UNITED STATES SCIENCE EXHIBIT World's Fair in Seattle • 1962 • • • • • • • H H H H B H I
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United States Science Exhibit U. S. D E P A R T M E N T
Aims of the United States Science Exhibit
Science belongs to people, all people. It springs from their curiosity and develops in their thoughts and conversations. Science is done by people; its findings are used by people; science is enjoyed by people. It is a vital force in our lives and is one of man's most noble and human activities. To make wise decisions we need to understand its elegant and solemn implications. Here in the United States Science Exhibit we have tried to communicate the connotations, the textures, the innate joy of science rather than its massive technology and often staggeringly complex findings. We show something of how science began with man's consciousness of nature — nature's violent and tender phenomena. We present the development of science — the beginnings of measurement, relating things to each other and evolving symbols, numbers and mathematics. Men — Pythagoras, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, Faraday, Darwin, Einstein — began to measure nature's tensions and harmonies. cr. Most important, perhaps, we attempt to demonstrate the plural, yet ultimately parallel,
methods which science uses to reach its delicate objectives. Whether weighing a molecule, tracking the migrations of salmon, or creating synthetic diamonds, scientists approach their problems with an ultimate respect for what is. Their binding passion is a common wonder at the harmonies of neutrons and galaxies. The specialties of science intertwine. Differing disciplines join. Physics and biology overlap into biophysics. Ideas, techniques and tools are exchanged freely. The biologist employs the instruments of physics to probe further into the living cell. The earth science, geophysics, joins with astrophysics—the physics of the stars. We search for fragments from outer space to find out what the universe is made of. Sometimes we find our clues on the floor of the sea. There are no compartments, no permanent divisions, in science. On the contrary, there exists a rich potential for future relationships which we barely imagine. By its very nature, science will always be an unfinished story. Science itself never creates nor solves problems. It is a means of understanding the natural history of our environment — the universe. In fathoming some natural processes, man can often emulate them. Airplanes copy birds in flight. The sun and the sea are a steam engine — the sun evaporates moisture from the oceans, the vapor is lifted over mountains and then condenses. Energy is released. Once man understood these mechanics, he could build a steam engine himself. Our sun is a nuclear power plant. After we glimpse its laws, we try to build a "piece of the sun" — a nuclear fusion power plant. Man invents nothing, he only understands nature better and begins to emulate it. The United States Science Exhibit is a portrait of the world of science — a collection of impressions, experiences, sights and sensations linked together to produce entertainment and enlightenment. Like its own inter-relationships, science promotes inter-relationships among men. It is a way of thinking which cuts across ideologies, races and boundaries. It belongs naturally and unselfconsciously to a Fair that portrays the world. Transcending political, ideological and language barriers, it offers fascination and enrichment for all people, as can any rich form of creative art.
G U I D E TO T H E U N I T E D STATES S C I E N C E EXHIBIT Colored numbers indicate the preferred sequence m which the exhibits should be seen and are keyed to corresponding sections of this book. The Junior Laboratory of Science is for children from eight to sixteen years of age.
The House of Science The Development of Science U.S.-Boeing Spacearium Junior Laboratory of Science The Methods of Science The Horizons of Science
A fascination with the puzzle itself... This is the way that science grew . . . and will always grow. This is the way scientists work . . . and have since the dawn of science. For science, despite its diversity and breadth, has maintained a unity of purpose and approach that started with the first wonderings of the natural philosophers. All knowledge was one to them. Learned men could discourse on many aspects of their early world. Even then the existing body of information was considerable. As men asked new questions and added new ideas, science grew at an ever-increasing pace, causing men to specialize in narrower fields and creating separate areas of science. These sciences overlapped, split apart and joined to form still others. Yet, in all its diversity, science retains an inherent unity. The introduction to the United States Science Exhibit is a film, presented through a startling new system of synchronous projectors, that tells of this growth and unity of science. The history of science is treated as an architectural allegory. Man started to build the "House of Science" from the moment he first tried to understand the workings of nature. Ever since he has added to the structure at a pace that continues to accelerate. From the simple hut of the natural philosopher, inquiring men went out to seek more specific knowledge. They returned to build new rooms, each representing a new field of science — mathematics, astronomy, anatomy. The rooms became wings as each science di-
The House of Science film achieves its remarkable technical effects through a battery of seven projectors. These are coordinated to present a single large image, as many as six separate images on related panels, or six segmented images of a single subject.
