Is a separate website required to cater for mobile users? There are a number of ways you can cater for mobile users, I will explain in more detail in a future blog post on castus. co.uk but here is a top level summary: • D esktop only site not mobile friendly • S eparate desktop and mobile sites mobile friendly but has search implications and can be costly • R esponsive site my preferred option as a single site supports all device types • M obile app this would not feature in Google’s listings

Test Your Site

Chris Harpin Commercial Director of Castus

Google have made a free testing tool for site owners to check how their site

www.castus.co.uk Bulletin



Stadium Deal for Rotherham United Rotherham United are delighted to announce an agreement with AESSEAL who will become the club’s first ever stadium naming rights partner. The Millers state-of-the-art £20million home will now be called The AESSEAL New York Stadium after a multi-year deal with the international company, which has their global headquarters based in Rotherham, was concluded.

“AESSEAL are one of the world’s leading figures in their sector and it is a company with roots deeply embedded in Rotherham, which makes them the perfect partner for the stadium naming rights. “I am delighted to continue our association with AESSEAL Group Managing Director and Founder Chris Rea who is a man I have known for many years and he shares the same drive and ambition for the Football Club and town of Rotherham.”

This will be the biggest sponsorship in the club’s history. The initial term will be until the summer of 2019 with the Millers officially playing their first game under the AESSEAL brand against Huddersfield Town on Boxing Day. The agreement will also see the AESSEAL name and branding prominently visible both internally and externally at the stadium. Speaking on the historic announcement


Chairman Tony Stewart said: “This a landmark deal not only for the football club and but also for the Borough of Rotherham.

For more information on this and other Rotherham United news visit www.themillers.co.uk




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Members go crazy over the new digital version of The Bulletin Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber have teamed up with Barnsley based marketing and design agency CrazyHorse Creative to bring the members Bulletin to the iPad. Using CrazyHorse Creative’s app, Publishing Pony, The Bulletin is now downloadable from Apple Newsstand, allowing you to get your copy the day it’s released. It also adds extra functionality to any publication allowing the inclusion of videos and slide shows as well as instant click-through to websites helping to increase the response to advertising. Mark Hannigan has been heading up the project for the Chamber. ‘We’re all about offering the best possible service to our members and offering new ways to keep up to date with what’s happening with the Chamber and our membership. “By making The Bulletin available as a digital publication to compliment the traditional printed edition, we’re giving our members the chance access our information in the way that suits them best.’ CrazyHorse Creative created the app after

seeing a gap in the digital publishing market. Existing digital publishing applications are focused on large volume magazine and newspaper publishers, but Publishing Pony allows publications of any size and frequency to have access to newsstands that have a worldwide audience. Publishing Pony offers all companies, not just publishers, an opportunity to move anything that is in print in to a custom app, either via the variety of Newsstands or directly onto a device such as an iPad. This opens up new markets as the information is available worldwide audience. “The Bulletin has already been downloaded in Europe, North America and Asia. It’s a great way to increase efficiency for sales teams as well, giving them up to date information and one click ordering, removing paper forms from the process.” Says Operations Director of CrazyHorse Creative, Ben Hawley.

CrazyHorse Creative was established by Richard Meads in March 2013. In February this year, CrazyHorse Creative merged with GoZapi, and now has five members in the team with another three planned in the following months. Richard Says: “2015 has been a great year for us, we’ve grown, taken on and retained new clients and we are bringing innovating and interesting ideas and services to the market. We’re really excited to see what we can achieve in 2015”

To get your own app, contact CrazyHorse Creative on 01226 720710 or email ben@crazyhorsecreative.co.uk

Download your copy of the Bulletin To download your copy search for ‘Barnsley and Rotherham Chamber’ in the Apple Newsstand or scan the QR code to download directly to your device.



New Members List Contact details for our latest members



Herrera Group

Darkhorse Collective Ltd

Diego Herrera 4 Park Square Thorncliffe Park Chapeltown Sheffield S35 2PH

Kevin Horler 44 Westbourne Avenue Hull HU5 3HR

T 0114 2573432 E info@cwsstudio.com W www.herreragroup.co.uk

Kalcrest Joanne Hurley 4 Nightingale Court Nightingale Close Rotherham S60 2AB T 01709 720348 E j.hurley@kalcrest.co.uk W www.kalcrest.co.uk

Ledgard Jepson Christina Higgins 1 Maple Park Maple Court Barnsley S75 3DP T 01226 732100 E christina@ledgardjepson.com W www.ledgardjepson.com

Paul Winfield & Son Ltd Mark Winfield 53 Summer Lane Barnsley S70 2NW

T 0114 3216526 E kevin@darkhorsecollective.co.uk W www.darkhorsecollective.co.uk

Neva Consultants


T 0843 2896604 E sales@nevasouthyorkshire.co.uk W www.nevasouthyorkshire.co.uk

T 07825 397525 E sararichardson@bigappleplay.co.uk W www.bigappleplay.co.uk

Pennine Business Partners Ltd

Sara Richardson Old Sheffield Road Rotherham S60 2JG

Cartwright King Solicitors

Steve Bradley Lockwood House Brewery Drive Huddersfield HD4 6EN

Emma Hubbard 4th Floor Peel House 1-3 West Bar Sheffield S3 8PQ

T 01484 841776 E steve@penninebusinesspartners.com W www.penninebusinesspartners.com

