Brutha MAY/JUN 2017 Issue #12

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issue o N 12

artist spotlight 34 The 'Knight' of Bahamian Music is....

cover feature 42 From 300+ pounds to this new body! PLUS fitness inspiration from local trainers.

man on the rise 56 Room for Relations with Top Relationship Therapist - Harrison Thompson.

femme fatale 64 Meet the Goddess of Ladies Swimmys!


06 EDITOR’S LETTER 08 COntributors 09 Credits 10 power & money How to succeed in business.

12 he says Darnell on what is intimacy.

14 creating the balance Getting beyond the physical.

16 WORK IT Dating options in a tiny pool.

18 fashion Take on summer with palms and prints!

30 fitness 40 feeding me 70 bruthaman Keron tells us to Get Out!

ON THE COVER: ETHAN QUANT Photographed by Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas Styled by Travis T. Sweeting


editor’s letter To my Brutha, Welcome to the FiTNESS issue. It has been said that wherever we find ourselves today, we made an appointment a while back to get here. You can be reading this but going through the worst or best time of your life. Either way, it is paramount we always try to keep "fit" so we can continue to live our best lives ever. I must be clear, however. The term fitness is normally associated with exercise, hitting the gym hard and getting the body that makes your woman heated and your brutha jealous. Though, fitness can range from physical to emotional to financial to mental and beyond. Where ever you may find yourself on the fitness spectrum don't be afraid to ask for help to get on the right path. IN THIS ISSUE< we have featured Ethan Quant, an international fitness competitor and trainer who, just a few short years ago, transformed his body from being 300 plus pounds. Beyond that, we have identified more trainers who share how they keep going and what they do to get where they are. We are also featuring The Bahamas' favorite relationship therapist, Harrison Thompson, as our Man On The Rise, a hot feature of Kristen Cartwright from Dklypse Swimwear and Dyson Knight, Bahamian musical icon. Don't forget there is still talk on love, sex, relationships, food and fashion. We are all a work in progress so don't give up. We've got your back! Until next time...much love Brutha,

Travis T. Sweeting Editor-In-Chief

Let me know what's on your mind by following me:



let’s make magic.



*CONTRIBUTORS ETHAN QUANT Ethan Is the founding partner of Elite Fitness Consulting, the leading wellness and fitness consulting firm in the Bahamas. After losing 110 he not only transformed his bod but his life as well. He decided to go full time into wellness after the tragic passing of his brother in 2013. Every day he helps people tap into their inner power and transform their bodies and their lives. Ethan is the father of Rebecca Quant, his 9 year old daughter who is so proud of him for going from FAT to FIT. He constantly strives to be the best possible version of himself.

ERIN GAY Founder of Link Bahamas. Link Bahamas is social networking company that focuses on love, relationships and dating. Born and raised in the beautiful Bahamas. Surrounded by beauty, a priceless island life and, of course, a unique small island dating community. I believe in love and laughter. I’ve had my share of love and life experience, some great, some, not as great. But, at the end of the day there will always be love, especially where you least expect it.

ANTONIO CLARKE Photography started out as a way for me to help a friend. A friend of mine would need help shooting sometimes or would need a second shooter. It sparked my interest to pick up the camera and make the most of it. Web: Facebook @ Tones Photos





Editor-In-Chief // Publisher



Managing Editor


br n i r e @


nnec o c n w

CLARENCE ALBURY Executive Editor s g n i h _aret



y h p a r ANITA CLARE otog

h p c a anit


Art Director

ANITA CLARE, ANTONIO CLARKE farreno ferguson Contributing Photographers


Managing Editor, MAY/JUNE 2017, ISSUE 12

This Magazine is published Bi-MONTHLY. No part of Brutha Magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written consent from Sivart Media Group, LLC. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or refuse material and we are not responsible for products that appear in this publication. © 2017 Brutha Magazine. All Rights Reserved.



>>> power & money

How To Succeed In Business


here’s something I call the wait clause. The wait clause is how I’ve learned how to conduct business.

Over my 30+ years of being in the business world, I’ve learned one valuable lesson. You're going to spend a lot of money on people that don’t carry their weight. And until you determine what you're going to do from that lesson, you're going to continue to attract exactly what you don't want. When people first come into a job or an opportunity, they're very gung-ho. Why? It's probably because they’are selfish. And it's not a negative selfish. They're selfish. They need money. They see the opportunity. They have hopes, dreams and aspirations around it. They convinced themselves that they're qualified for it because they want the job or they want the position. And they come in hard, and they sell themselves hard and fast. And, of course, as a business owner or entrepreneur, we want someone who's jazzed up about our business, jazzed up about what we're doing, shares the same vision. So we take the bait. Once we take the bait, we think we've found somebody fantastic, and then we hire them. And then what happens is one or two things. One, they either carry their weight. Or they're just full of big talk.


Over my 30+ years of being in the business world, I’ve learned one valuable lesson. You’re going to spend a lot of money on people that don’t carry their weight.

And I have many people who have worked for me who have been full of big talk. They talk the talk. They say what they think I want to hear, but they never deliver. You see, people are always at their best behavior in the first 30 days. Here's what you need to do every 30 days, and I call it the wait clause. When you hire somebody for your business, you need to write down all their big ideas and big promises. It's no different than any other relationship you have. It's no different than the man or the woman that you meet that promises so many things and doesn't really deliver. You can use the wait clause in all your relationships, from friendships to business to love. So, in the first 30 days, write down all the big promises that the person wants. And then take a look, at the end of the 30 days, what they've accomplished. Have they really come through on their big promises, or are they just big talkers? Just like in grammar school and high school, you can grade them. Let’s say, for instance, they've got 10 big promises they give you, and they only can get to three of them and make excuses for the rest, or they forget. Well, that's 30%. If you were in school, even with a bell curve –That's still probably going to be an F, a complete failure, because, remember, in the first 30 days, everybody’s on their best behavior because they want to believe that they're that person. They like you. They like the job opportunity. They want to be your boyfriend or girlfriend.

lover or be your partner. Write down everything, and at the end of 30 days, have a discussion with them and ask them what happened. What about this idea and that idea. How come that wasn’t implemented, and what stopped you from implementing it? Sit down with them, and then give them, if you feel they are going to improve, give them another 30 days, and that's it. It's what I call the wait clause. If you've got somebody who's 8 out of 10, you've got somebody who's a B. A B can always get an A. If you have somebody who's a C, and you think they have potential, and you want to guide them and work with them, great. But if you've got people who are D and below, well, it's very hard to change a D around unless you want to go into the role of continuing mentoring, watching, and micromanaging any relationship you're in from work to love and everything. For me, I don't really want to be a micromanager, whether I hire somebody new – I want them to be able to take off. I want them to have initiative. I want them to implement ideas. I want them to be what I'm not. That's why I'm hiring somebody. I want them to be what I’m not. I don't want to be the teacher. I want to learn from them as much as they learn from me. It’s 50/50. We're both driving that car. We're both equal participants in the story of us. The wait clause is one of the best ways that I manage my life, and it's something that I've started doing again because I realized it’s the only way to really truly see somebody and take all the emotions out when it's clearly in front of you in black and white.

