The Bulletin - Issue 7 May/Jun

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THE Issue 7 May/June 2014

THE NEW CHAMBER APP See a preview of our new app.

AWARDS UNVEILED Find out what’s new inside.

Also inside this issue: • Pennine feasability study • Meet Lisa, our new board director



Chamber View

Chief Executive, Andrew Denniff brings you right up to date with the Chamber and its plans, hopes and expectations for the next few months.

Clearly the month of May is very busy for our Chamber, on the 10th we have our President’s Annual Ball, quickly followed by Rotherham hosting the Yorkshire International Business Convention. During this month we will also be developing closer links, both in Barnsley and Rotherham, with China. We are expecting a number of Chinese business people visiting Barnsley and at the same time the Chamber will be represented on a trade and strategic visit to Shanghai and Xian at the end of May. So a busy and hectic period, but I hope this reflects the level of engagement the Chamber is developing on behalf of our members. June will see the Global Manufacturing Festival based around the Advanced Manufacturing Park at Waverly and early July will not only see the Tour de France in our region, but also the annual regional Conference for Growth and the City Region Business Awards in Sheffield. On the topic of business awards, we were very pleased to announce in March that our awards event will be held in October at the Metrodome in Barnsley. Last year was challenging and at times difficult for the Chamber, but we have successfully restructured our business to meet the needs of our members. As the economy grows and optimism increases, I feel we have never been better placed to support the needs of business across our region. Our plan for the year ahead is grow our membership with some challenging but achievable targets for our committed team



Chamber News


Platinum Members

Whilst my team is willing and very much ‘on message’, our success will depend on our biggest resource, our 1200 + member businesses.



Membership will be our focus, but the Chamber partnership works both ways and it is essential that as many of our members as possible are given the opportunity to get involved to utilise the networks that we have established and to benefit from the current position the Chamber has.


Member News


Cover Story

and to enhance and increase the profile and influence the Chamber has.

Finally, I was delighted to see the announcement in early April to challenge the role of ‘pay-day loan’ companies, an issue that was raised over three years ago by our then president Chris MacCormac, when many others chose not to speak out. I would like to think that our Chamber’s small part in the initial lobbying within our national organisation led to the recent government intervention.

Andrew Deniff

News from our Platinum Members.

Latest Policy and Representation activity.

A variety of news stories from our members.

An Introduction to the New Chamber App


International Trade


New Members



Chief Executive


All the latest news from inside the Chamber.

An update of trade opportunities.

A full listing of new members.

A focus on The President’s Annual Ball.

If your company would like to feature a news item in The Bulletin, please call our marketing team on 01709 386 200 or email




Top Awards Unveiled This year Barnsley & Rotherham Business Awards will see a refresh, we’ve found a new venue and introduced new awards. The 2014 Barnsley & Rotherham Business Awards was announced in March as taking place on 17th October and in Barnsley for the first time since its inception. The ceremony will take place at Barnsley Metrodome, a first since its formation in 2010 and this year is in association with local business, Solar Europa. The awards, hosted by the Chamber acknowledge the achievements of the region’s top firms in 10 award categories in addition to the much-coveted Business of the Year trophy. Last year’s event saw more than 100 entries compete for the 10 accolades and Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive of the Chamber, hopes for more of the same this year.

Commenting he said; “It is great to be in Barnsley for this year’s ceremony and I am excited about the move to a new venue. “I hope that this will be a record breaker for us with more entries than ever. There are many businesses in the region doing great things and I am sure that the current levels of optimism will be reflected in a high class event later in the year”. Businesses are already pledging their support for the awards with a number of confirmed sponsors. Those supporting this year’s ceremony are; Solar Europa as overall and award sponsors, ASD Lighting, Rotherham United, Barnsley College, CTS Environmental Services, Gala Tent, NPS Barnsley, RBS, Sheffield Hallam University and The Source Skills Academy as

award sponsors. Other event sponsors include, Barnsley Chronicle, The Digital Media Centre, Cream and Yorkshire Training Partnership. The Barnsley & Rotherham Business Awards are open to all businesses of any size or sector in Barnsley and Rotherham, and all Chamber members. The ceremony will take place on 17th October 2014 at the Barnsley Metrodome and entries will open in the summer.

For more information visit or call Barnsley 01226 308444 or Rotherham 01709 386200

The guests enjoying last years awards ceremony.




Our Headline Sponsor Solar Europa This year our overall sponsor is Solar Europa. Founded in 2008, Solar Europa has driven to achieve excellence in the renewable energy market and has already built its name as a leading market contender – connecting investment with green energy projects in the UK and worldwide. David Hawkins, CEO of Solar Europa said “Solar Europa are delighted to be supporting this year’s Barnsley & Rotherham Business Awards. “The Awards not only reflect the hard work, determination and drive of business in our region but also the continuing innovation and technical expertise contributing to regional, national and international growth and employment opportunities across age and skill range. “We look forward to and would urge all suitable businesses to apply for the Awards in one or more of the categories. We believe it is important to recognise positivity to generate confidence, cross recognition and profile raising as a contribution to business development as the winners in last year’s ceremony have demonstrated.”

Introducing the Charity Award This year we are bringing a unique Chamber Award to the ceremony, much like the Salute to Business award, the Charity award will only be open to eligible Chamber members. The winner of the Charity award will become the Chamber’s Charity of the Year and will win a cash prize.

Members will need to highlight a specific project, activity or need for the funds to be eligible.

The prize will be made from monies raised at this year’s Charity Ball for the President’s Charity fund.

Mark Hannigan, Operations Manager at the Chamber said, “We are excited to introduce this new award to this year’s event. We thought hard about the process of supporting our member Charities and felt this was the most appropriate way to ensure it was a fair and equal process for all involved.”

Applicants will provide information about their charity, what winning would mean to them and what they would use the money for.

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code and keep up to date with the latest Business Awards information.




Time is running out to change your Digital Region (DRL) connection On the 14th August, the network will close and all existing connections for organisations across South Yorkshire will no longer get internet access and emails through this service. An abundance of replacement service orders are being placed and it’s important to point out that the turnaround time for these is getting longer. We advise that you consider the following options and place your order as soon as possible.

• ADSL or ADSL2+ - this is a standard connection with limited broadband access providing the lowest available speeds. Only suitable for microbusinesses and the lead time is typically 10 working days.

• Leased Line - provides the best Fibre connectivity, uncontended, with guaranteed SLAs. Typically the most expensive of the services with current lead times of around 60 working days.

Whichever service you think is right for your business, talk to your IT service provider and place your orders straight away.

• EFM - high speed internet access with guaranteed synchronous data speeds. Current lead times are up to 100 working days.

• FTTC - best suited for smaller organisations that don’t require guaranteed speeds. (Provided by BT Infinity for residential circuits.) Typical lead time is 15 working days, however this service is only available in limited areas.

