Broken skateboard magazine issue 9

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50 States of Skate Almost Oceanside Skateparks Forclosurefest Mutiny on Donaldsons

Issue 9

Broken Mag Table of Contents Top Dawgs 6 Road Sodas 7 50 states 8 ukraine 14 Peanuts Pools 18 roll the dice 20 donaldsons 22 park patrol 26 review fest 30

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n e k o Br Ma n e k o g r a B M n e k o r B Front and back cover - Rumble at Ramona - Darren Navarette and Jeff Grosso photo by Chris Mumma

r e t t o l B e h


Issue 9 has been long overdue. With all the fun times with the economy and election, we decided to attempt to run with 50 states of skate, even though we probably only have 20 states covered and some nice photos from Russia and the Ukraine.. You get what you pay for though. Anyway, w.t.f. is wrong with the youth of today? Pounding mad bottles of cough syrup just to trip out for a bit is almost as retarded as the photo below. The owner of this hand and self mutilating advertisement for the skate bible was done under the haze of some wasted evening. If you look closely you might notice that the r was forgotten about thus rendering this scar for life THASHER. Upon his father discovering this evilness, this individual decided to break out a masonry disc on the grinder and attempt to grind of the misspelled horror. As you can see it came out even worse which is why I asked w.t.f. is wrong with the youth of today. What happened to just chilling at the skatepark pounding brew’s and kill’n it until sunset? Well enjoy the issue and make sure you don’t pass out with a carving knife around you. Go skate a pool now.

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Editor/Layout - Nick Gates Writers/ Contributors - Corey Minderhout, Mark Phillips,Chris G. Dan Madsen, Arron Amante, and everyone else Thanks! Photographers - NG, MRZ, Mark Phillips, Steve Potvin, CK, Robb Gardner, George Medina, Shawn Rossmiller, Evan Hortter, James Cowan, Brandon Wong, Chris Mumma, and everyone else big THANKS! Advertising - Ad space for issue 10 is cheap and gets on average 20000 downloads for your money. Help us grow into color print and buy an ad - interesting offers may be entertained. Submissions - 25562 Dana Mesa, San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675

Just a quick thanks to Chris who shot the cover with an actual camera with film. He always kills it and is down for the cause over here at Broken - NG

Top Dogs on the interweb Skate and Annoy.Com - Seems to always have some good content and has been up forever in the age of the web. Great for north western park updates and random skate related items. - Sick ass site if you haven’t already seen it you need to. New skatepark updates all the times and tones of killer articles with photos by MRZ and stories by Blkprjkt. The forum has to be one of the best for its level of entertainment and ability to bring out all wakes of lifeforms who skate. - Update industry news and links to good skate stuff. - killer photos and pools from matt moose. - quality northwest coverage with snippets of the latest dreamland or grindline creations before most other sites get them up. - risen from the grave, another quality site full of all the industry crap with enough to keep you entertained at least for half a coffee. - your read the print, more of the same online and if you check it now you can catch a mag minute video clip of Nolan Johnson destroying over all the tech crowd with pure burliness. - even though this is a fucking given, the shit is bad ass and there is always a new pstone flick to check at some session you wished you were at instead of warming your buns on the computer chair. - good ol sleestak quality of everything and anything randomly related to the skate world along with comprehensive forums of north western skatepark photos and information.,, - always rad to check out the latest projects and sick new parks.

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Snow Cap is a rich, full-bodied ale crafted in the British tradition of holiday beers. Its deep mahogany color balances complex fruit flavors with a refreshingly smooth texture, making Snow Cap a highly drinkable and desirable cold weather companion. It pairs well with shellfish, rich game such as duck and even rich chocolate desserts. Snow Cap is available now at retail locations throughout the U.S. and is being served at Pyramid Alehouses in Berkeley, CA; Portland, OR; Sacramento, CA; Seattle, WA; and Walnut Creek, CA.