So they're going to try to be something that they're probably most likely not because they don’t want to lose the opportunity to work for you or be your

BY david wygant |


>>> he says

What is intimacy? W

e sat in the last two seats in the back of the bus from New York City to Burlington, our closest neighbors seven rows up, talking about mothers we left thousands of miles away, the first liquors we tasted as adults, and how much better my hand felt on her knee than it did on my own. My hand was there, inching up with every smile, every lip parting, and stare. This, and all that happened before we found ourselves biting, choking, and muffling screams with panties in the bus bathroom suitable for only one, was intimacy. Everything that led us to this bus, to this trip to Vermont, was intimacy. When her head rested on my chest like fresh bacon being carried between rooms on my grandma’s old plates, moving around, looking for a permanent nook, while she spoke freely about how insecure she is about her naked body and the front tooth I didn't know was fake until that night, we found ourselves lip deep in vulnerability. We've fucked several times before, but decided after the third time our chemistry was good enough for dates and possible gatherings at friends’ houses for game nights and drinks. “If we're doing this,” she said, “I want intention and intimacy.” She wanted to see into and through me and she wanted me to make my shell invisible for her to do so. I did. In return, she offered the same. On that bed, with her head on my chest, like on that bus with my hand on her knee, we applied razor blades to our veins and watched the sum of ourselves, at least what we knew, pour out over our nakedness.


In my world, intimacy has never been sex. Sex is the prize, but sex is merely about power, isn't it? We stopped having sex months ago for a few weeks when I learned she was only offering it to prove she loved me. “There is no proof of love in sex,” I told her, and demanded more. I demanded more stories when we felt the urge to reach for our phones at the dinner table, and I demanded she add me to her list of people she cried to when things didn't go as planned. Sharing bodies is easy, after all. I wanted more. Intimacy was us, on this bus, after the sex in the small bathroom, saying few words, her rubbing the skin between my fingers, me replacing her headrest with my hand, massaging her scalp, whispering “I’m glad you invited me.” In-to-me-see,” she said. Intimacy is what happens when you look into someone and see who they are, not who you want them to be, not what they want to be. It's seeing someone and sharing what you see with that person. We made it to Vermont, place a bushel of Celadine Poppy flowers on her grandmother’s grave. Intimacy is everything she shared with me about the woman her grandmother was and the woman her grandmother turned her into, and it was why I was there.




>>> creating the balance



et's face it, the more we tr y to avoid the tru th, the harder it knocks at the core of who we are. We can kid ourselves from now until eternity, it still won't cha nge the fact that we are slaves to the physica l things around us. This is not entirely our own fault. Look around; the flowers, the mountainous terrains, colorful sunsets, sandy white beaches-- these are a ll visua lly a ppea ling to our senses. They ma ke us feel good, and I believe it’s the way nature designed it. Just as the beau tiful things in nature grab our attention, the same is true with visua lly a ppea ling men and women. All that glitters ain’t gold, says the old cliche, and that may be true from a philosophica l standpoint. Bu t let’s be rea l, how many of us think that far when we're tr ying to do-the-do? I can count on one hand how many times I've been in the company of ma le friends where the conversation centered around a woman's intelligence or her beloved character or her uncommon compassion. It just doesn't ha ppen. Now, does this mean we're a ll just a bunch of sha llow airheads who lack depth and substance. I don't think so. Bu t I do know that when in pursuit of a mate, easier on the eyes is preferentia l. Now, there is a l ways two sides of ever y coin. Just as there is a con to ever y pro, and a downside to ever y upside. I believe this is what Newton was tr ying to convey in his Third Law of Motion theor y. Whenever we focus too much on one thing; meaning the physica l attribu tes of a person in this context, we risk neglecting the more meaningful things that could only be unveiled through intentiona l inquir y. For example, let's say a guy meets a girl. She's smar t, has a good sense of humor, she’s witty and she’s actua lly ver y easy to ta l k to. Bu t she has one thing against her. She's not his type physica lly. Now, I've seen this scenario play ou t among both


sexes. It a lmost never ends on a good note. I've seen many men and women get hur t or lose ou t on great experiences because they were too fixated on what the person looked like or what materia l possessions they had or d idn't have. Now this brings us to the question of preference. Ever yone is entitled to have them. It’s not wrong to be picky abou t the kind of person you want to live the rest of your life with. Besides, if we’re ta l king a lifetime, I think it’ll be wise to choose your mate carefully. I guess the rea l question, where do we draw the line. A few years ago, I came across an exercise that encouraged ind ividua ls to create a list of a ll the attribu tes they’d want their fu ture mate to have. Upon completing the list, I rea lized that most of the things on my list were a ll superficia l. Things like height, skin color, body type and other physica l features ou tweighed ever ything else. That exercise made me feel a little less proud of myself, because I knew that what I had written were not from a space of understand ing. Rather, I was pulling things ou t of a ll that wrong lessons I had learnt from my environment. So, what is the lesson here? It's quite simple to be honest. If we’re going develop meaningful relationships, we must be willing to focus our energies beyond the physica l attribu tes of a person, and do the hard, and sometimes complex work of getting to know people beneath their skin color, behind the ma keup, beyond what meets the eye. We are still a growing species, and so we still have some ways to go in our development. What we must be mindful of, is our ability to change, ada pt, adjust. Ever y day we are d iscovering new things abou t ourselves. We must continue to stretch ourselves, by cha llenging our belief system, asking the tough questions and never be afraid to say yes to new experiences.

"Whenever we focus too much on one thing; meaning the physical attributes of a person in this context, we risk neglecting the more meaningful things that could only be unveiled through intentional inquiry."

by clarence carvel


>>> work it

Options in a Tiny Pool by erin gay


here is someone for everyone, or so they say. There are plenty of fish in the sea, they also say. But, when you are living in a tiny pool, you end up asking yourself, “Options? Where are they?”

Lately, dating comes across as being confusing, tedious, and pointless for many people. For some, it can be, fun, exciting, and a thrilling experience. And for others, it could be a learning experience, which can lead to a one-and-done situation, leaving a sour taste in the mouth of the parties involved, or, it could be light at the end of the tunnel. Either way, dating is a process. A process to help one find that special someone that suits their personal relationship goals. Living in The Bahamas is great! Seven hundred beautiful islands, rocks and cays surround us with an estimated population of 380,000 plus. While this number may seem like a lot, when it comes to dating, it’s not. Especially when everyone here is more than likely connected to each other one way or the other. Either someone is your cousin or a friends ex or someone that your friend use to talk to back in the day. It can get complicated. So, what does one do when seriously considering dating in a tiny pool? First make sure that you are ready to date and know why it is that you want to date someone. Are you ready to commit to someone? Are you ready to share everything with that person? Understand what it is that you want; specifically, your relationship goals and desires. A great way to get to this point is through Fitness. Get active! Fitness? Get active? Really? Yes, really! If you are not regularly an active person or have ever been active, the idea of becoming active can be intimidating and challenging. I know, I know, this idea seems silly and you can find other ways to figure out why you want to date and how to sort out what you want for your relationship goals, but this is just a suggestion. Humor me!


