Brutha MAR/APR 2017 Issue #11

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EDITOR’S LETTER 6 COntributors 8 Credits 9 power & money 10 The negativity of your mindset and how to overcome it.

she says + he says 12


Taj & Darnell tells how to say the sex is bad.

creating the balance

Here's how to win an argument with a woman.

issue o N 11

on the cover:


How to move from friend to boyfriend?



fashion feature 30 9 essential wardrobe pieces this Spring.

cruise control 66

Sittin’ sexy with this 2017 Mercedes gem.

RANARD HENFIELD Photographed by Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas Styled by Cardell McClam Clothing by K. S. Moses


bruthaman 68

What is it like having unsupportive friends?


features artist spotlight 36 Stefan is art. This is his story.

cover feature 46 Ranard Henfield: Is he really redefining leadership?

man on the rise 58 Coloring outside the lines with Lincoln Deal.


editor’s letter To my Brutha, It has been a minute! What have you been up to? Which goals have you mastered? How did you overcome that fear of the unknown? We are all challenged at every season of our lives. Yet, it is not the challenges that makes or breaks us rather how we respond to them. In this world, there are two kinds of people - those who accomplish things and those who claim to have accomplished things. You should always aim to accomplish that which you set out to. I know it gets difficult somewhere along the line but that is called resistance. Resistance can be anything that distracts you from your goal. It could be a governmental red tape, Game of Thrones new season, or hanging out with friends. It is meant to test whether you want what you really set out for. Trust me, it can be really easy to get distracted in the path of your goals - take it from me, an avid procrastinator. However, as I work on me I want you to work on you as well. This is what Brutha Magazine is all about. Helping you and I to live and lead our best lives ever. In this issue, we have the opportunity to feature some pretty amazing bruthas doing great things in their respective areas. Imagine a modern day Marcus Garvey tucked away in The Bahamas as Ranard Henfield, found of Our Carmichael and #WeMarch. We also have budding entrepreneur, Lincoln Deal, and trilogy artist Stefan Davis. To top it off we have food, fashion and fitness coupled with advice on love, sex and relationships. As always, we're here to provide a real resource for your well-being. Read and enjoy! Don't forget to spread the word to another Brutha! Until next time...much love Brutha,

Travis T. Sweeting Editor-In-Chief

Let me know what's on your mind by following me:



let’s make magic.



*CONTRIBUTORS ETHAN QUANT Ethan Is the founding partner of Elite Fitness Consulting, the leading wellness and fitness consulting firm in the Bahamas. After losing 110 he not only transformed his bod but his life as well. He decided to go full time into wellness after the tragic passing of his brother in 2013. Every day he helps people tap into their inner power and transform their bodies and their lives. In July 2012 Ethan went to his first bodybuilding competition in Freeport GBI, Bahamas. He instantly fell in love with the sport as he was amazed at how people, Bahamians, could get their bodies to almost unreal levels of conditioning that he saw on the stage. It was at that moment weigh 0ver 290 pounds, he decided that he wanted to not just become a bodybuilder, but to become the best. Fast forward to 2014 his dream was realized of becoming the best when he won overall at the Bahamas Bodybuilding and Fitness Nationals giving him the title of Mr. Bahamas – Men’s Physique. Ethan is the father of Rebecca Quant, his 9 year old daughter who is so proud of him for going from FAT to FIT. He constantly strives to be the best possible version of himself.


CLARENCE CARVEL Clarence Carvel is a writer, poet and motivational speaker. A philosopher at heart, Clarence believes that words are powerful. He believes that storytelling allows us to connect to ourselves and each other. He is currently working on publishing his first book of poetry in 2017.




Editor-In-Chief // Publisher



Managing Editor


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CLARENCE ALBURY Executive Editor s g n i h _aret


CARDELL McCLAM Creative Director



h p c a nit


hy p a r ANITA CLARE tog Art Director

ANITA CLARE Contributing Photographers


Managing Editor, march/april 2017, ISSUE 11

This Magazine is published Bi-MONTHLY. No part of Brutha Magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written consent from Sivart Media Group, LLC. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or refuse material and we are not responsible for products that appear in this publication. © 2017 Brutha Magazine. All Rights Reserved.



>>> power & money


NEGATIVITY in your mindset


ook, we all know that when you believe in abundance, you get abundance in your life. Money has an abundance flow, love has an abundance flow. But there's another law in life, a law that nobody wants to talk about. And yet many people practice it. I've seen it from many people I've worked with. I've seen it from myself as well at times. I grew up with it, shit my mother practiced this law, she was a master at it. She was one of the originating first ladies of this law, and you know what the spiritual law is. It's called the spiritual law of negativity. That's right, negativity. Bitching and complaining about how much your life sucks. Bitching and complaining about how you can never meet somebody. Bitching and complaining about how nobody finds you attractive or nobody likes short guys, heavy women. Whatever it might be, whatever your negativity is that you're spewing all over the world, you're basically telling the universe one thing, and one thing only. You know what that one thing is that you’re telling the universe. That you don't deserve it. The universe isn't going to reward somebody who's spewing and vomiting negative thoughts 24/7. You see there's a law that I practice, what you think about, you bring about. If you think negative things then you're going to get negative things and I've done it pretty much a few times in my life. I've done it business wise at times, where I've seen my business go down because I was feeling negative. I've seen in relationships, manifest in certain ways. I've seen it in a lot of different ways, I remember one time, I was holding on to the last bit of money that I had because I thought it was the last bit of money I would ever have, that was my view of negativity because I lost the business. This was back about

20 years. So what happened one day? Guess what? I had no money. Woo, what a shock. I manifested all that through this spiritual law of negativity. That’s right, I manifested this. I was a master manipulator of this law. Thank God it was a long, long time ago. But the law of negativity is a law that's very dangerous and a lot of you practice this law over and over again. You see, you're masters of it, you don't go for the law of abundance because you'd rather go negative, you'd rather talk about the things that aren't working in your life instead of thinking about the things that can work in your life. You'd rather hang on to the negative instead of the positive, it's pretty much the way the world kind of works. Whenever you read the news, you read about the negative stuff. You read about how the world is coming to an end right now because Trump is president. People argue and complain and can't stand it. It's the law of negativity and it works and it manipulated all of you to make him the president. Oh my god, it was such a great campaign based on all negativity spewing from his mouth, which related to so many of you in your life. Because so many of you unfortunately buy in to the spiritual law of negativity. It doesn't make you a bad person at all. It just makes you human. It just means you're having a tough time in life. I get that. I understand what a tough time in life is all about. I've had my share of tough times in life. I understand tough times in life. But I have to tell you something. If you continue to practice the spiritual law of negativity, you're going to continue to get the shitty life and the shitty existence that you have. Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of you have great things that go down in your life. But the thing you want the most, the thing that frustrates you the most is that

BY david wygant |


...there’s a law in life, a law that nobody wants to talk about. And yet many people practice it. I’ve seen it from many people I’ve worked with. It’s called the spiritual law of negativity.

you need to really take down the spiritual law of negativity and put it back up with the spiritual law of positivity. You see, by doing that, you're going to be able to really start to live a positive, amazing, healthy life. A life that will be full of riches, abundance, love and so many other things in life. So if you find yourself in this downward spiral of negativity, you're going to need to really say something that you have never said before. Enough. Enough. We'll replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts about the same thing, we'll replace the hate with love, and watch how your life changes in an instant.