Double Arrogant Bastard Ale - 10.2% straight to your head. This potent concoction was found hiding in the fridge at the local home brewers store. I was already a fan of the Arrogant Bastard Ale and was up for the challenge of the double. A very hearty pint that has a surprising kick for a 22oz. Prepare to have your palate destroyed by the power of these.

50 States of Skate We put out the word for contributions all across the 50 states. The following pages are a sample of the skate sessions going on anytime, anywhere USA. Even though we may all not ride together at any one point in time, we are all bound by the same love to ride.

At any given time there are 1000’s of empties to find in the USA just like this gem from California.

Dave front pivot at the Wagin Wheel in Las Vegas, NV. Photo Eric Swenson

Chet Childress hittin’ some nice slab at the mermaid bowl in Georgia - photo Nick S cott

Kevin Krahel in Ohio enjoying one nice smith tail grab solo session.Photo - Ty Wright

India Reservation Jager Bike Gap on a typical Minnesota afternoon. Photo Jozy Brink

Dave Nelson beyond vert in Oregin - Photo - Matthew Jenkins

Puccio in New York photo - Jason Murphy

The Old Man Army crew lost one of there crew, snuck in late night and cemented in this plaque in his honor in their local arizona park..

Stefan Faure roseburg oregon - Boneless with otavio neto

Christian Smithers from this summer skating a nasty egg in Oklahoma

Rance floats the bump - photo Brad Heath

cameron laurance - photo jozy brink denver colorado

v o y r a t a g u l P r e Photograph e n i a r k U e h t n i Yura. Skate

Peanut's Pool Finds Why the title? Easy. Let’s start a war and Kill ‘em All! Trillions of dollars spent on this war looking for some goon living in a cave in the hills of Sumplacestan. Why know just have dropped an N bomb at the get go and wiped that zone off the fucking map along with O.B.L. All this money spent ruined our economy. Just as planned. Those fucks are laughing every day watching as hundreds of thousands of people are loosing their jobs and houses. It is tragic. Just have to hope that, well our friends here in the skate community or family is hit by this. I for one am shittin bricks. Well, we all know that over the recent year’s boy the housing marked skyrocketed and now as hit an all time low. I am a simple skateboarder with one desire in skateboarding. I’m not trying to do all these sick ass tricks and learn a bunch of new shit. All I want to do is skate and sample every empty backyard pool I possibly can. With my mother having lived in the SGV and myself in San Diego, I made a lot of road trips back and forth and tons of rubbernecking! I have to say that the effort I put into it paid off. I don’t count on anyone telling me where one of their secret spots are, but every now and again I get to share some spots with friends and sometimes just happen to do a drive-by, hop a fence and barge an empty swimming pool. Usually in the dry months all ya need is a broom. These days I see tons of “For Sale” signs and “Bank Repo” signs. Still, as many signs I come across chances are slim that epic pool will be in that back yard, dry and waiting for some coping to get smashed. Some of the seedier neighborhoods you might get lucky and find power and drain a full pool all the way and have fun for a couple of weeks. Or, you can do all the work only to be shut down the next day to find that the bank or realtor has filled the pool again. Either way, it’s up to you. If you want to skate a pool be proactive and get out there and find that shit!! Most importantly don’t be a dumbshit if confronted by someone. Example: After cleaning a pool and getting it ready, the pool guy showed up baffled that the pool was dry. We

Peanut at work at a nice repo. Photo NG

both agreed that the pool was going to need a lot of work, he was happy it was clean and told me I had a day, I took it. Here are some holes from a couple of years back. R.I.P. for the most part. Mark Phillips “Peanut�

Pat Garcia enjoying fresh bull nose in another repo.

Chris Mumma gets it on a good 4 feet of vert out in the middle of no where.

