American Brutha Magazine Summer 2015

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Contents The Premiere issue

05 EDITOR’S LETTER 06 COntributors 07 Credits


lifestyle 08








Surviving a Layoff

How nice guys can impress women

Why you shouldn’t get married until 30...

Are you dating a controlling woman?

fashion KENT BAZEMORE Photographed by Kelly Kline in Atlanta, GA, USA Styled by Diana Owens Hair by Henry McMillon




fashion feature

15 Fashion Trends to Try Before Fall

let’s get social: flii


>>> contents






Where you should trim this summer!

Ripped & Ready: Get that Summer Body!

art & culture 54




A Single Vision: Jerome & Jarrell take on the world!

Basil Chicken in Coconut Curry Sauce!



Kent Bazemore: True to Atlanta

outro 72




84 86 4

Making his Mark: Meet Lance Fresh! Sharaya J is Chasing Purpose...


Get a Load of Luxury!


Finding the meanings to your life!

Photographed by ANITA CLARE in Nassau Styled by Joe Stubbs

u, Bahamas

editor’s letter

To my Brutha,

Does your life matter? A very good friend of mine once ago lost everything of value to him. I’m talking friends, money, career - the whole nine. It was a lot to try and comfort someone who was so grounded – so comfortable and at ease and the next minute everything wiped from under their feet. I could always remember him saying that he felt cheated, confused and alone. Have you ever felt this way? We all go through similar moments in life. It comes down to how we react to these troubles and regain our composure that determines how successful we really are. I’ve always believed that each of our troubles is a stepping stone. You can get out of the deepest well by simply believing in yourself. Maureen Brady reinforces this when she says, “whatever lies before you is not blocking your next step; it is your next step”. Allow me to formally introduce you to American Brutha Magazine. In our inaugural issue, the team and I decided to approach a few lifestyle issues such as surviving a layoff, getting married before 30, how to impress women that is if you’re a nice guy, and finding the meaning to your life. On top of that, we’ve shared some great fashion inspiration and trends, luxury goods, fitness guide, cooking recipes and

there is still more! I think you would find Brutha to be a well-rounded publication for every area of your life. Does your life matter? Of course it does. I know mine does. If you had a hard time answering this...then I’m happy you’ve come to the right place. I feel the need for you to know that Brutha Magazine is all for you, my Brutha, providing knowledge, culture and style like no other. You are never alone. Your single most important goal in life is to live your best life ever, on your own terms! So go out there be different, be independent, be an individual! Don’t forget to spread the word to another Brutha! Until next time...much love Brutha,

Travis T. Sweeting Editor-In-Chief

Let me know what’s on your mind by following me: @travunlimited #bruthamag



Kristie Lee has been a photographer / artist for the past 15 years. After completing her Art Photography diploma in 1996 she packed her bags and traveled for a number of years in the UK and Europe. In her travels Kristie's passion became clear that photographing people, fashion and animals was what she loved the most. Kristie is highly respected in the Industry and best known for her portrait photography in which she absolutely excels at, earning her a number of prestigious awards nationally and internationally. Kristie is from Sydney's Northern beaches in Australia, though she now lives in New York and has a studio in Brooklyn and travels between Los Angeles and Australia, exhibiting and photographing from both her studio and locations in all these amazing cities. She is able capture people and animals in their natural environment, using fashion, architecture and urban backgrounds to tell a story.

kelly kline kristie lee ISI AKAHOME Kelly Kline is an award winning photographer who has been published in magazines and newspapers around the world including Sports Illustrated, ESPN the Magazine, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Slam, USA Today and the New York Times. Over the past decade, her strong creative style, communication skills and work ethic have led to work for major brands including Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, Footlocker, Everlast, ESPN, Coca-Cola, Penguin Publishing and The Heisman.


Kristie Lee has been a photographer artist for the past 15 years. Kristie’s passion became clear that photographing people, fashion and animals was what she loved the most and absolutely excels at, earning her a number of prestigious awards nationally and internationally. She is able capture people and animals in their natural environment, using fashion, architecture and urban backgrounds to tell a story.

Isi Akahome is a Chicago based photographer who migrated from Africa 7 years ago. He started photography 4 years ago, and has garnered a following in Chicago because of his unique and punchy photography style. He focuses mainly on Fashion photography, and also shoots weddings, and portraits. His ultimate goal is to become one of the most influential commercial photographers in the country.



lim @travun


Editor-In-Chief // Publisher


Managing Editor




Executive Editor


Creative Director




TRAV | A Creative Agency

Art Direction |



This Magazine is published Bi-MONTHLY. No part of Brutha Magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written consent from Sivart Media Group, LLC. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or refuse material and we are not responsible for products that appear in this publication. © 2015 Brutha Magazine. All Rights Reserved.

Web Editor



>>> power & money


s men living a bachelor life, or more particularly men who have established themselves as providers for their homes and families, it is extremely frustrating to deal with the pain of being laid off. It’s just as painful as any other form of rejection, being told that you are no longer needed. James Russell Lowell, an American romantic poet reminds us, “Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those that never happen.” In short, he encourages us by suggesting that we are capable of overcoming any misfortune that comes our way. You’ve lost your job, but it doesn’t mean that your career or life as you know it is over. On the bright side, you can think of it as a new adventure or a new opportunity to start a new path and to take your life in a new direction. Here are some practical steps you can take to get back on your feet and overcome your latest misfortune.


BY Craig Bain

GIVE YOURSELF SOME “ME” TIME Allow yourself time to process what has happened and to think about where do you want to go next. You can treat your new unexpected free time as a vacation and try to catch up on a few things you couldn’t do before. Clear your mind and place things into perspective while creating a new plan of action. You wouldn’t just jump into a new relationship after a breakup right? So you shouldn’t just jump into a new job. CREATE A SUPPORT TEAM Yes, I get it, it’s embarrassing to let others know you lost your job, but you never know where your next opportunity will come from. Use your friends and family, former coworkers, and colleagues as a pool of support and use it as an opportunity to identify who you can or can’t lean on in times of need. Don’t ask for handouts, but use your networks to inquire about potential career and job opportunities. More often than

not, in the career field, you may find that it doesn’t matter what you know, but who you know. WEIGH YOUR FINANCES Hopefully you practiced prudence and you were able to create a savings account for rainy days such as this. Take stock of the finances you have and calculate how long you can live off of your savings, this includes any severance package you may have gotten from your former employer and any cash in hand you may have. You may find yourself cutting out a few luxuries until you get back on your feet. It’s important to take note of your expenses and to prioritize your needs. In the meantime, you should file for unemployment benefits right away to assist you while you’re down. GET OUT THERE! Alright, you’ve had your me time, you have created your support team and took stock of your

finances, now stop feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and find a job! Update your resume, identify your skills and strengths and determine what the next step is for you. Get on the road and take copies of your resume with you. Make some phone calls, check employment and company websites and inquire, inquire, inquire about any vacant opportunities. You are not going to find a new job moping in bed, doing nothing all day. As Henry Ward Beecher, an American social reformer suggests, “Men’s best successes come after their disappointments.”