vided to form others. The wings split off to form new buildings of their own. Yet all are connected by a common goal and a human need to share information and techniques. Twenty-five centuries of scientific progress are shown in this animated sequence, climaxing with the almost explosive growth which we witness today. The house becomes too large for one screen, and spreads across the wall as other projectors are linked to the picture. Today's House of Science fills the huge screen wall — an amusing, seemingly haphazard structure with hundreds of rooms, and thousands of scientists who are bound together by a common wonder at their universe. The men who inhabit today's House of Science the tools they u s e . . . the laboratories they work in . . . are as varied as science itself. For scientists are people, and like people generally they are of all sorts. Their common bond is to discover some hitherto unknown or overlooked facet of nature's laws. For the answers to their questions they look in many places. The search might take place in a laboratory, in the waters of a stagnant pool, in the light of the sun, or in the sun itself. Some scientists study man. His mind and his society become their laboratory. The laboratory of science can be anywhere that the scientist is drawn to look. The tools of the scientist are anything his imagination can devise or adapt to extend his senses or to give special order and precision to his observations as he reaches farther into space, or deeper into the microcosm. He accumulates information at such a staggering rate
that he has had to devise other tools to sift through, condense and relate the data available to him. "Science is essentially an artistic or philosophical enterprise, carried on for its own sake. In this it is more akin to play than to work. The scientist views nature as a system of interlocking puzzles. He assumes that the puzzles have a solution . . . that they will be fair. He holds to a faith in the underlying order of the universe. His motivation is his fascination with the puzzle itself — his pleasures are those of any artist. "High on the list of prerequisites for being a scientist is a quality that defines the rich human being as much as it does the man of science. That is, his ability and his desire to reach out with his mind and his imagination to something outside himself."
Such was the House of Science two hundred years before Christ . . ."
"It is remarkable how many of the laboratories look exactly as a laboratory should look . . ."
"To help maintain the necessary perspective, the scientist uses many devices. He builds threedimensional models to actually experience relationships. He creates different images of the same concept to see it in different ways . . ."
"But many nant itself
today, as in the past, a laboratory can be things and many places. It can be a stagpool, or the light of the sun, or the sun . . ."
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Man's curiosity about his world is first aroused by the forces of nature.
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— color images and after-images
confuse the eye.
The multiplicity of sights the profusion of sounds the sometimes delightful sometimes painful sensations of toucl the variously delicious or disgusting scents and tastes that primitive man perceived unwittingly . —as every child since b a s in time, sparked thought ssociation. of several phenomena
Curiosity — tilted planes upset the sense of balance. Once awakened man uses the vet that served to pr Natural $ei {o satisfy his curi.osil hv more delibenite'i
- he learns the limitations of his senses • a change in the pitch of sound creates a sense of motion.
T H E D E V E L O P M E N T OF S C I E N C E / A R E A
Science began with curiosity... Here are glimpses of the history of science. Since science existed long before history, however, our story of the development of science begins with primitive man in his role as the first scientist. For science is founded on curiosity. Surely the varied phenomena of nature evoked man's first probing questions. Why does it rain? What makes the earth shake . . . or explode . . . or flood with water? And what of the gentler questions of birth and growth and change? Man, in his new-found role as scientist-philosopher, soon realized the limitations of his senses. He could not depend on his own perception for perfect knowledge and without a scale of comparison he could not communicate his observations to others. The need for tools to extend man's senses, and measurement to compare his findings, came early in the history of science. The need to communicate gave early scientists an impetus to evolve mathematics. One scientist thus builds on the work of others before him or, with some flash of insight, ruthlessly tears down the walls of old scientific traditions and builds anew. Centuries of work by Galvani, Volta, Oersted and others found culmination in Faraday's simple dynamo.
Crude by today*s standards, the scales devised by Lavoisier to measure the weights of burning gases were astonishingly accurate in his skilful hands. His observations gave birth to concepts of chemistry and physics which are the basis of todayys science. The optical pyrometer, right, measures the temperature of an object by matching its color to that of a filament whose temperature can be controlled.
Man's idea of matter grew and changed as he created finer tools of
When man measures with tools the heat of distant stars or the elements which compose them, he needs to give order to his findings. The early genius who noticed a similarity in three horses, three trees and three rocks, started the evolution of our theory of numbers. Today's tool of mathematics, the high speed computer, can resolve in minutes problems that no one man could formerly hope to solve in a lifetime.