For further advice and guidance, call Highlander on 0114 2923800.


Chamber recognises Blades birthday The Chamber has awarded Sheffield United a Salute to Business Award as part of the Clubs celebrations marking their 125th Year. Andrew Denniff, Chamber Chief Executive presented the Certificate to Mal Brannigan, Managing Director of Sheffield United. The Salute to Business presentation is part of the Chamber of Commerce’s commitment to serving the local business community, an ethos which has been in place for over 130 years in Barnsley and 105 years in Rotherham.

Meet Lisa, our new Board Director We are pleased to welcome Lisa Pogson, Resources Director at Airmaster Air-conditioning as our new Non-Executive Director on to the Chamber Board. Lisa was born in Sheffield and now lives in Rotherham with husband Don and their six year old daughter, Hannah. Her role at Airmaster is not limited to Resources Director, she also manages finance, HR and internal operations. As a parent of a primary-aged child, Lisa loves working with schools. Already, she has been involved in supporting school teams in business skills challenges such as BizKids raising funds for St Luke’s Hospice, the Entrepreneur’s Exchange and Make £5 Blossom. Lisa has been involved with the Chamber for a number of years but is also part of the wider business community. She feels strongly that as a member of the Sheffield City Region LEP Retail Forum, she really wants to back local retailing and ensures Airmaster works with a range of large and small retailers. Lisa’s own career started in GT News when she was 14, on to Hartley Seed bookshop

in Broomhill at 16 as a Saturday girl topping up her wages whilst working as a youth trainee office administrator at an architect’s design practise. She has also worked in administration at Sheffield Hallam University and for a building contractor which led to studying for an HNC Business Studies Masters Degree in Management (Resources) part time at the University of Hull. Commenting after the appointment Lisa said; “I hope that my passion and commitment that I have focussed on our own business can be reflected in my new role with the Chamber. “Here is a real opportunity for me to help shape and influence the local economy and see it grow and prosper. “The role of the Chamber is crucial and how we all respond to the opportunities in the months ahead is critical to the regeneration of the region’s economy”.




Investments and Pensions – Keeping Things Simple Individual Savings Accounts (ISA’s) and Pensions have proved to be some of the most tax efficient ways of building up a healthy nest egg over the years. Tax efficiency alone, however, doesn’t ensure success when it comes to achieving your objectives. Over the last 3 years the worst performing pension funds have lost more than 20% against the sector average. Over a 10 year period this loss is over 46%.

The best and worst performing UK Equity Income ISA’s, February 2013 to February 2014 showed growth varying by more than 30% over the year.

Funds that performed well in past years are not necessarily performing well now. As years pass and personal circumstances alter, our attitude to risk is likely to change. What was right ten years ago may be miles away from what is right today. The biggest risk to your long term financial wellbeing is apathy. You can transfer your ISA’s to another ISA manager whenever you want so there is no reason to remain in funds that are either underperforming or no longer meet your specific requirements. The same applies to pension funds.

With literally hundreds of investment managers and thousands of funds to choose from the opportunity to get it right is within your grasp. Independent financial advisers have access to the ‘whole of the market’ so are ideally placed to help you get on track. Ongoing reviews will then help you stay there.

News in Brief

For more News visit

Sharon wins Athena Award Sharon Ayles, National Training Manager with Willmott Dixon Partnerships was named as the recipient of the Rotherham Athena Award 2014 at a ceremony held at Rotherham’s Holiday Inn. Sharon was one of 13 women nominated for this year’s award for their positive contribution to life in Rotherham and their positive impact on local communities. The Chamber brought the Athena Award to Rotherham in 2005 and this year Chair of the Chamber’s Women in

Business network, Jackie Freeborn hosted the Awards. Sharon received her Recipient Award from Chris MacCormac, Vice Chair of Rotherham Partnership and former Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber President.

Chamber Thank you with Hallam FM

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for the latest Chamber News

Women Of Steel Recently, new Chamber board member, Lisa Pogson met with the “women of steel” ladies to present a cheque of the monies raised at the sparkle and steel fundraising event. Lisa was able to meet with Kathleen, Kit and Dorothy to present the cheque. Lisa said “We are so pleased to have been able to support the cause and we are thankful to all of the members who attended the event and helped to raise the funds needed to produce the memorial.“

The Chamber has pledged its support to Hallam FM’s Mission Thank You campaign in aid of Cash for Kids by donating £300 to the cause. Cash for Kids is a grant giving charity and supports individual children, groups and children’s charities where children are sick, deprived and in need of extra support. Every penny raised stays in South Yorkshire.

Chamber Sponsors County FA Cup Final at Penistone The Chamber’s first venture into local, grassroots football sponsorship came to a successful conclusion as Sheffield FC were crowned County Cup winners at the final held on the ground of Penistone

Church FC, early in April. Our photo shows Chamber Chief Executive, Andrew Denniff and Chamber President Owen Gleadall presenting the trophy to winning captain Darren Brooke.




Business people wowed by young entrepreneurs Local business people supporting the I Know I Can (IKIC) Barnsley Big Challenge were highly impressed by the quality of products and ideas which have been developed by teams who have entered the competition for young entrepreneurs. As part of the Big Challenge, an event was staged at Barnsley College to announce the winners of a Marketing Challenge – an interim competition for the teams to showcase their marketing skills. The Big Challenge gives young people aged nine to 19 an opportunity to set up their own businesses with the support of a mentor from the business community. Fizzin’ Fun, from Horizon Community College, were announced as the winners of the Marketing Challenge, with the judges praising their great branding and brilliant logo. The team have created ‘bath bombs’ to suit all customer tastes, including some shaped like cupcakes. Receiving their award, the Fizzin’ Fun team said: “We feel so proud we won the marketing competition. Awesome work, girls, and of course thanks to Kevin Steele, our mentor!”

Pictured - Fizzin’ Fun (Sienna Howard, Lucy Frost, Olivia Plotts And Ellie Haynes), From Horizon Community College, Showing Off Their Popular Bath Bomb Creations.

Prizes were also won by Aperture Advertising, also from Horizon, who advertise companies and produce

promotional videos, and hair accessories business Bowtique ‘n’ Sheek, who are supported by Komplex Youth Centre.

Boost Your Business and Support BEN A specialist telecoms service which improves efficiency for businesses in the motor trade whilst also raising vital funds for automotive industry charity BEN has a fresh new look. The DuoCall Automotive Alliance is the new name for the BEN Telecom Alliance, which has been raising funds for the industry charity since 2001. DuoCall has been the preferred telecommunications provider to the motor industry for several years, operating under the BEN Telecom Alliance name. The new service will continue to donate 2.5% of Alliance customers’ call charges to BEN. The funds directly benefit



those who work, or have worked in the automotive and related industries, and their dependants in times of need.

that the UK motor industry can easily increase the amount of money raised for BEN through the Alliance.

