The Bulletin issue 16 Nov/Dec 15

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Issue 16 November/December 2015



Also inside this issue: • Chief Executive’s Letter to the Home Secretary • New Year see’s enhanced Membership Packages

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Chamber View

Chief Executive, Andrew Denniff brings you right up to date with the Chamber and its plans, hopes and expectations for the next few months.

As we approach the end of the year the current focus for many of us centres on the economic and political agenda across the region - the two seem very difficult to separate. Ever since the formation of the Local Enterprise Partnership [LEP] back in 2010, it would appear that we have been on a course towards the introduction of a city region mayor, devolved powers to the region, localised business rates and a Northern Powerhouse, all with the incentive of additional funding from central government to make sure it goes to plan. So here we are and the simple question we must pose is what is best for business and quite simply what is best for our city region. Only time will tell but the new initiatives certainly have the potential to bring a real change to the way the economy is managed across the whole region. The details, as always, are of huge importance and at a time when the government are promoting a national rebalancing, we all

need to ensure that the main beneficiary is the North in general and more specifically our region. More locally, we have once again seen the very best that both Barnsley and Rotherham has to offer from our businesses. The recent Business Awards, held at the Metrodome in Barnsley, saw a wonderful evening of celebration crowned by the announcement of Palmer Construction as the Business of the Year. I am sure that over the next 12 months they will be a credit to the Chamber of Commerce and more importantly themselves. (Details of the Awards evening appear later in the magazine). The New Year looks exceptionally positive for the Chamber with a reinvigorated


business plan going forward, based on top class member services and real hands on engagement with as many of our member businesses as possible. Improved and enhanced membership packages from the beginning of the year are outlined in this edition of The Bulletin coupled with small increases in membership subscriptions (the first for six years). I sincerely hope these prove acceptable and thank you all for your continued support.

Andrew Denniff Chief Executive






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Inside This Issue of


Chamber News All the latest news from inside the Chamber.



External Affairs Chief Executive’s Letter to the Home Secretary.



Bite Size News Latest news in brief.


Platinum Members News from our Platinum Members.


Main Feature Find out who Celebrated at this year’s ceremony.


Member News More news from our Members.


New Members A full listing of new Members.


Membership Packages Enhanced Membership Packages.



Events Event News and Forthcoming Events.

If your company would like to feature a news item in The Bulletin, please contact our marketing team:

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Editor Kirsty Arnold

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Northern Chambers lead ‘Powerhouse’ talks Chambers of Commerce representing over 16,000 businesses, who employ over 1.4m workers across the North of England, have produced a joint assessment of the considerable opportunities the Northern Powerhouse can provide the UK economy. The assessment comes as part of the joint submission by the Chambers to the Treasury’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), which will be announced in November. Commenting on the submission Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce said: “The North of England’s economy represents a quarter of the whole of the UK. However, for several decades the North’s economy has underperformed. In this submission we urge the Chancellor to take the opportunity now, to change the rhetoric and start a meaningful conversation. “The UK economy is presently in a much weaker position that it could be, and the capacity clearly exists within our regions to deliver a significant increase to UK GDP. Unlocking this opportunity should be a national economic priority and not left in a ‘regional policy’ niche. “We have produced the priorities we believe will enhance the Northern Powerhouse initiative and it is time to see these priorities met. “As a group of Chambers of Commerce, we will work closely together to ensure that business across the North lies at the heart of the changes to come. We want the Northern Powerhouse to become a reality and we are committed to playing our part to make it happen. We are willing to work with Government to develop these in greater detail in the weeks ahead.” Other key recommendations to the Treasury include:



• O n transport infrastructure investment; the paper calls for a changing of the criteria for how infrastructure spending is allocated, as it currently massively favours London and the South East. • O n energy generation; an equalising of the charges to connect to the National Grid, would give greater incentives for energy generation in areas of the North. The paper acknowledges that despite there being some logic for lower connection charges in the South that “this approach is failing at present” given that “the National Grid has estimated that there may be as little as 1% spare generating capacity at peak times this winter, leaving UK industry vulnerable.” • O n skills funding: the submission calls for placing less of a “heavy emphasis on very young people (16-18) when in many parts of the North with an older demography” arguing that it is “essential to ensure slightly older workers can be re-trained if we are to meet our future skills needs.” • O n immigration: the paper argues that “restrictions on international students remaining in the UK to work are detrimental to areas of the North where there is less population pressure and a greater need for higher levels of enterprise”. Andrew Denniff concluded: “This is such a major issue that we must work with organisations across the North of England to ensure that business’ views are heard and made part of the future decision making process. By the Northern Chambers coming together in this way it has

sent a clear message to government that businesses have got issues with a range of current policy decisions and their effect on the North of England. However, it also shows our intent on playing a part in implementing change and solutions. “We will work much closer in the future to make sure our members play their full part in this vital work.”


Reducing the risk of fire for businesses South Yorkshire is the launch pad for a major initiative designed to improve fire safety for Small and Medium Enterprises. Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce has launched the Business Fire Safety Project to reduce the impact of fires on business stability and development. This project received funding from South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority’s Stronger Safer Communities Reserve to assist local businesses to become more engaged in fire safety awareness. “We will be working closely with the fire service, local authorities and partners in South Yorkshire,” says Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive of the Chamber of Commerce, “and will support businesses to become more informed and controlled in dealing with fire safety issues, helping businesses to help themselves.” “We’re targeting a range of businesses across South Yorkshire to continue to reduce the risk of fires in commercial and industrial settings.” The key initiative of the project is to establish robust fire safety cultures within businesses that aim to protect employees and ensure business continuity. The project has established a specialist business support service, dedicated to increasing

the uptake of fire safety advice by delivering presentations, providing guidance and business toolkits. The project will also support the adoption of in house Fire Safety Ambassadors to more effectively manage fire risks in smaller businesses who have less awareness of fire safety issues. Andrew says “Any drive to encourage more businesses to adopt improved safety practices can only serve to protect employees, business continuity and future growth.” He goes on to point out that many businesses may not have fire safety at the top of their business priority list, and some are not familiar with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. In order to foster good fire safety cultures within businesses, it is important for them to understand the Order to ensure they are compliant. “We hope our initiative will assist the South Yorkshire Fire Authority to continue

reducing fires and the risk of fires at business premises.” Fire Authority Chairman Councillor Jim Andrews said: “The fire service in South Yorkshire has already helped to make our communities safer than they have been at any time in our history, but it’s important those successes are replicated in a commercial context. By supporting partners like Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber, we think the Authority can make a big contribution to helping to protect businesses from fire which will in turn help to support a thriving local economy.”

Any businesses looking for advice, guidance or support surrounding fire safety can contact Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber on 01709 386200 to discuss how the project can assist.




