Broken skateboard magazine issue 5

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Issue 5 Free


Belvedere La Bassine Rebirth Jeff Greenwood Paco Chuck Hults Lost Ramp Jam

Broken Mag Table of Con tents

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Joe Uttley


Chuck Hults


La Bassine


Park Patrol


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Lein to tail in a nice France D.I.Y.

r e t t o l B e


Issue 5 is alive and that’s that. Summer is here, new ramps are built, new pools are empty, and I am stuck at work. Dog the Bounty Hunter was on tonight, that is some quality shit right there. The city of palmdale is offering $750 per rotting swimming pool to clean out. If you got a pump, time to get some work done. Can you imagine getting $750 per pool you cleaned out, that right there means we are in the wrong business here at Broken. This is the first issue which people actually paid to advertise in our fine skateboard reading material. Moving on up, to the east side! Also stoked to see this month a little south county D.I.Y. spot fall to the county workers as some company posted up directions on their web site, thus blowing it out big time without even lifting a finger to help build. That’s awesome.- Enjoy -


Editor/Layout - Nick Gates Writers/ Contributors - Corey Minderhout, Mark Phillips,Chris G. Chris Bourke, Chuck Hults, Jeff Greenwood Photographers - NG, MRZ, Mark Phillips, Steve Potvin, CK, Robb Gardner, George Medina, Shawn Rossmiller, Evan Hortter, James Cowan, Brandon Wong, Salah Mehdi. Graphics - MP, CK, NG Advertising - Ad space for issue 6 is cheap and gets on average 11000 downloads for your money. Help us grow into color print and buy an ad - interesting offers may be entertained. Submissions - 109 Dije Ct Unit #3, San Clemente Ca 92672 Help Wanted! - Yeah we need help making this here Broken Mag pillage and Plunder - Want to work for beans and get the reward of knowing somebody on concrete disciples might start a thread of shit talk about you, then shoot us an email. We need help with it all! This egg here was pretty fun, good ol’ peanut found it a swimmer and with the magic touch the water was gone and wheels were rolling. Do you have a band and want some exposure, we are currently looking for a few more songs for the next Broken Magazine feature film. If you think you band could play in a room full of kids and cause laughter, need not to send in your sounds.

S.T.S. ( scam the system)........... Road Trip meals when the money is non existent. If you know what town is coming up, call 411 on the cell and get the number to a fast food place. McDonalds, Carl’s, Jack, whatever they may have. Call the restaurant and tell them about how they forgot your big macs and now you have to drive all the way back. Act pissed but nice and when you pull up to the mcdonalds or whatever you chose, you’ll have a free meal ready to go. Sometimes they even throw in free sundae or old apple pie action. I wouldn’t depend on this as a sole source of food for a long ass road trip, but in a pinch it’ll get you through the day.

Jimmy the Greek Loves us

Nolan Johnson bomeless in a south county super secret epic ditch. - photo Evan Horrter

Cover Shot - Brant Austin - Photo MRZ

Check out Havoc TV on channel 101 direct TV or in the free zone on Cox Cable. You can see both Hessian Sessions and Poolgasm from the comforts of your couch. Stay Tuned for even more from Broken Magazine on Havoc TV.

In the Trenches

Just your average ollie over the love seat on the warm up run. - Photo Mike Davis