The DuoCall Automotive Alliance offers a whole host of telecommunications, data and mobile solutions which enhance a business’s productivity and provides users with the best tools in the industry.

“The Alliance has raised more than £179,000 on behalf of BEN since 2001 but together we can raise even more.

Jerry Bart, who founded the Alliance and works tirelessly to promote it, believes

“It costs approximately £12m each year for BEN to continue its vital work within our industries and every penny really does help.”


Internship programme marks milestone Sheffield’s universities, employers and council are celebrating three years of working together to give employment opportunities to over 300 students. Sheffield Hallam University recently hosted an event at its new Careers and Employability Centre to celebrate three years of SHINE, the innovative Sheffield City Council funded internship programme. The SHINE programme has placed suitable students in roles at 89 companies and organisations since the start of the scheme in 2012. Simon Thompson, head of employer engagement in careers and engagement at Sheffield Hallam, said: “This internship programme is an excellent example of the Council and both universities working together with local businesses to provide students with rewarding internship opportunities that will allow them to develop their skills and gain valuable work experience. The programme is a key part of Sheffield Hallam’s employability offer, and it is one of a range of services we

operate for students to help them get into employment after graduating.” Steve Fish, careers service director at the University of Sheffield, said: “The aim of the scheme is to provide students with quality work experience that will enhance their CV and offer the opportunity to further develop their skills and experiences. The internship projects are relevant to students of all degree disciplines and the scheme is a wonderful example of how the city’s talented students can also benefit local small and medium-sized enterprises.” The SHINE scheme is co-ordinated by Sheffield City Council, Sheffield Hallam University and University of Sheffield. Employers involved in the programme include Rounders England, HR Media, Barnsley College, DLA Piper, Art in the Park and Peak District National Park Authority.






Trans-Pennine Feasibility Study The Chamber for a long time has been a strong advocate and lobbyist of Trans-Pennine links with a view to improving the connectivity between the east and west sides of the Pennines. Following the 2013 Spending Review, the Government announced plans for the biggest ever upgrade of our strategic roads network. As part of this the Government has also committed to carrying out a number of feasibility studies to tackle some of the most notorious road hot spots in the country. Through the Chamber’s Transport Working Group and in partnership with our areas local authorities, the Highways Agency and other Chambers of Commerce we have secured the delivery of a comprehensive feasibility study to be completed in 2014 to look at this very issue. The feasibility studies will look at a number of areas where connectivity of transport links including road and rail could potentially be improved in the future. The specific objectives of the study are to: • Establish the current and potential future performance, and the scale of current connectivity for the identified TransPennine routes. • Review previous proposals and current investment plans to identify and assess the case, deliverability and timing of specific infrastructure investments that could address exiting problems on the Trans-Pennine routes and improve TransPennine connectivity. • Understand the balance of benefits and impacts from potential individual investment proposals and any additional benefits or impacts from an investment on a corridor or package basis.



“Trans-Pennine links have been at the heart of the northern economy for many years and join the key economies around the Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield city regions. “ • Evidence where possible, the wider economic benefits from the transport investment in improvements in TransPennine connectivity.

Andrew Denniff said “Trans-Pennine links have been at the heart of the northern economy for many years and join the key economies around the Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield city regions. “The need for improved and enhanced rail and road connections have never been more important than the present as we seek to revitalise and reposition the north of England as an integral part of “UK Ltd”. “The Chamber’s role alongside key partners and organisations across the region will be to ensure the voice of business is heard and that our priorities are at the forefront of discussions.”


Employer Ownership Skills Pilot The Chamber is happy to announce our involvement in an innovative project to support and work with employers specifically in the manufacturing and engineering sectors. The project helps employers to recruit, develop and nurture their future workforce to the specifications they desire and not an off the shelf training programme. The programme is aptly named the Employer Ownership Skills Pilot as the onus is on employers taking control and setting out the direction of the programme. The project, in a partnership between the Chamber, Brinsworth Academy of Engineering and Dearne Valley College, will be delivered over a three year period and

is worth over £3 million over the length of the contract.

change in thinking around the delivery of apprentice based training.

The Chamber’s role will be to establish and Employers Board that will influence the direction of the project delivery and establish task and finish working groups to look in greater detail into more specific areas of innovation and development with respect to the skills that employers demand from the labour market.

“The programme is specifically focussed on the needs of the employer and the expectations of the apprentice within their own individual working environment.

Andrew Denniff said; “This is a significant project for the region and it reflects a sea

“This enables the Chamber and our partners us to work with and encourage businesses to look at apprenticeships and the key, long-term benefits they bring to the workplace”.

MPs Breakfast – 27th June 2014 The Barnsley MPs Breakfast Meetings have long been an annual event for the Chamber and once again we will be holding the event in Barnsley at Tankersley Manor Hotel on 27th June. Angela Smith MP, Dan Jarvis MP and John Healey MP are confirmed as joining the Chamber and our members to discuss some of the burning business issues of the day. In past years we have discussed issues relating to regional growth, jobs, red tape and infrastructure including HS2. This year some of the key themes we will be discussing with our local Barnsley MPs may include business rates, business

banking and the effect of both the Scottish independence referendum and our future role within the European Union and the potential impact that may have for local businesses in South Yorkshire and City Region at large.

is still plenty to discuss around HS2 and improving Trans-Pennine links, there will be the new plans and announcements around the Barnsley Marketplace Project and we will be into the final year of the coalition government.

Dominic Beck, External Affair Executive said; “Bearing in mind the timing of this Forum in June, there will be plenty to discuss with our local MP’s. The recent European elections will have been held at the end of May, there

“A real hands – on opportunity for Chamber members to gauge the current economic climate and assert our influence with our representatives at Westminster.”




Rotherham United Golf Day Get into the swing of things and putt your way to success with the forthcoming Rotherham United golf day. To be held at the Sitwell Golf Club on Friday 8th August, the Millers golf day will take place featuring a number of familiar faces from the Millers and will be a day to remember with events and competitions throughout. As well as a round at the Dr Alister Mackenzie designed Sitwell Park, there will be a dinner and dance to be held at New York Stadium so you can relax and unwind late into the night following a challenging 18 holes.

Prices will be just ÂŁ450 + VAT for a team of four people to enter, and that will include a fine three course meal courtesy of our catering partners Centerplate and entertainment for the evening.

For more details, or to book, call 01709 827771 or email

Bite Size News

Content provided by Rotherham Business news editor, Tom Austin. For the latest Rotherham Business News as it happens visit

Parkgate retail development secures planning permission Plans for a new 51,000 sq ft retail development in Rotherham have been given planning permission, paving the way for the latest Aldi and Iceland stores in the borough. Land owners, Ron Hull, the Rotherham recycling experts, teamed up with Leedsbased developers, Gregory Projects last year to bring forward a potential retail development on the site of a former car showroom at Great Eastern Way, Parkgate. Three of the six units are already under offer and work is expected to start on site in Autumn 2014 with completion in Spring 2015.