Making a move Goldthorpe based company IT Desk UK will be decking its new halls with holly this Christmas. The successful IT company has spent the autumn refurbishing a former Nat West Bank to create larger and improved office space on Doncaster Road in Goldthorpe. Following recent staff increases the business was getting a bit tight for space and, at 2,500 sq ft, the new building is twice the size of the existing premises. Workmen have been busy installing network cables, and the final relocation is taking place in December. “The move is going to make a massive difference to us,” said director Steve Harper. “It will give us a more space to grow as we take on more employees and

continue to expand the business. The original bank vault will also come in handy to keep everything secure!” IT Desk UK offers a comprehensive IT support service throughout the county and beyond and has an excellent reputation amongst clients for the professionalism and the speed with which it delivers its services. For more information contact Chris Wright or Steve Harper at IT Desk UK on 01709 470073 or email or

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Ken Wood (left) and Tim Sewell (second right) Managing Consultants of Sewell And Wood Network and host Ellie Taylor (right) Helen Jaggar (second left) with the Chief Executive of the Year Award.

Berneslai Homes’ Chief Executive comes top at National Awards Berneslai Homes’ Chief Executive and a Chamber Director, Helen Jaggar is celebrating after winning ‘Chief Executive of the Year’ at the national 24housing Awards, held last month at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry. Under Helen’s leadership, Berneslai Homes has developed significantly to become a high performing leading Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO). It has developed from core landlord services, to include new build, acquisitions and a housing management offer to private landlords and Housing Associations. Helen has developed green and sustainability initiatives which are delivering real savings for tenants; these include a scheme of solar PV with free tenant electricity and the large scale role

out of low carbon heating through Air Sourced Heat Pumps. Helen has also built a very strong and effective relationship with Barnsley Council and Council Leader Sir Steve Houghton described it as “a mature relationship and one we trust.” As well as having developed a national role as Chair of the National Federation of ALMO’s Executive Steering Group, playing a key role in promoting the ALMO sector, she is also Chair of Leeds Federated Housing Association and sits

on the local Health and Wellbeing Board. Berneslai Homes Chair, Melvyn Lunn adds, “Helen thoroughly deserves to win this award, it’s great news for Berneslai Homes and our tenants. She is an exceptionally able Chief Executive constantly looking for opportunities to move the company forward and has earned respect, trust and confidence of staff and built the organisation into a real team.”




Chamber Unveils Plan to Tackle Skills To coincide with the start of the new school year, the Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce unveiled an ambitious plan to put thousands of young people in Barnsley and Rotherham directly in touch with local businesses, to improve the quality of careers and employment advice they receive. learners study and train in areas where there is little demand for new employees.

Long-term trends show A Level and GCSE results continue to improve, but youth unemployment is almost three times the national average – possibly highlighting a mismatch between academic achievement and work readiness.

“To bridge the gap between the world of education and the world of work, we’re putting together a programme that will break down barriers between pupils and businesses, bringing thousands of students and companies together through locally organised events.

We will run 4 career events, bringing together thousands of pupils, businesses, schools, colleges and training providers in order to address this issue and improve young people’s prospects for a successful career. The ‘Your Future’ programme of career events, supported by the Skills Funding Agency, will give 70,000 young people nationally access to potential employers, showcase the range of career options open to them, and help them to plan their future to take advantage of these opportunities. It will also give businesses the platform to meet the employees of tomorrow and to talk about the skills and qualities they look for when recruiting.

Commenting, Dominic Beck, Corporate Affairs Manager of the Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce said: “If young people are to make good decisions about their future career options, they need access to relevant, complete, and engaging information - and to the real business people that make these options come to life. Otherwise, the gap between young people and business will continue, as too many

“By connecting the employees of tomorrow with local businesses, we are helping each to improve their understanding of the other. That means young people will be better able to prepare for the careers they want – whether that is through an apprenticeship, further training or higher education - and businesses will have the chance to meet the talent they need to thrive and grow. This is a win-win scenario and we are confident that it will make a real difference to young people and businesses nationwide.”

Local Employment Advisory Forum – Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Mears Group, Rotherham Council and Job Centre Plus Getting back into employment can be hard, so those seeking to improve their skills and receive advice on returning to the employment market are invited to come along to the Rotherham LEAF to obtain practical support and find out more about careers. A whole host of local organisations including businesses, social housing landlords and charities will be on hand to offer guidance on employment and gaining skills and qualifications needed for work. There will be in excess of 60 business exhibiting, the event

will be a fantastic opportunity to receive free face-to-face advice from organisations and find out more about working in different sectors and what employers are looking for from candidates.

16th November at Magna, Rotherham


For more information please call 01709 386200


Chief Executive’s Letter to the Home Secretary The Chamber of Commerce has worked with our partners, primarily in the Council and Police over several months to bring to an end to the countless and destructive demonstrations in Rotherham Town Centre. The Chief Executive’s recent letter to the Home Secretary highlights, we believe, the urgency of putting a stop to these wholly unhelpful events. Below are some of the salient aspects of the letter. “Here at the Chamber of Commerce, we have seen the improvements that have been delivered and those that are still yet planned by the Council to put the town itself on a stronger footing, for a better future. However, I would urge the Council and indeed South Yorkshire Police, to attempt to bring to an end, once and for all, the continuing and divisive marches and demonstrations that have blighted Rotherham town centre over the past few months. The vast majority of town centre businesses, the hundreds employed within the town centre, shoppers, customers and the public at large have quite understandably and simply had enough. Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce, indeed the national Chamber network, is clear that we defend and uphold the right of people in this country to peaceful protest and to free speech. However, we believe the circumstances in Rotherham are unique and unparalleled anywhere in the country. It has recently been reported that there have been 14 separate

Commenting on the announcement that work to electrify the TransPennine and Midland Mainline rail routes is to resume, Clive Watkinson, Chair of the Chamber’sTransport Working Group, said:

demonstrations in Rotherham since 2013 costing South Yorkshire Police over £4 million; let alone the cost to the Council and even more wide spread the cost to the overall economy in the town centre.

“Businesses across the North, including in Barnsley and Rotherham were very disappointed when these vital rail upgrades were shelved and they will be delighted to see that work is set to resume. “Network Rail must now demonstrate that it can deliver these upgrades quickly and within budget. Businesses in cities and towns across the Midlands and indeed South Yorkshire are desperate for improved rail connections and

On behalf of businesses based in and around Rotherham I would ask that you use any influence you may have to call on the Government to enable a process to put an end to these deeply unwelcome marches and demonstrations.”

capacity. We cannot afford to see any more stop-start infrastructure projects, as every pause and delay hurts business confidence and ultimately, productivity. Our very own Transport Working Group has lobbied for many years for this much needed upgrade and we welcome the Governments rethink on this matter.”



