Wed Magazine Cornwall Issue 53

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Joyful love stories and beautiful ideas for a dream wedding in Cornwall

ISSUE 53 2020 | £3.50




#53 2020


Award-winning Cornish Coastal Wedding Venue

Choice of Venues The Beach Hut & Lower Deck Ocean Venue Main House Spa Garden Pavillion Gannet Inn

On the Estate

Privately-Owned Beach Award-Winning Coastal C Bay Spa Choice of Restaurants - 2-AA Rosetted Sunseeker Motor Yacht Charter Beach Retreat & Private Hot Tub


Main House Beach Houses Beach Lodges & Suites Valley Cottages & Apartments Gannet Inn

Call our wedding team on 01736 795311



#53 2020Carbis

Bay Estate, Carbis Bay, St Ives, Cornwall, TR26 2NP


How the world has changed since I settled down to pen my last editor’s letter three oh-so long months ago. Then, we were looking forward to a fabulous flurry of spring weddings and the sundrenched celebrations of summer, a gorgeous haze of flowers, sunsets and love. My heart goes out to all of our readers who have been forced to postpone their weddings due to the Covid-19 pandemic. And then there’s our wonderful wedding industry here in Cornwall, who have had their livelihoods thrown into uncertainty. Here at Wed, we spent the early weeks of the pandemic moving on from a sense of paralysis and adapting to running the magazine with two small children at home all day to lending our support to couples and suppliers in need of advice, help or just a reassuring chat amidst dark times. It’s been wonderful to hear stories of couples and suppliers working together and supporting each other so brilliantly, to see businesses adapting to the ‘new normal’, whether it’s been by offering virtual venue tours and dress appointments or by conducting online ceremonies. But, most of all, it’s warmed our hearts to see the way that couples, families and communities have come together in love. Back in March, we didn’t know whether anyone would want to plan a wedding at a time of such international uncertainty. We didn’t know whether anyone would

love wins

want to get engaged or even be able to look with hope to the future. While the Covid-19 pandemic has thrown all our lives into chaos, it’s also put them into sharp focus. On some level, we’ve all been forced to consider what really matters, away from the noise and relentless rhythm of everyday life. And it fills my heart with joy to see so many of you choosing lifelong love. We’ve adored hearing your stories of proposals, and of looking ahead, together, to the most incredible wedding through the disappointment of postponement. There can’t be many things more positive, joyful and life-affirming right now than planning a day when all your precious people gather to celebrate love, life and togetherness. Here’s to that glorious wedding at the end of the tunnel! May these pages, filled with ideas-packed features, creative styling and joy-filled love stories, inspire the happiest of days! Rebecca

Photography Holes in the World Studio Styling & bouquet The Garden Gate Flower Company


feature | LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 Harrera Images

love in the time of Covid-19 From the heartache of postponed weddings to the heartwarming joy of engagements and virtual ceremonies, couples share their stories of love in the age of a global pandemic



#53 2020


“We held a virtual ceremony” “Dave and I have been together for 25 years, and our silver wedding anniversary was in April,” says Alison. “We had booked a Mediterranean cruise and our vow renewal ceremony was meant to be on May 8th during a day at sea travelling from Italy to Croatia. We had heard about a few online ceremonies taking place during the pandemic, and decided to see if we could find a celebrant who would do something similar. I am a wedding harpist and have attended wedding fairs run by Out of the Ordinary Weddings. We contacted them to see if they could recommend a celebrant, and they told us about Get Wed Online ( We loved the idea of having friends and family join in ‘virtually’, and so we opted for the full

“We postponed our wedding” “Elliot and I met online in April 2016,” says Lauren. “We have been pretty inseparable since our first date and moved in together after a few months. We bought our first house together in June 2018, and in September I visited Elliot in the South of France where he’d been working on a superyacht. We spent a week in the sun travelling between ports on the French Riviera and, on the most stunning day, Elliot popped the question! And, of course, I said yes! We planned our wedding for 5th September 2020. We haven’t planned anything over the top, keeping it all local to our home in Falmouth. The main thing we really wanted for our day, however, is a good party! When the Covid-19 situation first started, we were both very relaxed about it. However, it was when Boris Johnson announced the firm lockdown that I had a little cry. We had a lot of family asking us what our plans were going to be if the wedding couldn’t go ahead and, with my mum travelling from Cyprus, she was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to get here or get home. It was not knowing that was really stressful. After about five weeks of full lockdown and burying our heads in the sand, Elliot and I decided that it would be a good idea to get a ‘plan B’ ready. One thing that has really helped us has been talking openly with each other. Elliot is very matter of fact and practical, whereas I can be a bit more emotional, but because of this, we work well as a team and I found that adopting Elliot’s ‘it is what it is’ approach helped me not to get too

friends and family package. Get Wed Online took care of all the arrangements, and Rebecca kept in touch with us regularly. We also had a preliminary chat with the celebrant, Nicola of the Cornish Celebrants (, via Zoom, to discuss and plan details of the ceremony. We bought various decorations online such as ribbon and garlands of silk roses, as we had recently completed a new garden project (a summer house) and wanted to have the ceremony there in our garden if weather permitted. We already had our outfits, and we ordered a silk bouquet and buttonhole. We had 14 households joining us for the ceremony, including our son in London, Dave’s mum and sister in Hampshire, and his brother and family in Cornwall. We also had various friends join us, both from the local area and from further away. We had a really wonderful afternoon. We enjoyed preparing and decorating the garden and the ceremony itself was beautiful, including readings by our son and a local friend. Although it was not what we originally planned, on reflection we felt it was a more meaningful and memorable event, made even more unique by the circumstances.”

upset over potentially having to change our date.

to be slightly lifted. We went for our five-year anniversary on 8th May – and at 7.30 that morning I began emailing suppliers. By 10.30 nearly everyone had confirmed they could

Verity Westcott

We picked a new date on the morning after the announcement that lockdown was going

do it! However, then our photographers emailed to say they were fully booked. We love our photographers, so I went back to everyone and suggested the week after. It took about three hours to get everyone lined up with the new date of 15th May as our backup plan. Just having a back-up made a huge difference to the stress that I was feeling and, after chatting with our florist, I had got so excited about May flowers that Elliot and I decided that we may just postpone altogether! With our closest family in agreement, we sent a few confirmation emails and we had a new wedding date! I can’t put into words how much relief we both felt knowing that we had a new date booked. The little grey cloud of worry lifted instantly, and I am so excited for our May wedding! I am very aware that our postponement is a positive one and my heart really does go out to couples who have not had the same experience. The fact that we had used many small, local suppliers really helped and, above all, communicating, sharing and being honest with each other and our family members has been what has made this process so easy. That, and not being precious over a date. At the end of the day, it is just a date and our love for each other won’t be any less just because we aren’t getting married this year. It just means we have a bit more time to plan and save.”


feature | LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 Verity Westcott

“We got engaged during lockdown” “I first met Tim when we both got a job at The Wave Project,” says Rosie. “At the time we both had different partners and so we became good friends, and eventually became a couple in August 2017. I have always loved the idea of getting married and so for as long as I can remember I have been hinting at the idea. However, Tim always shrugged


the idea off, until around January this year when he also started talking

Wedding planner Jenny Wren shares her top tips for couples having

about it. We went on an amazing two-week Europe trip at the end of

to change their wedding date

January and it turns out that Tim was hoping that the ring might have been ready before the trip so that he could propose then, but it wasn’t quite

-Contact venue and suppliers ASAP

ready. I was clueless!

If you have a wedding planner, they will do this for you. Many couples will be postponing resulting in 2021 and 2022 dates filing up fast, so make this a

Before lockdown was announced we decided to go and stay in the house


where I grew up in Croyde in north Devon. The day we left Newquay we were packing up our separate vehicles and Tim left an hour before me,

-Send a message to your guests

but I got to Croyde an hour before him. I remember feeling confused and

Your invitations may have gone out already so email to save time informing

felt that he had been sneaking around. He told me that he went to see his

them of the new date. Your stationer could design something pretty and in

parents in Exeter (which he did) as he didn’t know when he would next

keeping with your theme, which you can email out. Some guests who could

see them, but he didn’t tell me that he also went to collect my beautiful

not make it previously may now be able to come, so factor that into your

engagement ring.

plans and ask everyone to RSVP again if their status has changed with the new date. Remind them to rearrange their accommodation if they booked

During the first Saturday of lockdown we went on a beautiful walk up and


over a hill to Saunton. Once we were over the brow of the hill, I turned to Tim who was all of a sudden on one knee holding a little box! My first

-Contact your church or registrar

thought was ‘This is a practical joke!’, but he started saying something along

If you’re having a church wedding, find out whether you are required to do

the lines of ‘In these uncertain times I want to give you some certainty’, and

your residency period again.

then went on to jumble up his words and accidentally said something about us having nothing in common with each other! He then corrected himself

-Check your insurance

and revealed the gorgeous custom ring and I said yes. We walked back with

If you took out wedding insurance, contact your insurers and re-read the

so much adrenaline whizzing around our bodies and laughing about how

terms of your policy. If any of your suppliers cannot transfer to the new

surreal it all felt.

date and you need to cancel them, your insurance may cover their deposit charge. The insurers may need copies of invoices so ensure you have these

Back at the house we told my mum, her husband Andy, and my sister the


news. The only alcohol we had was a couple of cans of beer, so we stood on the driveway slurping Stella whilst social distancing from Mum and Andy.

-Pay suppliers

It was all very weird but wonderful. In such a strange and worrying time,

Some suppliers may ask for another payment instalment before your

our engagement has been a silver lining, and I think our news was a really

wedding date to help with their cash flow. It’s nice to help them out if you

good way to bring some joy into our family’s lives.

can, as after all you want their business to be in a healthy position by the time your wedding comes.

The next few weeks were blissful; the sun shone every day and we spent lots of time together walking to the beach for our daily exercise, talking about

-Check in on childcare

what kind of wedding we would like to have. We normally lead really busy

If you are having children at the wedding and had organised childcare,

lives, so having more time on our hands to spend together has been great.

ensure you update the childcare team of the ages of the children for your

However, with lockdown going on it is very difficult and a bit stressful trying

new date.

to get anything set in stone, and we feel we might have to be adaptable in


how we marry depending on the circumstances at the time. We have come

-Keep communication up

up with some really lovely ideas but haven’t planned anything yet because we

Stay in touch with your venue and suppliers, but do keep in mind they

just don’t know when we will be able to actually get married – but we know

are probably dealing with lots of couples at the moment so try not to get

that when we do, and however we do, it will be amazing.”

frustrated if there is a delay in their response.


#53 2020

wildly romantic outdoor weddings near Port Isaac



You now have extra time for any finishing touches that you may not have had the time or budget for previously, although be careful not

“On reflection we felt it was a more meaningful and memorable event, made even more unique by the circumstances.”

to get carried away and just add things for the sake of it. Remember your wedding budget and the vision you had for your day and stay true to that. Here are a few things Jenny suggests you could be working on…

Creating playlists These always take much longer than you think! You may want to consider them for: – The morning when you are getting ready – The drinks reception (between sets if you have a live musician) – During dinner for background music – The evening (between the bands sets and after they end).

Drafting your table plan One of the hardest tasks, my couples often say! Add in dietary information for your caterers.

Making a photography list Think about any particular shots you want your photographer to capture. This list does not need to be extensive (we encourage it not to be) – half a dozen or so important shots is ideal.

PLANNING A WEDDING DURING LOCKDOWN If you got engaged during the Covid-19 pandemic (congratulations!), Jenny can help you with looking ahead, planning, what to book (or not), and how to keep those excitement levels high!

Thinking about favours Perhaps you planned to make your own? Now is a good time to get crafty and prepare them (you will thank yourself later on when the wedding draws near and you have lots of other things to think about!). It’s also a nice time to do something creative while at home.

If you want to set a date in 2021 or 2022, start researching your venues now, as they are likely to be extremely busy with postponements over the next two years. Although viewings in person are not currently available, many venues are offering virtual tours online, either live if the owners are based on-site, or as pre-recorded films. You could book a planner to help you, many planners offer a venue sourcing service. They should know an abundance of venues in the county and often have had experience working at them previously, so their advice is priceless. Keep in mind that venues are likely to want to ensure all their postponed weddings from this year have a new date secured with them before taking new bookings, so you may need to wait to hear back after they have looked after their existing couples. With regards to suppliers, again a planner can help, but if you don’t have one then really do your research. Look at reviews (not just on their website but on Facebook and Google too), join wedding planning forums to ask advice, look at magazines, and ‘attend’ online wedding fairs. You could even ask the supplier if they could put you in touch with one of their previous couples to speak to them directly. Ask the supplier for a video call – you need to like them as a person as well as the product or service they offer, and an informal chat can help you get to know them a little. Ask your suppliers about their Covid-19 policy if you were to book them now and need to postpone later down the line. Some may be happy to agree to take the booking then change the date if needed. Ask them to put this in writing and include on their contract so you are covered. And take out wedding insurance too. Make the most of any extra time you have now to get those checklist tasks ticked off and make a list of the things you need to do once lockdown has eased.



#53 2020

Thomas Frost


An 800-year-old private family home for exclusive barn and marquee weddings

Jasmin & Richard by Alexa Poppe


Photography Olivia Bossert / Hair Zebrafinch / Make-up Charlotte Albert / Styling Nicole Davidson / Photography assistant Jade Hill / Location Tremayne House / Flowers Down by the River Florals / Jewellery Tiffany Weller / Model Tamsin Hough

Editor Rebecca Matthews Deputy editor Lucy Higgins Chief features writer Hannah May Contributors Elizabeth Chester, Jennifer Granlund, Rebecca Green, Jessica Kearney Design Matt Sanwell, Design UNLTD Advertising and Management Brendan Sleeman Distribution Jenna Matthews Finance Morwenna Matthews Publisher Wed Magazine 28 Reens Crescent Heamoor Penzance Cornwall TR18 3HW 01736 331456 Print Deltor Communications Ltd Cover image Dress Ailsa Munro Location Jubilee Pool Photography Salt & Sea Photography Co. Flowers Zennor Wild © wed magazine. All rights reserved. Nothing in this magazine may be published without written permission. While reasonable steps are taken to check the accuracy of the content within this publication, wed magazine cannot take any responsibility for any mistakes or omissions or the views of our contributors or advertisers. All views expressed in wed are not necessarily those of wed magazine.



#53 2020

THE POWER OF FLOWERS Don’t underestimate the impact of your wedding flowers. Whether it’s your bouquet, buttonholes, décor or displays, the floral design underpins the overall look of your day. An affinity with the English countryside and the Cornish coastline, along with an eye for detail and training at the renowned Tallulah Rose Flower School in Bath, informs the wildly elegant floristry of Lisa Marie Grigsby’s Down by the River Florals. Combining her passion for flowers with her committed approach to helping every couple achieve their vision, Lisa mindfully engages with every aspect of the floristry process. “I use seasonal and local blooms wherever possible as well as providing a focus on being foam and plastic-free,” she says. “To me, sustainable practice really matters and, coupled with an organic and natural approach to styling, I aim for my designs to encompass a mindful and honest ethos.” Her 2021 diary is now open for bookings for both weddings and her bespoke hen party workshops, where DIY brides can learn how to make flower crowns, wreaths and macramé plant hangers. In addition, she’s in the midst of launching an online dried flower shop, featuring everything from flower crowns and buttonholes to gorgeous handmade gifts. Take a look for beautifully versatile, textured and trending dried flowers to style your wedding or spruce up your love nest.

Olivia Bossert / Hair Zebrafinch Hair / Make-up Charlotte Albert / Styling Nicole Davidson / Location Tremayne House / Flowers Down by the River Florals / Assistant Jade Hill / Jewellery Tiffany Weller / Model Tamsin Hough

z z u b l brida



20. FRESH GREENS Fill your wedding with the freshest greens, from luxe emerald to crisp mint 22. ART AND SOUL Jubilee Pool sets the scene for a romantic, art-inspired wedding in the far west 30. WED’S WISH LIST Dream dresses, head-turning accessories and so-stylish shoes 36. AISLE STYLE We pick out our favourite trends for fashion-forward brides 40. SHAPE OF YOUR LOVE The most covetable gowns in Cornwall, perfectly picked for your body shape 52. BEST DRESSED Fresh looks for ’maids, from mix and match to petal-filled prettiness 56. WED’S BOUDOIR Bridal beauty tips and trends 68. WORKING THE GROOM Style tips for the man of the moment 71. WED’S HIP LIST Fresh, fun and fabulous ways to style your day 72. LOST IN PARADISE Be inspired by a fun-filled tropical wedding bursting with colour and flavour 78. WILD AND FREE Throw a rustic wedding packed with soft pinks, forest greens and oodles of charm 82. WHISPERS FROM THE CORNISH WOODLAND Celebrate eternal love with the blooms and mellow hues of autumn


HEAVEN ON THE HARBOURSIDE Charlestown Harbour, one of Cornwall’s most iconic locations, is now available for couples seeking a memorable and timelessly beautiful setting to marry. The small, privately owned Grade II listed Georgian harbour and UNESCO World Heritage site is located on the rugged south Cornish coast,

6. LOVE IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 Three couples share their Covid-19 love stories 46. HERE COME THE GIRLS The zero-drama guide to choosing your girl squad 58. THE POWER OF TWO Exquisite inspiration for perfect paired shaped wedding rings 60. MAKING MAGIC Creative hen party ideas, from floral crowns to foraged feasts

offering a picturesque and personality-packed locale for your party.

64. SPEAK EASY Top tips for a crowd-pleasing bride’s speech

Steeped in maritime history and home to a fleet of striking classic tall ships, couples can marry in the

88. BLOOMING BEAUTIFUL! Moodboard-ready bouquet inspiration

intimate climes of The Round House, which can be found at the end of the east side of the harbour, offering sweeping views across St Austell Bay. Built in the late 1800s, the atmospheric space can host intimate ceremonies with up to eight guests in attendance, while larger receptions can take place in the heart of the inner harbour on board the tall ship, Kajsamoor (which is also available for dry hire as a venue only). Built in Norway in 1939, since arriving in Charlestown in 2017 the ship has enjoyed various appearances on the silver screen and TV, featuring in the likes of ‘Poldark’, ‘Taboo’ and ‘Frontier’. Create a tailored package to suit your requirements, from a drinks reception on the open deck space to a three-course meal for up to 30 seated guests (or 50 standing) provided by popular local

91. TOP TIERS Sweet inspiration for a show-stealing wedding cake 94. PITCH PERFECT Why we’re crushing on weddings under canvas 100. MOBILE DELIGHTS The modern world of on-the-go food and drinks, from cakes to cocktails 104. THAT’S THE SPIRIT! How to infuse your wedding with a mystical vibe

restaurant, The Longstore.

111. WED’S VENUES GUIDE The ultimate guide to Cornwall’s finest wedding venues

Complete with stunning beaches on its doorstep for loved-up strolls, this working port offers

132. JUST THE TWO OF US How to elope – from a couple who threw a memorable do-for-two

romance and character in spine-tingling abundance.


12. BRIDAL BUZZ What’s new, what’s hot, what’s on

WORDS OF LOVE… “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” Mignon McLaughlin

145. GOT WED Newly-weds share a glimpse of their day 170. NOTES ON A WEDDING Top tips for your planning pleasure


z z u b l a d i br regular | BRIDAL BUZZ


If your vision of a dream wedding venue is a canvas of lush pasture and woodland on Cornwall’s sublime south coast, then Trenderway is the country-meetscoast idyll for you. Located between Polperro and Looe, the listed farmhouse and restored barns overlook stunning lakes, offering history, character and a picture-postcard setting. Toby Lowe

With no less than four licensed spaces in which to wed – including The Linhay Barn, a 200-year-old lovingly restored Cornish stone barn – the venue epitomises rustic charm and can be adapted to accommodate a small affair or grand-scale party of 120 guests or more. Couples can look forward to fabulous food and top-notch service, while exclusive-use events even come complete with five-star AA award-winning accommodation. Testament to the spellbinding setting and the dedicated team’s passion for delivering enchanting weddings, Trenderway was a worthy winner of two accolades at this year’s South West Wedding Awards, netting ‘Wedding Venue Country’ and ‘Wedding Venue of the Year 2020’.

DISCOVER THE MAGIC Nothing beats relaxing in the countryside, and Bosinver has redefined rural retreats with its beyond-beautiful bolthole located just outside St Austell. Nestled in a hidden valley near the coast, the family-friendly location is the epitome of luxury self-catering holidays, meaning that – should you need to recommend a place for your guests to stay, require family accommodation for your wedding or are seeking somewhere special to host your hens (or indeed a pre or post-nuptial couple’s escape) – Bosinver is the place to be. The award-winning venue presents 20 gorgeously styled detached cottages scattered amongst 30 acres of tranquil farm and woodland, where top-notch facilities meet scenic surrounds to magical effect. Wheelchair-accessible and dog-friendly, Bosinver has a range of requirements covered. Guests can lavish in garden hot tubs, take a dip in the pool, drink in the valley views and luxuriate amid stylish interiors, with kids made happy by everything from nature trails and outdoor play areas to a range of activities such as animalfeeding on the farm. Eco-warriors will love Lowen: a luxurious zero-carbon energy, self-sufficient cottage, while hen parties will delight in the Farmhouse, which caters for up to 12 guests and comes complete with super-stylish and cosy touches, as well as a hot tub (with extras such as a private chef service that can be arranged). Should you feel the urge to leave the farm, there’s oodles to see and do nearby, from water sports and foraging sessions to spa days and vintage tea parties for a tailor-made stay of the most memorable kind.



#53 2020








z z u b l a d i br regular | BRIDAL BUZZ

DRINKS TO YOUR DOOR The Cornwall-based mobile bar specialists at The Buffalo have a reputation for wowing wedding guests with their tantalising range of premium drinks and craft cocktails as well as their super-stylish airstream bars. And they have now launched a rather brilliant new service – Drinks by Post – for those of you eager to enjoy their delectable drinks in the comfort of your own home. Choose from a tasting collection box of premium spirits and a craft cocktail collection box containing all the ingredients you need (except ice) to make five versions of a well-known cocktail: margarita, old fashioned, gin fizz, martini, and negroni. “We think it’s a brilliant idea for couples to toast their ‘would be’ wedding day,” says Jo Fitch of The Buffalo. “It’s also great for hen and stag celebrations which can’t go ahead as planned at the moment. Each hen and stag could receive a box and then gather on Zoom to make and enjoy

If you’ve been forced to postpone your wedding or hen and stag celebrations, why not make the most of our exclusive Wed offer? Buy six boxes and get a seventh box free, which might be for the couple, hen or stag. Simply use this code at the checkout: GETWED.

Griffin Photography

their cocktails together!”


Nestled in the heart of Cornwall’s countryside, Trevenna presents a cluster of buildings surrounded by soul-stirring scenery for the ultimate in rural romance. The exclusiveuse venue boasts a range of licensed spaces to utter your vows, from the outdoor handcrafted oak and slate arbour and indoor-outdoor garden venue room to the super-stylish threshing barn, all of which means that couples can tailor their wedding according to their individual requirements and whims. What’s more, Trevenna’s stylish accommodation houses up to 40 guests in the original farmhouse or barns, allowing you to take full advantage of the range of facilities available knowing that all of their comforts will be professionally taken care of in-house. Attention to detail is part of Trevenna’s guest-pleasing practice, and its latest garden venture ensures that every space extends the overarching feeling of natural beauty.

Laura Buffery

Created in a collection of raised beds from oak planks, the new cutting garden has already produced an exquisite crop of blooms that will be used to decorate the farmhouse and farmhouse bar. The charming farmhouse, where guests congregate for breakfast each morning as well as welcome dinners the evening before W-day, will now be made all the more special by the colourful array of freshly picked flowers grown on-site.


“You don’t love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.” Anonymous



#53 2020

Fowey is a magical place Exclusive, coastal manor to get married, and whether for a wedding to remember you’re dreaming up an intimate ceremony or an exclusive house party by the sea, Fowey Hall is the perfect wedding venue. We take a personal and bespoke Let us make your approach to organising your big day: choose Pimms on the croquet day a unique and lawn or a romantic winter wedding one withmemorable family gathering around roaring log fires.


Let us make your OPEN HOUSE WEDDING EVENT 2nd March 10am 3pm OPEN HOUSE WEDDING EVENT ||2nd March ||10am --3pm Accommodation for 40 guests | Private Church | Civil Ceremonies day a unique and Fowey, Cornwall Georgian Bath House | Glamping 01726 833866 memorable one FOWEYHALLHOTEL.CO.UK

Accommodation for 40 guests | Private Church | Civil Ceremonies | Georgian Bath House | Glamping Accommodation for 40 guests | Private Church | Civil Ceremonies | Georgian Bath House | Glamping Boconnoc, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, Cornwall, PL22 PL22 0RG 0RG Boconnoc,Lostwithiel, Lostwithiel, Boconnoc, Cornwall, PL22 0RG | | 01208 872507 | @boconnocestate @boconnocestate| || |01208 01208872507 872507| |@boconnocestate Image Credits: Taylor & Porter, Tim Charles, Amy Shore Photograhy. Image Credits: Taylor Porter, Tim Charles,Amy AmyShore ShorePhotograhy. Photograhy. Image Credits: Taylor && Porter, Tim Charles,

Polpier w w w. p o l p i e r. c o . u k

Exclusive use wedding venue with amazing harbour views, luxury accommodation and everything for the perfect party

a t C o l a n Ba r t o n Bespoke | Exquisite | Intimate | Timeless

Nestled in the heart of the Cornish countryside, only a couple of miles from the Atlantic Ocean, Gorgeous Weddings are exquisite, bespoke and unique. Perfect for idyllic and intimate ceremonies for up to 40 guests, and with accommodation for 14 people, the Colan Barton Estate can be exclusively yours, making your destination wedding endlessly romantic. g org eousweddingscor g org eousweddingscor 07465 204878 Col a n | T R 8 4NB


z z u b l a d i br regular | BRIDAL BUZZ


Couples dreaming of an intimate celebration at one of Cornwall’s most elegant country house venues will find their vision manifest at Treseren, where wedding weekends for up to 20 people can be exclusively yours, allowing you and your dearest to relax in rural Trewithen, near the north coast. The ‘homestead under the stars’ presents a variety of beautiful spaces to unwind, stay and say ‘I do’. Shepherds House and adjoining Skye Cottage are nestled amongst two acres of pretty grounds featuring south-facing terraces, secret garden pathways, an organic children’s play area and firepits for toasting marshmallows. Joe Burford

The latest artistic additions further enhance the striking character of the venue. The oldest friend of owner Paul Caddis, British sculptor Ben Dearnley, paid him a pre-lockdown visit where he helped to engrave their new marble entrance sign and brought an assortment of artistic works to display in the house and gardens. Visitors will especially delight in the bronze sculpture of British swimmer and five-time Olympian, Mark Foster, which was part of Ben’s creation for a commission for the 2012 Olympics. A twice life-size sculpture Ben created is positioned in the centre of The City of Bath and the bronze at Treseren is the life-size version. Alongside this piece, there are sculptures of other Olympians and Paralympians from Ben’s ‘Avenue of Champions’ series that includes a torso of Paralympic medallist and wheelchair basketball champion, Ade Adepitan. The eclectic curation of Ben’s work also showcases ‘Spirit of the Sea’, a stunning marble carving located in the lawned garden, while a female head fragment carving sits atop the mantelpiece in the drawing room, which has

SLICE OF HEAVEN The cake-maker extraordinaires at Peboryon have launched their new e-market delivery service, Black Box Cake. Scrumptious bakes from the custom wedding cake specialists, whose luxury mouth-watering creations have garnered a reputation for incredible flavour and design, can now be enjoyed in the comfort of your home or generously gifted to those you love. “Until now, only our private clients have been able to receive slices of our cake in the post,” explains Christine Jensen. “The pause brought by 2020’s Great Adjustment has meant we’ve had space to expand that service to deliver cake joy on a wider scale. Hence, the birth of Black Box Cake. It’s not fast food. Each box will come with the same quality and care as all the bakes from our kitchen,” she elaborates. “It’s simply another way to celebrate people just as beautifully, but in everyday bite-sized chunks!”


Pick from gift cards, a monthly subscription of three, six or 12 months (for multiple flavours) – or even

“What is Love? I have met in the streets a very

indulge in a Black Box Bake, whose mystery will only

poor young man who was in love. His hat was

be revealed upon arrival as you eagerly tuck in!

old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his soul.”

Victor Hugo



#53 2020

Image Credits: Taylor & Porter, Tim Charles, Amy Shore Photograhy.

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Carlotta & Joe by Khalile Siddiqui Photography



fresh greens Fill your wedding with the gorgeous shades of green rocking wedding world, from luxe emerald to crisp mint compiled by Rebecca Matthews


1. Shades of grey and white


temper the tones of green in this wildly beautiful bouquet. 2. From the sleek tiers to the seriously stylish shade of neo mint, we love everything about this contemporary bake by Peboryon. 3. Made from wispy chiffon in barely-there green, this featherlight bridesmaid dress sings of spring. 4. Handcrafted by Mirri Damer, these dazzling colour-fade emerald earrings would make a standout finishing touch for Rachel Takes Pictures

Grace Elizabeth




a bridal ensemble. 5. Brush strokes of shimmering gold makes the perfect pairing to mint green in this superchic wedding stationery. 6. Furled in ribbons of gold, gorgeous green sapphires echo the colours of the ocean in this handcrafted ring by Emily Nixon. 7. Vintage elegance meets


a fresh, modern look in these mint ‘n’ metallic 8..


heels by Rachel Simpson. 8. Embellished with sequins and glitter, this dress is a sweet style for a little one.



