The Sound

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Over the years the Club has tested a few different variations of a magazine and newsletter. After much research and development, we wanted to bring you a blend of the two.




A newsletter by the Club, for our members. A digital issue bringing you the latest news and fun information from the Club.

You will be able to access The Sound on the Broken Sound Website and the App! Stay up to date on upcoming events, informational articles, photos, and more!





OUR TOP 5 PARTY FAVORS When it comes to Favor Ideas, we’ve been there, done that and you probably have too! Providing favors to round off your fabulous event is a nice gesture, but finding meaningful items that won’t end up collecting dust or won’t break the bank, can sometimes be tricky. Luckily, we have some tricks up our sleeves that are fun, fresh and fantastic!

1. Doughnut Walls For all your guests who are partial to indulge now and again, “The new flair” to party favors are our

4. Hey Macarons!

signature Doughnut Walls. Letting those select Macarons started out as a trend but they've from an array of Doughnut Flavors really adds that since become a popular choice! You can sweet touch. customize macarons with an array of flavors and colors, and they can also be customized

2. Keep the party going!

by adding your initials or other motif.

Send guests home with a miniature champagne bottle. Choose your favorite brand of bubbly or add extra personalization with custom labels.

5. Beautiful & Healthy! “Fruity Favors” for those guests who after a night

3. Consider a Seasonal Gift as a Favor

filled with fried appetizers, indulgent entrees and an abundance of sweet confections, may

Personalized Blankets are perfect if the weather appreciate taking home a healthy snack. Make it is going to be chilly on your event day. If your your own with personalized imprinting that distinct event is during the summer months a fluffy touch. beach towel is always welcome.

"From Exclusive Vodka Flavors, to Lifesaving Recovery Kits, Broken Sound has done it all."


HIDDEN GEMS IN THE GYM Many members visit the Fitness Center on a regular basis

To make things even simpler, if you create a Preva

but are not aware of the great features available to them

account, you won’t have to enter your Netflix

on some of our equipment. Our most recent addition

password every time you use the machine. A Preva

which many have tried, is our new Peloton service in the

account is used for the majority of our cardio

Cycle Studio. Peloton is best known for their interactive

equipment and creates a profile for the user

spin bikes that include a TV attached to the bike. With a

allowing them to save their workout history.

monthly subscription, the user is able to choose from a

Additionally, it will serve as one master password so

large variety of pre-recorded and live classes each day,

you won’t need to login to anything else such as

essentially like having a spin class in your own home. Until

Netflix. You may already have a Preva account from

recently, it was required to own one of these bikes to

our Biggest Loser and Discover Wellness Challenges

access their subscription service; however, they have since

in the past, but if you need assistance, make sure to

made this available to anyone with a smart phone, tablet,

ask an attendant. A floor attendant (blue shirt) is

or computer. Our cycle studio is now getting more use

always available to answer any questions you may

than ever before! Members are welcome to enjoy a

have about our fitness equipment, so don’t hesitate

Peloton cycle class in our studio whenever they’d like

to ask. Don't forget to schedule your complimentary

during normal fitness hours. As long as there is not a class

fitness assessment with the In-Body machine and

on the schedule, simply ask a floor attendant and they will

stop by for more information on our Personal

set it up for you. You can choose from duration, genre of

Training and Pilates services.

music, or your favorite Peloton instructor for your perfect workout.

There are other exciting new features in our Fitness Center. Did you know that our treadmills, bikes and ellipticals can be paired with your wireless headphones? Just about all of these machines are Bluetooth compatible. Simply bring in your wireless headphones and ask an attendant to show you how to set them up. Additionally, you may access your Netflix account, as well as other services, and stream directly from the machine, rather than having to use your phone or tablet. All of these features are simple and accessible from the main screen.


HOW DO WE BEGIN TO SLOW DOWN TO LIVE A FULFILLING LIFE? HERE ARE THE 5 ESSENTIAL TIPS FOR SLOWING DOWN. Slowing down doesn’t necessarily mean taking drastic steps like quitting your job, throwing away your phone and living on a farm. It’s about finding a good balance amidst the world’s obsession with speed.

JOINING THE SLOW MOVEMENT… “The high value put upon every minute of time, the idea of hurry-hurry as the most important objective of living, is unquestionably the most dangerous enemy of joy.”

Here are 5 practical ways that can help.

