Biweekly report 3

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Internship – Bi-weekly Report # 3 Name: Brenna Coles Date Submitted: Sunday Feb. 24, 2013 E-mail Address: Cell/Home Phone: 506-233-7532 (cell)/ 506-857-9986 (home) Bi-weekly Reporting Period: From: Monday February 11, 2013 To: Friday February 22,

2013 Note:

Please complete the following three parts of the Bi-weekly Report and submit via Online Blackboard Learn (BbL) by midnight Sunday immediately following the two-week period. Submissions to BbL are time-stamped.

Part 1. Bi-weekly Time (%) Report Based upon your journal entries and time log, indicate below an approximate distribution of your work time over the reporting period. Try to estimate the percentage of time spent on suggested categories. Administrative/Clerical Meetings Research/Study Presentations Journals/Reports Other _____________

_10_% _15_% _25_% _5__% _3__% ____%

Observation _22_% Planning/Preparation _10_% Problem Solving ____% Attend conference/workshops _10% Interventions ____% Evaluation of Programs ____%

Part 2. Actual Time Log Wee k



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11, 2013

4pm 4pm 4:30p





S To a tal t Ho ur s

Job Competencies Used During the Week

40 Competency A: Obtains health-related data about social and cultural environments, growth and development factors, needs, and interests.

Friday February 15, 2013 6







40 Competency A: Obtains

February 18, 2013 Friday February 22, 2013

Part 3.





4pm 4pm 4:30p m


health-related data about social and cultural environments, growth and development factors, needs, and interests. Competency A: Recruits community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning. Competency A: Develops plans to assess achievement of program objectives. Competency A: Develops a plan for coordinating Health Education/Promotion services. Competency B: Establishes effective consultative relationships with those requesting assistance in solving health-related problems.

Personal analysis of your professional development

In the past two weeks I have made considerable progress on my special service project in both the employee health survey and the standard operating procedure. I have completed 3 draft copies; the first two Marilyn has given me constructive criticism and feedback. The most recent draft was sent to Dr, Tim Christie, whom Marilyn has worked with in the past. She speaks very highly of him and I am sure he will have lots of feedback for me. More progress has been made in securing the measurements and indicators for the survey. It is important to find receive data that we will be able to effectively analyze with concrete measures. The next steps are to incorporate the feedback from Tim, and then test run the survey with a select few employees. It will be important to have a varied test population which covers all education levels. Marilyn has discussed the need to have housekeeping represented in the test population. Other key contributors will be the employee health nurses; Marilyn has advised me that every two weeks there is a teleconference with all employee health nurses across horizon and that would be a good time to introduce them to the employee health profile. The tentative date for this is March 12. I honestly did not think that this would take like a month to develop a survey. I took into consideration the focus groups and test pilot but Marilyn is adding in more steps for consultation. I understand the importance of consultation but I am afraid my timeline for implementation for the employee health profile will be pushed back and I am getting

nervous. During the meetings with Marilyn, I always have a page of notes prepared and although I am able to ask all of the questions the answers are not what I expect to hear. Also when going through my list of questions with Marilyn, I find that she said “we’ll get to that”. I hate not having a clear picture in my mind of the next steps to take. I have a hard time not being able predict what is to come in the near future, especially with me heading this project. I cannot do an effective job if I only see ¼ of the picture all of the time. I feel as though I am running into a black tunnel and have no idea what is in front of me. The questions I ask, I know it may not be important to deal with right at this moment but I would like to know in advance rather than wait to see when the time comes. For example database for the employee health profile will have to be created. She has a guy named Scott who created the database for the employee immunization, I have asked for us to get in touch with him about creating another one. Since I am not technically inclined I have no idea how long it will take to create this database. I would like to see some progress be made on this issue soon. This is frustrating that this could possibly disrupt the tentative date of implementation for my special service project. Another issue that I am facing is that if this special service project is worth completing. On paper I can see the great need for it, however with the new immunization policy implemented and the fact that it is not being enforced therefore ignored I find it hard to believe that my standard operating procedure will be implemented effectively. On the other hand, I am very pleased with the process with my personal enhancement project. I am only in the primary stages of researching for my literature review for my personal enhancement project and have read nearly 30 articles. I am pleased with the quality of the material that I have collected. The topic for my literature review topic is addressing the shortage of Sonographers. I think this was an easy topic to choose to do for my personal enhancement project because I am extremely interested in this field. Doing research did not feel like hard work rather it felt like I was reading for my own pleasure. My daily work tasks are becoming more frequent and more enjoyable. I was able to sit in on my second teleconference for the New Brunswick Workplace Wellness Advisory Committee. I find Marilyn is giving my more duties and trust as I was asked to take the meeting minutes for the last 5-10 minutes of the teleconference while Marilyn had to step out. Secondly, during my sixth week I was in charge of finding a suitable conference space for the New Brunswick Workplace Wellness Advisory Committee preconference to the Heart and Stroke Foundation taking place at the Casino NB on April 16th. I was able to find an appropriate venue with all of the equipment needed, catering services and capacity to hold 50-75 guests using round table set up. I spoke to the catering manager on the phone several times, and have ask for the official quote to be emailed to Marilyn’s email, then to my email, and when neither of those worked we ask him to fax it, the first time did not go through and the second time I have asked him to call me once he has received the fax confirmation. It is extremely frustrating that a well known, well respected hotel conducts business in this manner. If they want our business we should not have to ask for them to send us the quote five times! This is a fairly substantial conference costing close to $1000. Why would they not be on top of this?

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