#53 2020

PARADISE FOUND Wed in the warmth of the Mediterranean and discover an Eden that is exclusively yours. Say ‘I do’ in a tropical paradise and host your reception beneath a tree canopy lit by a thousand stars. UNIQUE WEDDING PACKAGES & VENUE OPTIONS: | 01726 811950

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ART AND SOUL The crisp curves of Penzance’s iconic Jubilee Pool make a soul-stirring backdrop for an intimate and deeply romantic artist’s wedding coordination & photography Salt & Sea Photography Co.



#53 2020





Tucked away in far-flung west Cornwall, perched out on a rocky headland overlooking the iconic Mount’s Bay, sits a unique outdoor bathing pool. This historic art deco lido sets the scene for this intimate seaside wedding story, where local artists and wedding suppliers gathered together to create a dreamy set-up around the theme of a contemporary Cornish artist’s wedding. Drawing on many of the associations with west Cornwall – art galleries, folklore, mild weather, fishing heritage and, of course, the eclectic architecture of Penzance town – Salt & Sea Photography Co. created the visual story of an artist and fisherman holding their intimate wedding celebration at Jubilee Pool. Deviating from conventional wedding décor and instead leaning towards the feel of a rustic, tucked-away-down-a-sidestreet art gallery, the beautiful minimal space of Jubilee Pool’s new café and event space provided the perfect blank canvas for a set-up of artworks, paintbrushes and feasting tables. With contributions of art from Clare Webb and Molesworth & Bird, the pressed seaweed and whitewashed oil canvas styles married together, along with a natural, elegant cake and trestle tables, to set the tone of a lofty studio. Pippa of Zennor Wild and Sam of Stargazey Wedding Decor Hire transformed the upper gallery overlooking the pool into a breathtaking ceremony space with panoramic views of the bay. The poolside galleries also made the perfect spot for guests to play a selection of retro games, which served as a nod to the vintage roots of the lido. Crafted in Cornwall by Ailsa Munro, the bride’s separates and jumpsuit-cape-combination reflected the contemporary and whimsical vibe of the setting and, paired with a Portuguese boater hat and leafy green bouquet, created a look befitting a Cornish artist on her wedding day. The groom’s three looks offer different degrees of formality to reflect the laid-back and quirky style of Penzance. Opened in 1935, Jubilee Pool is the largest remaining example of an art deco lido in the country. In 2014, it was damaged by a horrendous storm and its future remained uncertain; however, the community, council and partners pooled together to raise and secure the funding to restore this much loved, historic saltwater bathing pool. Today, Jubilee Pool has been lovingly restored and sits proudly upon Battery Rocks, a jewel in the crown of Penzance. Not only has the pool itself been given a new lease of life, but what was formerly a hatch and terrace café now boasts a stylish, beautifully designed café open all year round with accordion windows opening onto the terrace, letting that cool sea breeze waft in. Along with the developments, the lido now has its own event space for hire, which hosts exhibitions, community events, fitness classes and meetings. Along with the launch of the brand new geothermally heated pool (the first of its kind in the UK) to look forward to later this year, Jubilee Pool is also planning to host intimate weddings. To register your interest in holding your ceremony or reception at Jubilee Pool, please email weddings@



#53 2020






#53 2020





Jubilee Pool Coordination & photography

Salt & Sea Photography Co. Styling

Zennor Wild

Stargazey Wedding Decor Hire Artwork

Clare Webb Molesworth & Bird Bridal wear

Ailsa Munro Cake

Oona’s Cakes Flowers

Zennor Wild Furniture & props

Stargazey Wedding Decor Hire



#53 2020

1 Tregenna Hill - St Ives - TR26 1SE 01736 799 413


style | wed’s WISH LIST


From dreamy dresses to showstopping shoes, here’s our pick of the latest bridal must-haves

wish list

words Hannah May & Rebecca Matthews

FRESH FASHIONS Tucked away in one of Cornwall’s prettiest seaside towns, you’ll find some of bridal fashion’s freshest and finest designers at St Ives Bridal Boutique. Take the new Rembo Styling collection, for example, which is brimming with effortlessly chic dresses with an ethereal edge. Picture open backs with delicate lace edging, flowing silk chiffon and tulle skirts, floral embroidered lace gowns and silk slips that hug the figure for an oh-so feminine look. You’ll also find new dresses from Spanish designer Rosa Clara, whose dreamy designs ooze bohemian romance through features such as intricately detailed bodices, plunging necklines and free-flowing skirts in lightweight lace, soft tulle and crepe georgette. Then there’s Australian label, Made With Love, whose latest designs have just landed. Specialising in creating unique, beautiful, affordable gowns, the collection merges modern fashion with a timeless sophistication to celebrate the female form via curve-hugging French crepe, soft Chantilly lace, daring deep backs, and handmade lace and boned bodices. If that’s not enough dreaminess, the boutique is now stocking a hand-picked collection of gowns by leading designer Suzanne Neville. Beautifully handcrafted in London, the designs are as diverse as they are divine, ranging from slim-fitting bias cuts to full romantic gowns, using the finest silks and hand embroideries. Dreamy indeed.



#53 2020


SPANISH STYLE The Bridal Studio in Helston has a chic new boutique – and a coveted new bridal label to match. Just a stone’s throw from its previous location, the new premises at 14 Coinagehall Street is a large, light and super-stylish space to house a beautiful collection of gowns. The arrival of luxury Spanish bridal designer Pronovias comes hot on the heels of the new boutique opening its doors. Coveted the world over for its utterly gorgeous gowns that ooze modern-day glamour, the label offers a stylish solution for brides of all tastes, from contemporary design and bohemian vibes to classic romance. The designer’s latest offerings present everything from soft tulle fairytale skirts paired with shimmering bodices to seductive fishtails and light-as-air, delicately detailed dresses for brides seeking a relaxed yet romantic W-day look. And, as the exclusive stockist in Cornwall, The Bridal Studio is the only boutique in which you’ll find the show-stopping gowns. With dresses from Aire Barcelona, Mary’s Bridal, Lo’ Adoro, Adriana Alier, Bianco Evento, Luna Novias and Wendy Makin also gracing the rails, timeless glamour through to beachready chic are covered in stunning style. There’s also bespoke headpieces and jewellery from Cornwall-based designer Blushing Flamingos, and accessories from Joyce Jackson, Richard Designs and Rainbow Shoes (along with their emporium of accessories, hats and fascinators, The Colour Room, which is perfect for bridesmaids and mothers of the bride) to give all brides a dazzling choice, whatever their budget and sense of style.

Jimmy Choo

Sophia Webster

TIME TO SHINE! Let your feet take centre stage with these wow factor wedding shoes! We’re talking sky-high heels and cascades of crystals. Emmy London Jimmy Choo Sophia Webster Emmy London



style | wed’s WISH LIST

wish list

BOHO-CHIC BEAUTY Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique in Truro is intimate, elegant and brimming with some seriously stunning designer gowns. Already housing dresses by Justin Alexander and Sincerity Bridal, Elaine is now an official stockist of Lillian West, broadening her selection to offer brides even greater choice. “Every wedding dress has been chosen by me from runways around the world and each gown is completely different, offering a wide range of styles to suit all body shapes, venues and visions,” says Elaine. “My designers are renowned for their impeccable cuts, premium quality fabrics, exquisite attention to detail and award-winning styles.” Free-spirited brides will delight in Lillian West’s whimsical confections, where chic styles combine with exquisite detail to dreamy effect. Picture romantic lace and chiffon in figure-flattering silhouettes and featuring the latest lust-have elements from illusion bodices and sheer sleeves to keyhole backs, pearl studded deep plunge necklines and crepe fit and flare skirts. Having adapted her service in the midst of current Covid-19 restrictions, Elaine is running virtual appointments for brides to peruse her gowns and discuss their individual requirements, while her designers are hosting virtual trunk shows. Make a date for the Lillian West designer weekends on 21st23rd August and 28th-30th August when you’ll be able to browse the new collection in all its gorgeous glory.



#53 2020

The Bridal Studio

14 Coinagehall Street | Helston | Cornwall | TR13 8EB

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style | wed’s WISH LIST Griffin Photography / Hair Goldbird Hair

DREAM A LITTLE DREAM Holly Young Millinery has unveiled her latest collection, ‘It Was All a Dream’, and it’s full to the brim with statement-making headwear. From braided and padded headbands to halo crowns and classic cartwheel boaters, the creations come in soft pastels and vibrant jewel tones with a playful array of finishes. Inspired by fantasy and the realm of the imagination, there’s a fun and vibrant mood that carries through the collection, which is all handmade in Cornwall by the Roseland-based milliner. Holly offers a bespoke service for brides or guests seeking an individual finishing touch to their big day look. “It all starts with your story,” explains Holly. “Getting to know my clients in depth, I create something beautifully bespoke that resonates with them and their romance. Elegant and emotive whilst remaining colourful and creative, each piece is simple yet stylish and truly sums up your story, resulting in lovingly handcrafted headpieces with personality.” Holly has also just launched a range of statement earrings and on-trend chunky silk scrunchies. Head to her website for the character-filled finishing touch to your ensemble!

BAND OF LOVE A head-turning collection of bridal accessories is now available at Bliss Bridal Gowns in Newquay. Handmade in Dublin by fashion graduate Caragh Quinn, Aura Bridalwear’s fashion-forward creations are designed for modern brides seeking the ultimate finishing touch for their bridal ensemble. Think headbands embellished with crystals, pearls, feathers and handsewn petals as well as plaited and knotted bands in silk satin. The pieces will make the perfect pairing to the stylish selection of gowns at the boutique, whether you’re seeking the timeless elegance and romantic confections of Rebecca Ingram, the trendled gowns of Wtoo by Watters or the classic aesthetic of Ella Rosa. The boutique is also home to the latest collection by the emerging new name in British bridal fashion – Freda Bennet – whose beautifully crafted dresses offer everything from sleek silhouettes to dreamy designs embellished with flowers. Bridesmaid fashion is also a speciality, with a stunning selection of dresses from Sorella Vita instore. Head to p.52 for inspiration.



#53 2020


wish list

THE ART OF FLOWERS This has to be one of our favourite ways of preserving your bridal bouquet: as a luxury fine art print. Inspired by iconic botanical illustrations, photographer Liz Baker of The Botanical Bouquet painstakingly arranges the varieties of flowers and foliage from your bouquet on a handmade linen board before photographing them. Using the finest pigment inks and pure cotton papers, the resulting work of botanical art makes the most timeless and enchanting of keepsakes.

Seeking a silken twist for your bridal ensemble? We adore the new collection of bamboo silk hair ties from Lancaster & Cornish. The lovingly created silks are hand-dyed in small batches to secret recipes of natural plant based colours. Whether tied in a loose ponytail or used as a contemporary veil, the

Holes in the World Studio


ties complete a bridal look in achingly romantic style.


style | DRESSES BRIDAL FASHION | AISLE|STYLE INTO THE BLUE Suzanne Neville, St Ives Bridal Boutique

aisle style From catwalks across the globe to Cornwall’s bridal boutiques, here are our favourite new looks for modern brides words Rebecca Matthews

BIG AND BEAUTIFUL Make a showstopping entrance in a headturning ball gown. Go full Grace Kelly in stunning satin or channel romantic Renaissance style with billowy sleeves.

Sincerity Bridal, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Wtoo by Watters, Bliss Bridal Gowns



#53 2020

Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

Sincerity Bridal, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Eliza Jane Howell, St Ives Bridal Boutique

AISLE STYLE Pronovias, The Bridal Studio

Wendy Makin, The Bridal Studio

Lillian West, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Pronovias, The Bridal Studio

Wtoo by Watters, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Willowby by Watters, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Willowby by Watters, St Ives Bridal Boutique

FEATHER-LIGHT Exude a dreamy, ethereal vibe in a light-as-air dress made from effortlessly frothy fabrics such as tulle and organza; think sheer sheaths and cloud-like ball gowns for a stunning yet easy-to-wear statement.

Suzanne Neville, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Alma Novia, St Ives Bridal Boutique

TAKE THE PLUNGE Plunging necklines are everywhere in bridal fashion right now. If a deep your congregation with a deep plunge back as you glide down the aisle.

Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

Wendy Makin, The Bridal Studio

Sincerity Bridal, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

V-neckline isn’t for you, go for a gown with a simple, stylish front and captivate

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Rachel Allan, The Bridal Studio



Sincerity Bridal, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

NEW TAKES ON LACE While bridal fashion’s love affair with lace is nothing new, modern bridal gowns offer a lace for every wedding vibe: think guipure and macramé for relaxed, effortless style, soft floral lace for garden party romance and geometric and graphic lace for a contemporary mood.

Rosa Clara Boheme, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Lillian West, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

The shoulder-baring trend works for most bridal styles, from classic satin ball

Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

for serious goddess vibes, modern brides are flashing their shoulders in style.

Rebecca Ingram, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Whether you go off-the-shoulder, halterneck à la Meghan or one-shoulder

Freda Bennet, Bliss Bridal Gowns


Willowby by Watters, St Ives Bridal Boutique

gowns and relaxed Grecian frocks to high glamour looks.

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Suzanne Neville, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Lillian West, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique



#53 2020

Temperley London

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Jenny Packham, The Bridal House of Cornwall

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shape of your love Savour your moment in the spotlight in a form-fitting and fashion-forward gown words Hannah May

Rebecca Ingram, Bliss Bridal Gowns



#53 2020

SHAPE OF YOUR LOVE Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

Forget the ever-changing ideals of beauty and size – today’s bridal collections are a celebration of the female form in all its diverse glory. By focusing on making high fashion wearable for the everywoman, designers are blending modern style with clever effects for the most flattering, fashion-forward of frocks, allowing you to achieve your bridal vision with confidence and ease. Today’s catwalks are replete with figure-sculpting confections subtly concealing, cinching, exposing and accentuating your features for a look that’s oh-so gratifyingly ‘you’.

Body type: Curvy Silhouette: Ball gown, A-line/empire, full skirts Voluptuous bodies require more structured silhouettes in balance your figure while emphasising your assets. Wrap dresses are an effortless choice, while strapless styles and skin-baring designs have a slimming effect

Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

Freda Bennet, Bliss Bridal Gowns

order to increase support, with the overall aim being to

– think open necklines such as sweetheart and plunge styles paired with a nipped-in waistline to showcase your cleavage and create a more exaggerated hourglass shape. Bias-cut or form-fitting gowns that hug the hips and loan structural support to the bust are ideal, with ball gowns being the timeless solution. A fitted bodice supports and flaunts cleavage while a big skirt cinches the waist. We’re not talking boring, featureless ball gowns here. Instead, picture cascading tiers, criss-cross draping, Mikado cuffs, and elegant satin ball gowns that epitomise Hollywood glamour. Just remember to avoid over-voluminous designs that may visually add weight, as well as high necks and anything especially loose or tight.

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Suzanne Neville, St Ives Bridal Boutique



Wtoo by Watters, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Body type: Petite/short Silhouette: A-line, column, fit and flare, short skirts

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Smaller frames can experiment with high fashion finishes that lend volume to their look, including ruffles, drapery, pleating and puffy sleeves, but opt for light layers such as tulle skirts and sheer sleeves to prevent becoming overwhelmed by too much fabric. Short gowns with nude heels are the perfect combination for petite types to lengthen their legs, with vertical details such as beading, seams and buttons, and updo hairstyles also increasing a sense of height and sartorial drama. Shoulder and décolletage-baring styles such as sweetheart, plunge and off-the-shoulder or asymmetric necklines are another flattering option, while ’50s fitted styles, elbowlength or long kimono-style sleeves, midi dresses with thighhigh slits, micro minis, high-low hems and cropped jackets are other stunning stylistic choices. Wilderly Bride, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Colour-wise, up the trendsetting ante with floral prints, scalloped necklines and pistachio, buff and ginger tones for a truly swoon-worthy ensemble. Sincerity Bridal, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Suzanne Neville, St Ives Bridal Boutique



#53 2020

SHAPE OF YOUR LOVE Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

Body type: Athletic/boyish/tall Silhouette: A-line, empire, sheath, bridal suits

Wtoo by Watters, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Leaner frames lend themselves perfectly to form-fitting styles, whether it’s the upper (go strapless, one-shouldered or halterneck), lower (try short/micro skirts) or entire torso (select separates/suits/sheaths) you’d prefer to parade. Belted gowns add a high fashion flourish, as do oversized bows, a black sash and embellished belts, while sculpted styles accentuate your waist and, in turn, the curve of the bust and hips for a more defined hourglass shape. This can also be achieved with A-lines, sheaths and fishtails. Slender brides can create curves and emphasise their willowy figures with frothy features and texture such as tiered skirts, or channel the Victoriana and bourgeois looks via ruffled collars, high/mock necks, cover-up styles and long sleeves. Alternatively, minimalist options including tailored separates, jumpsuits, bridal coats and capes, are perfect for Amazonian figures. Complete with a supersized, embellished or colourful veil for a theatrical air of on-trend romance. For added femininity, lace (choose a modern take on the traditional fabric with crochet, mosaic, and geometric)

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique

smacks of boho and prairie whimsy. Nouveau art deco can be represented by mirror effect embellishment and intricately woven glitter and sequins, while ’20s style flapper frocks with

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

a dropped waist are another ideal option for athletic frames.

Made With Love, St Ives Bridal Boutique


style | DRESSES BRIDAL FASHION | SHAPE | INTO OF YOUR THE BLUE LOVE Wtoo by Watters, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Body type: Hourglass Silhouette: Mermaids, sheaths, ball gowns

Rebecca Ingram, Bliss Bridal Gowns

An hourglass is defined by balance: the bust and hips share a similarly wide circumference nipped in with a narrow waist, making it a designer’s favourite form because it’s so easy to dress – and flatter. Draw attention to your proportionate curves through figure-hugging designs such as the mermaid or trumpet, or select a ball gown with a modern twist for high fashion meets timeless style. Any silhouette that maximises an hourglass shape is ideal, which can be classic or contemporary in design to suit your individual sense of style. Think strapless fishtails with deep plunge necklines, sultry sheaths with illusion backs or sexy cut-outs, and ball gowns with exposed corsetry, billowing tulle skirts and beautiful in-built trains. Then there’s the dynamic, haute couture additions for further attention-grabbing effect, from feathers and fringing to ruffled trimming, watercolours,

Luna Novias, The Bridal Studio

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal

Rebecca Ingram, Bliss Bridal Gowns

Justin Alexander, Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique

oversized bows and corsages, and voluminous extras like detachable tulle overskirts or a jewelencrusted veil.



#53 2020

Daisy Floral Design,

Weddings and Events 07790692221

Cornwall’s Premier Bridal Boutique 01637 851 163



here come the girls Choosing your bridesmaids – an easy task or wedmin from hell? We talk you through the etiquette, potential pitfalls and pure joys of gathering your gal pals words Hannah May

Salt & Sea Photography Co.



#53 2020


Let’s just admit it: female relationships can be complicated. Weddings have a habit of throwing all relationships under the microscope, and it often seems as though the bride’s choice of bridesmaids can be an especially contentious issue, particularly as us women are wonderfully complex creatures. Declaring those you deem to be your most trusted gal pals is both a hugely joyous and honour-giving event, but the flipside is that your decision can leave others affronted, aggrieved; anguished, even. Unfortunately for some, the process is often a cause of unintentional hurt, unnecessary stress and emotional pain during what is already one of the most psychologically magnifying times of every woman’s life. “Choosing your bridesmaids can be a tricky decision; who will you have by your side through the thick and thin of planning the wedding?” asks wedding planner, Jenny Granlund of Jenny Wren Weddings & Events ( “Who can you trust for honest opinions on things, who will be there for Abi Riley

you as a calming influence and not judge you during bridezilla moments (let’s face it – everyone has them at least once)?” she says. “Who will hold your dress up and prim you to perfection before photographs, who will deal with any mini dramas that may occur on the day, who will dance to every single song, and – most importantly – who are true friends who you would want to share such a special time in your life with?” she posits to help narrow your selection.

The dream team Here’s the crux: it’s not a popularity contest. It’s about selecting someone based on your perception of their ability to carry out the role you require of them. It’s more about pragmatism, coping mechanisms, honesty of character and emotional support credentials than anything else. You might adore nights out with a particular friend, holidaying with another – but are they the best Grant Lampard

people to help you plan your hen do, deliberate your dress and manage any big day mishaps? Communication is paramount. If you’re unsure, talk to your friends individually or (depending on the dynamics of your friendship circles) in a group, to ascertain what you want, and how they’re able to contribute. You may be agonising between two people, completely unaware that one of them doesn’t like to be in the public spotlight, or feels anxious while under pressure. Perhaps they have just landed a promotion and simply won’t have the time to help with the planning, so ask. True friends are understanding, willing to actively listen, and want to be involved in your happiness. If umbrage is taken, chances are it’s not about you and if tensions boil, try a cooling-off period before broaching the subject and peacefully getting to the root of the conflict to seek a resolution. This shouldn’t be a source of grudge holding and, if that transpires, perhaps it’s evidence that your friendship has waned and therefore it’s time to adopt an ethos of ‘letting go’.

Select committee “A bridesmaid does not have to be a woman,” declares Jenny. “If your best friend is a man there is no reason why he can not make up part of the bridal party – your man of honour perhaps? The most important thing is that you include those you want to, whatever their gender.” It’s also worth remembering that this is one instance where ‘the more, the merrier’ doesn’t necessarily apply. “Think carefully about this before you jump in to ask. Not only does each additional maid come with a potential

Nick Walker

price tag (for elements such as dress and bouquet), but too many maids can equal too many opinions.” Her advice? “Take your time,” she says. “Once you have asked someone to be your bridesmaid, it is extremely difficult to un-ask them if you have



changed your mind. Let the excitement of being engaged mellow slightly before selecting.”

Set realistic expectations “Think about how involved you want your maids to be,” says Jenny. “Do you want them to attend dress shopping with you, arrange your hen do, help make decorations and attend pre-wedding shindigs? If so, it is worth considering who will actually be available to do this? Those who live far away, have very busy lifestyles or perhaps have a newborn may not be able to commit to this. This may cause frustrations later down the line and they will feel bad about not being able to help,” she adds. “Don’t feel you are under obligation to ask someone just because they asked you,” reminds Jenny of another potential pitfall and political minefield. “Friendships and relationships change over time and you may not be as close to the person you were bridesmaid for three years ago.” Similarly, don’t feel like you have to follow tradition. “Traditionally, the bride’s sister – if she has one closest in age to her – is the maid of honour. However, we are far from traditional in this day and age, so feel free to choose whoever you want,” says Jenny. The decision of who will be your bridesmaids can be really difficult, but it is often just not feasible to include everyone you would like to in the bridal party. “People will generally understand, but my tip would

Nick Walker

be to acknowledge the fact they are not included and speak to them about it directly and explain, rather than glossing over it,” says Jenny. “Perhaps try and involve them in some other way – ask them to do a reading, for example.”

No more drama Another aspect to consider is how all of the bridesmaids will work and act together as a group – are there conflicts already present between certain parties, or will personalities complement each other? “Think about group dynamics,” suggests Jenny. “Are there any characters that may clash? They are likely to be in contact a lot as they work together for you, so it’s worth thinking about this and how you can overcome any potential issues between certain people before they happen.” If you’re preoccupied with dispute management, it will be a lot more difficult to get things done and enjoy the planning period. “Try to involve all of them, or at least give them the opportunity to be involved,” suggests Jenny. “Giving them all a voice will avoid anyone feeling left out.” And the most important thing? “Remember they are your friends as well as your bridesmaids. Sometimes it’s good to take off your wedding planner hat and enjoy some time with them with no wedding task talks.” They’re taking on a sizeable responsibility for you, so don’t forget to demonstrably appreciate that fact!



#53 2020


Specialist wedding hair in the salon or on location for both the bride and the groom 49


The five commandments According to Jenny, there are five things that your bridesmaids should be keen and able to do on your wedding day, so if you can’t envisage them doing it (or they don’t agree to them all!) – perhaps don’t ask them to be one...

excitement, you need to be that shoulder to cry on,

bride beforehand to ensure you are on the same

friend to moan to, and be super patient.

wavelength; otherwise you could be planning an adventure assault course day when she was

Wear the dress. Of course you want to feel

envisioning a relaxing spa afternoon. Not the easiest

comfortable and hopefully you will have been

task, granted, but do not let the bride know if you

involved in the choosing of your dress. But even if

are getting stressed out with it.

you haven’t and dislike it, put it on along with your smile. You’re wearing it for her, on her special day

Be on hand. On the day, hold her dress up when

and one day you may want her to do the same.

she needs you to, prim her to perfection before

Dance! Even when it’s only Aunt Eunice on the

photographs, distribute the confetti to guests,

dance floor, kick off your shoes and get involved,

Help with the hen do. The bride will have more

ensure you all have your bouquets (and she has

encouraging others to do so.

than enough on her plate organising the wedding

hers) before walking down the aisle, organise the

so try your best to assist with this. Ask all attending

throwing of the bouquet afterwards, assist with any

Provide emotional support. Both during the

for their realistic budget before you begin (then

toast mastering duties and organisation of guests if

lead-up when she may be feeling rather stressed,

stick to it!), so you can ensure you pick something

required… Generally be there for her in case she

and on the day itself when she is full of nerves and

everyone can afford. Also, have a chat with the

needs anything.

Unwind and Connect Whether you want to incorporate them as part of your hen party, or as a way to thank your maids for their help, we love these female-focused ideas... Access Bars “I have previously done hen parties that include Access Bars, which are personally my favourite treatment to have,” says Pippa King from Cornwall Wellbeing, referring to an energetic process that involves gently touching 32 points on your head to release huge amounts of stress and blocked energy build-up from the mind and body. “A light touch is applied to specific points on the head to clear your mind, body and emotions of clutter, rather like a defrag of your inner computer. You feel clearer, lighter and freer after each treatment,” she says. Albion Row Bridal Blessings “A bridal blessing makes the ideal hen party to shower your bride with love as she starts this new journey,” says Emma Griffin from Sacred Spaces. “It supports, honours and celebrates the magical journey into this sacred union and commitment before her, surrounded by her soul sisters.” Emma can supply bridal blessing kits, or perform the blessing circle herself (in Cornwall), which involves a series of events including anointing, drinking sacred cacao, writing love notes to the bride, making a firepit and setting intentions into crystals to give to the bride. Women’s Circles Hosting regular women’s circles, moon-time talks, lunar circles and workshops, Trudi Holden at Wild Samsara’s regular events feature everything from feminine power to

Enchanted Brides

meditation, aromatherapy and healing. She also offers holistic therapies, Reiki and rituals



such as ‘Grounding’, ‘Re-balancing’ and ‘Awakening’, should you and your girlfriends fancy it.

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best dressed Give your bridesmaids the best gift: a stylish outfit that will ensure a happily dressed day for all. Here’s some of the hottest looks du jour words Hannah May

PASTELS AND PETALS Whether it’s a country wedding, botanical-themed affair,

Halfpenny London

spring celebration or you simply love petals and pastels – dress your bridesmaids to suit. Prints are an instant way to make your bridesmaid line-up look unique, while pastel shades always look fresh, flattering and oh-so pretty.

Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

#53 2020

Katya Katya


Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns



Maids to Measure

Maids to Measure

BEST DRESSED Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

MIX AND MATCH Showcase your bridesmaids’ individual sense of style with a mix and match approach. You might mix up your colours, prints, silhouettes or even textures – think gorgeous blends of velvet, chiffon, satin and tulle. Separates are another versatile and achingly modern option – we love a delicate lace top paired with a flowing skirt.

Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns


Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

Maids to Measure

Halfpenny London

Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

Maids to Measure

NEW NECKLINES Cowl necklines, draping, and off-theshoulder styles are all the rage, while halternecks – and their close cousin, the racer-back dress – are also a superstylish choice. Pair a trending neckline with satin or velvet for extra style points.



Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns



ROCK THE BLUES Shades of blue are on the most-wanted list. A less edgy alternative to black, gemstone-inspired hues of navy, sapphire and midnight blue bring a sense of drama and luxury. Meanwhile, softer shades of blue such as dusty blue and French blue are flattering for most skin tones while complementing a wide range of colour palettes.