>>> she says - he says



ad sex happens to good people all the time. It's okay, it's bound to happen and when it does, we get up find a wash rag and keep it moving. Maybe even have a bowl of pasta to bury our feelings in. But what happens when bad sex is happening smack dab in the middle of your beautiful blossoming relationship? Assumption is a dangerous game, but I'm a rebel and I'm going to play it anyway. I'm assuming that this bad sex is happening closer to the beginning of the relationship rather than years into it. If the scourge of Carrie and Burger is affecting you in the latter circumstance, then consider it the final nail in the coffin of that dying association and cut that shit off like split ends. If, however, you're experiencing bad sex in the dawn of your love then I'm here for you. Deep breaths. It's frustrating, I know. Sex, at it’s core, is a form of communication between the two (or three, no judgement) people engaged in the act. If you're having problems in the bedroom and having problems communicating that you're having problems in the bedroom then I’m going to assume (again) that your problems lay a bit deeper than who's getting on top tonight.

FIRST THINGS FIRST, OPEN YOUR MOUTH. Not in that way (but, also, yes?). Figure out a way to tell your partner that you're not happy with the quality of orgasm you are or aren't having. Make it clear that you want to work on it and just for an ego boost, throw in the fact that just because the sex is bad, it doesn’t mean that you're bad at sex.

SECOND, HONESTLY ASSESS THE RELATIONSHIP. First months of intimacy? You're just getting to know each other. Maybe in the beginning it was all heat and passion and now it's more like ice cream and carbohydrates. Maybe you started as friends and now you have to make that


awkward shift to mounting your BFF (hey, it happens). Where you are right now is not where you'll be three months from now, putting pressure on yourselves to have back to back, toe curling, edge kinking orgasms is not going to help things. Your relationship is a living, breathing thing that needs time to grow and find itself. Imagine having a three week old newborn and taking the kid to a doctor every day because he isn't walking and talking yet. It's insane!

WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY THIRD POINT: CALM THE FUCK DOWN. So your first couple rolls on the living room floor didn't exactly workout, or your longtime partner isn't putting their back into it like they used to. This is fine, it happens. Sex is a mess and complicated on its best day; on its worst, it's a beast that demands payment in the form of extra effort and energy. If all of this proves too exerting and becomes deal breaker for you, pack your Georgy bundle and exit stage left, no one is going to blame you. Whatever the outcome, you've learned something. Maybe you learn that your relationship is strong and can survive anything if you just sit and talk with each other. Maybe you learn that you don't have the time nor energy to talk someone into becoming your ideal lover. But in the end, you communicated your wishes and came to a final resolution. Either way, a congratulatory bowl of pasta awaits you.

"Maybe in the beginning it was all heat and passion and now it's more like ice cream and carbohydrates"






t was college, I was too broke for bed frames and condoms that didn’t come free from the school clinic, and my box spring sat on the floor, I sat on my mattress, and Valencia sat next to me, silently, no music playing, no TV on, naked, wondering what I was thinking, but afraid to ask. “'You should probably get dressed,'” I told her, unable to hide my extreme disappointment. I imagine my face was that of a former Tyler Perry fan attempting to watch his films the day after being “woke.” I didn't speak until there were only 4 minutes left of the ride to her dorm. It was then when I realized I had to speak or possibly settle for a life of unfulfilled desires. That was awful. I think we should try it again one day, but probably not soon,” I let out. I expected forever silence, but she came back with, “you came, didn’t you.” Gasp! Suddenly, I felt like stopping the car and putting her out. Not because she thought ejaculation equated to good sex, but because I suddenly remembered having to fake an orgasm, and that Oscar worthy performance took a lot of energy. “You're right,” I lied, arriving safely at her dorm. What's sad is there are men and women who have to be told when the sex is bad because they don’t have the ability to pick up on the signals and lack of joy and fluids bad sex gives. What's more sad are the men and women who've given up all hope of one day crawling from the bed in an attempt to get water after an explosive fuck session, only to find themselves waking up 4 hours later, on the bedroom floor, parched, body still convulsing, laughing.

"Life is too short for sex to be bad." 14

Before I get into the how-to's and whatnots, let's be honest and admit that sometimes the chemistry is just not there and no matter how hard you try, the two (or more) of you will find yourselves counting down, watching the clock, imagining the DJ from the club you've wanted for weeks, until you're done. It's nothing short of fact that sex with me is fucking amazing, but there have been times when I wasn't on my A game because (1) my body didn’t respond well to my partner's body or personality, (2) I was performing out of pity because maybe her dog or mother died, or (3) she smelled like Black N Milds and Burnett’s vodka. And one last thing I wish I didn't have to say, but some of you are idiots: if this is a one-off thing and you'll never see each other again, there are no feelings you need to worry about protecting. Speak your fucking mind! Tell him how not to spit on your clit; tell her no one in the history of hand jobs ever really wanted a hand job. These notes are for the rest of you:

1. START WITH A LITTLE PRAISE: A bruised ego rarely recovers completely, and you could set yourself up for angry sex, and not the good angry sex that involved choking on a bathroom sink, but the angry sex that starts with the a heavy sigh and the words, “do we have to?” Surely it can’t be completely bad. Tell your partner about all the good things they're doing. “I really love when you hold my dick at the base when you’re sucking it,” or “you make it feel good when you're rubbing my clit with your dick right before

putting it in.” Do this right, and you'll see how quickly“okay, and what don't you like comes up.

2. DON'T RANDOMLY BRING UP THE CONVERSATION LIKE A FOOL: You wouldn't whoop a dog's ass 89 hours after he's pissed on your good durag would you? This conversation is made for that moment right before sex or the moment right after. After the initial conversation, you are allowed to bring up little things after. For instance, if you're at work, you can say little shit like, “I read this article that was talking about this position where the man's foot is in the toilet. I want to try that.”

3. GET OUT: In the words of 1994 Poet Laureate, Lyric, "You can't keep trying to save a brutha that doesn't want to be saved!” If sex is important, and trust me it is, and he or she refused to change their primitive sexual ways, simply let them know you can't go any further. Sex isn't a deal breaker for everyone, so “get out” could simply mean getting out there and finding someone to leave you on the bedroom floor for 4 hours before sending you back home to the hardheaded, bad sex-having, fool.

Life is too short for sex to be bad.


>>> creating the balance



irst off, don't. Let me tell you something, arguing with a woman is probably one of the worst decisions you're ever going to make.

You see, if a woman is right, you stand no chance in Hell. When a woman is right, she becomes the best attorney from the best TV show you've ever watched. She puts you down. She's disgusted with your friends. She's going to go at you 100 miles an hour and she's going to make sure that she gets her point across just like a well-trained attorney. She's going to stay on that subject. She's going to make sure you understand it. She's going to repeat it several times to make sure you will understand it to get her point across and then, you have nothing left to do but to look at her and say, “I'm sorry, honey.” I remember my grandfather taught me those words a long time ago. It was the only advice he ever gave me. He told me that when arguing with a woman, just look at her and say: I'm sorry, honey. I understand.” And nod your head 14 to 17 times during the course of the attack. A WOMAN’S INNER-ATTORNEY You see, whenever a woman is arguing, she literally brings out the inner-attorney. She's amazing at it. Because when a woman is right, she will argue that point over and over and over again until your thick male brain gets it. And then finally, when your male brain does get it, you apologize. She's going to look at you and say one more thing. Her closing statement. She's going to rewrap it up one more time in a neat little bow, telling you the same thing again. But she wants to make sure that that apology is legitimate. She wants to make sure you're not taking your grandfather's advice and that you actually heard her so that it never happens again because if it does happen again, she's going to use the last time against you. You know damn well six months down the road it's going to happen again and she'll tell you that it happened six months ago. She'll pinpoint the date, the time, the hour, and the place that you had the first


