Broken skateboard magazine issue 2

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Broken Mag ts Table of conten Editors Rant page # 3 #6 Penrose Giveaway page 10 Ten Fast Ones page # GVR page # 7 Ra bies page # 9 Bui ld & Repair page # 27 Park Patrol page # 28 Product review page # 17 JFA int erview page # 19 Poolscopes page # 22

Road Soda page # 7

Andrew Wiskus

Pool Story page # 10

Page 19

So issue number two is here. More music reviews, and interview with j.f.a., spot checks at some new so cal parks, product reviews, road sodas, some sick art, and anything else we had lying around. Hesh Jon hit me up a call this lady had some pool and we could skate it. When we went to ride it there was a sign up that said the skatepark was closed. The owners said that the pool was going to be demoed the next day and no more session was going to be had. Well we rolled by again just to check it out and nobody seemed to be around when we knocked on the door. We basically looked at each other and you could just tell that we were both thinking of the same thing “BARGE” Fifteen minutes turned into an hour so we made the mad dash and split. This same situation repeated itself several more times until the pool was actually demoed. I wonder if the people who lived there even had a clue that the second they left for the day, their pool was like a mini pala in the suburbs of Laguna niguel. Well hope you enjoy your read, issue three will be out before you know it. – NG Editor/Layout - Nick Gates Layout/ Art - Chris Kasey Photogphers - NG, Mark Phillips, Brendan Klein, Mike Davis, Nakashima, B. Austin Graphics - MP, CK, NG Advertising -

Chris Mumma kills Pala better than most can on a mini ramp.


G Penrose Coping

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Penrose Coping

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12 PACK OF FURY – During my freshman year rotting away in my San Quentin designed dorm rooms, a glimmer of light appeared down at the Safeway one day. There was this white box with red lettering, the word Wiedermans seemed to stand for beer of royalty. The best part of these beverages was that they cost $3.99 for a 12 pack and on each box there was a mail in rebate for 2 dollars. One the checks made it to my dorm mail box, I had discovered 12 packs for only $1.99. The Schlitz Ice tall cans were close in value, but just don’t come close to the full stomach you can achieve from a full 12 pack. Wiedermans beers haven’t seen them in Southern California, but if you find them, expect a similar beer experience as a 12 pack of Olympia’s, Pabst, or Hamms will

DEAD GUY ALE ROGUE BREWING CO. – Man, one day we were skating the Santa Rosa skate park, back before they added all the flat ground and it was only half tagged up or so. It was hot and I was in the process of moving. We had the rented uhaul truck, but when we went to rent the truck we reserved, it had be rented accidentally and so uhaul hooked us up with the largest rig they had. Well we stopped by the liquor store and I saw the dead guy ale. Bought up a few with a standard 12er of Olympia’s or something. The dead guy ale was not watered down brew. When its ice cold on a hot day at a skatepark you can flow around in, it is like drinking from the fountain of youth. It is refreshing and gives you the bonus courage you need to get that last grind. The bottles are pretty cool to check out while you quench your thirst.

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cuzzi. “Nice” I told him.


So I’ve been working in a city in North County San Diego now for around 6 years. For at least four and a half of those years I have been watching an empty pool at a house. On numerous occasions just sitting in my truck debating in my head whether or not I should rush it. I have knocked several times and even talked to the owner. He told me no way due to insurance reasons and also mentioned that he would prosecute. Around a month ago our local UPS guy comes in and notices a picture of an empty pool that he is familiar with. He tells me that it’s his buddies dads house and that the son has held plenty of parties in that pool with jaalso tells me that the son had moved out of the house.