Stockists AbideMaids Halfpenny London Katya Katya



#53 2020

Katya Katya

Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns

Maids to Measure Sorella Vita at Bliss Bridal Gowns Watters


The ultimate wedding event 17 & 18 OCTOBER SHOWGROUND WADEBRIDGE


sophisticated - entertaining - inspirational 55

r i o d u o b s wed’

regular | wed's BOUDOIR

beauty junkie r fo ts uc od pr p to d an ds en tr , Tips


words Lucy Higgins & Rebecca Matthews

luscious locks Whether you’re planning an elaborate updo, a sleek style, or relaxed tendrils falling loose over your shoulders, strong and healthy hair is key for a wow-worthy W-day look. Guava & Gold’s Paradise Found Shampoo combines a blend of hydrating avocado and manuka oils to restore your hair’s natural strength, providing shine and softness while evoking tropical beach vibes thanks to its signature heavenly fragrance. The conditioner, meanwhile, leaves your hair soft and silken with the same enchanting scent.

all-round hero The Mini Nude Collection from Dr. PawPaw is a fab little multi-purpose set – perfect for both your big day bag and honeymoon luggage. Enriched with papaya, olive oil and aloe vera, the Original Balm can be used to soften and smooth lips, soften cuticles, hydrate dry patches of skin, and highlight the cheeks, nose and cupid’s bow. Meanwhile, the Tinted Peach Pink and Tinted Rich Mocha balms are perfect for creating natural make-up looks – we love the pretty hues of the tinted colours for cheeks and lips.

personalised perfume Seeking the perfect W-day aroma? Unisex luxury fragrance brand Memoize London is home to a sublime selection. Choose from the Light Range, a collection of celestial scents that will envelope you in fresh, summery notes, and the Dark Range, a collection of evocative, rich and sensual perfumes – we love the woodiness of the limited edition Black Avarita, which combines base notes of amber and cedarwood with top notes of grapefruit and honey. The pink-bottled Rose Luxuria, a floral and oriental scent in the Exclusives Collection, is a gorgeous choice for brides. And our favourite bit? The bottles can be personalised with an engraved message or date on the cap – what a fab wedding gift for your partner, your bridal party…or maybe even yourself?

love in bloom When an iconic beauty brand partners with a renowned New York floral guru to create a make-up collection, you know you’re in for something special. Bobbi Brown’s latest limited edition collection, Blush & Bloom, is inspired by Denise Porcaro’s signature arrangements of lush floral and whimsical blossoms. The highlighting powder and trio of lip glosses are rich in pretty, feminine hues – just perfect for creating a radiant bridal glow.

eye saver Whether you’re burning the midnight oil making W-day décor or partying hard as you bid goodbye to single life, your eyes will probably be in need of a little tender loving care during the run-up to the big day. Step forward Under Eye Revive from the Cornwall-based skincare specialists at Inlight Beauty. A favourite here at Wed, this little gem contains a deeply nourishing blend of organic ingredients that works a treat in brightening dark circles, minimising puffiness, and plumping the delicate under-eye area – leaving your eyes at their most captivating for your all-eyes-on-you moment.



#53 2020


Wed mag 2016 11/1/16 11:20 Page Wed mag mag 2016 2016 11/1/16 11/1/16 11:20 11:20 Page Page 111 Wed

Quality furniture hire Quality furniture hire Beetham BeethamWedding Weddinghalf halfpage pagead adAW AW19.03.12.indd 19.03.12.indd 22 Tres_wed_ad.indd 187 Including dancefloors, staging, props, Including dancefloors, staging, props, lighting and effects lighting and effects Here’s some we earlier! The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic The located in TheFalmouth FalmouthHotel Hotelis ismade located inthe thehistoric historic The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic

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married in Falmouth Get Getmarried marriedin inFalmouth Falmouth Get married in Falmouth married in Falmouth Get in Getmarried married inFalmouth Falmouth Get married in Falmouth Manor Fashions J JQ J Caerhays Weddings at Weddings at Ca EVE Don't Don't dream, dream, believe believe Don't Don't dream, dream, believe believe Wedding WeddingPhotography Photography for for eevviittaaeerrcccouples couples

Vintage Hire when You a lot of choices You make make a lot of choices when you you You wear the dress, A tailored, decide to married, choosing decide to get get married, choosing F we take the stress to to have have Jenny Jenny as as our our wedding wedding

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Wedding Photography Wedding£2,750 Photography for for eevviittaaeerrcccouples couples

There There are are two two remarkable remarkable venues venues for for

your yourwedding weddingat atCaerhays. Caerhays.Both Bothsparkle sparkle

You You make make aa lot lot of of choices choices when when you you D i a m o n d decide decide to to get get married, married, choosing choosing Wedding Package to to have have Jenny Jenny as as our our wedding wedding Tailor-made packages to make your special day truly planner our planner was was easily easilyperfect. ourFrombest best only with withmagic. magic.

The TheVean: Vean:Our Ourfive-star five-starcountry countryhouse house

retreat retreat with with eight eight luxurious luxurious double double bedrooms, bedrooms,accommodating accommodating16 16guests. guests.

The TheOld OldCoastguard’s Coastguard’sLookout: Lookout:

We are gathered here today to witness something totally different...

V V ii nn tt aa gg ee


Q Ruby Alice Q Cornovi Floral Designer, Event Stylist & w w ee d do o… …

harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its harbour Bay. its harbourtown townof ofFalmouth Falmouthand andoverlooks overlooksFalmouth Falmouth Bay.With With its harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the beautiful itititit offers the beautifulperiod periodarchitecture architectureand andspacious spaciousinteriors, interiors, offers the beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the WEDDING DESIGN WEDDING DESIGN perfect base for your wedding Cornwall. perfect for wedding in perfectbase base foryour your wedding Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. Weddings & Events Planner Weddings &in Events Planner Weddings &inCornwall. Events Planner

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On On the the headland headland overlooking overlooking Veryan Veryan


Bay, Bay, with with inspiring inspiring views views out out to to sea sea Cornwall & Devon Cornwall & Devon and andalong alongthe thecoast. coast. Whether you decide on a Civil Ceremony, Wedding Wedding Planner Wedding & Event Event Planner Breakfast or Evening Reception, here at Lanhydrock Hotel & P l for at inum Caerhays Caerhays isis the the ideal ideal place place for your your

Bride and Groom... in Bodmin, Cornwall, we will provide all the services and Wedding on wedding,with withaamarquee marquee onthe theVean Vean Package support we can to make your special day truly, Do you want food created just for you rather than The TheOld Old lawn, lawn, you you can can hold hold aa reception reception for for H O T E L to Gchoose O L F C L U Bfrom F I Ta N Epre S S S determined UITE Full Planning Full Planning have list? do) Phone our (We Wedding Coordinator team to find out more: The ultimate all inclusive indulgence package. Appointments preferred; Coastguard’s Lookout Coastguard’s Lookout Appointments preferred; HOTEL




up up to to 150 150 people people inin rural rural splendour. splendour.

From onlyThis small, magical building, This small, magical AAnew newvenue venue––aabeautiful beautifulEnglish EnglishCountry CountryGarden Gardenand and ring Ann on building, ring Ann on Or with the castle castle Or Planning with aa marquee marquee inin the Partial Partial Planning with breathtaking AA romantic, Georgian country in the withhouse breathtaking views over Do youwinning want something unconventional and yours would romantic, newly newly restored restored Georgian country house inviews theover AA award accommodation, all Weddings, Dinner Parties, award winning accommodation, allexclusively exclusively yoursfor for Weddings, Dinner Parties, £9,500 grounds sea groundswith withdistant distantviews viewsout outto to sea Veryan Bay Veryan Bay and and beyond, beyond, isis heart South Hams, Devon. With fantastic opportunities your wedding day. heart of ofOn South Hams, Devon. With fantastic opportunities Buffets, Barbeques & Banquets your wedding day. do) dearly love to rip up the rules? (We Buffets, Barbeques & Banquets hh The Day Coordination On The Day Coordination Create Your Dream Wedding in Devon & Cornwall now for licensed forweddings. weddings. now Create Your Dream Wedding infor Devon &licensed Cornwall you welcome 250 youcan can welcome 250 guests. Bleujen Florist all catered in allguests. catered for in Golf for both civil ceremonies and receptions, Shilstone offers for both civil ceremonies and receptions, Shilstone offers Lanhydrock Hotel and Club | Bodmin fo f Bleujen Florist Weare areHire oneDesigner ofthe thefew few shops in the U.K.dedicated dedicated solely to the “Exercise isfor so much more than Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Inspire Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire & Event Styling We one of shops in the U.K. to the Inspire Hire Designer Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire &solely Event Styling Cornwall |by PL30 5AQ the perfect setting a country wedding. Every occasion made special by the flexible team the perfect setting for a country wedding. Every occasion made special the flexible team Photo: Ian Wool Photo: Ian Wool Photo: Ian Wool Photo: Ian Wool Do you want to love and cherish your wedding day Unit 1, The Wharf Regardless of whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Regardless of whether are hiring aaa marquee from us, why Regardless of whether you are hiring a marquee from us, why Regardless ofLower whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Regardless whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Regardless of whether are hiring aaa marquee from us, why Mother ofthe the Bride andyou Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Regardless of whether you are hiring a marquee from us, why jennywrenweddingsandevents Regardless ofof whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Mother of Bride and Groom and Special guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23you 8LG who always says yes whoyou always saysOccasion yesgood; just to make look To view our full range visit our website not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering To view our full range visit our website 01208 262570 not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering To view our full range visit our website not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering (We do) food memories from this day forward? not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering 01823 674407 07966 090916 not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering 01823please 674407 07966 090916 are over 500outfits outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering 01823 674407 07966 090916 are over 500 to choose from and many hats, fascinators, 01823 674407 07966 090916 For more information visit: or Stylish accommodation in the heart of Bath, with For more information please visit: or for more information and bookings contact for more andplease bookings contact For more visit: Contact Jamie and team now on 01872 501002 Forinformation moreinformation information please oror w Contact Jamie and his hiscrockery, team nowcutlery, on 01872 501002 equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment including glasses and linen. Eleanor Winsor Grime equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. @joinerb @JennyWrenEvents @joinerb Eleanor Winsor Grime equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, and linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, and linen. @joinerb shoes and bags. Sizes -glasses 30 @joinerb spahelps packages and award winning restaurants shoes and bags. Sizes 88or -glasses 30 or the office orcontact contact the estate officeon on01872 01872501310 501310relaxing exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet ofestate your dreams. T.Vibrant, 01288 354606 or 07790 640610 or or 07790 640610 or email email contact the estate it your whole wellbeing.” or contact the estateoffice officeon on01872 018725013 5013 Follow us... Email: Tel: 07977 574 597 Follow us... Email: Tel: 07977 574 597 Be itT.Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas to the table. and bars to sample. A perfect city for a perfect party. 01288 354606 photography photography photography photography Write to: The Estate Office, Caerhays Estate, We dotheout too. 01209 831333 to find how Beetham Food can special day. 07817 317 781 01209 831333 Write to:complete The Estateyour Office, Caerhays Estate,Gorran, Gorran,St StAustell, Austell,PL26 PL266LY 6LY 01209 831333 to find out how Beetham can complete your day. 01209 07817 317 781 Write to: Estate Office, Caerhays Estate, Gorran, St 01209 831333 E. 01209 831333 Write to:The The Estate Office, Caerhays Estate, Gorran, St 01209 831333 01209 831333 Covering whole of Cornwall, we areFood happy831333 to provide tasters to get yourspecial tongues tingling! Cornwall Cornwall Katharine KatharineKnights: Knights: Truthall Manor, Sithney,Salterton Helston, TR13 0DG E. T: +44 (0)1209 860702 Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG T: +44 (0)1209 860702 T: +44 (0)1209 860702 Lucy T urner or Lucy T urner oremail: Sarah Wright Sarah Wright 15 Fore Street | Budleigh | EX9 6NH or email: or email: F O O D P A S S I O N F O O D P A S S I O N 01209 832260 or 07969 224068 FFOOOODD IOONN 01326 231245 15 |e EX9 6NH YOU’RE remail: rq ee w w w eremail: aTel: eeeee .s. c.c. co .. u.u. ukukkk w w w...t.ttrtremail: om m r qquuu u cooo ww ww ww vvvaaaarrEmail: mm aaarr q w trtr443730 rere385392 e nnoooom aarr q rq ee s.s07968 cWELCOME oo .u 07968 w w w ...t.tFore ee0800 ss005 c.c.2244 o .. u wTel: w w evStreet maaSalterton e co2244 . ukukkk 07968 385392 ww ww w vvvaaaa r|rnrnBudleigh mm uuu e .07968 206116 206116 01395 tel: 07855056016 0800 005 0800 005 2244 0800 005 2244 Tel: 01395 443730 l 07885 648462 07885 648462 tel: 07855056016

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Quality furniture hire hire Quality furniture 10/09/2012 15:18 10/09/2012 15:18 10/09/2012 15:18 10/09/2012 15:18 19/03/2012 08:19 19/03/2012 08:19 ‘Moments that matterstaging, most linger Including dancefloors, staging, props,longest in the heart Including dancefloors, props, ‘Moments that mattermost most linger longest inthose theinheart ‘Moments that matter linger longest the heart when shared in exquisite settings with whom we lighting and effects ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart lighting and effects when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ W E D D I N G PAC K AG E Here’s when shared in exquisite cherish settings with those whom wesome cherishwe deeply.....’ deeply.....’ Specialising Specialising in in Specialising Specialising in made earlier! in The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic The in TheFalmouth Falmouth Hotelisis islocated located inthe thehistoric historic The Falmouth Hotel located in the historic From only OurHotel Special Week day Wood . Palladium Wood . Palladium hhits .00 tsits its Wood Wood .. Palladium Palladium harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its harbour and Falmouth Bay. its harbourtown townof ofFalmouth Falmouth andoverlooks overlooks Falmouth Bay.With With its harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its and Winter Package £2,750 elieve Any of Any style style of wedding wedding believe Don't dream, believe Don't dream, believe the he Platinum .. Silver the he Platinum Silver beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the beautiful interiors, itititit offers the Platinum . Silver beautifulperiod periodarchitecture architectureand andspacious spacious interiors, offers the Club beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the Platinum We make beautiful jewellery in our Cornish. Silver studio catering anywhere in catering anywhere in Gold . Titanium perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. Gold . Titanium perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. Gold . Titanium Gold . Titanium Weddings & Events Planner Specialising in small intimate weddings , for all your wedding party, including rings, There remarkable Thereare aretwo two remarkable for C intimate O U venues Tvenues U R Efor There Thereare aretwo tworemarkable remarkablevenues venuesfor for Specialising in small weddings, Cornwall Cornwall cufflinks, necklaces and bracelets. your yourwedding weddingat atCaerhays. Caerhays.Both Bothsparkle sparkle Contact your Contact yourwedding weddingat atCaerhays. Caerhays.Both Bothsparkle sparkle Contact Contact Perfect forwith small intimate weddings, atA G E magic. W E D DThe I NCow G PShed ACK with magic. with withmagic. magic. 367254 01736 367254 Perfect for small intimate weddings, The01736 Cow Shed at 01736 01736 367254 367254 Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Tailor-made packages to Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite The Our country house TheVean: Vean: Ourfive-star five-star country house The Vean: Our five-star country house Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame The Vean: Our five-star country house setting for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set From only Whether hether you decide Shed atfor Freathy Farmhouse on thespecial gorgeous make your day Rame aisand truly rustic romantic occasion. Set A unique imaginative Asetting unique imaginative with eight luxurious retreat with eightand luxurious double Peninsula tucked away down adouble small retreat retreat with with eight eight luxurious luxurious double double in an acreretreat ofand mature grounds, tucked awayCornish down a .00 truly perfect Peninsula iswith tucked away down aswathes small in an acre of mature grounds, tucked awayCornish down a£5,995 n a Civil Ceremony, country lane, wild flowers and of frothy bedrooms, accommodating 16 bedrooms, accommodating 16guests. guests. Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, bedrooms, bedrooms,accommodating accommodating16 16guests. guests. catering company who catering company who country lane, with wildonflowers and swathes of frothy “Moments that matter most Cornish country lane Rameand Peninsula, cowwild parsley dancing inthe thegorgeous hedgerows, the with flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley edding Breakfast or cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and thean The Coastguard’s Lookout: TheOld Oldsharing Coastguard’s Lookout: The with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow are all about the TheOld OldCoastguard’s Coastguard’sLookout: Lookout: are all about sharing the jewel coloured only minutes away. Setparsley in dancing in theocean hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the Full Planning ing Reception, here at jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an On the headland overlooking Veryan dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured On the headland overlooking Veryan On the headland overlooking On the headland Veryan We are gathered here overlooking today toVeryan witness acre mature grounds a small stream running oceanof only minutes away,with our cute half-timbered barn love of great food love of great food heart...” of mature grounds with a small stream running drock Hotelacre in Bodmin, ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn Bay, with inspiring views out to sea Bay, inspiring views out to sea through a very unique and exquisite setting Bay, with inspiring views out to sea Bay, with inspiring views out to sea something totally different... allowsoffering you thewith freedom and creativity to have the W E D D I N G PAC K AG E Partial Planning through a very unique and exquisite setting allows you the freedom andoccasion. creativity to have the for a truly offering rustic and romantic Our cute half wall, we will provide all and andalong along thecoast. coast. wedding that you the want, in a tranquil, relaxed and and along the coast. and along the coast. fortimbered a truly rustic romantic Our cute half From only wedding thatand you want, inultimate aoccasion. tranquil, relaxed and The all inclusive barn allows you the freedom to have the style. Our team will work with you to create ervices andinformal support we On The Day Coordination Caerhays is ideal place for timberedthat barn allows you freedom to have the Caerhays is the the ideal place for your your isis the informal style. Our team will work with you to create indulgence package Caerhays the ideal ideal place place for for your your £9,500.00 wedding you want, in athe tranquil relaxed and less Bride and Caerhays Groom... the exclusive wedding of your dreams, with packages including An use rustic barn venue, specialising 07842 721 894 07842 721 894 wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less make your special day wedding, with a marquee on the Vean the wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding, with a marquee on the Vean wedding, wedding,with withaamarquee marqueeon onthe theVean Vean formal style, with catering, luxurious Farmhouse accommodation delicious luxurious farmhouse Quirky Hire Items Do you want food created just for you rather than in small intimate weddings and elopements ,bride on The formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation Old delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse The Old lawn, you can hold a reception for The truly perfect. lawn, you can hold a reception for TheOld Old included and complementary spa massage for lawn, you can hold a reception for lawn, you can hold a reception for accommodation for up to eight guests and a have to choose from a pre determinedCoastguard’s list? (We do) included and complementary spa massage for the beautiful Cornish coast Coastguard’s Lookout accommodation for up to eight guests and abride Coastguard’s Lookout Lookout Coastguard’s Lookout and groom. up to 150 people in rural splendour. up to spa 150massage people infor ruralthe splendour. complementary bride and groom. up up to to 150 150 people people inin rural rural splendour. splendour. and groom. This Thissmall, small,magical magicalbuilding, building, complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. This Thissmall, small,magical magicalbuilding, building, 19/03/2012 19/03/2012 08:19 08:19

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rCaerhays yourThe Special Occasion Weddings at Caerhays Cow Shed ding Justin atw Freathy Farmhouse eCornwall dDuance o… we do…


The 19th Get married in Falmouth Get married in Falmouth Get married in Falmouth married in Falmouth The Cow Shed

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You wear the dress, we take the stress


… … tt a ak k ee ff o oo od d tt o o bb ee o ou u rr ll a aw w ff u u ll pp a a ss ss ii o on n

omantic weddings Or the castle castle Or with with aa marquee marquee inin the

with withbreathtaking breathtakingviews viewsover over

Themore Cow grounds Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, For information orviews to arrange a viewing, with distant out grounds with distant views outto tosea seaMillbrook, Veryan Veryan Bay Bay and and beyond, beyond, isis Themore Cow information ShedCornwall, at Freathy Farmhouse, For orPL10 to arrange a viewing, 1JL or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us now licensedfor forweddings. weddings. nowlicensed you can welcome 250 guests. you can welcome 250 guests. Cornwall, PL10 1JL or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us Tel:on 01752 01752 823167 823167. Tel: 01752 01752 823167 823167. From this... From Thethis... Cow Shed aton Wool Wool Photo: Ian Wool Photo: IanIan Wool T i m e l e s Freathy s . E l Farmhouse, e g a n t . Millbrook, E x c l u s i vPhoto: ePhoto: .Ian Cornwall, PL10 1JL H HO OT TT :EE 01752 LL G G O O823167 LL FF C C LL U U BB FF II TT N N EE SS SS SS U U II TT EE The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse,

Your Top Table Timeless. Elegant. Exclusive.

… … tt a ak k ee ff o oo od d tt o o bb ee o ou u rr ll a aw w ff u u ll pp a a ss ss ii o on n in the castle Or with a marquee Or with a marquee in the castle 07885 648462 with breathtaking views withand breathtaking viewsover over Do you want something unconventional would grounds groundswith withdistant distantviews viewsout outto tosea sea Veryan Veryan Bay Bay and and beyond, beyond, isis dearly love to rip up the rules? (We do) now licensed for weddings. you youcan canwelcome welcome250 250guests. guests.

now licensed for weddings.

dding ding by the sea. If you prefer to get married in church,

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THE POWER OF TWO Choose a shaped wedding ring that sits seamlessly alongside your engagement ring for a match made in heaven words Hannah May 1.






















While the engagement ring represents the

Also working in wax, designer-maker Emily Nixon

your bridal set,” says Jamila. “Perhaps you fancy a

promise of marriage, the wedding ring seals

has developed her own bespoke tools to create

contemporary twist or have some family heirlooms

the deal. And, as the ultimate symbol of your

her characteristic seaweed settings and textures.

you would like to use up?”

union, it should be just as special and unique

“Emily’s wedding and engagement rings are uniquely

as your engagement ring. With bespoke being

moulded by hand to retain a distinctive sea worn

Emily Nixon’s approach results in artful alternatives to

the buzzword in the wedding industry right

character,” explains Chloe Wild at Emily Nixon. “Her

traditional shaped rings. “Miniature spirals and rocky

now, many brides are opting for a wedding ring

sculptural approach means that when it comes

planes are shaped to sit together in harmony, they are

that shines with individual style while fitting

to shaped rings, irregular, flowing lines are her

playful, natural and harmonious,” says Chloe. “Look

perfectly alongside their engagement ring.


out for Emily’s new ‘Falling Off Solitaire’ design with a wedding ring to wear alongside – brilliantly creative,

After considering your choice of metal and ensuring

finding a wedding band that sits comfortably beside

it’s the same carat weight of your engagement ring,

your engagement ring is essential,” says Jamila

it’s time to look at shape and decide whether you’d

Whether it’s contemporary cut-outs, abstract twirls, or

Hirtenstein at Justin Duance. “Therefore, a shaped

like a soft curve or a bold design. “Gentle curve rings

contrasting tones of metals and gems, get creative with

wedding ring might be the way to go.”

fit around your engagement ring resulting in a more

your jeweller and design a unique piece to complement

organic approach to a shaped wedding band, and are

your engagement ring: the promise and commitment

Designer-maker Stephanie Stevens is passionate

perfect if you want something that still looks natural

of marriage forever captured in the most striking and

about crafting shaped rings. “Rather than choosing

when worn solo,” explains Jamila. “You may wish to

symbolic of ways.

a ring that will fit against the engagement ring, I’d

add gemstones or diamonds to your shaped wedding

recommend creating a wedding ring to fit alongside

band to tie your rings together and add a little extra

it,” she says. “I use two methods, depending on how


big the curve needs to be: if it’s just a slight curve I


original and true to Emily’s sculptural style.”

“If you plan to wear both of your rings together,

create it in the metal; I can also make the ring in wax

Don’t be afraid to experiment with design, colour

and shape it around the engagement ring so it fits

and gemstones. “Your wedding ring can be an

into the gaps perfectly.”

opportunity to add your own personal touch to


#53 2020

1. Emily Nixon 2. Justin Duance 3. Stephanie Stevens

Handmade wedding and engagement rings inspired by the coast Come and see the collection at my studio in Hayle, Cornwall 01736 887599


feature | MAKING MAGIC

making magic From floral crowns to foraged feasts, go big on bonding with these creative hen party ideas words Lucy Higgins

The modern hen party is a far cry from the girlie gathering of yesteryear. The focus has shifted from L-plates, dubious straws and hazy nights in stickyfloored nightclubs to cherished experiences centred on bonding, precious together-time and maybe indulging your creative side or learning a new skill. Here in the west, there are plenty of ways to make memories while making something special – whether it’s jewellery, gin or sugar flowers – to celebrate your last days as a single woman. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite ideas.



#53 2020


Create your own jewellery Carole Allen Jewellery’s hen workshops are the perfect solution for brides who haven’t ticked ‘jewellery for the bridal party’ off their wedmin list! Gathering in Carole’s light-filled studio in the heart of Cornwall, the talented jeweller will teach you how to make a special piece of jewellery, packed with meaning and memories. Whether you opt for bracelets, necklaces or earrings, Carole will teach you to hammer, file, stamp, polish and finish your piece, ensuring the finished result is gorgeous quality and oh-so unique. We particularly love the personalised bracelets for a delicate and bespoke accessory for your bridesmaids. Carole can also teach you to make bangles or earrings from anodised aluminium for hens seeking a splash of colour. With drinks, nibbles and Prosecco provided, you are assured precious together-time, golden memories – and a piece of jewellery to treasure.

Learn how to make sugar flowers Renowned for her captivating wedding cakes, experienced cake designer Claire Potts of Claire’s Sweet Temptations has launched sugar flower classes, perfect for hens keen to learn the art of delicate petal crafting. As well as running smaller classes for up to four in her Clovelly studio in Devon, Claire can cater for larger hen parties at a venue of your choice. A lovely activity for a weekend away, she will bring all the equipment and ingredients needed to help you create the flowers, as well as a box to take your creations home. “This is the perfect introduction to anyone wanting to start their journey into the world of sugar flowers,” she says. The flowers and techniques can then be used on your own wedding cake to bring a personal touch to your sweet centrepiece.

Craft flower crowns Cornwall-based florist Lisa Marie Grigsby, the talent behind Down by the River Florals, has launched a series of bespoke workshops – and her flower crown workshops are going down a storm with hens. “Using beautiful blooms, foliage and textures, you and your lovely hens can create beautiful flower crowns to adorn your heads, celebrating your hen do in style!” says Lisa, whose floral design and styling business has an organic and natural approach, often incorporating foraged hedgerow elements, wild flowers and grasses to provide elegant and unique floral designs individual to you. You might even choose to use dried flowers to preserve your crowns, so your bridal party can wear them on the big day. Sessions can be held either at the Down by the River Florals’ studio in Perranwell between Falmouth and Truro or a venue of your choice.


feature | MAKING MAGIC

Turn your hand to sculpture A memorable way to learn a new skill with a lot of laughs along the way, Richard Austin’s sculpture workshops are guaranteed to put smiles on faces. The workshops are held at Richard’s studio in Wadebridge for up to 12 people, or the experienced sculptor can travel to your venue and set up the workshop in your own space. Don’t worry, the creative process is not messy! During the two-hour workshop, each person will create a sculpted face out of clay to take home – perhaps your bridal party will make one of themselves, of you, or of your partner, to display at your wedding! Even if you’ve never worked with clay before, you’ll be surprised at how creative, satisfying and fun-filled the process can be.

Distil gin in the Cornish countryside Picture this: an idyllic spot in the Cornish countryside where you can make your own gin and spend the night in a treehouse or shepherd’s hut. Green Cart Farm, an off-grid botanical farm in Lostwithiel, offers a range of workshops in its essential oils distillery. One of our favourites is the ‘Gin Making and G&Tea in a Tree House’ course, where you’ll be guided through the distillation process, selecting your own botanicals and distilling your own bottle of artisan gin in a traditional copper still. Afterwards, an afternoon tea served before rural views awaits, including the gins made in the workshop for you to enjoy, as well as handmade scones, cucumber sandwiches and pastries. We love the idea of staying the night, making memories with your dearest friends amidst fiery sunsets and starry skies, and waking to a full English breakfast and a bottle of custom gin to take home.

Go foraging The wild landscape of Cornwall’s far west is the perfect place for immersing yourself in nature and discovering the joys of foraging. Fat Hen, a wild cookery school based in St Buryan, offers a range of foraging and culinary experiences that can be adapted to suit your group. Drawing on years of experience in ecological consulting, plant identifying and botany, Caroline Davey will take you on a guided foraging walk before heading to the kitchen to cook up your freshly foraged fare, providing an opportunity to spend time together in a relaxed and fun way whilst learning new skills and feeling the health benefits of being outdoors. “Foraging for wild food and cooking are naturally collaborative activities. These activities are a great way of improving individual and group well-being,” says Caroline, who also runs hands-on cookery courses that include everything from seaweed foraging and cooking, to crab on the beach, and game cookery. Wild walks and fresh food – what could be better?



#53 2020

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10/10/2018 11:19

feature | SPEAK EASY

Matt Penberthy

speak easy Brides, are you considering standing up and saying a few words on your big day? While it traditionally used to be a job for the boys, more brides then ever are standing up to be heard‌ words Elizabeth Chester



#53 2020


Traditionally speaking When my usually shy and retiring bride-to-be friend recently announced to our group that she was making a speech at her upcoming nuptials, we all panicked. She can’t tell a joke without turning radish red, we mused, how is she going to cope with this limelight-hogging moment? But being shy shouldn’t stop anyone from being deliriously happy and grateful and wanting to say it out loud. And the good news is, bride’s speeches don’t have to conform to anything, as there is no rulebook. Wedding speeches by the bride haven’t historically been a traditional part of wedding ceremonies and receptions, although they are slowly becoming more prevalent.

Freckle Photography

“The bride’s speech is still seen as relatively rare at the typical British wedding; however, weddings are becoming less about traditions and so much more about reflecting a couple’s personality and independence,” says wedding planner Jessica from Ardour & Bow Weddings & Events ( And our recent bride-to-be agrees. “I had so much to say,” she explains. “Although we had reflected our personalities and relationship through the decorations and theme, I had so much love and joy and gratitude for my new husband and our friends and family that I couldn’t convey through décor alone! And thank you notes and on-the-day drunken hugs just wouldn’t have done justice to how I felt,” she says, “I wanted to vocalise exactly how I felt on the day – through the power of a speech.”

