Brutha JUL/AUG 2017 Issue #13

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issue o N 13

artist spotlight 38 Making art with Steffon G.

cover feature 46 Remembering Cleophas Adderley + The Men of Icon 2017

man on the rise 62 Can we shift the culture? Travis Miller thinks we can.

femme fatale 68 Catch'n up with Songstress Wendi


06 EDITOR’S LETTER 08 COntributors 09 Credits 10 power & money Feeling burnt out? Read how to get over it.

12 SHE SAYS / he says You cheated! Now what?

16 creating the balance Maybe not getting her number was good afterall.

18 WORK IT Could this new trend become the norm?

20 fashion What's your fashion mood?

32 face it To bear or bare? Latest trends in men's grooming.

34 fitness Ethan talks supplements and workout tips.

72 bruthaman Yes You Can is the thought of the day!

ON THE COVER: CLEOPHAS ADDERLEY Photographed by Braxton Gardiner in Nassau, Bahamas


editor’s letter To my Brutha, Here is the ICONIC issue. To be honest, this was one of the most challenging issues to produce. From re-shooting and editing to unexpected life movemenets such as death. I for one did not expect that we would have been one of, if not the last publication to snap a picture of the late Cleophas Adderley. A true pioneer in youth development, Mr. Adderley has amassed a great life's work in music, charity and national pride through the National Youth Choir over the last 30+ years. So we've dedicated this issue to the fallen Brutha, highlighting his work in nation building and youth development. IN THIS ISSUE< we have featured Cleophas Adderley, who received the lifetime achievement award on June 17 at the ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards. Moreover, we bring you the Men of Icon 2017. Travis Miller of Shift The Culture, as our Man On The Rise, Bahamian songstress Wendi as Femme Fatale and Making Art Life: The Steffon Grant Story. Don't forget there is still talk on love, sex, relationships, food and fashion. Always remember the why you are doing whatever you're doing. Never stop believing in yourself and your life's work. Until next time...much love Brutha,

Travis T. Sweeting Editor-In-Chief

Let me know what's on your mind by following me:



let’s make magic.




Ethan Is the founding partner of Elite Fitness Consulting, the leading wellness and fitness consulting firm in the Bahamas. After losing 110 he not only transformed his bod but his life as well. He decided to go full time into wellness after the tragic passing of his brother in 2013. Every day he helps people tap into their inner power and transform their bodies and their lives. Ethan is the father of Rebecca Quant, his 9 year old daughter who is so proud of him for going from FAT to FIT. He constantly strives to be the best possible version of himself.



Founder of Link Bahamas. Link Bahamas is social networking company that focuses on love, relationships and dating. Born and raised in the beautiful Bahamas. Surrounded by beauty, a priceless island life and, of course, a unique small island dating community. I believe in love and laughter. I’ve had my share of love and life experience, some great, some, not as great. But, at the end of the day there will always be love, especially where you least expect it.



Rashad Leamount is a singer/ songwriter from The Bahamas. His brand of well crafted R&B is both classic and contemporary; rooted in the neo-soul sounds of the 1990’s yet driven by the innovation of current Indie R&B/Hip-Hop. His sound is a seductive storytelling of love, loss, & lust set to the backdrop of effortlessly layered ambient sounds and Kanye-esque percussion. His risque wordplay and acute vulnerability typifies his passion for creating what he calls “soundtracks to urban novellas.”He takes inspiration from a wide spectrum of Contemporary R&B, Pop, & Rock styles with his major influences being Janet Jackson, Prince, Patti Labelle, Lenny Kravitz, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Beyoncé, Frank Ocean, Miguel, Solange & Kanye West.

Born on the island of New Providence on February 10th, 1993. She is an Aquarius, and a student at the University of the Bahamas studying Media Journalism. She is a great leader and role model for young people. Dawn was a part of toastmasters’ club 3956 where she served as public relations officer for a year, and appeared on the NHI Bahamas local commercial during a short stay there. Dawn found herself many times counselling, motivating, and inspiring her peers to be the best they can be. However, she discovered her love for writing while in high school when she made up her mind to write out her notes all the time in an effort to study for exams. Dawn enjoys, reading, networking, and of course writing. While in high school, Dawn became a scholar in English and Literature, and upon graduating received outstanding awards for both subjects. While in her spare time, Dawn advertises for her family business, takes part in needle work, and spend time having good clean fun with her friends. Her vibe is attractive. When you get the chance of meeting her, you will become instantly attached. She is genuine and likes to stick to the point. Through writing, Dawn wants to help people make something of themselves. Dawn wants readers to not only read, rather apply the readings to their daily lives.




