Heartbeat Issue Three

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Third Issue of Heartbeat. - European Forum Budweis 2012


Third Issue






6 Who’s who?

17 EYP: Think Twice

16 8

Summer Drought

Regions: need or deed?


10 The ID complex

12 Good old times OutsideWorld NEWS


Long hours of debating in the committee rooms can sometimes make one feel like the work is going back and forth- there are close to as many opinions as there are participants involved. We have all been there- different personalities, opinions and ideas blended together into a delicious mixture that at the end forms the basis for discussion on the topic, and finally for the resolution that you will be holding in your hands in the General Assembly. The curious fact in this process is that many of you came here as strangers to one another, but now towards the end of the week you have formed a team. Every contribution within that team is precious, everyone who voiced their opinions and ideas helped make the resolution happen- this way both your team, and the resolution produced by it, are unique. It is not very likely that you will be gathering up with this team and standing up for a common goal again, like you will be doing tomorrow: in the General Assembly your resolution will be tested and challenged by other teams. Here is a word of wisdom: bear no fear, on the contrary- you should always be proud of your work and voice it out loud. So brush your teeth, put on your brightest smile and hold your head high- this is your time to shine. Yours, Oona and Timm

Oona Kiiskinen - Editress (FI) Timm Brünjes - Editor (DE) Sebastian Gerbeth - Video Editor (DE) Theodor Hall - Video Editor (CH) Berkok Yüksel - Journalist (TR) Ognjen Mirkovic - Journalist (RS) Katerina Zejdlova - Journalist (CZ) Gonzalo Rodriguez - Journalist (ES) Tua Malmberg - Journalist (SE) Dmitry Vyskrebentsev - Journalist (RU) Lāra Reinfelds - Journalist (CH) Kensa Traore - Journalist (FR) Jan Janouch - Journalist (CZ)


Third Issue

A fairytale comes true Two days ago, a miracle happened. A fairytale came true in the Czech town, Budweis. Magic filled the dancefloor as fabulous creatures danced on it. From fairies to dwarfs, from magicians to belly dancers, everyone was there. Even the Viking and the Turk Warrior were there. Let us see their thoughts on this jawdropping event:

Helo this is party-viking In my country where I live and am Viking that is made of cold and snow we do not have many things to like. We only have fun when hunting reindeer and humans and enjoying juicy grapes. Now I am here in the Republic of Golden Water and all the others that I still have not killed with my weapons or teeth tell me to come to party. I ask them what party is, me not know, and they tell me it is place to be happy. I wonder what happy is. I have never heard of it before. We do not have happy in my native Land of Snow. At night time I go to party and I find myself surrounded by magical creatures. They are not Vikings like I am used to or even Turkish Warriors. They are all ogres and dwarves and also fairies everywhere. Also there is sound coming from black things. Viking is confused. I go to Turkish Warrior and ask him what this all is and he only smile and dance crazy dance. I try to also dance to sound from black things. I like. Maybe I am in Valhalla I ask myself.



Third Issue


Disco disco, good good We arrive at the place called Timm Party. But Timm not there. I do not understand. Everybody tired when we come. But I am not tired. I am a big warrior. I am the Turkish janissary. Pain is medicine for me. I get in and there is loud noise. A man stands in a high place. They call him ‘ The Jay’. Maybe he is the sultan of the party. Jay looks like a cool guy. He makes everyone have fun. Everybody gone crazy. There is this place in the middle called ‘Dan’s Flower’. All blonde people go there and jump. But Dan is not there. And I see no flower. Funny Europeans, they are. Finally I see a girl in traditional turkish belly dance costume. I like. She moves her belly to another turkish warrior with more beard. I am sad because I have small beard. So I kill them. People smile and laugh. They drink yellow liquid with bubbles, apple juice with gas. I like the bubbles. At the end I am very tired for he first time. I go to sleep. But the party never sleeps.



WHO’S Chairs Team:

Press Team:

Press Team:

Chairs Team:

Press Team:

Press Team:


By Berkok Y端ksel






Chairs Team:


Third Issue

Summer Drought


am a huge fan of news droughts. Each year for three long summer months I get to cuddle up in my couch with my paper and enjoy articles about berries, baby Princess Estelle’s clothes and how ABBA never will reunite. I enjoy every pathetic minute of it. Writing an interesting article about something completely dull takes a lot of effort and talent. Not everyone can pull it off. During news droughts journalists are really put to the test. Whilst

reading one of those forced articles I love to picture the face of the journalist. I like to imagine what it looked like when the Editor told him or her to write an eight hundred word article about mushrooms. How can it be that nothing ever happens during June, July and August, each year? Is it the summer warmth that makes terrorists stop terrorising, politicians stop ‘politicianing’ and the world to stop turning. Or maybe journalists working through the sum-

By Tua Malmberg

mer are too lazy, so they prioritise iced lattes over their work. Whatever the reason I am very grateful for it. All the brilliantly boring summer news make me so happy. I love them. I love summer articles, all those pointless wastes of paper. Forced and vague descriptions of summer knitting festivals, the planting of trees in parks and about how scientists have, once again, proven that trans-fat is bad for you make my summers.