Nerve swerve So how best can you get over the hurdle of on-the-day speech-induced nerves? Well, firstly there’s a glass of champagne (just a glass!), although make sure you don’t Nova Wedding Photography

have too much and completely lose your filter. No one wants to make a drunken rambling speech that your nearest and dearest will remember forever. If you’re keen to say a few words but don’t want to ruin the celebrations by sweating and panicking beforehand, why not choose to say something at a different time to the other speeches? That way you won’t feel the pressure of speaking when everyone is expecting it. Our bride explains how she didn’t let feelings of fear take over. “I can be quietly witty, but I feel more confident in a one-to-one chat rather than big groups,” she says. “So I channelled my fear into my voice and, although I could see all my friends and family in front of me, in my head I was speaking to only one of them – my maid of honour.” So if there’s one person who, above all others, helps ground you, just focus on them. “But remember that you will be surrounded by your friends and family,” says Jessica. “Everyone in the room is there for you, to love you and congratulate you, so there’s no need to feel anything other than love and support from your crowd.”

Funnily enough “Great speeches are often those that are said from the Keeper Creative

heart, are peppered with humour and speak directly to your guests and your partner,” advises Jessica. Ah, yes, humour, the big one when it comes to setting the room alight. But your speech doesn’t need to be rolling-onthe-floor funny, or even funny at all, particularly if


feature | SPEAK EASY

leveller and a brilliant icebreaker, relaxing your audience and therefore you. If you’re not naturally funny, or struggle to write your own witticisms, you can choose someone else’s work and read out a funny poem or prose. Or if you don’t want to be funny, be clever, and above all be heartfelt, perhaps with a poem that focuses on your partner and incorporates key moments in your relationship to date. Be sincere with detailed thanks to everyone who is there on the day, mentioning anyone who has helped you with specific jobs. Take the time to talk about friends and family who may not be able to be present on the day. “When thinking about what to include in your speech, tailor-make it to your audience,” says Jessica. If you’re having a bijou do, standing up and saying a few heartfelt words about how special it is to have such a small select group on your big day would be appropriate, whereas a 100-strong crowd packed with school and university friends might allow for a more raucous approach.

In it together How about making a speech together? “Marriage is a partnership after all, so I love the idea of both of you making a speech,” says Jessica. “Just make sure you coordinate what you are going to say in advance to avoid repetition.” Couples speeches can also be witty, for example, saying a line each from a funny poem you have created about each other, and an easy way to steal the show is to offer up a heartfelt speech from the two of you. There won’t be a dry eye in the house if you both lament how much the day means to you… you could even look each other in the eye as you say it.

Practice makes perfect Whatever you decide to say and however you decide to say it, preparation is the key to feeling good and appearing confident when you’re talking to a group of any size. Whether you add in some impromptu jokes or stick to a wellrehearsed deliverance, make sure you know what you want to say. And at the end of the speech, whether there were ad libs or omissions, it doesn’t matter, but put the heart into your speech by knowing what’s at the heart of your speech.



#53 2020

Keeper Creative

you are going for a tear-jerking angle. But humour is a great

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WORKING THE GROOM Style tips for the man of the moment

Nicki Shea Photography


words Hannah May & Lucy Higgins


Pack a debonair punch by donning something velvet for your big day. The feelme fabric is a particular lust-have in the latest groomswear collections, and can be worn head-to-toe for a lavish look, or coolly incorporated via one item of clothing such as the jacket or an accessory. From classic black to midnight blue, pick a palette to suit the season, venue or bridal party, or up the ante by combining velvet with another top trend: jewel tones. Think emerald green, rich burgundy, bright blue, or berry – or, for an en vogue summer shindig, opt for white, tan, ice blue, and light grey. 1. Topman 2. River Island 3. Marc Wallace 4. Burton 1.











#53 2020






Tweed is becoming a perennial staple in grooms wear the globe over. It is in the midst of a makeover though, courtesy of a colour wash. Earthy greens such as olive, muted greys, browns, and darker blues remain timeless tweed options, but brighter shades of Binky Nixon



sage, oatmeal and gunmetal blue are emerging as the top trending colours. From jackets and waistcoats to suits, tweed can be worn in a number of ways: colour blocked, mixed and matched, or via a single accessory such as a tie or bow tie for a


touch of texture. Add pattern such as plaid and bold checks (think windowpanes with hot pink lines, orange and blue Tattersall), and you’ll be a high scorer on the style marks. 1. River Island 2. Burton 3. The Vintage Suit Hire Company 4. Skopes at Cornwall Suit Room 5. Torre at Cornwall Suit Room








2. 3.

Though muted tones are a classic choice, other musthave colours are creeping into grooms wear of late, with light and soft hues like powder blues and baby pinks popping up on catwalks the world over. Take your cue from style icons like David Bowie who was


an aficionado of the summer suit by selecting sorbet shades, or sporting the tones with your shirt or single piece of clothing such as your jacket.



1. Skopes at Cornwall Suit Room 2. Base London 3. Remus Uomo 4. River Island 5. M&S

COOL CUSTOMISATION It’s all in the details, gents – but rather than wearing your pizzazz on your sleeve, opt for something more subtle with hidden customisations. Think monogrammed patches, embroidery or even a personal design on the lining of your jacket that will flash some colour and charisma when caught in the breeze. “The ultimate personalisation of any suit is when the lining and cloth is made exclusively for you”, says David Brooke of Mathieson & Brooke Tailors, whose statement linings are coveted in both celebrity circles and by grooms wanting to don a personality-packed piece of fashion with undeniable panache. Go for a lining featuring your engagement photos for ultimate brownie points! Mathieson & Brooke Tailors


Exclusively Yours ‌. Say I do, celebrate and stay in this stunning secluded rural hideaway in North Cornwall. .

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#53 2020

feature | wed’s HIP LIST

wed’s HIP LIST Fresh, fun and fabulous ways to style your day words Lucy Higgins & Rebecca Matthews

Salt & Sea Photography Co.

Love Tree Designs

DELIGHTFUL DIY Suddy Nora’s handmade soaps make for gorgeous wedding favours as do the range of soy wax candles from the Flaming Nora arm of the creative local business. And we love this new addition to the range: a candle-making kit. A brilliant Grace Elizabeth

DIY activity, it has everything you need to make two gloriously scented eco-friendly candles in a choice of aromas. Whether you choose to do it as an activity with your other half, your bridal squad or as some solitary time, use the candles at

Dreamy Vinyls

your wedding for some delightfully DIY décor or favours with a personal touch.

Grace Elizabeth

Liberty Pearl

RoCha Designs


DID SOMEONE SAY DESSERT? Described as ‘Born in Italy, made in Cornwall’, TiramisUGO’s range of artisan tiramisus are simply bellissimo! Founder Ugo Massabò, aka ‘The Cornish Italian’, makes the desserts according to

touches for your wedding? Stargazey Wedding

his late father’s recipe from the finest Italian and

Decor Hire is home to an extensive and eclectic

Cornish ingredients. Available in five different

collection of furniture, props, accessories and

flavours – including Cornish rum, chocolate,

traditional lawn games. Rich in rustic charm, its

and matcha tea, as well as the traditional classic

mismatched vintage chairs are available in an

tiramisu – it’s made directly into pretty glass jars,


array of colours, from white to pastel pink, while

making it ideal for couples who want to avoid

There are so many super-stylish place setting

its collection of tables and vintage drawers make

waste and have a practical and palate-pleasing

ideas in wedding world right now. From gorgeous

stylish spots for feasting and desserts tables.

solution for the end of their dinner. Or you

calligraphy on slices of agate and romantic-rustic

There are also decorative touches for those all-

could even have it served from TiramisUGO’s

wooden tags to sleek and contemporary acrylics,

important accents: think lanterns, bunting, vases

Ape Piaggio 1975 for that real Mediterranean

these are some of our favourites – and they make

and candelabras. And the lawn games include the

touch. Complete with vegan and gluten-free

sweet keepsakes to boot!

popular likes of croquet, skittles and giant versions

options, this lip-smacking sweet treat will delight

of noughts and crosses, Jenga and Connect 4 –

all your guests while bringing a taste of Italy to

Love Tree Designs

perfect ice-breaking fun for the drinks reception!

your table. Delizioso!

Dreamy Vinyls

RoCha Designs

Toby Lowe

Seeking character-filled furnishings and fun finishing


wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration


lost in paradise Whisk your guests to a fun-filled tropical wedding on British shores, bursting with lush greens, vibrant blooms and exotic flavours! photography Pierra G Photography coordination & styling Rebecca Marie Weddings & Events



#53 2020


The allure of a tropical wedding, of marrying amidst waxy palms and feasting on zesty flavours, is a captivating one. Deciding to marry in Britain, however, doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your visions of a paradisiacal party. “The inspiration was to combine and infuse a modern tropical style in a more traditional, more likely setting,” explains wedding planner Rebecca Marie of Rebecca Marie Weddings & Events who coordinated and styled the shoot. “We want to show couples that it is OK to have a little bit of fun with your styling and details, and that inspiration can be taken from anything and anywhere in the world.” Rich emerald and sapphire accents feature throughout, and the striking, oversized bouquet is a blend of tropical foliage alongside the varying textures of locally grown flowers. “It was important for us to feature lots of details that complemented the bigger, bolder statements,” explains Rebecca. “Our wish list included lush greenery, vibrant blooms, zesty punches of colour and direct references to that tropical paradise.” Unique and memorable food packed with flavour is a priority for most couples – and an essential ingredient of a tropical wedding. “A menu of exquisite Asian-inspired food was beautifully executed and visually appealing, as was the showstopping cake with details to impress and an exotic flavour profile of mango and coconut!” says Rebecca. Such a distinctive wedding aesthetic demands equally striking bridal wear. The bride exudes a playful modern style in a luxe silk wrap dress with a deep-V neckline and thigh slit paired with statement earrings. A tie-neck jumpsuit, an up-and-coming trend for modern brides, enhances the party-ready vibe, and looks stunning teamed with a bold hair scarf and lip colour. “Any fashion-forward bride is in need of a welltailored groom, and the groom’s look, featuring a black and blue velvet statement tuxedo, does not disappoint,” adds Rebecca.


wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration




#53 2020




Rebecca Marie Weddings & Events Venue

Almonry Barn Photography

Pierra G Photography Videography

Meros Productions Flowers

Floren Studio Silk dresses & bridesmaids’ dresses

Constellation Ame Catering

Eat Nice, Be Nice Rings

London Victorian Ring Co Bridal headpiece

wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration

Vintage Adornments Bridal jewellery

Victoria Louise Accessories Hair

Abigail Constanza Make-up

Nicola Redman makeup Stationery

Loupaper Cake

Little Buttercup Cakery Cake stand

Prop Options Ceramics

Febbie Day Ceramics Banner

Love Tree Designs

Cutlery, glassware & décor items

Keeping it Vintage Sofa, table & chairs

Virginias Vintage Hire Faux plants, leaf table & palm tree

The Prop Factory Models

Jerica Sam Rita Charece Phoebe



#53 2020

Exclusively yours yours yoursExclusively

yours Exclusively yours yours Exclusively yours Cornwall & Devon Wedding Planner ‘You make a lot of choices when you

Sarah & Jody by Leo Sharp Photography

Historic Historic get married, choosing to have Jenny Historic as our wedding planner was easily Luxurious Luxurious Lorraine && Peter, Peter, May May 2015 2015 our best’ Lorraine

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Relaxed,your romantic weddings Whatever party vibe, a heavenly hangout of treasured Whatever Whatever your party vibe, heavenly hangout of treasured Whatever your your party party vibe, vibe, aa a heavenly heavenly hangout hangout of of treasured treasured time with the girls. Hot tub, swimming pool and loads of for up to twenty & AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE time with the girls. Hot tub, swimming pool and time with the girls. Hot tub, swimming pool and loads of U L T I M A T E W E D D I N G E V E N T S time with theU girls. Hot tub, swimming pool and loads loads of of L T I M A T E W E D D I N G E V E N T S ideas for food, crafts and pampering too! ideas for food, crafts and pampering too! ideas for for food, crafts crafts and and pampering pampering too! too! gorgeous elopements ideas food,

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OFACORNWALL EL EGAN T N T C ELEGAN T• • MO MOD DER ERin N-the -R ROM OM AN Nof TIIBath, C• •B BE ES SP POKE OKE Stylish accommodation heart with W E D D I N G S , E V E N T S W S W E spa D D Ipackages N G S , E and V E Naward TS & &winning WO OR RK Krestaurants SH HO OP PS S relaxing “Renowned for his dramatic floral installations and eye eye for colours and details, details, Simon Nickell Nickell is one one of ofis “Renownedfor for his dramatic floral installations and eye for colours colours and details, Simon is “Renowned his dramatic floral installations and for colours and Simon isNickell “Renowned for his dramatic floral installations and eye for and details, Simon and bars to sample. A perfect city for a Nickell perfect party. 211118 the most revered and watched florists in the the UK”in Alice Matthews one of the mostand revered andflorists watched florists in the UK” UK” 07790692221Tel: 01840 Tel:most 01840 211118 the revered watched in UK” one of the most revered and watched florists the Alice Matthews 07790692221 Getting married nearby? We have stylish accommodation in other cottages for your guests… Web: 07186 596720 Getting We accommodation in Getting married married nearby? We have have stylish stylish accommodation in other other cottages cottages for for your your guests… guests… YOU’RE WELCOME 07816 Carlotta & Joe bynearby? Khalile Siddiqui 07186 596720 Getting married nearby? We havePhotography stylish accommodation in other cottages for your guests… 07776 184 652 0776 184 184 652 01726 833302 833302 07776 184652 652 0776 01726

Carlotta & Joe by Khalile Siddiqui Photography



wild and free Throw a relaxed wedding day, painted with forest greens and soft pinks, where rustic charm meets modern style

wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration

photography & coordination Arianna Fenton Photography



#53 2020




Standing outside on a stormy day, the wind whipping her skirts and toying with the tendrils of hair around her face, the bride in this styled shoot is thoroughly embracing the Cornish elements. “We had planned a pretty, spring editorial with a palette of pinks and greens and featuring lots of seasonal foliage,” says photographer Arianna Fenton, who coordinated the shoot. “But as the date approached, it became apparent that the weather would be typically rainy and stormy.” While not part of the original vision, the weather adds a captivating, elemental feel to the images, while showcasing the rustic spaces and waterside arbour of Knightor Winery. A palette of forest green and pretty pink carries through the details, from the hand-painted cake to the stationery, the colours popping against the crisp whites. Eucalyptus adds a lush, earthy vibe to the tablescape, the backdrop of exposed brick walls and twinkling fairylights bringing rustic charm in abundance. The bride, meanwhile, nails contemporary, weatherready bridal style: her light, delicately detailed separates add playful movement, while her textured hair, adorned

wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration

with wispy florals and foliage, is the perfect look for a laid-back, rustic-chic day. She carries a wild, foliage-rich bouquet dotted with pink petals – and, of course, the ultimate wet weather bridal accessory: an umbrella!



#53 2020



Knightor Winery Photography

Arianna Fenton Photography Dress

Ailsa Munro Hair

The Mobile Hair Box Make-up

Carly Angove carlyangovemakeup Flowers

Floral Creations Cake

Fallon’s Cakes Stationery

Laura Likes Hair accessories

Cornish Flower Crowns Model

Emilia Tatley



wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration

whispers from the cornish woodland

steal away to a time-honoured house deep in the Cornish countryside for an elopement rich in the warm, soulful shades of autumn coordination & photography Holes in the World Studio



#53 2020

styling The Garden Gate Flower Company


Ripe with colour and romance, this styled shoot celebrates the beauty

Becca. “Hugging the whole table from above are dried hops suspended in a

of autumn in Cornwall. “The light at this time of year is mellow and low

copper frame, and beeswax candles with varying sizes create an autumn glow

in the sky and often everything seems almost bathed in a golden light,”

around the table. In embracing seasonal, locally grown flowers we’re able

explains Becca Stuart of The Garden Gate Flower Company who styled the

to truly bring the outside in, as both tone and colour mirror the gardens of

shoot. “I grow a lot of my own ingredients for floral work and by autumn my

Cornwall in autumn.”

garden is groaning with an abundance of dahlias, late flowering roses, grasses and so much more.”

The locally sourced theme extends to the bridal ensemble: wearing a dress handcrafted from organic silks by Cornwall-based designer Claire L. Headdon,

The stripped-back rustic charm of the Stable Yard at Boconnoc makes the

the bride carries a bouquet of blooms enveloped in old man’s beard, which is

perfect backdrop for a relaxed and intimate autumnal tablescape. Hugged

found in the Cornish hedges in late autumn. “Wrapped carefully in golden silks

by benches cloaked with sheepskins, the table, dressed in natural linen,

by Lancaster & Cornish, the bouquet is a beautiful blend of cafe au lait dahlias

sees florals gathered in old earthenware bottles and local pottery by John

and milky cream roses,” says Becca. “As a floral gardener, autumn is a rather

Webb. “These bottles are dotted down the tables and blended with larger

special time of year for me as it’s the final cut before the garden goes to sleep

Leach pottery bowls of delicate violas, blousy roses and dried lunaria,” says

once again for another year.”


wed’s style files Inspiration for a so-you celebration




#53 2020






#53 2020


Boconnoc Estate Photography

Holes in the World Studio Flowers & styling

The Garden Gate Flower Company Dress

Claire L. Headdon Bridal Designs Ribbons

Lancaster & Cornish Props

Duchy of Cornwall Nursery Hair

Zebrafinch Jewellery

Cindy Ashbridge Jewellery Lights

Tom Raffield Knitwear

Ally Bee Knitwear Stationery

Sixfold Studio Models




Creative Design Seeds


feature | FOOD | TOP TIERS Oona’s Cakes

TOP TIERS Peboryon

Red Robin Pantry

PETAL POWER From scatterings of edible flowers to a few perfectly placed blooms; from hand-painted petals to textured flowers

Oona’s Cakes

made from lashings of buttercream, flowers are a perennial favourite for prettifying your cake.

From flower-filled to showstopping works of art, prepare to be wowed by these tantalising cake trends words Rebecca Matthews Emily Hankins



#53 2020

Red Robin Pantry

TOP TIERS Emily Hankins

Peboryon Emily Hankins

GLAM METAL Gold, silver, copper or rose gold, bring a high shine finish to your wedding cake for a gorgeously glamorous accent. Emily Hankins

Thomas Frost

Emily Hankins

Toby Lowe





Toby Lowe


Emily Hankins

WORKS OF ART Go all out with a showstopping wedding Nick Bailey

cake – and watch in glee as your guests’ jaws drop. These incredible creations are (almost) too good to eat.


feature | FOOD | TOP TIERS Peboryon

BOTANICAL BEAUTY Forgo flowers in favour of a flurry of ferns and herbs. Perfect for creating a pared-back natural vibe, greens look most effective against a crisp, minimalist palette. Oona’s Cakes

Rachel Takes Pictures



Oona’s Cakes

Emily Hankins Oona’s Cakes

Claire’s Sweet Temptations

Claire’s Sweet Temptations Emily Hankins Oona’s Cakes Peboryon Red Robin Pantry



#53 2020

MINI MARVELS Whether you’re planning an intimate wedding or fancy serving a trio of small cakes, these exquisite creations prove that petite is oh-so chic!





Offering two distinct but equally pectacular licensed venues – the intimate, cliff top Coastguards Lookout, or our five-star country retreat, The Vean – as well as the option of a large, sea view, marquee reception in the castle grounds or a marquee reception on the breath-taking Beach Meadow perched above Porthluney Beach, the secluded Caerhays Estate makes for a magical Contact Jamie and his team now on 07790 640610 or email venue for your wedding. toon find out how Beetham Food Contact Jamie and his team now 01872 501002 complete special day. orcan 07790 640610your or email


to find out how Beetham Food can complete your special day.



CASTLE GROUNDS | COUNTRY HOUSE | COASTGUARDS LOOKOUT Offering two distinct but equally spectacular licensed venues – the intimate, cliff top Coastguards Lookout, or our five-star country retreat, The Vean – as well as the option of a large, sea view, marquee reception in the castle grounds or a marquee reception on the breathtaking Beach Meadow perched above Porthluney Beach, the secluded Caerhays Estate makes for a magical venue for your wedding.  01872 501310 Caerhays Castle | Gorran | St Austell | Cornwall | PL26 6LY




WEDDINGS CASTLE GROUNDS GROUNDS CASTLE COUNTRY HOUSE HOUSE COUNTRY COASTGUARDS LOOKOUT COASTGUARDS LOOKOUT Offering two two distinct distinct but but equally equally Offering spectacular licensed venues – spectacular licensed venues – the intimate, cliff-top Coastguards the intimate, cliff-top Coastguards Lookout, or or our our five-star five-star country country Lookout, retreat, The Vean – as well as retreat, The Vean – as well as the option of a large, sea-view, the option of a large, sea-view, marquee reception reception in in the the castle castle marquee grounds, the secluded Caerhays grounds, the secluded Caerhays Estate makes makes for for aa magical magical venue venue Estate for your wedding. for your wedding. 01872 501310 01872 501310 Caerhays Castle Caerhays Castle Gorran Gorran St Austell St Austell Cornwall Cornwall PL26 6LY PL26 6LY



blooming beautiful! From barely-there pink and cream to pops of peach and blue, let these pretty bouquets inspire the ultimate of bridal accessories Down by the River Florals Emma Hewlett Floral Design The Good Florist Tide Flowers The Velvet Daisy

Tide Flowers

Griffin Photography

Tide Flowers

Holes in theGrigsby World Lisa Marie

#53 2020

The Good Florist Down by the River Florals

Holes in the World


Emma Hewlett Floral Design

Sabine Darrall


Venetia Norrington

The Velvet Daisy

Holes in the World Studio

The Good Florist



Wild and Free Photography

PITCH PERFECT Marquee and tipi weddings are on the rise, thanks to their bespoke factor and endless array of options words Hannah May

Sunset Tipis



#53 2020

PITCH PERFECT RoCha Sunset Designs Tipis

The ‘where?’ of weddings is one of the biggest questions to ponder. Because one of the reasons the south-west entices couples to tie the knot here is exactly that: its endless diversity. Here, you can get married by – or even on – the water thanks to the numerous beaches, rivers and lakes, or opt for a ceremony in the wild with countryside, clifftop and cairn, woodland, field and valley all at your fingertips. But if you’re still not sure exactly where to wed and find yourselves bouncing between building, tent and open space, we’ve enlisted the help of the experts to share their top reasons for choosing a marquee wedding.

1. Be part of your surrounds “One of the most obvious reasons for choosing a Coast2Coast Marquees

marquee or tipi wedding is to fully immerse yourself in gorgeous scenery as a backdrop for your whole day,” says Hayley Jones from Sunset Tipis (sunsettipis. com). “In Cornwall we’re blessed to have a wealth of clifftop locations with dramatic sea views or rolling countryside vistas. What could be more romantic for you and your guests than to gaze out to the sparkling ocean bathed in sunshine as the sun sets?” Marquees can be placed on almost any type of terrain, and to optimise the feeling of bringing the outside in, the sides and windows can be positioned to frame the views, or better yet can be opened up to physically merge with the outside space. “Clear window walls allow the best possible views and make the most of the beautiful scenery,” explains Andrew Thomas from Coast2Coast Marquees ( Providing a naturally picturesque backdrop to proceedings as well as protection from any weather fronts, they allow

Absolute Canvas

your guests to swoon upon sun-spilled field or rainlashed clifftop to equally as beguiling effect.

2. Any event, anywhere Though you’ll need to discuss aspects such as access and facilities with your supplier, one of the benefits of a tent is that it can be pitched on practically any site. “One of the main advantages of a marquee wedding is the ability to have the reception pretty much anywhere you wish, be it a place with sentimental connections or simply breathtaking views,” says Andrew. As such, couples can creatively use space and location for a day that matches their requirements and vision, be it a grand-scale celebration in a wide open space or a small party in a private setting. “A marquee can often give the option of having a larger number of guests than a lot of venues are able

Taylor & Porter

to provide,” says Peter Bickford-Smith of Trevarno

Eden Project

Marquee & Event Hire ( “Also, if someone wants a small intimate wedding or the option of having the wedding at home or at a family property, a marquee can be the answer.”



A marquee’s versatility also extends as far as seasons go, with most being able to withstand and adapt to

Coast2Coast Marquees

everything from a heatwave to gale force winds and torrential rain, making it a stellar all-weather, alllocation choice.

3. You call the shots If you dream of complete creative freedom with minimal restrictions in order to design the most distinctive of days, then a wedding under canvas might be the best option for you. “Another benefit of a marquee or tipi wedding is that you have complete autonomy over your catering and drinks selection,” explains Hayley. “You are essentially the creative director of your whole day. Whether you want elegant plated meals, relaxed sharing platters or food vans parked outside, the feel of your wedding lies in your hands.” “With a marquee, the client can choose everything from the colouring, lighting, table and chair options Grant Lampard

down to their choice of crockery, cutlery and glasses… and you can choose the entire layout of the marquee,” says Peter. “There is also greater flexibility with timings,” he continues. “Often a couple will have at least one full day before the wedding to do any decorating and can also have use of the marquee the day after the wedding.” For couples wanting to take their time with the final preparations or extend their celebrations by hosting an after-party the next day, a marquee provides the perfect solution.

4. Blank canvas With more couples seeking to stamp their personality via every detail and create a day that’s utterly unique, a marquee provides a blank canvas to imprint their imaginations exactly as they desire.

Coast2Coast Marquees

“The ability to dress the marquee to your spec enabling a completely bespoke layout is another advantage,” says Andrew. “There are so many places in marquees that decorations can be attached and suspended; you are only limited by your imagination and guidance from your marquee company as to what will work.” Tipis also make a brilliantly versatile canvas for styling. “You can dress tipis in many different ways, from casual festival to a more traditional feel; its adaptability means that it can work around the vision of any couple,” says Jo Bastien at World Inspired Tents ( “The tipi structure allows for lots of hanging décor (pom-poms, bunting, ribbons, chandeliers), or draped flowers and foliage. You can also light the outside of the tipis with festoons that can

Absolute Canvas

be hung peak to peak or on shepherds’ crooks to form a pretty walkway.”

Absolute Canvas

Absolute Canvas

Alternatively, take a pared-back approach and allow the surrounding scenery to take centre stage against the natural design and colours of the canvas. “We also love tipis for an outdoor wedding venue as they require so little in the way of wedding décor,”



#53 2020

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photo: Ross Talling



says Hayley. “With fairylights strung everywhere,

Absolute Canvas

firepits, and the cosy modular design of the tipi, they’re perfectly party-ready as they are. Then it’s easy to add little touches of colour and flowers to personalise the tipis without feeling overwhelmed by the amount of empty space to decorate.”

5. The bespoke factor From place and tent type to décor and layout, a marquee wedding is the ultimate in bespoke events. For example, you can select a tipi village for a festival-style wedding, a classic clear-span marquee for floor-to-ceiling views, or a giant hat tipi for statement impact. “Tipis also provide a stunning backdrop in wedding Thomas Frost

photographs,” says Jo, citing another selling point of a wedding under canvas. “The feeling of organising your own tipi wedding can feel so fulfilling as you know your wedding day was

World Inspired Tents

completely original and personal to you,” says Hayley.

World Inspired Tents

“And as you welcome your guests into the tipis, the exclamations of ‘wow!’ can be heard everywhere. Add the dramatic views and all your loved ones to share it with – what could be better?”

World Inspired Tents

Nick Reader

James Darling

Lloyd Williams

TIPI-TOP TIPS Hayley from Sunset Tipis shares her advice on

Sunset Tipis

how to plan the perfect wedding under canvas

Have a Plan B “It would be naive of me to say that every single marquee or tipi wedding is bathed in glorious sunshine with no wind or rain. Ask your provider exactly what the contingency plans are for extreme weather conditions. At Sunset Tipis, we offer full height walled window panels that allow maximum head space inside the tipis allowing you to enjoy the view while still protecting you from rain. We›ll also talk through all your options for anything else that might crop up and help plan around it.”

Get insurance “This is our advice for any kind of wedding! Do your research and put wedding insurance high on your list of priorities.”

Ask the experts “Use your marquee or tipi providers for help with sourcing suppliers, and they should be able to help point you in the right direction of what you’ll need in regards to power, toilets etc. They’ve also put up marquees and tipis all over the place so if you’re looking for a field or venue, ask them.”



#53 2020


ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic The TheFalmouth FalmouthHotel Hotelis islocated locatedin inthe thehistoric historic The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK WEDDING DESIGN ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK WEDDING DESIGN harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its harbour of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. its harbourtown town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay.With With its harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its ICONIK-PHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the beautiful itititit offers the WEDDINGand DESIGN beautifulperiod periodarchitecture architecture andspacious spaciousinteriors, interiors, offers the beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the WEDDING DESIGN perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Weddings &&Cornwall. Events Weddings Events Planner Planner

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The TheVean: Vean:Our Ourfive-star five-starcountry countryhouse house

retreat retreat with with eight eight luxurious luxurious double double bedrooms, bedrooms,accommodating accommodating16 16guests. guests.

