March 2012
Japanese youngsters show support and excitement at Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea during the events held in Nagoya, Japan on March 10 by a nonprofit corporation“Dream Complex�.
L a t e s t U p d a t e s o n t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l P a v i l i o n 6 - D a y P r o m o t i o n a l E v e n t s D r a w E n t h u s i a s t i c R e s p o n s e i n J a p a n C o m m e m o r a t i v e C o i n s o f Y e o s u E x p o I s s u e d G o f o r a R i d e o n P r o m o t i o n a l B u s ! C o m e S e e P r o m o t i o n a l B o o t h ! I n t e r e s t i n g P u b l i c R e l a t i o n s A c t i v i t i e s b y t h e G e r m a n P a v i l i o n a n d t h e S w i s s P a v i l i o n M e e t N e w H o n o r a r y A m b a s s a d o r s - P a r k J i - s u n g & J a c q u e s P e r r i n
In Brief
E n j o y S h o p p i n g D u t y - F r e e w i t h i n t h e E x p o S i t e T h e T h i r d F i n a l R e h e a r s a l t o B e n e f i t C h i l d r e n w i t h U N I C E F
Special Feature
G o G r e e n E x p o !
M e d i a D a y o f E x p o 2 0 1 2 Y e o s u K o r e a T h e F i n a l R e h e a r s a l s b e f o r e t h e O p e n i n g o f Y e o s u E x p o
T h e O r g a n i z i n g C o m m i t t e e f o r E x p o 2 0 1 2 Y e o s u K o r e a P h o n e : + 8 2 - 6 1 - 6 5 9 - 2 3 3 8 # 1 0 0 D e o k c h u n g a n - g i l , Y e o s u , J e o l l a n a m - d o , 5 5 0 - 0 1 0 , R e p u b l i c o f K o r e a W e b s i t e : w w w . e n g . e x p o 2 0 1 2 . k r E - m a i l : n e w s 4 u @ e x p o 2 0 1 2 . k r
March 2012
News Latest Updates on the International Pavilion The aerial view of the International Pavilion as of March 14
As of March 16, the preparation of the International Pavilion was officially 99.44 percent complete. In a few days the completely finished structure will be unveiled after a little bit of interior work. The International Pavilion provides the ample exhibition space for 105 participating countries with the total area of 132,649m.2 The pavilion is divided into two categories, individual national pavilions and joint national pavilions, to demonstrate the fundamental spirit of the Expo - harmony, coexistence, and mutual prosperity of humankind and the ocean. The International Pavilion consists of three clusters, each cluster representing one of the three oceans. The International Pavilion is an architectural realization of geographic features of Korea’s southern coast using state-ofthe-art construction technologies. The beautiful silhouette of the rooftop of the International Pavilion evokes many small islands of the southern coast that can be glimpsed through the misty air and calm waters. To realize the theme of “the Living Ocean and Coast,” solar energy, the Bernoulli Effect (a natural ventilation system), and other eco-friendly elements were integrated in the architecture.
The bird’s-eye view of the International Pavilion.
Meanwhile, participating countries have carried out active online promotional activities by opening a Facebook account and holding events for publicity of their pavilions. The Facebook page for the Swiss Pavilion has more than 3,000 subscribers. The Thailand Pavilion and Singapore Pavilion have received a fervent response by holding events on Facebook to give away admission tickets to the public. Australia, Belgium, USA, Monaco, Turkey and other Official Participants have also made efforts on online promotional activities, contributing to boosting the global profile of the International Pavilion.