Atoms Emit Particles
The living things he studied in the Brazilian Rain Forest enabled Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution. Although he showed how nature selected certain living things to survive and thrive, he did not know how nature effected its changes. Mendel's experiments with sweet peas gave Darwin — and the world — the beginnings of an answer. Now the way was open to search for the mechanism by which hereditary characteristics are transmitted.
Physicists and chemists joined the biologists in their search for the root of the heredity process. Mutations in living things were induced by exposure to radiation. More powerful microscopes revealed the cell as it divided. Chemical analyses of increasing precision came closer and closer to the answer. At the right are two models of the DNA molecule which is today recognized as the ultimate transmitter of heredity. This giant molecule, in its almost infinite variations, appears in every living cell. The armillary sphere, above, is an exact replica (even to its ornate iron stand) of the instrument which Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, in 1600, used to measure angles between stars and planets with amazing accuracy.
Lift-off time - 60 seconds... This "Journey to the Stars" is possible only in the imagination. It is unlikely that any man will see these sights of intergalactic space. Even traveling at the speed of light it would take billions of years to reach the farthest point of our 12-minute voyage. Although we break nature's laws by traveling up to 10 trillion times the speed of light, everything we see is scientifically accurate according to the panel of astronomers and space scientists who served as advisors. Almost surrounded by the giant dome of the projection screen, we lose ourselves in the sights and mysteries of our universe. The brown and blue earth falls away beneath us as our space platform points toward the pockmarked moon with its arid, lifeless flatlands and rugged mountain ranges. What questions of the universe can be solved with this huge satellite as a laboratory? Next, the sun, our own star, fills our view. From its giant nuclear furnace, flaming geysers of hydrogen reach millions of miles into space. Our sun rains deadly radiation throughout solar space, yet it is the source of all Earth's light and life. On through the solar system, past Mars and its moons and the rainbow rings of Saturn, we speed toward other stars. The Milky Way resolves itself into millions of suns . . . stars of all descriptions, colors and magnitudes. We pierce the great Lagoon Nebula and set course for Andromeda, nearest galaxy to our own, entering intergalactic space. 30 thousand billion, billion miles we reach into space. A star explodes, creating a Super Nova as we retrace our way back to our own galaxy. Venus and Mercury slide past. In the immensity of space there are billions of galaxies, each with billions of suns. How many planets must orbit the uncounted stars? What thinking civilizations must spring and thrive in this seemingly infinite universe? Even in the warmth of our sun, as we descend once more to our own planet, we grasp a new perspective of our place in the universe. Earth is a single note in the vast symphony of the Universe and man is child — not only of Earth — but of all the cosmos. From familiar horizons, humbled in our search for truth and by our own discoveries, we can look outward to the planets, to the stars, and into space itself.
The giant filmed shutters slide back and the receding earth looms on the world's largest screen as Spacearium visitors begin their imaginary journey to the stars.
An "impossible" project Not only is the Spacearium screen the largest in the world, it is twice as large as any other. Not only is its lens the largest and widest-angle yet developed, it had to be designed and produced in a matter of months. Every piece of equipment used in filming, printing, editing and projecting "A Journey to the Stars" had to be specially designed or adapted for the system. Standard techniques of film production had to be augmented by special devices manufactured just for this one picture. The eight-ton geodesic projection dome, 78 feet in diameter and 38 feet high, has a surface of nearly 8,000 square feet faced with 3,600 aluminum panels. Projected images cover the entire "horizon" and 162° on the vertical plane, providing a "window into space" for the viewer. To produce a bright image that would cover this immense screen required the designing and construction of an unusual lens. It had to project an arc 20° wider than the largest lens in existence. And because the lens was to be used for filming as well as projection, it had to be produced with almost impossible speed. Without modern-day high-speed electronic computers, the job could not have been done. While the computers clicked off the formulas for the 10-element lens design, the film producers faced other problems. Normal motion pictures use 35mm film; wide-screen systems use 65mm for filming. The size of the Spacearium screen required an unusual 70mm film stock and the picture frames had to be square. This called for a redesign of cameras, optical printers, projectors and other film handling and processing equipment, with the work progressing in tightly scheduled stages. Additional effort went into precise construction of models of planets and sun, the careful study of thousands of astronomical photos, and the building of a unique star dome that showed, with scientific accuracy, the locations and magnitudes of thousands of stars. Despite all handicaps the work was completed on schedule — the "impossible" was done — and each day thousands of Spacearium visitors take a thrilling "Journey to the Stars."