1. Do less. Prioritize what’s most important and let go of the rest. This may sound difficult but here are 2 ways to get around it:

— Hermann Hesse

Are you hearing more of terms like ‘slow fashion’ or ‘slow food’? These concepts fall under a relatively new (circa 1986) cultural revolution known as the ‘slow movement’, which is against the notion that fast is always better. It espouses the need to move with purpose, to prioritize quality over quantity, and to savor moments rather than treat things as a means to an end. It is also about balance: doing things at the right speed; speeding up when it’s purposeful to do so, slowing

Evaluate: Doing a thousand things at once does nothing for quality and effectiveness. For each thing on your to-do list, ask yourself why you’re doing it. Find out what’s most important to you (you have to come up with criteria for yourself) and let go of the rest. Saying no when you need to is an essential practice in self-care.

down when needed or riding the in-between.

Practice single-tasking: Doing one In the modern world where there is a constant need to be busy

thing at a time increases clarity,

(and/or act like you are), this movement stems from a need to

efficiency and reduces stress. For

take back the power to own our lives rather than let ourselves

example, newsletters are distributed at

be owned by our insecurity of needing more. From fashion and

schools to inform parents about things

food right up to travel and education, the slow philosophy’ has

that happen in that school.

attracted many with its counter intuitive ideas about how to experience life, perpetuating a shift in priorities and values. But what’s so great about slowing down?

9 “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” – John Lennon

Focusing on the quality of our time, actions and relationships allows us to: • Gain better focus and efficiency • Reduce stress • Have more time to do what matters most to us

2. Disconnect. Disconnecting is a way to slow down. It allows you to recharge, increase your focus and productivity as well as reduce stress. There are simple and realistic ways to

• Have more fulfilling relationships and practice more empathy • Increase environmental sustainability • Consciously practice being present, content and patientthree qualities that greatly improve our well-being

disconnect while still enjoying the benefits of technology.

The slow movement questions the sense of "hurry" and "craziness" fueled by the desire of "having in quantity" versus

3. Be present. A conscious practice to be

"having with quality".

present in every moment allows you to enjoy life more. Taking just a minute to find appreciation for the present moment is a way of slowing down. Eat mindfully. Drive slowly. Be fully present when you’re with people. As you do this more, it gradually becomes a way of being.

4. Pause. When you observe that you’re hurrying purposelessly or feeling stressed, take deep breaths and focus entirely on inhaling and exhaling. Notice how you feel. There is no real rush for most things—we are just wired to feel that way. Take the time out to regroup and find calm.

5. Be in nature. Research shows that natural environments refocus our attention, lessens stress and provides healing. In short, being in nature is great for our mental and physiological well-being. Go to the park or beach as often as possible. If that’s not convenient, appreciate the nature around you daily—the sky, the trees. It’s a great reminder that beauty can be found if we take time to look for it.

This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having lower productivity. It means working and doing things with greater quality, productivity, perfection, with attention to detail and less stress. It means re-establishing family values, friends and leisure time. It means appreciating humans' essential values, the simplicity of living.


Readiness: Preparation vs. Recovery Whether you’re a recreational club player or a top 100 player one thing is certain, tennis will get you moving. Granted, you’re not going to be putting marathon miles on the board but a competitive game of tennis will require you to move a lot. Thankfully, the distances only span the length and width of the tennis court.

In recreational tennis we typically find 2 types of runners:

·The non-runner with the latest pair of Nike Air Glue tennis shoes who’d rather lean, reach and stretch to the point where they risk falling over before taking a step.

· The sprinter that cannot stop running, even when striking the ball.

Preparation involves being absolutely stationary and in ready position when your opponent is about to strike the ball on his/ her side. The reason for this is simple, we do not yet know where or how the opponent is going to hit the ball. If we are in motion at the exact moment the opponent hits the

Now, as with most sports out there, running plays a crucial role in order for the athlete to be successful. In

ball we will not be able to respond to their next shot fast enough.

tennis, however, running too much can really work to your detriment. In order to move efficiently in tennis and not run the risk of moving too much or too little, we focus on preparation and recovery.

Seeing as most of us have a dominant or preferred hitting side, we might even favor that side or lean slightly towards that side slowing down our response time. It is crucial to be as stationary as possible when the opponent strikes their ball.

Once the ball has been struck by your opponent the next step is to figure out whether the ball is coming to your forehand or backhand side. Once you’ve determined that, you need to turn and get in position for that shot. Notice, I have not said anything about moving or running to the ball . . . yet. The reason it is so vital to turn for the appropriate shot first is because it allows you to better measure your spatial capacity in relation to the ball. If you were to start running to the ball before you’ve turned the chances are really good that you will end up too close or too far away from your shot.

