POLICE, CRIME & ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR UPDATE 1st - 15th September CRIME OVERVIEW Crime remains constant in most categories. There continues to be concern regarding theft of pedal cycles with 36 offences; a large proportion of these were from staff at the BRI. We are working with the hospital management teams who have put in additional security which has reduced offences to zero. Please pay attention to the security of staff or public cycle stores you provide. If you would like advice on increasing security, please contact your Beat Team. There has been an increase in assaults with the majority linked to the night time economy, however, three are
linked to youths gathering around Wapping Wharf and the amphitheatre. There have been four thefts of or from hand bags
CYCLE-BASED ASB Over recent months, there has been an increase in cycle-based anti-social behaviour (ASB) across the city centre. A large group of youths have been riding bikes through the city, pulling wheelies into oncoming traffic, cycling dangerously, being verbally abusive, and failing to comply with traffic law. At times, there have been as many as 200 youths on bicycles. We are in the process of identifying and disrupting the members of the group who
have now started to refer to themselves as the ‘Wheelie Boyz’. We have requested our police bicycle team to assist and work with the local Beat Team to deal with the group positively and effectively. The police are looking to implement ASB legislation and to seize some of their bikes as required, as well as working with schools to educate them of the dangers this activity can bring.
which may be linked a prolific offender responsible for previous spate of offending who has recently been released from custody.
ASB LEGISLATION & HOW YOU CAN HELP Kelly Parsons is our Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator and is responsible for applying for a wide range of orders that assist the
police with managing and controlling behaviour in the city centre. This is a key part of how we reduce the harm caused directly to you and your business. The orders range from LowLevel Good Behaviour Contracts through to Criminal Behaviour Orders that are punishable by 6-month imprisonment. During August, Kelly has applied for 14
orders and carried out two closure notices on properties, all with the aim of reducing the harm caused by the location or individual. To keep resolving these issues, we need your help. If you have experienced ASB or a crime of any kind, please contact Gareth Ayers or input the information on the DiSC system.
Bristol University will be welcoming new students in a staggered approach this year, with new students arriving between the 18th of September and 5th of October across the city. This will limit the number of students arriving at any one time and will allow for social distancing whilst students move into their accommodation.
For the last two weeks, Gareth Ayers, the City Centre BID Police Officer, has focussed his work on engagement with levy-paying businesses alongside his regular patrols. Through this engagement, Gareth promotes the DiSC system which heavily relies on the input from it’s users. He also gauges how the city is currently working to allow planning of any subsequent crime reduction plans or problem solving initiatives.
Students in university accommodation will be placed in ‘living circles’, the size of which will depend on the type of accommodation. Students must adhere to social distancing guidelines with anyone not in their living circle. All students will be expected to adhere to the University’s COVID-19 Behavioural Policy. Learning at the University this academic year will be a blend of online lectures
and small group teaching. Social distancing measures will be in place for any face-to-face teaching. Enhanced hygiene measures will be in place across the University including hand sanitizer at the entry of all buildings and enhanced cleaning of buildings. All spaces have also been adapted to make them COVID-19 Secure.
If you would like a visit from Gareth, please email gareth.ayers@ avonandsomerset.police.uk or police@citycentrebid.co.uk.