Broken skateboard magazine issue 8

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Brent Sommesse Skate Oddities Kevin Carmody GvR Redoubt BackYard Photo Contest

Issue 8

Broken Mag Table of Contents Road Sodas 5 Kevin Carmody 7 GvR redoubt 9 Brent Sommese 14 BackYard Photo Contest 18 Photo Bombs 26 Music Review 32 Oddities 36 Screech 5-0 pivot in Pedro - Photo MRZ

Cover - Kirk gets a nice floater over the roman hip - photo contest winner Eric Swenson


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Issue 8 has finally arrived. More skating, less working equals no issue. This issue is full of the goods including some great art work by Brent Sommese and Kevin Carmody. Two completely different styles that both encompass raw skateboarding in their own medium. Some shots from the egg ‘cause that’s all we got down this way, skate oddities, typical band reviews, road sodas, and a slew of other quality. Log on to for a chance to win a new House of Kasai deck and a clothing package from Roulette Clothing. You can see the winner and most of the top competitors from the back yard photography contest recently held in the forum. The cover shot Eric Swenson took of Kirk out in the Vegas sunset. We have some new stickers in stock soon and new clothes for in the works for summer ‘08. Stay Tuned - B.Ed

Ronnie Yerman floats a nice tucknee out in Chino, Ca Photo Brandon Wong

Editor/Layout - Nick Gates Writers/ Contributors - Mark Phillips,Nick Gates, Amish Ed, Kevin Carmody, Brent Sommese Photographers - NG, MRZ, Mark Phillips, Amish Ed, CK, Brandon Wong, James Greely, K.H., Graphics - MP, CK, NG Advertising - Ad space for issue 9 is cheap and gets on average 22000 downloads for your money. Help us grow into color print and buy an ad - interesting offers may be entertained. Submissions - Send your band’s cd, photos, products, or whatever you want to see in broken to 25562 Dana Mesa, San Juan Capistrano Ca, 92675 Submit via email -

CK Gets it done at a super secrect pool.

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Stone Mill Pale Ale - An American Pale Ale brewed by AnheuserBusch Companies, in St. Louis, Missouri USA. I noticed these fine beverages one day on a trip to Big Bear on the shelf at the local super market. Looked worth a try and I was presently suprised by this pale ale. Although I would drink a Sierra Nevada before I opened this, It still is worth the 7-8 dollar price range. It packs a punch, but not enough that you couldnt hadndle a sick session of skating or maybe an afternoon with some lumber and power tool for that new garage quarter pipe. They drink easy and before you know it youll be driving back to the store for more. Here are a few reviews I found online as well, suprising beer for the same guys that make Natural Ice! - Beer Dude “ This beer is above average for American beers with the exception of micro-breweries. The flavour is stronger than can be expected with most American beers. The flavour is also slightly bitter, which is to be expected of a pale ale. It could use a bit more kick, but it’s not bad. While there are many better beers on the market in this category, I’d put Stone Mill near the top in the American Pale Ale category.”

Alpha Kong Three FLyds - A belgian strong ale brewed by Threee Floyds Brewing Company in Indiana, USA. It has a rating of 13% so be ready for some anniliation. -Beer Dude “On-tap @ Three Floyds Brewpub... Listed on the beer menu as a Sextuppel. Artwork on the tapper is very cool (as always from Three Floyds) Shiny reddish/orange color. Aroma is mostly spices, yeast, sweet malts, and mild fruits. I really did not get my hopes up for this one, as I didn’t think an American brewery focusing on hops and extreme American styles could pull this off with much success.. I couldn’t be more glad I was wrong. The taste has the Belgian flair that you can easily pin down, but with a great fresh spice taste and a big-time sweetness that I swear has a life of it’s own. Rumor has it this beer’s huge sweetness comes from rare imported sugar from East least that’s what they told us at the brewpub...but whatever it is, I’ve never tasted it in a belgian. The alcohol is very well hidden, but can be sensed by the nearly instant intoxication after a few sips. Mouthfeel is full and carbonation is quite low. This baby slides down as easy as a 4% pilsner..absolutely no agressive/harsh tastes..just sweet, spicy, perfection. Truth be told, American brewers can (and have) beat many Belgians at their own game.. this is one clear example. Don’t get me wrong..i love a good true Belgian (from there) just as much as the next guy, but I simply cannot think of a beer at 15.5% that can top this killer. Damn, I love when breweries have the balls to come out with insane beers like this, because when they pay off, they’re simply incredible...and this one is.”