Roll the Dice

So one random afternoon after searching craigslist for some cool free stuff I came across this ad for free dirt. All you wanted, free dirt can mean anything from a plumbing project to what I had hoped was a pool needing some serious digging. Turns out after a few emails some guys I work with knew the owner of this house and indeed it was a pool that needed the dirt out. The owner of the house was looking to make the pool into a bass fishing pond or something and we reached an agreement that if I helped dig it out, we could fix it up and skate it for awhile. It was a very sick situation and the view from the bowl was nothing less than stellar. The sunset behind catalina island, the dana point headlands, san clemente pier, even some of the local beach breaks were all on the horizon from this potential gem on the hill. The highlight of the dig would be my son, not even three yet, grabbing a shovel and wanting to help dig out the “skate pool� so he called it. It was a horrible time with one of the worst heat waves keeping temperatures in the triple digits. The digging went on in spurts over the next few months. Slowly the shallow end emerged and looked amazing. It had the signs of good shallow transitions which kept the fire inside burning to get the pool empty. The shallow end stairs emerged and the subtle blue haven logo in the top step proved to be even more motivating. If this story sounds to good to be true, well it is otherwise you’s see a ton of photos of it in here. Towards the deep end we ran into what appeared to be a flat bottom. Once all the dirt was gone (I gave up when I saw the deep) the truth was now known. At some point in time, somebody had removed the bottom of the deep end, and filled it in with a cement fountain type contraption built directly into the gunite of the pool. It basically looked as if somebody rented a cement truck and filled in the deep end with about four feet of cement completely ruining the bowl for any skate sessions. It was painful to see the killer transitions curve down and then hit a complete right angle. Better luck next time I suppose would be about all you can say about this one.

Daniel Vargas floats a freddie krueger on halloween.

Mutiny on Donaldsons

Photos by

The the ramp has given birth to a hull with perfect transitions and bowled corners. One of the nicest ramp owners around, if you are lucky to get a session in you know. I guess all there is left to build is down the hill.

Thanks to Troy, El Mumma, Jimmy Slack, E-Mag, Grosso, Reed, Casey, Scott, Lance and everyone else for some manual labor this weekend!!! Big Jerry, there’s a pile of sawdust somewhere with your name on it!!! - DONO

East Coast Skate Shops and the Economy Shops on the east cost are battling an all time low. Not only do they have to deal with the cold winter months that typically lower sales, but they also have to tolerate this tough economy. Before gas and food prices went crazy, customers would purchase a new deck and a pair of shoes about once a month. Now I am lucky if they can afford one or the other. People are riding some haggard decks these days or they just aren’t skating at all. In the past two weeks I doubled my hours of operation just to try to bring in enough to pay the bills. Out of those two weeks, I had one person come in and buy a sheet of grip tape. My guess is that it is not just my shop dealing with this. Hard good sales are down 40 percent compared to a year ago. And they may not be through dropping yet. I suspect parents are less likely to fork over the dough for their child’s need to buy a new deck when they aren’t sure if they could be the next one laid off. Three shops have already closed leaving us to have a thirty mile radius between other shops. Thinking we are the top dog and cornering the market, only to find out we are now competing with the local Wal-Mart selling super low priced scooters. We thought about lowering prices, but do to the cost of items from the distributors going up this year, we can’t even do that. The other thing to consider about lower prices is some distribution company’s have a fuel surcharge still from when the gas prices were so high. If something doesn’t give soon we may to be closing the doors also, letting us feel like the banks and car dealerships and needing a bail out. Perhaps our government is the hardgood manufactures. The bail out could be a demo / signing to get parents and kids stoked about skating again and scrapping the metal scooters. Look on the bright side though if you are fortunate enough to be able to have a skateboard yet the bad economy equals lots of houses for sale equaling lots of empty pools to skate… AJ Mitchell Mitchell Skateboards

Support the Shops people or we will all have to buy skate gear from walmart or zumiez in a mall.

Park Patrol Oceanside, Caliornia - MLK and Melba Bishop Skateparks. Oceanside has the right idea in building a series of skatepark through their town to accomodate youths with no transportation. The parks were bult and designed by Grindline making them the first official Grindline parks in southern california. The is designs for a third larger, more central skatepark also designed by Grindine which will feature a cradle, pool with coping and all the Grindline goodies. The two parks which will both be open by January of 2009 are smaller, but still have some of the quality things you would come to expect from Grindline. MLK park is a fowing snake run type of set up with pool coping in the deep end, tombsotne, bank to barrier and a slew of other fun nuggets to enjoy. The Melba Bishop park is definitly more street orintated, but as we all know grindline street equals some tranny stuff as well so it looks to be a great park. No fences, staff, pads, police, or anything really the few times i have hit MLK so it looks to be a perfect situation.

