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The RAPEVINE G Your Best Viniculture Information Source March - April Issue 2023 From Vine to Wine Celebrating Oregon’s Alternative Wines, Pg 9 Trends in Email Effectiveness, Pg 24 Best Options & Innovations for Tow-able Vineyard Equipment, Pg 34 Why the Results Vary When Grapevine Samples are Submitted for Disease Testing, Pg 46 Hidden Vineyards Around the Globe, Pg 60 COVER CROPS: A Powerful Tool for Our Vineyards See Full Story on Page 42


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THE RAPEVINE G Your Best Viniculture Informational Source In The Winery Best Options & Innovations for Tow-able Vineyard Equipment ...................................... 34 Cover Crops: A Powerful Tool for Our Vineyards ............................................... 42 Why the Results Vary When Grapevine Samples are Submitted for Disease Testing ................... 46 The Arsenal of Science: Vineyards Require an Army of Protection from Disease, Fungi and Insect Pests .................................................. 55 Crop Insurance is a Valuable Tool for Growers .. 60 What Does Sustainable Packaging for Liquid Look Like in 2023 ............................................ 5 Celebrating Oregon’s Alternative Wines ............. 9 The Art of Blending ....................................... 14 Neal Family Vineyards Leads the Way as the First Regenerative Organic Certificated® Winery in Napa Valley .............................................. 20 Around The Vineyard Marketing Hidden Vineyards Around the Globe ................ 62 International News The Grapevine • March - April 2023 Page 2 Editorial Content Bricker Publishing® President /Publisher & Graphic Design Jeffrey D. Bricker Vice President / Editor Cyndi C. Bricker Assistant Editor Alyssa L. Ochs Sales Manager Jo Cloud Senior Staff Writer Nan McCreary Staff Writers Alyssa L. Ochs Becky Garrison Cheryl Gray Gerald Dlubala Hanifa Sekandi Tod Stewart Contributing Writers Thomas J. Payette Vinteractive Judit Monis, Ph.D. Annie Klodd, Univ. of MN Legal Kaider Law Marketing WineGlass Marketing Insurance Agricultural Risk Mgmt,
Trends in Email Effectiveness .......................... 24 Top-5 Automated Text Campaigns for Wine Merchants ........................................... 30

What Does Sustainable Packaging for Liquid Look Like in 2023?

The process of designing sustainable packaging for liquids is a complex one. Today’s store shelves are lined with glass bottles of wine, spirits, juices, and more — all of which include packaging that may be elegant but is certainly not eco-friendly. For instance, in order to make glass, we need sand, and every year, the world uses 50 billion tons of sand to manufacture glass — a number roughly twice the amount that all the world’s rivers can produce. Moreover, removing this sand from riverbeds and shorelines disrupts ecosystems and leaves communities vulnerable to flooding. Glass is infinitely recyclable, but we make approximately 10 million tons of it every year, and our recycling statistics still have significant room for improvement. According to the most recent statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency, we

recycle only 39.8% of wine and liquor bottles and only 15.0% of other glass jars.

Unfortunately, rigid plastic bottles are not the answer. As a material, plastic has revolutionized the way we do business and the way we live, having become a necessity in everything from our food packaging to our textiles and electronics. But with the raw materials necessary to manufacture glass slowly running out, manufacturers are now seeking ways to make plastic packaging more sustainable.

The answer to this problem is minimizing waste and reducing the materials needed to package products. Reducing packaging waste means less waste to deal with at the recycling plant or ending up in landfills, resulting in less plastic finding its way

In The Winery The Grapevine • March - April 2023 877-892-5332 Page 5

back into our environment.

Current Packaging Options for Wine are not Sustainable

Today, it isn’t easy to imagine a wine industry without glass, cardboard, or plastic packaging. In relation to the broad scope of history, however, these packaging materials happen to be fairly recent inventions.

In 1869, John Wesley Hyatt treated cellulose from cotton fiber with camphor to invent the first synthetic polymer. While searching for an ivory substitute, he stumbled on a revolutionary material that forever freed manufacturers from natural materials such as stone, wood, metal, bone, or horn. Suddenly, manufacturers could make their own raw materials, which was hailed as a great win for the environment — plastic would save elephants, rhinos, and tortoises from the ravages of human greed, as well as put affordable manufactured goods within reach of all classes.

introduction to consumer markets over a century ago, recent studies have warned that the environmental impact caused by glass bottles — the primary packaging utilized by the wine industry — is even greater than that caused by plastic ones. According to experts from the University of Southampton who spearheaded one such study, “The environmental impact of glass bottles (new and recycled)...[was] the most [negatively] impactful packaging” for each category of drinks included in the study, “with plastic bottles always [showing to be] the second-most impactful.”

In essence, the University of Southampton study showed that, while traditional plastic packaging tends to cause a larger environmental impact “at the end of [its] life cycle,” glass bottles cause more harm to the environment overall. This is because glass bottles require more energy to produce and transport since they weigh more than other forms of liquid packaging, which releases greater quantities of carbon emissions at each step of their supply chain.

To compound this issue, the furnaces required to manufacture glass bottles run 24/7 and, according to AGC Glass Europe, “...cannot be stopped and cooled” so long as they are in operation, which typically lasts 15-18 years. Moreover, along with emitting larger quantities of carbon emissions (CO2), these furnaces can also release greater amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), further contributing to acidification and the formation of smog.

Alternative Packaging Solutions for Wine Have a Long Way to Go

Roughly a century later, however, society’s optimism for plastic began fading. People first took note of floating plastic garbage on the ocean’s surface in the 1960s. Now, 8 million pieces of plastic pollution enter our oceans every day, amounting to 12 million tons of plastic waste dumped into the oceans every year. In total, we create 300 million tons of plastic waste each year — over 270 million tons of which end up in our environment after being dumped into landfills and oceans.

Despite the damage caused by plastic since its

In light of the costs and environmental impact associated with manufacturing, filling, and shipping glass bottles, wine-makers have increasingly looked to more environmentally-friendly alternatives. Perhaps the most common and popular of these is cardboard, which has given rise to the popularity of boxed wine among eco-conscious consumer markets.

While both glass and cardboard are considered to be equally recyclable, cardboard used

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In The Winery

for boxed wine boasts one primary advantage in regard to sustainability: a lower carbon footprint. Additionally, cardboard costs much less than glass bottles to produce and ship and poses far less risk of breaking than glass.

However, alternative packaging like cardboard for the wine industry is not without its drawbacks. For one, wine cannot be poured directly into a cardboard box — it must be contained within a plastic bag that is then placed in the box. As such, boxed wine cannot age, making it a less appealing option for consumers with a more refined palate or those seeking a bolder taste in their wine. Moreover, the inclusion of plastic bags in packaging for boxed wine inherently makes them a less-sustainable option for both manufacturers and consumers.

Although there are more environmentally-friendly packaging options available within the wine industry, none currently available are completely sustainable. In order to achieve this desired level of sustainability, manufacturers should look to ways that allow them to lower the base amount of packaging used through a practice known as source reduction.

How Source Reduction Can Make the Wine Industry More Sustainable

The overall goal of source reduction is to curb waste at the source before it is even created. In fact, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says source reduction is the most promising means to achieve sustainability.

The main goal of source reduction is to reduce the amount of material used in packaging so that less ends up in landfills or oceans when it’s no longer needed. To do this effectively, forward-thinking manufacturers must examine every stage of their packaging production process, from sourcing materials all the way down through shipping and disposal options after use.

Source reduction is the first step in any sustainable packaging strategy, and most manufacturers are finding that flexible packaging is the way to make it happen. The amount of plastic required for

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liquid packaging, for example, is cut drastically by using flexible packs instead of rigid plastic containers or bottles. Reducing the amount of plastic used in packaging means less plastic for consumers to recycle as well as reducing manufacturers’ carbon footprint by using less energy in the production process.

Source reduction also means ensuring that packaging does not add unnecessary weight or volume to products. Flexible packaging for liquids like wine is far lighter than heavy glass bottles. Less weight equates to less pollution from transportation costs.

Statistics prove that flexible packaging requires fewer resources and less energy to produce. For example, according to Robbie Fantastic Flexibles, a member of the Flexible Packaging Association, “the manufacturing of 780,000 flexible pouches consumes 87% less coal, 74% less natural gas, and 64% less crude oil in comparison to the manufacturing of rigid packages.”

Innovative and Sustainable Packaging for Liquids

There are new and more sustainable ways to package liquids that result in less waste and greater ease of use for consumers. The design of rigid plastic and glass bottles has not changed significantly since they hit store shelves a half-century ago. But today, some manufacturers are designing flexible plastic packaging for liquids that will provide circularity throughout their supply chain and the product’s lifecycle.

For example, one new alternative to consider comes from AeroFlexx in the form of the AeroFlexx Pak. These paks are produced with up to 50% recycled material and include a self-sealing valve, allowing consumers greater ease in dispensing only the amount of product desired at a given time.

Unlike traditional glass bottles for wine, these innovative valves do not need to be closed by consumers. When consumers knock a package off the counter, it will not spill. When they drop it onto the floor, it will not splatter, and they can hold an entire package upside down without any compo-

nents escaping. In addition, products such as these remove the need for additional components in the wine’s packaging — caps, corks, and lids, for example — helping to further reduce waste for both wine-makers and consumers.

These new flexible packages will allow consumers to use every bit of the product they purchase. Unlike boxed wine that frequently uses non-recyclable plastic in its containers and dispensers, innovative flexible packaging for wine has the added benefit of being curbside recyclable wherever other similar products are accepted.

For retailers who ship large quantities of glass bottles and jugs containing wine, flexible packaging will offer a way to transport that product without waste due to breakage. Furthermore, lighter plastic packaging means they pay far less for shipping.

When forward-thinking manufacturers design flexible packaging for wine with source reduction, sustainability, and recycling in mind, it creates a win/win scenario. These sustainable packaging alternatives require fewer plastics to produce and less energy to ship, saving money in production and transportation, as well as in potentially-wasted product.

These changes in liquid packaging are not just good for the environment — they leave a positive impact on everyone involved.

About the Author

Sam Johnson has spent a decade drafting, editing, and managing content across an array of industries including entertainment, technology, environmental, political science, government relations, and more. obtained his MBA from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College in Winter Park, FL, in 2017. After graduation, he consulted with the Office of Technology Transfer at NASA-KSC to help commercialize environmental remediation technology for startups.

In The Winery The Grapevine • March - April 2023 877-892-5332 Page 8

Celebrating Oregon’s Alternative Wines

Even though Oregon’s pinot noir wines tend to grab the bulk of the headlines, this region produces over 80 grape varieties. Among the most popular grapes grown include chardonnay, gamay noir, pinot gris, riesling, rosé, sauvignon blanc, syrah, tempranillo and zinfandel.

The Launch of the Alt. Wine Fest

In 2019, Mallory Smith and Martin Skegg launched the Alt. Wine Fest in Oregon’s Willamette Valley as a vehicle to showcase the full range of Oregon’s bounty. Described as “Oregon’s Other Wine Festival,” the forthcoming 2023 festival has expanded to include 35 winemakers pouring over a hundred wines. Other offerings include tacos, lawn games and a DJ.

The inspiration for this festival stemmed from Smith’s work at a bottle shop in northeast Portland,

Oregon. She found that those customers asking for Oregon pinot noir were mostly from out of town. When she introduced non-pinot noir varieties to locals, they would be excited and surprised that those things even existed. On a similar note, they noticed that even people who worked in the wine industry in Oregon didn’t know that there were a lot of other grapes grown right in their backyard.

As Smith reflects, “We knew of many producers making ‘alt’ wines, but because we ran in those circles we didn’t realize how much it was an untapped market. So, the Alt. Wine Fest was not only an opportunity to highlight a lot of smaller producers and showcase underdog grapes, but also to give people the firsthand opportunity to discover, taste and explore these wines.”

They first launched the festival at the Old Schoolhouse, a wedding venue located in the heart

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of the Willamette Valley wine region in Newberg, Oregon. The owner and her family helped them get this festival off the ground, and this sold-out event exceeded their expectations.