Bite Size News Content provided by Rotherham Business news editor, Tom Austin. For the latest Rotherham Business News as it happens visit

Gulliver’s Valley theme park proposals welcomed Building work could start next year on the proposed Gulliver’s Valley Resort in Rotherham which would see over £37m of investment, creating approximately 125 full time jobs and a total of around 325 part time jobs. Rotherham Council is in negotiations for the sale of 333 acres of greenbelt land located to the north of Rother Valley Country Park. When complete the new resort will include a theme park hub, woodland adventure centre, ecology and education centre, “glamping” and woodland lodges, a hotel and holiday village.

guests and the local community alike. Plus of course, the family theme park hub, which will be developed and operated in line with our core value of providing great value family days out that are big on fun.”

Julie Dalton, managing director of Gulliver’s, said: “We’re really excited at the prospect of realising our dreams at Gulliver’s Valley and reproducing all the best elements of our existing three UK parks together on one site. “We want to create a “whole park feel”, with nature trails, walks, outdoor gyms and woodland runs which can be used by our

Parkgate Shopping sold in £175m deal Parkgate Shopping Park has changed hands in one of Rotherham’s biggest ever property deals. In a transaction worth around £175m, BMO Real Estate Partners (BMO) has acquired the park, which is one of the largest retail parks in the UK and home to over 40 shops, from the Hercules Unit Trust (HUT), which is advised by British Land and managed by Schroders. Attracting over nine million visitors a year, the 575,000 sq ft retail destination has anchor brand names such as M&S, Morrisons, Next, Boots and H&M, and there is also strong demand from other

retailers seeking representation – despite already being at full occupancy. Zvi Noé, director of investments at BMO Real Estate Partners, said: “We are delighted with this acquisition of one of the country’s top shopping parks. We look forward to working with our customers and the local business community to ensure Parkgate continues to move forwards under our stewardship in order to provide the best possible shopping experience for customers.”

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Sheffield City Region asks for more The “ambitious set of proposals” for devolution from the Sheffield City Region (SCR) includes asking for £250m to support the proposed Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District and full localisation of Business Rates and Business Rate growth. Other asks based on business support include the permanent devolution of Regional Growth Fund budgets, the devolution of funding streams to the SCR and alignment with national business support products, and taking ownership of the AMP Technology Centre. For skills, employment and education, asks include fully devolved responsibility, freedom and funding for post-19 vocational education and £21.6m over a six year term to deliver the flagship Skills Bank programme. To make better use of publicly owned assets, the region wants to take control of a £43m pot for the delivery of a programme of already identified “quick win” housing sites. Other asks include the Government providing an upfront payment of £100m for infrastructure investment, creating a pot based on a Payment by Results model; and more powers of potential levies, borrowing and discounts. The preference not to have an elected metro mayor imposed on the region is discussed but the proposals concede that a “Mayoral CA Model” may have to put in place to appease ministers.




Rotherham’s Challenging but Positive Property Market The commercial property market in Rotherham has been another very challenging but positive year so far, report Burgess Commercial, who have been established in the town for 7 years now. The company act as managing and letting agents at the hugely successful Bolton Road Business Park in the Dearne Valley, which contains 37 units let to small and medium sized businesses. The business park, owned by Rotherham Enterprise Agency Ltd, has been fully occupied for parts of the year with just 1 unit available at present. Demand for smaller industrial units has been found to be very strong as individuals and small businesses have emerged from the recession. Burgess Commercial have also successfully disposed of the freehold interest in two attractive office buildings at The Crofts, previously occupied by the Chamber of Commerce, in the heart of the town centre’s professional district, together with a further

office building at South Terrace, all of which were to local investors. The retail market within Rotherham has been an emerging picture as shoppers and local retailers have continued to adapt to the shift in footfall in the town centre following the opening late last year of the new Tesco supermarket. Other areas of the town centre have

experienced a downturn in footfall with Corporation Street and the Riverside Precinct reported to be approximately 75% down on footfall. The High Street has benefited from much-needed investment and grant assistance, with new retailers now enjoying a much improved street scene and quality of retail space available.

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UCB Early Years students honoured High achieving Early Years students at University Campus Barnsley (UCB) have received recognition in a special awards presentation at the campus. The following learners received awards at the presentation:

have pursued career advancement in educational and early years settings.

•K atie Emmerson - Principal’s Award (for full-time students)

Katie Emmerson was one of the students who achieved a first class degree. She said: “I would not have realised my potential without my tutors whose inspirational discussions helped me stay focused on what I could achieve. Along with my personal commitment to doing well, this helped me stay determined and motivated. I would like to thank the tutors at UCB for helping me to succeed.”

•S ally Simpson - Excellence in Major Study Award (for full-time students) •L aura Griffiths - Student Merit Award (for full-time students) • J odie Leigh Westwood - Principal’s Award (for part-time students) •A ngela McLean - Excellence in Major Study Award (for part-time students) • Louise Scarfe - Student Merit Award (for part-time students) 23% of students who completed the course in 2014-15 achieved a first class honours degree which has allowed some learners to undertake post graduate study including master’s degrees, while others

HE Curriculum Leader Julian BowersBrown said: “The consistent hard work that the students have invested throughout the course has given them opportunities to achieve and exceed their ambitions. They are an example for the students joining us this year.” The BA (Hons) Early Years has been developed for those who wish to work in

primary or secondary school teaching, gain Early Years Professional Status, or work in professions such as youth and community work, social work or teaching and training in the Lifelong Learning Sector. UCB also offers a Foundation Degree which is designed for people aiming to progress their career in teaching or learning support and students can progress on to higher level teaching assistant roles or on to gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) at primary level.

It’s not too late to start the BA (Hons) Early Years or the Learning Support Foundation Degree in September 2015. Call the UCB Clearing hotline +44 (0)1226 216 165 to speak to our Information Team.



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Fortay Media ‘Make it Marvellous’ Short videos posted on social media are fast becoming a ‘must have’ in a company’s marketing armoury, according to digital marketing agency Fortay Media. An example of this is a series of social media video bursts Fortay Media are creating for R & R Ice Cream Ltd to promote their recently launched range of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Marvellous ice creams’ Designed for posting on social media, the 60 second ‘video bursts’ feature Marvin, the brand’s iconic penguin mascot, visiting various locations around the country to entertain the ‘locals’ Filming locations are suggested by Facebook fans who post their reasons for Marvin, a life size mascot, to visit them. Highlights have, so far, included prancing with penguins at Blackpool zoo, dancing in the aisles at Asda and waltzing at Windsor. As Fortay Media says, “Getting the message across in bite size chunks using social media video bursts is a great way to develop a relationship with your customers. Some of the ‘Marvin’ videos have had almost half a

million views and generated a huge response from the social media fanbase”. To see what we mean, go to Facebook and search for the Cadbury icecreamland #MakeitMarvellous campaign.