WEIGH OPTIONS AND BE REALISTIC In order to get your foot back in the door sometimes, you may have to take a job lower than your previous position. Sometimes it may even be best to get whatever job is possible to keep you on your feet until a better opportunity presents itself. Leave your ego at the door if you want to have your expenses paid. Understand that it’s unlikely that you will get an ideal job with the ideal pay immediately. Work hard and show that you are worthy of a raise or a promotion and do your best to climb the career ladder or until something better comes along.

If you can afford it however, don’t jump on the first offer you receive for the sake of having a job. Think about the long term aspects of the job. Are there opportunities for personal and professional growth? Is the company stable and established? Are your needs being met? Are the benefits sufficient? Having the answers to these questions will make your decision a lot easier. The identity of a man is closely tied to his career and what he does for a living. In the absence of a career, a man struggles with his purpose and identity. With these steps however, and an outlook of a new adventure, the misery of being laid off can be overcome.


>>> she says - he says




the shoulder to cry on. I have often heard men say that women claim that they want nice guys, but in reality they rarely give the nice guy a fair chance. So what’s a guy to do? Well some men say that they end up giving up on trying to get the woman or some take a turn to the dark side, using bad boy antics in an attempt to win the affection they seek.

here’s the saying that “nice guys finish last.” There is also this stereotype that many women are attracted to ‘the bad boys’, those who pose a challenge to them, while the nice guy is often friend zoned and finds himself being the listening ear and

While these things do happen, I am a firm believer in the nice guy being the best choice in a partner for many reasons. The most obvious reason is because he is indeed the nice guy and that should be appreciated rather than overlooked. I personally only go for nice guys because what I find most attractive is the sweetness, So how does the nice guy get the


the respect, and the care I receive from someone who values me and understands my worth.

I think the misconception about nice men is that their niceness is equated with weakness or less appealing by some women. But in my opinion, the asshole, the player, the bad boy are the ones who should be avoided like the plague. Yes, they may be physically, sexually, or energetically appealing, but the emotional stress that comes with the territory isn’t worth it. These are the men that are typically selfish and self-centered, dishonest, and typically leave a trail of broken hearts to follow.

HOW CAN NICE GUYS RESS WOMEN? woman? It’s really simple. He gets her by being himself and no I am not just saying that or being overly optimistic or living in a fantasy world. In my dating experience I have been most attracted to the nice guy that didn’t mind showing that he cared, that he was confident, that he was honest and upfront with his feelings, and that he appreciated me. There was no set formula except for those things.

with, an individual that adds value to her life. The problem is there are too many people trying to be things other than themselves in order to achieve something, whether it’s professionally, socially, or personally. If you have to change yourself in order to make someone attracted to you then they aren’t in love with you, they are in love with who they perceive you to be. In the end both of you will be unhappy and jaded.

If someone cannot appreciate you for who you are, or, if they can appreciate you but simply just aren’t attracted to you, then that’s ok. Everyone isn’t for everybody. The person you should be with is the person that sees you as someone worth being

So in reality it’s not the nice guys that finish last, but if they are themselves, feel comfortable in who they are, and still attract the person they want, then they are the real winners.

...there are too many people trying to be things other than themselves...



ne year in, I sat on her bed while she raided her closet looking for a dress that made sense for a company Christmas party at Ruth’s Chris. My recommendation was foolish because the colors were for spring, she said, and she left her favorite dress in a small country town further south when she went to visit her parents for Thanksgiving. The tricolored bowtie was already fixed


around my neck, my shoes were already tied, my knuckles were beating against the blanket, and I watched this gorgeous woman go from closet to mirror to perfect her makeup and back to closet to finish her hunt. And there I was, ready to go, wondering how I got there. I was always the class clown. While the teachers were always rolling their eyes and threatening to kick me out of class or send letters to my folks, I was more concerned

with Angelique and Miranda, and whether they were laughing, smiling, or rolling their eyes too. If I could keep them laughing, I’d always be the one they spoke to, and that would keep me around long enough to eventually be considered. This was middle school, and I was young and foolish and had nothing but time on my hands. Now, I lead with the joke, and follow up with what I hope they think is an original idea for a night out. I wish I remembered

body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul,” I tell her, quoting the bloke from Elephant and Castle, Charlie Chaplin. She loves words and she loves that I know this to be true without her ever saying it. I made a corny joke once, telling her she’s like my favorite dessert, Crème Brulee. “Your surface is dope as fuck, but I’m about digging deeper.” Corny, yes I know. In the car, on the way to Ruth’s Chris with lamb chops and liquor on my brain, she grabbed my hand, smiled, and cracked the window because I farted. She loved me because I was who I was unapologetically. Because I wrote her new words when it rained because she hates rainy days, and because I could make her laugh from a thousand miles away. I knew her, and wanted to continue to learn everything new, and everything she wasn’t even aware of. Be you. Make jokes. If she laughs, she can be yours.

the joke I got this closet hunter with, but at this time, it’s not important. Originality is as good as gold. Dinner and a movie is what your grandparents, parents, godparents and cousins with 8 kids did. It’s been proven to work for those who lack imagination. On our first date we wore sneakers and basketball shorts, met on the National Mall, and explored every crack and crevice of the Washington, DC. Those dark

places not even L’Enfant knew about, and grabbing small bites from the hole-in-the-wall eateries we pass on foot, or in a taxi. “I never knew this stuff existed,” she said, and I feel good offering her something new. She knows I’m often impatient, especially when free food and an open bar is mentioned, but tonight is different. She’s wearing boy shorts and no bra, and I spare no expense with my compliments. “Your naked




>>> creating the balance

WHY YOU SHOULDN’T GET MARRIED UNTIL YOU’RE M 30... arriage in your twenties is for the birds!

I never talk about marriage on this site. Not that I’m against marriage, nor am I commitment-phobic. I’ve been married. It lasted three years and one day. It was basically like a lease.

by david wygant | visit 14

At the end she still had low mileage, that “new wife smell,” and she still looked great when I returned her to the dealership. She was like a certified pre-owned Lexus. Now this is not the part that will offend you – it’s this next part that will get under your skin. For those of you who got married in

your twenties, I think all of you got married too young. Yeah I know: “I want to be a young mommy,” or “I want to be a young dad.” But a young mom and a young dad still have no idea who they are as a person. If you’re a woman, you really don’t know who you are until you’re thirty. And, sorry guys, but if you’re a man you really don’t know who you are until you’re at least thirty-five to forty. This would make all of you old dads and older moms – not exactly Warren Beatty old but older and, may I add, wiser. Now I could go online and grab you a bunch of statistics about divorce rates and everything else, but why bore you with statistics that you can research on your own. This would also mean that families would be smaller and the world’s population would slow down to something more manageable. This is not an Al Gore thumping story but we are running out of key resources in the world and a few less kids would really help the issue. From all my years of coaching, I have just found that women don’t really know who they are until they’re thirty. Your twenties are all about finding yourself. And as for men, we’re just way too immature until we’re at least thirty-five to forty. I’ve recently emailed all the women I’ve dated in my twenties . . . all 700 of them I sent them an email that said:

“Thanks for the experience. You were great. I was a self-centered asshole. You met me during my player years and, yes, you were just a notch on the belt. But now that those years are over [my real age you readers will never find out!], I’ve matured into a really good man. Let me know if you’d like to reconnect as a friend or on a deeper level. David” Now this isn’t some Neil Young or Bruce Springsteen song, nor did I really write this email. And I really don’t think I dated 700 women…I might have, but who knows, and who remembers? The important thing is to embrace what you did and grow from the experiences you had.

over thirty who are in a marriage, you know exactly what I’m talking about here. Just one last thing … I’m all about the biological clock, but can you at least wait until your late twenties to pound out the puppies and get married? Give yourself a few years to get to know who you are as a person. She’ll make a better wife and you’ll make a better lover. Because I’ve got to tell you that there is nothing more fun in bed than a woman over the age of thirty. I tell all my friends that they can have all the women in their twenties. I’m all about the hot sexy cougars.