That afternoon I went knocking. No one was around. My heart starts beating pretty hard because I am realizing that this may be my opportunity. I knock again. Nothing. There is a construction crew just out in front of the house. They are drilling on the street. Lots of noise. Oh man, I gotta do it! So I go back to the truck and grab my skate and broom. Lots of broken tiles and caked dirt in the deep end. There is only time for a quick clean up. My heart is beating hard as I am pushing that broom as quietly as possible. The broken tiles are pretty loud but so is the construction noise. Ok, so I have swept the tile and dirt into a circular pile in the deep end. Leaving just enough space to skate around. I get on my board and roll around the pile. It felt real good. The pools surface was very crunchy, but it still felt so good. I start pushing a little harder with a nice carve around the deep. Make the light. Start working a line that puts me into the pocket and throws me back into the deep. It is such a rush! Well, my time has expired. It has been at least 10 minutes. A construction guy yells from the street “You should be swimming in that pool man, not skateboarding”. He was kidding around, but that was it. I was out of there! Man, I was so stoked. All these years drooling over this pool and I finally got it!! The best feeling in the world, until....Until, I started thinking about more lines that are to be had in there. I need to go back. So I do. For 4 days I am hitting this pool, 10 minutes at a time, sometimes going 3 times a day!! The more I go, the easier it gets to nut up and go for it! Well, the weekend finally hit. My buddy came over and I told him that we need to get in there. So we roll up on the house. Lots of neighbors around. We see a light on in the house. I talk my friend into going up and knocking. He goes. Maybe we can turn it into a permission!! 20 minutes later my bro comes back to the car. I guess he got an ear load. He tells me that people have been breaking into his yard and that the cops rolled up just minutes too late. The neighbors were onto the perpitrator. He again tells my friend that he will press charges to the full extent of the law. Missed it by a couple of minutes. This pool will never be sessioned on a permission basis unfortunately. I sure count my blessing. Got 7 sessions in a 4 day period. This works for me. Yes it was a really fun pool. Now it’s time to let the dust settle in that neighborhood........for a while. Mark P

Salba Slob - Photo Chuck Holts Hesh Brett nevers lets the beer leave his hand. An Astonishing feat on another crappy day in the s.c.

Gyr Bloom - shitwall ollie

Chuck gets a sick hip grind at the Convict.





w e i v r e t n I

1. Best pool you ever rode? The best pool that I have ever ridden was Skate City’s clover pool. It was probably only 8 feet deep but it was so easy to skate and it had an endless amount of lines that you could put together. The clover had many hips and even a shallow end escalator. The most memorable local shredders in Skate City’s clover was Blender, Terence Yoshizawa, Lucero, Richard Armijo, Nash, Grosso and Mountain just to name a few.

2. Where do you like to skate now


I skate Etnies most of the time with Celaya, Burns, Daniel, Andrew, Scottie, Paco, Spada, Hawkins, Mahoney, Darren, and my cousin Derrick. In general, there is such a cool vibe at Etnies. I also like skating that perfect kidney at the Encinitas skatepark.

3. Favorite music to skate to? I like to skate to old punk, reggae or whatever is blasting at Etnies. 4. How many pools have you ridden in the last week? Etnies Skull Bowl, Etnies Skull Bowl, Etnies Skull Bowl and Etnies Skull Bowl.

5. Current set up? Scum Skates board (S-ONE, Hurley, Khiro and ATTIC stickers on the bottom), Tracker 149’s, Bones Swiss bearings, 60mm Bones SPF and I do use Powell rails (I’m still old school).

6. Future plans? I see ya rocking scum boards all the time. Well, I repair computers for work right now but I’ll do whatever it takes to skate as much

as possible. I missed over a decade of skating when I quit during the 90’s and I just recently realized all the fun I was missing when I started up again. I’m coming out with a Scum Skates Model and I would like to enter some of the Masters contests too. Eventually, I would like to go back to CSULB and finish up my Bachelors Degree.

7. Best avoiding the law story I’m good, I never have to avoid the law. One of my best friends is a police officer and he skates too. If you skate at Etnies, he may be skating or standing right next to you.

8. Number of countries you have skated in. It’s hard to say. Just off the top of my head 15. Italy was the best because of the good food.