Exercise delivers oxygen to the brain and helps to release serotonin and boost energy levels - What is serotonin? Serotonin is a chemical that our nerve cells produce that

helps stabilizes our moods. In other words, it makes us happy, calm, more focused, and less anxious. Being active helps us to boost confidence - We begin to test and push our limits and abilities, turning the confidence booster up a notch! Who doesn’t like a confident person? Being confident helps to improve our outlook on life, the way we interact with others gives us that extra pep in our step to take life on full speed ahead! Hot body - Ok, it may seem shallow, but come on; physical attraction plays a part in it. If we look good, we tend to feel good. If we feel good, we tend to emit positive vibes and attract positive energy and people! Health and Longevity - There is nothing better than knowing that you are in good health and able to function without any health problems that might hinder any future goals or plans. So, how does one become more active? It's quite easy. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Join a gym or fitness club. If you have never had a membership to fitness club, shop around and take tours of different fitness facilities. Most clubs offer a complimentary pass to potential members. If they offer you a complimentary pass, take it! Try it! See if it’s a good fit for you. If it sparks your interest, try it out for a month. If the facility offers different classes, try them all! Figure out what works for you. 2. If the gym isn't your thing, try a fitness app. There are many fitness apps that are available on your smart phones and tablet. Explore them! You might find something that fits your life and needs. 3. Go to the Beach or Park. It’s free. Go for a walk or run. Start small. If you enjoy it, incorporate weights with your routine. 4. Join a sports team such as flag football, rugby, beach soccer, basketball etc. If you are not big on competitive sports, you can sometimes skip joining the team and ask to participate in team work outs and practices. The options are endless!

So back to figuring out the options in this tiny pool. Once you can establish and clear your mind and focus on why you want a relationship and what it is that you want you can begin to explore! Step outside of your comfort zone. Explore a new restaurant, bar. Why fish in the same pond where you continuously come up with an empty line? Meet someone at a gym. Ok, I know what you’re about to say. You don't want to come across as that pervert that seeks out singles in a gym. But let's be honest. It’s a great start to meeting people. After your workout, just start off with small talk. Great icebreaker starters:


– Did you enjoy your workout? Give a compliment on workout attire, preferably shoes to avoid the person feeling as if you are only looking at their body in an uncomfortable sexual manner. If your gym has a café, offer to buy the person a post workout beverage or power bar Ask the person about the classes that they may have attended Start small. Don't feel inclined to have a full on conversation. Small talk is great. Some persons are very particular about their workout routine and rituals so keep it short and simple. Every other day engage the person. If after the first two attempts they appear dismissive, move on and don’t bother them. Nothing beats a failure but a try. But, if they do engage in your conversations, after a while, invite them for a post workout snack or beverage either at the fitness facility or outside of the property. Even though our pond may be small there are ways to have a great dating life. But before you begin to fish, makes sure that you are ready to date and know what type of relationship it is that you want to have. This makes the process so much easier. Clarity is key!


>>> fashion


Palms and Prints

MODELS: Nathan Sweeting & Deangelo Duncombe| Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas


>>> fashion


Jacket by: Forever21 Men



MODEL: Nathan Sweeting

>>> fashion

MODEL: Deangelo Duncombe


>>> fashion



>>> fashion


Shirt by: Forever21 Men


>>> fashion




GOAL SETTING eq . e m ll a c BY ETHAN QUANT | elite fitness @



nce you have made the decision to start your fitness journey, you should understand that the reason we call it a journey is because it does not happen overnight. You are about to change your lifestyle and this will take commitment to challenging yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. However before you can even start training your body, you need to begin training your mind. The most important part of any lifestyle change is determining WHY YOU WANT TO CHANGE. For every major life change we embark on, we have a plan or a guideline. Think about it, when you go to school you have a syllabus, When you start your career you have a job description , and similarly when you decide to improve your health and fitness, you need to have a plan. I am not talking about just a watery commitment to start walking or eat more salads I mean a detailed, well written, day to day plan.

your goals down in detail and set a timeline to hold yourself accountable. There is a old saying, “ Failure to plan, is a plan to fail.” At Elite Fitness we ask all of our clients to get a picture of their dream body. It's important to find a visual representation of your body goal. Once you find your picture think about some of the things that are stopping you from having that body. What if I told you that the only thing stopping you from having that body is you. Not the lack of money or time, just you. Your choices, your habits, your actions your belief your mindset… This health and fitness lifestyle isn’t easy, but most of the things that are amazing in this life aren't easy. Think about it, success in the workplace, a successful relationship, being a good parent. To be successful in all of these different areas in our lives take sacrifice, commitment, determination and patience.

So set your goal, pick your target body This process starts with having a clearly and lets get healthy fit and sexy!!! defined goal. What’s the difference between a goal and a dream? A goal Here are a few exercises that you can do unlike a dream, is tangible and can be pretty much anywhere and at any fitness measured, it’s imperative that before level. beginning your fitness journey to write


>>> mr. fitness

incline chest press

In a right forward lunge position, place the middle of your band beneath your back foot. Grabbing a handle in each hand, bring the band to shoulder level. Press the bands upward straight over your chest until the arms fully extend. Lower back down into the starting position.

upright row

With feet positioned over the center of the band, shoulder-width apart, grip each handle and position them with palms facing each other just in front of your thighs. Pull the band straight up the front of your body to shoulder-level, keeping your elbows bent and positioned in a high “V.� Slowly lower back down to starting position.

lat pulldown

Kneel facing the anchor so the bands are positioned in front of you, gripping each end with arms extended overhead and hands slightly wider than shoulderwidth. Bend your elbows, pull the band down toward the floor while contracting your back muscles. Once the hands reach your shoulders, slowly raise them back to the starting position.



Place a broom stick behind your head, open your legs slightly wider than shoulder width apart and bend your knees. Twist from side to side being sure to contract your core as you do it.

forward lunge

Stand tall with your feet hip width apart. Take one large step forward making sure that your knees don’t go over your toes. Your back leg should be bent and as low to the ground as possible. Push up with your front heel to return to the staring position. Alternate legs using the same movement.

MODEL: Deon Mitchell Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas


kn ig ht >>> artist spotlight



The "Knight" of Bahamian Music BY yolanda hanna

Photographed by Farreno Ferguson


>>> artist spotlight


he Bahamian Music Artist: Singer. Songwriter. Musician. Producer. Dancer. Entertainer. Long list. But is it enough in 2017? Are all these characteristics essential in the composition of the modern Bahamian artist? And if so, is it the blueprint for international stardom and record sales? Meet Dyson Knight. The innovative, free-spirited, energetic, eclectic music artist with an extensive resume that includes numerous credits such as songwriter, singer, musician, producer and choreographer. One word describes a Dyson Knight performance, FIRE. Endless dancing, bursts of movement across the stage and perfect vocals that never miss a beat, crescendo to the signature Dyson Knight moment - the removal of his shirt and the appearance of six-pack abs – an act his female fans thoroughly enjoy and somehow adds fuel to his already explosive performances. From start to finish, it is obvious that Dyson Knight has planned every aspect of his show. He has done the leg work and knows what his fans expect from him every time he hits the stage. A full-time professional entertainer since 2009, Dyson Knight’s music is heard around the globe and is internationally recognized in Japan, China, Germany, the UK and throughout the Caribbean. But who is Dyson Knight? Underneath the bleached hair, toned abdomen and gyrating dance moves, is a patriotic Bahamian father with family roots in Cat Island and Barbados, who grew up in the Pentecostal church playing the piano, went to school in Nassau, graduated college with a Computer Science degree, began working in entertainment as a backup dancer for the late Terez Hepburn and is currently one of the lead vocalists for two of the most prominent bands in The


