The British Larder vanilla ice cream recipe card

Page 1 The British Larder Professional Kitchen Tool Recipe Collection Pacojet | Thermomix


Vanilla Ice Cream -

The British Larder Professional Kitchen Tool Recipe Collection Pacojet | Thermomix

Vanilla Ice Cream By Madalene Bonvini-Hamel | Fills 3 beakers |Cooking time 15 minutes | Freeze 24 hours

375g caster sugar 18 large free-range egg yolks 1050ml Semi-Skimmed Milk 2 vanilla pods 450ml double cream Weigh the sugar, eggs, milk and scraped seeds from vanilla pods into Thermomix jug, blend for 30 seconds on full speed. Insert butterfly whisk; set the timer for 15 minutes, 80째C, speed 4. Remove the whisk; add the cream and blend for 10 seconds on high speed. Pass directly into three pacojet beakers and chill over ice. Freeze 24 hours to -22째C. Churn required portions at a time.

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