9. If you could change any one event in skate history, what would it be? It was during one of the 80’s Upland skatepark contests in the Combi pool. Chris Miller locked up doing an air around the corner and fell all the way to the bottom directly onto his head. One of the worst falls that I have ever seen, he could have died. To make things worst, the fall was captured in the “Rage in the Badlands” skate video for everyone to see. I would like to change history and have Miller making that air instead of locking up.

10. Any advice for future pool skaters? My only advice to future pool skaters is to wear all your pads and especially a helmet. I’m 39 years old and if you want to skate at my age, you should wear your safety equipment now. Look at Salba. Probably one the best pool skaters of all time and he is always padded up wherever he skates. Just be smart and pad up. It’s no big deal.



POO ARIES-(March 21 to April 20)For you, this month is all about investment. We’re not talking Google stock on E-Trade. Instead, focus on price/performance ratio. Your $2.95 investment in a Spanish phrase book at your local used bookstore yields twofold dividends: (1) You become privvy to “insider information” on the “safe” meat choice at your local burrito truck, and (2) You magically gain access to your own private apartment bowl. Bueno... Your day of greatest pooltential is Sunday. TAURUS-(April 21 to May 21)A lesson in tolerance is in store for you this month. You know that annoying 12-year old neighbor, the one who keeps coming over in his Tony Hawk T-shirt and asking if you want to skate his X-Games launch ramp with him? You’ve been thinking about telling him to get lost, but don’t do it! You are about to stumble on the finest kidney you’ve ever seen. Wanting to impress you, he is easily convinced to remove the $350 in allowance money from his piggybank, enabling you to quickly drain the 3ft. of water in the hole. Everybody is happy. Your day of greatest pooltential is Thursday. GEMINI-(May 22 to June 21)Mercury is perfectly aligned with Jupiter this month. That’s good news for you, as you find yourself pulling the hugest frontside lines ever over the ladder. Bring a camera, you’ll want proof! CANCER-(June 22 to July 22)This month, your key to happiness is Milk-Bone dog biscuits. Dont ask why. Just keep a box handy in your car. Your day of greatest pooltential is Monday. LEO-(July 23 to August 23)Mum’s the word. Choose your words carefully this month, or a seemingly harmless phone call to your girlfriend could make you inadvertantly responsible for one of the biggest blow-outs in history. Your day of greatest pooltential is Saturday. VIRGO-(August 24 to September 22)Have you ever made a bong out of a milk jug? Let’s put it this way, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” You’ll want to kick yourself when you come across a surprise find and realize you forgot to put the buckets and towels back in your car the last time you cleaned it. But before you drive away, ask yourself, “What Would MacGyver Do?” With a little creative genius, and only the materials at hand, you’ll find a way to empty that foot of scumwater, and get in a solid session before the pool is permanently filled the next day. Your day of greatest pooltential is Wednesday. LIBRA-(September 23 to October 23)Empaque Su Basura, my friend! You’re not the litterbug type, but this month, you go the extra mile, and your cleanup efforts thwart an early shutdown by the owners. This keeps the pool going for another week... just long enough for you to bag that box on the left side. Your day of greatest pooltential is Friday. SCORPIO-(October 24 to November 22)Sorry, this is just not your month. It’s probably best that you avoid skating altogether. If you’re desperate, you might consider limiting your skating activity to practicing rail slides on curbs... you know, the painted ones in the parking lot down by the hospital emergency room. Your day of greatest pooltential is Saturday. SAGITTARIUS-(November 23 to December 21)Jupiter will make an important move into your 4th House from your 3rd House on October 26th. Also, your next door neighbors will move out of their house. The ameoba is all yours! Your day of greatest pooltential is Monday. CAPRICORN-(December 22 to January 20)A little quiet time is good for everyone, and you are no exception. At a stoplight on your way to work this week, you take a moment to savor the “sounds of silence” by turning down the Slayer and rolling down the windows. Amid the background noise, the faint sound of barking wheels guides you to a well-kept secret. Enter on the side of the house and pretend like you belong there. They’ll just think you’re another one of “Big Ernie’s” friends.Your day of greatest pooltential is Thursday. AQUARIUS-(January 21 to February 19)Even though you’re an outdoor person, you might make an effort this month to engage in some indoor activity. Consider joining the local “Y”. They have a weight room, basketball courts, and yoga classes. Oh, yeah, and at the end of the hall is an empty pool that they’ve drained for repairs. Your day of greatest pooltential is Saturday. PISCES-(February 20 to March 20)Which came first? The chicken, or the egg? The planets can’t answer that question, Libra, but they do tell us this: If you’re chicken, that egg’s never gonna happen. This is your month to overcome fears and take chances. If you want it, go out and get it. Your day of greatest pooltential is Tuesday.