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First I would just like to say thanks to Broken for hooking me up with a page or two in the mag. Basically all the stuff your looking at has been created bye me. I have always had a main goal and that is to make my work fun and enjoyable to look at. Hopefully who ever is viewing this feels that way. My personal opinion is that my black and white work turns out better then my colored pieces, but I enjoy a loud view so I tend use more color then not. I have always been influenced by the skateboarding culture because of its freedom to express. Other then discarding it completely I have turned to what I believe I am decent at and have combined the two. With that being said I guess you can figure out what I am talking about. SKATEBOARD ART! -Kevin Carmody

GVR ReDoubt by Amish Ed

Shooting at the Etnies GVR bowl contest last year presented me with the opportunity to meet someone who is within the skate community, but I don’t think anybody really knows about him. He doesn’t skate and he never has, but he is as hardcore as it gets. During the masters practice I also bumped into the guy who is arguably the most hardcore skater ever, Duane Peters. And when I say bumped, it was more like a collision, I set up for a shot, expecting a lipslide since he had been working on them in that spot. Well he do one this time. He came up out of the bowl and straight into me. Thankfully, I had just bought a good tether for my camera. MRZ pointed out afterwards though that DP and I were about 2’ from a very painful doubles transfer into the Combi Bowl. This was one of those few times where I was glad to be big and fat. And rarely does this combo work in my favor.

Anyways, DP is a psycho skater with great style and he’s had a major influence on skating and skate culture. But, to my knowledge, he’s not a hero. We all know that talent and even having a helping, generous personality doesn’t get you much farther. A person can be a complete jerk with no talent for anything, and they can still be a hero. No matter how hardcore the person, or helping and giving they are, there is a big gap between them and a hero. I think that it’s safe to say that the person that is willing to give up their life for another is in the truest sense a hero. How did I get to talking about heroes? Well, I had the opportunity to get to know a real, hardcore, hero at the 2007 GVR. When I met Eric at the Soul Bowl a few months before, it was obvious that he has some big time physical problems. I never asked him about what problems he had. We just hung out for a short time and joked about the necessity of starting wheelchair jousting tournaments. When I met Eric again at GVR he had zero recollection of our hanging out. No big deal right? Well, he went on to say that he has a horrible memory since he’s missing a 3rd of the right side of his brain. Damn. He warned me that he’d probably forget me again. It wasn’t until Fri. morning before bowl warm-ups that I learned his story. As we now know, immediately after 9-11 our country sent troops into Afghanistan to try and take out Bin Laden. Well Eric was one of those troopers. He went on to serve 2 more tours. During his third tour his Hummer hit an IED.

Eric lost a 1/3 of the right side of his head. He also lost his right eye, and his right arm and and leg were severely wounded and are barely functional now. The right side of his throat was also torn open. He was next in line to be body bagged when his fingers started twitching. Eric arrived an the OR after a 2hr helicopter medivac with the medic holding his neck’s arteries together with his fingers. Eric had 1 pint of blood left. Hardcore. At the beginning of last year Darwin Holmes (the wheelchair skater) met Eric at the VA and they became friends. Eric was overweight and bed bound, but Darwin told him he could walk. Eric has since been traveling around to skate events with Darwin and his family. He has lost a lot of weight and is bette Eric’s attiwalking and doing much better. tude is phenomenal. He’s happy and glad to be alive. He knew what he was risking when he joined the Army, and he paid a heavy price in serving our country. And, he would do it again. That’s a hero. I’d really like to think that I would be the same way in the same situation, but you don’t know until you’re there.

So, here I am at a contest, and I’m spending a lot of time hanging out with these 2 guys that make my numerous illnesses and injuries almost look minor. The reason I say almost is because of how Eric and Darwin and his family treated me. I was just one more jacked person. There’s no doubt that Darwin kicks ass on a chair. He does it despite the obvious potential for having a really really bad wreck. Like when he trashed his wrist on the flow course that Sat. I’m not sure, but I bet that probably hinders the wheelchair bound. Darwin and Eric are an inspiration for me to not give up on my body. You just have to adjust. In a most serious fashion I suck at skating; but I do it when my body let’s me for the same reasons everyone else does. Luckily I’ve always loved carving. My wife likes to remind me that I’m already on my way to wal and a personal nurse, so needing a walker I don’t need any help from skating. You can imagine what those conversations are like.

Never the less, GVR wasn’t the time for introspection, that’s come since. No, it was mostly a fun time with some crushing reality mixed in. Thankfully my sarcasm has been honed to a fine point. I’d need it with Eric. Li Like me, my lovely wife’s sense of humor is brutally sarcastic. So meshing with Eric’s sense of humor was easy. You have to think fast to counter a cripple when he throws out excuses about missing a 3rd of his brain, or complaining that cane fighting with a cripple is mean. With my back and joints killing me, I happened to be using my cane that weekend. Let’s just say that if you cane fight with Eric, and he will start it, you better be ready for a mite of pain. And you have to be willing to whack a cripple. And, when you turn your back you better leave one eye on him.