The projection booth, in the center of the Spacearium, houses two massive projectors equipped with the world's largest and widest-angle lens. The same lens was used in producing the film which projects over a domed screen at 360 degrees horizontally and 162 degrees vertically.
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THE WORLD OF CHANCE AND PROBABILITY. Six radically different patterns with varying percentages of black and white—yet when chips are tossed at random on the tables three out of four will touch black in a demonstration of how mathematicians can predict certain actions.
Science can be fun... Pinball machines that give insight into the work of the atomic physicists . . . a mechanical marble game that demonstrates how scientists study the atom . . . the laws of probability explained in play . . . a test of skill and timing that shows some of the factors involved in reaching the moon . . . This is the Junior Laboratory of Science, for youngsters eight to sixteen. In the exhibits, basic scientific principles and techniques are illustrated in understandable, graphic terms. The atmosphere is one of fun and entertainment. Games are far removed from classroom lessons, but the information they convey is just as accurate. Here is a provocative experiment calculated to stretch the minds of inquiring youngsters. The Junior Science Laboratory combines some elements of museum, laboratory, classroom and amusement park. Each of its 26 exhibits requires some form of participation. By riding on a frictionless sled or on a gyroscope platform, for example, a child has an opportunity to experience the application of a scientific principle and the laws that govern it are thereby made more understandable. Some experiments use complex machinery or regular laboratory instruments. Others are as simple as a piece of paper. Some demonstrate scientific methods. Others illustrate fundamental natural laws. All are teaching tools, scaled in size and concept to the child, and designed to impart fact or knowledge. Who says science can't be fun? SHOOT THE MOON. Can you shoot a rocket ship into space on a trip to the moon? This experiment shows some of the factors involved: gravity fields of earth and moon, rotation of the earth and the speed of the moon in its orbit.
I., 2. ATOM SMASHER. This is a mechanical model which shows how atom smashers work. A steel ball rolls down a series of ramps, gathering speed at each step. Scientists use electrical charges to speed up particles fast enough to smash an atom. 3. HOW TELESCOPES WORK. An open model of a reflecting telescope — the kind used at astronomical observatories around the world — shows the youngsters how light from a distant star is magnified by the huge mirrors. The young girl has focused on a picture of the planet Mars. 4. ANT CITIES. Here the youngsters crawl inside or climb atop the structure which houses four colonies of ants. They see the ants in their nests and foraging. 5. MATHEMATICAL PEEP SHOWS present short films that illustrate and prove basic mathematical formulas.
on a strip of filter paper become rainbow-like ribbons of color when dipped in water. Each chemical has a different arrangement of colors, which helps the chemist in identification. 7. ATOMIC PINBALL GAMES. Scientists learn about invisible particles by bombarding them with other particles and observing the rebound. Here, children can see how balls bounce off a visible target, then guess the identity of an invisible target by watching the rebound. 8. HOW WE HEAR. Hearing is a complicated process. How our ears receive messages and transmit them to the brain is shown in this exhibit.
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1. THE SPEECH STOPPER. When words echo in the ear just a little later than when spoken, it is impossible to keep on talking. 2. MICROSCOPIC WORLD. A glimpse into another world. Magnification lated to our visual ideas of them.
of familiar things reveals structures
that seem unre-
3. ELECTROLYSIS OF WATER. Water breaks down into its component gases — hydrogen and oxygen — when electricity through it. The gases are reunited into water when hydrogen explodes in the presence of oxygen. 4. THE RAIN FORESTS. Wall panels present some of the plant life that flourishes in a hot, humid
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THE SPINNING WHEEL â&#x20AC;&#x201D; THE GYROSCOPE. As the youngsters
the big gyroscope into a new position, the whole platform pivots. WEIGHTS ON OTHER WORLDS. How heavy would a familiar gravity? Youngsters reach in and find out.
WHAT HAPPENS IN A VACUUM? The boy in the foreground
using a hand pump to evacuate air from a small chamber, As the air is removed, a small balloon swells to fill the void. object, like a grapefruit,
feel on other planets with
T H E M E T H O D S OF S C I E N C E / A R E A
The process starts with a question... Presented in this area are twenty-seven examples of the methods which today's scientists are using to solve important questions about nature. There is no single method, no definite procedure. The process always starts with a question, and usually ends posing new questions. A scientist may work in a laboratory, office, launching pad or cave. He may wear a white coat, radiation suit, diving gear or sport shirt. He goes where his experiment takes him. His tools vary as widely. He will use anything — oil drill, satellite, microscope or balloon — as long as it helps him to answer the questions he faces. The challenge is always to ask the right question — one which goes to the heart of the problem — and can be answered with the tools and information at his disposal. For the methods of science are as varied as the facets of the natural order scientists seek to comprehend.