1st Floor
March 2012
Atlantic Ocean B-101
B-102 B-103 B-104
A-103 A-105 A-104
B-109 A-108
Indian Ocean D-103 D-104
Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean A-101 A-102 A-103 A-104 A-105
A-106-1 A-106-2 A-107
Participants Uruguay Germany Tuinisia Switzerland Romania Monaco
Participants Belgium Kazakhstan DRCongo Lituania Argentina France
Mexico Netherlands
Commercial Facilities
Pacific Ocean D-101 D-102 D-103 D-104 D-105 Participants
Thailand Singapore
Indian Ocean
March 2012
3rd Floor
Atlantic Ocean
B-301 B-303 B-302
B-304-1 B-304-2
Pacific Ocean
D-303 D-304 D-305
Indian Ocean D-307-2
Atlantic Ocean A-301 A-302 B-301 Turkey Uzbekistan
B-302 Nigeria
B-303 B-304-1 B-304-2 B-305 Israel
Indian Ocean A-305
Participants Saudi Arabia
A-303 / A-304( Joint Pavilions ) Participants
Comoros Equatorial Guinea Nicaragua Guatemala Moritania Paraguay Gabon Tajikistan Central African Republic Gambia Guinea Grenada Guyana Surinam Saint Kitts and Nevis Dominica Rwanda Ukraine Panama Armenia Mali
Sri Lanka
Yemen Seychelle
C-301( Joint Pavilions )
Pacific Ocean
Cambodia Indonesia Australia
D-306 D-307-1 D-307-2 USA
Philippines Malaysia
D-307( Joint Pavilions ) Participants
A-307-1 A-307-2 C-302
Cote d'Ivoire Dominican Republic Azerbaijan Ghana Honduras Senegal Colombia Burkina Faso Antigua and Barbuda
A-306-1 A-306-2
El Salvador Vanuatu Solomon Islands Laos Equadore Mongol Marshal Islands Timor Leste Samoa Tuvalu Papua New Guinea Palau Kiribati Fiji Nauru Tonga
Sudan Bangladesh Uganda Eritrea Participants Nepal Maldives Tanzania Kenya
March 2012
6 - Day Promotional Events Draw Enthusiastic Response in Japan On March 13, around 120 travel agents and journalists were invited to the Night of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea in Tokyo cohosted by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Kang Dong-suk and the Korea Tourism Organization, sharing the latest information on Yeosu Expo. On March 15, the Organizing Committee participated in the 2012 Korea Travel Fair in Osaka, held by the Korea Tourism Organization, and introduced Yeosu Expo to encourage more Japanese tourists to visit Yeosu.
The Organizing Committee for EXPO 2012 Yeosu Korea had a successful promotional tour in Japan from March 10 to 15, raising the public profile of the Expo. On the first day, two major events, the PR Exhibition of Expo 2012
Yeosu Korea and the Stage of KoreaJapan Cultural Exchange, were held in Nagoya with an active participation of the local Japanese supporters. A formative artist Yuriko Mudo was appointed as an
In Brief Enjoy Shopping Duty-Free within the Expo Site
international PR ambassador on the same day.
Commemorative Coins of Yeosu Expo Issued Commemorative coins of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea were unveiled on March 12. It marked the first case of the nation's commemorative coins made out of 0.25 ounces of gold. In addition, it is the first time the Bank of Korea minted tri-metallic coins made of copper, nickel and zinc. A small quantity of the commemorative coins will be available during the Expo at a duty-free shop inside the Expo site. The images depicted on the coins vary by metal content of the coins. For example, a half ounce gold coin carries the image of the International Pavilion while 1 ounce silver coin carries the image of the Sky Tower. The depiction of the Big-O appears on a quarter ounce gold coin. The image of the Korea Pavilion or the
Theme Pavilion is inscribed on a half ounce silver coin. Yeony and Suny, the Expo mascots, are on a trimetal coin.
A duty-free shop will be opened for the foreign tourists during Yeosu Expo. Duty free shop will be in a facility in front of the International Pavilion and have various domestic brands popular among foreigners such as cosmetics items.
The Third final Rehearsal to Benefit Children with UNICFF
The Organizing Committee and UNICEF Korea signed an agreement to donate all the profits from the Third Final Rehearsal on May 5 to UNICEF.
March 2012
Go for a Ride on Promotional Bus! Come See Promotional Booth!
The insides of the Promotional Bus (left) and the Promotional Booth (right)
Six Promotional Booths for Yeosu Expo have been set up all across Korea. Booth visitors may participate in "Capture Your Motion", a special event in which the visitors take a picture inside the booth and upload it on the Expo social networking service tools and platforms. A promotion tour bus also started to run all over the country. The first destination was the Central Government Complex in Seoul. The bus will visit colleges and local festivals across the country to promote Yeosu Expo. The bus will sell tickets to local residents as well.