argument based on you not listening to what went wrong in her point. She'll bring it up again, and she'll argue it again but this time instead of it being a 10 minute summation, it's going to be a 35 minute Johnny Cochran-style summation that makes you want to crawl inside a cave and scream, “Enough! I heard it the first time. I'm a male. I'm stupid. I didn't listen, I apologized the first time and yes, you are right, it happened again because we have short-term memory.” DON'T ARGUE WITH A WOMAN, EVEN IF SHE'S WRONG But what if a woman is wrong? If a woman is just angry? She becomes a raving lunatic. She screams, she yells, she goes off in 17 different directions; you have no idea what's going on. She's freaking you out and you get so angry that you finally call her some type of name. You might call her a bitch. You might go below the belt, literally, and tell her that her ass is fat. You're going to say something to her based on the insecurities that you are feeling at that moment about yourself because under attack, what does a male do? He turns into the schoolyard male. The schoolyard version of himself. He comes back and teases her. Nah nah nah nah nah.” You're fat, too.” And then all of a sudden, the crazed lunatic argument that made absolutely no sense now becomes clear as day. You called her a bitch, you called her fat. So then the entire argument is based on how dare you call her that, how dare you call her fat, how dare you call her a bitch, and now, what happens now? You’ve unleashed the crazed lunatic. When you have at any point in the conversation called her fat, it doesn't matter what she's called you or what she's done. You're going to have to apologize for calling her fat. Then you're going to have to have a conversation where she asks you, “Am I really fat?” Am I really a bitch?” You're going to have to sit there and listen to that because now she's going to go to the Johnny Cochran that you unleashed in the first place.

You can't win an argument with a woman. It's next to impossible. Whether she's right, whether she's wrong. It's the way her brain works. It works entirely different than your brain and my brain. Have an argument with a friend, we both state our case. We both listen to one another. Then, five minutes later, we're out, having a beer. We're having a drink together, hanging out, laughing, and not remembering what the argument was about. With a woman? It could be a lifetime of her thinking she's fat. So, the next time you're arguing with a woman, whether she's on point or off point, you need to realize that you do not add anything to the fire that is already burning.

by david wygant | visit

"Whether she's right, whether she's wrong. It's the way her brain works."


>>> work it

friend to boyfriend:

4 Key Tips


n interesting topic that always seems to come across my desk involves guys who have female friends they want to date. I get all versions of this question: “David, How do I go about getting out of the friend zone and getting into the boyfriend zone?”This topic is always interesting to me, but it is especially interesting right now because I am currently dating a woman with whom I started out being just friends. When I first met her, she was actually dating somebody else. So how did I go from the friend zone to the boyfriend zone with her? Did I subliminally do some mind tricks on her to convince her that dating me would be a far better experience than the one she was having with her boyfriend? Absolutely not. What I did was I got to know her. For any of you who have been in the friend zone with a woman and wondered if there was a way out of it, here are four tips to help you get a woman to look at you in a different way:

1. Don’t Sell Yourself: If you meet and become friends with a woman whom has a boyfriend, don't sell yourself to her her at all. Get to know her over a period of time. If a woman is


attracted to you as a person, she could become attracted to you a significant other. It all depends on at what place she is in her life. We all know that many relationships tend to “go south” and end. The problem is that a lot of men will meet a woman who is in a relationship and decide not to befriend her at all. Now I'm not suggesting that you become the shoulder she comes to cry on when things are going wrong with her boyfriend. What I am suggesting is that you can get to know her as a person, because you never know where life may lead you down the road. So don’t be a salesman, and don’t berate her boyfriend. Get to know her. Be yourself. Have a good time with her, and see if natural chemistry develops between you. When you are genuine and take the time to get to know her as a person, she actually might start to look at you in a different light and end her relationship.

2. Don’t Be Afraid To Express Yourself: If you've already been friends for a long time with the female whom you'd like to date and she's never thought about you in a romantic way, then you need to understand that there's a good chance she'll never think of your romantically. The way so many guys get themselves into the eternal friend zone is that they played it

too safe when they first met that woman. They act in a very passive-aggressive way toward her. They are so afraid of really expressing to her any indication of their romantic interest in her, that they go out of their way not to express any feelings toward her at all. For example, instead of really asking the woman out on a date, they will ask her to hang out in a group. So instead of really talking to her and clearly asking her out on a date, guys will nervously ask a woman out on a “non-date” kind of date. The reason why it is almost a foregone conclusion that you will end up in the friend zone in this situation, is because you have never asked her out on a real date. You ask her out – to barbeques, to happy hours or to parties – but it's always to join a group of other people. If you're interested in somebody, you need to ask her out so it's clear to her that you are asking her out on a date.

3. Be Patient: Four of my best relationships have been with women with whom I was friends before I became romantically involved with them. To do this, you must be patient. So many guys will not even befriend a woman if she has a boyfriend at the time they meet her. They won't take the time to befriend her because they are only interested in immediate gratification, i.e., if they can't get involved with her romantically right now they don’t want to have any involvement with her at all. You have to stop thinking about immediate gratification all of the time. Not every woman you meet today is going to want to go out with you tonight. I tell guys to think of befriending women they meet like building a portfolio of interesting people with whom they can get together in the future. You need to treat women you meet like long-term investments. Just enjoy getting to know them as a person right now, because you never know what may happen. Chemistry just might spark between the two of you.

by david wygant | visit

4. Don’t Wait And Take Action: Don't ever ask a woman's friends to tell you about what she is thinking, and in particular do not ask them what she thinks about you. If you are interested in a female friend and would like to get out of the friend zone with her, then you need to ask her out on a date. Take the risk. She might actually feel the same way about you as you do about her. She may have been developing a crush on you too. So what you need to do is take the risk, because the friendship can survive something like you asking her out on a date. You, however, don’t want to have to live with the self-torture of never knowing if you could have become romantically involved with her. Don't wait to take action, thinking that will say something to you if she is interested. Even if she is interested, she might never say anything first. So don't ever wait. If you've got a crush on a female friend of yours, you need to call her and say “You know what? I want to go out with you. You and I need to hang out alone.” Make it clear to her that you want to go out on a date with her. It doesn't matter if she says yes or if she says no. It just matters that you take the chance. You will define the relationship one way or another, and then you can move forward. Dating takes a lot of patience. It takes a lot of perseverance. The best things in life, in fact, tend to pay off when you have patience and perseverance. No one is ever completely successful the first time they do something. So start being willing to take your time. Take time to look at all the women you’ve met in your life, and think about whether any of them stick out as being someone you'd like to get to know again. Perhaps she's someone with whom you became friends when you first met. Send her a text or call her on the phone. Who knows? She might be more receptive to you the second time around.


flash back fashion

>>> fashion



MODEL: Davin Johnson Photographed by: ANITA CLARE in Nassau, Bahamas Clothing by: EXILES GROUP


>>> fashion


MODELS: Marcus Fernander, Jarell Coakley, Analicia Thompson | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas



MODEL: Jarell Coakley | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas

>>> fashion

MDOEL: Marcus Fernander | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas


>>> fashion

MODEL: Pedro Mejias | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas




MODEL: Cedric | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas

>>> fashion

MODEL: Georgino Bodie | Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas



>>> fashion feature

Wardrobe Essentials


2. SOLID WHITE SHIRT The best men's staple to wear with anything for a sharper look.

3. DARK BLUE JEANS The only pair of jeans you wil ever need. Match with T-shirt or Shirt depending on occasion.



A versatile wardrobe essential for simple days and outtings. Wear with anything.