The TheOld OldCoastguard’s Coastguard’sLookout: Lookout:

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English historic wedding venues share this unique English Heritage’s Heritage’s historic wedding venues wedding, with on Vean wedding, withaamarquee marquee onthe the Vean share this unique @woodfiredweddings sense everlasting. castles, rising the Appointments preferred; The Old Appointments preferred; Thepreferred; Old Appointments preferred; you hold reception for sense of of the thelawn, everlasting. With Tudor castles, rising above above the lawn, you can can With hold aaTudor reception forAppointments Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Coastguard’s Lookout ring Ann on Coastguard’s Lookout Appointments preferred; Cornish coast, coast, our venues give you connection to the the past ring Ann on Appointments preferred; up people inin rural splendour. up to to 150 150 peoplegive rural splendour. ring Ann on Cornish our venues you aa connection to past ring Ann on Ann on ring Ann on ring Ann on ring Ann on ring Ann on ring Ann on This small, magical ring Ann on This small, magical building, 01326 561455 ringAnn Ann on building, ring Ann on and inspiring setting for your future. ring on inin the Or with aa marquee the castle Or an with marquee and an inspiring setting forcastle your future. with breathtaking AA romantic, restored Georgian country in the withhouse breathtaking views over romantic, newly newly restored Georgian country house inviews theover

AAnew newvenue venue––aabeautiful beautifulEnglish EnglishCountry CountryGarden Gardenand and AA award Weddings, awardwinning winningaccommodation, accommodation,all allexclusively exclusivelyyours yoursfor for Weddings,Dinner DinnerParties, Parties, grounds groundswith withdistant distantviews viewsout outto tosea sea Veryan Bay and beyond, is Veryan Bay and beyond, is photography heart of Hams, Devon. With opportunities your heart of South South Hams, Devon. With fantastic fantastic opportunities Buffets, Barbeques Banquets yourwedding weddingday. day. Buffets, Barbeques Banquets Bleujen Florist hh photography photography photography photography Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist photography photography photography photography Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist photography photography photography now licensedfor forweddings. weddings. nowlicensed you guests. photography youcan canwelcome welcome250 250 guests. Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist photography photography photography Bleujen Florist photography photography photography all catered for in all catered for in Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist photography photography photography photography We are one of the few shops in the U.K. dedicated solely to the for both civil ceremonies and receptions, Shilstone offers for both civil ceremonies and receptions, Shilstone offers Unit 1, The Lower Wharf We are one of the few shops in the U.K. dedicated solely to the Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist fo Inspire Hire Designer Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire&&solely & Event Styling photography fo We are one ofthe thefew few shopsin inthe the U.K. dedicated solely to the U.K. Unit 1, The The Lower Wharf Unit 1, The Lower Wharf We are one of the few shops in the dedicated solely to the We are one of shops U.K. dedicated solely to the Bleujen Florist Bleujen Florist Inspire Hire Designer Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire Event Styling Inspire Hire Designer Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire Event Styling U.K. We are one of the few shops in the U.K. to the We are the few shops in the U.K.dedicated dedicated solely to the shops Unit 1, Lower Wharf Florist Unit 1, The Lower Wharf We are one of few in the U.K. dedicated solely to the Inspire Hire Designer Furniture Hire, Decorative Hire &solely Event Styling We are one ofthe the few shops in the U.K. dedicated solely to the shops shops We are one of the few shops in the U.K. dedicated solely to the Unit Bleujen 1, The Lower Wharf Unit 1, The Lower Wharf We are one of the few in dedicated solely to the Unit 1, The Lower Wharf shops the U.K. Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Distinctive engagement and wedding rings inspired by Cornwall Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Unit 1, The Lower Wharf We are one of the few shops in the U.K. dedicated to the Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There the perfect setting for a country wedding. Every occasion made special by the flexible team the perfect setting for a country wedding. Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Every occasion made special by the flexible team Photo: Ian Wool Mother of the Bride and Groom and Occasion guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Photo: Ian Wool Groom Special Photo: Ian Wool Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Photo: Ian Wool Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Distinctive engagement and wedding rings inspired by Cornwall Mother of the Bride and and Occasion guest. There Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Groom Special Regardless of whether you are hiring a marquee from us, why Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Mother of the Bride and Groom Special Occasion guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Regardless of whether you are hiring aa marquee from us, why Regardless of whether you are hiring a marquee from why Unit 1, The Lower Wharf Regardless of whether you are hiring marquee from us,us, why Mother of Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There and Regardless of whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Bude, EX23 8LG Regardless of whether you are hiring aaa marquee from us, why Regardless of whether you are hiring a marquee from us, why Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Unit 1, Cornwall The Lower Wharf Regardless of whether you are hiring marquee from us, why Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There Mother of the Bride and Groom Occasion guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There and Special Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Mother of the Bride and Groom Occasion guest. There Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Mother of the Bride and Groom and Special Occasion guest. There who always says yes Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG who always says yeshats, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG are over 500 outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, are over 500 outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG are over 500 outfits tochoose choose from many hats, fascinators, choose and Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG are over 500 outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, are over 500 outfits to from many fascinators, To view our full range visit our website not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering To view our full range visit our website Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering are over 500 outfits to from and many hats, fascinators, choose To view our full range visit our website not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering are over 500 outfits to choose and many hats, fascinators, not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG from not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering 01823 674407 07966 090916 not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering are over outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering 01823 674407 07966 090916 not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG are over 500 outfits to choose from hats, fascinators, are over 500 outfits to choose from and many hats, fascinators, are over 500 outfits to choose and many hats, fascinators, 01823 674407 07966 090916 Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG 01823 674407 07966 090916 from Contact 01736 for aaover personal consultation at my studio Hayle For more information please visit: or Stylish accommodation in the heart Bath, with For morenow information please or for more information and bookings contact are over 500outfits outfits tochoose choose and hats, fascinators, are over 500 to from and many hats, fascinators, for more information andmany bookings contact Eleanor Winsor Grime For more information visit: or are 500 outfits to choose from and hats, fascinators, Contact Jamie and his team on 01872 501002 For more information visit:in or w w Eleanor Winsor Grime Contact Jamie andCatering his team now on 01872 501002 Contact 01736 887599 887599 for personal consultation at my studio in Hayle shoes and bags. Sizes 8please -30 30 -30 shoes Sizes --of 30 Eleanor Winsor Grime and Sizes shoes and bags. Sizes 8please 30 Eleanor Winsor Grime shoes 88 ---glasses Vibrant, exciting funky...Kerra’s can deliver the wedding banquet ofand your dreams. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. shoes and bags. Sizes 30 equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. and bags. @joinerb @joinerb T. 01288 354606 equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment crockery, cutlery, and linen. shoes and bags. Sizes 8winning FLOURISH, DESIGNERS OF LUXURY EVENT DÉCOR. CREATING equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. T. 01288 354606 equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. @joinerb @joinerb shoes and bags. Sizes -30 30 -30 Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. shoes Sizes -or 30 and Sizes 888--or 30 relaxing spa including packages and award restaurants T. 01288 354606 Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. shoes and bags. Sizes 30 T. 01288 354606 shoes Follow us... FLOURISH, DESIGNERS OF LUXURY EVENT DÉCOR. CREATING or contact the estate office on 01872 501310 Follow us... 30 or contact the estate office on 01872 501310 and bags. Sizes Email: Tel: 07977 574 597 or 07790 640610 or email Email: Tel: 07977 574 597 Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. shoes and bags. Sizes 8 Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. or 07790 640610 or email 01288 354606 contact the estate office on 01872 50131 shoes and Sizes 8 T. 01288 354606 contact the estate office on 01872 5013 Follow us... Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s Catering can deliver the wedding banquet of your dreams. Follow us... Be T. itT. Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas to the table. Tel:07977 07977 574597 597 Email: 574 T. 01288 354606 Vibrant, exciting and funky...Kerra’s can deliver wedding banquet of your dreams. Be itT. itT. Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes orCatering Mediterranean roastthe lamb, webring will bring your ideas to the the table. table. T. 01288 354606 01288 354606 01288 354606 Be Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas to Be Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will your ideas to the table. T. 01288 354606 01288 354606 ON-TREND OPULENT DESIGNS FOR LIFE’S CELEBRATIONS. and bars6LYto Email: sample. A perfect Tel: city for a perfect party. 07817 317 781 07817 317 781 E. E. photography BeitititT. Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas tothe the table. T. 01288 354606 Be Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, weget will bring your ideas today. the table. Gorran, T. 01288 354606 photography 07817 317 781 07817 317 781 photography ON-TREND OPULENT DESIGNS FOR LIFE’S CELEBRATIONS. to: The Estate Office, Caerhays Estate, E. E. to find out how Beetham can complete your special Write to: The Estate Office, Caerhays Estate, Gorran,St StAustell, Austell,PL26 PL266LY Be ititT. Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas to the table. 01288 354606 Covering the whole ofphotography Cornwall, we areFood happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! to find out how Beetham Food can complete your special day. Be Cornish seafood, vegan mezzes or Mediterranean roast lamb, we will bring your ideas to table. 01288 354606 Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy toWrite provide tasters to your tongues tingling! Write to: The Estate Office, Caerhays Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! Write to: The Estate Office, CaerhaysEstate, Estate,Gorran, Gorran,St StAA Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! E. E. Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG Sithney, Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG 07817 317 781 E. E. E. Truthall Manor, Helston, TR13 0DG Cornwall E. Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG Cornwall Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! Katharine Knights: Sithney, Katharine Knights: E. E. Truthall Manor, Helston, TR13 0DG 07817 317 781 15 Fore Street | Salterton | EX9 6NH Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG 15 Fore Street | Budleigh Salterton | EX9 6NH Covering the whole of Cornwall, we are happy to provide tasters to get your tongues tingling! Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG E. 15 Fore Street | Salterton | EX9 6NH Lucy T urner E. or email: T: +44 (0)1209 860702 15 Fore Street | Budleigh Salterton | EX9 6NH Lucy T urner Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG or email: Sarah Wright Truthall Manor, TR13 0DG Sarah Wright 15 Fore Street | Budleigh Salterton | EX9 6NH E. or email: Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG or email: Truthall Manor, Sithney, Helston, TR13 0DG E. 15 Fore Street | Budleigh Salterton | EX9 6NH 15 Fore Street Salterton ||EX9 EX9 6NH FF231245 OOOO231245 DD PPAASSSSI IOONN 01326 231245 15Fore ForeStreet Street||||||Budleigh Salterton 6NH 15 Fore || | EX9 FFOOOODD Salterton OONN 15 Fore Street Budleigh Salterton EX96NH 6NHWELCOME 15 Salterton EX9 6NH 01326 15 Fore Salterton EX9 6NH 833302 WWW.WITHAFLOURISH.CO.UK TEL 01326 231245 15 Fore Street Budleigh Salterton EX9 6NH YOU’RE 01326 231245 15 Fore Street Budleigh Salterton EX9 6NH 01326 231245 15 Fore Street Salterton |e EX9 6NH w w w trtremail: remail: v01326 oom m rq qquutel: u07855056016 ee07855056016 ee s.s. c.c. co oo kk WWW.WITHAFLOURISH.CO.UK TEL 01752 493428 w w w eremail: vv01326 aaaarr q e ss01752 .. u.u. ukuk01726 w w rnnnoo m rtel: u co493428 Tel: 01395 443730 w w w e r m e e tel: 07855056016 01326 231245 15 Fore | |Budleigh Budleigh Salterton | |||EX9 6NH w w w . t r e v a r n o m a r q u e s co oo .u 07968 385392 Tel: 01395 443730 w w w . t r e v a r n o m a r q u e s . c.c.2244 .. u tel: 07855056016 w w w . t r e v a r n o m a r q u e e s co2244 . ukukkk 07968 385392 w w w . t r e v a r n o m a r q u e e s .07968 231245 15 Fore Street | Salterton EX9 6NH 07968 206116 Tel: 01395 443730 206116 Tel: 01395 443730 l Tel: 01395 443730 Tel: 01395 443730 l tel: 07855056016 0800 005 Tel: 01395 443730 0800 005 tel:tel: 07855056016 0800 005 2244 Tel:01395 01395443730 0800 005 2244 Tel: 01395 07855056016 Tel: 01395 443730 Tel: tel: 07855056016 Tel: 01395 443730 Tel: 01395 443730 tel: 07855056016 tel:tel: 07855056016 07855056016 tel: 07855056016

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My style ‘Moments that matter most lingerisis in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart NCG HOSPITALITY WEST 3547 when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we Myapproach approach to wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style ‘Moments that matter most longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we My to wedding photography creative and relaxed. My style WED MAGAZINE ADVERT ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart My approach to wedding photography creative and relaxed. My style ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite settings those whom we is My approach to wedding photography islongest creative and relaxed. My style ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart ‘Moments that matter most longest in the heart My approach wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style My approach to wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style WED MAGAZINE ADVERT when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ My approach to wedding photography creative and relaxed. My style when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we ‘Moments that matter most linger in the heart is ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we My approach to wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ My approach to wedding photography creative and relaxed. My style ‘Moments that matter most linger in the heart My approach to wedding photography creative and relaxed. My style when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings those whom we when shared in exquisite settings those we cherish deeply.....’ My approach to wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ LS HALF PAGE ‘Moments that matter most linger longest in the heart when shared in exquisite settings with those we cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite settings those whom we cherish deeply.....’ is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite with whom we cherish deeply.....’ is photojournalistic means capture those candid moments LS HALF PAGE when shared in exquisite with whom we cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ means CARA BARNES 154X225MM CMYK cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we when shared in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments when shared inexquisite exquisite settings those we cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ when shared in settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ CARA BARNES 154X225MM CMYK photojournalistic which means IIIcapture those candid moments isisphotojournalistic photojournalistic which means capture those candid moments when shared in exquisite settings those whom we deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ ADVERT cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ is photojournalistic which means capture those candid moments Specialising Specialising in in when shared in exquisite settings with those whom wecherish cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ Specialising in which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of ADVERT Specialising in cherish deeply.....’ is which means capture those candid moments in exquisite settings with those whom we cherish deeply.....’ cherish deeply.....’ pictures which setmy mypictures pictures apart from the rest. Using aacombination combination ofof which set my apart from the rest. Using a combination of which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of cherish deeply.....’ The Falmouth Hotel is located in the historic pictures The TheFalmouth FalmouthHotel Hotelisis islocated locatedin inthe thehistoric historic when shared The Falmouth Hotel located in the historic which my apart from the rest. Using a of which set my apart from the rest. Using a combination of which set apart from the rest. Using combination which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, Wood . Palladium Wood . Palladium which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of its ts its ts Wood . Palladium natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, Wood . Palladium harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its Any style of wedding harbour town of Falmouth and overlooks Falmouth Bay. With its natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, Any style of wedding natural light supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, elieve natural light andsupplemental supplementallighting lighting for themore more dramatic images, elieve naturallight lightand supplemental lighting for the dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, Don't dream, believe Don't dream, believe Any style of wedding style of wedding Any style of wedding Any style of wedding natural for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, he Any style of wedding e Platinum .. Silver Any style of wedding the IIwill will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure . he Platinum Silver beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the beautiful period and interiors, itititit offers the Platinum Silver beautiful periodarchitecture architecture andspacious spacious interiors, offers the Any style of wedding natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, beautiful period architecture and spacious interiors, offers the Platinum Silver BECKY AW 28.09.16 will createtimeless, timeless, stunning images for you toto treasure create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure Any style of wedding BECKY AW 28.09.16 IIIIwill create timeless, stunning images for treasure will create stunning images for you to treasure ..... .... will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure catering anywhere in I create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure catering anywhere in catering anywhere in I will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure Gold . Titanium perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. Goldin .Cornwall. Titanium perfect base your will create create timeless, timeless, stunning stunning images for you to to in treasure perfect basefor for yourwedding wedding in Cornwall. perfect base for your wedding in Cornwall. Gold .. Titanium Specialising in small small intimate weddings , Gold Titanium catering anywhere in catering anywhere in catering anywhere in .. catering anywhere II will images for you treasure Specialising in intimate weddings catering anywhere in Specialising in small intimate weddings catering anywhere in Specialising in small intimate weddings , ,,,,, THE ENGINE HOUSE, FIREFLY AVENUE, Specialising in small intimate weddings There are remarkable venues for There aretwo two remarkable venues for catering anywhere in catering anywhere in Specialising in small intimate weddings , There are two remarkable venues for ENGLISH HERITAGE, BRAND & DESIGN TEAM, SWINDON SN2 2EH • TELEPHONE 01793 414451 There are two remarkable venues for Cornwall Wedding Photography Specialising in small intimate weddings , “Taking photos of people makes Cornwall Specialising in small intimate weddings , ENGLISH HERITAGE, BRAND &weddings DESIGN TEAM, TELEPHONE 01793 414451 Specialising in small intimate weddings ,, , , THE ENGINE HOUSE, FIREFLY AVENUE, SWINDON SN2 2EH •me Specialising in small intimate Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Specialising in wedding small intimate weddings happy, and what makes me your at Caerhays. your wedding atintimate Caerhays.Both Bothsparkle sparkle Contact your Both sparkle Specialising in small weddings ,, Cornwall Contact yourwedding weddingat atCaerhays. Caerhays. Both sparkle Contact Contact e v i t a e r c for couples Cornwall Cornwall happier is photos of you Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Unique historic Cornish with magic. with magic. Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at with living your greatest day ever! stone withmagic. magic. Unique restored restored historic Cornish stone barn barn Perfect forsmall small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Perfect for intimate weddings, Cow Shed at Perfect forsmall small intimate weddings, TheThe Cow Shed at 01736 367254 01736 367254 Specialising in small small intimate weddings, The Cow Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at 01736 367254 01736 367254 Perfect for intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse offers aweddings, very unique and exquisite Specialising in intimate weddings, The Cow Perfect for small intimate The Cow Shed at Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Perfect forsmall small intimate weddings, TheCow Cow Shed at Perfect for intimate weddings, The Shed at Licenced for civil ceremonies and weddings Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite I capture you and your guests whilst Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Licenced for civilhouse ceremonies and weddings Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Freathy Farmhouse offers aand very unique and exquisite The Vean: Our five-star country house Perfect for small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Set The Vean: Our five-star country house Specialising inoffers small intimate weddings, The Cow Freathy Farmhouse aintimate very unique and exquisite setting for aintimate truly rustic romantic occasion. The Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame TheVean: Vean:Our Ourfive-star five-starcountry countryhouse Specialising in intimate weddings, The Cow Perfect for small weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse offers aweddings, very unique and exquisite Specialising in small weddings, The Cow setting for asmall truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Specialising in small intimate The Cow Freathy Farmhouse offers aand very unique and exquisite you are immersed in the real events Freathy Farmhouse offers avery very unique and exquisite setting for a truly rustic romantic occasion. Set Freathy Farmhouse offers a unique and exquisite Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Award-winning five-star accommodation setting for ais truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Freathy Farmhouse offers aand very unique and exquisite A unique and imaginative setting for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow setting for a truly rustic romantic occasion. Set Peninsula tucked away down a small Cornish setting for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Award-winning five-star accommodation Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame A unique and imaginative Specialising in small intimate weddings, The Cow A unique and imaginative retreat with eight luxurious in anat acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a retreat with eight luxurious double setting for aacre truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set excitement that unfold naturally Peninsula is tucked away down aadouble small Cornish setting for aFarmhouse truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Freathy Farmhouse offers a very unique and exquisite retreat luxurious double Shed Freathy Farmhouse on the Rame retreat with with eight eightand luxurious double in an of mature grounds, tucked away down aa A unique and imaginative Peninsula is tucked away down small Cornish setting for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set setting for ais truly rustic and romantic occasion. Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame Shed at Freathy on the gorgeous Rame A unique and imaginative A unique and imaginative in an of mature grounds, tucked away down Peninsula is tucked away down agorgeous small Cornish setting for aacre truly rustic and romantic occasion. SetSet Peninsula tucked away down a small Cornish setting for truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame A unique and imaginative A unique and imaginative in ana acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a in an of mature grounds, tucked away down a Peninsula isof tucked away down aa small Cornish Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish setting for aacre truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set throughout the day, Unexpected I'm all about luxury Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame A unique and imaginative country lane, with wild flowers and swathes ofSet frothy in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down aa in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish Peninsula is tucked away down small Cornish setting for alane, truly rustic and romantic occasion. Set A unique and imaginative Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, Unexpected luxury Shed at Freathy Farmhouse on the gorgeous Rame country with wild flowers and swathes of frothy in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a in an acre mature grounds, tucked away down bedrooms, accommodating 16 guests. Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish bedrooms, accommodating 16 guests. Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish setting for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. catering company who Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, A unique and imaginative catering company who bedrooms, guests. country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy in an of acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a bedrooms,accommodating accommodating16 16 guests. in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish real interactions!” catering company who Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, country lane, with wild flowers and swathes ofaafrothy frothy country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a “Moments that matter most in an acre mature grounds, tucked away down catering company who Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down “Moments that matter most cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish catering company who catering company who Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley “Moments that matter most in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down a cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the Peninsula is tucked away down a small Cornish Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, catering company who Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy catering company who with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley “Moments that matter most country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy in an acre of mature grounds, tucked away down athe cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, catering company who Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, country lane, with wild flowers and swathes ofand frothy country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and thean “Moments that matter most cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, catering company who are all about sharing the Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy The Old Coastguard’s Lookout: with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the The Old Coastguard’s Lookout: “Moments that matter most are all about sharing the cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the The Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in catering company who with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley TheOld OldCoastguard’s Coastguard’sLookout: Lookout: catering company who country lane, with wild flowers and swathes ofparsley frothy cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley “Moments that matter most dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley are all about sharing the country lane, with wild flowers and swathes of frothy are all about sharing the cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow “Moments that matter most dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the Cornish country lane on the gorgeous Rame Peninsula, jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley are all about sharing the with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an are all about sharing the dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley linger longest in the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the On the headland overlooking Veryan are all about sharing the On the headland overlooking Veryan acre of mature grounds with a small stream running dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Setparsley in an with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set inbarn an On cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the Onthe theheadland headlandoverlooking overlookingVeryan Veryan ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the acre of mature grounds with acute small stream running are all about sharing the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured love of great food with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley love of great food jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an cow parsley dancing in the hedgerows, and the ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the acre of mature grounds with a small stream running dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured love of great food jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an with wild flowers and swathes of frothy cow parsley are all about sharing the are all about sharing the heart...” ocean only minutes away, our half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with a small stream running dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured acre of mature grounds with a small stream running linger longest in the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an love of great food love of great food ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn heart...” ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with acute small stream running dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured linger longest in the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an love of great food through offering a very unique and exquisite setting ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with a small stream running heart...” dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured Bay, with inspiring views out to sea acre of mature grounds with a small stream running Bay, with inspiring views out to sea allows you the freedom and creativity to have the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set in an through offering a very unique and exquisite setting ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn Bay, with inspiring views out to ocean only minutes away, our half-timbered barn love of great food Bay, with inspiring views out to sea sea heart...” acre of mature grounds with aand small stream running acre of mature grounds with acreativity small stream dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured allows you the freedom to have the jewel coloured ocean only minutes away. Set inrunning an ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn through offering a very unique and exquisite setting ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with a small stream running dancing in the hedgerows, and the jewel-coloured love of great food allows you the freedom and creativity to have the through offering a very unique and exquisite setting through offering a very unique and exquisite setting heart...” ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with a small stream running acre of mature grounds with a small stream running allows you the freedom and creativity to have the allows you the freedom and creativity to have the love of great food through offering a very unique and exquisite setting love of great food ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn heart...” ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn acre of mature grounds with a small stream running for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the love of great food through offering a very unique and exquisite setting through offering a very unique and exquisite setting ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and heart...” for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half acre of mature grounds with a small stream running and along the coast. allows you the freedom and creativity to have the and along the coast. allows you the freedom and creativity torelaxed have the through offering a very unique and exquisite setting through offering a very unique and exquisite setting wedding that you want, in a tranquil, and and along the coast. ocean only minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn and along the coast. heart...” acre of mature grounds with a small stream running for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the allows you the freedom and creativity to have the through offering a very unique and exquisite setting ocean minutes away, our cute half-timbered barn that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and foronly aoffering truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the through offering a very unique and exquisite setting wedding that you want, in tranquil, relaxed and through a very unique and exquisite setting wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and for awedding truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the allows you the freedom and creativity to have the timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the through offering a very unique and exquisite setting wedding that you want, in aa tranquil, relaxed and for aoffering truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half informal style. Our team will work with you to create for truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the that you want, in tranquil, relaxed and through offering a very unique and exquisite setting for awedding truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the wedding that you want, in aa tranquil, relaxed and through a very unique and exquisite setting wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half allows you the freedom and creativity to have the timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the Caerhays is the ideal place for your Caerhays is the ideal place for your informal style. Our team will work with you to create wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create fortimbered a07842 truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the for a truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half Caerhays Caerhays isis the the ideal ideal place place for for your your wedding that you want, in athe tranquil relaxed and less that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create wedding that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and for awedding truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half timbered barn allows you the freedom toto have the the wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding that you want, in aa tranquil relaxed and less 721 894 barn allows you the freedom to have the An exclusive use rustic barn venue, specialising wedding that you want, in ain tranquil, relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create timbered barn allows you freedom to have the for a07842 truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half the wedding of your dreams, with packages including informal style. Our team will work with you create 721 894 An exclusive use rustic barn venue, specialising timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the wedding that you want, tranquil relaxed and less informal style. Our team work with you to create that you want, in a tranquil, relaxed and for awedding truly rustic and romantic occasion. Our cute half informal style. Our team will work with you to create the wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding that you want, in afreedom tranquil relaxed and less wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less An exclusive use rustic barn venue, specialising timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the wedding that you want, in awill tranquil, relaxed and 07842 721 894 07842 721 894 theexclusive wedding of your dreams, with packages including the wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less informal style. Our team will work with you to create timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the wedding, with a marquee on the Vean An use rustic barn venue, specialising timbered barn allows you the to have the wedding, with a marquee on the Vean 07842 721 894 formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation the wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding, with a marquee on the Vean informal style. Our team will work with you to create wedding, with a marquee on the Vean informal style. Our team will work with you to create wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less timbered barn allows you the freedom to have the delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation thesmall wedding of your dreams, with packages including wedding that you want, in athe tranquil relaxed and less informal style. Our team will work with you to create wedding that you want, intranquil avenue, tranquil relaxed and less 07813 174940 delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse timbered barn allows you freedom to have the the wedding of your dreams, with packages including formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation the wedding of your dreams, with packages including in intimate weddings and elopements ,bride on wedding that you want, in aa relaxed and less 07842 721 894 An exclusive use rustic barn venue, specialising informal style. Our team will work with you to create timbered barn allows you freedom to have the delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation the wedding of your dreams, with packages including formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation in small intimate weddings and elopements ,less on 07842 721 894 An exclusive use rustic barn specialising wedding that you want, in tranquil relaxed and informal style. Our team will work with you to create delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation the wedding of your dreams, with packages including TheOld Old wedding that you want, in athe tranquil relaxed and less in small intimate weddings and elopements , on The wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less An exclusive use rustic barn venue, specialising included and complementary spa massage for delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse lawn, you can hold aaand reception for The lawn, you can hold reception for 07842 721 894 TheOld Old 07842 721 894 formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation theexclusive wedding of your dreams, with packages including the wedding of your dreams, with packages including in small intimate weddings elopements , on accommodation for up to eight guests and a wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less lawn, you can hold a reception for An use rustic barn venue, specialising included and complementary spa massage for bride lawn, you can hold a reception for delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse 07842 721 894 formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation the wedding of your dreams, with packages including accommodation for up to eight guests and a wedding that you want, infor ao tranquil relaxed and less INFO@LKHARRISPHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK included and complementary spa massage for bride delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation thesmall wedding of your dreams, with packages including accommodation for up to eight guests and a included and complementary spa massage for bride wedding that you want, in a tranquil relaxed and less the beautiful Cornish coast … t a k e f o d t o b e included and complementary spa massage for bride delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation accommodation for up to eight guests and a the wedding of your dreams, with packages including in intimate weddings and elopements , on accommodation up to eight guests and a included and complementary spa massage for bride the beautiful Cornish coast Coastguard’s Lookout Coastguard’s Lookout delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation and groom. Coastguard’s Lookout accommodation for up to eight guests and a formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation in small intimate weddings and elopements , on Coastguard’s Lookout included and complementary spa massage for bride the beautiful Cornish coast up to 150 people in rural splendour. complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse up to 150 people in rural splendour. and groom. formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation accommodation for up to eight guests and a up to 150 people in rural splendour. included and complementary spa massage for bride in small intimate weddings and elopements , on the beautiful Cornish coast up to 150 people in rural splendour. included and complementary spa massage for complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse and groom. accommodation for up to eight guests and a formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation in small intimate weddings and elopements , on accommodation for up to eight guests and abride LKHARRISPHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK included and complementary spa massage for bride complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. and groom. delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse and groom. formal style, with luxurious Farmhouse accommodation accommodation for up to eight guests and a complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. This small, magical building, A new venue – a beautiful English Country Garden and and groom. included and complementary spa massage for bride o u r l a w f u l p a s s i o n delicious catering, luxurious farmhouse This small, magical building, This small, magical complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. accommodation for up to eight guests and a This small, magicalbuilding, building, included and complementary spa massage for bride the beautiful Cornish coast included and complementary spa massage for bride and groom. accommodation for up to eight guests and a accommodation for up to eight guests and a complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. included and complementary spa massage for bride the beautiful Cornish coast in the castle Or with a marquee and groom. in the castle Or massage with aup marquee and groom. accommodation for to eight guests and aabride Or complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. the castle castle Or with with aa marquee marquee inin the included and complementary spa massage for the beautiful Cornish coast complementary spa for the bride and groom. and groom. accommodation for up to eight guests and with included and complementary spa massage for bride the beautiful Cornish coast withbreathtaking breathtaking viewsover over A ro award winning accommodation, all exclusively yours views for complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. with and groom. withbreathtaking breathtakingviews viewsover over accommodation for up to eight guests and a The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. and groom. and groom. For more information or to arrange a viewing, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. and groom. For more information or to arrange a viewing, grounds with distant views out sea The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, grounds with distant views outto to sea complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. grounds and groom. Veryan groundswith withdistant distantviews viewsout outto tosea sea For more information or to arrange a viewing, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Veryan Bay Bay and and beyond, beyond, isis The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, complementary spa massage for the bride and groom. Veryan Bay and beyond, is your wedding day. and groom. For more information or to arrange a viewing, Veryan Bay and beyond, is For more information or to arrange a viewing, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, hea complementary spa massage for the bride groom. Cornwall, PL10 1JL andcontact For more information or to arrange a viewing, The Cow Shed at Freathy Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, or even ainformation romantic weekend escape, contact us Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more information or to arrange viewing, The Cow Shed at Farmhouse, Millbrook, or even aa romantic weekend escape, us Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more or to arrange aa viewing, for now The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, licensed forweddings. weddings. nowlicensed you can welcome 250 guests. you can welcome 250 guests. or even romantic weekend escape, contact us Cornwall, PL10 1JL licensed for weddings. now Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more information or to arrange a viewing, licensed for weddings. now you can welcome 250 guests. The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, you can welcome 250 guests. or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more information or to arrange aa contact viewing, Whether dreaming of aaarrange festive boho wedding in Tel: 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, or even ayou’re romantic weekend escape, us for b Cornwall, PL10 1JL Millbrook, on 01752 823167. For more information or to viewing, Themore Cow Shed atTel: Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, or even romantic weekend escape, contact us Whether dreaming ofPL10 festive boho weddingus in Cornwall, 1JL For more information or to arrange acontact viewing, on 01752 823167. For information or to arrange a viewing, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Tel: 01752 823167 or even aayou’re romantic weekend escape, Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more information or to arrange aa viewing, on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 01752 823167 The Cow Shed atTel: Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, or even aCow romantic weekend escape, contact us Cornwall, PL10 1JL on 01752 823167. on 01752 823167. For more information or toevent arrange viewing, Tel: 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, wellies or a classic black-tie with a gourmet dinner, or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us The Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, on 01752 823167. Cornwall, PL10 1JL For more information or to arrange a viewing, Tel: 01752 823167 Photo: Ian Wool Ian The Cow at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Photo: Ian Wool Photo: IanWool Wool or even a romantic weekend escape, contact us wellies or Shed aShed classic black-tie event a gourmet dinner, Photo: Cornwall, PL10 1JL withcontact on 01752 823167. Cornwall, PL10 1JL Photo: Wool Tel: 01752 823167 Photo: Ian Wool Photo: Ian Wool Photo: IanIan Wool Regardlessofofwhether whetheryou youare arehiring hiring marquee from why or even even aCow romantic weekend escape, contact us Regardless aa marquee from us,us, why or romantic weekend escape, us Thea aton Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 or even aCow romantic weekend escape, contact us The Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 01752 823167 or even even a romantic weekend escape, contact usto our experienced and friendly team work with you Cornwall, PL10 1JL on 01752 823167. Cornwall, PL10 1JL T :1JL 823167 Tel: 01752 823167 or a romantic weekend escape, contact us The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, ourThe experienced and friendly team work with you to on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 823167 Tel: 01752 823167 not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering not select from our sensational range of event hire and catering Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, on 01752 823167. 01823 674407 07966 090916 on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 Cornwall, PL10 1JL Tnow : 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 oror Contact Jamie and his team on 01872 501002 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Contact Jamie and his team now on 01872 501002 realise your vision The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Contact Jamie and his team now on 01872 501002 For more information please visit: For more information please visit: oror on 01752 823167. Tel: 01752 823167 Contact and team on 501002 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Contact Jamie Jamie and his his team now now on 01872 01872 501002 realise your vision The Cow Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL on 01752 823167. The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. equipment including crockery, cutlery, glasses and linen. @joinerb The Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 823167 Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL or 07790 640610 or email 872 501310 or 07790 640610 or email 1872 501310The or 07790 640610 or email Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 823167 Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL or contact the estate office on 01872 501310 or 07790 640610 or email Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, or contact the estate office on 01872 501310 or 07790 640610 or email Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, T: 01752 823167 Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Cornwall, PL10 1JL T : 01752 823167 T: 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL your photography toto find out how Beetham Food can complete special day. The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, T: 01752 823167 find out how Beetham Food can complete your special day. to find out how Beetham Food can complete your special day. orran, St Austell, PL26 6LY