T 0114 3211000 E emma.hubbard@cartwrightking.co.uk W www.cartwrightking.co.uk

Total Heat Systems Ltd

CDP Creative Ltd

Andrew Smith The Old Church Business Centre Unit 2, 19 Rotherham Road Sheffield S26 4UR

Propeller Industries Ltd

Unimax Solutions

Shane Mitchell 189 Sheffield Road Barnsley S70 4DE

Jane Proudman Manvers House Pioneer Close Wath-Upon-Dearne S63 7JZ


T 01924 723725 E martin.hillam@water-compliance.co.uk W www.water-compliance.co.uk

Big Apple Play

T 0114 2876300 E totalheatsystems@talktalk.net W www.totalheatsystems.co.uk


Water Compliance Solutions Martin Hillam Unit 18A Carr Mills Business Centre Bradford Road Batley WF17 9JY

Geoff Bell Step Centre Wortley Road Deepcar S36 2UH

T 01226 297253 E sparkywin@googlemail.com

T 01226 297596 E shane@propeller-industries.com

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for further information on Membership

T 01709 879192 E janep@unimaxsolutions.com W www.unimaxsolutions.com

Margaret Cooper 18 Ashley Business Court Rawmarsh Road Rotherham S60 1RU T 01709 828514 E mcooper@cdpcreative.com W www.cdpcreative.com

Holyrood House Care Home Adele Stokes Spawd Bone Lane Knottingley WF11 0JG T 01977 679219 E holyrood.manager@crowncaregroup.co.uk

Inova Consultancy Ltd

Multi-Tech Engineering (UK) Ltd

The Firm Networking Ltd

Carolyn Usher Suite 5, 2nd Floor Leecroft House Campo Lane Sheffield S1 2EG

Deborah Smith Kirkhaw Lane Ferrybridge Knottingley WF11 8RD

T 0114 2799091 E cusher@inovaconsult.com

T 01977 670514 E dsmith@mteuk.com

Mick Fox Bollin Ridge Derwent Lane Hathersage Hope Valley S32 1AS

KCM Waste Management Ltd

Murphy Comhire Ltd

Debbie Mann Effingham Mills Ginhouse Lane Rotherham S61 4QN

Karen Andrews The Greyhound 822 Attercliffe Road Sheffield S9 3RS

T 01709 512958 E debbie@kcmwaste.com W www.kcmskips.co.uk

T 0114 2434567 E karen@murphy-com-hire.com W www.murphy-com-hire.com

KIS Safety

RB Land Management Ltd

Simon Holmshaw 11 Leebrook Court Owlthorpe Sheffield S20 2QL

Robert Beat 98 Green Lane Wickersley Rotherham S66 2DD

T 0114 2280990 E simon@kissafety.co.uk W www.kissafety.com

T 01709 545047 E robert.beat@hotmail.co.uk W www.rblandmanagement.co.uk

Learndirect Ltd

Robertson Construction

Rebecca Childs Dearing House 1 Young Street Sheffield S1 4UP

Martin Westgate 1st Floor Meadow Bank House Tweedale Way Oldham OL9 8EH

T 0114 2915000 E rebecca.childs@learndirect.com W www.learndirect.com

T 0161 6674998 E m.westgate@robertson.co.uk W www.robertson.co.uk

Metalliform Holdings Ltd

Karl Ashford The Greyhound 822 Attercliffe Road Sheffield S9 3RS

T 01226 350555 E jeremy.martin@metalliform.co.uk W www.metalliform.co.uk

T 0114 2216569 E karl.ashford@synergy-uk.com W www.synergy-uk.com

MGB Plastics

Tadano UK Ltd

T 01709 362448 E ian.cosgrove@mgbplastics.com W www.mgbplastics.com

T 0114 2213992 E mick.fox@ultra-sharp.co.uk W www.ultra-sharp.co.uk

RETAIL JS Mirrors Ltd Stuart Morgan Unit 14 Redwood Court Campbell Way Dinnington Sheffield S25 3NQ T 01709 477700 E stuart@exclusivemirrors.co.uk W www.exclusivemirrors.co.uk

Pinx Salon Carrie Platts 5B Worrygoose Lane Whiston Rotherham S60 4AA T 01709 533311 E pinxssalon@btconntect.com W www.pinxsalon.co.uk


Jeremy Martin Chambers Road Hoyland Barnsley S74 0EZ

Ian Cosgrove Mangham Road Barbot Hall Industrial Estate Rotherham S61 4RJ

Ultrasharp Mick Fox 36 Lister Crescent Sheffield S12 3FE

Gary Plant 1-4 Wentworth Way Wentworth Industrial Park Tankersley Barnsley S75 3DH T 0870 0665466 E gary.plant@tadano.com W www.tadano.com