But the bottom line here is this: To make a marriage successful, you have to know who you are first. None of this Jerry Maguire ‘you complete me’ crap. Enjoy your twenties. If you’re in your twenties right now, enjoy dating but enjoy the time getting to know yourself more. Also, don’t rush a family and the condominium on wheels (for those of you who don’t know what that is, that’s the overly obnoxious SUV – Yes, I live in California and yes I hate Hummers . . . though I do enjoy an occasional hummer). So, take the time to get to know yourself before you get in that minivan. Because to have true love, you have to find true love with yourself first. For those of you


>>> work it



’m going to ask you a question today, and I’m going to get really personal. Do you allow women to control your relationship? Do you let her make all the decisions, and let her dictate your life? You stop seeing your friends a little bit, and you’re only allowed to watch one football game on a Sunday. You’re living by her rules. You feel like she’s forcing herself on you, and telling you what you can and can’t do. You’re probably shaking your head right now thinking, “what kind of guy would be part of that sort of relationship?” Well, here’s what I want you to do. Go to a Walmart on a Sunday, or take a walk around your town on the weekend. Look at couples and watch who’s dominating who. You’ll be amazed. There are lots of women who dominate their men out there. They literally de-ball the man and make them feel like a little boy.


In fact, someone I know has that dynamic in their relationship. She’s the dominant force between the two of them. Her boyfriend is actually terrified of her, because when they do fight, she tends to get carried away. That’s right. He’s an abused man, and there are more of them out there than you know. Why? It’s because a lot of men don’t know how to stand up for themselves, and especially don’t know how to stand up to a woman. To be honest, my Father was one of them. My father couldn’t stand up to anybody. Way back in sixth grade he allowed his old basketball coach to bully him all season. He had low self-esteem like a lot of guys, and low self-esteem can be killer. It makes you feel like you’re not worthy. Some men with self-esteem issues feel like they don’t deserve a woman. They feel like they’re never going to find a great woman, so when they get into a relationship,

they stay in it just because they’re glad to be with someone. They stay in a relationship that could be abusive because it’s better to have someone, than nobody. A dominant woman needs to be with someone more or equally dominant than her. The problem is, most dominant women keep running into passive men. I believe it’s because no other guys want to butt heads with a dominant woman other than the passive guys. They exchange their balls, for the chance to have a relationship. They settle for their lot, and allow the woman to bully them. I’ve seen it first-hand. My grandpa was like that. I used to see my grandmother boss him around. She’d bark an instruction at him, and he’d always meekly answer “yes dear.” I know friends in relationships like this. The question is, is that what you really want from a relationship? It’s time to become the man you deserve to be, and to take control of your life. If you’re dating a bully, don’t settle for it. Get rid of her. It’s never worth being with someone who treats you badly, just because you don’t want to be single. It’s time to re-attach your balls, and to find a relationship with a woman who doesn’t want to call all the shots. Relationships are all about give and take. If she can only take, then standup and tell her you’re not having it. NEVER accept anything less than happiness.

by david wygant | visit


>>> fashion


MODEL: Keavin J. Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA

THE american brutha



MODEL: Keavin J. | Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion

MODEL: Jacoby | Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA


>>> fashion


MODEL: Suki | Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA



MODEL: Derrick | Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion

Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA


>>> fashion

MODEL: Joshua Trusty | Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA



>>> fashion

hello. Clothing by: SuitSupply USA Styled by: Chance Davis




MODEL: Michael Gregory | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion



MODEL: Levell Cole | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion


>>> fashion



MODEL: Jonathan Cruz | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion


MODEL: Milford Bangura | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA


MODEL: Adrian Gorbaliuk | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion



MODEL: Masi Malik | Photographed by: KRISTIE LEE in New York, NY, USA

>>> fashion



>>> fashion


MODELS (L to R) : Kossivi Alokpovi, Jonathan Cruz, Adrian Gorbaliuk, Levell Cole, Milford Bangura, Michael Gregory, Masi Malik


>>> fashion feature

5 1

Fashion Trends To Try Before Fall! by joe w. stubbs | @joestubbssa


the lightweight bomber jacket


Depending on the temperature, this lightweight jacket can be a bomb addition to any outfit.

printed tees & shirts


Spring and summer encourages us to be more adventurous with our trend attempts. Printed tees allow us to bring our personality while maintaining that effortless look. Plaid, Aztec, Paisley, Chevron...The possibilities are endless.

double denim lots & lots


Double Denim can be worn as a casual or refined look. Quality denim is a solid foundation for a multitude of looks.

1. ASOS Longline Bomber | | $81 2. ASOS Black Kaviar Logo T-Shirt | | $55 3. MODEL: Suki | Photographed by SETH LONDON


>>> fashion feature

5 4


A classic and summertime tradition. You can never go wrong with an all white look in the summer. It’s clean, light and welcoming.

ALL WHITE TENNIS SHOES Regardless of the domination of the crazy colorful trainers on the market, the all white trainer seems to stand out the most. Get a pair and have fun this summer.

4. MODEL: Tevin Hudson | Photographed by AARON DAVIS, Nassau, Bahamas 5. NIKE Air Max 1 Ultra Moire | | $130 5. ASOS Criminal Damage Skinny Jogger | | $99



JERSEY JOGGERS This variation of joggers is perfect for the season because they are lightweight, and allow comfort and breathability for the warmer weather. A very sporty pant that provides a casual, stylish appearance.

penny loafers The loafers are a very versatile shoe that can be paired with almost every look ( Jeans, Chinos, Shorts...). Grab a pair that you identify with most and explore your fashion sense this summer.



floral or hawaiian prints

Floral /Hawaiian Prints are a must have for summer 2015. This look is easy, fun and can be paired up with almost anything.

horizontal statement stripes: tops and/or bottoms


Statement stripes are one of the classic items that you can wear in the summer. There is so much you can do with your statement stripes. You can dress it up with a sport coat and chinos or pair it with some colored shorts.

7. TODS City Gommino Leather Loafer | | $525 8. RALPH LAUREN Denim & Supply | | $65 9. PUBLISH BRAND Navy | | $48


>>> fashion feature

10see red! 11 anything red.

Bold, vibrant and bound to get anyone’s blood pumping. Red is the definitive color of 2015.