11 Having your turn in tact will allow you to allocate sufficient space between your body and the ball for optimal contact. Once turned for the appropriate shot, then start your movement towards the ball.

Understand that it’s beneficial for you to move faster during the initial steps towards the ball as this will get you there with more time to decelerate and stabilize for your shot.

Move fast initially (with your turn in tact), then as you approach the shot start to focus with your last two or three steps on deceleration and bringing the body to a complete stop. Once you’re stopped and settled, you can deliver the swing from a stable and strong position allowing for maximal efficiency and accuracy. Recovery is a direct consequence of how well your preparation was handled. If your preparation was done inadequately, then you will be slow to recover. However, if your preparation was done in good time, your recovery should be easy and fast. After contact with the ball (during which you are stable and stationary) efficient recovery involves finishing your stroke and making sure that you recover back to where you want to be. This might vary or depend on the stroke or angle that you just hit. Once you’ve struck the ball and it leaves your strings, the clock starts ticking. While the ball is in the air and travelling to your opponent’s side of the court you have to be moving to recover efficiently. Most of us linger after we hit the ball in admiration of our shot and lose valuable recovery time. While the ball is travelling you must work hard to recover to where you would like to be in preparation for the next shot. If you don’t, then by the time the ball bounces on your opponent’s side of the court you have done nothing except stare at your shot and wasted valuable recovery time. Once the ball bounces on their opponent’s side, most club players start moving which is simply way too late. Your movement and recovery has to be complete by the time your shot bounces on your opponent’s side as they are then preparing to hit their next shot for which you have to be stationary.

Learning how to move efficiently, prepare early and recover

Have you tried our TSP Program? Tennis Specific Performance Train like a Pro for Success on the Court "I have been part of the Broken Sound Tennis Program for at least 10 years. I have participated in team tennis, which includes clinics once a week and matches with other clubs as well as many social games. I also have taken many, many lessons from all of our instructors.

This past December I joined the TSP program coordinated by our Coach, Denzil Pieters. The program was unlike any past instruction I received. Not only did it include video assessment both before and after training was complete, but included specialized personal training in the gym.

Twice a week I trained with Sarah for 30 minutes that focused on tennis specific exercise. Upon completion of the program I feel much stronger, more fit, and more competent on the courts. It also aided in bringing up my confidence level. Thank you all for bringing this program to

fast are key components to becoming a more competitive

our Club."

tennis player at any level. It will allow you to position yourself better for your shots and reduce unnecessary movement at the wrong time.



NEWS FROM THE OLD COURSE It has been a great summer at the Old Course this year. There has been a lot of play and the course looks great. Kevin Kaehr, Golf Course Superintendent, has the course in great shape and the greens are in excellent condition. Just a few more finishing touches and the course will be ready for another busy season. This summer Broken Sound won the Emerald League for the second time in 4 years. Led by Captain Jerry Rubinstein, the team


The first stage of the Club’s Renovation has been completed. Beginning in April, the 7,200 square foot putting green went

played well all season. We are proud to have the trophy on display in the Old

through various steps from clearing the space to building the elongation to laying the grass.

Course Men’s Locker Room. Our Broken Sound South County League is headed to the playoffs. We are confident that Governor Larry Stone, and Captains Howard Gladston, and Harvey Perry, will get the team ready for the playoffs. We

Finished at the end of July, it is now open for the Members to practice prior to rolling puts in their round of golf.

JUST PUTTIN' AROUND I can’t emphasize enough how important putting is. It accounts for 35-40% of your shots in any given round. It’s also one

are excited for the challenge, and we can’t wait to see how it finishes.

of the easiest swings to make in golf so why are we so bad at it? Well, hitting a driver 50 times at the driving range before we go out probably isn’t helping much. We spend so much time worrying

The staff has been hard at work preparing for next season. There are a lot of great things happening next season,

about how we start a hole that we completely forget that it’s the end of the hole that eats up the most shots. There is a reason that Justin Rose was the #1 player in the world and it has little to do with how far or straight he hits his driver. He is ranked #1 in 3 of the most

and we look forward to seeing all the important putting stats on tour; Total Putts Per Round, One Putt membership back in town. We hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

Percentage, and 3 Putt Avoidance. Just by avoiding 3 putts, amateurs could save themselves up to 10 strokes per round and the agony and embarrassment of paying their friends when the round is finished. In this article were going to go over a few tips and tricks

View Photos of Emerald League and Play with the Pro on page 15

to help you feel out the long putts and drain the short ones.