KP Nuts acquire site for new Rotherham facility KP Snacks and Intersnack UK have acquired the 141,000 sq ft Hellaby 140 building in Rotherham for its new £16m state of the art nut processing and packing facility. KP Nuts is celebrating its 60th year in Rotherham where its Eastwood factory produces around 140 million packs of nuts each year. The company anticipates that, as well as maintaining the current 150-strong Rotherham team, this investment could also add an additional 80 roles over the next four years, driven by delivery of its growth plans.

New Parkgate retail development

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for the latest RothBiz News

Progress at The Proving Factory The Proving Factory, an innovative £22m partnership between Tata Steel and high-tech companies in the automotive supply chain, has completed the first phase of development and established the blueprint for helping to develop the technologies of tomorrow. Tata Steel is a key partner in the programme, which is backed by Government funding, and a component manufacturing facility is being created at Tata Steel’s site at Brinsworth in Rotherham, set to open in 2015. Richard Jones, project manager at The Proving Factory, said: “The fact that it has been so well received already is evidence of how important the project’s premise is to UK manufacturing – bridging the gap between technology developers and manufacturers.”

Rolls-Royce Rotherham facility set to double in capacity The manufacturing capacity of the new Rolls-Royce facility in Rotherham is set to double to 200,000 turbine blades per year once the ground-breaking manufacturing techniques have been validated. The Advanced Blade Casting Facility (ABCF) is currently being kitted out at the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP). The multi million pound facility will be at the forefront of RollsRoyce’s pioneering work in the manufacture of single crystal (SX) turbine blades.

George Durrant, the technical lead for RollsRoyce, said: “The new techniques are about not letting manufacturing limit design. The development of new alloys is slowing down and we recognised four years ago that SX is crucial to the aerospace industry.”

Validation is taking place and parts will begin to be shipped this year. There are over 65 in every iconic Trent engine.



Business Crime Portal Launched Rotherham Business Crime Portal (RBCP) is a new internet based system designed to allow businesses to access secure information in order to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour. The system provides registered businesses the ability to access information on known or unknown offenders. The RBCP is a live system that is kept updated on a daily basis and is less time consuming and more cost effective for businesses and for Rotherham Police, this allows for more time to be spent engaging with the business community. Prior to the system a selection of shops throughout Rotherham had an inadequate and costly paper based system, in terms of both time and money. Rotherham Police identified a need for the portal and approached Rotherham Council

and the Chamber to assist the project on a trial basis for 12 months. There are currently 88 businesses signed up to the site and it has around 250 known offenders displayed.

and the potential of the system can be tailored to suit many different businesses, giving them not only information on offenders but also events happening throughout Rotherham and crime prevention advice”

Richard Kearney MBE, who brought the system to Rotherham said “The Rotherham Business Crime Portal has many users and applications within the business community and can assist in reducing crime and antisocial behaviour.

Any businesses wishing to sign up for the portal should contact Richard on richard.kearney@southyorks. to receive their unique login details.

“It empowers businesses with the knowledge of known or unknown offenders

Business Crime Update 2014 has already seen 9 burglaries at engineering type premises in Rotherham (5 in the Parkgate/Thornhill area), where the offenders have knocked holes in the wall of premises to gain entry. The offenders seem to be targeting metal items, for theft (possibly to weigh in). The offences seem to occur on weekdays and on a number of occasions, alarms at the targeted premises have activated, showing us that the offenders were at work between 7pm and 10pm (approximately). The alarm activation has generally caused the offenders to flee.



Please use the following advice to ensure you are keeping your premise safe: 1. Ensure your alarm is fully operational, and fit for purpose, ideally generating a Police response. 2. Ensure that it covers all the internal areas where metal products are stored.

3. The jobs have been noisy by their nature. If you are working late and hear unusual noises at nearby premises call the Police on 999.

Update provided by the Business Crime Reduction Centre.


Chamber Welcomes Crown Care Crown Care was founded in 1989 and is an established operator and developer of care homes for the elderly, with a reputation for delivering purpose built, high quality, design led care homes. Crown Care is currently one of the few care companies within the UK with an active building programme. There are currently 11 care homes open and a further two care homes are in development. The homes provide residential care for the elderly including nursing and dementia as well as shorter term care services. The Chamber is delighted to announce that Crown Care and the 11 individual homes have become members and both parties are looking forward to working in collaboration.

Mandy Bennett, Regional Manager at Crown Care said: “Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber membership was a no brainer for all 11 individual homes because of the support and advice service they offer in Human Resources and Health & Safety. “We value the support from the Chamber and are looking forward to working together.”

New Member story - see listings on page 30 for more information.

A new look for local training provider After starting up under the name of its parent company in early 2013, training provider E-achieve has since become self-sufficient, and rebranded as Sterling Independent. In February 2013, North East-based adult training company, E-Achieve, decided to branch out and open a division in South Yorkshire, E-achieve Sheffield was the result – a small team that supplied fully-funded IT and employability training to the unemployed. Since then, however, E-Achieve Sheffield has decided to expand, rebrand and stand autonomous as the aptly named Sterling Independent. Sterling Independent now offers a variety of quality and bespoke training programmes for business success in the South Yorkshire area.

grow, improve, and thrive through workforce development. The programme provides employees with the opportunity to up-skill and earn nationallyrecognised, accredited qualifications relevant to their job role, in order to increase the competitiveness, sustainability and efficiency of their companies as a whole. For example, Sterling is currently delivering training under the Work Place Learning programme – a fully-funded government initiative aimed at helping organisations to

During this difficult economic climate, Sterling Independent’s assistance to business, alongside its support of local charities, will have a crucial impact on regional development.




Chamber mobile: Always on – Always with you The Chamber is pleased to announce that we are launching a new mobile app. The app will keep you up-to-date with the latest Chamber activities, news and events while on the move. It is estimated, that by end of this year there will be more active mobile phones than people – that’s around 7 billion with 80% of users almost permanently glued to their phone. Couple this with the fact that people are spending more time on their phone – up 34% in the last 6 months – and it’s easy to see that smart phones have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. In fact, mobile phones have transformed the way we conduct business and nowhere is this seen more than in the huge increase in the number of mobile apps with app usage dominating browser usage. Today it’s all about media multi-tasking. We watch TV while surfing the net, take part in meetings while updating our social media and search for products and services while on the go. Making it easy for clients to find what they are looking for is now a critical marketing function. Apps do just that. They make it easy which is why, according to Iain Kean, MD of Fortay Media, ’the web, as we know it, is changing in response to the surge in smart phone ownership. It’s now mobile first and web second with websites optimised for



user experience first and search engines second.” As Chamber Operations Manager, Mark Hannigan says, “this is something we are acutely aware of and the reason for creating our own Chamber App. Produced by member company Fortay Media, the new smart phone app for both Android and iPhones will be available to members free of charge and provide a one touch connection with the Chamber. “Users will have a direct link to our website as well as instant access to the member directory, quick and easy e-mail and a one touch call feature. They will also be able to book events while on the go, tweet or post to Facebook, obtain directions to our offices through Google Maps and receive a news feed direct to their phone.”