My top 5 list of the most worthless article topics I have seen in real papers: 1: Won 1,6 million Swedish krona – wasted it all in one day 2: Car on fire in Söderala 3: What happened to the Astrid Lindgren children? Here is where they are today! 4: The Tattoos that will make you jump 5: Here is the celebrity couple that makes the most money 10


Third Issue


Royalty - In Budweis and all over Europe

Lāra Niamh Eckert Reinfelds

With our very own royals, Prince William and his Duchess of Cambridge, attending this session it seemed only appropriate to take a look at Europe’s royal families.


here are many royal families in Europe but among the most popular are the Swedish Crown Princess who married her personal trainer in 2010 and had a baby girl earlier this year. Victoria, who is first in line to the throne, is the first member of the Swedish royal family to profit from changes made to Sweden’s succession in 1980, which now states that the firstborn child is to be heir. And not only will she one day be Queen of Sweden, she has also been important to EYP as she was a patron of the 60th International Session in Stockholm. The Prins Carl Gustaf- foundation also gave funds to this session and will be supporting the


2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference in Stockholm this year. We find another very popular couple in Prince William and Kate, the British royals currently at this session. After their wedding last year, which was followed by millions on television, they caused an intensified interest in the British Monarchy. This continued this year with Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee. Kate is seen as one of the best looking and possibly the most stylish royal by Europeans. Royalty in Europe, in some of Europe’s most developed countries seems to some as an unnecessary expense

and a remnant of past times that has become unnecessary and useless. To others the royals hold a special charm, those people see them as “theirs” and are proud of what they stand for. And of course they are important for tourism in many countries. Britain makes a lot of many thanks to its monarchy, just think of the many famous sights connected to them. Britain not only profits from the tourism its royals bring, historically they have always given a large percentage of their money to the state. Whether royalty is a necessity, a useless luxury or a nice remainder of previous ages is up to everyone to decide for him or herself. But it is clear that they fascinate people all over the world.



Third Issue

The ID complex E

veryone knows it. The awkward moment when you get to use your ID card. Let’s face it - there are not many people who actually think they look good in their ID picture. For most people it is not exactly something they would proudly display in a frame. These images are being described with various popular nicknames such as ‘serial killer’, ‘drug addict’, ‘lunatic’ or just simply ‘the stupidest picture that has ever been taken of me yet still I have to


involuntarily present it over and over again’. For some people, showing their ID even becomes a lifelong trauma. It is a paradox – you would never have guessed that the beautiful girl with a face of an angel is hiding such an intimidating thing in her wallet. Or if the charming guy who you started going out with would have shown you his ID before the date, you would have probably suspected him to be a murderer. The person

By Kate Žejdlová looking at you from the ID picture is simply not the same one you happen to see in the thing called the mirror. Some of the brave officials were so kind to share their hidden secrets with you. As you can see, ‘the ID phenomenon’ is an international thing indeed. Let’s just hope that someday some genius will invent a way of making us all look like supermodels and make us proud to show our IDs.

Third Issue




Third Issue

The outside world NEWS

By Ognjen Mirković

Taking part in an EYP session is like entering a whole new world in which we wish we could stay forever. However staying in touch with reality is also importan, so here is an overview of what’s going on around the globe.

Syria’s Prime Minister Riad Hijab became the highest-profile official to leave the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad on Monday. Opposition leaders said Riyad Hijab had stepped down, while Syrian state television said al-Assad dismissed Hijab from his post on Monday. There were conflicting reports about the whereabouts of Hijab, who was appointed Prime Minister in June. Hijab’s Tspokesman, Muhammad el-Etri, told the Budweis Press Team that Hijab had stepped down, that he was “in a country neighboring Syria” and would be heading to Qatar “sometime soon.”

The Greek police says that more than 1,600 illegal immigrants will be deported following a major crackdown in Athens in the upcoming days. More than 6,000 people have been detained, though most were released. The Minister of Public Order, Nikos Dendias, defended the crackdown. He said Greece’s economic plight meant it could not afford an “invasion by immigrants”. He called the immigration issue a “bomb at the foundations of the society and of the state”. “Unless we create a proper structure to handle immigration, we will fall apart,” he said. Some 88 illegal immigrants were sent back to Pakistan on Sunday.