P. Flair boneless one at RSM - Photo NG

Buck Shallow Grinder - Photo Chuck Hults

Johnny Wad - Photo Brandon Wong

Hesh Brett warming up for carbondale - Photo NG Sickest Kidney

Tom Knox @ Chicken’s - Photo James Cowan

Brian Whitney clears the fish Cohort style - Photo CK

Gyr Bloom breaks in a new ride - SC Skate Park - Photo NG

d o o w n e Jeff Gre s e l p i c s i D e t e r c n o C 1. OK, its official, the Jeff greenwood broken interview - how are things? Things haven’t been great to be honest. I’ve been a wreck. My health is literally shitty and it’s been so long since I felt good I forgot how it feels. I’ve started getting depressed about it lately and that ain’t helping either. Image this, it’s been almost 2 years since I feel like I had a shredding session, it’s been almost 10 months and I haven’t gotten to skate at all! 2. 10 years for has made the CD site one of the best on the net for skating news and skate parks. How many parks do you have in the database now? Well thanks for recognizing that fact. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years running now. I was always pissed that the big magazines didn’t give a shit about the skateboarding I love and grew up loving. It’s been all freestyle or rails and ledges for too long. They left a door open for it for a long time, as in they left it wide open as they, until recently, said fuck the internet, fuck skate parks, fuck pools , it’s a useless waste of time. Now they are finally embracing it although their formats are nearly identical and their coverage is nearly identical. Concrete Disciples and Broken Magazine are related in that sense that we’re not catering to fashion of the week. Our skate park database has just about 3,000 parks in it, but there could easily be 2,000 more worldwide. I have probably 100-200 sets of park photos in my in box at all times. Sometimes I try to attack them and get up 25 listings in a weekend, but when I check my email the next day there are always 26 more. It never fucking ends! 3. Are you happy with the direction CD is going? For the most part yes. The stress has taken its toll on my health, mainly because we’ve gotten into a lot of relationships with customers who pay us a little money to keep the site going and I’m always one to make sure we give people more then they sign up for. It has become a ton of work on all ends of the web site. Too much for me to do alone, especially with a full time job the whole time which also has it’s demands. That’s why I sought out some help a little while back from Christian and Ray. 4. What are your goals for CD in the next 5 years? To make a little scratch, especially for Christian and Ray who are busting their asses off and getting no

money for it. I’ve never needed the extra money and always just put in a little of my own over 10 years all the time to keep it all going. I have that full time job that pays me well and I used CD to train me with internet skills for this job. 5. I’m sure I am not the only one, but it seems like the CD forum gets a load of daily regulars. I miss the old school days when everyone would just meet up and skate the few parks that were and now its usually worth a good laugh or two with all the crap going on. What’s your take on some of the battles that are waged in the CD forums? We do get a lot of regulars. Over time I have seen it ebb and flow a lot. People get bored after a while because the same topics come up year after year. It was a lot more fun in the old days cuz we all had so much more to bitch about. We haven’t even had a Purkiss Rose bitch session in probably 2 years, I think they finally stopped making crappy skate parks. That was one of CD’s main goals from the beginning. Just spreading useful information where the fucking so called ‘skateboarding magazines’ would not. 6. Any Good Pools out your way lately? Oh, I am sure there are plenty. I would like to see a few myself but I’m down and out, laying really low, and feeling miserable. I’m tired of bringing the party down so until I feel it again I’m just trying to get my body back in shape. 7. MRZ and Christian sure take CD to another level, that shits better than most print mags. What’s the story behind their arrival? They get it and they are DOWN! I needed and wanted help with content on the web site. I’ve seen so many of the people who have started up there own stuff the past 3 or 4 years and these 2 guys showed real fucking talent. I mean there’s some other talented people out there for sure but these two were the cream of the crop. The 3 of us are a well rounded team together and we all got our specialties. I was at a point where I felt like I couldn’t keep asking anybody to contribute there shit to Concrete Disciples because I felt they deserved to get paid for it. I just didn’t make any income of CD to be able to do so. So CD readers got stuck with my terrible coverage and mediocre pics for a whole there. ,,,So I got them together and decided to offer them a piece of the action on CD, not putting out false pretenses that there was any action to be had. They recognized that there is some potential here worth going after. We’d hoped to be farther along getting a few dollars in the coffers to pay for more events, more coverage and road trips, and general expenses of CD and it’s been a battle. We’re still not breaking even but we’re spending more all the time. It’s more work then I anticipated going in to it. We want it to be even better then it is. We have a ton of plans and ideas, we’re just short of dough! But that could be changing a little more in our favor soon so watch out for a new wave of activity.

Chris Mumma at Black Slabbath - Photo NG Alex Fuller Back Smith - Photo NG

Brant Austin - RnR at the SC Egg - Photo NG

Is this 87 or 07? Photo Chuck Hults








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Joe Uttley

Front Feeble @ Trabuco Mesa

Hometown - San Clemente, Ca Skate for Relic and flow from eS and LRG. Career Sales Professional Travel and Skate Vegetarian Camera - VX2000 - equipped with Death Lens