Japan has pools?

Benji Galloway 5-0 over love seat through the rocks - photo Mike D.

Issue #3 out this summer! Don’t forget to subscribe to the Broken Mag Video Podcast!! Free on Itunes!

Tyler Mumma crails the dead sea.

Brant Austin - Palaround

Bobby - Photo Mike Davis

How many pools have you skated this month? Don - Would have been one, but I had some surgery. Killer pool in Vegas (Brian tore it up). Brian — I think about four. The Wagon Wheel, Corey’s, the Combi at the Block and the Skull Bowl at Etnies. Best skate jam your band has played at? Don — Any show back in the day with the Big Boys (Texas, Frisco, LA) Brian — I’d have to agree with Don, but then also the time we played Skatopia in Ohio. That place is anarchy paradise. Bowls, beers and bros (with some skate sistas thrown in for good measure). Not to mention the gunnery practice, setting cars on fire, potato guns and howling at the moon. Also, we had a good time playing at the Nude Bowl one night with a bunch of other bands till the wee hours of the morning. Basically any skate jam is a good skate jam... Where do you want to see skateboarding go? Don — Back to the streets/underground and away from the soccer mom trip Brian — I pretty much take it as it comes. Underground is nice because it siphons off all the kooks and gets rid of all the corporate sell-out mularkey, but then I’m pretty much enjoying all the new skateparks they’re building too. I try to look at the positives and not focus on the negatives, otherwise I’d be one really pissed off dude. Of course, there’s pretty much nothing that a few grinds on some 215s can’t cure... Worst run in with the man? Don — Flower Street ditch. Got a nice trespassing ticket (failing to yield to no peds sign or something). Had to drive downtown and pay $$ on that one. People were walking their dogs past us (no ticket), but because we were skat-

ing... Brian — Curiously enough it was for littering. Basically I tossed a plastic cup into someone’s yard after the cops busted this party and they put the cuffs on me and took me downtown and put me in with all the drunks, muggers and thieves until 3 a.m. Then I had to walk home about 10 miles because I couldn’t get a ride at that time. What are your influences musically?

Don — Anything with a BIG Guitar. Early on Clash, Damned, Pistols etc. Brian — Early LA/OC punk. The Germs, The Chiefs, Adolescents, Weirdos, TSOL, pre-Rollins Black Flag. What type of fundraising efforts have you done to help out the cause? Don — We played several benefits to build the first sk8park in PHX (I consider it my park so stay outta my way when I come there to skate it). We’re also going to play the Etnies park in Augustto help keep it free. Brian — We try to do whatever we can. Upcoming shows? Brian — The Brigg in Huntington Beach on Sept. 4 with Frontside Five. August 19th at Etnies Skatepark in Lake Forest. The Wasted Festival on Oct. 8-9 in San Bernardino. If you could skate any one spot, past, present, future, where would it be and why? Don — The Florence pipes in AZ (circa 83). BIG pipe, super smooth and best tranny to flatwall I have ever skated. Brian — Yeah I’d probably have to second that. Besides all that, they were downhill so you could really get cooking if you carved it. Basically if you held your line, you couldn’t help but go way over vert. That was the pipe that we had on the cover of our Untitled record with our silhouettes. Last book read? Don — The Da Vinci Code (finally got around to it) Brian — Philosophy and Contemporary Issues Last trick you learned skating? Don — Kind of a Jay Adams hand drag pop out of the bowl and slam grind a parking block at Etnies. Brian — I’ve been pretty much trying to get backside disasters on bigger and bigger stuff.