Interesting Public Relations Activities by the German Pavilion and the Swiss Pavilion Germany held a press conference to introduce the German Pavilion on March 21 in Seoul, showcasing innovative and futuristic technologies with reference to the Expo theme . On March 22 to 25, the Nights of Sound and Lights show was held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Switzerland and to promote the Swiss Pavilion.
Meet New Honorary Ambassadors - Park Ji-sung and Jacques Perrin
promotional activities to introduce Yeosu Expo to global audience.
Professional soccer player Park JiSung of Manchester United and a well-known French actor/director Jacques Perrin, whose body of work includes Oceans, were appointed as an honorary ambassador for Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea. These two honorary ambassadors will participate in various
March 2012
Special Feature Go Green Expo! As the opening day of the Expo draws near, several ecofriendly projects are being implemented for the successful hosting of Yeosu Expo as a Green Expo. For decades, numerous factories and power plants had been set up in Yeosu, which brought severe air pollution to the region. As a result, Yeosu was designated in 1996 as a special area for air conservation. To secure the success of an eco-friendly Expo, the Organizing Committee, the central government and local governments consistently Courtesy of the Yeosu Regional Maritime Affairs & Port Office pursued eco-friendly policies such as introducing natural gas cars and devices to reduce petroleum vapor intrusion. The quality of air has steadily improved and dust particles in the atmosphere have been reduced by 17%. In addition, the Organizing Committee and the Yeosu Regional Maritime Affairs & Port Office have removed 178 tons of trash in the sea since 2008. The quality of seawater has improved from the grade 2 - 3 to the grade 1 -2 which indicates the sea is inhabitable for marine life.
The eco-friendly official uniforms of Yeosu Expo
Another eco-friendly project is to produce the official uniforms of the Expo with eco-friendly fabrics. At the Uniform Fashion Show held last month in Seoul, the public had a chance to take a glimpse of 6 million shirts and bags made by recycled materials like plastic bottles.
Locals participate in the campaign, holding pickets saying, “Let’s use public transportation!”
Yeosu city government is also conducting a special campaign to encourage the use of public transportation to prevent severe traffic congestion and air pollution. People were encouraged to leave their cars at home and go to work by public transportation free of charge on February 20, March 12 and 20. The campaign is scheduled to be conducted again on April 12 and 20. This campaign will help solve the traffic problem as well as reduce carbon emission.
March 2012
Notice Media Day of Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea Media Day gives local and intemational media an opportunity to visit the Expo site and get a foretaste of the global event before the opening day. When: May 9, 2012. 13:00 - 20:30 Where: all pavilions and facilities at the Expo site Who: domestic and foreign journalists How: apply by E-mail only At the opening ceremony of the Media Day, Kang Hyun-joo, Deputy Director General for OCBPA will give a presentation on the Expo in general, followed by culture performances, a welcoming reception and the Big Ocean Show. Media Pass, Press Kit and a souvenir will be provided on spot. To participate in the Media Day, please submit basic information including your name, name of your media affiliation, phone number and e-mail address to The application deadline is April 20.
The Final Rehearsals before the Opening of Yeosu Expo Three final rehearsals for the opening of the Expo will be held under the same conditions as site operation during the Expo period. Below is the time table of the rehearsals as scheduled. They are subject to change. The First Rehearsal
The Second Rehearsal
The Third Rehearsal
Number of Visitors
Operating Hours
09:00 ~ 18:00
09:00 ~ 18:00
09:00 ~ 23:00
(April 28)
( May 2)
Free entry
Free entry
By invitation only
By invitation only
Facilities examination
Overall conditions checking
( May 5)
All profits from admission go to donation Last rehearsal before the opening of the Expo Survey of guests satisfaction
T h e O r g a n i z i n g C o m m i t t e e f o r E x p o 2 0 1 2 Y e o s u K o r e a P h o n e : + 8 2 - 6 1 - 6 5 9 - 2 3 3 8 # 1 0 0 D e o k c h u n g a n - g i l , Y e o s u , J e o l l a n a m - d o , 5 5 0 - 0 1 0 , R e p u b l i c o f K o r e a W e b s i t e : w w w . e n g . e x p o 2 0 1 2 . k r E - m a i l : n e w s 4 u @ e x p o 2 0 1 2 . k r