To create your own social media video bursts, give Fortay Media a call on (0114) 276 0632.



13 17



Region’s Best Celebrated Barnsley’s Civil Engineering and Building Contractors, Palmer Construction took the top prize at this year’s Barnsley and Rotherham Business Awards event. Palmer Construction triumphed over the competition and walked away with the Roy Hatfield Business of the Year award, being named the “winner of winners” by the judging panel.


Winner – The Cowlick Creamery Highly Commended – Fitex Highly Commended – Human Recruitment THE ROTHERHAM TOGETHER PARTNERSHIP BUSINESS COMMUNITY IMPACT AWARD

Winner – Team Katalyst Ltd Highly Commended – Mulberry HomeLETS Highly Commended – Visualised it Video Production THE AIRMASTER DESIGN AND INNOVATION AWARD

Winner – The Rack Group Ltd Highly Commended – Gala Tent Ltd Highly Commended – Martek Marine Ltd The achievement followed Director, Simon Dennis’s earlier success in the Building Product Solutions Business Person of the Year Award.


The evening’s other individual award went to Thomas Bagely from Ardagh Group who was named the Barnsley College Apprentice of the Year.


The ceremony, hosted by Look Norths’ Clare Frisby, returned to Barnsley Metrodome where the celebrations were in full swing with 500 guests in attendance to support the Winners, Highly Commended and Finalists of each category. Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive, Andrew Denniff said; “Once again a superb evening, reflecting all that is best in South Yorkshire business. My congratulations go to all our winners and especially Simon Dennis and everyone at Palmer Construction, the Business of the Year. “500 guests can certainly say that they were part of the “evening of the year” in the Barnsley and Rotherham business calendar and all our nominated entrants can congratulate themselves in contributing to another successful event at the Metrodome”. This year also saw the Chamber present their Charity of the Year award to Safe@Last, who received £3000 in prize money, supported by DuoCall Communications.



Winner – Thomas Bagley - Ardagh Group Highly Commended – Laura Smith - Rotherham College Highly Commended – Regan Gaunt - Building Product Solutions Winner – Gala Tent Ltd Highly Commended – Barnsley College - Elephant Designs Highly Commended – DEB Chartered Accountants THE ASD LIGHTING/ROTHERHAM UNITED EXCELLENCE IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE AWARD

Winner – Rack Armour Ltd Highly Commended – Naylor Industries PLC Highly Commended – Weighwell Engineering Ltd THE BUILDING PRODUCT SOLUTIONS BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD

Winner – Simon Dennis - Palmer Construction Ltd Highly Commended – Anne Wilson – Numill Ltd Highly Commended – Peter Robinson – D R Baling THE BURROWS SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AWARD

Winner – Berneslai Homes Highly Commended – Naylor Industries PLC Highly Commended – The Rack Group Ltd THE BROOK CORPORATE DEVELOPMENTS MANUFACTURING EXCELLENCE AWARD

Winner - Oracle Precision Engineering Highly Commended – Building Product Solutions Highly Commended – D R Baling THE HARSCO STEELPHALT BUSINESS GROWTH AWARD

Winner – Building Product Solutions Highly Commended – Airmaster Highly Commended – Palmer Construction Ltd





Palmer Construction took home the top prize at the Barnsley and Rotherham Business Awards after being crowned the Roy Hatfield Business of the Year. The Barnsley based company is a leading provider of specialist civil engineering and construction service to the UK utility and infrastructure sectors. The company was established in 1994 with Managing Director, Simon Dennis being one of four original employees. Through Simon’s dedication, entrepreneurial leadership and ambition to succeed, turnover has increased year-on-year, profits have risen by an outstanding 600% and the workforce has increased from 45 to 80. Grant Hatfield, Director of Roy Hatfield said, “This is a very impressive business that has displayed consistent growth and a strong ability to react to market changes. The company has remained close to its roots in Barnsley and is an active member within the local community. They are a worthy winner of the Roy Hatfield Ltd Business of the year and we look forward to monitoring their plans for further expansion”


Managing Director, Simon Dennis said, “We are extremely delighted and honoured to receive this award. To be named Business of the Year is an outstanding achievement for our Company and is a proud moment for all connected with Palmer Construction. We are privileged to have an amazing team of

talented people who have all been a major part of our success and winning this award is the ultimate accolade each and every one of them deserve for their commitment, dedication and expertise to drive our business forward and provide sustainability for our future.”

The Business Phone Experts







“Winning this award really is a dream come true for us. It was a dream that started five years ago, when I bought my first ice cream machine and spent hours in the kitchen perfecting my recipes. It’s been a steep learning curve turning my passion into a business but the people I meet, makes it all so worthwhile. We are so thrilled to have won this award within the first six months of trading and we look forward to where the future takes us.”




“Winning this award has given Team Katalyst, the people that work there and everyone that attends the recognition they deserve for all the hard work that has been put into creating the performance centre and becoming part of the communities we serve”



“We are thrilled to gain this award and receive recognition for the hard work and commitment we have put into our products and services. We strive for innovation, it’s in our veins, winning this award is testament to this.”



“I’m proud to see my Bottle Ejector System has been introduced and it’s helping to support the company’s business objectives. My apprenticeship has helped me to develop a range of practical skills and theoretical knowledge. It’s also given me the confidence to be able to design a solution to a real problem.”







JASON MACE – MANAGING DIRECTOR “We are delighted to have won this award, the whole team has worked exceptionally hard this year and this award is a wonderful testament to our efforts”.



“We’ve had a great year in export markets and this is really the icing on the cake for us, we are expecting even bigger things next year so watch this space!”



MANAGING DIRECTOR - PALMER CONSTRUCTION LTD “I am absolutely thrilled to be named Business Person of the Year. It’s a great honour to receive this award and is a proud moment in my career. These are exciting times for our company and I am privileged to be supported by a fantastic team, who’s dedication and commitment has built Palmer’s in to the successful business it is today.”



“We are delighted to have won the Burrows Skills Development Award. We pride ourselves on having an outstanding track record in our approach to learning and development and it is great to have been recognised for this.”







“The Brook Corporate Developments “Manufacturing Excellence Award” is a hallmark and a prestigious award. I am honoured to be able to contribute to the regional manufacturing effort. Every person dealing in this sphere strives for this Award. Now we are one of the Award winners. I am completely happy. Thank you!”



“The past 12 months have been exceptional for us, from expanding our facility and team to increasing our order book and live sites. We started during a double-dip recession and to be where we are now has exceeded all expectation. The award is a true credit to how hard the entire team has worked over the past 12 months.”



During a special segment at the Business Awards the Chamber recognised four businesses with the Salute to Business presentations, in association with VOOT.