Q Q Marquees

at Freathy Farmhouse Cornwall w e d o … at Freathy Farmhouse at Freathy Farmhouse Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall Cornwall at Freathy Farmhouse at Freathy Farmhouse Cornwall Farmhouse e at Freathy handmade bespoke

Chef Chef Chef Chef w eChef do… Chef

we do…

wedding rings

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01209831333 831333 01503 272214 01209 Cornwall 01503 272214 Cornwall Katharine tel.01872 580153 KatharineKnights: E: T: 01752 823167 w w w . t r e v a r n o m a r q u e e s . c o .now. uPhotography k Photography as unique as you. 2014 First UK season. Taking bookings W: w wUK w . tseason. r e v r n oTaking m a r q ubookings e e Photo sPhoto . c---Simon o .Burt unow. kPhotography T: 01752 01752 823167 T: 823167 Photo Simon Burt Photography W: Photography as unique as --- First W: 01326 375 747 7472014 Twitter: @shed_cow T: 823167 Photography as unique01326 as you. you. 2014 First UK season. Taking bookings now. W: E: 375 Twitter: @shed_cow T: 01752 01752 823167 Photography as unique as you. 2014 First UK season. Taking bookings now. Simon Burt

Gorran, St Austell, PL26 6LYShed at find out complete The Cow Freathy Farmhouse, T: 01752 01752 823167 to find out how how Beetham Beetham Food Food can can complete your your special special day. day. T: 823167 Write to: Estate PL26 6LY Write to:The The EstateOffice, Office,Caerhays CaerhaysEstate, Estate,Gorran, Gorran,St StAustell, Austell,to PL26 6LY Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Twitter: @shed_cow T: 01752 823167

The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, E: Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Cornwall Twitter: @shed_cow Cornwall T: 01752 01752 823167 The Cow Shed at Freathy Farmhouse, Katharine Knights: Katharine Knights: E: Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Twitter: @shed_cow T: 823167 E: Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL 1JL ororemail: Twitter: @shed_cow Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 Twitter: @shed_cow E: E: Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL Twitter: @shed_cow T: 01752 823167 E: Twitter: @shed_cow Millbrook, Cornwall, PL10 1JL W: T: 01752 823167 E: Twitter: @shed_cow Millbrook, Cornwall, 1JL W:


W: 0800 005 2244 E: Photography as unique as you. 2014 - First UK season. Taking bookings now. 0800 005 2244 0800 005 2244 0800 005 2244 Twitter: @shed_cow T: 01752 823167 0800 005 2244 0800 005 2244 0800 005 2244 W: 0800 005 2244 E: Twitter: @shed_cow Twitter: @shed_cow E: E: Twitter: @shed_cow E: Twitter: @shed_cow @shed_cow W: E: Twitter: W: E: Photography as unique as you. 2014 First UK season. Taking bookings now.99 W: W: Photography as unique as you. 2014 First UK season. Taking bookings now. W: 01326 375 747 7472014 Photography as unique unique01326 as you. you. 2014 First UK UK season. season. Taking Taking bookings bookings now. now. W: 375 W: Photography as as --- First W: Photo - Simon Burt Photography

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feature | FOOD & DRINK | MOBILE DELIGHTS The Buffalo

mobile delights Bid goodbye to the greasy burger vans of bygone years and say hello to the modern world of mobile food and drinks words Hannah May



#53 2020


Kern of Kernow The brainchild of cake-loving twins Kris and Maren, Kern of Kernow celebrates the German-born pair’s love of sweet treats while paying culinary homage James Ram

to their roots. They bought Beyoncé – a vintage French 1970’s Citroen H van and former farm vehicle – and set about combining their passions

Thomas Frost

of good cake, coffee and Cornwall by sharing their beautifully baked German bundt cakes nomadically. Available in a spectacular variety of mouth-watering flavours that look and taste incredible, Kern’s charismatic twin bakers guarantee the most guestpleasing coffee break any wedding could wish for.

The term ‘food trucks’ no longer conjures visions of tired wagons serving beige fried foodstuffs. Today, stylish vehicles and food stands serving innovative and flavoursome edibles good enough to rival your favourite restaurant are the norm. One of the many joys of having mobile food or drinks at your wedding is that you can choose whatever you want to devour wherever and whenever you want to devour it. Serving a pre-chosen menu at a scheduled hour and place, you and your guests can tuck into an al fresco feast of the highest calibre while intermingling

Kernow Forno Not only does the pizza menu feature the salivating likes of Cornish salami, butternut squash, spicy lamb ragout, meatballs, mackerel fillets and BLT, but Kernow Forno can also serve up other culinary delights such as fresh salads, sharing platters and cakes and puds to finish. Producing up to 70 pizzas an hour ensures fabulous fast food with minimal fuss and maximum flavour. Run by husband-and-wife duo Sarah and Simon Pryce, the travelling kitchen also supports the environment as much as possible, with biodegradable packaging, foraged firewood and solar panels all part of the finely tuned production process.

in beautiful surrounds, be it a cliff-top, countryside or water’s edge affair. They look the show-stealing part, too. Think glossy airstream, retro horsebox, vintage French van or even a bona fide boat bar for an eye-catching and crowdpleasing feature to your celebrations. And there’s a staggering choice to boot. From cocktails and craft spirits to pizzas, German bundt cakes and Indian thali street food, we’ve scoured the south-west for the best mobile food and drinks that will guarantee the wow factor alongside an exceedingly top-tasting day.

The Buffalo Oozing the style factor courtesy of light-up letters atop a sleek and shiny body, The Buffalo makes an eye-catching addition to any wedding day. Offering liquid catering via a full service or customised bar, couples can create their own signature cocktail menu from locally sourced, seasonal ingredients for extra-personalised flavour. With staff, glassware and licensing all included, simply pick your menu and allow them to spread the liquid cheer as a free bar, pay bar or credit-behind-the-bar, according to your budget. From welcome cocktails to wine and water for your wedding breakfast and toast drinks, the team attends to your drink requirements for every moment of the day, from a converted and seriously stylish airstream!



Atta Food Presenting ‘plant-based south Indian deliciousness’, Atta’s thali street food takes its exotic inspiration from Kerala, giving guests a gastronomy that’s vegan, sustainable and wholesome, all in one moreish hit. Tantalising all the senses with its spicy wafts, colourful platter and scrumptious mix of dishes – using whole grains, fresh vegetables, spices and herbs – expect an utterly fabulous feast, whether it’s for 50 or 200 guests.

English Spirit Horsebox Bar Stocked with the company’s magnificent own range of scratch distilled spirits and liqueurs, English Spirit’s mobile horsebox bar is home to a unique assortment of craft spirits guaranteed to get your party in full and flavoursome swing. Stocked as standard with all products from their core range for classics such as gin and tonic, and rum and ginger beer, as well as cocktails, Prosecco, fruit liqueurs and sipping measures, couples can also tailor their tipples to individually suit, at no extra cost. The bar comes with power and water, as well as bartenders, which can be booked as a cash and card, pre-paid or mix of the two, leaving you and your guests to ponder your poison and relish the revelry.

TOP TIPS Check with your venue. Before you make any bookings, ensure your venue permits food and drinks trucks, that there’s space for parking and your guests to queue outside, and an electricity hook-up if needed. Choose standing-friendly food. Consider dishes that will be easy for your guests to eat while standing – and most probably holding a glass of fizz in hand!

The Little Boat Bar For a fabulous focal point whatever the theme of your

Think about the weather. Chat with your supplier

do, The Little Boat Bar’s salvaged and lovingly restored

concerning the logistics of positioning the vehicle should

vessel makes for a unique and captivating feature at

the weather prove wet or windy.

your party. Run by a pair of rum-loving seafarers who source locally and recycle responsibly, the service is

Take some photos. From an airstream to a boat bar,

as benevolent as it is lip-smacking. Pick from free bar

these mobile delights provide a fab backdrop for some

or part-paid packages including everything from your

fun and candid photographs.

favourite grog to crew hire, welcome drinks, table


wine and champagne toast, allowing you to spoil your

Choose food and drinks you love. A selection of your

guests with palate-pleasing pizzazz.

favourite foods, cakes and cocktails will bring an extra

personal flavour to your celebrations


#53 2020

For a wedding to remember


Intimate ceremonies and bespoke harbourside celebrations overlooking the bay 01726 70241


feature | THAT’S THE SPIRIT!

that’s the spirit! Stella Photography / Styling The Event Edit / Dress Dandelions & Pearls / Hair Amy Piercy / Make-up Vicky Adamson / Model Polly Jenkins / Accessories Peacock & Pearl

Mysticism is in. From Reiki sessions and crystal favours to ceremonies brimming with good energy, here’s how to throw a spiritually charged, modern mystical wedding words Hannah May



#53 2020


Ever been to a wedding that looked fabulous but was somehow lacking spirit? In a bid to plan the perfect W-day, couples can sometimes appear to lose themselves to the process and forget one of the core components of matrimony: the joining of souls. Though the big event is between a couple, a wedding also unites families and friends and is thus a celebration of self, coupledom and the wider community; of all of your relationships. As a result, an increasing number of nearly-weds are turning their attention to Devon Rose Photography

something more holistic, from self-care and healing to establishing a state of prewedding calm and centeredness, in order to experience a heightened sense of joy on the day, and beyond. “There are some lovely touches that couples can now add to bring spirituality and well-being to their special day,” observes wedding planner Rebecca Green from The Unique Cornish Event Company ( “It makes the whole experience more inclusive and serene so they can focus on what’s important: the connection of two people and those that they love surrounding them.” If you’ve got the style factor down but are searching for a bit more substance, we’ve looked into the latest movements to ensure your celebrations feature a spiritual je ne sais quoi, from handfasting and sand pouring ceremonies to fortune telling, cleansing rituals, crystal therapy and Reiki. Pick and choose which elements suit you, or embrace them all to help you not only host a distinctive day, but embark upon Devon Rose Photography

marriage with a more relaxed and balanced body, soul and mindset.

The planning stages Many couples pick a date with personal meaning, but why not also choose a day to coincide with a cosmic event? From season to day and ceremonial timings, you can schedule all elements for extra significance and metaphysical impact. “The moon cycle and the cycle of year are pagan-inspired and are often used to determine the timing of the ceremony – and we can reference the gifts of the moon or Earth during the ceremony,” says Nicola Le Couteur Bisson from The Guild of Cornish Celebrants ( Before the day, fostering key relationships (including the one with yourself) will help you to banish stress and nerves while letting go of latent emotional baggage in order to approach your wedding in the most positive and open-minded way. Hen parties are also a prime opportunity, with the likes of bridal blessing circles ideal modes for

Devon Rose Photography

matriarchal reconnecting and rebooting.

The pre-wedding period Then comes the self. “To help you regain balance, increase your sense of well-being and leave you feeling centered and calm, I’d recommend rebalancing Reiki and crystal therapy,” says witch, spiritual mentor and energy medicine practitioner Emma Griffin of The Sacred Space ( “Enjoy an aura cleansing that will remove negativity then crystal chakra alignment, followed by Reiki healing. Reiki helps clear the energy and aura, and helps you to relax, heal and balance. It is a wonderful way to reduce stress and anxiety,” she explains. Intuitive therapist and energy healing teacher Philippa King from Cornwall Wellbeing ( specialises in mental and emotional well-being and adopts a similar approach. “I embrace reducing stress, clearing fears, blocks, anxieties and any thought or emotional patterns that are impacting the quality of life, so you can feel good about yourself and all areas of life,” she says. “The holistic approaches I use are fast, effective and create lasting positive changes.” Philippa recommends that before they get married, couples try Reiki and/or ‘access bars’, which involves gently touching the 32 points on your head that correlate to different aspects of your life “to clear your mind, body and emotions of clutter –

Devon Rose Photography

rather like a defrag of your inner computer. You feel clearer, lighter and freer after each treatment,” she says. She also practises neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and ThetaHealing “to clear any worries about the big day and align their intentions for happiness together”, while Rahanni celestial healing aims to harness “more harmony individually and as a couple”.


feature | THAT’S THE SPIRIT!

Alternatively, emotional freedom techniques (EFT) can help banish fears about public speaking (such as

Photography Griffin Photography

the wedding speeches) and – along with Philippa’s other techniques – can be individually tailored to assist couples to “stay centred, balanced and calm, and easily release emotional or stress overwhelm so they can enjoy their big day”.

On the day Most couples are so consumed with looking their best on their wedding day that their feelings can become secondary. By remembering to incorporate a sense of the spiritual into the final preparations, couples can extend and enhance their inner calm while bringing their guests into their enlightened fold. Rebecca suggests asking the bridal party to use smudge sticks in the places where the couple are getting ready and the ceremony space itself. “Smudge sticks are bundles of herbs bound together by twine. Burning these herbs in order to prevent illness, ward off negative energy or cleanse a space, person or group is a tradition that goes back thousands of years,” she explains. “It’s really important to have self-care the morning of the wedding for the bride,” says Emma. “I would recommend starting with a meditation holding a crystal, journaling your thoughts while drinking my hug-in-amug Sacred Cacao, then smudge stick themselves and the bridesmaids with white sage”. Philippa agrees that energy and emotional purging is an important component of the wedding day ritual. “Create a sacred space by energy clearing the area of the ceremony and using specific crystals to create a space filled with love and joy,” she encourages, which is a sentiment that Emma ardently echoes. “Crystal energy makes a wonderful addition to your experiences as you embark on a love and joy-filled journey with your soulmate,” says Emma. “Crystal can be added to your flowers, the bride can wear a crystal necklace, or they can be used in your table settings, from agate place cards to a rainbow of crystal clusters in all shapes and sizes. Tumbled crystals make great favours for your guests,” she suggests. “Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and all matters of the heart; celestite carries high vibrations and calming powers, making it the perfect stone to walk down the aisle with (and it could also be your something blue), and clear quartz opens the heart and mind to higher guidance and balances all of your chakras. And if you’re using any other crystals in your ceremony, clear quartz will simply amplify all of those positive effects as well,” she details.

During the ceremony There are a wide variety of ways to personalise and infuse extra spirituality into the main moments of your day, especially your ceremony. “Guests can be asked to take a blessing stone as they enter the ceremony, which they hold to stay present



#53 2020


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feature | THAT’S THE SPIRIT!

and connected to proceedings whilst giving their blessing of good fortune to the unity of the couple,” says Rebecca. “Some couples ask for the stones

Photography Griffin Photography

to be collected after so they can be kept to create something with them. I heard of one couple using them as part of a fireplace they were building, to create a mosaic for the hearth”. Sand pouring – sometimes referred to as a ‘blending of the sands’ – is another poignant option. “This is where the couple pours a small amount of sand each into a vessel to symbolise their ‘coming together’ as a couple, which is a really nice addition in Cornwall, especially if you’re getting married on or near the beach,” says Rebecca, who cites a further natureinspired idea: tree planting. “During the ceremony, the newly-weds should place soil from two separate containers on top of the planting, representing two individuals coming together as one.” Celebrant Nicola has been involved in a variety of ceremonial events that can be incorporated to suit each couple’s backgrounds and beliefs, as well as the venue and season. On one occasion, a couple placed ivy in a ring to mark the ceremony area. “The ivy is symbolic – it is an evergreen plant and represents eternity, fidelity, and strong affectionate attachment, love and friendship,” says Nicola, who also suggests a joining of hands – “everyone present holds hands to show unity” – and meditation at the beginning of the ceremony, to bring everyone to the present and focused. A conscious pause for mid-ceremony reflection is an increasingly popular way to absorb the present moment and can be prompted in a number of ways, such as a Tibetan ringing bowl. “The bowl rings and commences a moment of silence for all to bring their love and thoughts to the couple,” explains Nicola. “Asking for a silence is a wonderful way of bringing a sense of meaningfulness and sincerity to the ceremony, but it has to be carefully judged so that it doesn’t go on too long”. And don’t be afraid to incorporate all the senses for a multi-dimensional sense of spirit. “A sounding of a gong – either at the beginning or end of the ceremony – is used to bring a sense of joy and occasion to the proceedings, while a hand or feet washing ceremony shows a sense of service and love towards each other,” reveals Nicola. “We also had a couple have a tattoo during a ceremony!” she divulges as another quirky example of the many ways couples can bare their souls and share their love during the ceremony.

At the reception Whether you wish to spruce up your drinks reception with some interactive and spiritual-themed fun, or incorporate some novel and New Age-style entertainment to the evening’s celebrations, there’s plenty of inspiration to help make things more meaningful and bespoke. “It’s fun for guests to be treated to something a little bit different, with an array of well-being activities including roaming masseuses giving head or hand massages,” says Rebecca. “You could offer guests a fun yet spiritual form of entertainment for the evening, like tarot, angel cards, fortune telling or even palm readings, making sure that your practitioner knows to keep it light”. Think live music and dance with a modern spiritual element like a ukulele act, African drummers, ballet or salsa, and take your personal pick from energised performances or meditative sets designed to establish and enhance mood. From astrological-inspired décor to celestial detail in the dress, adorn yourself and your spaces with upbeat and thoughtful minutiae. This could include scenting with special incense, lighting aromatherapy candles and features such as aura paintings and wishing bowls. Request that your guests send a ‘good vibration’ wish back with their RSVP card and then place them in a large bowl at the reception entrance or in smaller bowls on each table for guests to take a wish each – and watch as the love and feel-good factor spreads with one simple gesture.



#53 2020


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More than just luxury accommodation. 3 WEDDINGS Poltair, set in countryside with the sea just three miles away, DETACHED is the perfect venue BARNS CASTLE GROUNDS CASTLE GROUNDS for your Cornish wedding. COUNTRY HOUSE HOUSE COUNTRY COASTGUARDS LOOKOUT LOOKOUT COASTGUARDS

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The grounds include a pond with a bridge, leading to an arbour complete with wooden bridal arch for outside ceremonies. And the unique glass-top bridal treehouse set in secluded trees means that, later, the newlyweds can spend a magical night under the stars wrapped in fur skins and in front of a woodburner a truly romantic setting.


Offering two two distinct distinct but but equally equally Offering spectacular licensed venues – spectacular licensed venues – the intimate, cliff-top Coastguards The large lawn is perfect for SLEEPS the intimate, cliff-top Coastguards e legance, r om a n ce & t ra n quil it y marquees, an adjacent field Lookout, or our five-star country Lookout, or ouroffering five-starcomplete country privacy, House a stunning woodland garden location i n provides a hidden eBurncoose r of corn wa lboasts l parkingcorn for 200 cars retreat, The The Vean Vean – – as as well well as as retreat, and there are three picturesque with the entire house and grounds solely yours for theofperfect unique wedding the option a large, sea-view, churches just a horse-and-cart © Stephen Liew the option of a large, sea-view, Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; Appointments preferred; ride away. marquee reception reception in in the the castle castle Appointmentspreferred; preferred; Appointments preferred; Burncoose House Appointments marquee 01872 501310 ring Ann on ring Ann on grounds, the the secluded secluded Caerhays Caerhays ring Gwennap . 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Enchanted Brides


Choosing a wedding venue is usually the first stop on the planning checklist. From country houses to beach-chic party spots, wed reveals Cornwall’s standout settings for a wow-worthy wedding




BEACH & WATERSIDE When you think of Cornwall, you think of the coast – and, from luxe hotel soirées to laid-back sand-between-yourtoes celebrations, the county has it all

Atlantic Hotel With an endless stretch of ocean shimmering at the windows, the Atlantic Hotel – perched close to Fistral Beach on Cornwall’s north coast – offers a glamorous and versatile take on seaside luxury. The clifftop venue wows from the moment you enter the red-carpet-adorned marble entrance, with its sweeping staircase, glittering chandeliers, champagne bar and sun-trap pool. Hosting weddings for 10 through to 300 guests, choose from the art deco-styled Grand Ballroom, the elegant Tea Lounge or the Gatsby-esque vibe of Café Atlantica to take your vows. Take a loved-up wander across the headland as the sun sets and listen to the murmur of the tide from your sea view room.

Carbis Bay Hotel & Estate Boasting an enviable position right on the edge of the sands of its very own Blue Flag accredited beach, Carbis Bay Hotel & Estate offers dreamily romantic options for a seaside wedding. There’s the elegance and elevated ocean views of the Main House; the relaxed vibes and beachside terrace of the Wedding Hut; or marry within touching distance of the shore at The Lower Deck. The new Ocean Venue is the piece de resistance, with its champagne bar, lounge bar, restaurant, and super-chic beach suites. The wedding suite is a sublime space for up to 180 guests to celebrate before panoramic views across St Ives Bay, while C Bay Spa is just the spot for a pre-wedding pamper, with its outdoor pool, hot tub, sauna and hydropool.

Abi Riley

Lusty Glaze Tie the knot with the sand between your toes at this sublime cove on the edge of Newquay. Crowned the UK’s Best Coastal Wedding Venue in the 2019 UK Wedding Awards, the beach venue is available to hire on an exclusive-use basis, with a dreamy choice of options for ceremonies and receptions. As well as the beach-chic ceremony area and marquee, there’s the Beach Lounge with a driftwood bar, sandy floor and wood-fired pizza oven, while the beach huts are now available for elopements. All, of course, come with uninterrupted ocean views. With fiery sunsets and dramatic cliffs – plus the option for a mid-celebration surf and dancing in the sand under the stars – this little cove offers romance in spades for sea-loving souls.



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Hotel Tresanton A cluster of houses sitting just above the shoreline in St Mawes, Hotel Tresanton is an enchanting spot to marry. Specialising in intimate weddings from two to 70, hold your wedding in the ambient interiors of the hotel – beautifully styled by owner Olga Polizzi – or the Mediterranean-style beach club where you can marry tantalisingly close to the sea. Set just above the waterline, guests can mingle beneath parasols over champagne and oysters Lee Maxwell

while taking in views across the water to St Anthony’s Lighthouse. With 30 rooms and suites, a restaurant with sea-view terraces, a Dogs’ Bar, and a private sailing boat, as well as a playroom and children’s garden, it’s a magical place to call home for a blissful few days.

The Driftwood Spars Perched on the edge of Trevaunance Cove in St Agnes, The Driftwood Spars is rich in the atmosphere of the Cornish coast. Dating back to the 1650s, the building has been a tin mining warehouse, sail-making loft and fish cellar – now a cosy pub, this seaside treasure offers a series of charmpacked spaces for a relaxed and sustainable beachside wedding. There’s a Cliffside Garden for drinks receptions served with salty air, sea views and an extensive selection of hand-picked ales, ciders, wines and spirits as well as handcrafted beers from the venue’s own brewery. Add feasts rich in locally sourced produce to the mix and you have all the ingredients for a laid-back coastal celebration.

The Rosevine Located within pebble-hurling distance of the shore on the edge of the Roseland Peninsula, this home-from-home Georgian house has cosy lounges, an indoor pool, a restaurant and 15 apartments. Blending its 18th century elegance with contemporary seaside style, the ‘Big House by the Sea’ is ideal for a relaxed coastal celebration. Host a gorgeously intimate ceremony and feast inside the house for up to 65 or throw a dazzling tipi reception on the lawn with views across Gerrans Bay for larger numbers. Draw the day to a close with toasting marshmallows under the stars to the whisper of the sea. Dreamy.

Princess Pavilion A multi-use venue in the heart of Falmouth, there’s charming features galore at Princess Pavilion: a historic concert hall, pretty public garden, Edwardian bandstand, children’s play area and working glasshouse. A distinctive blend of vintage and modern style, you can celebrate with up to 120 guests in The Garden Room and steal away to the sands of Gyllyngvase Beach for a romantic stroll, leaving your guests to drink in the elevated views across Falmouth Bay and the subtropical climes of Gyllyngdune Gardens before partying the night away.



Beacon Crag Just a stone’s throw from the harbour town of Porthleven you’ll find Toby Lowe

Beacon Crag, a one-of-a-kind bed and breakfast perched on the cliffs. Set within five acres of private grounds and terraced gardens, the venue boasts staggering views across the sea and rugged cliffscape with its own

Toby Lowe

access to the rocky coves below. Catering for intimate weddings through to large-scale marquee receptions, it’s a wildly romantic place to wed, whether the stormy seas are crashing below or the sun is glinting on the calm waters. And with luxurious accommodation on-site, you can sink into a super-comfortable bed when the party’s over – and wake to those awe-inspiring sea views.

Polpier House Located above the ancient fishing town of Mevagissey, this coastal dream of a venue marries glorious gardens, ocean views and luxurious interiors for the ultimate wedding house party by the sea. Specialising in exclusive celebrations, Polpier offers accommodation for up to 16 with neighbouring Penpol housing a further 10 guests. Get married inside the house or beneath a gazebo in the bloom-filled gardens. How you celebrate is entirely up to you, whether it’s a formal seated dinner in the dining room or an al fresco feast on the rustic outside terrace. There’s an outdoor bar for sundowners as the fading sunlight twinkles on the ocean and a Honeymoon Suite in the grounds for you to soak up the magic of your seaside celebrations in privacy.