Best compliment to "smarten" any outfit for work, wedding or party. Blazers makes everything look better, especially paired with a nice chino.

5. CHINOS Great alternative to one pair of jeans. Switch your style up with Chinos - perfect for work or semi-casual outtings.

6. BROWN LEATHER LOAFERS Make the most of every outfit with this loafer choice. Dressier than sneakers, you will definetely stand out in style.

8. GREY V-NECK SWEATER On cooler days or at the office layer up with this easy to pull off sweater. Looks great with shirts.

7. BROWN LEATHER BELT Belts are always matched to your shoes. Pick the belt to match your shade of brown loafers.

9. GROWN UP COAT Continue to improve your style with this grown up coat. Reserved for colder days in winter and early spring, always go for a neutral brown, navy or grey when starting out.





few short years ago I tipped the scale at 306lbs. I was enjoying success in my relationships, business and life in general. For the most part I was content. However, there was something nagging at me, and a feeling of incompleteness. It wasn't until I saw a full body picture of myself from a friend's wedding that I realized that I was fat, not chubby, or chunky I mean I was disgustingly fat….well this is how I felt looking at the photo. I was not happy with my body image and I wish someone had told me just how fat I had got before looking at that disturbing image. My diet at the time consisted mainly of take -out and fast food and when I did make a home cooked meal, it was a spread of the unhealthy, greasy, salty goodness that I was raised on.


thought I was happy and had • ●Do you believe there is a reward everything I wanted and in some parts for challenging yourself? Why? of my life I felt satisfied, but that • ●Have you “SETTLED” in any number on the scale and the feeling I areas of your life? How does felt after looking at the photo from my that make you feel? friend's wedding really was a wakeup call and created cloud of discomfort over my • Have you excelled in any areas life. of your life? How does that

make you feel?

Fast forward a couple of years, and 110 • What’s the difference between pounds later, I excelled in body -building the areas that you have excelled competitions in the Bahamas and the in and the areas that you have Caribbean and Central America and settled in? founded Elite Fitness Consulting, the leading wellness and fitness consulting • How would you feel about firm in the Bahamas. On a daily basis I yourself if you excelled in ALL help people discover that they too have areas of your life? the power to not just transform their bodies, but their lives. If you're anything like me, in a perfect world, you want to excel in all areas of This was not an easy process to change your life and honestly you deserve to feel my body, simply because in order for me great and look great while excelling in all to do this I had to change my lifestyle. areas of your life, and that includes your Having excelled in my professional life health and fitness. and career, I took the same principles I A few more questions to think about applied to business and applied them in relation to your health, fitness and to my fitness journey. If you can relate happiness: to some or all of my story, I'd like you to think about a few things, by first asking • ●Do you think you deserve to live yourself these questions:

a long and healthy life? Why? • ●Do you believe in goal setting? • ●Is your health TRULY important to you? Why?


• ●Are you truly important? Throughout this series I plan to show you how to make positive changes in your life not just for 2 weeks or thirty days or even for a weight target, but to change your lifestyle so that your choices, habits and actions are in line with your fitness, body and health goals. First it's important to know why you want to change your body and your life. Your “why” has to be strong enough to keep you going even when you don’t feel like it. This is true regardless of if you are new to fitness, or want to take your training to another level. Once you have established why, you have to set a goal. I believe that we often limit ourselves during this process. It's been said that most people are not where they want to be not because the set the goal too high and don’t achieve it, but because they set the goal too low and do. When you are setting your body goals follow this simple but effect criteria, You see it. You like it. You want it. Your goal should scare you a little but excite you a lot. Next you have to have a plan. You've likely had a structured plan for everything else of importance in your life. In school you has a syllabus, at work you had a job

description, and even in relationships you have the advice and guidance of family and friends (some more valuable than others) I would suggest consulting a professional to assist with your plan, Someone who is knowledgeable, qualified and importantly looks the part of a fitness professional. Lastly take consistent action. It's important to understand that the fitness lifestyle might be new to you and that means that it is likely to be uncomfortable. It's only through consistency that this “new fitness thing” will become the way you live your life. Here are a few exercises that you can do pretty much anywhere and at any fitness level:

eq . e m ll a c @ BY ETHAN QUANT | elite fitness


>>> mr. fitness

Standing Bicep Curl

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with your feet placed over the middle of the band. Grab a handle in each hand, starting with your arms down at your sides. With palms facing in front of you, pull your arms toward your shoulders by bending at the elbow until you get a good bicep contraction. Slowly lower back down and go for a total of 12 to15 curls.

side lateral raise

Build bolder shoulders with this isolation move. Stand with feet positioned over the center of a tube band, shoulder-width apart. Grip each handle with arms down at your side and palms facing in. Bending your elbows ever so slightly, raise your arms straight out to the side to shoulder-level. Slowly lower back down and go for a total of 12 to 15 reps.

psuh up

Get into a high plank position. Place your hands firmly on the ground, directly under shoulders. Lower your body. Begin to lower your body—keeping your back flat and eyes focused about three feet in front of you to keep a neutral neck—until your chest grazes the floor then push back up for a total of 12-15 reps.


tricep dip

Position your hands shoulder width apart on a low wall, secured bench or stable chair. Slide your butt off the front of the bench with your legs extended out in front of you. Slowly bend your elbows to lower your body toward the floor until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle. Be sure to keep your back close to the bench. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, press down into the bench to straighten your elbows. Repeat for a total of 12-15 reps.

in & out abdominals

Sit on the edge of a low wall, bench, lean your upper body back about 45 degrees, place your hands behind you and grasp the sides of the bench. Contract your abdominals and extend your legs in front of you so they're parallel to the floor. Bend your knees and pull them as close as you can toward your chest without moving your upper body. Pause one second and extend your legs until they're parallel to the floor again for a total of 15-20 reps.


Stand with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out. Place your feet shoulder width apart or slightly wider. Sit back and down like you're sitting into an imaginary chair. Complete this movement for a total of 12-15 reps. MODEL: Deon Mitchell Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas


>>> artist spotlight


ulling this brutha away from his day job as an established Bahamian entrepreneur and artist was a great opportunity to meet the guy behind such amazing works. You may know Stefan Davis as the tattooed guy airbrushing sneakers and t-shirts at the Mall, yet we were able to dive a little deeper into this spectacular individual’s talent and inpsiration. What you see is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.


art the

of a legend

stefan davis Photographed by Anita Clare Styled by Travis T. Sweeting


>>> artist spotlight Who is Stefan?

A follower of Jesus Christ first and foremost. A very humbled soul who is passionate about life, about love and about art. I am a father of two amazing kids, Tristan and Teja. A business. A brand. Constant change. I am not the person I was yesterday as growth is very important to me. Everyday there is something new about me spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. God has done wonders on me and as I walk with him daily, I'm doing my best to become more like him.

it. Time alone is a form of self-love. I also love travelling, reading, and learning unfamiliar words.

How did you get into art?

I don't really believe one can get into art. I strongly believe I was born to be an artist. It was all I wanted to do from a toddler as far as I can remember. This is my purpose. I talk to God a lot about my purpose here on planet earth and He always lead me to the arts. Therefore, my mission is to make him proud. I do this all for His glory.

When did you complete your first Tell us a little about your family painting? background? An artist never completes a painting [laughs]. Well, I'm very family oriented coming from humble beginnings. I have two brothers and a sister. Family means a whole lot to me, it has always been an important part of my growth as a man, an artist and entrepreneur. Family to me means love and support. I had an amazing childhood. Much of my younger years were spent in the care of my grandparents. My mom worked as a flight attendant so she was always travelling. My family was very close knit and supported each other. At a very early age, when I discovered the gifts I had as an artist there was never a time they discouraged me not to follow the dream of being an artist. From my family that day to this, I appreciate them for that.