UK Christmas World Matthew Patterson Unit 1A Metro Trading Centre Barugh Green Barnsley S75 1JT T 01226 388889

UK Water Features Eddie Riby Unit 1A Metro Trading Centre Barugh Green Barnsley S75 1JT T 01226 388889 W www.ukwaterfeatures.com



New Members List

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Contact details for our latest members

RETAIL continued Vintage Dolls Boutique Louise Griffiths 3 The Imperial Buildings High Street Rotherham S60 1PA T 01709 372025 E louise@vintagedollsltd.co.uk W www.vintagedollsboutique.co.uk

SOLE TRADERS 24 Live Brett Jackson 183A Sackup Lane Darton Barnsley S75 5AU

Cloverleaf People Solutions

We Get You Ltd

Julia Langton 19 Highfields Hoylandswaine Sheffield S36 7JP

Anne Burton 9 Cavendish Street North Old Whittington Chesterfield S41 9DH

T 07920 571822 E julia.langton@cloverleaf-ps.co.uk W www.cloverleaf-ps.co.uk

T 07990 682377 E anne.burton@ontologics.co.uk W www.wegetyou.co.uk


White Rose Finance

Mat Cottam 41 Windsor Drive Leek ST13 6NP T 07939 847778 E director@loodini.com W www.loodini.com

Nigel Francis Magic

T 07403 417524 E events@24-live.co.uk

Nigel Francis 54 Westminster Drive Doncaster DN7 4QD

A Pawfect Fit

T 07958 320338 E nigel@nigelfrancismagic.com W www.nigelfrancismagic.com

Sandra Hill 45 Rowland Road Barnsley S75 2PQ T 07811 686276 E apawfectfit@hotmail.co.uk W www.apawfectfit.co.uk

Auditel Dean Cooper 1 Firethorn Rise Ravenfield Rotherham S65 4RG T 01709 717393 E dean.cooper@auditel.co.uk W www.auditel.co.uk/deancooper

AVK Training Glynn Leaning 14 Kingswood Avenue Laughton Sheffield S25 1YH T 07738 953036 E glynn.leaning@hotmail.com



Remember The Date Lauren Nicholson 10 Portobello Sheffield S1 4AE T 07411 032037 E lauren@rememberthedate.co.uk W www.rememberthedate.co.uk

Tanya Lloyd Photography Tanya Lloyd 5 King Charles Court Glossop SK13 8NJ T 07884 487318 E tanya@tanyalloyd.com W www.tanyalloydphotography.co.uk

Matt Spivey 9 Mellor Lea Farm Chase Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9TX T 07500 978282 E matt.spivey@whiterosefinance.com W www.wrf-spivey.co.uk

CHARITY Start A Heart 247 Carrie Platts 7 Shoreham Road Rotherham S60 3EF T 07583 845660 E info@start-a-heart.org.uk W www.start-a-heart.org.uk

ASSOCIATE Cannon Hall Jane Galvin Bark House Lane Cawthorne Barnsley S75 4AT T 01226 790270 E cannonhall@barnsley.gov.uk W www.cannon-hall.com

Cooper Gallery Jane Galvin Church Street Barnsley S70 2AH T 01226 242905 E coopergallery@barnsley.gov.uk www.cooper-gallery.com

ASSOCIATE continued Elsecar Heritage Centre

Experience Barnsley

Worsbrough Mill

Jane Galvin Wath Road Elsecar Barnsley S74 8HJ

Jane Galvin Town Hall Church Street Barnsley S70 2TA

Jane Galvin Park Road Worsbrough Bridge Barnsley S70 5LJ

T 01226 740203 E elsecarheritagecentre@barnsley.gov.uk W www.elsecar-heritage.com

T 01226 772500 E experiencebarnsley@barnsley.gov.uk W www.experience-barnsley.com

T 01226 774527 E worsbroughmill@barnsley.gov.uk W www.worsbrough-mill.com

Find out more by visiting www.brchamber.co.uk or call 01709 386 200




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For further event details and to book your attendance, please visit our website www.brchamber.co.uk or call 01709 386 200

Key dates for your diary in 2015 President’s Annual Ball

Chamber Means Business

Magna Science Adventure Centre

Wentworth Woodhouse

The President’s Annual Ball supports local member charities and this year is no exception, proceeds from the event will go towards supporting good causes across Barnsley and Rotherham. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

Barnsley & Rotherham Business Awards 2015

Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner 2015

The awards, hosted by the Chamber, acknowledge

This is an opportunity to meet your fellow local

the achievements of the region’s top firms in 10

businesses and the region’s most important and

award categories - in addition to the much-coveted

leading figures.

Business of the Year trophy.

New website coming soon...


Following the huge success of 2014, for 2015 we will be taking the exhibition to a bigger venue at Wentworth Woodhouse. Here we will have space for over 60 exhibitors and has again been designed to celebrate the best of business in Barnsley & Rotherham whilst giving you the chance to network with other businesses from the region. For further information please visit www.chambermeansbusiness.co.uk


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