Police Activity Newsletter - Issue 20

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POLICE, CRIME & ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR UPDATE 3 - 17 February 2021 CRIME OVERVIEW There were 100 crimes committed from the 3rd to the 10th of February. This is 31 less than the last period and is the lowest since this newsletter series began. In the last two weeks, the Old City has had 42 crimes reported, 36 reported in Bristol Shopping Quarter and 22 on the Harbourside. There have also been 57 anti-social behaviour (ASB) nuisance reports generated across the city centre during this time, with the majority in and around the Old City area. We are seeing increased calls in relation

to skateboarders in the area exercising in large groups, gathering, drinking alcohol and breaching Covid 19 legislation. We are working closely with the Coronavirus Enforcement Team

to resolve this and have successfully moved on several groups, stop-searched nine people and arrested 10 individuals.

TACKLING PROLIFIC BEGGING A prolific beggar who has been offered help and support on multiple occasions to change his lifestyle has recently been issued a Criminal Behaviour Order by Bristol Magistrates Court following work by the local policing team. Paul Nicholas has been banned from putting himself in a position to beg in any place across Bristol with his conditions also applying anywhere in the UK. The Streetwise Team worked closely with the council offering every opportunity for support and

help to stop Mr Nicholas begging, however, he chose to refuse to engage with these services. As a result, following several reports from businesses and members of the public over a sustained period of time, this was the only option to stop him begging. If Mr Nicholas is seen begging, please report this through to the Bristol City Centre BID Police Officer by emailing gareth@ bristolcitycentrebid.co.uk.

SPICE IN THE CITY CENTRE Drug dealing of the synthetic Class B drug, Spice, has reduced over the last few months in Bristol Shopping Quarter following work by the local teams and Operation Remedy. Unfortunately, this activity has now migrated out to other areas in the city centre, including Stokes Croft and St Pauls. Last week the local team arrested a suspected Spice dealer in Stokes Croft and located a significant quality of Spice in large bags ready for distribution across the city centre. A large quantity

of cash, scales and mobile phones was also located. It is suspected that the male arrested was a supplier to the street level dealers in the area. We are continuing our investigation and hope to charge the male with possession with intent to supply, as well as confiscating the cash under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Following this arrest, there is a noticeable shortage of the drug in Bristol City Centre with several drug users stating that they are unable to obtain any due to the seizure.



In the past week, the Bridewell police teams have been working together on a proactive week of action. This involves officers changing shifts to work alongside each other to tackle crime as one collective team.

A prolific retail thief was issued a Criminal Behaviour Order for three years for sustained thefts over a long period of time. Errol Miller was given the order at Bristol magistrates court which prevents him from entering Bristol Shopping Quarter and Cabot Circus, and any shop he has previously been banned from. The local team arrested Mr Miller in November following a plain-clothed operation where he was observed stealing a number of items of clothing from H&M in Cabot Circus. He was detained by police outside the store and the property was recovered. As a result of this incident, the CBO was granted. This was a good result and should prevent a number of future offences.

The week of action has been a real success and has built on previous weeks of successful results. The activity saw officers arresting two males who tried to force their way into a property with tools on their persons. Both males were remanded in custody to appear in court. Four people were also arrested on a warrant for failing to appear at court, one person was arrested for breaching their Criminal Behaviour Order, three people were arrested for possessing Class A and B drugs with intent to supply and another male was positively dealt with for

possession of class B drugs. This work was supported by several stop-searches conducted in the city centre which continues to help disrupt criminality in the area with a view of making Bristol city centre a safer place for people to visit, live, work and spend leisure time.

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