I never do. I don’t remember my first painting, that was a long time ago but I’m sure it was dope [laughs].

Well of course it was ART [laughs]. I also loved and spent a lot of time in my literature classes. Reason being I was fascinated by the books we read. At that time, it was “Shakespeare”, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer” and my favourite To kill a Mockingbird.”

sometimes I think I'm a superhero or something. My alter ego is ARTMAN. I never told anyone that but in my field as an airbrush artist it comes with the territory. When I'm painting I usually have an audience and that alone would transform you much like any other performer i.e.: actors, singers etc.

How did it make you feel?

I'm truly passionate about art and the entire process of creating it. The feeling I get when I'm creating is indescribable. I don't have the words to express the way it feels to me but it is an incredible rush though. Each piece inspires me to the next.

I know a lot of artists say they transform into a different persona when performing. How do you feel What was your favourite subject in when working on a new piece? I think I completely transform. It's funny because school?

What are some of your favourite Where is your ultimate art gallery pastimes? Good question. I think it would be spending time showing/setting?

alone mostly as I’m always in the presence of I've been an artist all my life and to this day I've people and while I love people whenever I get the never had a showing. No exhibitions. I would love opportunity to spend some time alone I do cherish to here in Nassau, my home base. I don't have


My alter ego is ARTMAN


>>> artist spotlight

I wanted to jump in, get dirty, fall, brush myself off until I got it.


Do you believe enough is done to support art locally?

a particular setting or venue. I would want the first to be in midst of my fellow people. That brings me to say, I am now working on my first exhibit and hopefully my pieces will be In my younger years, growing as a budding artist, putting in that ground work to make featured in the central bank. a name for myself in the art community. Art or artist were looked upon as just a hobby and wasn't taken seriously unless you were an Eddie Minnis or a Brent Malone. Though, It's 100% self-expression. Being a self-taught most wouldn't know of these amazing artists artist, throughout my journey I've collected if you weren't directly involved or a collector so many styles and techniques that I mesh it per say. Which brings me to say if you ask all into one unique style. A lot of people don't the average Bahamian to list some of our know but I have a huge junkanoo background. renowned artists they probably won't be able My first love was canvas paintings, then I to. As far as I can remember art hasn't been mastered the airbrush and now imagine supported the way it should be, we have some combining all of those into one. So, my self- of or probably the best collection of artists expression along with my zest for art helps the world has ever seen. Today, the support me to bring flare and difference to my art has grown a bit, however, the artist should be work. supported just as the athlete or the musician is. Undoubtedly, we have a long road ahead.

How does your art differ from other artists?

Who/what is your inspiration? Why?


I'm inspired by everything. Art is everything. Art is life. Every day I wake up inspired. Other inspirations would be all the other creatives that are doing their thing such as my bruthas Jamaal Rolle, Allan Wallace and Scharad Lightbourne to name a few.

Did you have any problems coming up as an artist ? Yes, off course I did. I expected to face difficulties coming up and welcomed them all. Being a self-taught artist I never wanted any handouts. I wanted to jump in, get dirty, fall, brush myself off until I got it. And I did. The problems I encountered melded me into who I am today.

Any one you would love to collaborate with? Why? I'm already collaborating with the artists I've If so what were they? always wanted to now. I’ve always loved and admired their growth as artists and most importantly as men. Shout out to my brothers Allan Wallace and Jamaal Rolle.

Tell us about the painting process? It's straight forward like any other project or goal you set to encounter. I start with a thought process on subject matter. Once I gather that I just go at it and hope for the best.

Art is not a conventional field. People think that persons should find a blue collar career. Even my mom at one point of my career would tell me go and find a real job. I still don't know what that meant. There were little to no support or encouragement from my peers besides some family members and my art teacher. He [my teacher] believed in me so much that he allowed me to teach his class on some days. Imagine if I had listened and found a ''real job.�


How do you feel about selling art online ? We're in the days of the internet. Which is an amazing tool once used properly. I have no problem selling my work online as a matter of fact 75% of my work is displayed and sold online. This is the age of technology and social media and they’ve become a great part of my success as an artist. My art is able to reach every corner of the world now with just a click of a computer mouse. I take full advantage of that, now my art is viewed by and sought after by thousands.


What do you think of the future of art in the Bahamas /Caribbean ? I really think the future for art and the artist alike is bright. There are a lot of artists coming out from the shadows and exhibiting their work without fear now. I love and support each and every one of them.

Do you have any recent or upcoming showings? Well I do. I'm working on my very first exhibit ever. Don't have an exact date yet. Also, the other artists and I from trilogy are working on the third instalment of PARTICIPAINT coming up in April and also a number of events where I'll be a featured artist.

What are your plans for the future ? So many plans. I'm still as hungry today as I was first starting out as an artist. There isn't any limit for me really. When I set and complete a goal I'm onto the next. I'm constantly working, planning, and developing my craft and brand. Though, one of the things I would love to do in the future is to teach.

Where can the public find your work? Well they can google me [laughs], but seriously, I can be found on most social media outlets like Instagram @stefanlegend @airbrushjunkies and Facebook @stefanLdavis @airbrushjunkies. You can also find me at my store/studio AIRBRUSH JUNKIES at the mall at marathon.

Anything you wish to share with up and coming artist out there? As a budding, self-taught artist I didn't have the support or the direction I wish I had back then. There wasn’t the luxury of the internet and other means of information as it is now. I would say firstly, be true to yourself and to your art. Secondly, believe in it cause if you don't no one else will. Block out all the naysayers as there will be many. Lastly, practice, practice, practice and stay hungry. Never get comfortable and have a great time doing what you love!

I'm still as hungry today as I was first starting out as an artist.


>>> feeding me





1 teaspoon freshly grated orange zest 1/2 cup orange juice 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon beef bouillon granules (or 1 cube beef bouillon crushed) 12 ounces skirt steak or flank steak 2 teaspoons canola or vegetable oil 4 green onions, white and green parts chopped 1 clove garlic, finely minced 1-2 cups chopped fresh broccoli 1 cup chopped carrots 1 red bell pepper, seeded and cut into thin strips 1/4 cup water


In a small bowl, stir together the fresh orange zest, orange juice, cornstarch, soy sauce, sugar and beef bouillon. Set aside. Thinly slice the beef across the grain. Lightly salt and pepper the beef slices. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat until rippling and hot. Add the beef in a single layer. Cook over medium to medium-high heat until just cooked through, flipping and stirring occasionally. Remove the beef to a plate or bowl. Add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil to the pan. Add the green onions and garlic. Cook for one minute, stirring constantly, until fragrant. Add the chopped broccoli carrots and red pepper. Stir to combine. Add the water, cover the skillet, and cook until the vegetables are crisp-tender, 2-4 minutes. Stir in the cooked beef. Whisk the sauce to recombine and stir it into the skillet. Toss the meat and vegetables to coat in the sauce and cook the mixture at a simmer until hot and the sauce has thickened, 2-3 minutes. Serve over hot, cooked rice SERVES: 4



>>> feature

resurgen how this brutha is redefining leadership... BY clarence carvel


imon Sinek, author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last said, ‘If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.�

We've all had people in our lives who inspired us to do and be our best. At some point in our development and our growth, we've been challenged to take on causes bigger than ourselves. To do work that stretch us, grow us, change us. Dr. Martin Luther King inspired us to dream. Mahatma Ghandi admonished us to be the change we want to see in the world. Maya Angelou, Oprah and a host of many others warmed our hearts, encouraged us to live with courage and inspired us to fulfill the highest expression of ourselves as human beings.