The Demonstration Area shows work as it is performed in a biological laboratory. A frog receives an injection to induce ovulation. A plant is irradiated with Tritium to learn the effects of radiation on living things. A thin slice of organic matter is placed on a slide; under a microscope it will be shown on closed-circuit television.
EARTH AND THE UNIVERSE A circling Transit satellite, tracked directly from the Science Pavilion, beams an accurately pitched radio signal to earth. First used to make careful observations on the shape of the earth, the Transit satellite soon will provide precise navigation plotting to any ship which carries similar equipment. While some scientists probe through the crust of the earth from a platform in the ocean, others try to get a better view of the heavens by ballooning a telescope above the distorting blanket of atmosphere. Other astronomers map the heavens by plotting radio waves received on huge radio-telescopes. To study the earth's magnetic field, camera-equipped rockets are hurled into the sky to photograph the aurora.
THE STRUCTURE OF MATTER How does man study the nucleus, too small to be seen under the most discerning microscope? To get some ideas of the nucleus, we bombard the atom with particles accelerated to high speeds. Both the target and the "bullets" remain unseen. Yet we can see their trails and, after a collision, see the resulting particles rebound on a photographic plate. Studies of these rebounds — their types, directions and velocities — give us a remarkable picture of a nucleus. Graphite and diamonds are made of the same element — carbon. Through learning more about molecular bonds and by emulating nature, we can transform a pinch of graphite into diamond by subjecting it to intense pressure and heat.
What will be our future sources of energy? Man's carelessness of nature's bounty and his inefficient methods of extracting energy from matter have turned science toward more penetrating studies of power. Fusion â&#x20AC;&#x201D; an imitation of the sun's energy â&#x20AC;&#x201D; is one possibility which may soon give us almost unlimited power. The fuel cell can extract energy directly from chemical reactions and operates on a principle known to scientists for years. This is just the reverse of the familiar classroom experiment which uses electricity to break water into its component hydrogen and oxygen.
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THE NATURE OF LIFE A huge model of a typical cell graphically shows the intricate detail and activities of the basic building block of all living matter. Each of the component parts of the cell has a basic function which enables it to be nurtured, to grow and to divide. / While much is known about the DNA molecule, no one knows exactly how it breaks into two identical parts, one for each new cell. A model shows how a virus infects. It pierces the cell and replaces a healthy DNA molecule with its own. When the cell divides, the virus DNA molecule is multiplied.
The 20-foot model of the human brain and eyes illustrates how we see. The neural-electric activity is traced by lights from the lens of the eye to the vision center of the brain. / Animal muscles have been studied by man for centuries. Only recently, with modern techniques and tools, have scientists been able to examine the minute muscle sections and see contraction and expansion in an entirely different way. / Cell growth is demonstrated in an exhibit of ganglion nerve cells.
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ANIMAL AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR Pigeons make intricate matches of patterns and colors. They were taught in experiments that led directly to the development of the teaching machine. / Monkeys are reared with artificial mothers to determine the essential elements in a mother-child relationship. / Chicks are "imprinted" to follow a slowly moving blue ball, in a study of early animal behavior. / Mice with inherited tendencies to overeat or to prefer alcohol to water, provide scientists with another area of study to solve important questions of behavior.
Robert Conquest For the 1956 Opposition of Mars
What do so many experiments mean to us? How much will we remember? Perhaps not the details of how molecules are built or how the pigeons learn or how living cells divide, but, at least, we know that everything is in some kind of motion. And that all science is in a state of continual change with new discoveries leading to new instruments that, in turn, lead to new discoveries. The discoveries in electricity led to the dynamo and then an explosive use of electric power for our light, heat, telephones, and even in hospitals for X-rays and electron microscopes. Now, more people survive and live longer. Thousands are born every minute and already there are over three billion on earth. Where will they all live? Science does not answer these questions but does provide knowledge for people to use for their better living. We are getting more and more able to control things. We may farm the ocean, control the rain to make deserts bloom, but, before we control things, we should know what is going to happen. Weather satellites already swamp computers with data. We have begun to understand how cells pass on blueprints of themselves. If we can change these in man, then what?