Sunglasses are essentials for the season, and like anything else you wear, the shades you choose must compliment your personal style. There are always the classic frames like the aviator and wayfarer (popular with Ray-Bans), but give some retro or vintage styles a try and see how they elevate your look.

10. SUITSUPPLY Copenhagen Red Plain Jacket | | $349 11. RAY-BAN Clubmaster Classic | | Starting at $150 12. TED BAKER ‘Sorcor’ Slim Fit Cotton Chino | | $99




Summer should be filled with light fun fashion and chinos are perfect for that. Choose colors that best fits your personality and let it shine.

printed 13footwear We know we said white sneakers are the thing, but you can have the best of both worlds. Wearing printed shoes is like business on top, party on the bottom. They’re very versatile because you have multiple colors to play off of and it allows you to step outside the box.



prep shorts

cutoff tees

This type of short is hemmed a tad bit higher and provides a more tailored look. Be mindful that fit is everything when choosing a shirt to go along with your prep shorts, knowing how to properly execute this look is key.

It’s easy to wear! It beats the summer heat, and you have a chance to flex after the hard work you’ve been putting in all winter long.

13. PUMA SELECT Mihara 86 Camo Printed Leather Sneakers | | $128 14. RALPH LAUREN Linen Harrison Short Royal | | $300 15. NORDSTROM Barney Cools ‘Low’ Graphic Muscle T-Shirt | | $39


>>> face it

MODEL: David Petes Photographed by: SETH LONDON in New York, NY, USA




his summer is going to be hot! And I’m not talking about the bikinis, parties and late-nights kind of hot. I’m talking about the sweat-producing humidity caused by the sun. If you live in a tropical climate like me where it can easily go up to 99 degrees any given day, then you sooner than later realize the importance of keeping your hygiene under control. Being active (working, jogging, partying, etc.) means your body will produce sweat that in turn produces body odor. And nobody is a fan of bad body-odor!

Legs Arms

A good way to avoid bad body odor is to trim or shave off your facial and pubic hairs. More men are becoming keen in keeping pubic hairs to a minimum as it cuts down on body odor. Some key areas you should consider trimming before the summer heat are:


Face Arm Pits Chest Back Pubic Area


Using a clean razor, gently run the razor across your skin, completing easy areas first;

Shaving should not be feared. Using the right techniques and products will leave you feeling Splash cold water onto refreshed and alive. your neatly shaven area to wash off excess residue and close up Steps to Shaving with a pores. Then apply an alcohol-free, moisturizing post-shave product;



To shave areas such as legs, chest, Exfoliate or cleanse area back, arms and pubic areas it with a facial scrub or soap/body would be best to use Nair’s Line of wash and rinse with hot water to Products for Men (Shower, Spray remove excess grime and open or Cream Based) than a razor. pores;


Apply high-quality shave oil creating a slick surface for the razor to cut smoothly and prevent razor rash. After, apply a detergentfree shave cream with your fingers creating an even, thick foam;


Always make sure your hands and utensils are clean;

BY TRAVIS T. SWEETING | @travunlimited 51

>>> mr. fitness


For many of us this time of year is when we want our body to look at its best. We also tend to detoxify our body and get rid of built up toxins from excessive winter meals. This issue will guide you to becoming ripped and healthy for life. We all are trying to accomplish the same goal when we are working out which is to reduce our fat percentage but what is fat? Fat in humans is excessive flesh or fatty tissue that is broken down into two

kinds of fat: Visceral Fat which is fatty tissue that covers your organs and protects them and Subcutaneous Fat which is located between the skin and muscles; this fat in excessive percentage makes you look soft, smooth and bloated. Having too much excessive fat affects you externally by the way your physique is shaped and internally by increasing the risk of developing different diseases such as cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure etc. One of the safest ways

your guide to a sexy summer body! FOREARM PLANKS WITH LEG PULSES Place your forearm to the floor creating a straight line with your body. Then begin to lift and pulse your right leg contracting your gluts on each lift. Try for 20 – 30 reps then switch legs. Be sure to stay focused on your plank form by keeping your core engaged and your body in a straight alignment.

FULL SIT UPS WITH A TWIST Start with lying on your back with both feet to the floor. Tuck your feet under something sturdy or allow your workout partner to hold them. From there crunch your body all the way towards your knees simultaneously twisting your body to one side (alternating) then slowly returning to the floor. Try for 20- 30 reps.

SCISSORS WITH A REACH Start with lying on your back legs extended and on to the floor. Take both feet 6 inches off the floor. From there lift opposite hand and leg towards the sky and return to the start position alternating sides. Try for 10 – 20 reps. for a more intense feel try to touch your toes. If too much pressure is on your lower back try keeping your feet rested


onto the floor and then lifting opposite leg and arm to the sky.

to reduce our fat percentage to a different nutritionist has suggested healthy range is through combining balanced meals for losing weight nutrition and exercise. which is based on a 2,000 calorie diet. This will be 500- 600 calories The most famous form of dieting from protein which will help the body is “calorie deficit and high protein/ repair and rebuild muscle cells, 900vegetable diets”. Research has 1200 calories from carbohydrates shown if females eat 1200 calories which will supply the body with the and males 1500 calories dominantly energy to sustain you throughout the receiving those calories through day and 15 – 20 % of healthy fat such proteins and vegetables along with as almonds, avocado, fish etc. intense exercise has shown results in weight lost. On the other hand a

At the end of the day we all try different forms of diets to lose weight but the trick to it all is “consistency and patience”. Be consistent with healthy eating habits and be patient with weight lost, if you took 5 years putting it all on give yourself a reasonable and feasible time to achieve your desired weight goal. Here are a few exercises to get you ripped and ready:


>>> artist spotlight




etting two people on one accord can be difficult, especially in terms of business. You may think that by spending their whole lives together one of them may want to venture out and seek individuality, but it’s always been them as a unit, wanting to make it happen together. They’re each other’s balance, that’s how it works. There’s one mission, they share the vision, and focus on their strengths to make it happen; knowing their role and playing their separate positions to complete the task at hand. It was amazing, for me, interviewing them because they are so in tune with one another that they complete each other’s thoughts, or speak at the same time. Jerome is enthusiastic in his speech, while Jarrell is more laid back, which is ironic because Jarrell is the mover and shaker, while Jerome is the homebody; yin and yang. Jerome and Jarrell Lucas, twin brothers aspiring to be the greatest filmmakers of their time.


SION Photographed by Isi Akahome


>>> artist spotlight

The documentary they are currently working on has been getting attention from various media outlets. “Bucket” is a film that sheds light on the lives of street artists who make money day to day beating buckets around the city of Chicago; typically on the exit ramps of the expressway. The brothers follow two males and one female, documenting their daily lives and getting the story behind their hustle. This project is the beginning of a transition for the Lucas brothers from filming videos to filmmaking.