Bahamas – Visage and Grammy Award winning Bahamen. Dyson began recording in 2003 and his first big hits were “Drop Down and Come Up Slow” and “Private Dancer”. The songs, which to this day still enjoy frequent radio airplay, were both written by Dyson and recorded when he was a member of the Extra Band. Exposure to Bahamian Entertainment began in his childhood when his mother would take him to watch performances at the native shows in Nassau. There he witnessed the talents of Bahamian legends John ‘Chippie’ Chipman and Peanuts Taylor and that foundation was further strengthened when he was employed as an Entertainment Coordinator at a local resort, where he was introduced to many of the artists he watched perform as a child. But what makes Dyson’s music different from his musical counterparts? His diversity. Dyson Knight has the ability to transition seamlessly between the genres of Rake N Scrape, Calypso and Soca. Combine this talent with the skill to architect his sound from the ground up and integrate it with his love for the traditional sounds of Rake N Scrape and Junkanoo, and you have got the Dyson Knight formula. Dyson is experimental. His music is about expression. He refuses to be limited or structured and he believes in creating every note from scratch. Internationally his music would be categorized as Soca and like many Bahamian artists, he has created songs that has fused the sounds of Rake N Scrape and Junkanoo with other music genres. He admits traditional Rake N Scrape music is falling by the wayside due to a new music climate that has been fueled by the introduction of Junkanoo Carnival and he has strong views on how the Bahamian


>>> artist spotlight


government can assist artists in preserving Bahamian culture and create a music industry that is strong and functioning. His recent release ‘PLAY’ is moving throughout radio rapidly both locally and internationally and Dyson is pleased that the song has been embraced by audiences. The dynamic energetic song was produced by Freddie ‘Gotstykz’, written by Dyson and Visage band mates Benjamin Alexander and Wendy Lewis. Dyson Knight may sound modern, and may look modern, but make no mistake, Dyson Knight is a nationalist with a strong love for Bahamian culture and a mind focused on the future. Specifically, the future of the industry he has committed his life to. The future of the music he loves to create. The future of Bahamian traditions and most importantly the future of the country he calls home. Singer. Songwriter. Musician. Producer. Dancer. Entertainer. Social Conscience. Dyson Knight.


>>> feeding me

g n i k oo


A BREAKFAST BURRITO Breakfast Anyone? The clichĂŠ holds true, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. A nutritious breakfast not only sets the tone for the day but also promotes weight maintenance and weight loss by maintaining blood glucose levels and your metabolism. Ten minutes maximum and you'll have a warm whole wheat tortilla packed with melted cheese, hot peppers and scrambled eggs; it's hard to believe this breakfast burrito is less than 500 calories.



4 tsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 plum tomatoes 1 small red onion 1 jalapeno pepper 1 garlic clove 2 eggs 1 whole wheat tortilla 1/2 cup of shredded cheese Freshly Ground Black Pepper Salt


Finely chop veggies and crush the garlic. Add a pinch of salt, and then mix it all up. Cover In a medium bowl whisk eggs with a pinch of salt and black pepper In a small skillet heat oil over medium heat. Add your egg mixture, keep the eggs moving until they're as firm as your weight-loss resolve. Now lay the tortilla flat and spoon the eggs at one end. Add a handful of shredded cheese and top with your veggie mixture. Roll it all up and head on out.

b y d e v a n m cp h e e


>>> feature



Photographed by Anita Clare Styled by Travis T. Sweeting


INSPIRATION FROM: Keith Hinsey Jr. Dekel Nesbitt Davin Johnson Nicole Richardson Patrick Smith


How did you get into your field of business? At 306 Pounds I made a decision that I wanted to change my body and my life. I lost 110 pounds and found a passion and love for fitness. After the I lost my brother to an NCD I decided that I wanted to go into the wellness and fitness full tie so that I can help as many people as I could take control of their bodies and find the strength and confidence to take control of their lives.

What inspires you to get fit? I love the way my fit body looks and feels. The truth is that it’s a lifestyle and I am always looking for ways to improve myself, ways to increase my personal value for myself and the physical body if the vehicle that I use.

What does your normal routine look like? Normally I wake up around 4:30am I have a cup of coffee and check and shoot out emails then I go for my run its about 4.5 miles. Then at about 6:30 – 8:00 I do my weight training. I try to get to my desk by 9:00am and then is work, anything from updating clients programs, to meetings with prospects to speaking engagements. I pick my daughter up from school then I get my second training session, answer a couple more emails and do a bit more work. Normally I am in bed by 9:00/9:30.

What do you eat? Food

What does your fitness brand represent? Empowerment of people, Elite Fitness core belief is that anyone can have the body they want. We provide them with the tools and guidance to do so. We have a saying that we are light houses not tug boats we can guide you to where you want to


be but you have to get there on your own steam. We are a community of people all supporting and encouraging each other, all supporting each other.

When did you open your doors? March 2013

How did it make you feel? Like I was going to change the world. I know its corny, but I really do feel that Elite Fitness is changing it one transformation at a time.

Is this all you or do you have partners and/or employees? I have a partner, Nathan Sweeting ,he is also been y best friend for about 17 years so he has seen y transformation first hand and was inspired to have his own. We also have an extensive team of fitness professionals in the Bahamas and around the worlds that works hard to service our clients.


>>> feature



>>> feature How does your brand differ from other brands? Elite Fitness puts the focus on lifestyle change. Are programs are designed to be a guide through a transition period towards a healthier fitter and sexier lifestyle.

What was your biggest challenge in all of this? Working through the excuses of the average person, most people kind of want it, they kind of want to change, but aren't always willing to put in the work. They say its hard and give up.

Tell us about the 'come up' experience from when you first opened your doors. Coming from financial services, I wasn’t well known in the industry, so I literally had to build credibility from the ground up, first by transforming my body, then by helping our clients transform theirs.

How has your business evolved over the course of its years? We are constantly evolving, that’s one of the benefits of being a small company, we can change and adapt quickly, or most recent phase of evolution was going to a 100% online business for our individual programs.

Is it harder now that you've broken so many barriers? In bodybuilding we have a saying that it doesn’t get easier you get stronger. That can also be said in business. We are always going for more. Elite Fitness isn't looking to be a top fitness company, we are looking to be a top company period.

Do you have any mentors at the moment or perhaps starting out? I have had business mentors and I have people who I call on at times for guidance in different areas of my life.


What's next? Global? Yes, Elite Global, I like the sound of that!

4 Words to anyone looking to follow in your footsteps! To stop is Death!

Where can the public find you? Personal – ig – @callme.eq // FB- Ethan R. L. Quant –Live Well Business – IG – @elitefitnessconsulting // FB-Elite Fitness Consulting web.


>>> feature

Keith Hinsey 1. What inspires you to get fit? I make it my job to be inspired every single day. I seek out those people who inspire me to think differently about myself and about what's possible. Why? Because I know that I am what I think I am, and so it must be my priority to keep going up against my limiting beliefs and challenge them. If my beliefs are not working for me and I decide I am ready to upgrade or change them, I look for people who have done “it” and remind myself that if this person can do it, then I can do it too.

I'm currently training myself to complete a 5k in less than 20-25mins. So every other weekend you can find me challenging myself mainly at 5am. The challenge is hard but I know I can do it! 5. What would you say to anyone looking to get in shape?