OJ 3 58mm

Product Reviews

I got some OJ threes the other day and they couldn’t have come at a more perfect time since my wheels I was riding wear annihilated. To make things even better these wheels were 58mm(my size) and a great shape(not to thin). I have tested these things out in pools, parks, ramps, and your grammas house and they are the shit. These things are very fast and grip when you need it on those sharp lines in slippery pools. On there is even a video that shows you how to dye them different colors so you can have tuff guy black or poke it in the butt pink if you don’t like the color that they come in which is white. These bad boys come in 58mm, 60mm and 63mm ,demand these at you local shop and get some under your ride NOW!! –Review master General

Nixon Watch - Fidelity A couple of months ago a received a box from Nixon watches. I stopped wearing a watch a few years ago because I always destroy them at a rapid pace. Well when I opened the box I figured that there would be some bling-bling, yo-yo, Rob Dyrek wrist wear but to my pleasant surprise the contents were all Black. This watch was plain, simple and very comfortable to wear. It sucks if you have to take a watch off ever time you skate because it’s uncomfortable. If this happens usually the watch slowly gets fazed out of daily wear. Well it’s been a while now and the watch is still on my wrist and not destroyed yet. If you need a watch check out www.nixonnow. com there is something for everyone from bling bling to flat black Nixon has it all.Review Master General

Ogio - Ty Video Back Pack Needing a new bag to house some gear might lead you to an overpriced photo shop for a bag that doesn’t measure up to the cost. Ogio is not one of these bags. The backpack that was sent over for review is the Ogio Ty Video Backpack. If you’re into videography or photography, this is the bag for you. It can hold 2 vx 2100s of Canon GL 2s, plus lens, batteries, your digital camera, clips for a tripod, and to boot a spot for your laptop, all in a light weight back pack. If you skate and film, this is what ya need for any of your missions. The bag has a light system so if you’re a night owl, you can find what you need with no hassle. Another tight feature is the inside cover of the back pack has four sleeves for mini dvs which also are clear. You can read and find the tape you’re looking for in a quick glance instead of digging through the pool dust in the bottom of your bag. Don’t waste your money on one of the photo shop bags when you can rock this pack for a reasonable price if you search around online.

POOL SERVICE PUMP Sta rite pumps Submersible, high capacity pool drainer with float switch, 1/2 hp with 25 ft power cord, brass base with cast iron body, 1-1/2” FIP connection, with 25 ft nylon rope, 52 GPM at 10 ft of head. a link to the online manual to check out the details. I use two of these pumps and they have yet to let me down no matter what I was draining. Once, one of them froze up while drainging the sludge. I took it apart and found a gopher head inside clogging it up. That’s how the gphoer head received it’s name. These pumps are quiet, pump fairly quickly, and are easily fixed or repaired. Definitley worth checking out if your in the market to add a pump to your gear. LITTLE WIZARD SUBMERSIBLE UTILITY PUMP #505025 Includes garden hose adapter and removable inlet screen for easy cleaning. Lifetime oil supply. Pumps down to 1/8” (3.2 mm.). Fluid Systems Design Parameters - Motor - 1/6HP Shaded Pole - Maximum flow rate - 1200 GPH @ 1’, 4542 LPH @ 30 cm. - Maximum Head - 26.3’...8 m - -Intermittent Liquid Temp to - 120° F....49° C - Discharge - 1”FNPT (25.4 mm) - Housing - Epoxy coated cast aluminum - Volute - Nylon - Impeller - Nylon - Shaft Seal - Viton® - Shaft - Stainless Steel - Operation - Manual - Electrical - 115V, 60Hz, 5 amps, 25’ (7.6m) power cord This guy is the one you want to leave in a pool over night with no real worries if you lose it. You can use a garden hose which youll find at your target and then dump it into the main drain hole usually found on the outside wall by the kitchen sink. If you know your neighbors are gone for a few days, you could drain it with this, skate it a few hours and toss the hose back in. They might trip to find the hose in the pool, but hopefully by then its pretty full. Good Luck