When reflecting on the success of their inaugural festival, Smith points to a shift in the consumer market for Oregon wines. “Even though there are some corners of the industry that still believe anything other than pinot is a sideshow, there has been a shift in the last few years. People are more interested in the possibilities of these other grapes and the production of non-pinot wines has been slowly increasing. Generally, we had good support from the industry, and the likes of the Willamette Valley Wineries Association were enthusiastic about the event.”

Following a two-year pause due to COVID, they re-launched this festival. As they knew they needed to expand to accommodate the growing interest in non-pinot wines, they sought a larger venue. So, they moved to Abbey Road Farm, a winery, bed & breakfast and event space in Oregon’s Yamhill Valley. They kept the same formula but had more people and winemakers. This event sold out again. “It was good to see that people still had the same enthusiasm for the wines as before the pandemic,” Smith noted.

Moving forward, they hope to keep growing the event as best they can. However, they’re taking it slow to maintain the festival’s heart and soul. Smith notes, “This year, we may have a couple more winemakers, but the attendance will be about the same, as we don’t want it to get too crowded. We’re looking at the possibility of smaller side events. Maybe something educational, as that is one thing people have asked for, or dinners with winemakers or a tasting party.”

Winemakers Speak to Their Experience at the Alt. Wine Festival

For Brianne Day, owner and winemaker of Day Wines (Dundee, Oregon), participating in the Alt. Wine Festival was a natural fit, given she produces 24 varieties of wine along with two pinot blends and two single vineyard pinot noirs. In addition to

highlighting the range and bounty of what Oregon is capable of, she appreciates that most of the producers there have fun with their wines and brands with a more adventurous and creative take on winemaking and wine business creation. “It’s a fun and exciting subset of the industry to be a part of, and I enjoy being with peers who see it that way as well,” she states.

Day does not grow any fruits and sources from vineyards in the Columbia River Gorge, around the Willamette Valley and the Applegate Valley. Most of the varieties she purchases were planted years ago by growers who wanted to see other kinds of wine made in Oregon. Sometimes growers asked her what she would like to have grown for her. So far, she’s asked for more Italian varieties in southern Oregon. One grower planted the first Oregon Nero d’Avola, and another planted the first Oregon Zibibbo.

In her experience, these wines are pretty easy to make and bring to market. “The varieties grow well and ripen well in Oregon and in many ways are less challenging than making pinot.”

As non-pinot fruits are not as readily available to her as pinots, she cannot produce as many of these wines, as she can to meet the demands of the U.S. wine-buying market that appreciates adventurous and creative wines. Some of her wines are only available for sale in the winery because they are in such high demand, and she cannot make large quantities of them. “My biggest challenge is just keeping my distributors happy with what I can supply and having consumers be a little disappointed when we sell out of one of their favorites,” Day observes.

Among the non-pinots wines Melaney Schmidt and Malia Myers of Landmass Wines (Cascade Locks, Oregon) produce include chenin blanc, tempranillo, grenache and gruner veltliner. They head to the Rogue Valley for their warm-climate fruit, and for cool-climate fruit, they source from the Columbia River Gorge. Since their brand is still young, they feel they have the flexibility to work with whatever fruit interests them.

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They find freedom in making a wine that hasn’t been examined to the point of exhaustion. As Schmidt observes, “You can work with another varietal and steer it in any direction that suits you. If I want to make a juicy, fruit-forward rosé of tempranillo, there is an openness from the consumer because there aren’t any preconceived thoughts about what winemaking style I ‘should’ adhere to.”

In their estimation, the Alt. Wine Fest provided them with a great forum to see and taste how others approach these esoteric varietals. “The event was a huge success and seeing so many people there eager to try new wines was incredible. I’m looking forward to doing it again!” Schmidt exclaims.

The Future of Alt. Wines in the Willamette Valley

In particular, Oregon’s famed Willamette Valley has seen a rise in vineyards planting non-pinot grapes. According to Smith, producers have run into pinot fatigue when trying to sell into the broader U.S. market, and buyers are interested in different varieties. “It’s not controversial to say that the market is saturated with pinot, and there are already too many mediocre $50 pinots kicking around,” she adds.

Also, not every site is ideally suited for growing pinot noir grapes. As Smith states, “The valley is big, and there should be more exploration of what else works. There are plenty of winemakers who are vehement that trying to imitate Burgundy was a misstep and that the region has far more potential with other grapes.”

Furthermore, Smith predicts that climate change will make a difference. “Predictions show that within the next couple of decades, things will become very uncomfortable for pinot in the valley, so winemakers will have to look to other grapes. There are perhaps 90ish different varieties grown in Oregon, but many thousands more are available. Why not give some of those a try?”

The 2023 Alt. Wine Fest will be held on July 16, 2023, with information available on their website at

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The Art of Blending

Blending is an excellent resource to make improvements in wines. To do it properly takes time, work and organization. Standing in the cellar and walking from wine vessel to wine vessel roughly pouring the quantities from glass to glass in estimation of what a blend will be like is not acceptable. Beyond the practical applications it is a great time to review overall winemaking quality and to plan the upcoming winemaking schedule for the year. Following these steps will result in better quality wines, more cellar organization and fluid production parameters for any winery whether making 2000 cases or 40,000 cases and beyond. These sessions give the winemaker long-term direction and will keep others in the winery better informed and involved with what is happening in the cellar.

In this article, I will go into detail with a stepby- step analysis how a blending session can be performed. This process gives a platform to taste and review all of the winery’s products and make blends in a systematic session outside of the cellar. One should be dedicated to this process. The first blending session may have some disjointed moments but don’t let that discourage the process. By the third session one should be on top of all aspects of this process and ready to build on it to

make it an even better operation for their winery. Take the time to follow this process from sampling on through to the follow-up report. It works!

1) First, establish a set of goals for the blending session. Most of the time the goal will be to meet a certain style of wines that have the consistency of previous vintages or better. One can establish other goals as needed to fit the particular set of circumstances in the cellar. Goals such as blending a reserve style blend for a particular wine variety and then making subsequent blends is a perfect start. Always taste past vintages of these same wines from the wine library. This will give great information as to how wines are holding up in the bottle and help remember the earlier wines and how they were crafted. Collect winemaking data of these past vintages for review should that be necessary. If one marvels over a competitor’s wine, then purchase some of that wine and put it into the initial blind tasting. It may help move your wine style in the direction desired. Try to answer this question before, during and after the blending session: “Do we know where we are with our wines and where we are trying to go”? Asking yourself and the others this question will help the winery move the wines forward.

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2) The Next step in a successful blending session is collecting the samples early. Go into the cellar, at least one week prior to the scheduled blending day, and pull all the samples needed in sufficient quantities. Usually at least one 750 ml sample of each large lot will be sufficient for a two person blending session. Perhaps a 375 ml sample of the smaller lots will suffice. When in doubt – collect multiple 750 milliliter samples of one lot. (If using this article, as a client of mine, lets please touch base to discuss sample sizes and participants in the blending session) Make sure these samples represent the lot of wine. If twenty barrels are in the lot – try and pull the sample from at least 10 representative barrels to make sure it is uniform. If a certain wine is in two distinct sets of wine storage conditions, take samples of each and indicate the differences. If the sample does not represent the wine it is supposed to, a successful blending session can not be performed. If older lots of a certain wine remain in the cellar, sample them as well. It may help to round out the newer vintage blend. Take samples of anything that does not already have a direction in your winemaking plan and that may even remotely have a chance of adding to the blend. All the way down to carboys if you have them. If looking to purchase wines in bulk, have those samples sent to you well ahead of time with their respective chemistries.

3) Pull the wine samples in the same style glass bottle to eliminate the influence of preference, or lack thereof. The wines will be tasted blind and one would not want to influence the tasters by having the glass bottle, color or style tip the taster’s hand. (It happens!) Using a t-top closure is the best for these samples to save time. This will make it easier to remove the cork at the blending table and prevent fumbling clumsily through the opening of each bottle while pulling a cork.

4) Mark each bottle with the lot code, vintage year, variety, quantity and any other data deemed important – for example “new French oak” or “malo-lactic”. Place the bottles into brown bags or wine bottle bags all of the same style. This action, will again, prevent any bias resulting from remembering what wine went into which bag. Randomly move the bottles around to facilitate the blind tasting process for yourself (optional). After shuffling the wines around sufficiently, label them in a number or letter sequence and place, in flights, into boxes. This process should be completed one week prior to the actual blending session and the wines

The Grapevine • March - April 2023 877-892-5332 Page 15 In The Winery Over 25 Years Experience Phone: 540-672-0387 Winemaking Consultant Thomas J. Payette “Winemaker of the Year” Tom Payette, a premier hands on and analytical winemaking consultant, serves clients throughout the United States. From the construction of your business to the cork in your bottle to your consumers. Call Thomas or check his website for more information...

In The Winery

should be stored upright to allow any sediment to form on the bottom of the bottle.

5) Collect background data on each of the wines to be presented at the blending table. This information should include harvest data, fermentation data (yeast, temp, enzymes etc), a full chemistry panel (ph, TA, so2, VA, malic, alcohol etc.) Record this data on a spreadsheet for copies to be distributed to every member of the tasting panel at the appropriate time. Speak with the owner or sales department to get information on sales data for each product. This will help determine how much of a given blend that should be made. Collect current inventories, on hand, in both case storage and bulk wine – if more of a current blend is to be bottled.

6) With the above information in hand make a “wish list”, independent of what known volumes you have on hand, for all wines to be blended. Make this wish list up with volumes needed for the business goals. So :: each varietal, each vintage and how much of each to make. This is very important to make the blending day run smooth.

7) When all of the wines and information are collected for the blending session, take time to remind the other members on the blending team of the date, time and location of the blending session. Remind them not to wear smelly colognes or perfumes that day and to dress comfortably. (There is no need to wear a tie as it may only drag through a glass of wine as one reaches across the table).

8) The day prior to the blending session collect the other items necessary in the room to be used. Check the wine glasses for potential cardboard dust odors or other off smells and wash them if necessary. Check the actual room for off odors, paint smells, or other odors that may interfere with aroma evaluation. Place a white table cloth on the table to be used. For all the items to be used try to eliminate any colors to have mostly white and clear objects present. For each sitting area have the wine glasses fanned out, in a semi-circle, in the quantity necessary to accommodate the largest flight of wines. Have room to add about four more glasses to evaluate blends as they are made. At these place settings have a water glass, pencils, paper, cracker dish and a spit cup. At one end of the table have several graduated cylinders, beakers, and pipettes all of varying quantities. Place several calculators on the table for use as mathematical

questions may arise. If your tap water has an off flavor, or a slight odor, use distilled water or bottled water for the sessions rinse water and drinking water. Gather several clean 5 gallon buckets and place them in the room to assist dumping the glasses of wine after each session.

Okay! Now we are set up and ready for our blending day.

9) The morning of the blending session have everyone gather in the room and take their place setting. Give them an overview of what they will be doing but be careful not to reveal any information on the wines that are bagged and to be tasted blind. Start with the first blind flight of wine. This most often will be a primary focus wine flight of past vintages that have been made by the winery. Older vintages help one understand what the consumer has been purchasing, how the lots are aging and what characteristic one may want to enhance or refine for future vintages. Try to evaluate at least three vintages. It is best to have six, seven or more if the winery has that many years under its belt. This is a good time to slip in a competitors bottle that the winery has discussed trying to emulate. Perhaps slip in a well known brand to see how your wine compares. Pour the wines from left to right and make sure that everyone has them in the same order. This will eliminate confusion when speaking and critiquing the wines. Taste through each wine and take notes. Indicate the positive and negative attributes of each wine on paper. Allow as much time as necessary to thoroughly go through each wine and do it with complete silence and no discussion.

10) After ample tasting time, have each member that feels comfortable doing so, talk briefly about each wine. Perhaps have them rank the wines or select their favorites and mention why. Keep a rough tally of the table’s favorites. Is there a consensus? Do most people have a favorite or dislike? Zero in on the positive attributes of those favorite wines and mentally lock in those flavors and aromas.

11) Unveil the wines and reveal their labels or contents. Keep them in the order that the glasses are on the table so each one can record what wine goes with his or her notes. Speak a little about each wine as it is unveiled and then allow some time after all the wines are exposed for light dis-

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cussion and possible surprises that people have commented on. Collectively agree with the rest of the table what three or four wines may be needed to evaluate the next blend, refresh the pours into the glasses and ask them to put them aside. Mark their glasses with a pen or simply have some white paper in front of them and label the place setting for that particular wine. Clear the table of the left over glasses of wine by dumping the contents into the dump buckets. Cork the remaining bottles for potential future evaluation and remove them from the table. Rinse all the glasses lightly and take a small break.