In America NASA has reason for celebration today as its space agency has managed to land a huge new robot rover on the surface of Mars. The one- tone vehicle known as “Curiosity” will now embark on a mission lasting at least two years to look for evidence that Mars may once have supported life forms. This is the fourth rover NASA has put on Mars, but its size and advanced structure overshadow all the previous projects. Alone its biggest instrument is nearly four times the mass of the very first robot rover deployed on the planet back in 1997.

In London there was also a big celebration as Andy Murray took the 16th gold medal for UK with his win over Roger Federer on Wimbledon centre court putting UK on the 3rd place in medal count just behind USA with 28 and China with 31 gold medals. Four time Olympic champion Usain Bolt said that he is “getting closer to becoming a legend” after his impressive win in 100m sprint. The 25-year-old Jamaican won in an Olympic record time of 9.63 seconds and is already thinking about his next target at London 2012 - the 200m.



Third Issue

The Arab way to democracy


By Kate Žejdlová

Is there just one kind of democracy? How long does it take to get there? And is there only one way to do it?


n contradiction with what we might have thought over a year ago, the Arab world is still shaking. The conflict between the governmental and the rebel forces is still raging in Syria and the bloodshed does not seem to come to an end. In the countries where the revolution has progressed more than in Syria, visible changes have occured. For example in Egypt the parliamentary and presidential elections have taken place and the locals have experienced the measure that is vital for democracy. And the world is anxiously waiting for the result of the Arab Spring ‘experiment’ while nobody actually knows which direction the situation is going to evolve in.

appears to be the ultimate solution, looking good on the outside but not making any significant difference. A legitimately elected president surely is some progress, but it is just a formal act taken on a journey. The way to democracy is exceedingly long and the evolution has a certain pace that cannot be accelerated anyhow. The key here is not taking the formal step to ensure that the people will enjoy the ‘wonderfulness’ of democracy, “the terrible form of rule, yet the best we know so far”, as Winston Churchill said. You need to change the mindset of the society as a whole and that is not a matter of five or ten years, but a long term goal to be achieved by the generations that are yet to come.

Though transforming from dictatorship to democracy in a year’s time might seem as a huge step forward, it is just a seeming change, something that

The post-Soviet countries can be taken as an example – they have a history of more than twenty years of democracy yet it still cannot be compared to the


western European countries that were not ‘scarred’ by forty years of socialism. The character of the society cannot simply change overnight; it takes time to build it up. It is also to be considered that the countries in the Middle- East are different from the European ones, both culturally and mentally, therefore it cannot quite be predicted what is to happen and the scenario of the evolution might be quite different to what we would expect, but that does not mean it has to be seen in a negative light. There are more ways to establish the system of a country which the citizens are going to be satisfied with, though it might not seem that way from our point of view. Obviously, at this point we cannot know whether it will eventually turn out to be the right way, but it is not to be judged beforehand. Nothing should ever be seen as just black or white.



Third Issue

The good old times Lāra Niamh Eckert Reinfelds A guide to old-fashioned eye flirtation and a comparison to contemporary methods.


t is clear to all of us that times change. Time is one thing we cannot stop, though I am sure many of us wish they could. Change is essentially a good thing, though of course not always. One of the reasons why books such as the ones written by Jane Austen still enjoy such widespread popular-

Wink the right eye

Wink the left eye

Wink both eyes

ity is because they show us behaviour and lifestyle that we do not have and might crave for nostalgic and romantic reasons. Thinking about it, a man who asks your permission before kissing you does sound a bit nicer than someone who yells “Nice ass!” after you in the street. This is of course in no way saying that all men nowadays behave

in that way. While we still have flirtation today and possibly far more than 200 years ago, it has changed a lot. Would you know how to say whole sentences with a fan? While eyes still play an important role in the human mating process, eye flirtation has changed a lot.

I Love you

I hate you


Wink both eyes at once

Wink right eye twice

I am engaged

Wink left eye twice


We’re being watched

I am married


Third Issue

Dropping the eyelids

May I kiss you

Raising the eyebrows

Closing left eye slowly

Kiss me

Try and love me

Closing right eye slowly

You are beautiful

Placing right forefinger to the right eye

Placing left forefinger to the left eye

Placing right forefinger to the left eye

Placing right little finger to the right eye

Do you love me

May I see you home

You look handsome

Placing left third finger to the left eye



So are you

Aren’t you ashamed



Third Issue

Regions: need or deed? Competence? Will? It was all there.