But, then something would happen that would remind me of how bad the bad is for him. Eric has to take tons of medications, and as I mentioned before, he has a lot of brain damage, and on top of that he has extreme PTSD. I have seen a Vietnam Vet having flashbacks because of a flight of F-18’s flying on the deck. I can’t imagine what happens to Eric. I do know though that it can take days for him to recover from his flashbacks. The Holmes family and Will Powers (he is often their driver) have truly become his family. They have many tasks to help and do for Eric, and almost always someone has to be with him. Not to mention the fact that Darwin has a lot of his own problems resulting from the loss of the use of his legs in an accident. And yet they travel the country so that Darwin can do demos. Reminding people that being a skater really is about a state of mind, not what the body can or can’t do. And, Eric is right there watching him. And that’s a far from simple task.

I only know this because I walked with him from the motor home to the bowl. This was what might have been a 5-10min walk for most, for Eric it’s about a 45min. It probably took us 20min. to get to the roundabout by the park entrance. Getting from there to the bowl took probably twice that. Pushing through large la areas of people wasn’t too bad, I could break trail. Again, my size was a big positive; twice in 2 days is probably some kind of record. Anyways, when the areas got tight we had to watch out, because people didn’t bother to let Eric get forward, even when asked. And, I’ll add that quite a few people as didn’t even bother to slow down and try not to bump into him. But, I’ll also add that, that once inside the park people were very good about getting (themselves and any surrounding stuff) out of Eric’s way. Even though there was considerably mo less room to move.

The next day we were headed up to the bleachers for the street course and had to negotiate three sections with maybe 4 steps each. Eric needs a rail on his left side to walk unassisted. So we had to go up as one. God, you’d think we were ruining peoples day by taking up so much space on the steps, and it’s not lilike they couldn’t walk on the grass next to the steps. At one point I actually had to announce that a wounded vet needed space to be able to walk. That works. I know when my back is out or my arthritis is flaring up and I’m walking with my cane how many times I get pushed and shoved because I can’t walk faster. My issues are minor compared to Eric’s and I can only imagine what he has to deal with everyday, all day. In big crowds we all get into that cattle mentality, mentalit but maybe we can all try to be a little more aware of those around us.

Awareness is I guess what these wandering words are about. For myself it’s a changing awareness of my body and mind. It’s a reminder of my goal to lose 40lbs skating and to get in a death race by the end of next year. It’s about the awareness that there them are people out there risking themselves for others. And, if you’ve read this far and you skate, you might just meet one of these heroes. Eric is at many skate contests and events around the country, so if you see him say Hi and thank him for his service.


t n e r B e s e m m o S Boneless off the box and over the plants. Art by Brent is sicker than it appears. You have to take a second and look for all the details. He has a devotion to skateboarding which can be seen in his art, music, skating, or just about anything he does. The bands that he plays with Tennisclub and Axleslip each show elements of creativity which are never stale. Each piece is so unique and very visually stimulationg.

Ed Templetons

Hand Plants

Mark GOnzalez Flow

BackYard Photo Contest

Fred Reeves @ Ron's Roman in Atlanta. photo by rotw -

Somewhere In The Middle Of The Ocean... photo from Gary O

James at Hilltop pool (rip) photo by BAD EGG

Jake our backyard (old bowl) photo by sk8con-

Cam at Drama pool (rip): Photo by Bad Egg

Michael ellis heely rock fake @burnside Crail Block at Chino - Photo Cachi Scum


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Screech killin’ it at the Egg down in San Clemente. Photo MRZ

Chris Mumma slips a crail in before the night begins. - Photo NG

Just another random day at the egg. Mumma with the air over the kink wall death box. Hewitt destoyed.

Daily Checkers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (In no peticular order)