Again the Chamber has recognised a Charity of the Year who received £3000 in prize money. The award was presented to Rotherham based, Safe@Last.

Firstly celebrating 25 years in business was Transmitta, originally founded in London in 1990 as a recording studio, the company has grown to provide full production facilities to the corporate and entertainment industries.


Secondly celebrating 50 years in business was SteelPhalt Harsco, the firm based in Rotherham has been developing and manufacturing high performance asphalt products for the UK roadmaking industry since the 1960’s Celebrating 125 years in business was Gibson Booth, the firm was established in August 1890, by James Gibson, who originally named the company James Gibson & Sons. In the 1990’s the company merged with Booth Lindley to form Gibson Booth, the name we know today. Finally, also celebrating 125 years in business was Naylor Industries Plc. Naylor was founded in 1890; those familiar with the company would probably consider it Barnsley to its core. But the company actually started life “over the border” in West Yorkshire. Naylor actually owes its existence to the Denby Dale viaduct, over which Sheffield to Huddersfield trains still travel today.



“We’re delighted to win the Charity of the Year Award in recognition of our work with young runaways. SAFE@LAST work’s with children who run away from home and who are incredibly vulnerable and at risk of becoming victims of crime, being sexually exploited, missing education, abusing drugs and alcohol and becoming estranged from their families. We’re looking forward to working with the Chamber and its members to raise awareness of the issues young runaways face and to work together to keep them safe.”





RB Land Management Limited


Centenary Salute to Business Award presented to charity member Blind Veterans UK Local military charity Blind Veterans UK have been presented with a Salute to Business award, in association with VOOT Telecom, having this year celebrated their 100 year anniversary. Andrea Hudson, Regional fundraiser said “Blind Veterans UK are extremely proud to receive the Salute to Business award to celebrate our centenary milestone. This is a great acknowledgement and recognition for all the hard work and dedication from members, staff, businesses and the local community in the past 100 years. We are looking forward to working alongside local businesses and individuals to work towards long standing partnerships with mutual benefits”

In South Yorkshire alone, the charity currently helps more than 200 blind and vision impaired veterans and their families providing them with vital free training, rehabilitation, equipment, and emotional support, no matter when they served or how they lost their sight. You can find out more information about Blind Veterans UK at or

email Andrea Hudson at andrea.hudson@ Alternatively telephone 0114 267 2557 to find out how you can support the charity in many different ways whilst also helping towards your CSR commitments and with the help of the charity, raising your business profile.

Blind Veterans UK (formerly St Dunstan’s) was founded in 1915 and the charity’s initial purpose was to help and support soldiers blinded in World War I. But the organisation has gone on to support more than 35,000 blind veterans and their families, spanning World War II to recent conflicts including Iraq and Afghanistan. Our philosophy is that no one who has served in our country should have to bat​ tle blindness alone and our mission is to ensure that all blind veterans should have access to the finest quality of services to help them discover life beyond slight loss.

Industry scheme upgrade recognises Barnsley Norse vehicle fleet efficiency Barnsley Norse has seen its ‘ECO Stars’ rating increased to a Level 4 following an independent audit review. ECO Stars encourages and helps operators of HGVs, buses, coaches, vans and taxis to run fleets in the most efficient and green way. The five-level scheme provides recognition for best operational practices, and guidance for making improvements. Independent assessor Transport and Travel Research said that Barnsley Norse’s upgrading of its fleet with newer Euro 6 vehicles, together with ensuring that all

its drivers undergo eco driving training, indicated the company’s commitment to continuous improvement, resulting in the upgrading to a 4 star operator accreditation.

ensuring existing staff are properly trained and any new members of staff go through the training as part of their induction/training package.”

Peter Bamforth, Barnsley Norse Mobile Services Manager said; “Barnsley Norse runs a fleet of 7 vehicles and employs around 12 people whose work entails driving. We are committed to green policies not only for our vehicles, but also for our drivers by

The ECO Stars assessment is based on six key pillars - fleet composition, fuel management, driver skills development, vehicle specification and preventative maintenance, IT support systems and performance monitoring and management.




Enjoy the Ultimate Matchday Experience at Oakwell Whether you’re looking to entertain those all-important key business clients, treat your staff to an unforgettable day out, or to celebrate a special occasion with family and friends, the Chamber of Commerce Legends Suite provides a fantastic environment to enjoy the matchday experience here at Oakwell. With our matchday hospitality packages you can sit back, relax and enjoy a fine dining meal in a vibrant and welcoming environment. Prematch interviews from club legends and current players provide the perfect pre-match build up and atmosphere, before enjoying the match from executive seating. Our Match Sponsorship packages also include: • An exclusive behind the scenes tour of Oakwell before the game.

• Post-match presentation with the man of the match.

• Commemorative photograph in the centre circle before kick off with the team captains, match officials and mascots.

• Full page matchday programme advert, plus company logo on the club website and throughout the stadium and in the Oakwell executive areas.

For more information and pricing, or to make a booking, please contact our Commercial team NOW on 01226 211 182 or e-mail commercial@ Alternatively please visit to explore our range of sponsorship and hospitality packages.

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National young professional organisations celebrate their 100th Anniversary On the 20th – 22nd November, members of Junior Chamber International (JCI) will be in Barnsley for their yearly National Conference. This year marks the 100th anniversary of JCI as a worldwide organisation. Active in over 100 countries and with over 250k member’s worldwide, JCI offers its members development opportunities, skills and networks that can be gained in JCI and then be used in the workplace. Friday 20th is being held as a business day and the Chamber are thrilled to be supporting this event. The Chamber of Commerce will be running a speed networking event on the day, and Chief Executive Andrew Denniff will be on a discussion panel focusing on the issues that are effecting business in the South Yorkshire region. Other sessions on the day include how any business can use big data to improve their

bottom line, how to align your personal and company values, along with an inspirational talk from medal winning Paralympian. On top of all of this, there is a business exhibition, showcasing the best in local businesses and organisations. ‘We’re really happy that the JCI UK National conference is coming to Barnsley in this important year for our organisation. We had to bid to hold it here and it’s a reflection on the dedication the team has put into the event.’ Says Ben Hawley, the Conference Director. ‘Our primary aim is to make the whole weekend as good as it can be, and that

includes the business day. We’re a voluntary, non-profit organisation so all form of sponsorship has been put straight back into the event. We want to see as many local businesses represented on the Friday as possible and for everyone attending to come away having had a positive experience’.