12) During or shortly after the break, start to pour the next blind flight. This flight will be all the bulk wines and blends from the cellar that will be possible candidates to help make the next vintage of the previous wines just evaluated. Be sure to include any older lots of wine that have been left behind in the cellar for one reason or another. If an older wine is being blended perhaps taste and reach out for a newer vintage that may increase the fruitiness and freshness of the wine. Taste and evaluate silently all of the potential components for the next blend. Take notes and express the positive and negative attributes of each wine. Rank them and discuss them after everyone has had time to evaluate them. Reveal the bottles’ contents to the panel of tasters and perhaps have some light discussion about the wines, what vineyard blocks they came from and other possible factors that may add to the table.

13) After discussion, take a look at the quantities and chemistries you have of each wine in the cellar that is represented at the table. Express those quantities to the rest of the table so they can help with the formulation of potential blends. Have a pre-made spreadsheet with all the information needed and simply pass that out to the members to save time. Now we have all of the information on the table to make our first blend! (Whew – yes this is a task that takes time, energy and focus!)

14) First, formulate a blend on paper that may guide your new wine in the direction that you would like to see it go. Take a look at the wines that will add the most to the new blend. Start with several “paper blends” and make them at the table. [This may be done blind with the other tasting members excused.] Use the graduated cylinders, beaker, pipettes and other measuring devices to

make the blends in the quantities that will fit the volume needed. If the quality will allow more and the sales of the winery will allow it – make more. If the quality will not allow a reserve blend, review the potential of not making one. After the table blends are made, make sure to mix them well and then pour a portion of those blends for each person at the table. Pull the previously tagged glasses from the prior flight forward and taste the new blend up against the older vintages.

15) Take time, with silence, for each member to evaluate the wines and select one or two that reflects an improvement on the previous vintages. Discuss the wines and potentially make more sample blends, for the same wine, while refining and focusing the desired qualities. Keep doing this process until an agreement can be reached as to which blend is the best. Once that is done, subtract the volumes used for that blend from the spreadsheet and indicate the quantities that are remaining to work with.

Dump and rinse the glasses that will no longer be used for the next blending flight. Any glasses one decides to keep, be sure and mark accordingly and keep off to ones side.

16) Now prepare for the next flight to be tasted blind. Pull the next flight of library wines to the table to make the next level of quality for that style. For example if the first flight was to make a “Meritage style blend” perhaps the next level will be a Reserve style or Premium blend. Be careful not to use a descriptor such as “Regular Cabernet” because there should be nothing regular about it! It also gets many in the winery referring to a blend in a non premium fashion. Taste just as we did before {blind and in silence} the next flight of library wines that correlates to the next wine that will be focused on and blended. Once the tasting is completed discuss the wines with the table and start to focus on the next blend to be made. This process can be repeated as often as necessary until all the wines have been made. Once you are finished with the primary focus wines you can move into another quality tier. Depending on the size of the winery one can work on reds one day and whites the second. If some red wine will be needed to enhance a blush or rose, remember to hold that back during the previous sessions.

17) Once the process is complete be sure to

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compile all the information and double check the quantities assigned during the blending session. Do this the next day if possible. Make copies of the spreadsheet and pass them out to the participants and others at the winery. If a mistake has been made it is much easier to regroup and find alternatives while the information is still fresh on the minds of the team. Sit back and look at the complete picture the blending session has drawn for the cellar. Make sure new product lines were not left out or that the session will fulfill the year’s sales goals as best as possible.

18) This process can be very daunting at first but once a system is in place it becomes second nature like anything else. I like this process because it enhances the wine quality and it gives the cellar long-term direction. One blend isn’t jeopardized because another one was made. The winemaking team can move the wines forward, cohesively, in the cellar at a pace that should not be rushed. Dry goods needs such as labels, corks, capsules and bottles can all be investigated and set up to arrive at the winery as needed. The winery has a summary of the wine compositions and the exact blend percentages can be calculated. This helps one put together a bottling schedule well into the next 6 months or longer.

19) If many wines are remaining, at the end of the sessions, with “no home” discuss what some of the potential options are for those wines. Will they get better? Should they be offered for bulk sale? What is the future of the left overs? Will there be enough cellar space to carry them over the next harvest? Will it hamper the quality of the next harvest through “forced blending” due to cellar space issues?


Once this process has been performed several times it will become very systematic. One can perform this process twice a year. Perform the first blending session in the winter and another just prior to harvest. This will help “shore up” loose ends in the cellar and prepare the cellar for the upcoming harvest. The preharvest blending session is a great time to review fining trials on wines that may need refinement. One can prepare these wines well in advance and taste them with others, blind, to get a true perspective to the best fining agents for a particular refinement.

The success of a blending session is based on tasting the representative wine samples blind. Getting the wines out of the cellar and evaluating them blind will help assemble blends without bias. Try this process and give it at least three sessions over the next two years. You will find the quality of the wines will improve, the cellar team will be better informed and focused and the complete winery team will all be aware as to the status of the wines. It is the final touch to the winemaking art form.

Wine Blending Checklist

Objective: To make the best possible blend(s) from the components of wine available in the cellar or off premise bulk wine.

Material Checklist:

4Wine bottles 4Wine bottle bags 4T-tops

4Magic markers – permanent (can be removed with ethyl alcohol) 4Adhesive labels for bottles

4Wine glasses – the small Viticole 7.25 oz glass is a nice “average” glass for this. 4Water glasses

4Pencils 4Paper 4Crackers 4Cracker dish

4Graduated Cylinders (multiple sizes) – 25 mil, 50 mil, 100 mil, 250 mil, 500 mil •Beakers – 500 milliliters 4Pipettes – [ 2 ] serological 10 milliliter

4White tablecloth – optional but nice. Large white paper is best. 4Spit cups 4Dump buckets (3)

4Distilled water

• Be sure to collect samples from all lots in the cellar.

• Recent data on wines to be tasted – organized and ready to answer questions.

• Data on quantities to make – firm volumes known ahead of the day.

• Sales data and current bulk wine data – more for your internal needs – not mine.

• Current bottled wine data – again – to help you understand sales rates and needs.


4Past vintage wines and / or competitor’s wines

4Cork screw

4Quiet room

4An open mind and a great tasting team (….. but not too many people )

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Neal Family Vineyards Leads the Way as The First Regenerative Organic Certificated® Winery in Napa Valley

The Neal Family Vineyards in Napa Valley have always been known as prestigious, organically farmed vineyards. And now, going back to their beginnings over 50 years ago, they’ve shown the world what can be accomplished through mindful, organic farming methods and practices. Recently named the first Regenerative Organic Certified® vineyard in Napa Valley, the Neal Family Vineyard Estates becomes one of only five Regenerative Organic Certified® vineyard estates in the world as recognized by the Regenerative Organic Alliance.

Regenerative Organic Certification (ROC) is an agricultural certification for food, fiber and personal care ingredients. ROC was initially created to address our climate crisis, increased soil degradation and biodiversity loss while also addressing factory farming and fractured rural economies on a global scale. At its core, the certification is based and awarded on the farmer’s ability to adopt and use agricultural techniques that ensure healthy soil, provide ethical and humane treatment of animals and guarantee fairness for all farm employees and workers. There are no gray areas or exceptions

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Mark Neal: Vintner, Founder & Owner of Neal Family Vineyards

within the mandates of the Regenerative Organic Alliance, established in 2018 and now recognized as the highest level of certification available. If a farm fails an inspection, there is a three-year waiting period to try again. One simple mistake or misuse of materials can cause a farm to start from scratch in the certification process.

Organic from Their Beginnings, Neal Family Vineyards Became Pioneers in Grape Growing Excellence

All four of the Neal Family Winery’s estate vineyards were certified organic by the California Certified Organic Farmers Foundation (CCOF) in 2009, followed by a biodynamic farming certification through Demeter Biodynamic Federation in 2021. In 2022, Patagonia’s Regenerative Organic Alliance added the coveted Regenerative Organic Certified® label to the Neal Family Vineyards after successfully meeting the stringent certification standards.

“It was really an interesting and eye-opening experience,” said Mark Neal, vintner, founder and owner of Neal Family Vineyards. “I’ve been raised in an organic farming environment going as far back as 1984, so based on the length of service, number of years we’ve been certified organic, and the successful farming techniques we’ve always used, I truly believed that gaining the Regenerative Organic Certification was within our reach. Sometimes if you’re just starting in organic farming, it can be a lot of work to bring your soils back to an acceptable condition. Fortunately, being organically certified in 2009, our soil was already very healthy and pretty much up to standard, so there wasn’t much more that we had to do. It was pretty simple to check those boxes. Additionally, with our chickens, cattle and goats, we met the corresponding acceptable standards for their use, care and overall management.”

But Neal told The Grapevine Magazine that the new and intriguing part of this certification was the component of worker and employee fairness. “It’s obviously important, but maybe hasn’t been formally addressed as part of an official certification process before, and I honestly wasn’t sure where it would lead,” said Neal. “It was a two-day process of interviews that included all of our workers, from the tractor drivers and operators up to our supervisors, many of whom are already considered gen-

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erational or long-term employees because of their family histories of involvement and acquired quality skillsets within our vineyard operations in full-time, part-time and seasonal capacities.”

Neal said that while farms may find workers with organic or biodynamic farming experience, it’s more about finding that experience that coincides with the techniques, equipment and way of underthe-vine organic farming practices that the Neal Family Vineyards uses.

“Finding those workers can be hard, so I can see how caring for the overall wellness, safety and wellbeing of employees makes this a top-shelf certification that is more well-rounded, relatable and understandable to consumers,” said Neal. “Gaining the Regenerative Organic Certification demonstrates that a vineyard is all-encompassing in its operations and going above and beyond the organic process that is concerned mostly with the soil and land. We’re taking care of all components and contributors to our operation, including the employees, their wellness and their safety. And it’s very important to me to serve as a steward to Mother Earth and implement practices and policies that demonstrate our commitment to the three pillars included in the Regenerative Organic Certification mandates.”

Neal tells The Grapevine Magazine that the people aspect of the certification proves that it takes special people to want to work in a farm environment and in the fields. “In our line of work, everyone wants to talk about the harvest,” said Neal. “But if you really think about it, although harvest is a hectic time, it’s also singularly focused on one goal for the entire vineyard. For me, all of the other tasks that coincide from budbreak through June and on, like suckering, planting, cultivation and more, demand great focus, impeccable timing and a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done on time. Due to research, farming configurations have changed over the years, but the necessary related tasks can still be the most manual, strenuous tasks in the vineyard. Having and retaining quality people with specialized skillsets to take up the bulk of these person-hours is critical.”

Neal said the cover crops in his vineyards are generally half permanent and half cultivated, depending on the water capacity of the soil in that specific area. The areas that hold less water get cultivated,

while those holding more water may be left to grow and remove or draw out the water naturally.

“It’s decisions like these that also show the tradeoff with certifications,” said Neal. “Particular types of soils allow for different methods. But if you leave more cover crops, you may have to irrigate more. When you turn that irrigation pump on, do you really know where the power is coming from to operate the pump? Is it coal, natural gas, wind, solar or hydrogen? As a user, you may never know what the real impact of the environment is in some situations.”

Helping Others through Leadership and Mentoring

“I love being a leader in soil health and generational farming,” said Neal. “We are the largest organic farmer and one of the largest biodynamic farmers in Napa Valley. But I wasn’t aware of how few farms were under the certified organic label until I applied. Currently, only six to seven percent of Napa wineries are certified organic, and I desperately want that rate to increase and gain more of a foothold in our region. For the doubters out there, our experience spans more than 50 years, and I believe that I’ve shown that organic and biodynamic farming practices not only work in Napa, but they work well and present legitimate, beneficial choices to current vineyard owners. Organic options are so much more plentiful and available now that it’s much easier to achieve organic certification than just a few years ago. And in some cases, it’s actually more economical.”

Neal backs up these comments with his offer to help other farmers through discussions, seminars and through Jack Neal & Son Vineyard Management Services.

