Reading & Literacy Textbooks | 2021

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Teaching Reading Sourcebook Third Edition By Bill Honig (President, Consortium on Reading Excellence), Linda Diamond (Chief Executive Officer, Consortium on Reading Excellence), & Linda Gutlohn (reading program consultant and editor)

“I’ve used the Sourcebook for my courses on early reading and reading intervention. My students have always commented on its usefulness for understanding the science of reading development and its application to effective teaching.” —David Chard, President, Wheelock College

ORDER EXAM COPY CONTENTS I: WORD STRUCTURE 1. Structure of English 2. Structure of Spanish II: EARLY LITERACY 5. Print Awareness 4. Letter Knowledge 5. Phonological Awareness III: DECODING AND WORD RECOGNITION 6. Phonics 7. Irregular Word Reading 8. Multisyllabic Word Reading IV: READING FLUENCY 9. Fluency Assessment 10. Fluency Instruction V: VOCABULARY 11. Specific Word Instruction 12. Word-Learning Strategies 13. Word Consciousness VI: COMPREHENSION 14. Literary Text 15. Informational Text MTSS FOR READING SUCCESS

A bestselling, research-based text on Listed by the 2020 National effective reading instruction, the TeachCouncil on Teacher Quality’s ing Reading Sourcebook helps future Teacher Prep Review as an educators bridge the gap between exemplary text covering all evidence-based reading research and five elements of effective actionable instruction strategies. Orgareading instruction. nized according to the guiding questions behind explicit instruction (what?, why?, when?, and how?), this third edition includes both a researchinformed knowledge base and practical sample lesson models that teachers can use in their classrooms. Preservice educators will learn about five key elements of an effective reading program—phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension—and they’ll get teaching tips and intervention strategies to help them put principles into practice. An essential, hands-on text for professional preparation, this book is a must-have for educators at every level. WHAT’S NEW: •

A new chapter on MTSS and its 4 key components of implementation

Revised assessment table aligned to MTSS chapter

Updated research references throughout

Common profiles of reading difficulties

Updated NAEP results

New statistics about English learners

Newest Hasbrouck and Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Norms


US$85.00 | Stock #: 22354 | 2018 | 848 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-63402-235-4

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