To book your free place for the Friday Business Day at the conference, and to see the full programme for the day, please visit

Recruitment Specialist ‘Opens its heart’ to Rotherham’s footballing community A Rotherham-based recruitment company with a love for action has made its biggest signing to date after pledging its support to help the Rotherham & District Sunday Football League celebrate a milestone anniversary. Human Recruitment, which is headquartered in Moorgate Crofts Business Centre, opened its heart to the Rotherham & District Sunday League after learning that the long-running league was searching for sponsorship to aid with member applications and funding, helping to create the things that dreams are made of. This season will see the league celebrate its 50th Anniversary and to mark the occasion Human has pledged financial support, which includes sponsorship of its top flight division, as well as helping to cover the costs associated with vital equipment provided to each club during the season. Under the agreement the league’s top flight division will be renamed the

Human Recruitment Premier Division and company founder Amy Stephenson will be the guest of honour to present the premiership trophy to the title team at the end of the season.

“The league has been at the heart of Rotherham’s local sporting community for nearly half a century and supporting the league during its special anniversary season is an honour.

Amy Stephenson, Founder of Human Recruitment said, “People are at the heart of our business and giving something back to the local community is an important part of our work ethic. Since the business was launched in 2013 we have been committed to supporting the communities we serve and when the league’s organisers offered us a chance to create our very own Human League in Rotherham we felt the opportunity was just too good not to miss.

Pam Gabittas, League Secretary, said: “This year is a milestone for the league and the generous support we have received from Human Recruitment will help to make it even more special. “It promises to be a very exciting year for the league, and through the backing we’ve received from local businesses like Human, we can concentrate on the day-to-day running of the league.



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­We­have­a­superb­range­of­seasonal­and matchday­hospitality­packages­available­in the­AESSEAL­New­York­Stadium­Platinum Lounge,­all­come­with­delicious­food, panoramic­views­and­executive­seating­to watch­the­game.

n Pay bar facility n Three Course Lunch with waitress service n Executive padded seats in the Eric Twigg Pukka Pies West Stand n Match programme n Team sheet n Tea & Coffee at half time n Car parking space n Competitions and prizes Platinum* - £160+VAT per person Gold - £90+VAT per person Silver - £80+VAT per person Bronze - £70+VAT per person n Pay bar facility n Two Course Lunch n Executive padded seats in the Eric Twigg Pukka Pies West Stand n Match programme n Team sheet n Tea & Coffee at half time n Car parking space n Competitions and prizes Platinum* - £140+VAT per person Gold - £80+VAT per person Silver - £70+VAT per person Bronze - £60+VAT per person PLATINUM MATCHES... Throughout the season key fixtures will be billed as ‘Platinum’ matches. The Platinum package For the combined cost of a Gold and a Bronze match you can attend both a Platinum and a Bronze match, as long as they are booked as part of the Platinum package.

For more information please contact the commercial team on 01709 827760 or


Prevention - a healthy attitude for a healthy future It’s all too easy to take everyday wellbeing for granted, but you never know what’s around the corner as far as health is concerned. Without regular visits to the dentist and optician your employees are not only risking permanent damage to their teeth and eyes, they might also be missing the opportunity for a health professional to check for more serious underlying health issues that could have greater impact than just the odd filling or a new pair of glasses. Westfield Health’s Chamber Primary Health Plan is designed to improve staff health and wellbeing and encourage employees to be more proactive about their own healthcare, helping them to budget for essential, everyday health costs. It is also tailored to help businesses

and DoctorLine™ - a GP telephone and webcam consultation service, as well as expert second medical opinion service Best Doctors® and Westfield Rewards – an exclusive website offering special offers and discounts from over 450 leading retailers.

reward and retain staff, manage risk and sickness absence, and increase morale and productivity. Additional benefits include access to counselling services, scanning facilities

For more information about the Chamber Plan, visit or call 0345 602 1629.

Sheffield based CQ Strategic Marketing grows engineering sector specialism CQ Strategic Marketing has won 3 new engineering sector retainer clients in the space of a week. The strategic marketing consultancy started 3 years ago from Managing Director Jackie Cook’s dining table, now has offices at Westthorpe Business Innovation Centre in Killamarsh and regularly works with a growing team of 13 business and marketing associates. Managing Director, Jackie Cook has specialised in providing marketing services to the engineering sector for the last 7 years. The new clients are Oracle Precision based at Hoyland in Barnsley have experienced 167% growth in the last year and specialise in sub-contract machining for the medical and rail sectors. XL Precision Engineering who started out as a traditional subcontract CNC machining company but have recently opened a new branch specialising in sliding head technology to broaden their range of services. The third new client is The workwise Foundation in Sheffield who provide

a range of employability and mentoring support to young people in the Sheffield City Region. Work-wise also run the annual Get Up To Speed event in association with the support of sponsors and other partners from the private and public sector. The event is attended by over 1,000 young people looking for apprenticeships in the engineering sector with exhibitors from engineering companies, colleges, universities and sector based training providers. Jackie Cook, Managing Director said “We are pleased to be growing our work in engineering and are seeing a growth in the need for specialist support with strategic targeted marketing in the sector. These SME businesses are providing a technical service for niche market industries and need help in developing marketing plans to create targeted campaigns with a very

technical message. The business owners have a lot of sector knowledge but are usually under time pressures from other issues in the business and so need the extra support.” Jackie Freeborn, Co-Founder of The workwise Foundation said “We have worked with Jackie for a number of years on an informal basis but are looking to further increase our marketing efforts she has a good understanding of our offer and the needs of the sector.”

For more information please contact Jackie Cook, Managing Director, CQ Strategic Marketing on 0114 321 1865 or email



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Digital Media Focus

The Mysteries of SEO/SEM It’s amazing in todays ’Digital Age’ how many people do not know what search marketing is even though Search is at the heart of every digital endeavors. So what is Search? Search is an umbrella term for the 2 types of search that are used. SEO = Earning traffic organically progressing up the rankings on search engines for the associated key phrases of the business in question. SEM = Buying traffic through paid advertisements. So why is Search so important? · Increased exposure · Increased Brand credibility and recognition Use Social Media (Its Free)

· Increased site usability All in aid of the ultimate goal, creating more leads, conversions and sales. Did you know that when your website is launched it will not show up on the first pages for the search terms your business wants to be knows for? Don’t take our word for it, type the key phrases associated to your business and see for yourself who is winning the market share. Here are a few ways you can encourage progression through search engine rankings:


Develop the right website structure Write blogs

words, place them correctly across all of your platforms but be careful not to go overboard! • Submit your site to search engines.

Organic Search Engine Optimisation The corner stone and the most solid long term investment of all search marketing techniques. There are many techniques working in tandem towards the same goal (Progressing you up search engine ranks) Here are a few you may be able to utilise: • R esearch keywords and the size of the markets that are searching for those key

• Develop the right link profile, you do not want to be seen to have toxic links associated with your site! • Submit your profiles to business portals, blog directories and RSS feed directories, • L earn, Study and Utilise your ANALYTICS. If you are not analysing your stats month on month how could you possibly know how to best utilise your platforms. Check them out and with a little time you will find your whole online strategy could be transformed and actually start to attain for you the right results.