Growing up, just as brothers do, the Lucas brothers did everything together; from playing basketball to staying out of trouble. There is something about the city life that can either make you or break you. Without a strong mind and some direction, it is easy to get lead astray. The Lucas brothers speak about how they stayed clear of any troublesome behavior and negativity when they were young. “It was easy for us because we’ve always been creative and we’ve always tried to change our situation. We never got caught up in the gang banging thing, we’ve never got caught up in the drug selling thing. I think since we were little we’ve always been trying to change our situation. When we were little we played basketball, we didn’t have time to hang with no gangs, gangbang or sell drugs. We were always involved. We were always active and involved, and our parents didn’t have to tell us, it was just us,” said Jerome. Jarrell continues the conversation by saying “We’ve always been a team. We just didn’t have time to get involved or indulge in those activities like drug dealing or gang banging. We were always in that state of mind like what’s the end result of that, that’s the reason we’re like ‘music videos, that ain’t going to work too long,

that won’t get us out our situation and that won’t help us feed our family’.” There was only one time in their lives when one of them was doing something different than the other; Jerome was a music artist and Jarrell was shooting videos. It lasted for a short time. Jarrell spoke on it, stating “While Jerome was making music I was pushing other artists. I was actually pushing his music. I shot the video and edited it. After we shot his video we got more into the film thing because it was just him shining, it wasn’t really both of us as a brand. It’s better if the whole twin thing works out.” “As far as film goes, we complement one another,” says Jerome, “I am more of a thinker; Jarell is more of a doer. When he acts, I premeditate it, think about it, make it make sense and give it order, we basically complement each other. If you leave it up to me to get started it probably won’t get started, if you leave it up to him to think about it he won’t think about it. We both edit and we both shoot, and we both also score it as well. As an artist, it was me as an artist, and then it was my brother. With film we are a team, we’re the Lucas Brothers, we’re a brand and we can both put our heads together on one thing. Instead of him working separately on something and I’m working separately on something. I look at it like God put us here, together as twins for a reason and that’s to share one thought, one mind and complete one thing”. Shooting music videos for local artists is currently what they do; it’s their main source of income, and how they’re funding the film. Jerome mentions that it can get difficult at times trying to save for production and maintaining responsibilities outside of film.



>>> artist spotlight

They know that working a regular job would be a distraction and could take them too far from film, so music videos are all they do. “This is full time for us, and we would actually do it if we didn’t get paid,” said Jerome, pertaining to film. “Artists change every day, artists are up and down, we’re going through that right now. Artists are in control of how we do our business, and as far as film, we have all of the control. I think God sent us to do music videos first to make us better directors, because being a director you have to give direction, and it kind of helped us with the Bucket Boys because we have to direct them; or they will repeat the same stories over and over.” The documentary was filmed for a year and half. They compiled footage three


hours a day, three days a week, and are now in the post-production stages. Once the film is complete they will submit it to the two of the biggest film festivals in the US; Tribeca and Sundance. Seeing their project on the big screen is what they envision; simply releasing it is not enough. “If we put it out now we would be short cutting ourselves. We actually want the world to see it, so we’re submitting it to every film festival. The deadline for the Tribeca and Sundance film festivals are September, so we’re trying to finish by the end of next month [July]. We’re doing another kickstarter to actually raise money for the post production, but if not then we’ll have to finish it on our own,” said Jerome. “The goal is to be the biggest filmmakers of our time, that’s what I pray for. When I get on my knees at night and

I pray, I pray to be the biggest filmmaker of my time. The one thing I do say, I love Tyler Perry and I love Spike Lee, but one thing that we’re going to be able to offer that they can’t offer we can do a whole film. See when a person directs, he just directs. We’re trying to write it, we’re trying to direct it, we’re trying to do the sound, we’re trying to edit it, then we’re trying to do the cinematography. I mean we live in a time of independence, you can do all of that.” Jarrell adds “We’re fully hands on with all of our productions.” After this project is complete, Jerome and Jarrell will focus on short films to build their resume as filmmakers. Their journey started as a way to save money for video production, which created a vision, one that led them down a path they seem to

be destined for. Film is the bigger picture for the Lucas Brothers, and “Bucket” is the foundation for the empire they intend to create, brick by brick.”

The goal is to be the biggest filmmakers of our time...


>>> feeding me


GROCERY LIST 3 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 2 teaspoons curry powder 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon pepper Ÿ teaspoon chili powder 1 medium red onion, chopped 5 cloves garlic, minced 2 jalapeno peppers, seeded and finely chopped (by seeding the jalapeno you lose most of the spice/heat but retain great flavor) 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 14-ounce can light coconut milk 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon dried basil 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 3 cups hot cooked rice



Cut chicken into 1-inch pieces. Place in medium bowl. Stir together curry, 1/2 teaspoon salt, pepper and chili powder. Sprinkle over chicken, tossing to coat evenly. Cover and chill for 1 to 2 hours. In a large nonstick frying pan, stir onion, basil, garlic and peppers in hot oil over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes, until onion is translucent. Add chicken and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook for 5-6 minutes until no longer pink. Combine coconut milk and cornstarch and whisk well to combine. Carefully add to skillet, whisking vigorously. Cook and stir until slightly thickened and bubbly. Stir in ginger. Cook and stir for another minute. Serve over hot rice. SERVES: 4


N ROMAINE SALAD WITH CHICKEN, CHEDDAR, APPLES, SPICED PECANS AND CRANBERRY VINAIGRETTE SALAD: 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts Salt and black pepper 1 tablespoon vegetable or canola oil 1/2 cup water 1 large head romaine lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces 8 ounces sharp or extra-sharp cheddar cheese, cut into 1/2-inch cubes 1 Granny Smith apple, cored and chopped or sliced thin 1/2 red onion, sliced thin 1/4 cup dried cranberries 1 cup spiced pecans, store-bought or following the simple recipe below


1 shallot, peeled and quartered For the chicken and salad, pat the chicken dry with paper 1 small garlic clove, peeled towels and season both sides with the salt and pepper. 2 teaspoons fresh thyme Heat the oil in a large 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard heat until the oil is shimmering and hot. Add the chicken 1/2 teaspoon salt and cook until it is nicely browned on one side, about 3 1/2 teaspoon pepper minutes. Flip the chicken over, add the water, and cover 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

the skillet. Cook the chicken, letting it poach, until it is

cooked through, about 5-7 minutes. Transfer the chicken QUICK SPICED PECANS: to a cutting board and let it cool slightly before carving. 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 teaspoon salt Toss the lettuce, cheese, apple, pecans, onion and dried 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon cranberries together. Divide the salad among the serving 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves plates. Slice the chicken on a diagonal and arrange 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice over the salad. Serve with the vinaigrette. I prefer to let 2 cups pecan halves everyone douse their own salad with dressing, but you could toss the salad with 1/2 cup or so of the vinaigrette DRIED CRANBERRY VINAIGRETTE: 1 tablespoon sugar before assembling it on the plates and serve the extra 1/4 cup cranberry juice or water 1/4 cup dried cranberries dressing on the side. 1/4 cup red wine or raspberry vinegar






t’s the middle of the NBA playoffs, a time when players have to be focused and their heads in the game, so I don’t know what to expect being that it’s the eve of Game 1 against the Cavaliers. Kent showed up to the shoot solo, in head-to-toe Under Armour and his 808 headphones. This is the second playoffs of his career; his first as an Atlanta Hawk. Kent signed with the Hawks as a free agent in September 2014, after spending a short time as a LA Laker, and a year and a half with Golden State prior to that. It’s been a busy few years for Bazemore, but right now he’s True to Atlanta.