Editor-In-Chief // Publisher





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Art Director

ANITA CLARE, braxton gardiner donald knowles Contributing Photographers


Managing Editor,


This Magazine is published Bi-MONTHLY. No part of Brutha Magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written consent from Sivart Media Group, LLC. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or refuse material and we are not responsible for products that appear in this publication. © 2017 Brutha Magazine. All Rights Reserved.


>>> power & money

How To deal with life burn-out


o you don't kill somebody at a traffic light? So you don't scream and yell at your kids?

So you don't fault your dog for being a dog? I'm at the end of a serious stretch. Well, if I think about it, I worked the week before Monday through Friday. Went to Chicago for a boot camp, that makes seven days. Then worked this week. So I am basically at a stretch where I've done 12 straight days of working. Now, I love my work, I think it is fantastic, but 12 days of coaching, 12 days of listening to people, 12 days of being in tune with everybody — because when I coach, I am intuitively dialing into who they are as a person so I can help figure out exactly what is blocking them from achieving the life and love success that they want. I listen carefully to every word that they say and I take notes so I'm able to help them transform their life and do so in a fast, efficient way instead of having to pay years and years and years of endless therapy. That takes a lot of brainwaves. It takes a lot of bandwidth. And it also takes a lot of energy - energy out. I'm taking it in and I'm pouring the energy out. I'm


not complaining at all, because I find it a blessing to be able to impact and help people become who they always wanted to be. I enjoy every single minute of it, and that's why I chose to do this for a living. But, as I'm dictating this, driving to a friend's house on a Friday night, I realize I am fucking burnt out. I didn't get to do as many of the creative programs that I wanted to do this week. I'll probably now schedule them for next week because I've got some unbelievably amazing creative products and projects that I want to get to all of you. So how do I deal with life burn-out? I know when I'm burnt out when I think to myself, I just want to get the fuck out of here and leave. It's a feeling I get when I'm burnt out. I try to close my eyes and think about the most peaceful place I can imagine and to me, it's always back at my grandmother's house in childhood. I always imagine being back on the eastern end of Long Island and maybe Sky Harbor or Hampton Bay, or kicking back on a patio or porch, watching the sunset, listening to the birds and really just kicking back and smelling the beautiful, incredible, fresh bay air. To me, the sun in California is way too strong, way too hot. I love the east coast sun, because you can actually allow it to sink into your skin without feeling it's going to melt you to the bone. Knowing that I can't get on a plane and leave because I have my daughter this weekend. I then think about how I can deal with burn-out without really snapping at any of my friends because people want me to show up for them and enjoy my company. When I get this way, I realize I've got to make some changes. Nothing radical at all, but I need to realize I need to take a little more of a time out. I've always been a type-A personality and I've got some major goals and aspirations right now to accomplish a lot of different things. I call this the adult version of the time out. When you're feeling all twisted and tangled up and you just need a time out, take one. Take the afternoon off, do something you love. Watch TV, go for a walk. Walk, workout, or swim, or talk to people, connect. Whatever brings you joy and happiness. If you wake up the following morning and realize, well, you know what you need a little bit more of a time out again, then I strongly suggest you take the second time out, spend another day just turning off your electronic devices, not answering texts. The texts are actually energy out. Not answering e-mails. Just taking the time for yourself to regenerate, rejuvenate, and really get connected back to yourself. There's a lot of demand in today's modern world and sometimes we just need to unplug, to just feel better and so we don't burn out.

...if you wake up the following morning and realize, well, you know what you need a little bit more of a time out again, then I strongly suggest you do THIS... BY david wygant |



You Cheated: now what?


heating is one of the most dreadful occurrences in a relationship. Both parties involved – whether you are the cheater or the one being cheated on – can find themselves dealing with some serious emotional consequences after the act. There are different factors and effects of cheating and not all people handle it the same way. So what if you have done the unacceptable and find yourself in this predicament? How does it affect your partner and what does it say about you? Again, recognizing that everyone handles things differently – here are a few things to consider:

Let’s Define Cheating

emotional cheating, physical cheating, emotional/physical, and reactionary.

Emotional cheating

occurs when a person who is in a relationship becomes emotionally intimate with another individual with the absence of physical intimacy. Often individuals who emotionally cheat feel they are lacking support, understanding, and/or love from their current partner. Others just happen to find someone else they are equally as attracted to as their partner and begin to develop a bond.

Physical cheating, which seems to be the most loathed, Not all cheating is the same and before I address the issue is simply the act of having sexual relations with someone itself, defining the forms of cheating is essential. There is outside of your relationship.


