The British Larder Hazel nut ice cream recipe card

Page 1 The British Larder Professional Kitchen Tool Recipe Collection Pacojet | Thermomix


Roasted Hazelnut Ice Cream -

The British Larder Professional Kitchen Tool Recipe Collection Pacojet | Thermomix

Roasted Hazelnut Ice Cream By Madalene Bonvini-Hamel | Fills 2 beakers |Cooking time 25 minutes | Freeze 24 hours

100g hazel nuts 250g caster sugar 900ml Semi-Skimmed Milk 12 large free range egg yolks 100ml double cream

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the hazelnuts on a roasting tray and roast for 8 – 10 minutes until dark roasted but not burnt. Stir twice during roasting time and check if the roasting time needs to be reduced. Leave to cool for 20 minutes. Transfer the warm nuts and sugar to Thermomix jug, blend for 30 seconds on full speed. Add the milk and egg yolks, insert butterfly whisk, set the timer for 12 minutes, 80°C, speed 4. Remove the whisk; add the cream and blend for 10 seconds on high speed. Pour directly into pacojet beakers and chill over ice. Freeze 24 hours to -22°C. Churn required portions at a time.

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