he first round of the panel de- example of such cooperation. At the bate of the Committee on Re- end of the debate the three main prigional Affairs took place on the orities of the cross-border integration 6th of August at the Aula of the Uni- were restated. versity of South Bohemia. This proved One of the essential parts of the panel to be rather useful experience, given debate was Martin’s, the Head Orthe upcoming days of the General ganiser, lecture on regional policy of Assembly. The event was commenced the EU. It enlightened the delegates with the speech of Michal Kuban of on the topic as well as ignited rather the Eurocentre in Budweis, who out- heated debate among them. Speaklined the activities organized by such entities as Eurocentre at a local The priorities of the Donnau-Mollevel. Precisely, they are responsible dau project (CZ, AT, DE): for providing information on the EU policy in various fields as well as - innovation and growth, sponsoring different forums related - sustainability and quality of life, to cooperation between the EU - diversity and meetings. and the Czech Republic, they also coordinate international student exchange programs, making them closer to everyone interested. ing of which, the delegates Oscar and Afterwards Europe Direct – a NGO, Miguel from ECON committee had representing the authority of the Eu- prepared quite a convincing speech, rocommission at a local level – had a drawing everyone’s attention to representation on the importance of re- gional policy as a means of attracting gional cooperation citing the Donau- and managing investment, emphasisMoldau region, which is located on the ing the significance of the EU’s interritory of three countries, as a perfect tegrity as a whole. When the speeches


By Dmitry Vyskrebentsev

were over and the actual debate started the delegates shifted to the discussion on the current economic crisis. The Spanish delegates adhered to the idea that EU should first of all deal with the ailing members of the integration and only afterwards continue financing development in stable countries of the bloc, while other delegates were promoting the concept of EU not cutting finance on development in order to maintain stable rates of growth and modifying country representation in supranational institutions according to the economic clout of every member state. Subsequently, the Czech delegation raised the question of corruption, intensifying the debate even further. One of the solutions to this problem suggested by the experts was stricter control of the projects soliciting funds from the EU institutions, which officially concluded the debate. All in all, the delegates of Budweis 2012 showed a lot of will and competence at the debate, promising quite a thrilling General Assembly.


Third Issue


EYP: Think twice about it By Gonzalo Sola Rodríguez and Kensa Traoré “Things do not pass for what they are, but for what they seem”, Baltasar Gracián.


ou probably thought EYP was all about entertainment, joy and pleasant moments. It is actually not. Delegates, time has come for you to get conscious of the possible dangers of EYP. By “the dark sides of EYP” we do not refer to Tua the Viking, and Hairy Berkok is not included either. We would like to let you know about “lack of sleep” and all of its consequences. First of all, and as you may have noticed already, you do not look that good when you wake-up in the morning and observe your face in the mirror. We would personally not dare to get out with bags under our sleepy eyes, nor re-


turning home after the session looking ten years older than when we left. For this reason, tons of make-up is required every single day. Journalist Gonzalo testifies: “I always carry my blush and mascara with me, even when travelling with Ryan Air restricted-size luggage. Yes, I know what the word ‘important’ means”. Nevertheless, the worst is yet to come. We reckon that all of you heard of the terrible flu infesting Budweis 2012, as it did in 1654. Indeed, the epidemic that was ravaging Czech Republic at this time was so fatal that no delegates survived. Consequently, in order to avoid another catastrophe due to lack-

of-sleep, here are the sanitary measures indicated by the Officials Team. The delegates presenting the following symptoms: strong coughs, red nose or lost voice should gather in the Menza after dinner to start the quarantine taking place in the cages located close to the entrance of the committee work venue. Showers and food will be provided. Please consider this serious announcement. We feel very concerned about our dear delegates. Thus, we already contacted some potential sponsors such as Maybelline, Nespresso and Doliprane.



Third Issue

Win a washing machine By Jan Janouch

Be the first to finish the crossword and we’ll pay for your laundry

The name of the delicious beer served at the costume party. The issue advertisement in HTV was inspired by 80’s British TV series. Call me, _____. How many floors does the dorm have (+ the ground floor) A brand of car that the orgas use. Theodor_____ _____ Debrunner Hall We should all bear in mind the ____ rule. The icing on the session cake – the General assembly We did not get to enjoy the committee dinner at the second day because of the _____. The only official with a double letter in both the first and last name. The orga who is the tallest person at the session. A liquid without which we could not survive any session. You should be proud of this product of your hard work. The brand new game inspired by Swedish culture. Journo Berkok’s favourite energizer: The tap water taste is enriched with (Cl) Any Czech’s favourite place Not-so-speedy-_______. Jan the journo, dressed as Tron, has mistaken the Fairytale theme for a ______ theme. You are reading the _______. When goats are hungry, they eat _______.



Third Issue




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