“I want to continue promoting soil health,” said Neal. “I want other farmers to know and realize everything they need is right there in front of them, from Mother Earth. In some instances, it’s even more cost-efficient to go organically. I currently participate in seminars regarding soil health and certified organic growing. My advice is to not leave any gray areas and get your farms certified. It’s no longer enough just to say that you’re growing organically. Get certified and remove any doubt. I want to see Napa Valley grow in organically certified farms, and I’m currently consulting with some

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In The

of the biggest vineyards in the area to help them be successful. The previous higher cost of going organic is not as much of a hindrance anymore, especially when considering things like the cost of diesel fuel.”

Neal told The Grapevine Magazine that the decision to grow organically certified is the simple yet critical decision between farming for now versus generational farming with proper soil care.

“Honestly,” said Neal, “You can’t farm generationally if you’re abusing the soil with increased herbicides and fertilizer use. Why constantly pour more insecticides into the soil and then combat that with extra fertilizers that systematically destroy the very soil you need? Organic alternatives are readily available, so there’s no excuse not to find the one that works for you. With all of the options available now, growing organic is achievable and the right thing to do, and I’m excited to work with those that decide to do so. You’ll create better products, gain wider acceptance and most importantly, preserve our earth.”

Neal hopes to start a movement in the Napa region, helping farmers make changes that matter. He’s shown that after 56 years of organic farming practices, his methods can be very successful in the Napa region, and he is looking to be a leader in growing the number of farmers that move to organic growing methods. That movement started with Neal now working with major wineries in the region to convert their land to organic growing methods.

The Value of Regenerative Organic Certification to Neal and Napa Valley

Neal said the all-encompassing aspect of the Regenerative Organic Certification most moves him. “The practice of renewing and maintaining the health of the soil and land, ensuring proper care and management of the animals and of course taking care of the people that help you touch on the most important buttons of any undertaking,” said Neal. “This certification addresses everything related to our future. ROC presents a well-rounded organizational picture that gives the holder a prestigious place worldwide. It’s the highest mark we, as farmers, can achieve, and honestly, I’m honored to be a leader here in Napa, one of the most prestigious grape-growing parts of the world. I was raised

with organic farming in my blood, pushing my dad to get our vineyards officially certified even when we were already doing everything right and farming organically from the start. I wanted to remove any doubt, so we can say that we’re not just farming organically; we’re certified in farming organically.”

More than anything else, Neal wants you to know that you can do it too.

For questions, consultation, or to schedule a visit, go to

In The Winery 877-892-5332 Page 23 The Grapevine • March - April 2023
Olde Tradition Spice Mulling Spice for Wine in Tea Bags! Olde Tradition Spice is the perfect addition for your tasting room and gift shop! The tea bags are all natural with no sugar. “A great way to spice your wine on a chilly day!” Olde Tradition Spice - Contact Us Today! 800-977-1117
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Trends in Email Effectiveness A Five-year Historical Review of Performance Metrics.

Since 2018, WineGlass Marketing has monitored email responses to help plan and inform our campaigns. (You can find the 2022 report at For this year, we included a look back at five years of data because it is a fantastic opportunity to track the impact of COVID on our email responses. The behavior changes of planned campaigns by wineries and customers’ reactions during COVID and Shelter in Place should be evident by looking for anomalies. This article will review the historical data to compare to 2022 data and trends.


A byproduct of COVID is that we learned that keeping in touch with our customers is essential to our business survival. When the steady stream of new customers off the freeway to our tasting

rooms stopped, we found ways to talk to existing customers in our database. We remembered what we learned when that freeway opened again in 2021. We kept adding names and coveting that connection, swearing we would never leave ourselves that vulnerable again. Between 2020 and 2021, the average database size jumped 37% to over 6.5k.

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But, we took our feet off the gas because, in 2022, we saw it fall to the lowest point since 2018. Let’s hope that in next year’s benchmark study, we see increased attention in this area and that our databases grow again.


We interpret this increase as wineries finally started segmenting during COVID because they had the time and resources to look at their data. So, when 2021 came along, it was game on with A/B splits, automated drip campaigns, and segmented offers.


Open rates have been on a steady decline for the past three years. But don’t worry; this is consistent with any industry trends and has been this way year after year since somebody sent the first email in the early 1990s. Why? Two reasons. First, as consumers, we’re tired of emails. As any of you know, you work hard on that subject line and content to get attention. We must overcome considerable inbox clutter.

We also noted a great deal more “resends” in the data from 2022, showing that more wineries are comfortable with reminding non-openers or non-responders that they’re missing out on a great deal. In 2022, the wineries surveyed reported an average of 5.27 campaigns per month – either completely new campaigns or resends or different segments.


If we split out volume by month for these five years, we get an idea of the increase in campaigns in 2022 and the seasonal trends. Wineries cluster emails around club shipment times in March and fall harvest and load more holiday emails into the fourth quarter. This trend has been consistent throughout all five years.

However, in 2022 we saw more emails during the summer. Perhaps this is because of the increased adoption of summer “cold” shipping, or segmentation and testing are planned in the summer months to minimize the impact on crucial selling seasons. But we can say that going “dark” in the hot months is no longer a common practice.

And secondly, there is an inverse relationship with volume. As marketers, emails are cheap, so the ROI is worth it to send a lot of them. When consumers don’t open them, we resend reminders. We get a few more opens, but typically these emails perform worse than the initial email launch, which brings down the overall campaign open rate.

Sadly, although they clicked to go to the website, the conversion went down (shown on the cart with the orange line and right-hand secondary axis.) This decline is the fault of the website page, not the email. Click-through rates have increased. The emails enticed potential customers to open, read and click, but something happened. Google Analytics provides this data from the website. If wineries are not looking at their visitors’ paths and creating custom landing pages for each email, the most compelling email in wine country may not end with a sale.

The common question is, “how frequently should we email our customers.” The answer is to send emails as often as possible as long as you can offer compelling content. Customers will tell you when

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they don’t value your email – they’ll leave.

Looking at the bounce rates, with all the campaign increases in the past five years, wineries did an excellent job of keeping the segmenting tight and the content on point, as evidenced by the decrease in bounce rate.

COVID, we saw a spike in orders (because there was no other way to order) yet a dive in AOV (due to discounts.)

In sync with our tendency to send more emails in Q1 and Q4 – open rates by month show the inverse. Our customers are more likely to open our emails in Q1, Q2, and Q3 when there is less clutter in their inboxes. Open rates are the lowest in the fourth quarter when the email frequency is highest.

If you combine the relatively equal AOV and average orders per campaign for the past two years with the previous chart that demonstrates a decrease in conversion rate for 2021 and 2022, we see more frequent campaigns and higher prices to counteract the lower conversion. That is one way to compensate but imagine the impact if that conversion rate went up.

The summary? Email is far from dead or a bad investment, but to combat lowering open and clickthrough rates, there is little to do about maturing channel fatigue except write the best subject lines you can and create compelling content your targets want to read. We say better content and not better offers because the click-through rate went down when everyone slashed prices and offered steep discounts in 2020. So if you focus on good content and segmentation, your emails will continue to bring you sales.

Click-through rates follow a similar seasonality to our frequency and show a higher CTR with more campaigns. Looking at wineries’ sales, we can confirm that Q1 and Q4 is the online buying season.


So, did all this convert to dollars? Sort of. This chart shows the Average Order Value in the blue bars, and the orange line is the average number of orders per campaign. It makes sense that during

Susan DeMatei is the founder of WineGlass Marketing, a full-service direct marketing firm working within the wine industry in Napa, California. Now in its 10th year, the agency offers domestic and international clients assistance with strategy and execution. WineGlass Marketing is located in Napa, California at 707-927-3334 or

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Top-5 Automated Text Campaigns for Wine Merchants

If you’re like many wine marketers, your to-do list is a mile long. You need to post on social media, update your blog, manage your next event, and launch a new vintage of wine. And that’s only on the marketing side.

With so many hats to wear, today’s wine merchants need any help they can get.

That’s where automated SMS workflows can save the day with personalized messaging sent to the right customers at precisely the right time to generate game-changing results.

What are Automated SMS Workflows?

In an ideal world, your best sales rep would stay in touch with every customer and reach out instantly when your winery can offer them something they value.

Automated SMS workflows offer this same service by monitoring consumer behavior 24/7, then sending personalized text messages whenever your business can help individual consumers enjoy your brand.

Fundamentally different from one-off ‘blasts’ sent

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to everyone on your list, automated SMS workflows are triggered when customers take a specific action, like asking for more information, ordering products, or joining your club.

By using automated workflows, any wine merchant can offer their customers an increasingly rare experience simply by paying attention and catering to their unique needs. The result is a virtuous cycle of happier customers leading to more sales -- without requiring more labor.

Ranking the Top-5 Automated SMS Campaigns Available for Wineries in 2023

With wine merchants reporting 32 times better results using text messaging instead of email to reach their customers, the race is on to identify which SMS campaigns drive the most sales.

So, our friends at Listrak analyzed 1.1 billion marketing texts sent across all industry segments to conclude that automated SMS messages triggered by customer behavior consistently outperform marketing blasts — generating 2-to-20 times more sales per text than typical broadcast messages.

In their landmark report “2022 Benchmarks: Text Message Marketing,” Listrak identified the top 5 automated campaigns available to today’s wine merchants:

1. Welcome Series

2. Transactional Updates

3. Shopping Cart Abandonment

4. Browse Abandonment

5. Post-Purchase Sequence

The revenue generated by these campaigns averaged eight times more than the sales produced by typical text marketing blasts.

Of course, these results shouldn’t surprise most wine marketers. Automated email campaigns also maximize sales compared to email blasts. It turns out that timing and relevance still plays a vital role in the success of direct marketing.

So that’s why we’ve been advising our friends for years: “it’s time to get past the blast...”

Automated SMS Workflow #1: Welcome Series

A welcome text is your chance to make a great first impression with new subscribers, wine club

Around The Vineyard Marketing

members, and recent guests.

Research on human behavior shows consumers are most engaged when they first sign up to receive your messages. That’s why their experience in the first few weeks of your relationship can often determine the outcome.

If you offer consumers many ways to engage your brand, sending a series of messages might make sense instead of a single text. New subscribers to your list might enjoy...

• A link to your winery’s social media pages

• Info on what new subscribers can expect

• A thank-you gift for joining your text list

A similar welcome sequence can work for new wine club members and retail customers by using autoresponders to send your SMS messages at specific intervals.

However you harness the power of an automated welcome sequence, you’ll be profiting from one of the most productive marketing techniques available to today’s wine merchants.

Automated SMS Workflow #2: Transactional Texts

While many wineries work with commerce systems that can trigger personalized text messages whenever customers place orders, make reservations, or expect a wine shipment, most wine merchants have yet to profit from transactional text messaging.

Transactional messages like order confirmations, shipping notices, and appointment reminders are among the most popular texts sent to consumers by their favorite brands.

For wine marketers looking to deliver a worldclass customer experience, enabling your commerce system to trigger text messages opens a new channel of communication that works 24/7 to engage your best customers without adding to your workload.

And for U.S. retailers, the sales revenue generated by transactional SMS messages averaged $1.16 for each text sent.

Automated SMS Workflow #3: Cart Recovery

Savvy wine marketers know that repeat customers like wine club members and mailing list subscribers

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place most online wine orders.

Yet, for every ten successful orders placed by repeat buyers, another seven orders are lost due to cart abandonment – when customers fill their cart but don’t complete the checkout process.

Of course, consumers have many reasons to abandon the purchase process before completing their order. Extra costs like shipping, a frustrating checkout process, or even a slow website can send thirsty shoppers away before purchasing your wine.

But did you know that 20-40% of these customers can be lured back with a thoughtful automated cart abandonment campaign?

To put these results in perspective, a typical winery experiencing 70% cart abandonment and a 30% cart recovery rate will generate 20% more online sales than wineries that don’t use automated cart recovery techniques.

For U.S. retailers, Listrak’s latest report shows that abandoned cart campaigns generate an average of $1.04 of incremental revenue for every text sent, nearly six times more than a typical SMS blast.

Automated SMS Workflow #4: Browse Abandonment

Like shopping cart abandonment campaigns, automated texts sent to shoppers who spent time browsing your products, but didn’t add them to their carts, can also boost online sales by turning “window shoppers” into happy customers.