Kyle nabs a proper stalefish roastbeef on a borrowed set up. - Photo NG

BS KF @ the water fountain, South O.C. Photos - NG

s t l u H k c u h C v t . s r e t f a r c k Dec 1. You have to have some of the raddest boards to ride, old and of course Deckcrafters, what is your favorite if you had one? If I had to pick a favorite from my quiver it would have to be my Caster with the Wings wheels. The wheels are super fast and the deck has a fiberglass layer that makes it go “Boing” Of the DECKCRAFTERS models, the 3 Fish shape 8 1/2” with 15”wb, 149 Indys, 58mm wheels.....I’ve been riding that shape and concave and set up for many years, so I’m more comfortable on it than anything. 2.Deckcrafters has some of the best quality boards around, What’s the story behind deckcrafters? Thanks. I started making decks for a living with Paul Schmitt in Florida. I laminated and shaped the decks and Paul painted and printed them. Being the shaper I was always making customs for the team and friends. We moved to California as skateboarding was booming in the 80’s, and I began shaping for a lot of teams and Pros. With all the practice I was getting shaping decks I was able to have a finished prototype sample for the skater in about an hour...... Well Lenscrafters had and ad back in the 80’s with the phrase “in about an hour” so Deckcrafters was a what they started calling me. It was in the 90’s when pool and vert decks were nonexistent that the Deckcrafters brand started, it never made any money but it kept me and my friends skating. Now that the underground scene has grown I thought Deckcrafters should grow with it. 3. You have some killer skaters on the roster, the Unprofessionals. Ryan’s band played at the skate park and ripped it up (harry balsangna or something like that). You working on a team video or anything? I’m very lucky to have the Unprofessionals support Deckcrafters. I was not looking forward to finding a “team” but I’m so pleased with the one I got. Buck, Lenny, Chris, Maddog, Eric, Ryan and Turkey....thanks guys. If we can find the time we’d love to do a video. 4. the butter ball, is that in production and where did you get the > idea to create such a fun ass skate. No it’s not production, we were working on a double decker wake skate and one of the prototype molds was prefect to make a Big deck from. I just did it for a laugh , I had no idea it would work so good.

5. Best pool you skated recently. You haven’t taken me there yet. 6. Ever been caught in a backyarder I’ve been in the back of a few cop cars while they checked me for warrants and did community service at the Boy Scouts sea port in New Port Bch (see ticket) 7. So you mentioned on the phone that the 30th anniversary for Kona is 7-7-07 and you’ll be there for that? When did you first ride Kona yourself and what were some of the best sessions you remember there? Yeah I’m so stoked to be going to the 30 year party at KONA! ....... I first rode KONA in 1981 at the Variflex Summer Nationals, on the cover of the September 81 Thrasher you can see me on the grassy knoll taking photo’s in my short-shorts. I didn’t get to compete because KONA had a new mandatory coper rule to save the fresh poured coping on the when I did my new trick at the time, backside air to 50/50 ...... I grinded right off the end of the ramp and had to jump down into the freestyle banks, breaking my toe. I was forced to take photo’s and play hacky sack with Stacy Peralta for the rest of my stay. A few years later in 84 things went better for me when I won banked slalom and placed 3rd or 4th in sponsored pool. But by far the best

times at KONA were just shooting the Snake Run a 1000 times with all my friends and playing tag until you collapse. 8.What did that ticket run you back in 88 and was the pool worth it? That cost a bundle. They had some lame scam back then called the “court assessment fee” which basically doubled the ticket amount. It came out to over $500.00, I had no choice but to take community service. The worst part is the pool sucked and they leveled the whole lot 2 days after we rode it. 9.Where do you usually skate? My spots have been varied lately, but I hit up the Mesa when I’m looking to cruise. 10. If you could skate any pool with any crew from any time, what, who, and when? That’s a tough one...... I guess if I could ride the Nude Bowl in pristine condition, no graffiti or shotgun holes...that would be cool. For my crew I’d need the St Pete crew, the Naples Skateboard Club, The Rancheros and The Junk Ramp junkies. 11.Any plans for this summer?

My plans are hanging out with my family and trying to keep Deckcrafters growing while skating as much as I can. Thanks Chuck - You can check out all Chuck’s latest and greatest at


KENDAL CORDOVA Double Kick Flip Fountain gap - Photo NG

e n i s s a B La Photos sent in by Salah Mehdi

Lester Kasai- Photo Robb Gardner

l o r t a P Park s Angeles, Ca Belvedere

Daily Checkers

- Lo

The Pool- Photo Shawn Rossmiller

Flow Zone - Photo Shawn Rossmiller


1. 2. Sleestak 3. 4. 5. Paying in pain 6. 7. the 559 daily photo blog 8. Royalhawianpoolservice 9. socalskateparks 10. The Skateboard photo project

Flow Zone - Photo Shawn Rossmiller

Daniel Vargas - Photo Robb Gardner

Beanie stopped in to destroy - photo NG Drew Smith - Photo Randy

Flow Zone - Photo Shawn Rossmiller

m a J p m a R Energy Drink

Boneless off the roof into the bank - Joe gets two photos on a page because he killed the setup.

