Police Activity Newsletter - Issue 12

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POLICE, CRIME & ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR UPDATE 29th September - 13th October CRIME OVERVIEW There have been 244 crimes recorded across the city centre over the last two weeks. This figure remains 100 crimes less than the same period in 2019. Shop Theft has seen a notable increase across Broadmead. As it is considered under-reported, the local Beat Team continues to encourage retailers to report any theft to the police and on the DiSC system as quickly as possible. Bicycle Theft levels remain high with 37 reports over the last two weeks.

PROTECTING YOUR BIKE FROM THEFT The number of people taking up cycling during the lockdown period has increased, along with a rise in national cycle theft. Cycle theft can have a severe impact on

people’s lives, and if a bike is stolen there is a 20% chance the victim will not replace it, losing their mode of transport and exercise, as well as losing access to local communities and services. To prevent this, the police are encouraging anyone with a bicycle to lock it to an immovable object with an approved lock and to register it with the policeapproved bike registering system, BikeRegister. The Bristol City Centre BID funded Police Officer, Gareth Ayers, is now fully trained in this free national bicycle marking & registration scheme.

Gareth marks your bike with a security sticker and registers you to the police-approved database. A sticker also goes onto your bike’s frame to warn thieves that you use BikeRegister. You can alert the database if your bike is stolen and if found by the police, it enables them to return it to you quickly and efficiently. This free and simple system has been reported to reduce theft by up to 75%. This service is available to all Bristol City Centre BID levy payers. To get your bike marked and registered, please contact police@bristolcitycentrebid. co.uk.

WELCOME TO THE TEAM The police are pleased to welcome Freya Brice, the new Police Community Support Officer, to the team.

Freya and Casie are already out engaging with the local community, offering advice or signposting individuals to help.

Working from the Bridewell Police Station, Freya’s focus will be the Broadmead area working alongside Casie Dixon, a Beat Officer based in the Old City Docks. Having finished their training in late September, both

They are looking forward to building strong relationships within the community, offering an approachable and friendly face to city centre businesses and members of the public.



Avon and Somerset Crime Reduction advisers, also known as Designing out Crime Officers (DOCO’s), are a resource available to the business community to assist in the following ways:

As per Government Guidelines, all licensed premises must close at 10pm. This is a challenge for many business in the city centre, particularly for the night time economy, as well as for the police. Over the past few weeks, we have seen reports of large gatherings in some public open spaces during the evenings and following the 10pm closing time, with people drinking alcohol in the street and often causing anti-social behaviour. In response, the police have bolstered resources, bringing night shift officers in early to increase police visibility around 10pm, particularly on Friday and Saturday nights, and increased targeted patrols from local neighbourhood officers and the Licensing team. Where appropriate and necessary, dispersal powers have and will be used to ensure people move on from busy areas to maintain public safety. For extra support and advice, please contact PC Gareth Ayers on police@ bristolcitycentrebid.co.uk.

• Updating, installing or giving advice on the effectiveness of a CCTV system • Best practise on securing your premises • Installing alarms or access control measures to increase safety • Any issues relating to antisocial behaviour and criminal damage that have detrimental effect on your business • Physical measures to deter unwanted activity These are just a few of the areas in which the DOCO’s are fully trained and can offer advice and guidance on.

If you would like more information, please contact the team on crimereductionbristol@ avonandsomerset.police.uk. Click here for useful guidance and advice for the business community.

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