Photographed by Anita Clare Styled by Cardell McClam Clothing by K. S. Moses Tie/Pocket Square by 242 Clothing Co.



No matter how much money you make, no matter how well you’re doing, you can’t have all these riches and not help the people around you.


I met Ranard Henfield just over a year ago. Ranard, as he puts it, is an ordinary Bahamian. To meet him is like meeting a cousin you grew up with. In moments of striking up a conversation, it’s not unusual to hear him utter a casual bey” or some other colloquial expression pulled from the Bahamian vernacular. He's a hometown boy, but that's not the most interesting thing about him. Ranard Henfield is also an activist, which he believes started when he was a little boy growing up in humble surroundings in what many would refer to today as the “ghetto”. He's come a long way since those days. While many would consider him a Bahamian celebrity-- after all he's the guy responsible for the one of the largest uprisings since our nation's independence, Ranard would be the first to refute that claim. In his own words; “It's not about Ranard, it's about the people.” I was excited about the opportunity to interview Ranard Henfield. A chance to probe and wiggle around in the mind of this humble, yet daring young Bahamian is an opportunity I wasn't going to pass up. Adorned in what looked like a suit tailormade for his frame and his confidence, Henfield opened up about his life, his activism and the future.

On early days activism: “I remember at 12 years old I had two best friends; Tito and Claire. They lived three houses down from me on Windsor Lane. They were also Haitians, and them, including their mother had no status. Tito and Claire’s landlord didn't use door knobs on his apartments. Instead they had padlocks with a latch that required a master lock to secure the door. Their rent may have been $60-$75 per week, and the landlord would show up on Thursday to demand rent that was due on Friday. At about 14 years old I remember standing up to the landlord and telling him, ‘"You can't come around here for rent, rent ain’t due til’ Friday, stop jokin’ bey!"’ Tito and Claire's mom would just cry and go around begging other tenants to help her with the rent. All the while I thought, Why don’t you stand up to this man and tell him rent is due tomorrow?’ It was those kinds of experiences-standing up for people, that helped me understand the importance of community. I never understood racism, prejudice or discrimination because that was not the way I grew up. There's just too much injustice in the world, and so many people that aren’t able to speak up for themselves are being taken advantage of.”

On attending the On first role models: University of Wulff Road: I remember first of all growing up in the East Street, Wulff Road area. We always hear persons now speak of the University of Wulff Road. We loved the street life. We learned how to survive, we learned how to get along, and we learned how to stand up. At that time, you didn't walk by any injustice. If you saw someone being beat up, you jumped in to stop the fight. You never walked by if you saw someone fall on the side of the road. You stopped and you helped them up. You took them wherever they were headed until they arrived safely.” For me, as an adolescent, I grew up on the streets and in the yard. Every single day you were outside. The only time you were in the house is when it was time to eat, bathed or go to bed. I grew up in those neighborhoods people considered the ghetto. We didn't know we were poor so to us there was no such thing as a ghetto. We were always outside, which meant that you socialized. Every day brought new experiences. We were learning more about people and what they were going through.”

I would say that my grandfather was my first role model. I watched my grandfather every single day, who I've known all my life to be old. I've never known him to be a young man. He was always old. I look at pictures of him when I was a young man, and he was old. When I became a grown man, he was still old. But I remember him every single day getting up and making it his business to do for everybody around him. He cared for not only his immediate family; his wife, his children and his grandchildren, but for everybody. I would walk with him every day from the East Street and Wulff Road intersection, almost four blocks before reaching Robinson Roa,d where he would take things to people.” My grandfather was cousins with Sir. Lynden, and my mother worked for the treasury. Every day after school I was in the Treasury building, which is the Churchill building. My mom's office was on the third floor, and Sir Lynden and his Cabinet were on the second floor. So, I got a taste of both worlds. I grew up with my grandfather doing the community level stuff, and knowing the importance of making people feel like family. To walking through Cabinet to interrupt uncle Sir Lynden as him and his cabinet were discussing serious issues, which was on the national level. In the end, I grew up having respect for someone who does community level


>>> feature



>>> feature stuff, and also, for someone who's on the national platform.” In addition, I had Pastor CB Moss, who is also a cousin. He is someone I saw put country above everything else. I saw him make a sacrifice to stay in the Bain and Grants town area even though the church was raising enough funds to expand and move out of the community. Pastor CB moss refused to leave because he knew the area needed a church. He wasn't concerned that everyone else was building a big, fancy church or driving a nice flashy car. He drove a Toyota Corolla, he was humble, he kept it simple, and stayed in his small church in the community to help the people in need.” These three men shaped who I have become, but I learned different dynamics of leadership from each one.”

On Best Advice Ever Received: My grandfather Rupert H. Moss Sr., who came from Acklins taught me: ‘No matter how much money you make, no matter how well you're doing, you can't have all these riches and not help the people around you.’ Those words have stuck with me my entire life.”

On Nelson Mandela: Back in early 2000, at the time I was still in Law School, my grandfather gave me this quote. He was born in 1919, and he said to me; ‘"There's this fella who was born around the same time I was born, ya know? He caused all kinda hell in Africa."’ I was like, ‘Who?’ He said, ‘"Nelson Mandela."’ At the time, I was not quite familiar with Nelson Mandela, but the quote I received is one I still use today. And the quote says: ‘Every generation has the opportunity to be the next great generation.’ He went on to say that that he was born in 1919. In 1937 was the Inagua Riot. He took me to Burma Road. He took me to the General Strike. Black Tuesday. Majority Rule. Independence. Then he said, ‘"Ever since we got ya'll independence, you and ya ma dem ain't do nuttin. Ya'll just stop.’ He later said, ‘Nothing has happened since ’73, so always remember, that your generation may just be the next great generation."’



#WeMarch is meant to raise awareness, offer solutions, inspire people, and be a voice for those who have no voice.


>>> feature

On birth of Our Carmichael: It must have been 2012--my wife called it a mid-life crisis, we were on vacation and I saw this convertible BMW and I decided to test drive it. My wife sat in the back, the car salesman on the passenger side and I said, ‘Oh, this me, this me!’ I went ahead and bought that convertible, and every day I looked forward to taking a drive down West Bay Street. Looking out at the sea with my top down and blasting my music. I would pull up home and my housekeeper would open the door. I would open the fridge and drink whatever the hell I wanted. Life was comfortable.” Then one day, I opened my back door, and my neighbor at the time was in the backyard grilling. With my drink in my hand I shouted out, ‘Boy you living nah, you grilling on a Wednesday!’ My neighbor then replies, ‘Man listen, my light off and my gas off.’ Here I was returning from riding around in my BMW, punched my electric gate to get into my yard, used a keypad to enter my house, traveling where I want and doing what I want. All the while, there are people right around me who are suffering and struggling. I realized right there and then that something was wrong with that picture and I had to do something about it.” Initially I thought: ‘How do I get this community to not necessarily be like me, but to inspire others to reach their full potential?’ What I knew then was that to make this happen, they had to be exposed. A lot of people don't have options. They haven't learned some things. Like Business Management and how to start a business. People are applying for jobs and not getting them because their resumes aren't done properly, even though they have the talent to do the job. So, I figured I could do something that brings the community together, where people can help each other. I have always believed that people don't need a hand out, they need a hand up. That's how the Our Carmichael initiative came about. It meant to educate, empower, socialize and inspire people, while at the same time bring us together, so we can help each other.”

