Raízen | BBR - Brochure

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Innovations focused on renewable energy is Raízen’s bet for the coming years. Produced by Jassen Pintado

Written by Flávia Brancato

Interviewee Leonardo Pontes, Vice-President of Downstream, Raízen




he 10th anniversary of

Pontes. “Our energy is essential

Raízen is a landmark in

to mobilize people and leverage

a successful path and

business, and our bets are already

strengthens the company’s

visible and are producing excellent

importance in the energy

results, delivering a low carbon

transition scenario. As

economy to society”, celebrates the

from the development of its vertically


integrated renewable and downstream energy ecosystems, the company


has been able to triple its EBITDA

With over 40,000 employees,

and pave avenues for growth that

Raízen operates 35 sugar, ethanol

will certainly remain stable in the

and bioenergy production units in the

next decade.

states of São Paulo, Goiás, Minas

The fruit of a strategic partnership

Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul, which

between Shell and Cosan, giants in the have an installed capacity to crush


energy, fuel and logistics segments,

around 105 million tons of sugarcane

and creating the largest integrated

per year, in addition to a second-

and vertical player in the world, the

generation ethanol plant (E2G) and

company is recognized in the market

a biogas plant. The company also

as Green Champion and a source

has 3.2 million acres of agricultural

of great pride for the Vice-President

areas cultivated with state-of-the-

of Downstream at Raízen, Leonardo

art technology and 99% mechanized



Our energy is essential to mobilize people and leverage business, and our bets are already visible and are producing excellent results - Leonardo Pontes, Vice-President of Downstream, Raízen

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“Sugar cane has a huge potential for converting solar energy into affordable biomass” - Leonardo Pontes, Vice-President of Downstream, Raízen


harvesting, and installed capacity of

with more than 1,000 Shell Select

around 1.3GW for energy generation.

convenience stores, in addition to the

According to Pontes, 2.1 TWh

OXXO markets. In the B2B and retail

of electricity was produced from

segments, in the crop year 2019-20,

sugarcane biomass in the last harvest.

approximately 7.1 billion gallons of

At the other end of its operations,

fuel were sold, with operations in all

Raízen has a reseller network of more

regions of Brazil through 67 airport

than 7,000 Shell branded service

supply bases and 67 fuel distribution

stations in Brazil and Argentina. And,

terminals. In Argentina, where the

through the NÓS Group (JV with

company has operated under the

FEMSA Comercio), it operates in retail

Shell brand since 2018, 1.6 billion



The company has 3.2 million acres of agr icultural areas

gallons of fuel were sold in the same

and logistical process. Deemed to be

period, with a network of around 730

a leader in the production of biofuels

Shell stations, a refinery, a lubricant

and bioelectricity from sugarcane,

plant, four land terminals and two

Raízen continues investing to expand

supply bases in airports.

its portfolio in renewable sources,


with the implementation of new technologies, such as cellulosic ethanol (second generation or E2G), in

availability and differentiated export

addition to projects for the production

logistics are some of the strengths

of biogas, biomass and solar energy

that provide an efficient production


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We will continue to invest in solutions that contribute to the global energy transition agenda on a gradual and sustainable basis - Leonardo Pontes, Vice-President of Downstream, Raízen




According to Pontes, Raízen is

reducing emissions from industrial

the only company able to produce

processes, Raízen’s production

E2G ethanol on a commercial scale

plants are no longer power plants and

in the world. “Sugar cane has a

became bioenergy parks. Furthermore,

huge potential for converting solar

with the circular economy as one of

energy into affordable biomass. The

the company’s pillars, 23 of its units

importance of this milestone is one

are self-sufficient in the cogeneration

of the main growth verticals for the

of electricity from biomass burning,

next decade, since currently this is

and 13 of them export surplus

the biofuel with the lowest carbon

bioelectricity to the network.

