POLICE, CRIME & ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR UPDATE 8th - 22nd December CRIME OVERVIEW There have been 163 crimes reported in the last two weeks across Bristol city centre. Shop theft has the highest volume of crimes with 33 offences recorded. Two males were recently arrested in relation to 11 of the theft offences and have been remanded into custody until their next court hearing. We are continuing to conduct both uniform and plain-clothed patrols in an attempt to reduce the amount of crimes. There have been a number of sheds and bike stores broken into over the last
two weeks with 12 burglary offences reported. The Bristol City Centre BID funded Police Officer, Gareth, has access to bike marking kits which are proven to reduce
cycle theft. If you would like your bike marked, please contact gareth.ayers@avonandsomerset. police.uk.
CHANGES TO THE TIER SYSTEM We live in unsettling times and this week is no different. We have experienced changes to our local Tier (now Tier 2) and have had our Christmas plans impacted by decisions intended to keep everyone safe.
is here to help support and guide and we have access to many experts in terms of Retail, Licensing Hospitality and Night Time Economy that are more than happy to go through legislation with anyone that has questions.
With the changes can come uncertainty as a business owner in terms of what you can and cannot do, along with what the consequences of getting it wrong are. Please be assured that your Neighbourhood Policing
If you are concerned or have queries regarding the Tiering system, please contact gareth. ayers@avonandsomerset.police.uk who will put you in touch with the right person for the best support.
WHEELIE BOYZ ASB Throughout this year there have been numerous reports of dangerous cycling and associated anti-social behaviour from a large group of young people who gather and cycle around the city centre en masse. The group are known as the ‘Wheelie Boyz’ and have attracted a large following on various social media platforms. What can initially be deemed innocent fun has escalated and on occasions the groups have numbered well over 100 people and created significant disruption and danger to other road users. Offences committed by the group have included dangerous cycling and public order including
threatening behaviour and using abusive language. Steps are now being taken to identify ringleaders and take action to stop the negative impacts being created. This is deemed necessary to keep people safe and we are keen to encouraged the reporting of any incidents where the group commit offences or create negative impacts around the City. The information provided will assist the police in reducing risks associated with this behaviour. Where necessary the police will use dispersal powers to require the group to leave the City centre and legislation also allows for the seizure of their bikes.
MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM PC KEENAN I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone within the BID areas a Merry Christmas and hope that everyone stays safe and well during the holidays. I have had an early Christmas present myself as I have officially passed my Sergeant promotion board. This means that I will be staying at Bridewell Police Station and continuing to look after Broadmead, Harbourside and Stokes Croft Beats.
PS Chris Starr has now left and will be replaced by a new Sergeant in January called Danielle Hardaway who is joining the team from South Bristol.
Danielle brings a great deal of I have been in the role for one year policing experience to the team already as a Temporary Sergeant and we are looking forward to her but am excited that I am able to starting to complement the team. stay as a fully substantial Sergeant.
There has been no year like this and as we approach Christmas and New year the finale seems to be shifting further away. Many people have been working from home or with significantly less colleagues throughout the year. We are social creatures and thrive upon interaction created by the office environment. Some of us may be suffering with loneliness, anxiety or stress for the first time. A simple phone call, Zoom, Facetime Whatsapp, or whatever platform you choose, could make someone’s day. Taking care of your wellbeing has never been more important and that small contact can make a massive difference. So pick up your mobile, phone or tablet and share some Christmas cheer.