On what inspired the uprising: After hurricane Matthew, every day my parents would come over, because their house got a lot of damage. Usually I would


have gone through two to three buckets of water per day, but because my property runs on pump water, and we had no electricity, we had no water. Every day my daughter and I would jump in my jeep and ride along Carmichael to find a pump on the side of the road to fill buckets and bottles with water. I remember the very first day there must have been about a dozen persons standing in line waiting at the pump, and people were there complaining about how long the wait was. I noticed there was this mother and daughter filling up their bottles and buckets. What stood out to me was that the majority of people that were there waiting, their water bottles and buckets were brand new. As for the mother and daughter, all of theirs were extremely used, which meant these people must be pumping water every day.” So, me and another gentleman asked the mother where the water bottles were going, because we did not see a car. She replied saying that she had to walk them home. We decided to help the mother fill the bottles and buckets with water, while the mother and daughter walked them home. Whenever someone would complain about how long we were taking, I would say to them, ‘You all are here to collect water because your water supply is off temporarily. These people do this every single day. Yet you are the ones on the radio every day complaining about BEC not doing this and the government not doing that. What you are experiencing is a slight inconvenience. There are people that live this every day.’ That night after my family and I had prayed and I put my little daughter to sleep, I thought to myself, ‘Something is wrong in this country when there’s so much that needs to be done, but there's nobody that's saying it publicly. There's nobody trying to inspire the people to stand up, to demand better and tell them they deserve better and show them how to get better.”

On the uprising#BlackFriday #WeMarch: When we get to the national level, I realized that there were a lot of things that needed to be done. The voter registration was really low last year because we the people were not engaged. I think we have felt for a long time that our voices don’t matter and no matter what we say the government won't listen to us. When I look back at the start of #WeMarch to yesterday's victory; we agitated against this Spy Bill and for the first time you have our government saying because of all this agitation and public protest, we will delay the bill. That tells me that even though we’ve been told our voices

don't matter, it did yesterday.” “#WeMarch is meant to raise awareness, offer solutions, inspire people, and be a voice for those who have no voice. For too long, we’ve not been inspired to stand up, we've not been inspired to speak up and we’ve been afraid of victimization. I've been telling people that #WeMarch is a coming together of the masses. You don't need 100,000 out of a 400,000 population to stand up, you know. 1% of 400,000 is a lot. And maybe even less than 1% would send a message. We did that with the #BlackFriday march and with #WeMarch. Out of fear of us marching against the passing of the Spy Bill, an administration stands down on a bill that they were gung-ho on passing. They said, ‘Ok, we will meet with the civic organizations to see what they think.’ That's a big deal.” Because now parliament has an elephant called #WeMarch, and before they do anything, they must now consult with us. They must consult with civil society. So, we now have a new parliamentarian. We now have a new minister in the cabinet, which is the people. So, that's what #Wemarch is. A lot of things in the country can change if we just speak up, learn more, be more aware and get involved. That's the simplest way I can put it. I know for many people it seems like this big thing. But to me, it's just a matter of getting

I got tired of waiting for someone else to be that person, to be the change that I wanted to see...


>>> feature


people to understand their power and inspiring them to stand. #WeMarch is not about Ranard. The same way Our Carmichael is not about Ranard. It's about people coming together and making a difference.”

On Sacrifice: I got tired of waiting for someone else to be that person, to be the change that I wanted to see, when in Our Carmichael I'm always encouraging people to be the change they want to see. So, I stepped forward. I knew that that might cost me my business. I knew they might threaten to kill me. But, I had to take that risk. I had a conversation with my wife and my parents, and we all cried when I said to them, ‘More than likely they are going to kill me.’ My parents looked at me and said, ‘When we had you, we were so happy. When we raised you, we were so happy. When you were with your grandparents for those years, we were so happy and so proud. When you graduated from high school, when you got called to the bar, when you got married, we were so proud. Now we're here thinking, ‘God blessed us with this son to be a lawyer, but maybe this is what God wants you to do.’ My dad said to me, ‘I love you. I hope it does not end this way, but if it does, and this is what you have to do for your children and your grandchildren, then son, that's what you have to do.’

On the future:

On leadership: Leadership to me means making a difference for the least among you, and the least around you. It also entails championing a cause. It means standing up and being ridiculed and being laughed at and sacrificing. What I've done is advanced an issue and a cause. You don't need a title for that. There's a book that I've read at least ten times titled ‘The leader with no title’. You don't need to be the head of the Torchbearers or the head of the Young Liberals to be a leader. I am not any of those things, yet people call me a leader. And that's because I decided to make a difference for the least among me and around me. So, its about making a difference.

“#WeMarch has become what I was hoping would take a few years to build, and that is a ‘pressure group’. I've heard many people say that with the power #WeMarch has and all the publicity it gets, we should become a party. I have fought this notion at every turn. This group must exist for the benefit of every single grouping that needs a voice. This group must exist when every political campaign comes to an end. #WeMarch is a movement. It is a revolution. It is a pressure group that will continue no matter who comes into power. Whether it's the FNM, DNA, United People's Movement, whomever, #WeMarch will continue to march for no other reason than to apply pressure, to raise awareness, and ensure that all governments do right by the people.

I decided to make a difference for the least among me and around me.


colorin colori >>> man on the rise

Lincoln Deal


outsidethe 58


e lines


>>> man on the rise 1. Who would you say is Lincoln?

Lincoln is a young man with a bold vision. Specifically, Lincoln is a young Bahamian entrepreneur and philanthropist who has a zealous passion for youth development and is an advocate for entrepreneurship, particularly for Bahamian youth. Having a strong interest in helping the less fortunate in the community and those in need of assistance, Lincoln founded two charitable organizations: “#HashtagLunchbag Bahamas” - a global social media lunch bag movement which was launched in New Providence in December 2015, and “Fly for the Cure” - a cancer awareness campaign aimed at donating a percentage of jetpack flights to the Bahamas Cancer Society.

2. How did you come up with the name JetLink Adventures?

The JetLink in the company’s name emerged from the combination of our hydro-JET powered products, coupled with my name, Lincoln. The Adventure represents the fun and exhilarating experience we want our customers to have after flying” with us.

3. What does the brand represent?

JetLink Adventures represents an innovative, cutting-edge and pioneering 21st century form of water sports in the Bahamas that is “Fun, Easy and Safe”. Tourists and Bahamians alike, have complained for years of being tired of the traditional water sport activities that flood Bahamian beaches. JetLink Adventures inaugurated with the jetpack, and soon thereafter, we introduced the flyboard. Both crafts enable customers to fly as high as 30 feet into the air.

4. How did you get into water sports? It was in 2010 that I came across the jetpack at a boat show in Florida. Instantly, I thought that a product like this in the Bahamas is just what the tourism sector needed to add some flavour to the menu of activities available for tourists. It was a novel vision, that was innovative and of course so much fun. After flying for the first time, I was sold! Not only would the jetpack be an asset for tourism, but I also foresaw a profitable business for myself and an opportunity to employ Bahamians.


5. When was your first customer sale/launch?

JetLink Adventures was launched in November 2015. It was truly one of the best days of my life. On that day, when I looked back on the long and bumpy journey, I could only say “Through God”. It was a major accomplishment to see my long awaited dream come to life and I was eager to execute all of the plans and ideas I had for the company.

6. How did it make you feel?

It was indeed a life changing moment. Not just for myself but for my family, friends, and others who I met along this journey. It was a signal and confirmation to them that, “WOW! Despite the struggles and red tape that Lincoln endured, he did it and now so can I."

