Budweis 2012 Outro Issue

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Outro Issue of Heartbeat. - European Forum Budweis 2012


Outro Issue

Goodbye... ...is pretty much all we can say right now. So that was it already. 10 days flew by and by now, everyone is hopefully back at home. For those of you who count Budweis as their first EYP experience, you might be feeling a little empty and sad right now. That is something we call Post EYP Depression (PED). What’s the remedy? Well, there are over 100 sessions all over Europe every year, that you can attend as a delegate or as an official. To check what’s going on in the wide world of EYP you can always visit alumni.eypej.org, where most of the events are listed and calls for participants are published. Another thing you can always do is browse on facebook.com/budweis2012 to take a look at hundreds of photos, five fantastic videos and including this one, six brilliant magazines. All together these products are meant to be covering most of the session for you. Yours, Timm and Oona

Oona Kiiskinen - Editress (FI) Timm Brünjes - Editor (DE) Sebastian Gerbeth - Video Editor (DE) Theodor Hall - Video Editor (CH) Berkok Yüksel - Journalist (TR) Ognjen Mirkovic - Journalist (RS) Katerina Zejdlova - Journalist (CZ) Gonzalo Rodriguez - Journalist (ES) Tua Malmberg - Journalist (SE) Dmitry Vyskrebentsev - Journalist (RU) Lāra Reinfelds - Journalist (CH) Kensa Traore - Journalist (FR) Jan Janouch - Journalist (CZ)


Outro Issue


Dear EMPL II, Budweis 2012 is almost over after nine days of amazing teambuilding, intensive committee work and a very constructive General Assembly. Now that the session is over I would like to tell you something. First of all, I would like to congratulate each of you for the motivation and enthusiasm you have shown during every second of this unforgettable session. It is not easy that seven people from completely different countries and distinct cultures create a resolution together. Everybody has his own background and circumstances that make us individuals. However, you left your situations and problems aside to become a team in only few days. Not everybody would be able to do so, but you were. Nothing would have been possible without your lovely chair: Jara. She has managed to remove all obstacles for you from the first moment of this session on. Jara has supported you all the time because she trusted you right from the beginning of this adventure, which I hope will go on. In fact, she has not been only your leader but also mine. For this reason I personally appreciate your help, support and confidence as well. On the other hand, what I really encourage you to do is not leave this crazy world called EYP. I am sure you are not going to do so, especially because you must be already addicted to it. Consequently I will be looking forward to seeing you around in the amazing sessions to come. Who knows where? It will not matter because we will be in EYP, in our own world. To conclude this message I would like to appreciate your effort and your well done job. So Marta, Fabrizio, Erin, Stella, Ilias, Iryna, Anna and Jara THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE DAYS. My best wishes, Your journo, Gonzalo Sola



Outro Issue

Dear SEDE, dear Josh, Julien, Sacha, Batu, Peyman, Jan, David And of course Hauke

How far you have come, how far you will go‌ it is quite wonderful, is it not? You are my bunch of boys, my dear committee. What is your problem? Sexual deficit. But you have been working together wonderfully, despite this obstacle. Every day you make me feel like a powder pink cloud of sugar flavoured fluff. You are my cupcakes; sweet, fluffy and truly adorable. Combining so many different views, cultural aspects, ideas, understandings, personalities and wishes, you have achieved something great. You are SEDE. You are a group. You defended your resolution. Something you have been working on for the past week. Something that has exhausted frustrated and rewarded you. And all this hard work has paid of ! Be proud! I am proud of you. I am proud of your achievements, though I wish I had been able to see your development a bit more. I am proud of the way you have worked together, the way you have taken care of each other and always made sure everyone felt welcome. Josh and Sacha, my dear fellow (B)Antwerpers, it has been a pleasure seeing you again, laughing with you again and spending time with you again. Peyman, your nose is not as bad as you think it is. Jan, thank you for ordering the vegetarian soup for me, I greatly appreciated your help. I do not think the waiter understood what I was saying at all. Batu, you and your girlfriend are the cutest ever. David, keep up the good work! Julien, I hope you enjoyed yourself and you find a way to send your postcards! Hauke, thank you for making it easy to be the female journalist of all-male SEDE. I will remember you all, the impressions I have gotten of you the previous days. You are my little cream filled cutie-pies.


Yours, Lara.

