ARTICLE X - TEACHER PROTECTION A. The teacher will report to the Principal any case of duty connected assault upon a teacher and in tum it will be promptly reported to the Superintendent and Board President. The teacher will notify the Association President in writing within a reasonable amount of time. Proper law enforcement agencies shall be notified by the teacher when necessary. Procedures to be followed in the event a teacher is assaulted will be established and published in each school’s staff handbook. These procedures will be reviewed annually with staff B.
In accordance with this Agreement and applicable provisions of the Illinois School Code, the Board will provide indemnification and protection against claims and suits as stated in current School District 167 Personal Liability Policy.
‘A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron.’ –Horace Mann
C. Any complaint related to a specific teacher will be made known to the teacher promptly. The principal (if requested) shall attempt to arrange a Parent-Teacher or Parent-Teacher-Principal conference. If the complaint is to become a matter of record (personnel file), the teacher may request Association representation at any related teacher-administration conference. In the event of a threat, it will be promptly reported to the Superintendent and Board President by the building principal.