JUST PUTTIN' AROUND...(CONT) No More 3 Putts. Lag putting is the first step in 3 putt avoidance. The goal here is to set ourselves up for a short putt to finish but how do we get it there? One of the simplest and easiest ways to feel out how hard to hit long putts is by tossing golf balls underhand. The first time we do this were going to face the target and with our dominant hand we are going to gently toss golf balls in that direction. When we’ve tossed a couple close and have a feel for how big to swing our arms we're going to get into a putting position. From this position using your dominant hand we're going to make the same toss we just made when we were facing the target. Keep in mind the tempo of the toss you are making because that is the same exact stroke we are going to make with the putter. Now that we have a good feel of the toss from a putting position we're going to put the putter in our hands and make the same tempoed stroke as our underhand toss. This drill is very simple to do and has an instant effect on your feel for these putts, although, it will draw some looks from your friends when you’re tossing invisible golf balls around the greens.

One Putt Master Now that we’ve lagged it up close, it’s time to get this thing in the hole. For this shot, we're going to use two tees and the line on the golf ball. We’re going to stick our tees in the ground with just enough room to allow the ball to roll through them but not the putter. Now we will set our ball a few inches behind the tees and using the line on the ball we’ll aim at the cup or our intended target. When we set our putter behind the ball be sure that the line on our putter is lined up with the line on the ball. Using a short, in tempo stroke our putter will strike the ball and then come to rest against the tees. If our putt was true, the line on the ball will be seen going straight to our intended target with no waving or wiggling. This is a great drill to do for any putts around 5 feet or less and will certainly aid in your journey to becoming a one putt master!

Final Thought and Advanced Tip So now we’ve got a good handle on how we can avoid the 3 putt, drain the close one, and overall lower our total number of putts per round. A quick tip to get even sharper with your putting stroke is to substitute a baseball bat for your putter. If you strike the ball square, it will go on your intended line but the smallest stroke flaw will make the ball miss by a mile. Start out hitting short putts and then move on to longer ones once you have a feel. This drill also makes for a great betting game with your friends.I hope these tips and drills help you accomplish all your putting goals and if you need help don’t hesitate to pick the brain of one of your New Course Golf Professionals.



Front Row Left to Right: Sal Caragliano, Richard Myer, Jeffrey Rubenstein, Bob Halper Back Row Left to Right: Michael Rosen, Geoffrey Sabatino

PLAY WITH A PRO Thank you to Pine Tree Golf Club for hosting the Pro Lady. Jeff Waber PGA Director of Golf had a blast with Nancie Flaxman, Marylin Liedman, and Sharon Isaacs. Rick Sutton PGA played well alongside Iris Lund, Anky Koudijs, Mary Sheibar.

We enjoyed the day and played out of many, many green side bunkers at Pine Tree. It was a great experience.


SAND, SURF AND SAFE EATS From Boca Raton Regional Hospital & The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

It's very crucial to plan before you spend a day at the beach. Before you pack your cooler or tote, be sure to give it a thorough cleaning; washing it out with mild soap and water. It is important to

A beach day is relaxing; a bout of food thoroughly wash our containers and re-useable poisoning is anything but. The Centers for bags to remove all food residues and minimize the Disease Control and Prevention estimates potential for bacterial growth. If it is dishwasher that about 1 in 6 Americans get sick from safe, feel free to toss it in the machine. If not, make foodborne diseases each year. Pack your sure to wash with warm, soapy water and allow to beach snacks cautiously and don't leave air dry. food sitting out for longer than two hours, or one hour once the temperature hits 90°F. Pack your cooler with plenty of ice if you're bringing perishable foods to the beach. Your cooler must maintain food at a temperature of 40°F or lower. Keep (hot foods hot) if grilling and (cold foods cold) if storing in a cooler. Keep a thermometer in your cooler and also keep another one with your grilling tools. And, if possible, store coolers in the

If you're cooking out at the beach, follow these do's and don'ts: Do use different plates and utensils to handle raw meat and cooked meat.

Do bring a food thermometer to make sure grilled meats reach a safe internal temperature (160°F for hamburgers, 165°F for chicken).

Don't thaw frozen meat in the sun.

Don't start cooking meat, store it and then finish it later on the grill. This causes bacteria to multiply.



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