Fowey Hall Hotel Perched high above Fowey, Fowey Hall Hotel boasts awe-inspiring views across the waters of the estuary and the ocean beyond. Thought to be the inspiration for Toad Hall in Kenneth Grahame’s ‘The Wind in the Willows’, the Victorian mansion is rich in opulent features, bringing a sense of relaxed grandeur to your day. Drinks on the croquet lawn while the warm sun shimmers on the sea offer heady romance during spring and summer, while festivities amidst crackling fires and vistas across white-tipped oceans are equally soul-stirring in winter. There’s also a sumptuous selection of bedrooms, a crèche, cinema room and spa with an outdoor hot tub – a dreamy spot for toasting your nuptials.

The Old Quay House Hotel Nestled amidst the buildings on the banks of Fowey estuary, The Old Quay House Hotel was formerly a refuge for seamen – today, it’s a sanctuary of luxury and tranquillity where mesmerising views across the water come with elegantly styled interiors and fine food. Available for exclusive-use weddings, marry on the water’s edge terrace where the sea air, call of seabirds, and fishing boats bobbing by promise a ceremony to remember. Indoor options comprise the Penthouse Suite and waterfront restaurant, which also makes a gorgeous setting to dine on a bespoke menu brimming with local delicacies – think Fowey River oysters and local scallops washed down with champagne.



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Get married in our light-filled event room or outdoors on the terrace, to a backdrop of stunning sea views. We have great value wedding packages available, but it’s always ‘your wedding, your way’, and we’ll do our best to make your dream day become a reality. For details of forthcoming open days and events, or to arrange a private viewing, please contact our weddings team. Contact us - we’d love to hear your ideas.

: 01736 795221 : : 115


St Ives Harbour Hotel & Spa Boasting a picture-perfect position overlooking Porthminster Beach and the fresh-from-a-painting seascape of St Ives Bay, St Ives Harbour Hotel hosts grand-scale weddings through to more intimate affairs in its gorgeously designed interiors. There’s a choice of suites for ceremonies and celebrations, a superbly positioned terrace, beautiful intertwined jasmine arches and manicured gardens offering scenic spots for your guests to take in the views. And, of course, the sands of Porthminster Beach make the perfect backdrop for those just-married photos. Your guests will love waking to a sweep of blue sea and white sands in the boutique bedrooms and unwinding in the spa, which offers a tempting selection of treatments.

Gwel an Mor A versatile venue on the north coast, Gwel an Mor offers everything from rustic back-to-nature weddings to glamorous celebrations. For a laidback vibe, marry in the characterful yurt and take a wander through the woodland valley to the sands of Portreath for some newly-wed photos. There’s also a marquee-style events barn, spa, restaurant and vast choice of accommodation – from luxury Scandinavian style pine lodges and lakeside eco lodges – for your family and friends to make a real holiday of it. You might even enjoy the company of a bird of prey or the resident reindeers – a perfect photo opportunity not to mention a delight for young guests!

The Llawnroc Nestled in the fishing village of Gorran Haven on Cornwall’s south coast, The Llawnroc Hotel is an awayfrom-it-all sanctuary where you can combine a sandand-sea celebration with the luxuries and comforts of a boutique hotel. The venue offers a choice of rooms for ceremonies and celebrations with views across the gardens and the ocean beyond, and 18 individually styled bedrooms for your guests to enjoy the venue’s sumptuous brand of seaside style a little longer. Take the path down to the beach climb to the clifftops for photographs and magical moments at the water’s edge, or drink in the ocean vibes and delicious cocktails on the sun-trap terrace.



#53 2020


Scorrier House is a historic family home in the heart of Cornwall where unforgettable weddings can unfold in a truly magical setting. Surrounded by ancient parkland and gardens, Scorrier affords complete exclusivity where a fairytale wedding tailored to your every whim. 01209 820264




RUSTIC & COUNTRYSIDE From rustic barns to modern spaces flanked by rural panoramas, throw your dream wedding in the Cornish countryside

Stennack Farm This family-run working farm is home to a new, exclusive and secluded wedding venue, set amidst acres of meadows and woodland just a short drive from St Ives and Godrevy. A beautifully renovated cow barn sets the scene for the country celebration of your dreams, thanks to its contemporary design and blank canvas aesthetic. Complete with a cluster of luxury barn conversions, the wedding party can stay on-site and enjoy snug beds, hot tubs and al fresco dining in a gorgeous corner of the Cornish countryside.

Pengenna Manor Flanked by a wooded valley, this 800-year-old estate lies amidst 300 acres of countryside close to the north coast. Weddings are private, exclusive affairs with a range of stunning spots to take your vows. There’s the summerhouse, with its valley views while guests watch from an avenue of apple and cherry blossom trees, and the former cow shed, which has been converted for rustic-chic ceremonies and receptions. Then there’s the Grade II manor house itself, where you can say “I do” in the archway of the 450-year-old front door or the drawing room. As well as plentiful accommodation you’ll find gorgeous celebration spaces galore, from the ha-ha terrace for fizz-fuelled mingling to the marquee garden for festival-style celebrations.

Hendra Barns Mark Shaw

The jewel in the crown of this secluded rural idyll is the picturesque arbour, hugged by green pasture and the twinkling waters of a lake. You can marry here, amidst the fresh air, birdsong and acres of idyllic Cornish countryside, or in the lakeview conservatory, which offers views across the rolling grounds from floorto-ceiling windows. Whether you’re planning a classic, rustic or festival vibe, the sprawling lawns of Hendra Barns make a dreamy spot for a tipi or marquee reception. As well as accommodation for 20 in three luxurious properties, a vaulted ceiling function barn for indoor receptions makes it the ideal year-round venue.



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Tredudwell Manor There’s so much that makes Tredudwell Manor spine-tinglingly romantic, from the picture-perfect country location just 10 minutes from the secret coves and sparkling seas of the south coast to the 18th-century manor house and ceremony temple flanked by a Roman folly, pond and natural amphitheatre. A purpose-built pavilion offers a brilliantly flexible blank canvas space for celebrations all year round thanks to its light, airy climes in summer and snug underfloor heating in winter. There’s also accommodation in the manor house and parkland and gardens entwined with climbing roses – perfect for lawn games and ice creams bathed in Cornish sunshine. Albion Row

Chypraze Wedding Barn Perched on the cliffs in the rugged far-west of Cornwall, you’ll find Chypraze, a romantic wedding barn set amidst some of the county’s most spectacular scenery. Complete with original stonework and wooden beams, setting for elopements and intimate weddings through to receptions for up to 200 guests. With the sands of Portheras Beach a short walk along the

Toby Lowe

Albion Row

the 1895 milking barn has been restored to create a charm-packed rustic

coastal path and a strong focus on sustainability, your guests will love tucking into a delicious feast featuring the venue’s own award-winning meat in this wildly atmospheric spot.

Ta Mill Steal away for the ultimate country wedding at Ta Mill, where 45 acres of rolling Cornish countryside meet charming spots to say “I do” and ample accommodation for your guests to savour this pocket of pastoral paradise. Choose from a beautifully decorated ceremony room or an al fresco setting in the gardens with far-reaching views. Throw a marquee reception in the tree-filled grounds and dance the night away beneath a starry sky with your luxurious bridal suite just steps away. Accommodation for up to 60 comes in the form of self-catering cottages and lodges, bringing a home-away-fromhome style of holidaying, complete with a hot tub and swim spa.

The Green This former dairy farm is now a ready-made wedding village set amidst meadows and rolling woodland on the edge of Bodmin Moor. From a cosy do for two to a big bash for 140, there’s a choice of settings to exchange vows, from the house and country-chic wedding barn to the lake arbour in the woods and the oak arbour with views across the valley. A former cow shed, the Red Brick Barn is a perfect party space with its characterful brick walls and beams, while the Really Rustic Barn offers an industrial style Dan Ward

backdrop. And the cottage accommodation is pretty special too!



Trenderway Gaze out across a gorgeous sweep of Cornish countryside, scattered with lakes and woodland, as you get wed at Trenderway, where there’s a choice of four licensed locations for ceremonies. Choose from the historic restored barns – all exposed stone and aged beams woven with twinkling lights – or outdoors with meadow views. The 200-year-old Cornish granite Linhay Barn, with its oak floors, whitewashed walls and cosy bar, is an atmospheric space for feasting and partying, while the cobbled courtyard is just the spot for gathering in the sunshine. What’s more, the accommodation comes complete with a five-star Cornish breakfast served in the garden – if the weather permits!

Trevenna This rural treasure sits amidst 142 acres of countryside where the Tordotted horizons of Bodmin Moor meet sprawling expanses and wooded valleys. Bespoke weddings are a speciality; the historic cluster of barns offers exclusive-use of the facilities and accommodation for a one, two or three-night hire. Kick off the fun with a welcome meal in the farmhouse and drinks at the bar stocked with local craft beers, spirits and wines. Get married in the ambient Threshing Barn or the Garden Venue, a light and versatile space overlooking the garden meadow across to Berry Tor. Or marry beneath the handcrafted arbour with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Dinner will be a treat – look forward to a seriously good feast of local flavours from Trevenna’s Event Kitchen.

Nancarrow Set against a backdrop of open grassy spaces, fruit orchards and rolling pasture, this working organic farm offers the dream rural wedding in lovingly converted barns where rambling roses clamber up the walls and wild flowers scent the air. Tie the knot amidst the rustic charm of the hay barn or the southfacing courtyard before moving onto the green-oak framed event barn for feasting and merriment bathed in natural light with millpond views. The finest seasonal produce and the farm’s own organic meat and kitchen-garden vegetables go into the super-tasty menus, while accommodation for 20 is complemented by bell tents in the orchard.



#53 2020

It’s your wedding day. A day like no other. Unforgettable. Wildly beautiful. Incomparable.

Incomparable weddings at Trenderway.

Trenderway Farm, Pelynt, Near Polperro, Looe, Cornwall PL13 2LY 01503 272214

Alchemy Photography Cornwall




MANOR HOUSES & CASTLES Live out your very own fairytale in one of Cornwall’s elegant country houses or majestic castles

Tim Woolcock

Scorrier House Situated at the heart of 400 acres of magnificent parkland, Scorrier House sets the dreamy scene for an exclusive wedding for up to 160 guests. The jewel in the crown of the historic manor house is the Grand Hall with its lofty ceilings, elegant architectural features and idyllic views across the grounds – hold your ceremony here, or, for something more intimate, there’s the gilded Drawing Room, or even the gazebo in the pretty pool garden. There’s also a classical orangery filled with lush plants, the Blue Library – a cosy spot for unwinding during the celebrations – and accommodation in the house itself as well as the Stable House across the courtyard.

Lizzie Churchill

Lizzie Churchill

Burncoose House The woodland gardens of Burncoose House make for a captivating carnival of colour in the spring and early summer – all camellias, magnolias and hydrangeas framed by blossom-cloaked trees. Then there’s the house itself: the Grade II listed Jacobean and Georgian gem has been renovated to create a luxurious retreat, which sleeps up to 14 in seven en suite bedrooms. From snug celebrations in rooms warmed by roaring fires in winter to al fresco celebrations under the stars in summer, this year-round venue offers small-scale weddings in the house to large marquee receptions on the lawn. Extend the festivities for a few days with lazy barbecues and long soaks in the hot tub.



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Trereife House A sweeping drive leads to the picture book-pretty setting of this Queen Anne manor house, flanked by lofty trees, manicured gardens and pasture grazed by the resident horses. Take your vows amidst the timeless charm of the drawing room and toast your union on the terraced lawns and walled garden. The tennis lawn is perfectly situated for a marquee reception, framed by picturesque parterre gardens. There’s also plush accommodation in the house and guests can pitch a tent in the super-pretty grounds.

Boconnoc Arriving at Boconnoc is like stepping into a romantic novel. There’s the immaculately restored house with its elegant frontage and reception rooms; the dreamlike grounds complete with parkland, a lake, and gardens filled with azaleas, rhododendrons and wild flowers; a cluster of rustic-chic buildings; and even an 800-year-old church. There’s a spectacular choice of settings to marry too, from the Church to the Stable Yard, to the sunken Georgian Bath House, scenic Dorothy Garden or the wildly romantic Pinetum hidden in the woods. Throw the personality-packed party of your dreams across these beautiful settings, whether it’s your Friday Tim Charles

night supper in the Stable Yard, drinks on the lawn or dancing the night away in the magnificent Smoking Room. There’s accommodation for 40 at this exclusive hire venue as well as plenty of space to set up a glamping village within the grounds.

Trelowarren Described as ‘a jewel in the palm of your hand’ (by Daphne Du Maurier, no less!), Trelowarren has a palpable sense of romance. Hugged by ancient woodland in a tucked-away corner of the Lizard peninsula, open parkland, breathtaking views and luxe facilities make a stirring setting for a wedding. The 14th century Grade I listed manor house – a dramatic building with crenellations and ornate plasterwork – can seat up to 120 guests in its historic Strawberry Hill Gothic chapel. Five-star accommodation comprising 18 houses make this a wedding village of endlessly impressive proportions, with The Walled Garden Spa making the perfect spot for some pre-wedding pampering.



Pendennis Castle It’s the stuff of dreams: a 16th century castle by the sea where you can take your vows to the crashing waves and salty air of the ocean, and wow your guests with a palpable sense of history and romance. Crowning a scenic headland in Falmouth, Pendennis Castle is considered one of Henry VIII’s finest coastal fortresses. Say “I do” in the Lower Gun Room in the Castle Keep and enjoy fizz served with ocean panoramas from the Chemise. Celebrate in the Royal Artillery Barracks where rooms flooded with natural light meet sea views, or throw a grand-scale marquee wedding in the grounds with the castle as the magnificent backdrop.

Paul Keppel

Nick Bailey

Caerhays A castle backdrop hugged by colourful woodland gardens overlooking a secluded beach ticks the box for sheer off-the-scale romance – but that’s only part of Caerhays’ enchanting appeal. You can marry amidst the breathtaking sea views of the Coastguard’s Lookout, perched on a nearby headland, or the tranquil and elegant climes of The Vean, a beautifully restored Georgian country house with views across the wooded Porthluney valley. For an al fresco feel, throw a marquee reception at Beach Meadow or the Castle Field and party into the night with the coast to one side and the castle to the other. Now that’s special!

Mark Shaw

Pencarrow Pencarrow is the enchanting Georgian home of the Molesworth-St Aubyn family. Lying at the foot of a sweeping valley, the versatile venue offers everything from intimate weddings to grand affairs for 200 plus guests with ceremonies in the historic house or one of the licensed outdoor spaces, the wisteria-clad arbour on the lawn being a firm favourite. With a purpose-built marquee in the walled gardens, staffed wedding bar and children’s entertainment all on hand as well as lots of optional add-ons. You and your guests can stay in a yurt, bell tent or shepherd’s hut and wake to a breakfast hamper delivered with an optional Bloody Mary or glass of prosecco alongside a cooked breakfast.



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WOW FACTOR From a tropical biome to a tipi glade, here’s some extraordinary settings for a truly standout celebration

Fal River Cruises Love the water? Then why not throw your wedding on it? Fal River Cruises’ beautiful wooden vessel, Moyana, hosts post-ceremony cruises and receptions, allowing guests to enjoy the festivities while exploring the picture-perfect creeks of the Cornish riverside: it might be a laid-back pasty supper, a champagne and canapés reception, or a starry-eyed cruise complete with live music at nightfall. While legally binding ceremonies must take place on dry land, Moyana is now hosting humanist ceremonies on board for vows immersed in the sea air and natural beauty of this corner of Cornwall. Moor up at a private feast, evening merriment and the ultimate in riverside romance.

Mark Shaw

cove, take a dip in the water and return to your vessel for a relaxed

Trebah This dreamlike Cornish valley is filled with colourful tunnels of exotic blooms leading down to a private sandy beach. A sublime botanical backdrop for weddings all year round, the magnificent collection of rhododendrons, magnolias and camellias burst with colour in spring; then there’s the giant gunnera of summer, the clouds of hydrangea in autumn and the plants of the southern hemisphere abloom in winter. The house sits above this carnival of colour, offering views across the gardens and the Helford beyond. Take your vows before up to 40 guests and spend those heady just-married moments exploring this tucked-away Cornish paradise.

Charlestown Harbour Located on the picturesque south coast, this small, privately owned Grade II listed Georgian harbour is one of Cornwall’s most iconic locations and offers romance and character in spine-tingling abundance. Steeped in maritime history and home to a fleet of striking classic tall ships, couples can marry in the intimate climes of The Round House, which can be found at the end of the east side of the harbour, offering sweeping views across St Austell Bay. Built in the late 1800s, the atmospheric space can host ceremonies with up to eight guests in attendance, while larger receptions can take place in the heart of the inner harbour on board the tall ship, Kajsamoor. Create a tailored package to suit your requirements, from a drinks reception on the open deck space to a three-course meal for up to 32 seated guests (or 50 standing) provided by popular local restaurant, The Longstore.



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The Alverton There’s much to wow at The Alverton, an elegant hotel nestled in the heart of Truro, but the Great Hall must be its most breathtaking feature. Dating back to 1830, the spectacular vaulted ceiling, balcony and marble staging make it a grand and incredibly romantic backdrop for ceremonies and receptions for up to 140 guests with an exquisite bespoke menu by the hotel’s talented two AA Rosette chefs to match. Flanked by gardens and terraces, there are gorgeous outdoor spaces galore, and a choice of more intimate settings for ceremonies. The bedrooms, meanwhile, are the epitome of luxury with their brand of sumptuous styling, original features and modern touches. Spend your wedding night in stately style in the Bishop Suite with its lavish super-king bed and double roll-top bathtubs.

Nick Walker

Eden Project The Eden Project offers the balmy temperatures and vibrant atmosphere of a destination wedding – without having to leave Cornwall! Take your vows amidst the scents and colours of the Mediterranean Biome or the lush foliage of the Rainforest Biome. Hold an after-dark reception in the Mediterranean Biome and make merry beneath the illusion of a starry night sky. There’s also The Gallery, which offers panoramic views of the biomes and space for a whopping 500 people. With sustainability at the heart of the venue’s ethos, your carefully sourced feast might be served with exclusive Eden Project wine. Guests can be transported by a decorated land train and those keen to make a showstopping arrival can abseil into the biome or fly down the SkyWire!

Cornish Tipi Weddings Dreaming of a wildly romantic wedding? Prepare to find it at Cornish Tipi Weddings, a secret glade of ancient woodland with carpets of wild flowers and a glorious lake at its heart. A dream canvas for a relaxed, back-to-nature wedding, take your vows to the sound of birdsong in the pavilion, crafted from willow and canvas, or opt for a blessing next to the lake. Throw the ultimate festival wedding

romance of rowing across the lake, gathering round the firepit for marshmallows and stargazing, and, of course, spending your wedding night in a tipi!

appleB Images

Debs Alexander

it’s pared-back pretty or full-blown boho. And sprinkle the celebrations with the

appleB Images

in the marquee meadow, which can be styled according to your vision, whether




SMALL & INTIMATE Dreaming of stealing away for a small wedding in a secluded corner of Cornwall? These gorgeous spots specialise in intimate celebrations

Lower Barns Bursting with colour and personality, this brilliantly characterful venue sits in a tucked-away spot close to the south coast, offering privacy, style and romance by the bucketload. Specialising in elopements and intimate weddings, there’s plenty of special spaces to exchange vows, including the Wed Shed - a vibrant wedding ‘chapel’ in the gardens - and the gorgeous Lounge with its open fire. Tuck into a barbecue in the bloom-filled garden, a sit-down dinner in the Lounge or a relaxed feast in the Party Shed where you can play some vinyl, sink into a sofa by the wood burner and toast your union with ‘bring your own’ tipples. Spend the night in

Tredudwell Manor

one of the cosy and creatively designed suites and reflect on your big day while stargazing in the hot tub.

wedding venue a n d l u x u ry bed & breakfast Bespoke ceremony and reception for up to 200 guests in Tredudwell Pavilion Small and intimate party in the house Garden Temple outdoor ceremony space elegance, romance & tranquility in a hidden corner of cornwall

Treseren Described as a ‘homestead under the stars’, Treseren sits in a secluded Lanteglos by Fowey countryside setting, just 10 minutes from the north coast. A stylish retreat Cornwall pl23 1nj

where Georgian character and Austen-esque romance is woven with modern 01726 870226 accents, Shepherds House is flanked by two-and-a-half acres of greenery, with winding paths leading to secret flower-filled gardens. Specialising in small

Tredudwell ad_final_154x225mm_15-01-18.indd weddings with accommodation for 18, choose from a romantic ceremony in

the Wedding Room or a candlelit winter elopement in the Drawing Room. There’s also the oh-so dreamy option of garden vows beneath a moon gate festooned with blooms followed with lawn games, feasting and cosying up around the firepit as the sun slips behind the leafy horizon.

Joe Burford



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Photography © Liberty Pearl

15/01/2018 16:20




MARQUEES & TIPIS Dreaming of a so-you wedding under canvas? Be inspired by these fabulous outdoor wedding specialists

Absolute Canvas

boast years of experience in building marquees in super-scenic, if

Handcrafted from high quality materials by owner Nick at the company’s

challenging, settings from hilltops to clifftops. Their ‘Epic traditional

Falmouth base, the bespoke traditional canvas marquees by Absolute

marquees’ combine the charm and high pitched roof of a country-chic

Canvas are a vision to behold. The combination of neutral canvas, wooden

marquee with cutting-edge technology, their swooping roofs designed

poles and Georgian arch windows lends itself to weddings of all styles, from

to deflect wind – making them perfect for exposed coastal locations!

rustic to festival, beach-chic to elegant. Perfect for tricky locations, modern

Also offering modern frame marquees with clear canvas to bathe the

clear span marquees are another option with panoramic windows to usher

space in natural light – and awesome views – the company can supply

the outside in. The party specialists offer a bespoke design service as well as

power, lighting, dance floors, and all the essential ingredients of a party to

furniture, a fully licensed bar, lighting, power and even chocolate fountains!

remember under canvas.

Sunset Tipis

Trevarno Marquee & Event Hire

Sunset Tipis brings the wow factor in spades with their giant big hat kata

Stylish, adaptable and robust enough to withstand a Cornish southwesterly,

tipis as well as their own locations for hire spanning spots with coastal,

Trevarno Marquee & Event Hire’s clear span aluminium frame marquees

valley and countryside views, including the iconic St Agnes Beacon. Roll up

offer style, practicality and panoramic windows for gazing at your scenic

the sides and savour the Cornish views and warm sunshine or take them

surroundings. As well as helping you to design layouts, the team can arrange

down to create a warm and cosy vibe by the fire, the exposed poles woven

event hire, including vintage china, crockery, cutlery, glasses and catering

with fairy lights adding to the magic. Every element of your tipi wedding can

equipment. And our favourite part? You can share your Pinterest board with

be looked after by the team – they even have a sign writer to help you with

the team and they’ll help you come up with a styling vision to make your

written décor.

dream a reality.


Based on the Roseland peninsula, the team at Coast2Coast Marquees


#53 2020

Freckle Photography

Coast2Coast Marquees

WEDDINGS ON THE RIVER Say your vows on the water, on board the classic boat Moyana or add a luxury cruise to your special day

FAL RIVER CRUISES c h a r t e r @ f a l r i v e r. c o . u k | 0 1 3 2 6 7 4 1 1 9 4 f a l r i v e r. c o . u k / w e d d i n g s



Enchanted Brides




#53 2020


One bride we know – who’d always seen herself in a strapless, tiered gown laughing carelessly in black and white snaps surrounded by friends and family on her big day – stole away to an A-list haunt for a secret ceremony with her other half and two lifelong friends as witnesses. And what happened next? Everyone was delighted. Really delighted. But how did they plan it and, more crucially, manage the fallout? “We had discussed getting married numerous times during our 11 years together,” she says. “But one particular day, we went for a walk, and we really started to plan. We started with the guest list and, before we’d even got 10 people down the list, we realised that some people couldn’t travel out of term time and some people didn’t get on and some people lived on the other side of the planet… In the end, we asked each other who we needed there; we looked at each other and said ‘I need you’ and that’s when we decided.” Over the days that followed their ceremony, the happy couple took their celebration home, arriving at both sets of parents’ houses in their city-chic getup, with huge smiles and a ready-made celebration. Vintage reds were opened, and the party began the minute the penny dropped. Was anyone upset? Not one person. At least, they didn’t show it. How could you fail to get involved when a bride and groom arrive on your doorstep asking you to help them celebrate? Interested? Here’s how you can elope with hope…

PUB LUNCH WITH PUNCH Imagine a Michelin-star pub or restaurant where everything on the menu is yours to order as you wish, without having to consider anyone else’s dietary requirements, likes, or cost. You can go down the traditional wedding breakfast route if you wish, or if you fancy takeaway fish and chips, that’s cool too! One of the beauties of an elopement is that there are (far) fewer people to take into account, so choose your favourites and feel free to indulge!

JUST THE TWO OF US In long-term relationships, where perhaps the spark between you both is now more of a gentle flicker, eloping reignites that wonderful sense of stealing away and doing something that’s solely about just the two of you. In the digital age, when not much is private, imagine just the two of you

Fancy slipping away quietly and doing your day your way? As elopement weddings continue to rise, we look at the tips and tricks to make it really wedding-worthy words Elizabeth Chester

knowing what tomorrow brings. Once you’ve said ‘I do’, just for a few minutes, you, the registrar and your witnesses are the only people in the world who know your news.

SHOW THEM THE MONEY Granted, this one isn’t for the celebration night but, perhaps in time, it might be worth explaining to friends and family – particularly if there were any who may have been disappointed about their lack of invitation – that you have ploughed your



saving into other areas. For example, you could put it towards Enchanted Brides

travelling the world, a house deposit or perhaps start a fund for any future babies you may be planning.

DRESS TO IMPRESS “I went wedding dress shopping in traditional boutiques, which I loved and wouldn’t have missed for the world,” says our bride. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but in the end buying a classic vintage designer dress was just more me,” she says, choosing to elope in a vintage designer shift dress. Many brides choose to elope in a traditional gown, however, and we say go for it. You’re still a bride, after all, so embrace it!

VITAL ACCESSORY Elopement doesn’t have to mean understated and don’t forget your accessories to really make you feel bridal. How about chic touches like a silk bouquet, a birdcage veil or a high-low wedding dress to give the illusion of a small train, if you don’t want the real thing?

PLACE OF INTEREST Enchanted Brides

If it’s just you and your other half on the day, why not go wild with a unique venue that otherwise wouldn’t suit your guest list or budget? We’re thinking summerhouses, treehouses, boats and quirky-cool little spots in the countryside or on the coast. And if you had been considering a destination wedding, but couldn’t make the logistics work, an elopement is a great chance to get married somewhere special closer to home, then splurge on that honeymoon!

SHOUT IT OUT! Don’t focus on what you haven’t done or who you haven’t invited, but instead, put all your efforts into making your announcement as wow, inclusive and celebratory as possible. Our bride made sure all parents and siblings knew to be nearby the day after – without making it too obvious – and no one suspected anything other than a usual family weekend catch-up. Friends received a just-married photo and a date for celebratory drinks.

PARTY ON! Here’s where you can let rip. Whether you do as our bride Enchanted Brides

did and take the party to your guests’ homes, or organise an after-party once you’ve announced your news, you can go super-large on your celebrations. And one of the best bits, as summed up by our bride? “Yes you can, and should, absolutely wear your dress again!”

KNOW YOUR LIMITS Just remember, like a good comic, you need to know your audience. If your wedding is the day you’ve always dreamed about since you were a little girl and talked about with your mum/gran/auntie/bestie for years, think it through carefully. Doing your day your way is one thing but offending your closeknit family is quite another. Eloping isn’t for everyone and there’s no going back once you’ve done ir. But of course there are other ways to celebrate. So, we’ll leave you with this from our recent bride... “We poured our wedding fund into a Maldives honeymoon. And sipping champagne on the steps of our private overwater bungalow, watching the colourful sea life somersault in the gin-clear sea that surrounded us, made us realise at the heart of our decision was each other. And our friends and family couldn’t have been happier for us.”



#53 2020


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feature | ELOPEMENTS | JUST THE TWO OF US Photography Thomas Frost

OUR SMALL BIG DAY Naomi and Jack travelled to Cornwall for their incredibly romantic elopement at The Green. Here, Naomi shares her reflections on their just-for-two wedding day

Why did you choose to elope? “When we began planning our wedding, we were conflicted. We wanted a small intimate wedding where we could really enjoy each other’s company and express our love for one another. Yet there were so many people who had been supportive of our relationship and our marriage that we felt we needed to properly celebrate with them all. We began by trying to plan this impossible wedding: big but intimate,

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religious but not in a church. It took us a lost deposit or two, but we realised that this compromised wedding wasn’t going to work for us. The solution? Two weddings, of course! So halfway through planning our wedding (we will call this the big wedding), we decided we would elope and legally get married in an intimate ceremony. Just the two of us, without any fuss. We must admit this decision was easier because a few weeks later we would celebrate with all our friends and family at a marriage blessing and reception. Having now had both an elopement and the frills that come a with a big family-fest of a wedding, let’s just say we wouldn’t be in a rush to ditch the elopement over a big wedding. Our relationship stayed at the core of our elopement; it was the most perfect day (I know everyone says that about their wedding but, honestly, it was magical) and most importantly stress-free and cheaper!”



#53 2020



What was it about getting married at The Green that appealed to you?