Both offline and online, browse abandonment is often just a natural part of the purchasing process.

According to sales conversion experts, for every customer adding a product to their online shopping cart, three more prospects view your products without taking further action.

So, if your website can identify opt-in SMS subscribers who viewed your products without purchasing, browse abandonment campaigns offer wine marketers another opportunity to nudge them to buy.

Some of the most productive browse abandonment campaigns reinforce consumer interest by featuring popular offers like...

• product reviews

• related products/services

• special time-limited promotions

And for U.S. retailers, the latest research on SMS marketing shows that browse abandonment campaigns generate an average of $0.56 of incremental revenue for every text sent, three times more than a typical SMS blast.

SMS Workflow #5: Post Purchase Sequence

Since market research shows consumer interest peaks at the time of purchase, direct marketers can leverage this honeymoon period to build long-lasting relationships by launching an automated post-purchase campaign.

After customers receive their wine, successful marketers often use personalized messages seeking customer feedback on the purchase process, suggesting food & wine pairings, asking for product reviews, or offering a chance to order more wine.

While many post-purchase messages don’t focus directly on incremental sales, the latest research still shows that post-purchase campaigns generate an average of $0.51 of sales revenue for every text sent, 3-times more than an average SMS blast.

The Bottom Line on Automated SMS Wine Marketing Campaigns

Most wine marketers face the same problem: balancing a long to-do list against limited time.

Devoting resources to SMS messaging -- the wine industry’s most productive DTC marketing channel -- is an intelligent business decision. But setting up automated SMS campaigns is even better.

For wine merchants looking to delight their customers with personalized service, engage more consumers without doing more work, and grow their business using the best practices of SMS wine marketing, automated text messaging is a proven path to success.

By generating 2-to-20 times more sales revenue than typical text blasts, the five automated campaigns outlined in this article can help any wine merchant maximize their profits with SMS wine marketing.

About the Author

Founder & CEO of VinterActive, Bryan St. Amant, is a pioneer in developing preference-based direct

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marketing and its successful application in the wine industry.

His award-winning work has been featured in books, magazines, and seminars, including CFO Magazine, Inc., CNN Money, eMarketing Magazine, Integrated Direct Marketing, Direct Marketing Association, Wine Marketing Report, The Grapevine Magazine, and the Wine Industry Network.

VinterActive is located in Windsor, California at 707-836-7295 or

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Best Options & Innovations for Tow-able Vineyard Equipment

One of the most critical pieces of equipment in a vineyard is the tractor because it can tow many different types of equipment used for various purposes. Vineyard owners must evaluate specific towing considerations to ensure a good fit with the tractor and for safety and efficiency purposes. Meanwhile, the towable equipment you choose can significantly impact grape yields and vineyard health.

To guide vineyard owners in the right direction, industry experts weigh in on choosing the best towable equipment and share new updates to this classic equipment that we can look forward to in the future.

Types of Equipment Towed in a Vineyard

The concept of towing equipment in an agricultural setting is nothing new, yet many different vineyard tasks can be accomplished by the simple act of towing. A tow-behind grape harvester is used to pull grapes from the vines, while a tow-behind mulch spreader clears away branches and vines while helping to improve soil and control weeds. There are tow-behind tillers used to prepare and improve the soil while improving water penetration. Tow-behind sprayers help manage weeds, control pests and fight disease.

Another type of tow-behind equipment common

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Image Credit: BDI Machinery Sales, Inc.

in the vineyard is a fertilizer spreader to supply nutrition to growing vines. Tow-behind mowers remove weeds that get in the way of vine growth, and tow-behind vine trimmers control growth on rough land areas and along fence lines and roadsides. Many vineyards also use trailers that are towed as carrying bins to haul away grapes or debris.

Benefits of Tow-Behind Equipment

Aside from being tremendously versatile and durable, tow-behind equipment offers many benefits in a vineyard. These types of equipment are often less expensive than self-powered options and are less complicated to maintain and repair. Towable equipment is a good option in fields with steep slopes because it gives the operator more control and is designed to be narrower and maneuver through rows.

The equipment can be pulled by different kinds of vehicles, not just tractors. For example, a tow-behind tiller or sprayer could be pulled behind an

ATV, UTV or mower. Modern versions of these products have more power than you might expect and can help a vineyard save time and money due to the reduced strain on human labor.

Of course, this is a diverse industry, and each type of towable equipment has its own unique set of benefits and applications. For example, A1 Mist

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Image Credit: A1 Mist Sprayers

Around The Vineyard

Sprayers has a robust mist sprayer lineup that can be used both in residential and rural applications.

“Besides our impressive compact footprint, the flexibility our lineup provides for the end user, regardless of available transportation, acreage size or vineyard, is truly unmatched,” Jon Kulzer, A1 Mist Sprayer division manager, told The Grapevine. “We have engine-driven options in a variety of sizes that can be easily transported through the vineyard on the back of an ATV, UTV or even commercial vehicle. If none of these options are available to you, then no problem. Our tractor, PTO-driven units can work great in a vineyard setting as well. Lucky for you, A1 Mist Sprayers are unique in their own ways and features universal parts that can be replaced or upgraded as time goes on.”

How to Choose Towable Equipment

When it’s time to invest in new equipment or upgrade a current fleet, there are certain towing considerations to keep in mind. Vineyard owners need to evaluate the vehicle size, towing capacity, connection mechanism and how much horsepower is required. The terrain of the vineyard is a consideration because hills and steep slopes may require special equipment. Tow-behind equipment will need to fit well between the rows of grapevines, handle the occasional tight turning radius and avoid bumping into vines to cause damage. Based on the size of the vineyard and a business’ budget, renting

towable equipment or buying used equipment rather than splurging on shiny, brand-new machines may make more sense.

Paul J. Licata, the owner and president of BDi Machinery Sales, Inc., told The Grapevine Magazine that it is important to know the tractor specifications and technical information. These details include the tractor horsepower, PTO horsepower, gallons-per-minute flow rate, how many hydraulic remotes it has, tractor weight and overall tractor width, length and height.

“The selection or options of tow-behind equipment can be dependent on the vineyard’s tractor capabilities, or specs,” said Licata. “As an example, the size of the sprayer being considered has tractor PTO HP requirements, as well you need to know 3-PT hitch lift capacity and towing capacity. For both sprayers and cultivation tools that are tow-behind, a single-row or single-sided piece has one set of specs, while a multi-row sprayer or cultivator has different requirements.”

Licata said that frequently, bigger is better for equipment. However, he said that a vineyard must consider and balance the costs of running and operating a larger tractor with the fuel consumption necessary for larger models and two-sided equipment.

“The operator of the tow-behind equipment is very important as well of course,” Licata added. “The same operator knows the tractor and equipment, but if you are switching or have different operators, a single-sided machine can be much easier for an operator who may not be doing the task every time.”

Kulzer from A1 Mist Sprayers said that when it comes time to invest in a mist sprayer, there are a few things you need to take into consideration. The first question to ask yourself is what your current transportation setup is.

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“Depending on what type of transportation you have readily available, this can help us determine which unit would be best for your situation,” Kulzer said. “Overall unit size and full-tank weight of the mist sprayer is very important to take into consideration. Next, what is your idea spraying setup for vineyard rows? Will you require a volute that can mist two rows at once, or can you get by with a setup for one row at a time? Ultimately, answering this question will help us choose which type of volute would work most effectively for your operation. Lastly, what would be the desired distance you would need for optimal coverage? Since not all vineyards are created equal, some would require larger mist sprayers that have the capability to mist up to 160+ feet. Thinking about these considerations will help narrow down the most ideal A1 Mist Sprayer for you and your vineyard.”

Care and Maintenance of Towable Equipment

Licata from BDi Machinery said the three compo-

nents to trouble-free operation in the vineyard are the tractor, the operator and the piece of equipment. Mistakes can happen, and once learned from, making adjustments are key to correct and efficient operation.

Licata recommends studying and reading the owners’ manuals for new equipment so that you understand the setup, servicing, maintenance, fluid specs and overall setup of infield parameters for the potential adjustments to specific applications. He also recommends paying attention to the speed of the tractor and maintenance needs. Going either too slow or too fast can be problematic, so it’s crucial to operate the machine at the correct speed for its application. Meanwhile, all equipment requires maintenance on a regular basis.

“Bearings and fittings need to be lubed, and belts need to be checked and adjusted,” Licata said. “Cleaning and removal of foreign debris allows for equipment longevity and long-term, trouble-free operation.”

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Licata said that these days, most vineyards are servicing and maintaining their equipment onsite at the vineyard. Therefore, it is essential to have all the owner manuals and maintenance schedules from the manufacturer on hand.

“Vineyards should have an in-season and pre-season maintenance program that is followed strictly,” Licata said. “Waiting until the piece of equipment needs to be used or breaks is not the time to find out that something is broken due to poor maintenance practices. Following the manufacturer’s specifications for fluids is extremely important, so you’ll need to know the exact oil or fluid viscosity, mineral or synthetic based, adjustments and torquing specs.”

Kulzer from A1 Mist Sprayers said that the most common mistake his company sees vineyards make is end users not spraying with the wind or spraying on a day with high wind speed.

“Not spraying with the wind greatly impacts your ability to provide optimal coverage on your vines, which can lead them vulnerable to many pests and diseases,” he said. “Additionally, spraying on a day that has high wind speed could lead to potential damage to crops and create possible health related issues for both animals and humans. It is very important to follow these two tips when utilizing a mist sprayer.”

Updates and Innovations with Vineyard Towing

We also asked our industry experts about new technologies and innovations in the world of towable vineyard equipment. Licata from BDi Machinery pointed to the CIMA EPA 2.0 System

(Delivery Proportional to Advance) that works with the full range of new CIMA low-volume pneumatic

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sprayers. When decreasing the forward speed, the system automatically reduces the quantity delivered to improve spraying quantity accuracy. When increasing the forward speed, it increases the quantity delivered.

“This system avoids product waste and assures treatment effectiveness, a great cost-saving and a reduction on the environmental impact,” Licata said. “Easy programming is guaranteed, as it is possible to save and manage up to 15 programs by entering the operation parameters.”

Licata also mentioned the OLMI Air impulse de-leafers that can be implemented multiple times during the growing season and are the pinnacle of leaf-removal technology.

“The machine is air-powered through a compressor to multi-diffusers that are rotating,” he explained. “The pneumatic machine shatters leaves to remove them from the canopy, as opposed to previous technologies that pull the leaves. Trials have shown traditional leaf pullers remove about 50 to 60 percent with control, while the air impulse de-leafer removes targeted leaves at 100 percent with control.”

The Rinieri Finger is another piece of machinery that Licata said is innovative in this industry. This weeder cultivator allows farmers to eliminate or reduce spraying by using this machine for organic weed control.

“The new range of Rinieri finger weeders is for fast, mechanical weeding, up to six miles per hour, with the Bio-disc, which breaks the ground near the plants and then the Bio-Star with rubber spokes for inter-row processing.”

When asked about innovative features regarding sprayers for vineyards, Kulzer from A1 Mist Sprayers said one of the most prominent statements he hears from the company’s customer base is that the flexibility to utilize these mist sprayers for multiple applications is incomparable.

“We think end users are becoming more prudent and looking for more compact, user-friendly mist sprayers that do not require a lot of space or downtime,” Kulzer said. “Moreso, end users are always looking for flexibility to utilize their mist sprayers for multiple applications outside of vineyard spraying. Several A1 Mist Sprayers feature an exclusive backflush system that allows for the end user to utilize the mist sprayer for a variety of spraying applications that requires different types of chemicals. All units have been designed to offer versatility to adapt to your spraying needs.”

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COVER CROPS: A Powerful Tool for Our Vineyards


nder-vine cover crops are managed plants grown underneath the rows of vines. Vineyard managers grow them on purpose to help achieve certain goals in the vineyard. I find them fascinating to talk about because their benefits and challenges are complex and never guaranteed.

Grape growers working with overgrown vines might bring in competitive cover crops to slow their vigor. Organic-leaning vineyards often use cover crops to suppress weeds in place of herbicides. Those on steep hillsides should think about installing cover crops to stop erosion. If the cover crop

is selected and managed well, vineyard managers should find success with these goals for at least several years.