7. Is this all you or do you have partners and/or employees?

JetLink Adventures is one of several businesses that I operate. However, it's definitely my main priority. I sometimes reference JetLink as, ‘my baby’. It is not a one man show. I have an awesome hardworking team of ten young Bahamians employed with the company in various roles.

8. How does JetLink differ from other water sports like Jet ski's and Kayaking?

JetLink in comparison with jet skis or kayaking is like comparing apples to oranges. JetLink is simply a one of a kind water flying adventure and the first of its kind here in the Bahamas. Water is propelled through a boat unit that is connected to a thirty foot hose with a ten inch diameter similar to a fire hose that is then connected to a jetpack. Once the water is propelled through the jetpack it comes out through the two nozzles 1000 gallons per minute generating 420 pounds of thrust allowing anyone from 80- 450 pounds to fly, hover or dive through the air.


It was a major accomplishment to see my long awaited dream come to life...

9. What was your biggest challenge in all of this?

One of the challenges in getting the company running was securing financing. I approached seventeen investors along with several commercial banks, but was rejected by them all. Obtaining financing is probably one of, if not the greatest challenge for entrepreneurs. There are so many persons, young and old who have great ideas and want to put the same into action, but have no money. The Government as well as corporate Bahamas, must take more initiative and place more emphasis in empowering and providing opportunities for persons with great business ideas and plans. JetLink Adventures was fortunately 100% financed by the Bahamas Entrepreneurial Venture Capital Fund. While financing is the biggest hurdles for most entrepreneurs, I had another battle I had to fight along with that. It took me three and a half years to obtain the required licenses and beach permits. I was denied by the regulatory board numerous times after countless meetings, phone calls letters, e-mails and turn arounds. The denials finally forced litigation proceedings against the Government in the Supreme Court which we won enabling us to successfully obtain the permits. Needless to say, even after the judge ruled in our favour, the Government of the Bahamas was still hesitant and non-compliant in granting the license. Eventually they had to comply.


10. Tell us about the daily process 11. How has your process evolved (a day in the life of your business). over the course of the year? Our day commences at our “Jet-Quarters” where we fuel up the jet skis and make sure they along with the jetpacks and other equipment are cleaned. The jet-skis are then dropped off into the water and the jet-pilots ride them to our licensed location, which takes approximately five minutes. The jetpacks are carried on the jet skis to avoid walking the beach with them along with other daily used items. At the Jet-Quarters, the office assistant manages the office. That task consists of arranging bookings as well as provide safety sessions in our media room. We accept walkup bookings on the beach or internet bookings from the office. When the day is complete the jetpack pilots wash and store the equipment. Before we depart, the team and I convene to discuss the day. After our meeting and wrap up session, we go our separate ways with thoughts of how we are going to make the next day even more superb!


Being a young entrepreneur the business has faced many challenges over the year but we work through them all and it is a learning process for everyone involved. We can now happily say that the business is up and running smoothly and is fully operational. My team and I are continuing to build our brand to provide the best customer service and quality hydro jet flights that is “Fun, Safe and Easy.

12. How many times have you went up with a jetpack?

I have been on the jetpack countless times. Even though I manage the business, it's still my job and something I enjoy doing. Also, as the owner of the business, although we may have employees operating the day to day business for us, we must never forget to also wear the hat of the employee and the customer. That's the only way we can learn the functionality of the business and also get a feel for what our customers would demand.


>>> man on the rise

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I approached seventeen investors along with several commercial banks, but was rejected by them all.

13. How soon before we can see more 16. Do you have any mentors at the expansion from the brand? moment? JetLink Adventures will be expanding to new locations with more hydro-jet products, so stay tuned!

14. How is it being a young and thriving entrepreneur?

It's not easy because every day is a new experience but I love the journey. It has made me grow and I learn something new every day. I love the challenges and look forward to continued success and growth.

Absolutely! Mentorship and support is pivotal. My father and mother are both the wind beneath JetLink's wings. Literally every battle, every meeting with the port, every court hearing, they were there in whole armor ready to assist in fighting any battle for me. They are a huge inspiration to JetLink's success.

17. What's next? Global?

Jetlink is introducing new technology in the hydro sector. We are also expanding in other jurisdictions. However, before we spread our wings globally, we would like to tap into the Family Islands first.

15. Is it harder now that you've broken so many barriers? 18. 4 Words to anyone looking to In life, you are never done with breaking barriers. Though, it becomes much easier. Needless to say, follow in your footsteps! there are a few more barriers to break and I plan to keep going.

Words to anyone looking to follow in your footsteps? a) Dedicate yourself b) Stay Humble c) Be prepared for the challenges for they will come d) Stay close to God

19. Where can the public find JetLink Adventures?

Our office is located at #139 West Bay Street and we fly our guest on Goodman's Bay Beach. Our office hours are 9:00am – 5:00pm. You can contact us at 356-JETS (5387) and 422-JETS(5387). We can also be found on Facebook and Instagram at Jetlink Adventures or

In life, you are never done with breaking barriers. Though, it becomes much easier.


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>>> bruthaman

Dealing with unsupportive friends.. BY MASTIN KIPP


oing for what you want is not easy. There are all kinds of barriers to get there – both inner and outer. And while at the end of the day, going after your dreams is an inner game – there are some people in your life that can either really aid you in your pursuit of happiness or deter you. That group of people is your friends. This is your support system. The people that are there for you. Those that you go to for advice and to lift you up when you are down. But what are you to do if they don't support your dreams? Or perhaps you've been friends with them for a while, but now you've changed what's important to you. Maybe you are on the spiritual path now and that's something they aren't interested in. Or maybe they don't support some of the new choices you are making in your life. Or perhaps, you've formed friendships based on talking smack about other people and now you aren't interested in that conversation. Whatever it is, the change in your dynamic with your friends is a normal part of the spiritual journey. The reality is that in every relationship (friends and romance) you either grow together or grow apart. The key is to not become a spiritual egoist. That is to say – once you become more aware, don't


start judging others, including your friends as “less spiritual”. Nothing is more annoying or further away from embodying the spiritual lessons you are learning. At the end of the day, what your friends need is Love. As do you.

And the person who needs your love first is you. It can be hard to love your friends when you start to go on a new journey. But the reality is, sometimes you can love from a far. You can also accept that some of your friends are just surface friends. Not every relationship has to be super deep and intimate. I have some friends I see once a year and some I talk to every day. And I'm a different level with each of them. I have friends that I've grown a part from ever since I started my spiritual path. And the reality is, that's okay. And, when you create this space, what's cool is that you can form new friendships. What's awesome about forming new friendships is that new friends don't see you as your older self. They see you as who you are now. And that can be so powerful.

“Approval isn’t necessary. It’s nice when you get it, but it’s not going to stop us from being who we are. I mean, if I’d have listened to approval, I’d never have made it one day onstage. But to be criticized, if there’s validity, as upset as you are, you can learn from it.” - Jared Leto


When you are trying to transform your life, many times old friends can say things like: “Oh, you're all spiritual now” or “there's no way you can change”. That's because you have history. Which can be awesome, but it can also hold you back. New friends can allow you to show up new. Which can be a powerful conduit for transformation. At the end of the day, as you start to go on your journey – your life will change. Instead of meeting this change with fear, meet it with faith. Be open to new ideas, new friendships and new possibilities. Love your friends as they are. Create healthy space if you need to. And know that no one is more or less spiritual – just on different paths. Love your path and celebrate theirs. In the comments on the blog, let me know your thoughts. Do you have friends that you need to create healthy space with? If so, how could you do that starting today?

Lots of LOVE, Mastin P.S. Take what resonates and leave the rest.



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