footprint in the world (which serves as

Pontes also evaluates the

an integral substitute for gasoline or,

company’s performance and

when mixed with gasoline, improves

prospects. “Raízen is attentive to

fuel quality as it has a smaller carbon

acting in an innovative way in global

footprint). In addition, E2G represents

trends, such as the growing demand

an opportunity for us to increase our

for clean energy, the accelerating

productivity by up to 50% over the

digital revolution, new habits and

same cultivated area”.

perspectives for distributed energy

Actively acting in the fight against

generation. Thus, we will continue to

climate change by promoting

invest in solutions that contribute to

decarbonization through a robust

the global energy transition agenda on

portfolio of renewable energies and

a gradual and sustainable basis.”

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EVOLUTION AND RECOGNITION As evolution highlights, the VicePresident shows the privilege of being part of a path of growth and success

that has exponentially increased the company’s interaction with end consumers in Brazil. “I have been in the group’s executive

and he mentions the development of

board of officers for seven years; I

the retail partnership with the FEMSA

am responsible for the Downstream

group - which aims at exploring the

business, which encompasses all

nearby retail business in Brazil, in

logistical operations, retail and

addition to the creation of Shell Box,

B2B’s sales channels. In this period,

a payment and loyalty application

I experienced phases of economic

The alliance with Shell has p roven its i mpo r tance as a revenue avenue




Raí zen is the only company able to p roduce E 2G ethanol on a commercial scale in the wor ld

expansion and recession. However,

process phases and due to the intense

with our entrepreneurial culture,

work carried out in all group’s units,

capital discipline, unique assets that

Raízen has a series of recognitions

comprise our team, logistics, brand

including 10 certifications that

and scale, we continue to increase

strength the quality in production, full

our market share and to improve our

compliance with several international

return on investment. According to

requirements, and concern about the

many investors, today we are the

community and sustainable growth.

benchmark in the Brazilian market”, Pontes points out. Always valuing quality and operational efficiency at all production

Among the recognitions, noteworthy is Bonsucro, international social and environmental certification of sugarcane and all its derivatives; the

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In 2020, Raízen structured a governance of donations and investments to ensure actions to combat and prevent the coronavirus. The company donated around 290,500 gallons of 70% alcohol to 98 hospitals, covering over 100 cities across the country - Leonardo Pontes, Vice-President of Downstream, Raízen




ISCC, which guarantees compliance

reducing ethanol’s carbon footprint

with the sustainability parameters of

by 10%; reducing water collection

production in the European Union

by 10%; ensuring a robust

under the Renewable Fuels Directives;

traceability system for 100% of

the EPA, registration of ethanol with

the volume of crushed cane;

the American environmental agency,

and to ensuring internationally

and the CARB, the certification that

recognized sustainability programs

guarantees access to the Californian

for sugarcane sources.

ethanol market.

As we believe that sustainable development should consider the


balance of environmental, economic and social factors in business

To continue its work to combat

management, social responsibility

climate change, including to reduce

is at the base of Raízen’s strategic

emissions from processes and to

pillars, permeating all stages of the

increase the offer of renewable

company’s production and business

products for society, in this crop year

processes. The executive also

2020-21, Raízen publicly assumed

highlights the achievements during

commitments to be achieved by 2030

the pandemic. “In 2020, Raízen

in line to the Sustainable Development

structured a governance of donations

Goals (SDGs) established by the

and investments to ensure actions to

United Nations (UN). Among them:

combat and prevent the coronavirus.

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The company donated around 290,500 gallons of 70% alcohol to 98 hospitals, covering over 100 cities across the country”. Another outstanding action takes place through the Raízen Foundation, the company’s social and educational branch present in seven cities in the states of São Paulo and Goiás. Every day, around 1,400 socially vulnerable children and teenagers are assisted. “Boosting an entire network of solidarity, Raízen continues with the incentive and investment in internal volunteer programs that impact the surrounding communities”, concludes Pontes. INDUSTRY: Energy CONTACT: 0810 999 7435 www.raizen.com.br


November 2021



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