Other benefits are less straightforward. In some cases, cover crops might help increase soil organic matter and retain nitrogen, but the effects are often less that one might expect. Grasses tend to re-capture the nitrogen they put back into the soil after decomposition, so it may never reach the grapevines. Flowering cover crops will help attract pollinators like bees to the vineyard. This is wonderful as long as you are avoiding insecticides, which can kill those bees congregating around your

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flowering cover crop.

Growers considering cover crops should first decide what goals you want to accomplish. Then, learn which types of cover crops to plant based on what will help achieve those goals. For example, a simple perennial fescue mix works wonders for most goals – vigorous fescues can easily outcompete most weeds, slow excess vine growth for several years, and support soil structure while requiring minimal mowing. Flowering species can be incorporated if desired. Vineyards hilling up graft unions each winter should consider annual cover crop species because the soil is frequently disturbed.

Slow Down Overly-ambitious Grapevines

Is excessive vigor a problem in your vineyard? Are you constantly hedging and thinning to keep them under control? A strong, thick stand of undervine cover crops might help slow the growth of overly-vigorous grapevines. Plants with dense root systems like perennial grasses compete with grapevines for water, nutrients, and space in the soil. When those roots get established, they tend to take up so much space in the soil that the grapevine roots avoid the top several inches of soil. The top few inches of soil are often the richest in nutrients and organic matter. So, when the grapevine roots are forced out of this area of soil, it can cause the vines to grow more slowly as they have limited access to the buffet of top soil resources.

To use cover crops for vine vigor management, select a short, densely-growing perennial grass such as fine fescue. Wait to plant it until the vines are at least 3 years old, so that the grass competition does not stunt their early growth.

There are many fine fescue species to choose from. The species that I have personally worked with is creeping red fescue. Fine fescues are short, only growing about 8 inches tall, and only need to be mowed 1-2 times per season. These grasses are also effective weed suppressors because they form a thick thatch of grass blades along the soil surface, blocking sunlight from hitting the soil surface. During my graduate research on fine fescues in vineyards, creeping red fescue formed a dense tangle of roots in the top 10 cm of soil, forcing the grapevine roots to avoid that area and grow deeper into the soil.

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To plant this cover crop, spread the seeds on lightly cultivated soil under the vine rows. Fescues are cool-season grasses that germinate best in cool, rainy weather. So, plant them in the spring after snow-melt for best results.

Say No to Weeds

To suppress weeds, the stand of cover crops should be dense enough that it prevents direct sunlight from hitting the soil. Perennial fescues, described above, achieve this well. Clovers do a relatively poor job of densely covering the soil unless they are planted at very high seeding rates. If you want weed suppression but also insect attraction and nitrogen fixing, mix clover in with a fescue seed mix rather than planting it alone.

Annual cover crops generally germinate and establish much faster than perennial species. They will do a better job of fighting weeds in the three months after planting. The obvious tradeoff is that they must be re-seeded each year. Perennial cover crops are less likely to provide effective weed management in the first year but will perform better long-term if managed well.

Many annual species can be used for weed suppression if planted at high seeding rates. It is wise to include grasses in an annual cover crop mix if weed suppression is a goal, because they will help cover the soil more densely. Hairy vetch has also been shown to have good weed suppression but can become weedy. Whatever you do, just be sure to select low-growing species.

Cover Crops for Soil Health

Cover crops improve healthy soil by adding organic matter, reducing erosion, and improving soil structure. Reducing erosion and improving soil structure are always good things in vineyards. But those considering cover crops for organic matter and nitrogen additions should ask themselves two questions first: 1) Will my cover crop add enough organic matter to make a difference? And 2) Does my vineyard actually need higher organic matter and nitrogen, or is my soil already ideal for grapevines?

Sometimes certain cover crops can help retain or increase soil nitrogen, but this effect does not necessarily benefit the grapevines. If the soil and foliar

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tests indicate that the vines have sufficient nitrogen already, adding more is not beneficial. Most vineyards I know in the Midwest do not need to increase nitrogen.

Secondly, even though grass cover crops put nitrogen back into the soil when they break down, their roots tend to take this nitrogen back up rather than releasing it into the soil for the grapevine roots to use. A 16-year study at a Cornell University vineyard found that bark mulch under the rows contributed more nitrogen to the soil than grass or herbicide treatments.

This same 16-year study also found that bark mulch contributed more organic matter to the soil than cover crops, along with a 10-fold increase in phosphorous. While all plant matter contributes organic matter to the soil, the amount of matter added via cover crops is generally less than large outside inputs like mulch, compost, or manure.

The ideal soil organic matter content for grapevines is 2-3%. Adding organic matter beyond that may not actually benefit your crop and can lead to excess vine vigor. Therefore, it is OK if a cover crop’s organic matter contribution is small.

If, after reading this, you think that your vineyard’s soil could use more organic matter and nitrogen, consider cover crops, compost, or wood-based mulch accordingly.

Flower Power or Flower Downer?

Flowering cover crops attract beneficial pollinators like bees. I am a full supporter of bees. That said, when deciding to add flowering cover crops to your vineyard, consider whether or not you plan to use insecticides going forward. Many broad-spectrum insecticides, including some organic ones, are highly toxic to bees.

Because flowers attract these beneficial and sensitive insects to the vineyard, pollinator experts at Michigan State University and University of Minnesota have advised against spraying insecticides if flowers are in bloom. If you do use insecticides throughout the season, opt to plant flowering plants outside the vineyard rather than in the rows. Alternatively, you could try growing flowering plants and mow off the flowers before spraying insecticides.

Planting a Vineyard? Hold that Thought

Just like weeds, thick stands of cover crops in the rows will slow the growth of newly planted vines, causing a delay in yield. In general, I advise waiting to plant cover crops under vine rows after Year 3, or until the grapevines have both cordons established (you should still plant grasses in the aisles during this time).

The exception to this 3-year rule would be if the vines are excessively vigorous during establishment – in that case, a cover crop could help manage their rate of growth and suppress bull canes. I have seen this occur in a Minnesota vineyard with over 5% organic matter. Due to the extreme vine vigor during Years 2 and 3, I broke my rule and recommended planting an under-vine cover crop during vineyard establishment.

If cover crops seem like the right choice for you after reading this far, give them a try! Reach out to your local seed representatives and ask for some samples to try in small areas of the vineyard. If it works for you, let your neighbors know!



• Atuche et al. 2011. Long-term effects of four groundcover management systems in an apple orchard.

• HortScience 46(8)

• Klodd et al. 2016 Coping with cover crop competition in mature grapevines. Plant and Soil 400: 391-402

• MSU webinar recording – April 8th, 2021

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Why the Results Vary when Grapevine Samples are Submitted for Disease Testing

You probably know that there are many options when it comes to laboratory testing services. It can be confusing to the grower, vineyard manager, and/or nursery staff to decide which laboratory to choose

I am always asked by clients: “why the results of samples submitted from the same vineyard block yield different results at different laboratories?” There are many different reasons and I will try to clarify some aspects associated with laboratory issues (method/techniquess used) and sample collection that will affect the final disease diagnostic results. Finally, I will introduce the concept of standardization of diagnostic methods used for the

detection of grapevine pathogens. After reading this article, my hope is that you hire a knowledgeable plant pathologist who can determine your best options based on your needs and walks you through the process.

Description of Most

Common Laboratory Techniques:

Microbiological Culture: Fungal and bacterial pathogens can be cultured and isolated in specialized media. However, microorganisms could compete among each other. Microbe(s) that grow faster will outcompete microbes that grow slower, making the diagnosis of certain bacterial

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Symptoms of viral disease in the vineyard (could be due to leafroll, red blotch, or both and up to the laboratory to determine)

or fungal pathogens difficult. The diagnosis could be biased or the laboratory may not be able to report the disease causal agent unless sophisticated molecular methods are used in combination with culturing methods. However, in some cases, the identification of the fungal taxonomic family (i.e., species of the Diatripaceae or Botryosphaeriaceae family isolated from a canker) or bacterial genus (Agrobacterium species isolated from a typical gall) may be sufficient to decipher the cause of the problem. Phytoplasmas (a special type of bacteria that lack cell walls) and viruses cannot be cultured and their identification must be carried out using molecular and serological methods.

ELISA, PCR, RT-PCR, qPCR: ELISA is the abbreviation for “enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay, and consists the binding of a protein (coat protein, in the case of a virus) on a plastic test plate that was coated with specific antibodies. A positive reaction is seen when there is a change of color in the wells of the test plate (colorimetric enzymatic reaction). ELISA detection is limited to the amount of virus present in the sample, therefore not prone to lab contamination. During the Coronavirus pandemic you probably heard in the general media talk about antibody tests. ELISA, although different from the rapid home COVID 19 tests based on immunochromatography, is an antibody test. PCR, is the abbreviation for polymerase chain reaction (this is a molecular based test). The technique allows the multiplication nucleic acid from the concentration of pathogen present in the vine. The process is specific, and utilizes copies of small portions of the pathogen’s genome (called primers) to start the copying process. The amplification is repeated many times, with each copy making more copies, so after the completion of an appropriate number of PCR cycles, more than a billion copies of the nucleic acid is produced. For RNA viruses the detection is done using RT-PCR (RT stands for reverse transcription, a molecular

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way of copying the RNA to produce DNA). PCR and RT-PCR are sensitive techniques used for the detection of grapevine pathogens. Quantitative or Real Time PCR is a modification of PCR that can provide the relative quantitation of the pathogen present in a sample (abbreviated as qPCR and qRT-PCR).

The sensitivity and specificity of the detection of pathogens can be influenced by the season as well as the part of the vine from which samples are collected. While ELISA is generally thought to be less sensitive than RT-PCR, ELISA has a broader spectrum of detection and can detect a range of virus variants. On the other hand, PCR is very specific, this can be an advantage but also a disadvantage. If the detection is too specific, it could miss the detection of isolates of the same virus even when small changes (mutations) are present. This is even more true when TaqMan, a type of qPCR that in addition to specific primers uses a specific probe is applied for the detection of viruses in

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The loading of an ELISA plate to determine infection status of plant material at the Bioreba AG Laboratory in Switzerland

grapevine samples. This is why running both ELISA and RT-PCR consecutively is recommended for the reliable detection of grapevine viruses, as each method is designed to detect different portions of a virus. Since Grapevine red blotch virus is a DNA virus, and ELISA is not available, I recommend that PCR is performed to amplify at least two different locations of the viral genome.

Rapid Tests for the Detection of Grapevine red blotch and Grapevine Pinot Gris Viruses

A single use strip test based on the recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay has been developed for the detection of Grapevine red botch virus (GRBV) and Grapevine Pinot Gris virus (GPGV). The manufacturer claims that these tests can be performed in the field. However, to obtain reliable results, the assays should be conducted by experienced technicians in a clean laboratory. If a lay person were to attempt to run this type of assay, the assay instructions must be carefully followed. The protocol includes many steps that require measuring small quantities of reagents (microliters). Thus, it is worthwhile to have an experienced laboratory run these tests. Laboratory personnel are used to running different protocols and are trained to keep the sample and other materials free of contamination. Another drawback of these rapid tests is that these are only available for two grapevine viruses. As I have noted in other articles, the symptoms caused by grapevine pathogens can confused. For instance, a negative GRBV result, may give a false reassurance that the vines in the vineyard are healthy when they could otherwise be infected with leafroll (GLRaVs), Vitiviruses, a combination of these, and/ or bacterial or fungal pathogens.

Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP)

Like PCR, LAMP is a nucleotide amplification method that uses primers to initiate the copying process of the pathogen’s nucleic acid. It differs however as the reaction often does not require the extraction of nucleic acid and is performed at a constant temperature (isothermal). These LAMP assays have been developed in South Africa for the detection of GLRaV-3 and at Cornell University for

the detection of GRBV. Training of the methodology for the detection of GRBV was covered in various sessions by the Napa Valley Vineyard Technical Group. The technique is claimed to be as or more sensitive than PCR. Because LAMP assays are very sensitive, it is prone to contamination (i.e., yield false positives). Like RPA, the operator will need to follow carefully a protocol that requires the measurement of very small volumes of reagents. The technology also requires the initial investment of laboratory equipment and a clean area to perform the operations.

Next Generation or High Throughput Sequencing:

The next generation sequencing (NGS) also known as high throughput sequencing (HTS) is a powerful method that allows a laboratory to detect any organism present in a sample.