Photography Thomas Frost

“We were set on an outdoor wedding and you can elope and still legally marry outside at The Green. The weather, however, had other plans for us, meaning we were unable to get married outside. The staff managed to convert the barn, a location we were not initially particularly keen on getting married in, into a fairytale dream; it was so enchanting, better than we could have imagined (better than getting married outdoors!). The simplicity, the lovely staff and the attention to detail were unimaginable bonuses. The Green took care of everything! From décor and fine dining to accommodation on-site, we were truly spoilt for two nights”. How did the day pan out? “Having already walked through a plan of the day the night before, we knew exactly what to expect, which eased our nerves a lot. Jack and I woke up together and he made breakfast, which we could barely eat due to our excitement. We had planned to get ready in separate rooms but decided to delay our plans until we put on the outfits that we had chosen together. Our amazing photographer Tom Frost was ready to capture all the beautiful moments as we got ready, including Jack making me a last-minute flower crown! Jack walked over to the barn and spoke to the registrars and then they came over to the cottage to speak to me. Finally, it was time to go; the lovely staff helped me put the finishing touches on my dress and even helped me put my shoes on. This is something I hadn’t thought about; in that moment it would have been nice to have my mother there. Despite knowing what we were both going to wear, Jack had tears in his eyes when he saw me walk down the aisle. We then said our ‘I dos’ and I became a woman with a triple-barrelled surname! After our ceremony and the exchange of our emotional vows we each had written, we spent the whole day exploring the gorgeous Cornish countryside having our own personal photo shoot. Tom captured our love so wonderfully. From abandoned quarries to moors and coastal cliffs, we did it all – and the results were worth it! We then came back to our little wedding home and patiently awaited our own private chef who made the most exquisite food ever!” Does one particular moment stand out to you? “Getting ready in the morning and asking Jack if my eyeshadow was OK. We thought we were going to spend the morning apart, but we were both so nervous and simultaneously excited, it felt so right in my most vulnerable state to be with my best friend and ask him if the make-up I was going to have on as I said ‘I do’ was perfect to him”. What advice would you give to other couples considering an elopement? “Do it and don’t look back. Be honest with your friends and family; they may not like it but they love you and will eventually come around.”



#53 2020

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Holly Young Millinery 07968 783320

George Mackay Flowers 07852 405311

Stephanie Stevens 07817 239895

The Coterie Salon 01726 64576

Simon Nickell Design 07776 184652


Hunter & Walsh 01736 360022

The Velvet Daisy 077906 92221

Atlantic Hotel 01637 872244

KH Bridal 07748 847055

Tide Flowers 07801 365857


Your Beautiful Day 07412 454549 yourbeautifuldayuk.

Beacon Crag 07815 311291

Hens and Stags

Boconnoc 01208 872507

Bosinver 01726 72128

Caerhays 01872 501310

Bliss Bridal Gowns 01637 851163


Carbis Bay Hotel & Estate 01736 795311

The Bridal Studio 01326 560903

Absolute Canvas 01326 375747

Coast2Coast Marquees 01872 580153

Bridal Wear

Sunset Tipis 01209 891483

Chypraze Wedding Barn 07834 971424

Elaine Rawlings Bridal Boutique 01872 262271

Trevarno Marquees & Event Hire 01209 831333

Cornish Tipi Weddings 01208 880781

St Ives Bridal Boutique 01736 799413


Christine Trewinnard Couture 01726 842700

The Driftwood Spars 01872 552428

Cornwall Suit Room 01209 613366

Eden Project 01726 811911


Fal River Cruises 01872 861913

Absolute Chocolate 01872 540650

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The Green 01579 362253

Atta Food 07534 621057

Holly Young Millinery 07968 783320

Gwel an Mor 01209 842354

Fowey Hall Hotel 01726 833866

Hendra Barns 01872 510884

Beetham Food 01872 501002 Cornwall Chef 07842 721894


Hotel Tresanton 01326 270055

Emily Hankins 07867 591519

Adam Gibbard Photography 07790 567434

Kitley House Hotel 01752 881555

Ashley Hampson Photography 07834 542280

Llawnroc Hotel 01726 843461

Grant Lampard Photography 07943 035436

Lusty Glaze 01637 872444

Good Food Catering Company 01840 211118 Kernowforno 07824 325633 Oona’s Cakes 07865 181684 Peboryon 07807 153091 The Buffalo 07931 266900 Woodfired Weddings 07432 641941

Childcare Cornwall Childcare 07592 676259

Hannah Wilde Photography 07508 596322 Joey Lamb Photography 07470 331337 Khalile Siddiqui Photography 07773 282319 Lower Barns 01726 844881 The Millhouse Inn 07767 341234 Nancarrow Farm 01872 540343 The Old Quay House Hotel 01726 833302 Pencarrow 01840 250118

Liberty Pearl Photography 07863 889677

Princess Pavilion 01326 311277


Lucy Turnbull Photography 01822 835961

Funky Flags Bunting 07980 622303

Nick Bailey Photography 07816 251838

The Rosevine 01872 580206

Scorrier House 01209 820264

Stargazey Wedding Décor Hire 07876 652249

Noah Werth 07880 710093

Stennack Farm

Olivia WR Fine Art Photography 07470 056050

St Ives Harbour Hotel & Spa 01736 795221

Paul Keppel Photography 07854 172143

Ta Mill 01840 261797

Trebah Garden 01326 252200

Ross Talling Photography 07525 781128

Classical Strings 01736 719342

Tredudwell Manor 01726 870226

Fistral Stereo 07808 588705

Stewart Girvan Photography 01209 480699

Trelowarren 01326 221224

Thomas Frost Photography 07584 906088

Trereife 01736 362750

Trevarno Marquees and Event Hire 01209 831333


The Great Little Band 07812 930004

Fireworks Celebration Pyrotechnics 01208 78790 / 07814 014233

Flowers Down by the River Florals 07837 166924


Charlestown Harbour 01726 70241

Toby Lowe Photography 07800 805081 Verity Westcott Photography 07412 364197

Rings Carole Allen 01209 715605

Fleurtations 01208 78555

Emily Nixon 01736 887599

The Flower Press 0745 010 7322

Justin Duance 01736 368395


#53 2020

Pengenna Manor 01208 612221

Trenderway 01503 272214 Treseren 07808 581847 Trevenna 01579 320013 The Vean 01872 500025

Wedding Planners Jenny Wren Weddings & Events 07885 648462 Your Beautiful Day 07412 454549

got wed

Beautiful love stories from across Cornwall





Guests from all over the world came together on the banks of the Tamar for Natalie and Pierre’s sun-spilled celebrations Natalie and Pierre’s paths first crossed in Dubai. “I was involved in a beach volleyball team and one of my teammates worked with Pierre. He convinced Pierre to come and play in our team, as we were short on players; he turned out to be a good asset, being 6ft 3!” reminisces Natalie. “That’s where it all began.” The globe-trotting pair became engaged in Petra while walking through the historical city’s famous archaeological site. “The sun was shining, the views were fantastic and there were very few people around,” recalls Natalie. Choosing Pentillie Castle as the venue for their travel-inspired wedding, the couple took the bridesmaids’ blush dresses as inspiration for the colour scheme, which was carried in an array of details including a gorgeous floral archway and bespoke cake. “We named the tables after the favourite places we had visited and the table plan was a map of the world with luggage tags for each table,” says Natalie. Retro suitcases were filled with favours of local Cornish fudge and used as card drops alongside a globe for guests to sign instead of a traditional book. Hiring Pentillie for three nights allowed Natalie and Pierre plenty of time to host some pre-wedding parties, which included a lavish five-course rehearsal dinner there for close friends and family two days prior to the wedding and a larger gathering at St Mellion International Resort the night before. Classical Strings provided a stirring soundtrack to the ceremony and drinks reception, which took place on the lawn overlooking the stunning rural surrounds and river, after which the speeches were delivered ahead of the sumptuous threecourse wedding breakfast. Guests chose from starters of smoked salmon, goat’s cheese tart or pork terrine followed by mains of lemon sole with chorizo, Pentillie roast beef or Parmesan risotto with truffle. Apple tarte tatin with caramel ice cream, chocolate brownie, and glazed lemon tart completed the fabulous feast. “We had been going to dance lessons for nine months before the wedding,” reveals Natalie. “We started the first dance with ‘Stand by Me’. The music stopped and everyone thought the DJ had messed up, but it was always our plan! We then had a medley of about eight songs – from the tango and ‘Gangnam Style’ to hip-hop and jive! It really was fun and everyone was so surprised!” While in the throes of recalling her favourite moments, she says: “To be honest, we loved every minute of the day and leading up to it! I know it sounds cheesy, but it couldn’t have been more perfect. We had people from about 12 different countries at the wedding, so it was very international! Lots of love, fun and laughter was had,” she reminisces. “Don’t stress or turn into Bridezilla!” she warns other brides-to-be who might be feeling the pressure to plan the perfect day. “The small things really do not matter! If your favours do not turn up, or you couldn’t get your perfect napkins – no one really cares! As long as your guests are well fed, the bar is stocked and you have good music to dance the night away, that’s all they will remember (and so will you). The day goes by so fast, live and love every second of it and do what you want,” she continues. “It’s a day you should enjoy along with all your family and friends.” As her final word of advice, she says: “I would highly recommend booking a place exclusively if you can and having it for multiple nights. Your memories will be worth the extra money spent!”



#53 2020




“Our day was very relaxed and full of fun!”

Photography Venue Marquee Dress Bridesmaids’ dressers Hair Make-up Flowers Cake Entertainment



#53 2020

Noah Werth Pentillie Castle Hine Marquees Sophia Tolli from The Bridal House of Cornwall Debenhams Reds Hairdressing Hands & Tans Beauty Salon St Mellion Flowers Edible Essence Classical Strings


got wed


Memorable musical performances gave Sinead and Charlie’s colourful celebrations extra meaning at their October wedding “We met on a dating website in 2013 and it turned out that we only lived a 10-minute walk from each other, which in London was quite a surprise!” reveals Sinead. Some years after their serendipitous online encounter, Charlie selected a scenic spot to pop the question during a holiday to Italy’s Lake Maggiore. “I was pregnant at the time and as I said yes the baby did a big kick!” recalls Sinead. “He’d had the ring for a couple of years and had planned to propose on a previous holiday to Norway but forgot to pack the ring!” The pair had visited Potager Garden during every trip to see Charlie’s parents in Cornwall – and it provided the perfect venue for their wedding. “And it seemed suitably ‘non wedding-y’, which was what we were after,” comments Sinead. Selecting a relaxed DIY theme with lots of colour, the event was a collaborative and hands-on affair. “Most of the things we had, we found or made ourselves, with the help of my sister Annalysa who is the queen of organising!” says Sinead. Charlie’s dad sourced the potted plants for the tables with Annalysa cultivating the aloe vera, while Charlie designed the invitations and wedding booklets complete with song lyrics. Their mid-afternoon ceremony took place in the greenhouse with Charlie’s best friend Ben presiding as celebrant as the couple exchanged their self-penned vows. “My sister read a poem she had written for us and Charlie’s friend Bethan did a reading of ‘I Wanna Be Yours’ by John Cooper Clarke,” says Sinead. Music was a key component, with Charlie teaming up with his brother Will on acoustic guitar for an unforgettable performance. “Charlie and the rest of our guests sang me down the aisle with ‘Into My Arms’ by Nick Cave, then we all sang ‘From Now On’ from ‘The Greatest Showman’ and ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley – it was excellent!” recalls Sinead. Selecting a sharing feast of pizza, wintry salads and self-serve vegan dishes, the wedding breakfast was rounded off with Charlie’s homemade vegan chocolate and avocado cake decorated with raspberries, which was all devoured in the greenhouse as the sun went down. An evening of pasties and dancing to the couple’s personalised Spotify playlist completed their wonder-filled day, which was made all the more special by a surprise guest appearance. “One standout moment for me was when a strange but exceptionally beautiful cat turned up and joined in with our party. We are cat people so it was perfect!” says Sinead, recallig another favourite moment as “the singing in the ceremony and how all our friends nailed it!”. “Our top tip would be to do it your way!” she asserts. “People will have fun regardless so make all your choices for you and not your guests or family. It took away most of the stress for us and made the whole experience really personal and enjoyable.”



#53 2020




“Our favourite moment was the singing in the ceremony and how all our friends nailed it!”



#53 2020


Verity Westcott Photography


Potager Garden

Wedding planning

Little Cornish Wedding Company


Willowby by Watters from White Leaf Boutique

Groom’s outfit

Gresham Blake

Flower girl’s outfit

What Mother Made


Lauren O

My approach to wedding photography is creative and relaxed. My style Myapproach approachto towedding weddingphotography photographyis creativeand andrelaxed. relaxed.My Mystyle style My My approach to wedding photography isiscreative creative and relaxed. My style is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments is photojournalistic which means I capture those candid moments which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using a combination of whichset setmy mypictures picturesapart apartfrom fromthe therest. rest.Using Usinga combinationof of which which set my pictures apart from the rest. Using aacombination combination of natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, natural light and supplemental lighting for the more dramatic images, will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure willcreate createtimeless, timeless,stunning stunningimages imagesfor foryou youto totreasure treasure.... IIIIwill will create timeless, stunning images for you to treasure


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got wed


Chloe and Ben treated their guests to a weekend full of food, fun and fabulous flowers on the farm during their wedding overlooking the Camel Estuary Chloe and Ben knew each other from secondary school, but it wasn’t until they chanced upon each other years later at a mutual friend’s party that they noticed a spark. “We spent the evening flirting with each other,” reveals Chloe. “This was the start of good things to come. From there, we started meeting up regularly in London and our relationship blossomed quickly.” Having expected him to pop the question during their six-month motorhome trip around southern Europe, Chloe’s expectations of a proposal had dwindled on their return when Ben decided to pick his moment during a walk in the park. “It was a beautiful day and in a very rare moment there was absolutely no one in the park. We were strolling around and then Ben said, ‘You know I love you, right?’ I turned around and he was on one knee with a ring. I couldn’t have been more shocked!” says Chloe. With family ties to the county, Chloe and Ben decided that Cornwall was the perfect place to hold their wedding, and, falling in love with Padstow, they decided to marry at St Petroc’s Church before a marquee reception at Trerethern Farm. “We wanted our wedding to be super relaxed and for each guest to feel really special; we knew if they loved it then we would have an amazing day too. We put most of our budget into the food and drink to ensure guests were looked after!” explains Chloe, who selected a theme of ‘colour’ to style their day. A striking palette of yellow, dark pink, red and teal blue were carried throughout, from the bridesmaids’ dresses to the flowers. “We had a marquee in the middle of a field with incredible scenery surrounding us; we wanted pops of colour everywhere and for the outside to be inside,” says Chloe, who worked with wedding planner Rebecca at The Unique Cornish Event Company to achieve her vision. Flowers were another key element of the day’s design, with Cat from Tide Flowers interpreting the ‘luxe festival vibes’ brief to show-stopping effect. Chloe’s beautiful bouquet featured tulips and peonies mixed with greenery and ferns, while an incredible hanging flower display was suspended from a ladder over the top table. Canapés including oysters and a whole leg of Iberico ham were followed by a feast of mackerel, rib of beef with dauphinoise potatoes, and white chocolate mousse. The eye-catching floral-themed cake, comprising three tiers of carrot, caramel and lemon flavours, went down a treat, as did the evening’s infectious soundtrack from Disco Shed and the fun photos, props and backdrops provided by Flicksbox. The following day, guests returned to the farm for games, food and more drinks, including bespoke Bloody Marys served by airstream bar, The Buffalo. “We hosted the Cornwall Olympics and had games such as the surf machine, hook a duck and a pasty-eating competition!” says Chloe. “Start early, make a plan, and do things little by little,” she says by word of planning advice. “Split the responsibilities and share the planning – it makes it fun and it’s a day for both of you,” she encourages couples. “For example, Ben took control of organising the food and drink, and I did décor and flowers, but we both made the decisions together.”



#53 2020


“We knew if the guests loved it then we would have an amazing day too.”





#53 2020



Toby Lowe Photography


St Petroc’s Church

Trerethern Farm


Absolute Canvas


The Little Gem Catering Co

Wedding planning

The Unique Cornish Event Company


Ronald Joyce

Bridesmaids’ dresses

Mix Bridal

Groom & best man’s outfits T.M. Lewin Groomsmen’s outfits

Moss Bros


LJP Bridal


Tide Flowers



Evening Food

Woody’s Pizza


The Prop Factory




Premier Carriage


The Buffalo


Disco Shed



got wed


Sarah and Dale hosted a laid-back beach party at Lusty Glaze full of good food, games on the golden sand and a very special surprise from a bridesmaid “We met in December 2012 as we both were walking out of Bangkok airport to begin separate adventures,” says Sarah of how she and Dale first crossed paths. Friends from each group they were travelling with recognised each other and introduced the couple, who then spent a few weeks together in Thailand before Sarah’s holiday came to an end. “Three months later, I got a call from Dale out of the blue saying that he’s back in the UK and wants to take me on a date. I took him up on his romantic offer of peri-peri chicken and we’ve been together ever since!” Travel was a key component of the pair’s romance: during a two-week road trip in California, Dale popped the question while they were camping in the middle of Sequoia National Park. “We had just cooked some dinner on the barbecue and opened a couple of beers around the fire. He then made a beautiful speech and got down on one knee to present the most perfect engagement ring.” With a sense of place being such an important part of their love story, Sarah and Dale picked Lusty Glaze as the venue to marry. “As soon as we arrived, we knew it was the one for us,” explains Sarah. “We absolutely love Cornwall and being by the sea, so it seemed the perfect package.” Basing the look and feel of their sand-between-the-toes celebrations on a “very relaxed, personal and fun” vibe, Sarah took the seaside setting as inspiration for the palette, “but also added splashes of bright and bold shades, which represent our personalities quite well,” she says. From her embellished boho style gown to Dale’s dapper blue suit, the bright and beautiful wild flowers to the stationery (all individually made by graphic designer Sarah), every element combined to create the laid-back, coastally cool aesthetic. “The beautiful beach backdrop meant the venue really didn’t need much decoration, so we had clusters of medicine bottles on the tables and three large wild hoops hanging from the ceiling to tie it all in,” says Sarah. Acoustic music, beach volleyball, drinks and canapés greeted guests before they tucked in to a buffet-style barbecue with a huge array of dishes including steaks, halloumi, salads and pasta. “For our first dance, the band played the most beautiful version of ‘My Girl’ and then they went on to play an awesome couple of sets to get the crowd on their feet and dancing the evening away. We had a DJ takeover for the rest of the night and it turned into a full-on party that we will never forget!” recalls Sarah of the evening revelry. “The whole day was a complete dream but I think our favourite part was when the wedding party was told to go out onto the beach and then all of a sudden a plane went across the sky with a ‘Sarah & Dale’ banner! It was a complete surprise from one of my bridesmaids and was one of the best presents we could have asked for. The plane circled the sky a few times and everyone was just so amazed. Definitely something we will never forget!” Though she wouldn’t change a thing, Sarah shares one piece of planning advice with others. “As our wedding had so many personal touches, it was hard to delegate jobs to others and we did a lot ourselves, so I would say if you have anything you can give to others, definitely do it, as you’ll be surprised how many people want to help.”



#53 2020




“All of a sudden, a plane went across the sky with a ‘Sarah & Dale’ banner! It was a complete surprise and one of the best presents we could have asked for!”



#53 2020


Dan Ward Photography


Lusty Glaze


Jenny Packham


Loulabel Floral Design


Dollybird Bakes

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got wed


Leona and Chester designed a distinctive day full of greenery, good food and sustainable choices for a wedding as purse-pleasing as it was planet-friendly “We met in a bar in Falmouth during my third week of university,” reveals Leona of her and Chester’s first encounter. “I had just broken up with my college boyfriend and vowed to have fun and be single for the next three years... oops!” On their seventh anniversary, Chester made a romantic pre-proposal. “He told me that he’d pop the question before our eighth anniversary,” says Leona. “He left it another 363 days, so I saw it coming. I got so twitchy that he ended up letting me come with him to design my ring. Chester got down on one knee at the end of a jetty at a lake and we did a lot of ugly crying!” The couple decided on a simple yet striking aesthetic for their wedding: “greenery, no flowers, lots of herbs.” “We wanted to go low-cost without being kitsch and our photos were Wes Anderson-inspired,” explains Leona. “Because we wanted to do it relatively lowbudget (we’ve just bought a listed house that needs a lot of work), we made a list of things we needed and things we wanted and then pared the ‘need’ list back even more. We spent the big bucks on a few things that were really important to us: greenery, my dress and photography.” As well as adopting a green colour scheme, the couple approached their wedding with a green ethos, minimising their carbon footprint during the sourcing process. “We wanted to use as many small, local suppliers as we could, because we really believe it’s important to support independents and put money into our local economy,” elaborates Leona. Her gown was handcrafted using a piece of 1930’s silk velvet that was hand-dyed using tea leaves “to give it the most amazing oyster colour. It was important to me to have a two-piece so that I could wear each piece independently again,” says Leona. The floristry was another sustainable element, with larger displays featuring potted plants that Leona and Chester were able to keep, and scented greenery transformed into shower bouquets. “The garlands now adorn our fireplace and we have used cuttings from the bay and eucalyptus to propagate new plants,” she says. Leona and Chester exchanged vows at Penryn Town Hall, as Storm Dennis raged outside. After pasties and champagne, everyone gathered at Ponsanooth Hall for welcome drinks, speeches and a lip-smacking dinner comprising the likes of spicy crab tacos, smoked pulled pork, and mushroom, halloumi and truffle mac and cheese. Decorated with herbs, the cake provided the show-stopping endnote with its spiced plum and cardamom, winter carrot cake, and lemon and elderflower flavours. “We had decided not to have a first dance; it’s just not our thing. But when we were dancing to ‘Temperature’ by Sean Paul, my Best Woman cleared the dance floor and inconspicuously gave everyone confetti to throw. It was the best impromptu and most ‘us’ first dance we could have had!” says Leona of one of her favourite moments. “Having all of our most loved people in one place at one time and getting to share a snippet of our Cornish life with them all,” she cites as another, before adding “and dancing around to Green Day with my dad!”. “Make clear decisions about what is really important to you and stick to those choices,” she advises other couples. “And build a wedding website with all the information your guests will need, so you don’t have to field questions.”



#53 2020


“Make clear decisions about what is really important to you and stick to those choices. Be uncompromising in what you choose to do – it is your day.”





#53 2020



Salt & Sea Photography Co.


Penryn Town Hall

Ponsanooth Hall


The Shellfish Pig


Caroline Fricker Bridal Wear

Groom’s outfit

Burton tie Moss Bros


Orchard Makeup


Loulabel Floral Design

Tables & chairs

Stargazey Wedding Decor Hire


White Paper Envelopes


Oona’s Cakes


got wed


Seasonal flowers and handmade décor set the glorious scene for Olympians Rachel and Jonnie’s nature-inspired wedding at Trevenna “For more than a decade we were both on the British Sprint Kayaking Team, competing at two Olympic games together, and we met on our first training camp in Seville in Spain,” reveals Rachel of her and Jonnie’s momentous beginnings. “Jonnie proposed to me outside a composting toilet!” she laughs. “We were staying in a gorgeous luxury cave on the North Island of New Zealand after the Rio Olympics. It was filled with romantic spots to propose, but Jonnie got a little carried away by trying to make the proposal a surprise and whipped the ring out just as I left the (very nice) toilet. I now have a soft spot for composting toilets!” Trevenna provided the picturesque setting for their late September wedding, which was “inspired by nature: kind of rustic, but filled with warmth and hygge”, explains Rachel. A carnival of seasonal flowers reflected the turning of the season, with foliage in soft coppers and burnt tones, and dahlias in muted hues interspersed with pops of coral. “We met with lots of our guests on the day before our wedding for a surf on Polzeath Beach. It was so much fun and a great way to bring people together! We left them to explore the area whilst we had hurried away to start setting up at the venue,” says Rachel, who enlisted the help of some guests to erect the archway, hang hand-dyed ribbons, and decorate the tables with homemade table runners, napkins, dried flowers and origami hearts made from ‘Harry Potter’ pages. “Our mums had been busy DIYing!” explains Rachel. “We brought down some potted trees and plants to add to the scale of the greenery – the tree is now planted in my parents’ garden and is a lovely souvenir!” Marrying at midday to make the most of their time with loved ones, Rachel cites the al fresco ceremony as her favourite part of the entire day. “Standing under the arbour holding Jonnie’s hands was such a magical moment,” she reminisces. “The birds were singing, the sun had just come out and was shining down through the leaves. We were not only surrounded by beautiful flowers, but also by all of ‘our people’. I could feel the love in the air!” One of Rachel’s bridesmaids, Hattie, sang during the ceremony. A string quartet added to the atmosphere and continued to entertain guests during the drinks reception in the Threshing Barn, “where we filled the room, sat at long trestle tables and had a very jolly time! My dad had written some music and a song for his speech, which Hattie performed,” says Rachel. Treacle-cured beef, sea bass and trio of tasty desserts were devoured before the newly-weds headed off to the moor for photographs. The uptempo tunes of The Harbour Band then provided the entertainment for the evening, alongside sparklers, roasting marshmallows over the open fire, Cornish pasties, “and a lot of cheese!” “In my opinion, a successful wedding is a day that reflects the people getting married,” says Rachel. “It’s quite hard to go wrong if you take this tact, because everyone has different likes and dislikes and makes different decisions. So enjoy the process; it’s not every day you get to celebrate such a special thing!”



#53 2020




“We were not only surrounded by beautiful flowers, but also by all of ‘our people’. I could feel the love in the air!”



#53 2020



Keeper Creative




Miss Bush



Groom’s outfit

John Lewis

Wedding ring

Justin Duance

Hair & make-up

Ione Makeup & Hair Artist


The Garden Gate Flower Company


Saffron Quartet

The Harbour Band



Plan a so-you celebration with these top tips from the wedding gurus. This issue, we look at how to look how to make your ceremony super-special

NOTES ON A WEDDING New order. Instead of seating guests in a

than religious, you might want to consider alternative ways of confirming your commitment to each other. You could consider a hand-fasting ceremony, planting a tree as part of the ceremony or holding a candle ceremony. Jessica

your ring bearer. In the past, I’ve sourced birds of prey such as an owl to swoop to the front of the ceremony and present the bride with her ring. A popular choice is to have your fluffy canine friend as your ring bearer. Jessica

Sounds good. Include a special song that’s personal to both of you for your guests to sing. This can add fun and alleviates tension. It doesn’t have to be conventional but remember to print lyrics in case your guests don’t know the words. One of our couples sang ‘I’m a Believer’ from the Shrek

couple or little facts and memories about how you met to your order of service. Jenny

soundtrack! Jenny

Bring the outside in. I’m a big fan of using lots of foliage and flowers to style ceremonies. Hosting a spring wedding? Why not bring in a line of blossom trees to line your aisle? Or how about a beautiful flower arch as the ultimate place to say “I do”? Jessica Sitting pretty. If your ceremony is outside

and the weather looks favourable, consider using lots of blankets and rugs for guests to sit on. You may still want a few chairs for the older guests to be comfortable. Jenny


Surprise! Does your partner have a

Clare Kinchin

Sarah Lauren Photogr

Arianna Fenton

Matt Sumii

Clare Kinchin Photography

Pip & Simon

ography Phot Kate Fierek Clare Kinchin

Animal magic. Consider having an animal as

Claire Penn Photography

A Thing Like That

Clare Kinchin Photography

Knots & Kisses

In the spirit. If you’re more spiritual


ides phy

gers Photogra


everyone you love. Jenny

guests to collate their marriage wisdom, then ask one of them to read it aloud at the ceremony. It can be an interesting take on a reading and a great way to get everyone involved. Jenny

Not on the High

Enchanted Br Sarah Lauren

favourite song? Play it as a surprise as part of your ceremony, or as you make your exit as newly-weds. At one of my weddings, a bride surprised her new husband with a gospel choir that popped up at the end of the ceremony to sing ‘All You Need Is Love’ – just like the scene in ‘Love Actually’. Jessica

Loud and proud. Think about hiring

a speaker and mic system. It can often be difficult for all guests to hear in large churches or outdoor ceremonies. Companies can provide discreet lapel mics, which can be clipped onto the person conducting the ceremony and pick up on the couple’s vows too. Jenny

Keep it personal. If you have talented

Andy Gaines



#53 2020


Wise words. Ask some of your married

traditional aisle and row formation, seat them around you in a circle. It gives a more intimate feel, ensures no one will struggle to see the ceremony and means you’re surrounded by

friends who are musicians or actors, ask them to get involved by performing a song or reading an extract. Jessica

At your service. Add photos of you as a

Petal pretty. Choose dried rose petals for

beautiful and biodegradable confetti, or dried olive leaves for a stylish alternative. Jessica

Flower power. Create a living aisle with

your florist, making it look like the flowers are growing either side of it. It will frame you beautifully as you walk down and smells divine too. It’s also safer than candles! Jenny

Make some noise. If you want to exit

the ceremony with a bang, then customised tambourines for your guests are a must! At previous weddings, especially at historic venues, we’ve handed out little flags with bells that guests can wave as the couple exit the ceremony. Jessica

Raise the roof. Gospel choirs are a great

way of adding atmosphere to your ceremony, bringing the fun factor as all your guests sing along. Jenny

Stand up. Do away with chairs altogether

and have people stand together – this works really well in historic houses where ceremonies can take place at the footwell of a grand staircase with your guests looking on from the galleried landing. Jessica

Walk the line. Have an aisle runner with

your chosen wording on, perhaps which tells the story of how you met, or important dates. Rugs can also be effective for creating an aisle walkway. Jenny Jessica, Ardour & Bow Weddings & Events

Jenny, Jenny Wren Weddings & Events

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#53 2020 Photo:

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