Look out for the new Chamber app – it’s coming soon.


“It’s now mobile first and web second with websites optimised for user experience first and search engines second.” Iain Kean MD, Fortay Media




Do you make it easy to buy from you? The way we do business is changing fast. Today it’s all about speed. Ask anyone born after the 1980’s and they will tell you that their world is about ‘fingertip information’ and ‘easy purchase’ with the emphasis on ‘accessibility’ And with over half of all internet searching now undertaken using a mobile device and a huge increase in e-commerce, with over a third of all shoppers now doing most of their shopping on-line, the key phrase is ‘integrated marketing’ A seamless process and much of it using a mobile device. Clients today expect to access your details across different devices and at a time to suit them. This puts huge demands on businesses to ensure they have a website that adapts automatically to whatever it is viewed on, respond in a timely way to tweets and Facebook postings and produce marketing material that makes it easy for customers to buy.


Berneslai Homes rated nationally as top employer Berneslai Homes have been announced to have once again made the list of the Sunday Times Top 100 Not for Profit Best Companies to work for in the UK. The results were announced at a ceremony in London where it was revealed that Berneslai Homes had improved their position from 76 to 66 in the top 100 list, a significant achievement considering 897 companies use Best Companies to survey their staff. They have also recently become a 1 star company, improving on their “One to Watch” status from last year.

Chief Executive Helen Jaggar adds,” I would like to thank our staff as it’s their feedback and positive comments which have made this achievement possible. “We are delighted that our efforts to keep improving our company as a great place to work have been recognised by our staff, they’re our greatest asset.”

Wath Rubber & Plastics wins Supplier of the Year Wath Rubber & Plastics Ltd (WRP) has been awarded Global Premier Supplier of the Year for the third time. WRP is recognised for its quality, fulfilment, value and partnership with one of the largest mining organisations in the world; Joy Global Inc. Joy Global Inc are a $5.4billion leading global supplier of advanced mining equipment, systems and direct services.

telecommunications, nuclear and almost anywhere where ultra-reliability in demanding conditions are essential. Always keen to look at new markets and opportunities, WRP are currently working with a new company in the medical market helping them to develop new products for use with the increasing need to be able to care for and rehabilitate bariatric patients. They are also in discussions with a well-known sport and race car manufacturer regarding their wiring harnesses requirements.

WRP have won this prestigious award for the third time in five years, with 100% quality and 99.1% on time delivery performance being acknowledged as an integral part of Joy’s overall product reliability. Over 34 years ago, Wath Rubber & Plastics Ltd opened for business in the Dearne Valley, initially only manufacturing high pressure hose assemblies and accessories. Using their knowledge, they progressed into the mining industry to produce some unique harsh environment, electronic and electrical cable assemblies.

Today, they are a multi skilled manufacturing company which is ISO 9001 approved, providing quality products to a wide range of applications in many varied markets including mining, fighting vehicles, military communications, steel manufacturing,

Going forward, WRP has identified the rail industry as their next target market. They are always delighted to work with local companies to provide the service and skills required to ensure quality and cost effective products in the competitive markets in which we all operate.




Rapid Growth at Barnsley’s Sole Copier Dealership Chamber Patrons Copier Systems have had big changes at their Barnsley office since the start of 2014. Mary Boulton is already the second new addition to the sales department and will assist in all new business activity. Having spent seven years in sales within the print industry, Mary has all the necessary experience, knowledge and drive and is a great addition to the team. Following an increase in contracts serviced, the move of Robert Eastwood to the engineering team presented an opening for Kathryn Brown to join as Works administrator. Kat will assist the running of the busy service department and was the stand out candidate having previously managed a busy textile office.

General Sales Manager Ryan Eastwood added “To continue to grow in the current climate is a credit to the team we have at Barnsley and I am sure these new additions will ensure we continue to meet demand. “In addition, we are currently recruiting for an assistant to Kat, to assist in her role.”

Copier Systems are holding an event at Barnsley FC on 13th May, for further details please visit

2014/15 Season Tickets on sale now Adults from £270 Senior Citizens from £165 Young Adults (17-21) from £135 Kids (12-16) from £90 Under 12s from FREE EXECUTIVE SEASON TICKETS Club 125 - Adults from £600+VAT Club 64 - Adults from £700+VAT Legends Suite - Adults from £600+VAT

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Billington opens its doors to college students As part of their commitment to young people and education, Billington Structures welcomed students to its Wombwell site. With the aim of bringing more apprentices and trainees to the business, the company invited a number of Barnsley College students to have a look round the shop floor to give them an insight into the business. Those who attended are currently studying Level 2 and 3 qualifications in Fabrication and Welding at the College, two Graduate

Trainee Teachers also attended and a French foreign exchange student along with Moz Khokhar, a Tutor at the College. Moz said “the visit has been really useful as it’s encourage the students to knuckle down, get the grades and then start looking to secure an apprenticeship.” A number of students asked “Where can we hand our CV’s in?” they were so

impressed with the set up – which is a great testament to the hard work and efforts the Billington Structures staff put in. To highlight their support for apprentices, Billington Structures have recently shown support and signed up for Barnsley College’s Apprenticeship Pledge.

NPS Barnsley pledges to support apprenticeships NPS Barnsley becomes one of the latest companies to pledge their support to apprenticeships and sign the Barnsley Apprenticeship Pledge. Property and Design Consultants, NPS Barnsley, is a joint venture company between NPS Group and Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council.

Construction apprentice with Barnsley College myself, I understand how valuable the programme is to both the apprentice and the employer.

Karen Temple, Managing Director of NPS Barnsley said: “We’re a local company who has the interests of Barnsley at heart.

“We have a moral commitment to train and develop young people and we’ll benefit in the long term because the apprenticeship programme is a cost-effective way of introducing new talent to the business.”

“We want to support our joint venture partner, BMBC, in helping young people to achieve their potential and the Apprenticeship programme allows us to do that.” The company provides a full range of property related consultancy services

including corporate procurement, architectural and related design services and works planning and delivery. Rob Young, Head of Works Planning and Delivery went on to say: “As a former

New Member story - see listing on page 30 for more information.




Opportunities for Meet the our Region in China British The Chamber will be represented on a visit later this month to Shanghai and Xi’an, where China offers opportunities in abundance to companies, large or small, across the full range of sectors, goods and services; educational, manufacturing, tourism, IT, design and communications to name but a few.

Romanian Chamber

Shanghai, with its population of 19 million, is the industrial, trade and financial centre of China. The largest port in the world, this vibrant city offers prospects and opportunities across the wide spectrum of goods and services.

