Newfoundland and Labrador March, 2023, Innovation News

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Natural Maker Symposium

The first Atlantic Bilingual Eco-citizenship Education Symposium offered by the Natural Maker Network and its partners will be held at the Université de Moncton, Moncton campus, on August 23 and 24, 2023 This symposium for and by teachers offers free pre-registration for teachers who wish to share pedagogical expertise related to teaching in, with and for nature, indigenous knowledge, ecocitizenship initiatives, sustainable innovation, ecological entrepreneurship and social leadership

To register contact:

Ocean Tech Challenge

As one of the largest industries in Atlantic Canada, Ocean Tech needs to grow a talent pipeline to train and retain skilled youth in the Atlantic region, while raising awareness about the opportunities here within our region to attract and recruit international talent in support of sustainable ocean practices and responsible and innovative blue economy solutions

Register Here

SAVE THE DATE: MAY 11th: École Le Mascaret Moncton NB

This is the year of Brilliance! The greatest showcase of innovation and creativity is coming to you in May in the Greater Moncton area The event will be showcasing projects from the 4 Atlantic provinces where makers from community, industry and schools all come together to share the stories of their creations These stories include the tools they used and the materials they manipulated to create their masterpieces In the Atlantic Provinces, we are fortunate to have young makers who have access to exciting new technologies This, combined with a strong sense of perseverance and entrepreneurship, sets the stage for a celebration not to be missed.

Learn more here

To find out how you and your students can attend email:

BRILLIANT LABS Brilliant Labs Magazine J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 3 M A K E R N E W S B Y B R I L L I A N T L A B S
Each season we offer a more in-depth look at the innovations within our communities and around us Success stories of our students, interesting innovation ideas, and project ideas you could use in your classroom Nominate a Teacher for TAKE Five, a regular article, to highlight a champion teacher Read BL Magazine here!

More Upcoming Events


Teaching and Learning

A 3-day learning adventure for teachers worldwide

Brilliant Teaching and Learning is a global STEAM workshop that provides professional development for educators Hosted by Brilliant Labs, a non-profit organization in Atlantic Canada, the workshop brings new ways to teach and learn with innovative technologies

We invite experts from diverse disciplines to provide a meaningful experience for participants that can help them bring a positive change in students' lives Focusing on both theory and practice, we will co-design quality learning experiences through handson, minds-on and hearts-on sessions

Learn More Here

Register Here

Monthly Coding Challenges

We have great multi level monthly coding challenges available here for your students to learn code through fun activities See here

Afterschool Programs

Join us for any of our virtual and in person afterschool programs across Atlantic Canada More information here

March Break Camps

Join us in person for our March Break Camps of 2023 To learn more reach out to

Adopt a School

If you are interested in having a BL team member work out of your MakerSpace on a monthly basis, reach out to info@brilliantlabs ca and we will put you in touch with a Program Specialist in your area.

You can make a big difference today by donating to Brilliant Labs to support youth education and empowerment in Atlantic Canada!

Innovative Fashion

Join us in this challenge to discover many ways to innovate fashion We will introduce ways to make fashion projects with responsive materials that augmen the sensory and functional capabilities of the bodies. Design actuated garments and accessories that change form Combine craft and tech and create textiles with new behaviors Discover e-textiles, biofabrication, hybrid-body craft and more to reframe the fashion industry, making it more creative, more ethical and more conscious Register here

Inspiration Makers

This year Brilliant Labs is looking for those teachers who inspire others to be their best and who are taking chances to try new things to educate students We're pleased to share this Newfoundland and Labrador's "Inspiration Maker!"



Krista Goulding has been a teacher and administrator with the Newfoundland Labrador English School District for 18 years

Throughout her career, her focus has been to deliver meaningful and impactful lessons and experiences to her students Leveraging digital technology has become a driving force and mechanism to help empower student voice The makerspace at Bishop Feild Elementary is a place of expression, creativity and deep learning

Students are empowered to demonstrate achievement of their understanding and course learning goals through choice.

Project Highlight

Bishop Feild Elementary is a school in the downtown area of St John's, NL The Irish and English influence in the historic St John's area is evident as it is the oldest English-founded city in North America. Many of the buildings are designated heritage sites and Bishop Feild Elementary is the oldest school building in NL, having been founded in 1844 Ms Krista Goulding took advantage of the location of the school and, along with the Grade 6 students, took a walking tour of the downtown area to take photos and videos of the historic buildings for maker inspiration The students chose one of the buildings to create in their school makerspace using techniques and tools of their choice including clay, cardboard paper, 3D printing, Minecraft and more!

Twitter: @BishopFeild

M A K E R N E W S B Y B R I L L I A N T L A B S M A R C H 2 0 2 3
Photo taken at Clair2023 where the students at Centre d'Apprentissage du HautMadawaska showcased their innovative fashion project

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