DIV42OR September Newsletter

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S I O N O 42 R

Letter from the Editor 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

Hello Key Clubbers,

Welcome back to school. While you may or may not be excited about getting back into the groove of school days, there is something still very much worth being excited over. The start of school means that Key Clubs starts for the school year again! The new start to Key Club means that we have new ideas, projects, and events. I hope you are excited for this year, because it is going to be a great one for Division 42 Oregon and Washington. In this issue of Forty-Two Times, I have articles on recruiting ideas, meeting revamps, The Eliminate Project, divisional news, Books for Africa and more. With the first meetings of the year coming up, it is important that I can do my Officer Training at your school as soon as possible. There is more information on Officer Training in the next few pages, so flip through and find new ideas for your school and our division. I am super excited to work with you all this year! In love and service, Your Lieutenant Governor

Brooke Reichert

Photo Credit: Sara Thomas


Our sister division is 42 Washington, which includes R.A. Long, 3 Rivers Christian, and Toutle. Division 42WA has a new Lieutenant Governor named Emma Temples. She attends R.A. Long High School in Longview Washington. I had an interview with Emma so that you all can get to know her. What is your favorite color? Magenta What is your favorite Key Club service project? My favorite service project was a food drive in April. We received over a thousand pounds of food in just a week. It really showed me how much of an impact Key Club can have on a community. Why did you decide to become Lieutenant Governor for 42WA?

I decided to become LtG because I realized it offered many opportunities to not only better myself but also my community.

What are your goals for Division 42WA/42 as a whole and 42WA by itself? My goal for 42 is to expand! Not only in members, but also in knowledge of what is going on divisionally, internationally, ect. My goal for Division 42 WA is to connect the schools and increase club spirit through DCM’s, newsletters, ect. Thank you Emma. I am excited to work with you this year. I hope that you all get to meet her over this coming year!

Emma is on the right. Photo credit: Emma Temples

Back to School and Back to Key Club 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

Welcome back to school! Now that you are getting back into the school season, right now is an absolutely essential time to get new members and start the year with good membership and updated ideas. Now is the time to make meetings excited, get projects rolling, and begin fundraising. While members are still new with this year, make sure to keep members interested by having enough activities and fun. One way to keep members interested this school year is by having Member of the Month. Designate a committee in charge of picking somebody each month. You can then also pick volunteer characteristics each month (enthusiastic, dedicated, creative, ect.). The member can get a certificate, candy, and a special privilege (maybe they get to ring the meeting bell!). Make sure and have attendance lists at your meetings as well as sign up sheets to keep track of events and members. Keep lots of event opportunities open to members to keep them interested and of course to fulfill the purpose of Key Club.

PHOTO CREDIT: Clip art and Kiwanis Int.

Recruiting and Membership 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

Photo credit: Kiwanis Int.

Being that dues are due on December 1st and that 15 members make up a club, it is definitely important to work on recruiting members to fill your club membership. If is also important to have a generous amount of club members to make sure you are getting the support that you need. In order to recruit new members, make sure that current club and meetings are interesting enough that old members want to be in Key Club, before seeking new ones. Always have enough projects that members have options and can attend at least some, if they have busy schedules. While it is important to keep events often and do lots of fundraising, remember that key Club should be fun for members and should be something they are always excited and happy about. We want to create student leaders, not force people into helping. Positive encouragement and excitement about your meetings and events are the best way to go. Have members bring their friends to meetings, you’ll have more attendees and people will be less nervous about attending a club meeting they have never been to.

Making your meetings move 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

One of the things that is challenging when keeping members interested is making sure that your meetings stay interesting and fun. Plan an agenda ahead of time and have your club editor type it up and make graphically interesting to pass out to members. Recite the Key Club pledge and the PNW chants to make members pumped for Key Club. Keep meetings official, using parliamentary procedure and your bell so that meetings are organized and all members feel heard. Keep the club interactive by making committees. That way some members who want to do more can still have leadership who maybe didn’t run for club positions. Always open events to discussion so members can share their opinions and ideas. Also, you can have guest speakers, presentations and mini service projects at meetings to keep members involved, knowledgeable and interested.

Photo Credit: Clip Art

Officer Trainings and Club Visits


As a lieutenant governor, I need to come visit your clubs and make club visits. One of the best ways to do this is for me to attend service projects. I can then meet with you and your club and help you with your event all at the same time. If this doesn’t work out, I can also make visits during your meetings. I would love to come make a presentation and get to know your club, so let me know when it’s a good week and I will come see you. In addition to club visits, I am also doing an officer training program for the new 20132014 club officers. This will take between 1 ½-2 hours. If your club has a time after school or on the weekends, let me know and I will train you all.