I actually don't have a normal routine because of my lifestyle. Being a fitness trainer doesn't allow me to have the time I desire because I dedicate my time to helping someone else maximize their fitness goal. So to honestly answer your question, I train anytime I can! It doesn't matter what time or day it is.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Unless you're insane, don’t try to get in shape the same way you did last time…it’ AIN’T gonna work! If you counted calories, ran on a treadmill, did kickboxing, tried starving yourself, or whatever, and you’re not happy with the results, it's time to try something new. First things first

It depends on what training phase I'm on. Since summer is around the corner it's all about cutting as much fat as possible so I would: Eat a high-protein breakfast. Avoid

4. Have you done anything drastic to stay in shape?

2. What does your normal routine look like?

3. What do you eat?


sugary drinks and fruit juice. ... Drink water a half hour before meals. ... My favorite meal at this point would be grilled salmon and veggies with mashed sweet potatoes!

Education: know HOW to get in shape Inspiration: know WHY you're getting in shape Support: having others help you along the way to get in shape.....If you can successfully combine these three crucial pieces, then you'll have a fighting chance at getting in the best shape of your life.

Dekel Nesbitt 1. What inspires you to get fit? For me fitness started out as therapy. I started the gym when I was 14, a few months after losing my mom to a 10 year battle with breast cancer. I went along with my dad and brother and just stuck with it since. I loved pushing my body, I loved feeling myself get stronger and testing my limits. It was the way I cleared my mind and was the place I felt most at ease and at peace. Today I still turn to fitness as therapy , and it's still much more than my profession. I gain inspiration from my goal to inspire people to discover the many benefits of living a healthy and active life in hopes that it can be as rewarding of a discovery in their lives as it has been in mine. I think that's what has kept me going for so long, and continues to inspire me along my own fitness journey, just knowing there are people who are motivated by me and what I do and what I stand for. 2. What does your normal routine look like? I train 6 days a week, splitting cardio and weight training sessions each day so most days I train twice a day for about 3-4 hours in total. I also am a fitness instructor so when I'm teaching classes or training clients those are mini workouts as well. I train legs 2 days a week and split upper body movements and core training among the remaining 4 days. 3. What do you eat? My diet is pretty simple, I eat mostly chicken and fish, turkey for meats and a lot of green leafy vegetables. Breakfast is typically egg whites and oats, or sometimes tuna and egg whites. Carbs for me most days are veggies and oats or sometimes brown or jasmine rice and sweet potatoes, depending on what phase of my training I'm in or whether I'm getting ready for a show or not. I

do supplement with protein shakes to ensure I'm getting enough protein in my body for muscle repair and recovery, fish oils to help keep my joint lubricated and green tea capsules ( because I never remember to make tea) . My favorite cheat meals are sushi and more sushi. 4. Have you done anything drastic to stay in shape?

5. What would you say to anyone looking to get in shape? I would say that it begins in your mind, so before you step foot in a gym or buy any meal plan/guide , make sure you're mentally ready to take on fitness as a lifestyle and not expect it to be a sprint to a goal weight/look. I'd also say to fully commit and be consistent and ensure that the decisions you make are in alignment with your goals,remember slow progress is still progress, always keep moving forward and to don't compare your fitness journey to anyone else's .

No , I think competition prep has been the reason for the the most extreme measures I've ever taken like water depletion and carb manipulation for a short time , but in general I don't believe in fad dieting and quick fixes because they don't produce lasting results.


>>> feature

1. What inspires you to get fit? I'm inspired by the insatiable belief that I can become legendary in a sport I love and hold tenaciously close to my heart. 2. What does your normal routine look like? I workout intensely 5 days a week inclusive of a day of intense cardiovascular training. 3. What do you eat? My diet focuses primarily on nutrient dense foods. I've removed poultry beverages high in sugar, high carbs and red meats completely from diet. Which results in high protein diet. 4. Have you done anything drastic to stay in shape?


I was injured last year therefore I couldn't workout. I live in a bakery because my sister is the proprietor of the Gifted Handzz bakery. I didn't eat not a cupcake or anything in that house that looked like fat because I did not want to gain fat AT ALL because I couldn't work out. So I worked on my mind a little more 5. What would you say to anyone looking to get in shape? I'd say consistency is key!! If you hit a tree all of the tree 2000 times it wouldn't have much affect on the tree, but if you hit it in the same spot repeatedly for 2000 times that tree will bow down to you literally!!!! Concentrate and focus on what is yours, God has already graced you with the ability to achieve therefore you must remain steadfast and unmovable being consistent and the results are yours.

Davin Johnson


>>> feature 1. What inspires you to get fit?

but it's what makes me who I am.

My heaviest Weight was around 200 pounds. I was disgusted and I looked horrible. Not to mention the fact that i had no energy. There is no reality check greater that the fact that i might not be around to see my children grow up if I didn't make a change NOW! I NEEDED to get healthy! It is also VERY important to me that my husband finds me sexy and attractive. I hate it when I see a couple and the wife looks like she can be her husband's mother or older sister. I made a vow to stay as young and vibrant as he is. I started doing my own research and the rest is history....

3. What do you eat? Anything I want! Lol-this is why I "live" in the gym! I'm a certified foodie! I LOVE food and I'm a social butterfly so I like to live on the fun side and actually enjoy my foods. I will say this....even though I'm a foodie, I am ALWAYS aware of what I'm putting into my body and I practice portion control and I don't over do it. I eat protein at most meals and I limit my sugar intake. I'm not a big fan of veggies so I usually make a green smoothie with fruit everyday.

4. Have you done anything drastic to stay in shape? Nothing drastic to stay in shape. Ive had to make drastic changes to my diet when it comes to preparing for my fitness shows. When prepping I literally cut out anything that has sugar, cut out most carbohydrates and my diet is pretty simple, plain and boring. When you see athletes with wash hard abs on the stage you get an appreciation of the discipline required and drastic changes they had to incorporate in order to achieve that "perfect" body!

2. What does your normal routine look like? Anyone that knows me will tell you that you can find me at the gym!!! It's my "thing". Some women love retail therapy or buying makeup, exercising is my stress reliever and it makes me feel good and keeps me looking HOT!! I start my day exercising and I end my day exercising. It may seem like a lot

Nicole Richardson 54

5. What would you say to anyone looking to get in shape? You don't need a gym, fancy equipment, pills or potions to get started. All you need is determination. Change in the right direction is key! No matter how small. If you usually drink 4 sodas a day and you cut back to 2 that is an accomplishment. If you don't exercise at all and start walking for only 15 minutes a day that's an accomplishment and start in the right direction! Set small goals in the right direction and before you know it you will have reached your goal and then some!

1. What inspires you to get fit?


A few things, but most importantly the desire of being a better me. I only have one body, so I’m going to protect & take care of it the best way I possibly can. That includes ensuring I’m getting the proper nutrition and exercise I need for my body to perform at its best on a daily basis. I mean let’s face it nobody wants to develop a disease because they didn’t exercise or from bad eating habits. I don’t want to be so out of shape that I can’t play basketball or run around with my future kids. Not to mention it's a great self-esteem booster. When I know I’m fit, I walk with a different swagger, I speak with more confidence because I know I love the way my body looks and feels at that moment. I truly believe in the two mottos of my company “Stay Active, Stay Healthy!” and “Stay Active, Stay Fit!” It's a certain utopia that comes with that.