Outro Issue


Dear IMCO,

you came here to spend some time together in the amazing southern Bohemia, which I am very proud to call my homeland. Your attempt was to solve a problem that touches us all in these modern online times and no matter if we admit it or not, FACEBOOK influences us in our everyday lives, even if we are not online. Each and every one of you does EYP for different reasons and you enjoyed many different moments during this session – CHAT with random people at the party, make new FRIENDS, SHARE your culture with others not only during Eurovillage and committee presentations, explore different things you LIKE during teambuilding games, POST your brainstorming ideas on the wall or COMMENT on various resolutions by other committees. You got a chance to get to know each other and created a real team consisting of very diverse people, whether it is a pretty Spanish girl from Madrid, a French whose name was quite the hardest to learn, the future chancellor of Germany, a barefoot mathematician, a cheerleading make-up artist, quickly speaking Irish of the UK delegation or a punk-rock band guy who likes girls with blue hair... After the process of teambuilding you got to express WHAT IS ON YOUR MIND during the debate, dealing with the issues concerning SOCIAL NETWORKS, striving to LINK all the issues and solutions together and write a resolution that would send just the right MESSAGE. And I am pretty much sure that you are going to succeed during the most important EVENT of the session called the General Assembly. I hope you will have only great memories left of this session and if you feel like you will miss it, just make yourself a cup of coffee in order to stay awake, go to FACEBOOK, post a STATUS about the amazing session and feel free to search for more and more PHOTOS. LIKE. With love, your journo Kate



Outro Issue

Dear ITRE,

you may have noticed me annoying you with the camera, trying to pup some energy into you or just coming and leaving the committee room, followed by the noise of the terrible squeaky door. To start off let me congratulate you on the tremendous resolution you have managed to put together. You had to face a difficult topic and you weren’t given much time to prepare, still you did overcome all the obstacles splendidly. Me and Anna can definitely agree on the most important thing is that you managed as a team and you had a great time doing so. To Shian, the future European decision-maker, you proved that you have something to contribute not only to the debates within the committee, but also to the future Europe. Good luck. I’m not sure how EYP and architecture goes together Pedro, yet I hope you’ll manage to combine those to your satisfaction. I’m sure that such a strong personality will achieve. Next I would like to thank Elenie for keeping the team spirit up and for those brave attempts to moderate those heated discussions about nuclear plants. My salute goes to Teresa for being the translator ensuring that even bi-lingual debates run smoothly. The “Zulu man,” Kyle always kept his head cool and the higher perspective. And I am really happy to be the lucky one to beat him in his circle game. I’m not forgetting about Marushka, the angel of the committee, always patiently observing the things happening around her. And contributing with many points in different languages. And the last but not least Arda, who I will remember as the “Jesus” but not only because of the name game but also for keeping an eye on the flow of the debate and steering in in a right direction. I had a fun time and I hope that you did as well. See you soon xox Jan


Outro Issue


Dear ECON,

for the last week and a half you have gone on a journey. On a journey of friendship, hard work, team spirit and Europe. That is why it does not matter whether your resolution passed at the General Assembly or not. What you have gained in Budweis is far more valuable to you then some temporary feeling of success… When I first saw you on day one at the Eurovillage, you won my heart. Luckily, the first impression was not deceptive and over the course of the forum you did live up to my expectations and proved to be an amazing team full of creativity and optimism. There is a saying that one cannot consider their education complete if they have not traveled. In fact, traveling implies meeting new people and EYP, in its turn, provides us with this invaluable opportunity. When we played the plan-your-day game I was surprised how delighted I was to get to know these wonderful 6 people from 6 different countries. Sharing ideas, interests and, for some, even memories showed us how close we were, how much in common we had. I will forever remember the funny moments we had during committee work, especially, my favourite, “What was the last thing you decided upon?” – “TwoPack”. But, really, what is EYP about? Teambuilding, Committee Work, General Assembly, resolutions, arguments, yes, it is all there, but there is something else to it. And that is friendship, true friendship, it means that you will have no doubt if your fellow committee member will help you if you ask them or will invite you to stay over when you will be passing by their place. It is also about crazy games. If you play them somewhere, everyone would think you are crazy but no-one cares and that is exactly what makes all of this so special. Welmoed – the only girl in the committee, this on its own makes her special. Yet her kindness, sweetness and phenomenal language skills make her one of ECON’s key assets. Oscar – calm, cold-headed, with funny-not-funny Nordic humour. Chrisrtian – ideas, analysis. Miguel – hyperactive, explosive. Ali – smart, gentle. Warren – adequate, delicate. In conclusion, I would like to say to you, dear delegates, do carry on, continue with EYP. All of you, without any exception, have the necessary qualities and qualifications to make a successful career in this organization, though some of you might have not unraveled their full potential yet. Adventures await. It is up to you to make this crucial decision. As for me, personally, I will not be the same again after this forum. I am leaving Budweis with a lot of friends, experience, happiness, and full of hope that someday I will meet all of you as the officials of the countries you represented… Thank you ECON. Yours sincerely, Dmitry



