Internship – Bi-weekly Report # 6 Name: Brenna Coles
Date Submitted: April 7, 2013
E-mail Address:
Cell/Home Phone: 506-233-7532 506-857-9986
Bi-weekly Reporting Period: From: March 25, 2013 Note:
To: April 5, 2013
Please complete the following three parts of the Bi-weekly Report and submit via Online Blackboard Learn (BbL) by midnight Sunday immediately following the two-week period. Submissions to BbL are time-stamped.
Part 1. Bi-weekly Time (%) Report Based upon your journal entries and time log, indicate below an approximate distribution of your work time over the reporting period. Try to estimate the percentage of time spent on suggested categories. Administrative/Clerical Meetings Research/Study Presentations Journals/Reports Other _____________
_25_% _20_% _30_% _5__% _5__% ____%
Observation __5_% Planning/Preparation _5_% Problem Solving ____% Attend conference/workshops _5% Interventions ____% Evaluation of Programs ____%
Part 2. Actual Time Log Week
Week March 8am11
8am- X
Frid ay)
Total Hours
Job Competencies Used During the Week
Competency B: Distinguishes between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being. Competency C: Infers need for Health Education/Promotion on the basis of obtained data. Competency A: Recruits community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning. Competency A: Develops a plan for coordinating Health Education/Promotion services.
Week April 12
Part 3.
Competency A: Utilizes computerized health information retrieval system effectively. Competency B: Distinguishes between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being. Competency C: Infers need for Health Education/Promotion on the basis of obtained data. Competency A: Recruits community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning. Competency A: Develops a plan for coordinating Health Education/Promotion services. Competency B: Facilitates cooperation between and among levels of program personnel. Competency A: Utilizes computerized health information retrieval system effectively. Competency B: Establishes effective consultative relationships with those requesting assistance in solving health-related problems.
Personal analysis of your professional development
This was a short reporting period with only eight days rather than the usual 10, it really makes a big difference. This reporting period brought significant progress in all of the major projects and assignments I have been working on such as my personal enhancement experience project, New Brunswick workplace wellness advisory committee workshop, Marilyn’s webinar and my special service project.
I was able to complete my personal enhancement project. I was very glad to mark that off my list and submit it. I am pleased with how it turned out. I put considerable effort into completing it and ask I mentioned before I was feeling uneasy that I there was no guideline to follow in regards to length. Looking back I may have been a bit too comprehensive in the report as I did ask a few other students about the length of their personal enhancement projects and mine was more than double in length. A significant milestone was reached when the New Brunswick Advisory Committee concluded their scheduled teleconference time. There is no longer a need for scheduled meetings in preparation for the workshop. The planning is already at a stage near completion although continual communication is still necessary. I was very lucky to be able to be there for the beginning and sit in on every one of the teleconferences to get a true sense of how things work. Seeing the process from start to finish rather than coming in part way through like must of the projects I have worked on is a different experience. I am very excited to be attending the workshop on April 15 and the Conference on the 16. I am responsible for working the registration table and taking photos during the workshop. In preparation for Marilyn’s webinar on Workplace wellness: A manager’s role we attending webinar training together. I helped in drafting poll questions, content, and images and models (NQI and the 4 Pillars of wellness). I will also be present of the actual webinar for Marilyn to have someone to talk face to face with and I will also be timing Marilyn per slide. Marilyn is very passionate and admits she gets side tracked easily. It is important that she does not go over her time as she is only permitted to present for 45 minutes and then have a short question and answer period at the end. I was able to present the second part of my PowerPoint presentation to the employee Health Nurses. Prior to my teleconference Marilyn gave me feed back from the last teleconference. It was helpful to hear her suggestions and to try and improve. The PowerPoint was pretty much a continuation of where we left off the last time. I included the first same four slides which were the vision, and the objective. I wanted to ensure that everyone is on the same page as some were not able to attend our last meeting. After the teleconference I made a few minor changes to the documents prior to sending them out the employee health nurses. The suggesting from the Employee Health Nurses included adding a section on pain and limitation, looking at the process for the N95 mask fit testing and the glucometer and cholesterol- non fasting and fasting for the variations in test results. Hopefully during the next teleconference scheduled for April 9 we can agree and finalize the documents in order to move things alone. I have increased my activity level by taking walks with my co-workers during our lunch break. I have also enjoyed playing badminton roughly twice per week for 2 hours. I am having a hard time sticking to my healthy eating habits as I am not getting enough water and tea in. My sleeping habits have been the hardest thing to change although I went to be around 10:30pm about 3 times during this reporting period.