4. Have you done anything drastic to stay in shape?

2. What does your normal routine look like? Almost Every day I wake up, & eat breakfast. Train a few clients whether at the gym or at their homes. After that I eat lunch wait for about two to three hours then I begin my training routine. Afterwards, drink a smoothie, eat dinner, do some studying and then go to sleep. Some days it changes depending on the scheduling of my clients, or what fitness goals I have in mind for period of time. In terms of working out I like to mix it up a lot. A few weeks I might just do calisthenics training like pushups, single leg squats, pull-ups & triceps dips. The other weeks I might start weightlifting with dumbbells & barbells. I want my body to be constantly in shock mode. When that happens is where the challenge comes in and where results are born.

Drastic? No, I wouldn’t say that. Challenging? Yes of course! For example, to get ready for a photo shoot sometimes I would perform 1,000 sit-ups, and 500 pushups per day for a month straight. This is because I want to be as ripped as possible for that day. Now to the average person that might same drastic but with my level of love for fitness I wouldn't consider it drastic at all. 5. What would you say to anyone looking to get in shape?

Patrick Smith

I would say don't just do it to look good. Don’t get caught up in it for vain glory, or to have a body like someone on T.V. Otherwise, it can become an obsession. Pushing you to the point to take extreme measures that can harm your body. This could even lead to frustration & depression as you are exercising & don’t develop that body like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or Beyonce Knowles.Personally I try not to get attached to anything or anyone except Jesus Christ. I always encourage my clients to achieve the best body they can. Transforming themselves to look and feel the best they could with proper diet and exercise through my Active Fitness training program.

3. What do you eat? My diet depends on my fitness goal at the time. If I'm looking to get lean for a photo shoot I would eat more veggies, and fewer carbohydrates. If I'm looking to put on some weight, then my protein and overall calorie intake would have to increase. In any scenario high sodium, salt and sugar foods I try to avoid


>>> man on the rise

Your 'Tell It Like It Is' Relationship Therapist

harrison thompson As human beings become more complex, our ability to connect with each other will face many challenges. In a world that is continually evolving, we are busier than ever before. Our lives are plagued with varying responsibilities, enormous amounts of pressure from all those vying for our attention and at the end of it all, we’re still expected to be present and engaged. Human relationships are for the most part an intentional exchange or connection between individuals. We have managed to survive this long on the planet because we eventually learned how to communicate, exchange, compromise and cooperate. Not too bad for a species that hasn't been around all that long.

But-- yes there's always a but, we don't quite have it all together just yet. And to prove to us that we don't is a Relationship Therapist who goes by the name Harrison Thompson. Now I know you might be wondering what on earth is a Relationship Therapist. Let's just say he's the guy who tells you how stink your attitude is, and why that may be the reason you're still single! Don’t believe me, go book an appointment with the guy. Okay, I'm only kidding. On a serious note, Harrison is just one of the growing lists of specialists who are committed to helping us improve the way we relate to ourselves and each other. He's not your average sit on a chair tell me your troubles kind of guy

By clarence carvel 56


>>> man on the rise

“ either. He's candid, insightful and he's not afraid to tell it to you like it is.

1. Finish this sentence: "Harrison Thompson is.........." ‌a down to earth, funny guy. I love the aspect of humor when it comes to anything in life; whether it’s trying to convey a message or whether it's trying to connect with people. Yeah, even when I'm trying to connect with people, humor has always been that element to kind of disarm people. In my sessions, I love connecting with people.

2. What kind of child were you? Growing up, initially I remember being very shy. I never talked to people that much, until grade six.


We live in a male dominated world, and yes, we're under so much pressure as men to fit in and to conform. Sometimes that causes us to become distracted from what our true calling or our true purpose is. I really started to open-up more and become a social butterfly. I always wanted to be in positions of leadership. I felt as though I was really helping people and making an impact whenever I could inspire others, and that could be seen whenever I served as a prefect or student council president. These were always things that I loved doing. So, my childhood was very quiet. I was a peaceful child. I was never up and about, but I loved being outside though. Whether it was something in nature; catching lizards or frogs, that was me.

3. Your father is a renown therapist, tell us what impact did he have on you in choosing your career path? With my dad being a renowned therapist, he obviously had a lot of impact, but it wasn't as

direct as people would think. A lot of people don't know that I was studying Law before I ever studied Psychology. Because unbeknownst to me, I thought Law had a lot to do with interacting with people, and not necessarily reading tons of literature and statutes, I thought that somewhere in that process I would be communicating like I would see those individuals doing on Law & Order. When I actually sat down one day watching Law & Order, and I asked my dad; ‘Who's that Chinese fella who's always talking to the criminals or who's always trying to analyze people?’ He was like; ‘Well he's a psychologist! That's what I do!’ I was like; ‘What, man I didn't know this is what you did?’ So, from that point on, he really became that pivotal point or he was that pivotal person in my life that really allowed me to explore this option with more detail. Because in this country, studying psychology has always been somewhat of a struggle field. It hasn't been something that a lot of people has been widely successful in. And so, his advice, his knowledge, his insight and wisdom really, really paved that road for me.

4. What sets "Relationship Therapy" apart from other specialties in the field? Relationship Therapy is so unique because you have two different people, from two different backgrounds, with two different perspectives, trying to come together in harmony. And, in this country, unfortunately we've had a lot of people with bad experiences or who’ve had bad experiences, whether personally or with some relative or friend that was close to them. What works for one couple, probably won't work for another couple. We get so caught up sometimes with what we think is right on the outside and we adhere to these things not recognizing that it’s ok to be different, because not everything that works for you, are things that are going to work for me. In that aspect, Relationship Therapy is very different. But it's also very similar in that you're dealing with the individual mind.

5. Do you think "monogamy" is still popular among Bahamians? I think monogamy still is popular. I think a lot of people are afraid of what monogamy means. Because as I said in the previous question, a lot of people have had bad experiences. I think people still want it, but they don't know if there's a way to go about it anymore. I guess the question is; ‘How can I deal with my fear regarding monogamy?’

I talk to a lot of people intimately. People want it. People hunger for it. But when they’re presented with the options they see out there, monogamy doesn't seem like the right choice. That gives the impression that no one is interested in monogamy. When I really break down the walls and talk about the core issues, men still want to get married, women still want to get married. People want solid, descent relationships, but no one's going to invest in that if they feel as though the other person isn't going to invest in it too. As I've said before, once we do a good job of regulating self, we can get back to that place of enjoying true monogamy.

6. Walk us through a session with you? Well let me start by saying, no one session is similar. But usually in the first session I like to try and break the ice by getting to know the person. I let them know my rules of confidentiality are strong, and these four walls is their sanctuary. No matter what it is we discuss or talk about, nothing ever leaves this room. Less you take it out there of course. I try to be as relaxed and personable as best I can. A lot of that has to do with the paint on my walls, believe it or not. The Febreze scents and the waxes placed in my room create that sensation of being comfortable. Because people just can't talk unless their comfortable. I carry on much like you would with any other regular conversation. But the difference between a regular conversation that you would have with a friend, versus with a therapist is one-- the critical eye, number two-- a physiological understanding of what is happening here, number three-- an appreciation for past experiences in relation to future goals. And, lastly, what does this mean for where I am currently. Conversations with a therapist has to be guided. If it is not guided, it could be derailed by harboring on one thing too long, or by allowing a person to just continually regurgitate things. When you're talking to a friend, those things don’t matter. But the goal in therapy is to have conversations that can help us attack issues and respond effectively with an answer that can actually work, so that when that person leaves the session, they can apply that to their lives.