Navigator Trucks Navigator trucks sent a set of trucks over awhile ago and it took a little time to get these things under a board since I usually don’t ride a 7.75 wide board but one came along so it was time to try out these trucks. To begin we all know what trucks we like and most have a sworn alliagance to what ever trucks they ride . That being said these trucks turn really good, grind really good and over all were great trucks. There are some pins that go thru the hanger and into the axle to prevent slippage that happens with some other trucks that are out there. The Navigators seemed to be a tad bit heavier than some other trucks but made up for that with the no slip axle pins. The only real down fall for these trucks would be how they look.Some people told me that they couldn’t stand the bent hanger look that these trucks have but when the same people rode the trucks they couldn’t tell the difference when they grinded. If your tired of the trucks you’ve been riding or just want to try something different than check out a pair of Navigators. Eventually they are rumored to be making bigger trucks as well as the smaller sizes. www. -Review Master General

Where you guys from exactly? J: I live just on the outside of Venice, by Beethoven and Venice blvd, that’s where we practice. Our drummer Ashton and bassist Magic live in Venice and Harley our singer lives in Santa Monica; home of the skate park Nazi’s. How many pools are hit by Rabies each month? J: I hit probably like 4 new ones a month. I think it was last January, I skated 8 new ones, what a month. Everyone in the band skates? J: Ya, everyone does. Our bassist rides around as a main source of transportation and I make him skate on occasion. Our drummer hasn’t skated in a few months but we’ve gone pool hunting before and came up good, he used to ride the skate park and a pool here and there. Our singer is hardcore and rides a long board to get around when he can’t take his parents car. I’m the only one that’s really militant about going out and finding ‘em and draining them. I found really quickly how much people remember who has given them a pool when they find a good one of their own. One thing I was stoked on though was summer of 2004 when I was really getting into it and me and my buddy found this big blue roman with sick tranny and air-able corners, and the word got around like crazy, but it was fucking cool because I was meeting all these people that fucking ripped, and it was like oh that’s how you do that and blah blah blah. That pool is the one on the cover of Juice’s last issue with fingers’ gnarly fsg. One thing I’m big on is giving credit where its due. You guys are pretty sick, why you always wearing the same shirt? J: No reason really besides its looks funny and catches peoples attention. I got it at the liquor store down the street for like 99 cents over a year ago now, I’m bummed out cause it’s getting too small and ripping. Please explain how fun the paddock amoeba was. That pool was so sick looking.

I don’t think your bass player changed his clothes since the last time you played at the park either? J: No he definitely didn’t. He doesn’t really have the need to change his clothes. He lives in a house with only burned cd’s and canned food. What are the influences behind your music? American hardcore punk: Black Flag, Bad Brains, the Minutemen, Fear, JFA, Misfits, Suicidal Tendencies, Cro Mags, Minor Threat, and that’s really just an over generalization I could keep going for days. There’s also some Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, and Robert Johnson in there.