When NGS or HTS is applied, the complete sequence of the plant genetic material and its microbiome is obtained. Generally, during the sample preparation, the pathogens specific sequences are enriched to increase the sensitivity of the assay (for example the lab may just amplify fungal sequences). The data obtained is analyzed with sophisticated software that is able to analyze the bacterial, fungal, viral, or other microorganisms (beneficial or pathogenic) sequences present in the sample. The method can provide relative quantitative data, generally expressed in percentages, of each organism found. The NGS has been widely used in research and has allowed the discovery and characterization of important viruses such as Grapevine red blotch virus and many Vitiviruses Presently, this technique is being applied commercially to test plant and soil samples for the detection of bacterial and fungal microorganisms. It is recommended that a plant pathologist with expertise in bacterial, fungal, and/or viral taxonomy be available to associate the presence of the microorganisms found with disease symptoms (or potential disease development).

The Results Obtained from Different Laboratories can be Different

Frequently, the cause of different testing results at different laboratories can be due to operational

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errors. In my career running plant diagnostic testing labs, I can confidently say that I have seen a lot

of things that can go wrong during sample processing. It is not my intention to list them here. The key is that the laboratory has knowledgeable personnel capable of catching the mistake before the results go out to the client (i.e., something does not look right, lets repeat the test or investigate further). A false positive, is the reporting of a sample positive for certain pathogen(s) when it really is not infected. This can be due to contamination in the lab but also due a mix-up in the field or in the laboratory during the process. False negatives can also occur, and this can be due to the lack of sensitivity of the assay used, problems with sampling (either in the field or laboratory), and/or when the lab technician made a mistake.

Let’s assume that everything goes well at the laboratory. The operator uses the best technical skills and applies good quality assurance and control (QA/QC). An important factor to take into consideration is the quality and type of sample collected in the vineyard submitted to the lab for testing. It is known that even when sampling from different portions of the same vine, different results can be

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STOP DISEASE Before It Happens! Judit Monis, Ph.D. Helping Growers, Vineyard Managers, and Nurseries Avoid Spreading or Introducing Grapevine Diseases in Their Vineyard. • Vineyard & Planting Material Inspection • Nursery Block & Stock Evaluation • Disease Analysis & Identification For More Information Visit: Judit Monis, Ph.D. 831-346-7034
Nucleic acid extracted from soil samples at BiomeMakers Laboratory in Sacramento, CA

obtained. The failure to detect a pathogen that is present in low concentration is due to uneven distribution of certain pathogens in the vine If your goal is to determine which is the best laboratory for pathogen detection, it is important to send samples with known infection status to each laboratory. Further, the collector must be able to prepare cuttings of the same vine material represented equally in samples submitted to each laboratory.

At the time, there is no accreditation that is specific to grapevine diagnostic testing. Therefore, each laboratory applies their own testing and sampling protocols. These methods were developed and optimized with positive (infected with the pathogen of choice) and negative controls (not infected with the pathogen of choice). Additionally, a reputable laboratory should use specific internal controls to determine the quality of their processes.

The implementation of an accreditation and certification system for diagnostic laboratories would provide an unbiased evaluation of the laboratory

processes. Standardization of sampling and testing is common in other fields of food and plant biotechnology. It is surprising that the grapevine industry has not adopted an accreditation system given the losses that pathogens cause to this perennial crop. The standardization of the diagnostic methods used for the detection of grapevine pathogens will provide reliable results to stakeholders. The future goal of the viticulture industry should be to adopt the accreditation of grapevine diagnostic laboratories.

Judit Monis, Ph.D. provides specialized services to help growers, vineyard managers, and nursery personnel avoid the propagation and transmission of disease caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses in their vineyard blocks. Judit (based in California) is fluent in Spanish and is available to consult in all wine grape growing regions of the word. During the Coronavirus pandemic, you can also schedule virtual vineyard consultations. Please visit for information or contact juditmonis@ to request a consulting session.

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THE ARSENAL OF SCIENCE: Vineyards Require an Army of Protection from Disease, Fungi and Insect Pests

Making wine is a science like no other, a science that comes with the ominous responsibility to guard winery crops against disease and fungi. Left unchecked, these vineyard enemies can wreak havoc from grape to root.

Companies that know the science behind how disease and fungi infiltrate vineyards strive to offer the latest defenses that are both effective and environmentally friendly.

Among the industry leaders is BioSafe Systems, a family-owned company headquartered in Connecticut that has been in business for 25 years. BioSafe specializes in providing advanced scientific solutions that offer products that focus on everything from vineyard crop protection to winery sanitation. As the company’s name implies, BioSafe offers products built upon sustainable chemistries

for the agriculture industry and considers itself a branded leader in research, manufacturing and applications for this market. The aim is to stay ahead of diseases and fungi that endanger grape crops by constantly developing innovative formulas that offer sustainable ways to protect a winery’s investment.

Dr. Jodi Creasap Gee is a field research and development project manager for BioSafe Systems and has an extensive background in the science of how to protect vineyards from the destruction caused by disease and fungi. Dr. Creasap Gee also serves as a technical sales representative for the company’s northeastern division and assists growers in recognizing what they are battling and how best to do it using BioSafe Systems products.

“Pathogens consistently challenge vineyard managers across the United States, making quality

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fruit production a daunting task. Powdery mildew, downy mildew, Botrytis, black rot and Phomopsis are well-known troublemakers. Extra rain, sour rot and spotted wing drosophila (SWD) infestations are an unfortunate, yet not unrealistic, combination that can really burden your crop. Luckily, BioSafe Systems has several products that can be included in your regular spray program to keep clusters clean for harvest.

First and foremost, OxiDate® 5.0, our peroxyacetic acid product, packs the biggest punch with broad-spectrum activity on fungi and bacteria by destroying their cell walls. Disinfesting the surfaces of leaves and clusters with OxiDate 5.0, combined with a product with residual activity, can keep clusters clean and protected throughout the season.”

Dr. Creasap Gee points out how products from BioSafe Systems readily tackle diseases such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, sour rot and black rot. She adds that they can also accommodate a number of grape varieties.

“I’d like to note that OxiDate 5.0 can be used on concords and hybrid varieties with concord parentage that are sensitive to sulfur. Finally, OxiDate 5.0 leaves no residue on the leaves or clusters, so vines and clusters can be sprayed in the morning on the day of harvest without any residue concerns for processing.

Another material that controls powdery and downy mildews in vineyards is PerCarb®, sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate, which does have some residual activity. First, the hydrogen peroxide component damages pathogens’ cells on contact, leading to immediate cell death. The residual sodium carbonate prevents the development of fungal mycelium and spores for up to seven days post-application. Apply PerCarb early in the season to reduce fungal inoculum levels, then follow up with your regular fungicide program consistently. Rotating OxiDate 5.0 and PerCarb can keep vines and clusters clean throughout the season, especially during the immediate post-bloom timeframe.”

Biosafe Systems products also effectively ward off certain insects that can adversely affect vineyard health. Independent research, Dr. Creasap Gee says, shows that PAA products, such as Biosafe Systems’ Oxidate 5.0, can reduce populations of spotted wing drosophila by burning their eggs’

breathing tubes.

“Reducing desirable yeasts on the surface of the berries will deprive the spotted wing drosophila of their food source and prohibits the yeasts from breaking down the insecticide, increasing insecticide longevity.

For grape berry moth control, two of our materials have shown promising results: AzaGuard® and BT NOW®. AzaGuard, BioSafe’s azadirachtin product, is an insect growth inhibitor, meaning it prevents the larva from transitioning into the next stage, thus stopping the pest in its tracks. BT NOW disrupts caterpillar digestion when lepidoptera pests consume the Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki (Btk) bacteria in this product. This strain of bacteria contains ‘cry toxins’ that bind to specific receptors in the insect’s gut, paralyzing certain digestive functions, leading to insect death.”

The ravaging effects of insects on vineyards are the focus of Pacific Biocontrol Corporation. Based in Vancouver, Washington, the company has been in business for nearly 40 years. It touts itself as among the first in its industry to champion the science of manipulating naturally occurring chemicals known as pheromones. Pheromones are what insects use to mate.

The science behind the products of Pacific Biocontrol Corporation zeroes in on disrupting the mating process. As a result, the products prevent targeted insects from multiplying and taking over a vineyard. By increasing the use of its scientific formulas throughout the viticulture industry, PBC is working toward an end result to boost efficacy while at the same time decreasing costs to grape growers.

One of the experts at Pacific Biocontrol Corporation is Jeannine Lowrimore, a technical sales representative who has been with the company since 2014. Lowrimore has more than two decades of pheromone experience and a Bachelor of Science degree in entomology from UC Davis. Addressing customer needs, Lowrimore says, is a priority.

“Providing excellent customer service while connecting with my customers is a favorite part of my business.”

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Around The Vineyard

Pacific Biocontrol Corporation has a wide-ranging pheromone product portfolio designed to protect vineyards, fruit and nut orchards from pests. One of its products is ISOMATE® VMB, which Lowrimore says disrupts insect mating by saturating the field with a synthetic pheromone formulation. The treatment, she says, keeps males from finding females, which means less mating and fewer insect eggs. Repeating the process through a well-managed mating disruption program can result in a longterm population decline of that pest, a cost-savings to vineyards.

ISOMATE® VMB is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed and CCOF (California Certified Organic Farmers) approved. Lowrimore adds that products manufactured by Pacific Biocontrol Corporation are non-toxic and environmentally safe. When used as part of an integrated pest management program, ISOMATE® can control pest populations while conserving beneficial species.

Moving on, there is the family-owned Inland Desert Nursery in Washington for vineyards look-

ing to plant new vines. The nursery business is here to supply clean, healthy grapevines to vineyards across North America. The company touts an impressive 150-plus acres of newly planted and well-maintained WSDA Registered (Washington State Department of Agriculture) rootstock and scion mother blocks. Ryan Wells is sales director for the Inland Desert Nursery. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture from Washington State University and has some 25 years in the viticulture industry.

“Inland Desert Nursery is a certified grapevine nursery so our main crop is actually the cutting material during the dormant season. The cuttings are of higher quality and propagate much better when our grapevine canopy is managed during the growing season in a way that a typical grower would farm their vineyard to obtain the highest quality fruit possible.”

It is not only what Inland Desert Nursery provides but also how it protects its newly-planted cuttings from disease and fungi. Wells details what the company describes as an aggressive process.

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“We use a preventative spray program in our vineyards that consists of sulfur and fungicides. Powdery mildew is really the only disease pressure we have in Washington state. Botrytis and sour rot can sometimes be problems in certain years if we have significant rainfall after the onset of verasion. Our spray program is mainly for powdery mildew prevention and starts when shoot growth is around four to six inches in growth.

We pay close attention to the fungicide mode of action and rotate fungicides through the season to avoid disease resistance. Sulfur is added to our tank mixtures for every spray because sulfur is a very good mildew eradicant. The only time we do not include sulfur is if the weather is too hot (90+ Fahrenheit). Eastern Washington is a very dry, desert-like climate, and overall mildew pressure is usually much lower than in other growing regions.

In addition to our mildew preventative spray program, we also make sure the canopy is not too congested by doing shoot thinning in the early spring, ideally when shoot growth is between 10 to 12 inches long. Later in the season, we will also do some leaf removal if necessary to ‘open up’ the canopy. This allows for dappled sunlight on the fruit which increases overall fruit quality and further helps to prevent powdery mildew on the fruit clusters. We do leaf removal and stripping either by hand labor or with a machine. Growers in Washington typically only do leaf removal on the east side of vines, for rows running north and south, because there is too much risk of sunburn to the clusters if leaves are removed on the west side of canopy from the intense afternoon sun.”

Whether working with new or established vineyard plants, methods to protect against disease, fungi and insect pests are based on science. Experts in the industry can help growers know what works best for their plants and grapes.

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Crop Insurance is a Valuable Tool for Growers

Iam not sure how many of you made it to Unified in Sacramento this January. I did, it was my first time back since the pandemic. I had a good time catching up with friends and making new ones. The company was good and so was the wine.

If you had a chance to go to any the sessions you might have come across ones dealing with climate and weather conditions in the vineyard. I attended some of these and they were very informative. One was dealing with how to mitigate cold damage in grapevines. Another one talked about how to deal with drought in the vineyard. It is interesting how we adapt to the conditions around us and how we adapt those plants and animals we have domesticated.