Outro Issue

Dear AFET,

dear Catalans and non-Catalans of the astounding committee on Foreign Affairs

First of all, hello. I sincerely hope you had a pleasing time throughout the whole session. I have tried my best to spend more time with you and put a smile on your faces with the media products. I hope we succeeded. From the first day of teambuilding, though some delegates were late and some had injured their arms, the eight individuals started to unite. They molded into a single-cellular form of life, called AFET. Maybe there were some conflicts of ideas during the committee work but we all know how Germans are, don’t we? Of course, to have different opinions in a committee provides a boost of productivity. The variation of thoughts and ideas is what makes EYP truly unique. A German, an Austrian, a Greek, a French, a Czech, a Catalan and two Turks cannot have the same opinion, and it is perfectly fine. The cultural gathering offers an environment where various ideas clash and find a common point and direct themselves towards it. It is the scope of the EYP itself to allow many cultures to meet and crush prejudices and get to know one and another. And guess what, you have been EYPed! You saw that Turkish people love beards, you saw that some Czech words are actually impossible to pronounce, you realised that Catalonia is not the same as Spain, you understood that there are Finnish people who are groovy. And all of this thanks to 9 days of the combination of fun and hard work. These 9 days you may have gotten wet, you may be still sick just as I am or you may have lost your stuff in the chaos of your dorm room, but I believe I would be speaking for all of us when I say it was worth it. Yes, it is sure that we did not get to eat any Greek or Turkish kebaps but still it was worth it. Playing the ‘Swedish Meatball’, walking to the Alchemist, eating Ottoman style chicken, drinking garlic soup with melted cheese, these are all minor memories to something major. You came as eight different individuals, met two brilliant people as well and became one. I personally urge you to continue your EYP adventure by applying as delegates or as officials to future sessions all around Europe. Don’t make a journey out of EYP, because journeys have an end but adventures last forever. As Chris de Burgh once said: “Finish what you started. But if you do not want it to end, start again and again.” Along this superb adventure, mostly through the streets of Budweis, you have met people, and it was crazy. So here is your committee letter and call me maybe. Yours, Berkok


Outro Issue



as the session was starting I did not really expect that I will get a lot of time to spend with my committee, because as the journalists we were assigned numerous tasks. However I could not be happier that I managed to finish them all on time and watch you guys go crazy on teambuilding or have some pretty interesting debates during the committee work. It was a true privilege to get to know such strong characters as yourselves from all over Europe. I want you to know that I value every conversation I had with every single one of you. With a risk making this statement a little bit of cliché, I must say that I really learned a lot from you. You have done incredibly well both as individuals and as a committee and have been the loveliest of company, justifying my speech at the end of teambuilding. I have no doubt that, if you aspire to do so, you will all go very far in EYP and have experiences that only few people will have - even within EYP. Do not listen to people who you feel do not want the best for you and search actively the presence and guidance of people you trust and like. Do what you like and what you want to do, your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have. You are all very special to me, and should you ever be in doubt about your way in EYP: you know my email, you have me on FB and I am actually only a few countries away from yours. See you again, sometime, somewhere in Europe. All the best, Ognjen



Outro Issue

Dear EMPL I,

it has been such a pleasure to get to know you and to be your journo. You are amazing, every one of you is unique and fantastic in their own way. Barbara, you are so kind and for you I would join the Eurozone in a heartbeat. David, you always have something interesting and relevant to say and you are one of the most incredibly photogenic people I have ever encountered. Frederique, you have an amazing smile and you are so nice, getting to know you has been such a pleasure. Will, thank you for making me laugh. You are so funny, so nice and ever so British. Merle, you are bright and witty and I love how you are smiling in every picture I have taken of you. Nathalie, du att f책 prata svenska med dig lite d책 och d책 har varit underbart och jag hoppas att vi h책ller kontakten och ses igen hemma i Stockholm. Yagmur, you are so sweet and humble yet so opinionated and strong. Lastly, Doro and Jonathan, the committee was so lucky to be chaired by you and I was so lucky to be your assigned journo. You are wonderful and I hope I will see you both soon. I want to thank you, the wonderful committee EMPL 1 of the European Forum Budweis for working so hard, being so wonderful and for letting me take photos of you (more or less voluntarily). I have had so much fun being your committee journo. After nine days of working this tightly together your PED will inevitably be massive. I will do my best to make it easier for you by posting all my, or really your, pictures on Facebook. I hope that you when looking at them will remember all the good times you shared as a committee and that you will feel proud of having been a part of your amazing committee and having created a brilliant resolution. You should. Dear Committee on Employment and Social Affairs 1, thank you for this session. It has been a privilege to be the fly on your committee room wall watching you work and bond through my camera. I want these words, this article, to be something you take with you when you go home. I hope you will remember them and that they in turn will make you remember how special this was and how special you are. It is now time to say goodbye. At least for now. But, I want you all to know that the end of the session is not the end of me being your journo. If you ever want to ask me anything or talk to me about anything, do not hesitate to contact me. I want you all to involve yourselves even further in EYP: we need people like you, and I would love to be there to support you along the way. Take care, stay strong and keep smiling for the camera. See you soon at a session somewhere in Europe, Love, Tua


Outro Issue



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