A moon rocket is no different basically from ancient toy skyrockets, but there is a long step in the engineering between and now the pace is faster. In only twenty years from the first use of atomic power, there are reactors everywhere. It is the benefits of science that people quarrel about, not the science. Everyone can appreciate the orderly scientific approach, and the delight of knowing the common laws that govern different things. The horizons of science are without limit and are inseparably intertwined with the |
future of man. Science provides an unending challenge to man's curiosity. Beyond all, science can be a high form of intellectual entertainment and human joy.
The society of men must make the decisions "... We must all learn more of science. Together with its blessings, science presents us with difficult social questions. These can be answered, not in the laboratory, but in the open discussions of free men aspiring toward a fuller life for all mankind."
JOHN F. KENNEDY President of the United States
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of the United States Science Exhibit is available at the Science Pavilion during the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle at a cost of $2.00 per copy; $2.50 per copy postpaid anywhere in the United States. Published by The Craftsman Press, Inc., 2030 Westlake Avenue, Seattle 1, Washington. Photographers: Ted Bronstein, Art Hupy, Charles R. Pearson, Photographic Productions, Chao Chen Yang.
The United States Science Exhibit As the setting for the most ambitious science exposition ever undertaken, architect Minora Yamasaki, in association with Naramore, Bain, Brady and Johansson, created a magnificent architectural complex. Purvis Construction served as general contractors. Five gleaming, precast concrete buildings cluster around a huge water-filled court with splashing fountains and abstract statuary. Walkways bridge the water and ring the pools. Five graceful arches tower 100 feet overhead. Exhibit buildings and forecourt cover more than six acres. The Methods of Science area alone is larger than a football field. Overall exhibit designer is Walter Dorwin Teague Associates, New York City. Raymond Loewy/ William Snaith, Inc., New York City, designed much of the area of the life and behavioral sciences. George Nelson & Associates, New York City, designed the exhibit on "How We Regulate Nerve Growth/' Producer of the film, "The House of Science," is Charles and Ray Eames, Los Angeles, who also designed the interior of the theater in which it is shown. For the Spacearium, Cinerama, Inc., is the prime contractor to the United States Science Exhibit and The Boeing Company which sponsored it. Cinerama, Inc., devised the system, Fine Arts Productions, Los Angeles, produced the film. The designer of the Junior Laboratory of Science is Frederick Usher/John Foil is and Associates, Los Angeles. Numerous other individual designers and fabricators contributed ideas, designs and technical assistance. In addition, more than 300 Men of Science collaborated with the United States Department of Commerce in the creation of this outstanding science exhibit.
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of the United States Science Exhibit is available at the Science Pavilion during the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle at a cost of $2.00 per copy; $2.50 per copy postpaid anywhere in the United States. Published by The Craftsman Press, Inc., 2030 Westlake Avenue, Seattle 1, Washington. Photographers: Ted Bronstein, Art Hupy, Charles R. Pearson, Photographic Productions, Chao Chen Yang.
The United States Science Exhibit As the setting for the most ambitious science exposition ever undertaken, architect Minora Yamasaki, in association with Naramore, Bain, Brady and Johansson, created a magnificent architectural complex. Purvis Construction served as general contractors. Five gleaming, precast concrete buildings cluster around a huge water-filled court with splashing fountains and abstract statuary. Walkways bridge the water and ring the pools. Five graceful arches tower 100 feet overhead. Exhibit buildings and forecourt cover more than six acres. The Methods of Science area alone is larger than a football field. Overall exhibit designer is Walter Dorwin Teague Associates, New York City. Raymond Loewy/ William Snaith, Inc., New York City, designed much of the area of the life and behavioral sciences. George Nelson & Associates, New York City, designed the exhibit on "How We Regulate Nerve Growth." Producer of the film, "The House of Science," is Charles and Ray Eames, Los Angeles, who also designed the interior of the theater in which it is shown. For the Spacearium, Cinerama, Inc., is the prime contractor to the United States Science Exhibit and The Boeing Company which sponsored it. Cinerama, Inc., devised the system, Fine Arts Productions, Los Angeles, produced the film. The designer of the Junior Laboratory of Science is Frederick Usher/John Foil is and Associates, Los Angeles. Numerous other individual designers and fabricators contributed ideas, designs and technical assistance. In addition, more than 300 Men of Science collaborated with the United States Department of Commerce in the creation of this outstanding science exhibit.
Souvenir Guide
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IN S E A T T L E ,
E 1962