s b m o B Photo

Morgan Burgess

Josh Tail Block photo - James Greely

Dave Ruel puts down the guitar to enjoy an empty aquastructure - Photo CK

Jesse Holly farms Gap - photo James Greely

Art miranda floats one on a chino night - Photo Brandon wong

Mike Hammerla destroying a nice amoeba - Photo MRZ

Brant Austin breaking in his Bacon - Photo MRZ

Kyle Mitchell with a proper disaster - Photo MRZ

Tom knox floating through the night - Photo MRZ

Pat nghoho style for days - Photo MRZ

julie kndstrand proper tucknee - Photo brandon Wong



C.O.P. – Ripperside 7” (Flat Black) The I.E. area has a few decent bands coming out these days, including Social Sickness and COP. Citizens On Patrol are Riverside & West Covina dudes that have a slight Nardcore influence (Stalag 13, early Ill Repute)but aren’t cashing in on anyone else’s sound. They play straight up fast punk with no filler, short and to the point. Stand out tracks include the opening “Ripperside/COP” and “Hitchhikers”. “Which One” has a slight Circle Jerks vibe(ala “Question Authority”). Lyrically, topics range from skating to sluts. This is pretty good for a first release, but I think they’re capable of doing more. If you like Rabies or Tippers Gore, be sure to check these guys out. Fuck This State – split 7” (Punks Before Profits) This record is a split with The State (classic Midwest band) and Fuck This, which has former I Object bass player handling vocals. Musically, the State side isn’t as raw as the No Illusions EP and has more of a mature, focused sound. It would be pretty naïve to think they’d sound exactly the same 25 years later. Lyrically, they’re still on point and are as relevant as ever. “Witch Hunt” is probably my favorite track on their side of the split. Right when you start to get into the new tracks and their delivery, the side is over. The Fuck This side is pretty cool with Claire and Ryan trading off vocals. Typical anarcho punk lyrics dealing with non-conformity, fuck the system, etc. Musically it tends to suffer, possibly due to poor recording. Overall, this 7” is decent and worth picking up for the State tracks alone. Dry-Rot – 3 Records On 1 CD (Parts Unknown) Dry-Rot is a cool band based out of Ventura. Each release marks a different stage of progression for the band, starting with the Permission EP which has somewhat of a VOID influence. “Don’t Touch Me” has a Faith type feel, so if you like the Faith/ VOID split then you’d like this. Side B of the Permission EP has a trippy Sonic Youth vibe. A couple jazzy instrumentals follow, which were featured on the Deer Healer 7”. The Subordinate EP follows, which has more rockin’ tunes similar in style to Permission, but with less of a VOID feel. At the beginning of each track is a spoken word dealing with some weird shit. Highly unusual and strongly recommended. Do yourself a favor and check out Cold Vomit Records.



Chaotic Mess – Bloody Fetus In The Toilet CD (Get Revenge) Chaotic Mess is a killer band from Escondido. This CD has both the 7” and demo tracks from 2004. These guys are a good live band. Musically, I’d say they draw inspiration from early D.R.I. and lyrically from The Mentors and GG Allin. They’re guaranteed to offend someone. Topics range from serial killers to friends doing too much coke. Stand out tracks include “Let Me Out” and “Poser”. “Poser” is probably one of their hardest songs. Good tunes to skate to or piss off your neighbors . These guys can use some shows outside the San Diego area, so hit them up if you book shows in your area:

Preview: Evil Army – Under Attack split 7” tracks (Get Revenge) Evil Army is pretty bad ass, considering what they’ve accomplished as a 3 piece. They have a split 7” with War Ripper (Boston) coming out on Get Revenge later this year, which has two Evil Army tracks; “Under Attack” and “The Reaper”. “Under Attack” has an intro that reminds me of Cro-Mags’ “World Peace”. “The Reaper” sounds influenced by Motorhead and Judas Priest circa 1980 (but much faster of course). The double bass at the end of the song kills it. If you haven’t heard these guys yet, definitely pick up their LP on Get Revenge Records. Demo: Skull Collector – 2008 demo Skull Collector is from the Pismo Beach area and has ex-members of Vomit. Musically, it’s a lot heavier than Vomit with detuned guitar and distorted bass. The recording on this isn’t that great and I’d like to hear what they sound like given a proper recording job. If you’re into stuff like Neanderthal, you’d like this.

Want to see your band, products, or whatever you have going’ in here? Send them to Broken Magazine Product Review, 25562 Dana Mesa, San Juan Capistrano, ca 92672 attn..: Review master general

Skateparks suck so they built their own. those that know, know so just enjoy these photos by amish ed and finish that turtle head off in style.

Skateble Oddities

The shit that is best to skate is the stuff that wasnt built to skate. Youve heard it a million times already, but how rad would it be to get a session on in these nasa windtunnels? huge perfect fullpipes, i bet they are about as perfect mathamatically as you can get. The double tunnel has a sick pump bump in the middle, alomsot like they need that in a park up in oregon somewhere.

Shoot us an email for some free stickers! Back Issues Available - Download them for free online at brokenmagazine. com.

Help support the ‘zine and buy a video, shirt or send a SASE for some free stickers. Copies of issues available for $2. Check out the online store at Send money to Broken Magazine,25562 Dana Mesa, San Juan Capistrano, Ca, 92675

Dave- fs brick grind- this one is rad photo Eric(Pilot)

Jesse Grind Frontside Air photo james greely

Lipslide in your face - eric - Photo MRZ

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