J: Ooooooo, perfect tranny, perfect coping, you could get going so fast with the middle end pocket and would never have to step off your board. It was insane; almost the whole pool was grind-able. Words can’t describe Where can people find your music, schedule, shows, etc. at? J: All and anything you’ll ever need can be found on or We’ve got 5 mp3’s to download, several picture galleries including a pool skating gallery which is always getting updated, and a look at our insanely sick t-shirts drawn by Bart Saric which people can get for 8 bux white and 10 bux red or yellow, support the cause, and we’ve got a lot more shit coming. Future plans? You should make a syringe shaped skate board, then make it into a guitar and rock it. J: Ha, that’d be sick. We’re doing a west coast tour in april but not every show is comfirmed yet. We’re working out offers we’ve gotten to be on several different compilations, and were gonna continue to give away as much free shit as possible like our demo’s, stickers, and hopefully soon we’ll have buttons to give away, because nobody likes to pay for stuff. I actually burnt out the motor on my cd drive because I’ve burned so many demos, around 1000 in the last year or so. Now the cd drive can barely pull it self in and out on its own, ha. Also a 7” will very soon be here! What is you music about? Why? J: Most of it is about the people I see everyday, the really shitty people everywhere. We’ve got songs about how shitty all these wiggers that skate are. One thing that really pisses me off is the wanna be gangster skaters that have skate ads in magazines where they’re just standing there looking cool, no skating at all, just lame. Our songs range from things like suckers that get pussywhipped to people who think they’re smart and can pull things off but they’re just a joke. Really just about all the people I don’t ever want to be like or be associated with. Also one of our new songs is about the current status of dogtown and how many stupid little kids carry around little banana boards and they’ve got their dogtown shirt and jacket their low cut vans and long blond hair, and they can’t ride their board for dogshit, just full on posers. If you could open up for any band, who? J: That’s tough, most of the bands we listen to and are influence by aren’t even together anymore but for bands that are still playing today, it would be like Circle Jerks, JFA (which already happened at Etnies and was fucking sick) Dr. Know, Fear plays every now and then, same with MDC, and there’s D.I., TSOL, The Adolescents, plenty more and also there is a good amount of young bands coming up that put on a good energetic show, if band’s aren’t visually entertaining live then they only belong on a cd or album. That’s something we believe pretty firmly in and therefore give every show all we got. It’s sick to see a band roll in, knock off the pool dust, and rock the house down. Check out their music on these websites – and you can find us on and and thank you Nick for having us at etnies these 4 times now we love playing the park, you got a lot of good shit going.

Park Patrol “Purkiss Rose Sucks” by the Fakies We don’t like your miniramps, We don’t like your park designs, We don’t like anything you do, Give those contracts to Grindline. Kathy Tuttle you’re no freind of mine, I hate your meetings and your rules, If you dare to destroy the Ballard Bowl, We’re going to empty out and skate your pools. When the Fakies go out on vacation, They like to go on out to Idaho, Where the Dreamlands lie, Dreamlands lie.......

Stephen Hoezol - RSM Grand Opening gned by Purkiss Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca - Desi r, RSM on paper racto cont pest chea the by built Rose and the growing to add to park sick appeared to be an ultra record rains of last collection of south county spots. The bath construction at a year left the park in a dug out mud the opening day so by d plete stand still. It had to be com epic as you walk s look park The it. ed rush ers the work pool coping, a with eba amo sick A up and take a look. le escalotor down, ditch to snake run thing with a doub other wierd things sadlands dish spine, some stairs and t until you ride lease at to ride are the highlights. Well horrible, kinked, are s stion trani the of e Som . the place conjure up to complain lumpy, and whatever else you can it is. If you found it about them. The abmoeba is what really be stoked, but at an abondoned house, you would create the final park, to s buck since it cost about a million instead it is a epic, been have d coul It s. suck the pool alSkateParks. SoC like ites webs so h catastrophe, so muc could be sent to the com set up reviews on the site so it redone. The snake city of RSM and possibly have parts 3 foot to the from vert has It run section is pretty cool. d tranny and no vert. wier has end deep the then le, midd that there is a bench The best feature of the snake run is watch kids get mad at the deep end that you can sit and into the deep end ght strai slam and rs razo spped on their s so bad. It is suck it use beca face wall. The park is fun oregon where there from far this y ciall espe , yday not ever they suck, they are are actual tight transitions, even if ow if you sport your still pretty tight. Cops are pretty mell helmet.

