Minera Boroo Misquichilca is the Asian mining company’s first venture into Latin America. Its know-how has enabled Laguna Norte to increase its production in gold and other minerals Produced by Jassen Pintado Intervewee Jaime Zúñiga Ide, General Manager for Minera Boroo Misquichilca
Minera Boroo Misquichilca
oroo is a multicultural
Boroo Misquichilca as a legal entity. The operation is focused on
company operating long-term value generation for its in Central Asia and
stakeholders, besides taking part
South America,
in the sustainable development of
it was previously
its strategic partners, such as the
known as the
company’s personnel, contributing
OZD Asia Pte Ltd. holding. It’s main
companies and the communities
activity is the acquisition, development where the mining company operates. and operation of gold producing Another key factor in Minera Boroo properties, worldwide. Boroo is result-centered and
Misquichilca is staff management. The company relies on development
employee-oriented. The company’s
programs to detect and develop those
portfolio is made up of important
with a future in leadership roles.
assets, globally, some well into
“I’ve been able to confirm that every
production processes and others in an successful company is based on staff exploration phase.
management,” said Jaime Zúñiga Ide, General Manager of Minera Boroo
Venturing into Latin America via Lagunas Norte, in Peru Boroo acquired the Lagunas Norte mining unit and its projects in the Peru Northern Sierra, becoming Minera
Knowledgeable leadership with multicultural experience Zuñiga graduated as a Chemical
I have big ambitions and plans for Minera Boroo Misquichilca,
such as turning our business into a world class company
- Jaime Zúñiga Ide, General Manager for Lagunas Norte - Minera Boroo Misquichilca w w w.e s .the b os tonb
Minera Boroo Misquichilca
Engineer at the Federico Santa María Technical University (in Chile). His apprenticeship included different
A productive past precedes a brilliant future When Boroo acquired Lagunas
leadership-related subjects, including
Norte, the mine was in a care
an MBA from the Adolfo Ibáñez
and maintenance stage with gold
University (Chile) and the Tsinghua
and silver production through
University School of Economics and
secondary leaching.
Management (China), as well as the
The mine, which has a positive
Management Development Program
reputation in gold production, is
at the University of Miami Patti and
destined to become a world class
Allan Herbert Business School.
operation, and, once being part of
Zúñiga’s working experience has
Boroo, the company’s goal is to
taken place all over the continent,
value the current high mining
as his career has led him to Chile,
potential, from which significant
his home country, and also Brazil,
growth could be achieved.
the Dominican Republic, Peru, and
Beyond the current state of
the US, gathering a multicultural
care and maintenance Lagunas
understanding which has proved to be
Norte is undergoing, production
useful, businesswise.
continues through secondary
“I have big ambitions and plans for Minera Boroo Misquichilca, such as turning our business into a world class company,” Zúñiga explained.
leaching, resulting in doré bars -a mixture of gold and silver-. “In parallel, we are working on projects to optimize and value more
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We are the first occupational health center in the region of La Libertad (Peru), to achieve 3 ISO standards. Authorized by DIGESA, we provide occupational health assessments, Covid -19 testing and risk monitoring, performed by our staff of physicians and specialists under high quality standards.
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Minera Boroo Misquichilca
mineral resources within the mining unit,” the executive added.
Strategic alignment of suppliers Minera Boroo Misquichilca relies on local sourcing. The company is
Experience in value generation
committed to the development of local
Boroo’s work stands out for its
businesses, contributing not only to
success after acquiring mines in
the development of their leadership
care and maintenance status, and
abilities, but also to help them
afterwards extending their useful
increase their clientele and the number
life, adding value to these assets by
of different industries they serve, thus
optimizing mineral resources, capital
becoming sustainable businesses.
investments and human resources. Among other traits, Boroo operates with efficiency, innovation, operational
Suppliers must align with Minera Boroo Misquichilca’s three fundamental principles:
excellence, disciplined allocation of capital, environmental and social
• People’s safety
management, as well as responsible
• Care for the environment
governance, as well as a working
• Working along surrounding
environment in which personnel
have easy access to learn new skills, knowledge and gather the necessary experience to prosper.
“All of our suppliers are important and we consider them strategic
We are working on projects to optimize and value more mineral resources
- Jaime Zúñiga Ide, General Manager for Lagunas Norte - Minera Boroo Misquichilca w w w.e s .the b os tonb
Operation, Maintenance and Asset Management Services for the Mining, Energy and Hydrocarbons Industry. We have a human talent of over 6000 employees in Latin America, a highly experienced team with a broad knowledge in all of the sectors where we provide our services. Safety, Innovation, Reliability and an Ethical mindset are part of our commitment to Value that we offer in each oneofour services. We are looking forward to Partnering with you.
PERÚ - LIMA Av. Santo Toribio 173, Torre Real 8 – P10 Centro Empresarial, San Isidro Lima – Perú + [51 1] 7106100 ISO 9001
ISO 14001
OHSAS 18001
Norsok S-006
endorsed ASSESSOR
Minera Boroo Misquichilca
partners whom we value for their
“Health and safety for everyone
commitment to fulfill our goals,”
working in our mining unit is top
Zúñiga declared.
priority,” the general manager commented.
Important achievements in health and safety One of Boroo’s most important
Contributions to the community Boroo is constantly bringing a
contributions to the Lagunas Norte
positive impact in the economy of its
operation is its solid health and safety
surrounding communities as well as
culture, which in 2020 achieved the
in the countries where the company
best indexes in these subjects since
operates, in a way that the company’s
operations began in 2005.
vision in the present becomes a reality
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Minera Boroo Misquichilca
in the future. One of the company’s goals is to
became one of the first companies
become a reliable partner able to
in the area to deploy prevention,
unleash all the benefits of extracted
surveillance and control protocols,
minerals, contributing both to
making its personnel’s health and
those investing in its discovery and
safety a priority.
production as well as for stakeholders.
Also, Boroo is the only mining company among a 20 Northern Peru businesses alliance, which installed a
Upcoming increase in productivity Boroo’s portfolio currently includes
modern molecular biology laboratory
both advanced and early stage
to ease access and response time of
projects; permits for the latter are
PCR-type tests for the population of
being obtained as well as those
the entire La Libertad region and the
required to extend Lagunas Norte’s
company’s workers.
useful life, after planning a mine
w w w.e s .the b os tonb
SAFE METER-BY-METER PROGRESS At Consorcio JM our commitment is to provide diamond drilling services, with RC Reverse Air Circulation, drilling water wells in compliance with quality and safety based on international standards, good environmental care practices and respect for the communities where we operate, in strict coordination with our clients.
José María Jacobo Jacobo, General Manager
011+51+54-615374 /consorcio-jm-s.a.c
Minera Boroo Misquichilca
expansion which will receive important and strengthening our relationships investments which will allow to
with neighboring communities, as
increase ore reserves progressively,
well as achieving our production
thus fulfilling growth goals with
objectives,” finalized Jaime Zúñiga
support from the company’s
Ide, General Manager for Lagunas
experienced team.
Norte - Minera Boroo Misquichilca.
Mid-term goals include improvements to optimize the current secondary leaching operation, the development of a project for gold recovery from carbonaceous oxide ore through the Carbon Material Oxides Project (CMOP). For the long term, the company plans the development of a gold recovery from sulphide ore project, through the Refractory Material Project (PMR). All of these plans require investments for the acquisition of new operation and processing infrastructure. “We wish to close 2021 fulfilling all of our goals regarding people’s health
MINING CONTACT: @mineraboroomisquichilca
and safety, caring for the environment
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