Earlier this year Andrew Denniff, Chief Executive at the Chamber reported on his visit to Romania at the latter end of 2013 highlighting that there are many economic similarities between the Eastern European Region and the issues South Yorkshire has had to deal with over the past 30 year.

In addition; Xi’an is the most developed engineering centre of north-west China. Here, high-tech industries play

an important role in the city’s economy and account for almost 50 per cent of industrial output, split between ICT, automotive and aerospace. The service sector, accounts for 54% of GDP, is one of the highest rates in China. Outsourcing and tourism are major contributors to this. Xi’an was one of the first service-outsourcing cities in China.

We are therefore delighted to build on the emerging relationship with Romania and look forward to welcoming Richard Reese, CEO, British Romanian Chamber of Commerce based in Bucharest to South Yorkshire.

Barnsley welcomes China – A call for day of honour James Hudson Taylor a Barnsley-born missionary, brought Christianity to the Far-East and converted 70m people in China, a hero there, but almost not heard of here – until recently. A Barnsley Group dedicated to James Hudson Taylor has created a heritage trail in honour of his work. Coinciding with his birthday on the



21st May, an inward delegation of approximately 40 Chinese business people is expected in the town during that week.

An event ‘Exporting to Romania’ will give delegates the opportunity to learn more about the market and the opportunities that exist for UK exporters and will include; • Romania & The Central Eastern Region • Opportunities for Exporters • Preparing for Market Entry • Support Available • Trade Mission Plans for September 2014 Speakers will be at hand for networking or one-to-one appointments immediately after the event. Time: 8.30 -10.30am Cost: FREE Venue: The Chamber, 2 Genesis Business Park, Sheffield Road, Templeborough, Rotherham S60 1DX


Workshop: Exporting to China – 20th May China is THE great economic success story of the past 30 years. China’s growth has been sustained and the economy grew 8.7 per cent in 2009, the best performance of all major economies. While the rise of China is easy to acknowledge, businesses constantly need to catch up with the speed and depth of change and development in China’s large and complex market space. Whether selling, trading, investing or franchising, China offers opportunities to UK companies, large or small. Source: UKTI

China is one of UKTI’s High Growth markets and with the right preparation and support it can be a lucrative market for UK Exporters. Speakers include, Giles Blackburne, Director, China-Britain Business Council and Bridget Pearson, Owner, Your Bridge to China.

The China-Britain Business Council and Your Bridge to China, will give you insights to the following topics: • China, its regions & cities • Market Entry Strategy • Opportunities for Exporters • Cultural Considerations • Practical Tips

Forthcoming Events 13th May SYITF: Trade Finance Workshop 20th May Exporting to China 29th May SYITF: Focus South-East Asia 18th June Exporting to Romania For more information please contact –

Forthcoming Training 10th June Export Documentation 11th June International Trade Operations & Procedures (ITOPS) 7th July Export Letters of Credit For more information please contact –

• Help & Support Available Venue: Digital Media Centre, County Way, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S70 2JW Time: 11.00am Arrival Networking, 11.30am Presentations & Q&A, 12.30pm Lunch & Networking*

Content Provided by Halton International e :

*It is hoped that the incoming Chinese delegation will join the event during the luncheon networking with a possible short introduction after lunch if time allows.



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Social Media Round-Up For further details and to get the latest chamber updates, visit our website or connect with us on Twitter, Facebook and Linked In.


In whatever we do, the word “Hashtag” seems to be more and more a prominent phrase in the business community. But what is a hashtag and what can it do for you? The Hashtag (#), in terms of Social Media, was first organically created by Twitter users and then quickly adopted by other popular platforms including Linked in and Facebook. In simple terms the # denotes or marks a keyword. It enables users to categorise messages as required. A # can be a very powerful tools for business and if you would like to know more about how we run regular Social Media Training Courses detailing this

but for reference there are a few do’s and don’ts!

• Keep track of what you post to ensure it is having the correct effect.

• If you want to use a # to mark a keyword or phrase, remember, this services does not recognise a space. Join your words - for example, here at the Chamber we use #joinyourchamber

Having said all this, there are rumours that Twitter will be removing the wellloved # from its platform.

• Keep them relevant to your topic or your post will not be found!

For more information on Social Media and how to make it work for your business, please contact us.


Pick of the web... Here’s a selection of our favourite tweets over the last few months.




Nick Hewer to host City Region Business Awards BBC Look North’s Clare Frisby is returning to host a newly-expanded Sheffield City Region Business Awards with the help of Apprentice star Nick Hewer. Clare will run the show for a second year after the successful launch in 2013.

the breakfast and lunchtime editions every weekday.

Then, the awards brought together winners from separate contests run by the Region’s four Chambers of Commerce. Now they will also include the business award winners from the Derbyshire Times and the Mansfield Chad newspapers.

Nick Hewer met Sir Alan in the 1980s when his PR firm was hired by Amstrad. It soon became responsible for all Alan Sugar’s business activities.

The inclusion of more contestants from a bigger area gives the event - and a win - even greater prestige. Victory in the ultimate business contest is only for the best of the best. This year the event will have an apprentice theme to reflect their importance in the region’s fast-growing economy.

The Awards will be presented at Ponds Forge International Sports Centre in Sheffield on Thursday, July 3.

Clare will be joined on stage by Nick Hewer, star of the BBC’s Apprentice programme, who will speak about his time as Sir Alan Sugar’s right-hand man and his own success in business.

Clare Frisby joined the BBC after reading politics at Hull University and spent four years at BBC Radio York, before moving to Look North in Leeds, where she presents

The 13 categories this year are set to include: manufacturing, entrepreneur, business of the year, export, apprenticeship, environmental, business person, digital/technology, community, design and innovation, customer service and outstanding achievement in sports, hospitality, retail or tourism.

For tickets call 01623 450221 or email

A ‘patient’ wait to see a GP? As the NHS continues to work towards saving £20 billion by 2015, access to GP services may not always be readily available. Stories of week-long waits for a doctor’s appointment are all too common and this can lead to an increase in sickness absence for many employers. So how can you ensure that your staff stay fit and healthy and at work? Award winning health insurer Westfield Health is the official health plan provider for the British Chambers of Commerce. The Chamber Primary Health Plan really works hard for employers and employees, providing quick and easy access to a range of healthcare benefits and services.



From money back towards dental, optical and therapy treatments, to access to diagnostic consultations and scanning facilities, the benefits can really help to keep your staff in the best possible shape. The health cover also includes a 24 hour GP telephone consultation service, DoctorLine™, where employees can speak to a practising UK GP from anywhere in the world. There is even a webcam consultation facility, enabling employees to have a ‘faceto-face’ GP consultation at work, or at home, which is good news for employees and their employers, as well as busy GP surgeries.

The Chamber Plan is available to all members of Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce and can be purchased as a standalone product or together with hospital treatment insurance, providing a more continuous health package.