Books for Africa 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

While this is not an organization officially linked to Key Club International, I am really interested in the program, as they ship book donations to communities in African nations that do not have access to books and the education that comes along with their contents. Each book costs about 50 cents to ship to Africa. I am working with Astoria to host a school wide book donation. We will be asking for books along with a 50 cent donation to cover costs. With Books for Africa, they have some requirements for which books are allowed, so keep that in mind if you choose to collect donations. It is a great program and I hope that you all keep it in the back of your minds for future service projects. You can find more information on: http://www.booksforafrica.org/.

“Now, 20,000 students in 30 schools in 30 communities have access to books that will broaden individual horizons, enhance classrooms, and maybe significantly change a life or


Rose Zulliger, Peace Corps Volunteer who organized and distributed a BFA shipment in South Africa —

Information, Pictures, Quote source of Book for Africa

The Eliminate Project 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

The Eliminate Project works through Unicef to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Maternal and neo-natal tetanus kills one baby every 9 seconds. Please help and eliminate this disease from our world. For our district to raise their goal, each and every club needs to help us succeed. Please host projects and fundraisers in benefit for the Eliminate Project to help solve this crisis for mothers and their babies. In order to support the eliminate project, each school has a goal of $100 to raise by DCON. Together, we will raise $600, and hopefully more. So be thinking about and organizing ways to raise money for the Eliminate Project. My club often does car wash fundraisers, which is great and easy while the weather is still warm. If you are utterly stuck, talk to me and we will something out together. I believe our division has the power to really make a difference, so please help out and raise some money and awareness about this amazing project.




Bandanas are only $4

$5 If you buy these products, the money will go to our District goal of $24,000 for the Eliminate Project. Please help the project out and get some cool eliminate merchandise or spirit gear. Also, be looking out for divisional tees which will be coming soon.

Our K-Family 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

Photo Credit: Kiwanis Int.

The K-Family is made up of different branches within the international organization. Kiwanis is the overarching branch, as they are the adult members and generally financially support other KFamily activities and opportunities. There are many opportunities Key Club, which you know all about. We are the largest high school service organization. We do service projects and volunteer our time just like the other branches of the K-Family. In addition to Key Club, there is K-Kids and Builders Club. KKids is for elementary age students and Builder Club is for students in middle school. There is also Aktion Club that is for adults with disabilities and gives them the opportunity to volunteer. The other club is Circle K. This is for college students and is the next step in Kiwanis after graduating high school. Kiwanis is the adult volunteer club. They are very supportive to Key Club and other volunteer clubs.

Divisional Information 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

New to Division 42 Oregon is Member of the Month! The member of the month will receive a prize, a cross off slot in Divisional bingo, and a certificate award. Best part? Any Key Clubber in Division 42OR can be member of the month. That means you! All you have to do to nominate a Key Clubber as member of the month is fill out the survey provided at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms /d/163CnupkkEYbIB5YgXsfczr8qgxHe66KskZbnyyR07I /viewform

We also now have divisional bingo. You have to check off 5 activities in a row to get a special gift bag prize full of Key Club swag. In order to get the bingo card, email me or attend an upcoming DCM.

Photo Credit: Clip Art

Please remember to fill out the September survey by SEPTEMBER 15th. This is required for officers and recommended for all other members in our division. https://docs.google.com/forms /d/1O2eor6wmKEIHBK8pJjgiMB QrSAyeNaKW26pP22gCUQY/vi ewform

Key Leader 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204

Key Leader is coming! Key Leader is a weekend leadership retreat hosted by Kiwanis to build Key Club characteristics in youth. The upcoming Key Leader for our area is October 18-20 at Camp Collins in Gresham, Oregon. The price is $175 for Key Club members. If you would like to go but the cost is too high for you, talk to your home club and Kiwanis to see if they can support you. If you have attended a Key Leader before, you have the chance to be a student facilitator. You will lead leadership activities and get to go for $115. Please note that registering for Key Leader events within 14 days of their date cost an extra $25. Avoid this and make sure to register before October 4th!


Divisional News!

Warrenton Kiwanis Carwash! It was tons of fun!

Astoria helping out with the Junior Reggatta Parade this Summer

There will be a divisional council meeting and multidivisional get together on September 28th at 10 am at the Seaside Roundabout. Please plan on parking at the Seaside Convention Center parking lot and then walking over to the roundabout. We will be having a SOLVE beach clean up and then a large potluck. Please bring some type of food item if you can. Division 42WA and Portland Schools are invited to this event. I hope to see you all there! It is going to be tons of fun!

If you need to contact me (Brooke Reichert) you can email brookereichert14@gmail.com or keyclubdiv42or@gmail.com

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