Purkiss Rose Sucks, Thats what we say, They ought to be tarred and feathered and ran out of town today. Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss Purkiss

Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose Rose

Sucks Sucks Sucks Sucks Sucks Sucks Sucks Sucks

Purkiss Rose Sucks

Purkiss Rose RSI Skate Park Desi gn 801 N. Harbor Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92 832 714-871-3638 skate@purkiss-ro 714-871-3638

Music Pool EL NADA Nothing for nobody Finger records

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Fuck! Now here’s something worth listening too, I even check out their web page at www. From the looks, they’re a bunch of boracho’s! being with living sunny Santa Ana, California where every house comes with bars over the windows and wonderful spray paint art everywhere! A living paradise! The music has a mid-80’s orange county hard-core sound to it with a twist of manic Hispanic. I’ve seen these guys live, every member in the band yells their fucken brains


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It is rad today when you go to a show, expect the typical bands to play the same old crap, and when you least expect it you get blown away by overall sickness. Fast, tight, loud, quality vocals, just good stuff. The audience was throwing down applause after every song where the previous bands had earned no more than background noise status. Bring your ears plugs if ya hate feedback inbetween songs because the guitar amps howl awaiting the next plague of destruction. A must have 7 inch for your record collection.

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THE CAPITOL TARGETS NFT RECORDS The Capitol Targets-self titled IT’S A RADIO FIASCO! IT’S IN YER STEREO! GRENADES, TURNTABLES AND SPEAKER CABLES!! This is straight up pirate satalite comin’in over the wire! Marco and the crew over at NO FRONTTEETH have a fewdifferentprojectsgoin’onandeveryoneofem’areaboutthebestshitout!PunktothecoreandIain’t talkin the kinda stuff thats cramed down yer throat as“punk”these days either!! and yeah! -REAL PUNK fromLondontoo!yaknow-thenowlandofthegothvampirefux!Naw,thisstuffistruerootsthroughand through! I’ll tell ya right now -it ain’t the best or cleanest of recordings to say the least, but I think thats whatmakesit.Thisdiskhasgotjustthreesongsandhasareallyfukingcoolvideo attached toitaswell..... PUNX TERRORISTE’S! -DIY STYLE! Yeah, just three songs, but three that’l get ya movin! I think really the only place to get yer mits on this stuff is at: Tracks: Radio Fiasco Video / Radio Fiasco / Kamikaze Waves / Designer Mainliner -eh, and while yer at it.... check out THE BLACKLIST BRIGADE, THE JABBS and BLACK BEACH UNION to see what else these guys are up to.

HARRY BALZ & THE TEENIE WEENIES SNACKATTACK RECORDS The Capitol Targets-self titled Harry Balzagna and The Teenie weenies – C.M. California. On Snackattack records. They skate, they play drivey, tight, skatepunk, how can you go wrong. Another band worth checking out if you see them playing in your neck of the woods or at your local pool party.

Build and Repair This month we are going to demonstrate how to patch small holes at your local park as well as keep that skate park pool coping grinding epic. Sometimes the city doesn’t see that chunk that’s ruining your entire line. The best product for small scale holes is called Fast Steele and is available at home depot for 3 bucks a tube. Basically start by cleaning out the hole or chunk that needs repair. Mix together like putty a piece of the epoxy large enough to fill the hole in. Use your hands and work the putty into the hole until it is as smooth as you can with your bare hands. It sets quickly so you can sand it flush with the concrete surface in about 20 minutes. This epoxy is good for chunks under metal coping, holes, cracks, or any imperfection you find. It lasts for a year or so unless there is a lot of moisture in the environment where it may need more frequent replacing. Pool coping in your local spot is best left untouched and raw to grind. If you’re local park has a pool with pool coping, or ledges with exposed cement that gets grinded, applying some sauce may make it last years longer than expected. Curbs, quarter pipes with no coping, any spot that gets grinded down can last and grind much better with a coat of sauce. This is the good stuff. Hit up the spot you want to sauce with some sand paper and sand it fairly smooth. Make sure to wear down the paint or crap that is already on there before you paint on this 1 part epoxy clear coat. Use a brush and paint it on kind of thick. Let it dry about 20 minutes and wallah, you got your self a kick ass grind area that’s going to last like it is supposed to. Next issue we are going to go over how get rid of that pesky light in favor of perfectly smooth cement. Stay tuned…………

Chaz @ Glendale

Serving You since 2002

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