For more information, visit or call 0845 602 1629, available 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

Strengthen your market position when bidding for work with an ISO 9001 quality management certification

JUK Quality Assurance has been supporting small to JUK Qualitypound Assurance hascompanies been supporting small multi-million turnover across the UK to multi-million across the UK and Europe sincepound it was turnover formed incompanies 2003. and Europe since it was formed in 2003. With over 20 years experience in the management of With over 20 years experience management documented management systems,in athe wide variety of of documented management systems, a wide variety of service and certifications are available: service and certifications are available: • ISO 9001 Quality 9001Environmental Quality • • ISOISO 14001 14001 Environmental • • ISOISO 22000 Food Safety ISO 22000 Safety • • OHSAS 18001Food Health and Safety • OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety

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New Members List Contact details for our latest members



Building Product Solutions Ltd

AA Doors Ltd

Lynne Darwin Unit 30 Commercial Road Goldthorpe Industrial Estate Goldthorpe Rotherham S63 9BL

Darren Salt Unit 4/5 Canklow Meadows Industrial Estate West Bawtry Road Rotherham S60 2XL

T 01709 882080 E W

T 01709 830090 E W

Morrison FS Limited

Alexander Dennis Ltd

Jane Winnard Thames Works, Thames Street Rotherham S60 1LU T 01709 789150 E

GOLD NPS Barnsley Ltd Karen Temple Gateway Plaza Sackville Street Barnsley S70 2RD

T 01226 774384 E W

randd uk Ltd

Patrick Eaton Unit 119 Coney Green Business Centre Clay Cross Chesterfield S45 9JW T 01246 252357 E W



Stuart Smithson Ryton Road, Anston Sheffield S25 4DL

T 01909 552432 E W

Balmoral Court Care Home

Dorothy Marsh Ayton Street, Byker Newcastle Upon Tyne NE6 2DB T 0191 2652666 E W

Cafe Moto

Mark Jarvis The Boiler House Alma Court, Alma Road Rotherham S60 2HZ T 07513 784363 E

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code for further information on Membership

DSM Training Solutions Limited Deborah Somerset-Malia 2 Orchard Close Cudworth Barnsley S72 8GE

T 01226 872242 E W

ESG (Skills) Ltd

Emma Phillips Skills Regional Network 3rd Floor Parkhead House Carver Street Sheffield S1 1FS T 0114 2794610 E W

Highgrove Care Home Mandy Bennett Stanley Road Stairfoot Barnsley S70 3PG

T 01226 288379 E W

Highgrove Manor Care Home Julia Horgan West Road Mexborough Rotherham S64 9NL

T 01709 578889 E W

Cutler Communications Solutions Limited Stuart Johnson Unit 6 The Point Bradmarsh Business Park Rotherham S60 1BP

Kensington Care Home

T 01709 782782 E W

T 0191 2652888 E W

Pauline Safe Ayton Street Byker Newcastle Upon Tyne NE6 2DB

Marketseal Ltd t/a SITR

Jim Cochrane Unit 25 Darton Business Park Barnsley Road Darton Barnsley S75 5QX T 01226 391868 E W

Osborne House Care Home Bruce Evanson Union Lane, Selby York Y08 4AU

T 0191 2708649 E W

Perrys Motor Sales Ltd Peter Woodley Stadium Way, Parkgate Rotherham S60 1TG

T 01709 828484 E W

Richmond Care Home Mandy Bennett Allendale Road Sprotbrough Doncaster DN5 8BS

T 01302 782735 E W


Pete Briggs The Rain Building Eastwood Lane Rotherham S65 1EQ T 01709 514263 E W

Rupert’s Recipes Ltd Iftikhar Azam Unit 15 Zenith Park Whaley Road Barnsley S75 1HT

T 01226 242559 E W

Sandringham Care Home

Wise Owl Training

T 01388 660966 E W

T 07913 075208 E W

Santander UK

WOW Academy

Andrena Piggins Escomb Road Bishop Auckland County Durham DL14 6AB

Keith Smith 3 Queen Street Barnsley S70 2RL T 07595 403943 E W

Santander UK

Louise Whitworth 20-22 Effingham Street Rotherham S65 1AJ

John Griffiths 33 Century Business Centre Century Business Park, Manvers Rotherham S63 5DA

Nigel Nicholson Templeborough Building Sheffield Road Rotherham S60 1DX T 01709 336715 E W


T 05511 430191 E W

Cartridge World Rotherham

St James Court Care Home

T 01709 540666 E W

T 01226 350661 E W

ETS Auto Centre

The Royal Care Home

T 01709 700409 E W

Mandy Bennett Tankersley Lane, Hoyland Barnsley S74 0DJ

Mandy Bennett Queen Mary’s Road New Rossington Doncaster DN11 0SN

T 01302 863764 E W

Windsor Court Care Home

Ashley Smith 259 Wickersley Road, Brecks Rotherham S60 4JS

Aftab Iqbal 22-28 Bawtry Road, Bramley Rotherham S66 2TJ

Purple Vouchers

Jackie Hamilton Armstrong House First Avenue Robin Hood Airport Doncaster DN9 3GA

Noelle Brooks The Avenue, Wallsend Newcastle Upon Tyne NE28 6SD

T 01302 632242 E W

T 0191 2635060 E W

Wendy’s Carpets & Curtains Ltd Andy Caulton 3 Manor Road, Brinsworth Rotherham S60 5HF

T 01709 377231 E W





SJD Sports Coaching

Deafinitions Ltd

Simon Dungworth 19 Sorby Way Wickersley Rotherham S66 1BD

Elizabeth Nisar Factory 4 @ Powerpark Goldthorpe Industrial Estate Rotherham S63 9BL

T 01709 790075 E

T 07401 447947 E W

T 01709 916104 E W


South Yorkshire Sport

Dinnington Area Regeneration Trust

Aftab Iqbal North View Muglet Lane, Maltby Rotherham S66 7NB

Aim Training & Development Jo Carr 10 Portland Close Anston Sheffield S25 4FF T 01909 563861 E

Andrew Jamieson Independent Financial Adviser Andrew Jamieson 52 Springfields Redbrook Barnsley S75 1JS

Helen Marney The English Institute of Sport Coleridge Road Sheffield S9 5DA T 0114 2235 682 E W

SR IT Services

Shaun Ring 3a Beech Court, Darfield Barnsley S73 9NP T 07770 453840 E W

T 01226 731670 E W


Cawthorne Property Services

Barnsley & District Citizens Advice Bureau

Caroline Findlow 43 Moorend Lane Silkstone Common Barnsley S75 4QU T 01226 791992

Four Points Media

Mark Furniss 364b Sharrow Vale Road Sheffield S11 8ZP T 07815 695867 E W

Kivu – Marketing Management Joelle Baruti 23 Fleming Way Flanderwell Rotherham S66 2HB