One thing I have learned over the years is that, things do not stay the same. Change is inevitable. This is especially true in farming. You cannot expect to have the same growing conditions every year nor can you expect have the “right” crop every year. Times change and so do tastes and desires in food and wine. I know of plenty of vineyards that have pulled out one variety and planted another as trends changed. As a grower you have to mitigate these risks and stay relevant.

Growers that adapt and learn new techniques are able to get by in tough times. Things are not getting easier; input costs are still extremely high compared to years past. Water regulations in some states are problematic. And climate and weather

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factors make it difficult, to say the least. Grape crop insurance can be a useful tool to help you continue making a living.

With all that being said I have heard growers say that they can’t afford crop insurance. With margins getting tighter, crop insurance is a tool, in my opinion, that you should not forego. In the sessions I went to they discussed methods of handling the vineyard to mitigate damage. But what about those instances when you don’t make a crop or do not make much of one? This is when crop insurance is important. If you don’t have money to grow a crop the following year, you are out of business.

Crop insurance is designed to help a grower get enough money to be able to produce a crop the following year. It is not set up to replace profits lost. I have had winery owners complain to me that it doesn’t cover the cost of how much their wine is worth. While I can totally understand this, it is the growing costs that are being insured against. Crop insurance does not cover the production costs of making wine or juice etc.

Here are the Causes of Loss for Grapes out of a National Fact Sheet from the USDA:

Causes of Loss

You are protected against the following:

• Adverse weather conditions, including natural perils such as hail, frost, freeze, wind, drought, and excess precipitation.

• Earthquake

• Failure of the irrigation water supply, if caused by an insured peril during the insurance period.

• Fire

• Insects and plant disease, except for insufficient or improper application of pest or disease control measures.

• Wildlife or

• Volcanic eruption

Additionally, we will not insure against:

• Phylloxera, regardless of cause; or

• Inability to market the grapes for any reason other than actual physical damage for an insurable cause of loss.

Risks are different depending on growing regions throughout the US. Regional issues play a large part in decisions on whether or not crop insurance

Around The Vineyard

is right for you. And then how much coverage is needed for the risks involved in making a profitable crop. Are you concerned with late frost or freezes? Have there been issues with wildfires? Do you have a wildlife problem in certain areas of your vineyard?

Grape crop insurance is an Actual Production History (APH) policy. This means it uses the vineyard’s historical production per variety to determine how much is covered. Basically, you are covering an average of your tons per variety. Since crop insurance is subsidized the insurable varieties, prices per ton, premiums are set by the USDA. This also means that there is no difference from one insurance company to the next. Essentially you are insuring your future crop not your vines.

You can cover your historical production from 50% to 85% in 5% increments. You cannot cover 100% of your production. Because of this there is a built in “deductible”. For example, if you chose to cover 75% of your production then you would have a 25% production deductible. If your average is 5 tons per acre, at 75% you would be covered for 3.75 tons per acre. Your deductible would be 1.25. If you harvest less than 3.75 tons per acre you would have a payable loss.

The states where grape crop insurance is available are Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Washington. Grape Crop insurance is not available in all counties in the above states though.

Crop insurance premiums are partially subsidized through the USDA Risk Management Agency. Take advantage of this valuable tool to keep yourself in business.

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Hidden Vineyards Around the Globe

s we cycle into another year, we often think about the year we just endured, years past and what may be in the future. The notion of “Are you living your life?” has a strong presence during this introspective time. Also, are you holding yourself back? Are you living a life full of moments you can look back at and cherish? Travel is a wonderful way to experience life. It is during our travels that we collect enriching moments. If you are fortunate enough to travel, you understand the value of experiencing a new place. Is it too late to explore? Never! There are hidden vineyards around the globe waiting to enchant you. Viticulture is more than just a beautiful bottle of wine. It is an opportunity for you to explore, to see all that this life can be. There is something still waiting for you to uncover. Perhaps in the coming year, you will find yourself in a land unknown at one of these hidden vineyards, capturing a moment of a lifetime.


franc, merlot and sauvignon blanc. Many wineries offer an opportunity for wine tasting so that you can experience quite a few wines from different vineyards. Who would have thought that a northern Napa Valley-like place exists so close to chaos? Few, unless you are a viticulture expert, and so a visit to one of these wineries is a wonderful opportunity.

Dorothy realized on the Yellow Brick Road that there is “no place like home.” Sometimes that hidden gem is closer than one believes. There could be a beautiful vineyard in North America you have yet to discover. Other times, we must push our limits, dive into the unknown and travel to foreign lands where unseen vineyards thrive. The world of viticulture is as complex as the vines that grow. It gives as much to life as it is given. More importantly, it is the hands that toil the land. It is the winemakers who should be revered.

Hidden in New York

Many people forget that New York is more than Time Square or the Statue of Liberty. Indeed, New York is a city that never sleeps at night, has Broadway shows and is filled with people rushing to catch a train somewhere. If you are visiting this state, you should consider escaping the theatrical atmosphere of the city and escaping to North Fork, New York. Just east of Manhattan, North Fork is situated on the North Shore of Long Island. This picturesque breath of fresh air is home to 36 wineries, plush apple orchards and potato farms. Here you can sip on a premium selection of wines, cabernet

In 1985, North Fork of Long Island AVA was created to preserve and continue this growing wine community. This is an important tourism infrastructure that allows this shoreside’s economy to thrive. There are many worthwhile vineyards to visit here, most notably Kontokosta Winery. It is the stunning views from this vineyard that give you a breathtaking glimpse of Long Island Sound. It is easy to feel like you have found yourself in a world that seems to exist on its own as you stroll this vineyard or find yourself taking in the expansive views while sitting on the beautiful terrace. This family-owned farm/ vineyard is known for its award-winning wines. Its 2019 Sauvignon Blanc won GOLD at the San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition, and its 2018 Anemometer White also won GOLD in 2021 at the same competition. They have continued to impress, which is apparent with the numerous awards they have been awarded. The family commitment to sustainability and being hands-on during every stage of the process gives way to exceptional vintages.

Small but Mighty Moldova

This is one of the unlikely places in the world where you would look for good wine, let alone rare or exquisite wine. Moldova is not a country many think of when considering vineyards or wine regions. As they say, gems are only found by those who seek them. Here, there are indeed decadent red and white wines and vineyards that carry stories of the past. The beauty of wine is that you learn more than just about wine. You learn that winemaking and its production hold different meanings in the country and region of origin.

(Continued on Page 64)

International News
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The Grapevine • March - April 2023 877-892-5332 Page 63 Resource Directory Advertiser Index A-1 Mist Sprayers ................................................. 38 A-B-C Packaging Machine Corp ........................... 7 Agricultural Risk Mgmt LLC ................................. 59 American Society for Enology & Viticulture ......... 27 Avian Enterprises, LLC .......................................... 57 B.D.I. Screen Manufacturer .................................. 12 Baicor .................................................................... 47 BDI Machinery Sales Inc. ..................................... 37 BioSafe Systems ................................................... CS Bishamon Industries Corp. ...................................BC Gearmore ............................................................... 1 Global Ag Co .......................................................... 35 Guillaume Grapevine Nursery .............................. 43 H&M Gopher Control ............................................. 59 Harvest Hosts ........................................................ 33 Inland Desert Nursery........................................... 48 Jacto Inc ............................................................... 40 Judit Monis, Ph.D. ................................................. 52 KCI Manufacturing ............................................... IBC Mettler Toledo ...................................................... IFC Miller Chemical & Fertilizer ................................... 4 Morton Buildings .................................................. 13 Northeastern Vine Supply ..................................... 43 Olde Tradition Spice .............................................. 23 Onguard LLC ......................................................... 21 Pacific Biocontrol .................................................. 3 Prospero Equipment Co ........................................ 11 Quality Mfg & Distributing/Burrow Rx ................. 58 Shelco Filters ........................................................ 12 Specialty Treatment Solutions ............................. 17 Superior Fruit Grower ........................................... 44 T.G. Schmeiser Co. ................................................ 39 Tillage Management, Inc ...................................... 39 Trident Enterprises ............................................... 54 Tye-All Vineyard Products .................................... 44 Unitech Scientific.................................................. 15 VinNOW .................................................................. 7 Vinteractive ........................................................... 33 Vintner Vault ......................................................... 27 WineGlass Marketing ........................................... 27 Winemaking Consultant ....................................... 15 Wonderful Nurseries ............................................. 53 Woodruff Communications, Inc ............................ 51 WSET ..................................................................... 52

(Continued From Page 62)

Winemaking in Moldova has ancient roots from the Neolithic Period. As with many wine regions, the art of winemaking came from settlers to the land who brought with them their winemaking skills. First, settlers from Greece came with the asset of fermentation and, later the Romans’ winemaking expertise. The business of making wine and turning vineyards into a profit-turning endeavor began in the Middle Ages with senior Moldovan servants. Like many alcoholic beverages, only those of high standing or prestige in society were privy to the best bottles made.

Moldovan vineyards are in Balti, Valul lui Traian, Codru and Stefan Voda. A vineyard considered a hidden gem is the award-winning Purcari winery, established in 1827. The favorable weather conditions in this wine region have been likened to the Bordeaux region. Both the climate and rubidium-rich soil carry similarities, leading many to conclude why the French began cultivating wine in this region. When Russian Emperor Nicholas I awarded the Pucari winery the prestigious honor of the exclusive winery in Bessarabia, it was a great shift that allowed this winery and its wines to be experienced abroad. In 1878, the Negru de Purcari won gold at the Paris World Expo. Today, this winery is thriving, and its wines are exported to over 25 markets. Yes, you can find a bottle of their high-quality wines if you live in one of the markets. But a visit to this winery situated in scenery will take you back in time and take your breath away. It is truly remarkable and a trip worth taking. Pucari is more than just a winery; it is also a hotel, so wine revelers can stay on the estate to get the essence of the old world while dining on local dishes with wine made on the estate.

Swiss Chocolate and Wine

The Swiss are famous for their decadent chocolates. Chocolate and wine are a divine pairing. So, how does wine in Switzerland measure up? For those who have tried delicately churned smooth and buttery Swiss-made chocolates, you know that the standard for making good chocolate is beyond great; it is superb. The same sentiment extends to wine which has a long history dating back to the Roman Empire. Wine in Switzerland is predominantly produced by vineyards situated in the west and south. Red grape varieties grow quite robustly in this wine region, with approximately 57 percent

grown. The remaining percentage is white grape varieties. As with chocolate, wine is steeped in traditions past. These traditions still carry the foundation of how Swiss winemakers make wine.

Knowing that Switzerland has six wine regions to explore is a bit daunting. All vineyards in this picturesque country are worth visiting, but notably, the Lavaux region, which is nestled between the Alps and Geneva. The Domaine Croix Duplex vineyard, established in 1929, might make you want to pack your bags and move to this beautiful country. If you could imagine a paintbrush in motion, this is what you will experience if you visit this vineyard. It sits in a backdrop that makes one feel like they are living art in real time. At this family-owned estate, you can try a selection of pinot noir, one of the most common grape varieties grown in Switzerland. They also have an excellent selection of the second most grown grape, white Chasselas. Swiss winemakers are also heralded for their uncanny approach to making exclusive wines made with grapes only found in this region. Most vineyards will have a selection of specialty wines. Domaine Croix Duplex has a specialty wine called Grappa de Fleurettes. What makes this wine unique is not just the grapes. It is the process of de-stemming the grapes and gently bursting the berry so the aromatic essence is still present after the wine has been fermented and distilled. This is a sublime experience during a tasting. Add a decadent piece of Swiss chocolate, and it is pure bliss.

Viticulture allows traditions to transcend time. Where there is wine, there is history. Alas, one must not forget the foundations that were built before them. Everything that we experience today was once a dream. Every wine bottle uncorked belongs to the past as much as it does to the present moment. These vineyards are not just needed to fill your glass but to show us that growth is challenging, but with effort, it can yield spell-bounding results. When you travel abroad, escape to a hidden winery. Meet the people, learn from them and become the ultimate student of life.

International News
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Bricker Group, LLC

1409 13th Street North

Humboldt, IA 50548

Phone: 515-604-6410



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