>>> man on the rise 7. You have become a social media sensation over the make sure that I am living the same things I am preaching to others. last year, how has that impacted your practice? In regard to being a social media sensation, it has definitely increased the business that I have. My inbox is constantly always filled with people who are reaching out—wanting me to give them some advice. My schedule is really booked, and I’m very happy and blessed because of that. I don't take it for granted. Social media is the way of the future. If you're not on social media you are definitely hurting yourself. What I did was I brought therapy to social media—videos right in people's hands, advice right at your fingertips, and that has been critical. To operate outside of that to me would have been self-sabotaging. Social media has impacted my practice in a positive way. I’m riding the wave and loving it, and I can't really complain at all about it.

8. You won "The People's Choice" Icon Award last year, and some people have even called you "The People's Therapist", what's it like having the attention of so many Bahamians? So, in winning the People's Choice Icon of the Year Award, and even being considered the People’s Therapist, it's a new thing for me to be dealing with that much attention on this level. Without tooting my own horn, I always felt like a lot of people knew who I was. But now, I would literally be walking in the store and someone would come up to me and ask for a photo or they would always ask me if I'm the guy who makes the videos on Facebook. People are always approaching me and my wife while we're out, and it's cool. Bahamians have never been star struck, and I think that’s an amazing thing about our culture. You can be who you are here, and you don’t have to worry so much about people invading your privacy. That's amazing! But, it's very humbling to know that what I do is actually reaching a lot of people. I guess that was evident because people voted for me. There were a lot of other heavy weights in my category as well, so to be selected as the Icon of the Year humbled me a lot. It let me know that I was doing something purposeful, and that people were actually receiving help from my work on social media. Sometimes it takes some getting used to, because I see myself as any other Bahamian out there, not really any different. But I welcome it. I embrace it. And, I know that people are watching me, so it keeps me honest. I have to


9. What advice would you give to a teenage male having trouble fitting in? One of the first things about trying to fit in, is that you can't. Because there are about 7 billion people in the world, and everybody else is already taken. Unfortunately, society, and to a large part the media—social and TV and radio, they drill into our heads that we have to be a certain way, we have to act a certain way, we have to speak a certain way in order to be considered acceptable. And that's just not true. Outside of being right or wrong, there is a lot of leeway in terms of what it is we should be doing to fit in. And that should come almost like a default setting for us. Once you are being yourself, that should be the one thing you aim for. Trying to impress people, trying to do things for glory just for facetious reasons, those aren’t reasons enough to want to fit in. If you're engaged in something and it’s something you believe in, continue following that passion. Anything else outside of that is a lot of noise in the market I like to call it. We live in a male dominated world, and yes, we're under so much pressure as men to fit in and to conform. Sometimes that causes us to become distracted from what our true calling or our true purpose is. My suggestion to any male out there trying to fit in—do you!

10. What advice would you give to a man who is unable to find a suitable mate? I always encourage people who are trying to find the ‘right one’ to actually find their passion instead. I don't really believe that people should go out there to find the right one. Because when you go out there trying to find a suitable mate, you are very specific in what you think your needs and your desires are; which you may know to a degree, but I think a better approach would be to happen upon someone. How do you happen upon someone? When you work within your purpose and your calling, you’re not impressing anybody. You’re not trying to put on a show for anybody. And so, when you happen upon another female, and they see you in a genuine state, working in your purpose, that’s real attraction. That's real connection and real communication that you’re having. Out of


>>> man on the rise that one moment, a relationship is built.

your emotion in a healthy way, it leaks out in a very violent and dysfunctional ways.

11. You are a recently married young Bahamian male, what advice would you give to young men seeking to get married or who've recently tied the knot?

13. What's your take on "Sweet hearting"?

To those who are contemplating marriage-if you are in a serious relationship with your girlfriend, I would suggest that you do not pay too much attention to the things you have not yet accomplished. I was a victim of having to have every single duck lined up. The only problem with that is, you're never ever going to really get that feeling of being 100% ready to make that big move. There's always more money you wish you could save. There’s always more that could be done. If you focus on those things too much, you’ll never get married. Understand that once you have a partnership, and you’re communicating and it's understood exactly what it is you want out of the marriage, then that to me is enough ground to make a decision.

14. When should someone consider seeking out a "Relationship Management Therapist"?

Now, when it comes to those who have already tied the knot, understand that a marriage is very different from a regular relationship. It does not involve 3 or more people. It's between you and your spouse. So, we have to be very careful about the single people we hang out with. We have to be careful about boundaries that we have in place with female friends. We have to also be careful about family, or, what we expose to family. Not necessarily because we want to be secretive, but because their love for us could cause judgments to be passed in an unhealthy way.

12. Society puts a lot of pressure on men to be strong, and there is a popular belief that men should not be emotional, what's your take on this? Society does put a lot of pressure on us to be strong and not show emotions, and I think this has crippled us for a long time. Because what it means is that we can no longer respond in a healthy to something that comes so natural to us. Not just as men, but as human beings. We feel sorrow, we feel happiness, we feel fear, we get angry. Society tells us that we can’t express outwardly how we feel about these things. So, if we can't do these things, then we have to overcompensate. And how do we overcompensate? By becoming more aggressive, by putting too much emphasis on being hard and tough and by not showing any emotion. This isn't healthy! Because when you're not able to show


Obviously, I think it's wrong. But I hate the fact that “sweet hearting” has now been elevated to a cultural level. This is very, very disheartening because once something elevates to a cultural level, it's no longer questioned with a critical eye. It’s just accepted as just another norm. Hence “sweet hearting” is so widely accepted nowadays.

I think at the point communication stops. At the point where resentment has prevented us from moving forward, and, I think finally when things are starting to slip out of the grasp of that relationship dynamic, that's the moment when you want to seek some help. It does no one any justice to deny that you have a problem. It doesn't benefit anyone thinking that it’ll just work itself out. Why take that risk? Why wait for things to get worst? Why not bend the odds in our favor by getting professional help to see whether this is something that can just work itself out or whether some focused therapy is needed? I think we have labeled therapy in this country as being somewhat crazy, and that's not necessarily so. Therapy is actually for regular people who need help getting over certain obstacles. The crazy people are the ones who go to psychiatrist.

15. What is your male to female clientele ratio? I definitely have a whole lot more females that I do males. I think the ratio is 3:1. I can surely say within the last year and a half however, my male clientele has been increasing. And that's good. Because it does mean that we’re beginning to challenge the notion that therapy is wrong. It means that we can now work around the male ego—which for a long time prevented us from getting the help we really need.

16. Finish this sentence: "Therapy is....." ….an environment we create for us to accurately address issues that we are not able to address on our own. Whether that's individually, in relationships, as a family.

17. What advice would you give to anyone looking to get into your field? Be prepared! This is not a field for the lighthearted. I say that because this is a very personal field;

meaning you're going to be interacting with your clients on a one-on-one basis every single day. If you don’t know how to build trust, and how to be effective in creating avenues for yourself to have work, you're not going to be very successful in this field. Before studying psychology, I was working in the bank. Making that transition, I was literally without work for about a year and a half before I saw my first client. If you don’t have grit or understand your ‘Why’for doing what it is you're doing, then it’s going to be hard to get out of bed to do the work.