Photographed by KELLY KLINE Styled by DIANA OWENS


>>> feature


...the things they did instill in us, the small things like...choosing our friends, those things actually paid off down the road...



Immediately entering the studio he was greeted by a familiar face; Kelly Kline, the photographer for the shoot, and a member of the Under Amour family. They engaged in small talk about the last time they saw each other, and how good the UA Curry One Low looks that Kent was wearing; some of the looks for the shoot included pieces from the brand’s luxury lifestyle line that is currently exclusive to the players. He signed on with Under Armour during his time with Golden State, and once the endorsement was official he asked the company to donate $60k worth of practice apparel, sneakers, and bags to his former team at Bertie High School in Windsor, North Carolina. This gesture was the beginning of Bazemore’s efforts to give back. He graduated from Old Dominion University with a degree in Human Services and Criminal Justice, and used that education to create The ARMS Foundation, an organization that “promotes, inspires and encourages the next generation of leaders”. “Right now that’s my target,” stated Kent as he speaks about the youth, and not just wanting to help black children but children of all ethnic backgrounds and cultures. “Growing up, it was hard because my mom and dad worked so much that they couldn’t do the things they wanted to, to teach us how to be grown men. So it’s kind of like we were learning on the fly, but the things they did instill in us, the small things like watching the music we listened to or the TV shows we watched, and even choosing our friends, those things actually paid off down the road because we hung around other people that had it together at that time. Their parents were doing well and they were reaping the benefits of it.” He goes on and states, “I just want to grab those kids, any kid going through those type of things because it’s not just black kids that are under privileged, it’s kids all over the world that need a chance, and I just want to gather all of them and show them that it’s more to life than what they see right in front of them.


the BAZEM 66


Take them out side of their county, take them outside of their state, take them outside of the country and let them know that it’s more to life out there and they can actually attain



>>> feature

KENT BAZEM Take them out side of their county, take them outside of their state, take them outside of the country and let them know that it’s more to life out there and they can actually attain it.

All it takes is some hard work and some perseverance and you can pretty much accomplish what you want.” Kent’s entire basketball career, even before the pros, has been built on perseverance. “I was once that kid that wasn’t recruited heavily by the big schools and didn’t live in the great neighborhoods with the high schools that invited college coaches to see them play,” stated Kent. He goes on to speak about the sacrifices his parents made to make sure he was in front of the right people so he would be noticed and recognized for his talent; and how they drove back and forth to Florida for six years so he could play AAU basketball. “I kind of grew up behind the eight ball a little bit as far as me having that opportunity, so I want to kind of, like I said, level the playing field, get these kids out so


these people know it’s talent in the inner cities and the smaller neighborhoods, that kids can play and hopefully get college coaches to come see them play.” Going into college no one knew who Kent Bazemore was, but his hard work eventually changed that, developing a resume that made him a likely prospect for the league. Despite not being drafted, he was picked up as a free agent by the Golden State Warriors in July 2012 and has been making his mark ever since. From competing in the Golden State summer league, to playing in the playoffs for the second time in his three year career, Kent continuously perseveres. Sometimes being able to actually do what you’ve dreamed of doing can overwhelm a person and lead them away from their sense of self. “Leaving home and being on your own, you start to meet all these different people that have these different conspiracies about life and you kind of lose focus on what really got you there.



>>> feature

There was a point in time when I kind of strayed away, and you know the saying “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything” so I had to selfcheck myself like you don’t know how to live like that. That’s why Jesus Christ is my role model, someone I look up to. I pray to him, I laugh with Him, cry to Him, tell Him thanks, and don’t question Him. I think having a relationship with Him allows you to be a role model for a lot of other people, and that’s something I take pride in.” Kent maintains this mindset in his personal and professional life, and believes that living this way and playing [basketball] for Him elevates any type of feeling - win, lose or draw. Although there is no one in the league he considers his role model, he does mention a few players that influence him. “This is my third year, and I’ve come across some guys that really do it the right way. Stephen Curry, my old team mate, Kyle Korver, my current team mate, those are the guys that I learn a lot from. Richard Jefferson was my veteran, so I mean there are some guys that do it for the love of the game and then some guys do it for other reasons, and I find myself around the right type of guys, and I’ve learned a lot from them.” He goes on to speak about how he is very methodical, and how basketball is a “read and react” game for him as a young player right now, but believes that as he grows in the game and learns more about it he will be able to dictate how certain things move and expand his game that way. What’s next for Kent Bazemore? Developing a long lasting career in the league and using what he has at the present moment to do so. “I’m in a great position right now to win a NBA Championship; I think being a part of that is the next step for me. Actually having a part in a winning team is so great for your mind and for your future in this game. All teams love winners and adding this to my resume will help me get the 10-12 year career I want, and that’s the next big thing for me because it’s right in front of me.”


Off the court, Bazemore wants to focus on the ARMS Foundation. His organization held two basketball camps this summer, one in Norfolk, Virginia and the other in Windsor, North Carolina, as well as a golf tournament invitational to raise awareness about the youth programs and its involvement in local communities. He wants to keep that rolling and expand in the Virginia and North Carolina area, with hopes of spreading as far as they can, including Atlanta, and have a lasting impression on the world.


Information about the organization can be found on or

...having a part in a winning team is so great for your mind and for your future...


>>> man on the rise

Lancef 72

Photographed by EMILEE RAMSIER


ctober will mark 10 years since the dress code of the NBA has changed. What the players typically wore went from Hip-Hop inspired to business attire. This changed the dynamics of game day, and as well as post game shows. Now the players’ arrivals are anticipated to see what they are wearing, and the looks are discussed among missed free throws and technical files. The players’ style is definitely the topic of conversation today, and the perfect person to hear it from is Lance Fresh, a kid from Brooklyn. Three years ago, there was no one doing what Lance does; discussing game stats and the designer labels donned by the players all in one breath. His style segment for Bleacher Report has provided a more in depth look into the lives of ball players, as he has gone from reporting on their style to hanging out with them and going to their homes. “People are always like

fresh By Diana Owens


‘man you got the dream job’ well I created it,” Lance stated as we began to discuss how he came from behind the camera to talk about two things he loves; sports and fashion. “I felt like there was a void missing where people were talking about style on the internet, but I actually knew about it and I felt there should be content about it.” After spending time as a production assistant for reality TV, Lance began producing for a talent that covered sports. He was actually behind the camera, but didn’t feel like the talent was “cool enough”. To fill that void, he took matters into his own hands and created an opportunity. “I just jumped on camera one day without permission. I had a PA with me and I was like ‘yo shoot this’. I edited my first piece with the help of a senior editor, I made my own profile on Bleacher Report as a producer, sent it out to the programming, and they put it out. Looking back at it, I can’t even watch that video now, but I had the right idea, I was going in the right direction. I got some support after that and I was able to take it to the next level.” Anything the NBA has going on, Lance is right there to provide an inside look at the fashion, from lapel pins to sneakers. He is the NBA style correspondent, so during All Star weekend, the playoffs and finals, he’s providing a breakdown of the players’ looks and analyzing their style. To have league vets like Rick Fox and Sam Mitchell engaging in conversation about floral print shirts and the cut of a suit, is much more different from the post game commentary that happened when they were on the court. The integration of fashion in the league created an interest for fans to know what their favorite players were wearing. The focus was once on the sneakers that were worn during the game but now there’s an interest in pre-game attire. Lance satisfies that fashion and style need for NBA fans.