Lost mente, CA San Cle

Dustin BS Boneless on the extension. Free energy drinks from lost = everybody was fired up!

Adam Dyet Feeble in the heat.

Kendal Cordova is a machine, ollie blast in the south county sun.

This kid bombs a fat melon into some old lady who dropped her hot dog. Nice

Joe gets a nice one on the mini tranny.

So the local 7-11 bum was killed out in the court yard next to the convenience store. The lady who works at 7-11 thought he was passed out all day and then when the sun went down with no movement, it was obvious Elvis had left the building. This makeshift memorial was put together. The first evening saw the steel reserves and seagrams unopened as a tribute to him. The second evening the cans and bottles had been emptied and then placed back in the memorial. Its a sad story, but even a sadder day when there are guys out there drinking away a man’s memorial brew.

Greg Anguilar at the Santa Cruz Park.

Review Time

Want to see you products here? Send them to Broken Magazine Product Review, 109 Dije Ct Unit 3, San Clemente, ca 92672 attn.: review master general - We continue from last issue and now we have the final product. A good quality skateboard with the design we made on the Boardpusher’s web site. Its clean, non pixilated and it was free so really, no complaints. Slides good, could a had more concave, but for same price a deck from the local shop is, you can have your own board with whatever you design. Check them out at! - RMG

Zine Review Time Bad Egg - Denver, Colorado based zine full of the mandatory pools, music, and sick skating. Issue five is the back yard issue full of backyard pools, ramps, and D.I.Y. Really got to love the custom cover. www.myspace. com/badeggzine Check it!

Made in the Northwest by POD, this is packed with some good photos in good parks. Good balance of photos and stuff to read. The cover basically speaks for it’s self and unless your throwing fat frontsides over the door at Pier Point, then you best get a copy of Sauce. http:// www.sauceskateboardzine. com

Skateboarding Explained - This video arrived and at first glance you might think it’s some Tony Hawk trick vid where everyone is munching pizza bites and watching dudes go ollie, turn, and back side tail slide that vert pocket with some help ful hints you’ll never get. This video is exactly opposite and really makes you think about how to do tricks, even if you don’t get much farther from the coping bash to beer grab at the local park. If you ever had a trick that pissed you off, this might shed some light on it. It even helped me to land some 360 flips which had been m.i.a. since ‘92 and my pants were size 80. Anyway, worth a check out and definitely worth making your infant child watch repeatedly instead of sponge bob. visit - RMG

The House of Kasai - The newly reestablished House of Kasai has a few models to choose from with more in the works. The Lester Kasai pro model was what we had to peer over. Made at ABC boards, you know they already kick ass. I think the sizes available right now are 8 and 8.25 with a decent concave on both. You might have seen these being ridden at the Pro Tec Pool Challenge or by any of the rippers on the team hitting your local park. www.

Want to see you products here? Send them to Broken Magazine Product Review, 109 Dije Ct Unit 3, San Clemente, ca 92672 attn.: review master general

OMSA Zine - OMSAZINE IS A INDEPENDENT SKATEBOARD ZINE MADE BY STEFAN ROSE (Layout for the first two Issues) AND PETER “ DIETSCHES “ DIEPES. IT IS DISTRIBUTED WORLDWIDE. Its a well made zine with a cool layout, glossy cover, and tons of content to waste away the day on. Worth a look or at least an email to get one for yourself. Check it out on myspace. http://

Young Guns Paco

Paco fuckin’ kills it all - that’s all.

Blaise gets the stairs just as the clock struck beer thirty at the cockpit. Photo NG

Tom Knox avoiding some wheel bite - Photo Cowan

Back Issues Available - $2 each or download them for free online.

Help support the ‘zine and buy a video, shirt or send a SASE for some free stickers. Copies of issues available for $2. Check out the online store at BrokenMagazine. com. Send money to Broken Magazine, 109 Dije Ct Unit 3, San Clemente, Ca 92672

New Mesh Hats - All black with logo $10



Rolled Ankle?

B B B D.U.I. Of the month

Disaster Back Flip - Photos Dylan Hass


B Pala 2007

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