The British Larder cocoa and hazelnut macaroon recipe card

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Cocoa and Hazelnut Macaroons

The British Larder Recipe Collection


Cocoa and Hazelnut Macaroons By Madalene Bonvini-Hamel | Makes approximately 40 pieces 230g icing sugar 20g plain flour 125g ground almonds 25g cocoa powder 125g free-range egg whites

120g caster sugar50g toasted hazelnuts, chopped 100g 70% dark chocolate 100ml double cream gold edible spray

Preheat the oven to 140째C and prepare three baking trays with silpats or parchment paper. Sieve the icing sugar, flour, cocoa powder and almonds using a drum sieve, set aside. Melt the caster sugar with one-tablespoon water in a small saucepan over medium heat in the mean time place the egg whites in the mixing bowl of a mixer with balloon whisk. Start to whisk the whites when the sugar syrup temperature reaches 80째C and take the sugar syrup to 102째C. Carefully pour the sugar syrup over the whisking egg whites, increase the speed and whip the meringue until soft peaks. Fold the sieved dry ingredients into the meringue. Transfer the mix to a piping bag fitted with a plain small nozzle. Pipe 10 pence even size macaroons on the prepared trays leaving large enough gaps between each. Leave to rest for 10 minutes and then bake the macaroons for 12 -14 minutes in the preheated oven. Leave to cool. Make the ganache, bring the cream to the boil in a small saucepan, remove from the heat and whisk in the chopped chocolate, mix well chill until spreadable consistency. Sandwich the macaroons together with the spreadable ganache and sprinkle chopped roasted hazelnuts inside, spray the outside with the edible gold and finely grate over hazelnut to stick to the tops. Serve.

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