>>> man on the rise



...I felt like there was a void missing where people were talking about style on the internet, but I actually knew about it and I felt there should be content about it...


>>> man on the rise

“As far as clothing lines and brands, I’m so familiar with that and the average sports fan isn’t, and I think I have that perfect balance with sports. I will argue with you about the finals, I’ll argue with you about stats, I know stats too, I’m hardcore, I watch every game. So it’s not just like ‘oh he’s talking about fashion, he’s talking about style’ nah, I know this, I play ball. I played ball in college, won championships in high school, so basketball has been my life. I’m just glad I can switch it up and do something different. I didn’t have all the answers then, but I kind of had an idea as to what I wanted to do and I just put all of my efforts into it. I didn’t want the opportunity to pass. I feel like I bring a realness to television, I am that kid from Brooklyn. For me, I think it’s cool I’m in that position, it’s something that you’ve never really seen. You will never see anything fake with me. There are a lot of copy cats now, that’s cool, as long as they know who the originator is.”

players in the league. “I’m not that dude that’s just trying to get a story, these are my homies. Forget the brands, forget the teams, forget whatever I’m doing, I respect these dudes and they respect me. The industry is just so fake and you know real recognize real. They know I’m not just out to do the story. You don’t want to do an interview with me, I can talk about sneakers and make money, it’s cool.”

Lance credits growing up in Brooklyn, and being raised by a single mother, as to why his work ethic is the way it is. He speaks about his mother being a teacher, actress and a model, people recognizing her on the streets, and wanting the same, even more for himself. For him, it’s not about being a familiar face, it’s about being in a position where he can influence and help others; especially as a Black man. “Being a Brutha is a huge responsibility. Growing up with a single mom, you understand the importance of a male presence and my cousins were like that for me. As a father, His approach and delivery has I really understand that now, people are gained respect from, and developed always looking up to you and people are camaraderie, with some of the best always looking around to see what you’re


I’m from a bad neighborhood, but I had my mom to push me.

doing. I love to be able to say ‘I studied this, and studied that, but that’s not what got me the job’.” He continues by saying, “I’ll tell my story a million times to these kids so they know, because I didn’t know that coming up. I thought my only way was to go to school for Journalism, and do internships. All I knew was ESPN, I didn’t know that there was Bleacher Report. It’s cool to be able to tell kids ‘this is what you need to study’, because in high school they don’t really have us thinking about college until 11th grade, 12th grade. Where as you go into the more affluent neighborhoods, the white neighborhoods, and it’s like these kids know where they want to go to college in 7th grade and 8th grade. So just knowing that I’m a role model, I’m that guy who’s on television who some kids might look up to, that’s the whole Brutha thing. I think it’s more about acting on things and doing things. I’ve been doing things in my community this year; I give kids shoes all the time. I have contests for the best report card and I give away clothes on my Instagram. I think making an incentive to be a good person, a good student, and be

on that path is important, then you get the shoes, then you get the clothes, and I think that’s a part of being a Brutha and being a representative of who you are. I think everything I’m not makes me everything I am. I’m from a bad neighborhood, but I had my mom to push me.” Growing up as a kid in Brooklyn, he was surrounded by fashion and style, New York is known for it, but he says he never imagined he’d have a career in it. Today, he is a Syndicated writer, has received honorable mention on the NBA Writers Leaderboard, and his columns have more than 5 million reads on Bleacher Report. Influencing fans is something the NBA has always done, whether they were aspiring to be the next basketball phenomenon or wearing the same brand of sneaker as their favorite player. Now the influence involves fashion and lifestyle. Fans want to know how the guys they look up to are living in their everyday lives; Lance is instrumental in helping to provide this, and he’s simply a kid from Brooklyn that knows style, sports, and cool…because he grew up on them.


Chasing Purpose SHARAYA J. with



>>> femme fatale


Photographed by NICK STOKES MUA: Bobby Gutierrez Styled by: Martin Jerez Photo Assistant: Andrew Lawrence Stylist Assistant: Ashley Gabrielle

by diana owens


here are two things I learned about Sharaya J., she’s serious about her creativity and extremely serious about her authenticity. I had the pleasure of speaking with her before she boarded a flight to Rome, and her passion for what she does is conveyed as strongly over the phone as it is on stage. Sharaya knows that she wants longevity in the industry, and as an artist, she is well aware of the work necessary to get there. With a mentor like Missy Elliot by her side, her superstar quality will be recognized, without the sacrifice of her authenticity and creativity along the way. The love Sharaya has for music is a result of being raised in a musical household. Her father was a member of a 90’s Hip-Hop group so she would watch him create, as instrumentals played, and wrote rhymes; while her mother kept the house filled with tunes from artists like Sam Cooke, Aretha Franklin and Denise Williams. A desire to dance developed from the fusion of music into her life, and she nurtured and developed that gift ultimately beginning a career as a choreographer when she was signed with an agency at the age of 19. “I never took a dance class, I was winging it. It was something that was natural. I went up to the agency and got signed and after that it was a wrap. They started sending me on auditions, I started booking and that’s kind of how that started,” said Sharaya.

successful, working with major artists like Rihanna, Ciara and Alicia Keys. She made a name for herself in the industry dancing but she began to turn her focus on developing herself as an artist. Although dancing was innate for her, Sharaya spoke about how she has always been influenced by Hip-Hop. “When I was a kid I always wrote raps. I loved Biggie, I loved Onyx and Wu Tang. I definitely wrote down all their raps, Lil Kim, and even Missy, but I love short stories too, and writing. I’ve always been a writer at heart, but dance is something that just took off for me first.” She continues saying, “I really started honing into my rapping skills when I got with Missy. We really sat down and really worked on it. She really pulled the best parts of me as a rapper and a creator, and putting together words and being like a poet. She helped me develop that skill seriously.”

Being from Jersey, there’s a sound she wants to coin called “Jersey Club”, she describes it as a mesh between HipHop and club music. “It’s music you can dance to”. She says she’s trying to get back to the days when people had fun and actually danced in the club. “It’s been around forever, but it’s been underground. It feels like, for me, Hip-Hop with a little club swing on it, and it’s great for dances and it’s so fun. It’s bringing that idea of fun music back to the floor and just getting out there. You know, back in the day you could barely keep your drink in your cup because Choreography allowed her to become you were spilling it all over the place and


“ >>> femme fatale

I try to stay true, and I try to encourage other people to do just that...

everybody was just moving around dancing. I just want that feeling back because I grew up on that.”