Chamber social media sponsored by




Kinspeed exhibit at the annual Chamber Mean Business The Chamber Means Business event was held on Wednesday 16th September at the majestic Wentworth Woodhouse. Around 60 businesses turned up to show off their wares with a mix of local authorities, high tech companies and professional services in abundance. Kinspeed decided this year to come away from the Sage software exhibition and instead showed their new Mozy cloud back up services and their unique free e-commerce sites. Director, Ian Wragg and Marketing Assistant, Abbi Timson manned the exhibition stand and engaged with local businesses throughout the day, as well as taking the opportunity to network with the additional 60 exhibitors. Ian said: “We met many really nice people during the day, but a special mention needs

to go to Lauren Ellaway at Holiday Inn Express who begged a hoody off us because she was cold, Caroline Travis from Human Recruitment who promised to recruit an administrator free of charge, and Sally Bladen from the NHS who modelled and made off with most of our merchandise!” For more information regarding free e-commerce websites, Sage ERP software or Mozy cloud backup please call Kinspeed on 01246 437000.



Roy Hatfield Ltd.

Contact us now for prices and information. Roy Hatfield Ltd. Fullerton Road, Rotherham, S60 1DH, UK T: +44 (0) 1709 820855 E: W:


Steelphalt - Making Roads Safer SteelPhalt has been developing and manufacturing high performance steel slag asphalt products for the UK roadmaking industry since the 1960’s. Based in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, SteelPhalt is ideally located to source slag costeffectively from the surrounding steel industry - a sustainable way of making asphalt since at least 95% of the product is recycled. With a reputation for first class products matched by a commitment to innovation and sustainability, SteelPhalt works in partnership with local authorities and contractors to deliver durable roads for a sustainable world. Steel slag has inherent properties which make it ideally suited for use as a surface course for road construction:

• e xceptional strength and durability of steel slag extends the service life of the road • s teel slag achieves high skid resistance and maintains it throughout the whole life of the road as a result of its capacity to regenerate its surface texture • b y using steel slag it avoids the use of quarried materials, and avoids landfill of residual slag products • r eduction on the impact to the environment

SPECIALIST PRODUCTS SteelFlow: miles more economical can be laid 15mm thick for long lasting high performance.

UltraGrip: Gripping budget and safety performace can be laid just 25mm thick.

SteelPave: A high performance asphalt surfacing product, designed to meet the demands of modern traffic conditions.

SteelSurf: Excels in heavy duty applications, withstanding road surface wear under extreme load conditions.



New Members List

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for further information on Membership

Contact details for our latest members

PLATINUM Simply Customer The Hayloft Lane Head Farm Park Lane Huddersfield HD8 NP T 07545 569775 W


Simpson Millar LLP 6 Park Place Leeds LS1 2RU T 0844 8583200 W



e to: of Commerc Congratulations

you are a member of



Moirae Creative Agency

Barnsley & Rotherham

Chamber of Commerce

Expiry Date:

hip No: Members

Membership No:

Denniff Andrew Chief Executive

Andrew Denniff Chief Executive

Expiry Date:

Unit 8 Durham Lane Armthorpe Doncaster DN3 3FE T 01302 511991 W

Mulberry HomeLETS Ltd 2 Dale Road Rawmarsh Rotherham S62 5AB T 01709 524869 W

North by Northwest Investigations Ltd

Cyber Threat Assessment Consultants Cedars Business Centre Barnsley Road Hemsworth WF9 4PU T 01977 624360 W

Eriks Gasket Technology McGuiness Works Mount Osborne Industrial Park Oakwell View Barnsley S71 1HH T 01226 299401 W

Why not upgrade?


m Chamber & Rotherha


3 Acres Hill Business Park Acres Hill Lane Sheffield S9 4LR T 0114 261 5920 W

Russell Richardson and Sons Ltd Clay Street Sheffield S9 2PE T 0800 2946552 W

of Barnsley

BBIC Innovation Way Barnsley S75 1JL T 07766 421162 W

CTS Training

Fourth Floor Barnsley Digital Media Centre County Way Barnsley S70 2JW T 01226 720729 W

a member

The Edge 34 Endcliffe Crescent Sheffield S10 3ED T 0114 222 8908 W

North Street Thornhill Rotherham S60 1LG T 01709 366399 W

Deadline Digital Ltd

you are


Cadam Construction Ltd

A&N Care Solicitors The Wesley Centre Blyth Road Rotherham S66 8JD T 01709 919000 W

ulations Congrat

University of Sheffield-Unicus

Cedars Business Centre Barnsley Road Hemsworth WF9 4PU T 01977 624360 W

Paleo Fitness Behind AKM Steel Works Masbrough Street Rotherham S60 1EX T 07782 317496 W

For a full run-down of the extra benefits available, call our Membership team on: 01709 386 200

Rotherham & Barnsley Business Incubator Unit 13 Enterprise Court Fairfield Park Rotherham S63 5DB T 0844 5678978 W

Ambient Body and Mind

Team Katalyst

13 Winter Avenue Pogmoor Barnsley S75 2ER T 07714 579665 W

Zed’s Plastic Recycling

Judy Parsons – The LinkedIn Lady

Unit 1 The Summit Mangham Road Barbot Industrial Estate Rotherham S61 4RJ T 07528 500930 W

TSL Yard Steel Street Rotherham S61 1DF T 07583 738373

4 Clarence Walk Wakefield WF2 8UD T 07545 833291 W


Mark One Consultancy

No. 26 The Makers Emporium 26 High Street Rotherham S60 1PP T 07584 391449 W

SOLE TRADERS AJ Cliff Plumbing & Heating Services 53 Scholes Village Rotherham S61 2RQ T 01709 373322 W ALN Property Maintenance 14 Wesley Road Kiveton Park Sheffield S26 6RJ T 01909 490523 W

12 Kents Grove Goldthorpe Rotherham S63 9GX T 07545 956185

Reviresco (UK) Unit 7 Spring Park Clayburn Road Barnsley S72 7FD T 07989 289245 W


Textocracy Electric Works 3 Concourse Way Sheffield S1 2BJ T 07850 117797 W

The Mind Expansion Academy 1 Scholes View Hoyland Barnsley S74 9BA T 07572 431214

Tricia Beckett Hypnotherapy 2 Fox Cottage Coaley Lane Wentworth Rotherham S62 7SQ T 07791 799334

The Quadrant 99 Parkway Avenue Sheffield S9 4WG T 0114 213 8530 W




New Year see’s enhanced Membership Packages Here at the Chamber we continually strive to adapt and improve what we do to meet the needs of both our members and the Business Communities of Barnsley & Rotherham. Over the past 2 years we have successfully refreshed the way we do our marketing with our Social Media being Featured by British Chamber and the introduction of a refreshed Website. We also introduce our on-line trading site, and our dedicated website. On top of this we have introduced the very popular Bulletin Magazine and our bespoke App; both of which continue to go from Strength to Strength. In 2015 we re-structured our Networking events and Seminar programme to provide a range of opportunities for all our members.