18. What final word do you have for the "Bruthas"? No matter what it is you do in life, no matter where it is you go, no matter what trials or tribulations come your way, never forget who you are. I think one of the worst things a person can do it traverse this world not knowing who they are. Knowing who you are gives you power. It gives you knowledge. It gives you security to move through this earth with authority. Too many people are questioning things they don’t have to question. Too many people are asking for help on things that they shouldn't have to be asking help for. This is largely due to the fact that we don't know ourselves. When we figure that out, that is power, that is knowledge, that is opportunity, that is wealth.


dkly >>> femme fatale

kristen cartwright is

The Goddess of Swimmys


ypse #dklypseswimwear


>>> femme fatale Firstly, we're anxious to know more about you. Who would you say is Kristen Cartwright? Most people when they meet me notice that I'm quiet or seem shy, but really I’m just feeling you out to see how fun you can be so I can turn up around you and bring the good vibes.

Tell us about Dklypse. Not a thousand years ago would I believe I would be an entrepreneur and a Swimwear Designer but here I am and I’m happy I made the choice to step out on a limb with something I love to do everyday. Dklypse is my baby and it’s my life now, I’m not even known as Kristen anymore, I'm known as the swimwear lady (lol). Which makes me smile every time someone says it because it’s really nice to hear someone say something positive about you.

How did you get into making swimwear? I live in a place where it’s hot 80% of the year and that’s exactly what has driven me to make swimwear. Besides me starting out not even knowing how to use a sewing machine, I was determined to learn and get my swimmys out there and here I am now sewing and designing swimmys everyday. (Who knew this was a job when I was 10 years old lol?) Everybody pushed for me to be something else but of course as always I did things my way and look I'm happy and blessed!

Was it hard in the beginning? I didn't realize how hard it was running a business until 4 years later into my business (which is now) I had so much determination to make my swimmys the best product for the Best Buy that nothing was


hard for me, it was more a challenge on how can I better my product? How Can I reach out to my clients? What are they looking for in swimwear? I didn’t realize how much work I had put in until now. And now I can see that it was hard work and dedication that got me where I am. I am fueled by past accomplishments to accomplish more so I never recognize anything as hard but just as another step to making women feel comfortable in their own skin while wearing a swimsuit (which is a real challenge for women nowadays) so if I can make a woman feel confident and comfortable about herself in a swimsuit then I have conquered the world.

Living in The Bahamas, how was the support in launching your brand? There are people who love my brand and there are people who dislike my brand. The ones who dislike my brand are the ones who don’t understand what my brand is about and that’s where I have to put in more work (the work never stops) but those who love my brand has always shown support and loyalty and that adds to the fuel that keeps me going because some days it can be hard being an entrepreneur.

When did the urge to start a business first hit? Long story short, it was my first year in college and I needed cash for myself and I decided that launching a swimwear brand in the Bahamas would be perfect and it would be the best way to bring in extra cash with a positive meaning behind it.

What does the name stand for? DKLYPSE has always been a tricky word for people to pronounce and that’s okay because at least my brand won’t be overlooked but the meaning behind DKLYPSE is powerful. DKLYPSE is actually a feeling. You know how your body moves when you hear the Calypso music? Well it’s a play on the word Calypso so it's (The-Klypse Feeling). That is exactly how your body moves while looking in the mirror when you try on a ‘DKLYPSE’ swimmy that you absolutely love! It's a feeling that I want to spread all around the world to all women. I want to make women feel confident in themselves and in what they wear.

What all products do you offer? At the moment I offer swimwear for women but I will be adding swim trunks for men and also kids



swimwear to my website soon.

Is it all you or do you have partners? At this time, it’s just myself, I design and sew every suit that comes under Dklypse.

Who would you poise as your competitors? My main goal for Dklypse Swimwear is to make women feel good about themselves. Let them know and feel that they are queens and goddesses of this world so if I have a competitor for that then I consider you a part of my team. #GirlPower

It’s hard making that first step, what advice would you give to other aspiring fashion designers out there? The best advice I can give anyone is, if you want it, go for it and don’t stop until you get it!

Where can the public find Dklypse? You can view/shop my swimwear on www. and you can also find me on Facebook and Instagram @dklypseswimwear

How do you differentiate? The best part about my swimwear brand is that it’s handmade and that you can customize your suits to your exact measurements and have it made in any color or prints on my website so you can have a suit especially made for yourself at a really good price.

What are your future plans? I want to expand my swimsuits more into hotels and boutiques in travel destinations around the world and I'm looking for a Dklypse team that can help me do that. Everyday I wake up and I love what I do and want a team that will feel the same way and help achieve my main goal of uplifting women all around the world.


>>> bruthaman

Get Out!


Are you still planning? The Planning stage of life is usually the sunken place. It's like a hypnotized state most persons fall into and unfortunately stay there, for far too long. Two words if you’re still planning: Get Out! You've been planning to launch, release, debut, leap, jump, propose please just execute already. The world needs your ideas, gifts and your creativity don’t just keep them all trapped on paper, in that pocket book or in the notes app on your phone because you decided to type them out after writing them over and over.

You get to improve daily… The greatest moguls in the world executed their plans by simply taking the first step after the birth of their idea. Take Steve Jobs for example the iPhone is on the 7th generation because he didn’t sink into the planning stage forever, he got out and made it happen. The greatest part about executing is that you get to improve daily, but if you never get started its difficult knowing what will require improvement. Consider Walt Disney, another creative and the mastermind behind the world's greatest theme parks, is able to globally benefit from Disney theme parks worldwide as a result of execution. It’s noble to have really big dreams but you'll eventually want to wake up, get out and make those dreams a reality. Your dreams will not serve the world any good by remaining dreams.

Success doesn’t happen by chance… Zig Ziglar, a great author, once said, you don't have to be great to start but you'll definitely have to start in order to be great. Ok, I’m 100% sure before


reading this you would have been conditioned to the belief that if you fail to plan then you basically plan to fail, that's cool but- don't over plan, then evaluate the plan, then rest your plan in the storage room and forget it there. It's time to get it done! Make it happen in a major way, have your voice heard and your talent showcased. The ultimate success doesn't happen by chance, it's your ability to step out on faith and choosing to be nothing less than superb. Success is most definitely a choice.

Quit the Limiting Beliefs I know you've been trying to figure out what's hindering you from starting and the easy excuse to give is time and money. The truth is time and money are illusions to make you feel comfortable about continuing to keep your plans stored away. The real answer to what's hindering you from starting is neither time nor money- it's YOU. If there's a burning desire inside of you, that's called passion and if you continue giving yourself excuses as to why that passion cannot be released eventually that flame inside dies. You've got to picture yourself winning, impacting lives through your gifts and having that passion transform into your purpose. Your purpose is what will drive you on days when you feel like nothing else can or will. Imagine doing what you love every day and truly enjoying life because you’re living your dreams and it doesn’t feel like work; that would be amazing right? Doing what you love is finally taking the plans out of storage and bringing them to fruition, possibly generating profits thereafter, increasing marketing, supplying your demands and satisfying your market. Fruition- doing more and saying less, with passion. Get out & Make it happen!

'You've got to picture yourself winning, impacting lives through your gifts and having that passion transform into your purpose.'



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