Currently Sharaya has two singles out, “Taking it No More” which is Jersey Club, and “Shut it Down” which has more of a Hip-Hop essence. She mentions that she is also working on a collective, an EP, which she is very excited about and will be releasing very soon. “I take my time with my stuff,” she stated, as she begins to speak about the process of creating an album. “For me, as a true creator, I like to put my whole self into my project, then step away and regroup, then come back with something more creative to put out to make sure it’s really a great body of work. I’m definitely working on an EP, I have some cool ideas for it, and we’re just out here promoting the single making sure we get to as many people as we can because when we get on the stage, now that is for real.” Her energy is elevated when she begins to talk about performing. “When we get on the stage we tear that thing down, me and my squad. That’s exciting for us too, because I love to perform and they love to perform, and

we’re just out here. I guarantee that whatever Sharaya J puts out is going to be creative, it’s going to be real, and it’s going to be next level”. Aside from her music, Sharaya has a movement that encourages creativity and individuality. The BANJI movement serves the purpose of promoting self-acceptance, being comfortable with who you are and not compromising your sense of self. BANJI is an acronym meaning Be Authentic Never Jeopardize Individuality; something Sharaya refuses to do in an industry that tries to make you fit the mold. “I do stand by that in everything I do. It’s not just my look; it’s anything authentic to who I am. I try to stay true, and I try to encourage other people to do just that, because you know it’s important for us to have people who are trendsetters in real life, opposed to always being accepting to changing who you are because the world at that time doesn’t accept that. In the process of doing music, I want to be able to change some things, and think with all artists, once you get the opportunity to get a platform to get out there and be in the public eye, then you should, as an artist, want to give something back.” Sharaya has taken on her position as an artist with the purpose of creating music people can dance to, inspire others through her platform, and maintain her authenticity through it all. “I always say I’m out here, I’m chasing purpose and not paper. Everything I put out into the world is not for a check, it’s because I have a true innate love for this stuff. I really just want people to know that I am a true artist. I love music and I want to make a difference with it.”

I love music and I want to make a difference with it.


>>> cruise control

A load of luxury The 2015 Mercedes-Benz CLA Class Coupe


ercedes-Benz has refined the CLA-Class even more for the 2015 model year. The four-door coupe comes coupled with new features in addition to the already luxurious features, appointments and options Mercedes-Benz is known for worldwide. According to Torque News, there are new features in the 2015 model that makes it even more attractive: CLA-Class gets safer The 2015 CLA-Class gets safer with the addition of autonomous partial braking. This will help reduce the risk of rear-end collisions. If the driver fails to act when the risk of a collision is detected, the system will automatically trigger partial braking. Comfort features


CLA will now feature a new option called Keyless-Go. Owners can open, start and lock the vehicle just by carrying the electronic key in their pocket. It includes

the Keyless-Go starting function too, which is also available separately. New Infotainment The new 2015 CLA-Class will get the new generation of telematics from Mercedes that includes more intuitive controls as well as new animated menus and visual representations on the head unit display. A freestanding 8-inch display will now be available as an option and “Mercedes connect me” standard services are provided as part of the basic specification and can be enhanced through the addition of further options. CLA will also be available with Convenience Telephony and able to connect in to high-speed LTE networks. And Media Interface, now a standard feature, allows the connection of Apple devices using the “Apple Lightning” interface.

New Ambient lighting CLA gets a new ambient lighting system that buyers can customize to their own individual atmosphere inside and offers twelve color schemes that can be selected to suit taste and mood. A new satin-finish light brown poplar wood trim is available on CLA for the first time. CLA 45AMG will get a new option; AMG 19-inch multi-spoke light-alloy wheels, painted black and with a high-sheen finish. There is no question why the new CLA-Class coupe is a big hit with millennial buyers.


Horsepower @ 5,500 rpm – 208hp Torque @ 1,250-4,000 – 258lb-ft Miles per Gall (City/Hwy) 26/38mpg MSRP $31,500


Horsepower @ 6,000 rpm – 355hp Torque @ 2,250-5,000 – 332lb-ft Miles per Gall (City/Hwy) 23/31mpg MSRP $48,500 Source:


>>> bruthaman

Finding the Meanings to Your Life



was driving in the car the other day with a friend and we were talking about the power of actively looking for something in your life. Like, basically, how what you see is what you find. As we were driving down Pico in Santa Monica, I suggested that we look for things that would suggest that our knowing each other was about to come to an end. I saw words like “Over”, “Exit”, “Mad” and “Stop”. It was just a game of course, but the game was powerful. It was designed to show both of us that no matter what evidence we go looking for, we will find it. And in this case, in just driving a few blocks, we had enough “evidence” from the world that if we chose to see it, we were “over” we should “exit” knowing each other, we’re obviously “mad” and we should “stop”. Is this actually true? Of course not - this person and I are very close. But the point is, you will FIND what you go looking for.


So, if you are looking for reasons why you aren’t enough - you’ll most likely find them. If you look for reasons why you should quit - there are plenty of them there. If you look for reasons why it’s not working out - yup, you guessed it - that’s there, too. But, just because you find the evidence, this doesn’t mean it’s actually true. It just means you found something “out there” that, based on the meaning that you are giving events and circumstances, correlates with something you are looking for. The power here is that the MEANING we give the events of our lives is what controls the outcome - far greater than circumstance. If I go back to that game that I was playing with my friend, if the “meaning” we were looking for were reasons to no longer hang out, and if we looked for evidence out in the world, we would surely find it. But if we looked for evidence about why we are great friends or why we will know each other most likely for the rest of our

lives, we’d find that, too.

“Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond the pain.” - Saint Bartholomew

This gets back to the age-old adage: Seek and ye shall find. So, if that is true, we better be damned careful what we are looking for. At our core, all of us are beautiful, perfect, infinite and Loving Souls. Wrapped around that amazing Soul is a bunch of stories and meanings that we have created - consciously or unconsciously - over time. And when we make things mean a certain thing, we will surely find it. If we believe that ‘relationships = pain’, we’ll find it. If we think ‘men or women = assholes’, we’ll find it. If we think that no one loves us, we’ll find it. If we think that every problem is an opportunity to grow, we’ll find it. If we think that a delay is not a denial, we’ll find it. If we think that we are more powerful than our circumstances, we’ll find it. If we think that the universe provides in perfect time, we’ll find it. This isn’t to say that if you think positive, it will all work out. Positive thinking is 1/3 of the equation. There is good reason for negative and neutral thinking, too. I’m not talking about being a Pollyanna and thinking that everything is fine. Sometimes we have crisis in our lives - but the MEANING we GIVE the crisis is everything. Is this a breakdown or a breakthrough? Shit happens, but it’s what you do about it that matters. Instead of reacting, let us respond. Responsibility is the ability to respond. This means that we have the power to choose to respond in an empowered way to our circumstances, rather than just look for reasons why we are wrong, why we are not good enough or why we should quit. If you look for problems, you’ll find problems; but if you look for GRACE - you’ll see that Grace walks with you at every step! Do you feel me? What meanings are you giving your life? Are they healthy or unhealthy meanings? And what is a more empowering meaning you could give the events of your life? What are you looking for? Reasons why you are wrong and not enough, or reasons for why you are on the right track? Let me know! Email me at:




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