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you are a member of

e Chamber of Commerc Barnsley & Rotherham

We have been using our existing membership packages for many years now and for 2016 these have been redesigned and enhanced to provide more services and opportunities for our members to take advantage of. We have introduced new opportunities to align with the services we can now provide. All packages include the HR, Health & Safety and Legal Helplines, providing a cost effective solution for all these needs. We have included further options in all packages around marketing, promotion, events, discounted services and representation. On top of this we have new offering around Credit Check facilities, Foreign Exchange, and supply of data lists for you to use. All together the revised packages provide from £5000 to over £12,000 worth of savings and benefits! The cost of providing these services to our members has risen year on year, so we will be introducing a small rise in membership subscriptions from 1st January 2016 [The first in 6 years].

Full details of the new packages can be found at membership or scan the QR code to be taken direct to the page.

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for further information on Membership

te: Expiry Da hip No: Members

Membership No:

Denniff Andrew utive ec Chief Ex

Andrew Denniff Chief Executive

Expiry Date:


Safetynett (UK) – Launch the new Safety Nett – A portal dedicated to the development of risk assessments and method Statements (RAMS) One of the biggest health and safety challenges facing employers today is without doubt the ongoing development and review of RAMS. The law requires employers to provide competent persons to complete both general risk assessments and in some cases more detailed risk assessments in relation to specific hazards yet provides no strict guidance in relation to how the risk assessments should be set out. The Safety Nett is a new development from Safety Nett (UK). It is a portal which allows the development of RAMS in a controlled environment using an on line portal accessed via the Safetynett (UK) website. The portal is complete with user help screens designed to guide the assessor from start to finish, making the use of the portal not only extremely user friendly and easy to use but also fully auditable and transparent.

The portal uses the Safety Nett best practice risk models developed from years of experience of assessing RAMS and allows the option of quality checks from a Safety Nett (UK) Consultant to further assist the Employer. Access to the portal is strictly controlled so only your business will have access to your RAMS. All documents remain the ownership of your business and can be accessed at any time. Paul Simpson, Managing Director of Safety Nett (UK) said “The risk assessment itself often forms a significant part of any defence should any incident arise in the workplace that results in injury or harm to any person affected by the work activity. The Safety Nett has been designed to provide assistance in relation to developing safety systems that add real value

to the business. A risk assessment needs to result in measurable difference in the way the work is carried out taking into account all reasonably practicable control measures” Access to the portal is by Licence or for SME’s the portal is built into the price of an annual retained service silver or gold package.

For more information on the portal or to arrange a demonstration contact Safetynett (UK) by telephone or email or visit our website Don’t miss out as discounts will be given to Rotherham & Barnsley Chamber members up to 31 December 2015.

A Centre of Excellence for Engineering Recruitment Are you a business that has been badly hit by the UK’s acute shortage of people with engineering and technical skills? Nicholas Associates can help. From our Sheffield based Centre of Excellence for Technical Recruitment, Nicholas Associates works with clients and candidates across the UK and internationally. We have built a reputation as a right-first time source of skilled and semi-skilled staff for engineering and manufacturing businesses and work with employers across sectors, including advanced manufacturing, oil and gas, heavy engineering, automotive, aerospace and energy. Nicholas Associates is the first choice recruitment partner for many leading businesses and SME’s. Working alongside our internal Apprentice Employment Agency we are able to support your recruitment needs from

apprentice right through to boardroom. With two of its own apprentices about to complete their apprenticeship programme, the Nicholas Associates team is very much looking forward to discovering how we can help you, too. Helping to fuel your business growth, Nicholas Associates is a true Centre of Excellence when it comes to recruiting the talent you’re looking for.

For more information, go to or contact Chris Carter, Head of Engineering, Technical and Manufacturing Recruitment on 0114 384 0100 / chris.carter@



Events For further event details and to book your attendance, please visit our website or call 01709 386 200

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for our latest Chamber Events

Chamber exhibition brings South Yorkshire region businesses together This year’s Chamber Means Business exhibition was held at the impressive, Wentworth Woodhouse, where Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber welcomed over 350 businesses and individuals to this stunning venue. Mark Hannigan, Operations Manager said: “Chamber Means Business continues to go from strength to strength. We have had more exhibitors than ever, more people booked to attend and the highest footfall we have ever had.

The exhibition (sponsored by Enterprising Barnsley and RiDO) took place on Wednesday, 16th September within the house and grounds at Wentworth Woodhouse, providing business people from across the region with the opportunity to meet exhibitors, make new contacts and attend FREE seminars.

Bringing the amount and diversity of businesses together, in the stunning Wentworth Woodhouse, gave people the opportunity to generate new contacts and create new business opportunities that would potentially take time to amass.

Over 60 local businesses, from a broad spectrum of industries and markets, exhibited at the event, promoting the excellent work they’re doing within the region. Throughout the day seminars were held from speakers; Peter Thornton-Smith of PeterTS. com, Nigel Greenwood of Simply Customer, Ian Walker of HSBC, and Jane Whitham of Cream Consultancy. The seminars provided free information to attendees, from Invoice

Finance to boosting your brand. Wentworth Woodhouse also provided exhibitors and delegate the opportunity to have a behind the scenes tour of the house!

The feedback we have received has been exceptionally positive and we look forward to taking this to a new level in 2016”

Chamber Christmas Networking Events THURSDAY


In the run up to the Festive Season, the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting two Christmas Networking events, the first of these will take place on Thursday 3rd December at Sloane’s, Wickersly.



Followed by the second Christmas Networking event on Tuesday, 8th December at The Civic, Barnsley.


Member: £14.95 + VAT Non-member: £19.95 + VAT Venue: Sloane’s, Wickersley, Rotherham Time: 4-6pm


Member: £14.95 + VAT Non-member: £19.95 + VAT Venue: The Civic, Barnsley Time: 4-6pm

We hope to see as many members as possible there so we can wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

You will be treated to a festive buffet and will have the opportunity to meet with other local business to look at opportunities for 2016 and beyond. A supply of (Christmas) cards is essential.

*Photo courtesy of Enterprising Barnsley



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We are searching for business angels to aid cash-strapped budding entrepreneurs and businesses battling to grow.

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We are also supporting the annual Barnsley Co-operative Youth Music and Drama Festival.

CAN YOU SUPPORT THEM TOO? Held on the 16-22 April 2016, the festival which has been running for almost 70 years showcases over 400 music and drama performances from 3 to 21 year old competitors. The festival is organised and run by volunteers.

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