SkatePark Rumors San Juan Capistrano is on its way to getting a skatepark. The tenative area for it’s location will be at the main sports complex replacing the current community garden area. The community garden will be moved to an area with much more land to accomodate the demand for that and will allow the skatepark to be built where there are lights and ammeniteies allready established.

Fillmore, California - A new California skateparks creation with a solid flow course and a pool more like a backyarder than most skatepark pools. Lots of street stuff too with a 6 stair and other various blocks and manual pads. One weird thing is the stair case built in the flow section. Seems like a pretty god idea to put stairs where people go mach 10 or even better to get a group of street kids sitting in the flow hitting the stairs and putting a crowd where one does not need to be. Overall looks like a fun park and better than most. It’s refreshing to see skateparks continue to improve upon each other as a park built ten years ago by purkiss rose would resemble a large turd in comparison to this new generation of parks.

This park is located in Spearman, Texas. After a Tony Hawk Foundation grant in 2007, City help, and another grant in 2009. This park is now over 12,000square feet. Spearman only has a population of 3,000. Check it out. - Chad Wilkerson

Review Time “Full parts by Tony Trujillo & Fred Gall Other Featured Skaters include: Mark Appleyard, Chris Haslam, Darren Navarrette, Dan Drehobl, Emmanuel Guzman, Andrew Reynolds, Ryan Sheckler and More. Brutal bonuses include our Bust or Bail Contest in SF, Globe’s Slaughter at the Opera in OZ, Skate Rock Japan & more Filimed on location in Israel, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Australia, Serbia, Japan and some spots in Canada Runtime over 90 Minutes/ Beer Slave artwork by Sam Hitz” Straigh of the Thrasher Webpage. This movie is bad ass and nothing less than expected from a P-Stone flick. Go get your hands on a copy today.

One of the best out there may be done for the print. for all the details. Probably the only mag to last for years in the skatepark office where all the others are tossed in weeks. I was always stoked to see a photo I took show up in those pages, as rare as that was, and every issue was read how old thrashers used to be; Cover to cover and memorized for all its worth. Thanks for all the efforts Davoud & Concussion. - NG

Vacilander Videozine P.O. Box 97 Imperial, CA 92251 Received this one in the mail and was surprised to how good it was. Skating, music, just like watching a good quality show. Skreech kills the Ridiculous pool and you get some nice rock and roll footy as well. For the first issue out, this one has a good looking future.

One day this guy, that I won’t mention the name, said one thing that shocked me. “... you know, there’s life after skateboarding...”. And with that I had a question lurking on my mind, “What the fuck?”, seriously, if some one say that, it means that he should be playing college football with a bunch of jocks instead of trying to make skateboarding a sport. Whatever dude... But for those that see skateboarding as a lifestyle, I salute you. This issue, as all the past ones, is to celebrate skateboarding, showing a bit of the skate scenes that are, in some way or another, connected to the FORFUNZINE, from San Diego to Baltimore, and of course, the crazy Colorado with some new ‘crete and an interview with the “cover boy” Andrew Deutsch. Big thanks to all the supporters and Terry Ratzlaff for hooking me up with some picts, including the cover shot. I hope you’ll like this issue because it took a while to get it done, due to the worldwide financial crisis. Yeah right!! ISSUE #20 COMING SOON!! Kill ‘zine that showed up, being lazy I just zapped this from their website

Want to see your band, products, or whatever you have goin’ in here? Send them to Broken Magazine Product Review, 25562 Dana Mesa Dr, San Juan Capistrano, ca 92675 attn.: review master general

Sequence Rips

Huntington Beach, CA trevor wilkonsin

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