T 01709 618455 E W



Pat Heath 1st Floor Wellington House 36 Wellington Street Barnsley S70 1WA

T 01226 209906 E

Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Carole Ellison Trust Headquarters Gawber Road Barnsley S75 2EP

T 01226 730000 E W

City Hearts

Jen Baker Bernard Road Sheffield S2 5BQ T 07837 053225 E

Janet Carr Middleton Hall Barleycroft Lane Dinnington Sheffield S25 2LE

T 01909 567439 E W

Ireland Colliery Chesterfield Brass Band Graham Weighill 19 Peterdale Close Brimington Chesterfield S43 1LP

T 07846 958778 E W

Rotherham Cancer Care Centre John Featham 93 Badsley Moor Lane Clifton Rotherham S65 2PS T 01709 375729

Time 4 Youth

Pete Robertshaw 8 Mount Vernon Road Barnsley S70 4DJ T 07749 109075 E

ASSOCIATE Kieran Lynch & Co

Jock Waugh 3a Abbeydale Road South Millhouses Sheffield S7 2QL T 0114 2622127 E W


Helping to keep Barnsley & Rotherham safe The Source Academy has been working closely alongside a wealth of organisations in Barnsley and Rotherham to help them mitigate risks in the workplace. 36 million working days are lost every year in the UK due to injury or ill health caused by work, with serious consequences for the individuals and businesses involved. Since 2010, The Source Academy has helped over 1,000 individuals to gain qualifications in Health & Safety, and 2,000 individuals to gain qualifications in First Aid, helping organisations across the Sheffield City Region to keep their staff safe and meet Government legislation. Corina Cato, Group Human Resources Officer at Billington Structures Ltd, says, “Over the past 12 months The Source Academy has helped us to meet our Health & Safety training requirements. As we work in the construction industry, it is paramount that our Health &Safety

standards are first class to comply with legal requirements and client requests. The Source Academy’s knowledge in the field of training has made my role a lot easier and has taken the stress out of organising training.” Dale Robinson, Head of Sales and Marketing at The Source Academy, says, “All workers are entitled to work in

environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. I am proud that we have helped so many organisations across the Sheffield City Region to gain first class training in Health & Safety and First Aid, and I am looking forward to delivering training to even more organisations in Barnsley and Rotherham during 2014.” For more information on The Source Academy’s training offers contact George Fullerton on 07793 308845 or, or visit training/99/training-offers

Solar Europa announce new partnership Solar Europa are pleased to announce a collaboration with Sheffield University regarding the development of high tech-innovative renewable energy products in their continuing desire to advance consumer and business energy savings and reduction in Carbon emissions. It is intended that the products will be manufactured in Sheffield and will fly the “Made in Sheffield” flag. David Hawkins CEO of Solar Europa commented on the benefit the partnership will bring, “For too long the Renewable Energy Industry have relied on foreign imports and to look to London for a lead. “There is no reason given our history, expertise and fantastic local talent that new world beating products cannot be manufactured to scale with a locally trained workforce, learning the skills passed down from generations for National consumption and International export.

“Regionally we have the ability to rise to the challenge and to replicate the success of our Industrial heritage both regionally and globally.” The products are targeted for launch in September and will be available in 2015.

For further Information on Solar PV and other products see




For further event details and to book your attendance, please visit our website or call 01709 386 200

Use your smartphone to scan our QR code to view the auction lots.

All set for President’s Annual Ball! Tickets are no longer available for the year’s Annual President’s Ball - we have a full house for our James Bond inspired event. Proceeds from the event will go to the President’s Charity fund which was set up to support local charities and good causes. (See page 4 for more on how money is accessed from the fund)

If you are not lucky enough to be joining us at the event you can still support the cause through donating to the President’s Charity fund or by bidding on three of our five auction prizes.

Lot 1. Goldfinger A Unique piece of signed memorabilia for the 3rd James Bond, Goldfinger, release in 1974. The piece shows one of the most iconic images from the Bond series where Jill Masterson (Shirley Eaton) is covered in gold. This piece has been hand signed by Sean Connery and Shirley Eaton.

Lot 2. Blofeld Another one off piece from the Bond Film You On Live Twice. Filmed in 1967, You Only Live Twice was the 5th film in the James Bond Series. This piece features Donald Pleasence as Ernst Stavro Blofeld. This is a truly unique piece of James Bond memorabilia as it features a hand signed autograph from Donald who unfortunately passed away in 1995.

Lot 3. The Ultimate Collection of Bonds This piece of memorabilia is a once in a lifetime opportunity to acquire for the most dedicated of Bond Fans. To mark the celebration of the evening, Mustav have created a stunning and truly unique piece of James Bond memorabilia. This piece features a hand signed autograph from each Bond Actor. Starting with Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan as well as the current Bond, Daniel Craig. You will not find another example containing all these signatures in one piece of James Bond memorabilia.




Air Conditioning Legislation Health Check The government has introduced legislation regarding owning or operating air conditioning systems. Why? Environmental Impact: A refrigerant leak of 2kg R410A is the same as driving a service van nearly half the way around the world. 1. Consumer Energy Impact: Correct maintenance can increase the efficiency of an air conditioning unit rated at 5kw - That’s equivalent to turning off 233 energy saving 15w light bulbs. 2. Your site may fall into one or all categories! ➻ EPDB Legislation: TM44 Energy Assessment mandatory if all your systems combined cooling output exceeds 12kw. ➻ FGAS Regulation: Documentation requirement for systems containing FGAS qualifying refrigerants, mandatory inspections if a single systems refrigerant charge exceeds 3kg. ➻ Ozone Regulation: Phase out of certain refrigerants. Confused? We are offering a free legislation health check. If you choose to accept the offer we will attend site to survey your air conditioning. Following the visit we will provide you with a report specific to your site containing information about which of the above affects you and what you need to do next. To request an appointment please email:

Bringing Comfort to your Environment Airmaster Air Conditioning Limited Wetherby House, Park Hill, Swallownest, Sheffield, S26 4UN

Tel: 0114 288 9911 1. 2.

Environmental Calculation: A typical service van produces 0.3027 kg CO2 / mile driven. So 1 kg CO2 is produced every 1 / 0.3027 miles = 3.3 miles. R410A has a GWP of 1725, i.e. 1kg of R410aA has the same effect as 1725 kg CO2. So … 2 kg R410aA = 3450 kg CO2 = 3.3 x 3450 = service van miles = 11,385 miles. Consumer Energy Impact Calculation: Independent tests carried out on an air conditioner with single fixed speed compressor unit and dirty filters provided a cooling output 1.8kw. The same unit with clean filters had an cooling output 5.3kw . The electric input remained roughly the same at 2.07kw, efficiency recovered from cleaning was 3.5kw, 3500 ÷ 15 = 233 An average of 2kg of R410a refrigerant is in air conditioning units that are rated for cooling at 5kw, this would typically serve a room 7m x 6m

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