Reactionary cheating is either emotional and/or physical cheating in reaction or revenge to your partner's behavior. Now that we have the definitions, let's address a couple of scenarios.

Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater Everyone's heard the saying that once you're a cheater, you're always a cheater. And for a good number of people who cheat, that is true. We all have known someone who just can't be faithful and committed to one person no matter how hard they try. So what are you to do, and what is your partner to do? Simple. Be real and get out of the relationship. If you find that you just can't be monogamous, then don't attempt to do it until you're ready. And if you find that you will never be ready, accept within yourself that being monogamous isn't a reality for you on your life's journey. Let's face it. While society tells us that monogamy is the most acceptable form of relationship – that just isn't true for many. Yes it may be hard for people to accept that you are the type to have multiple partners, but the only person that matters at the end of the day is YOURSELF! So if this is you, either find a partner who accepts your cheating behavior or find another form of relationship such as a polygamous or open relationship.

Baby I’m Sorry and I’ll Never Do It Again So you're monogamous, you love your partner and want to stay committed, but you had a slip-up. What happens now? First, be honest with yourself as to why you are in a committed relationship and why you want to be monogamous. After you have this self-reflection, and you are serious about monogamy, then move forward. But if you're not serious, refer back to the above section. Next, apologize, but only say it if you really mean it. After the apology, sit down with your partner and discuss the reason and cause of your behavior. Be mindful that

your partner may become insecure, question what it is about them that caused you to cheat, or begin to think very low of you. Ask your partner how it makes them feel and how you two should move forward. Find out what it is you need to do to make them feel secure and regain their trust and be sure to do those things. If they accept you and are willing to work on the relationship, then by all means, move forward. But if moving forward causes you or your partner too much pain and you find yourself being ridiculed and constantly accused, then do the best thing for the both of you – LEAVE! Though you may be the reason your partner is hurting and distrusting, staying with them in this case will not help. Healing must take place and that can't happen in an unhealthy environment.

Time To Decide So in understanding the various types of cheating and the two types of cheaters, it all boils down to choice. Again, find out who you are and what you need. Don't let the pressures of society or being with a particular person keep you from being honest with yourself and those involved. I know it sounds a bit idealistic, but you if you just can't be monogamous – don't force it. Find the style of relationship that best fits you. Trust me, although the type of people who meet your needs maybe harder to find, they are definitely out there. And if you fit the "Baby I'm Sorry" category, remember, be honest and be sincere. Recognize why you did it and find ways you and your partner can move forward. But remember; don't allow your mistake to be the rain cloud that hovers over your relationship. If you find you and your partner can't heal and get passed the indiscretion, then it's time to go. Cheating can be one of life's most convoluted behavioral mishaps but everything teaches us something about ourselves. Learn from it, forgive yourself, grow and move on.

...Though you may be the reason your partner is hurting and distrusting, staying with them in this case will not help... BY zakiya muwwakkil


>>> he says this mother*cker just say cheating can be the savior of a relationship?

You Cheated: now what? W

e search for the small, golden piece of the condom wrapper we bit off and spat across the room before we search the pillows and linen for any scent she may have left behind. Wrap the condom in a toilet paper ribbon and put the wrapper, in it's entirety, inside the cereal box we threw away a few days ago, and bury that cereal box at the bottom of the garbage. Feel guilty for a few moments, take a piss and dismiss it, then go grab a few laughs with the friends who know you best. This is how the right after begins. Writing math theorems we were supposed to have memorized on desks three minutes before a test taught us early on how to live with guilt. We minimize it, rationalize, and move on. Shawn Carter told us that we have to learn to live with regret. We do. We send those women home in cabs we won’t pay for, swish around a little mouthwash and kiss our girlfriends, wives, lovers minutes later when they come walking through the door. Then we talk and laugh and smile. We tell ourselves our dicks won't always frequent the available abysses, and will find themselves happy with just one. Since very possible, and rarely proven, we tell God that if the last dip into the girl pool goes undiscovered, we'll stop. But the flesh is weak, isn't it? What we aren't telling ourselves, or maybe we are but doing a poor job convincing ourselves, is what we're doing when we press send on that text message at 3:15am telling the girl from the bar that we're bored and massages are free if she can get there before the sun comes up could be the savior of our relationship with the woman we love. Did


If carefully planned and immaculately executed, what happens after isn't a four hour conversation about something of no interest to men, but a few laughs with the woman you love most because thanks to the one you had put the hotel room on her prepaid debit card, you released all your tensions and frustrations and all is now right with the world. What if, however, cheating opened up your lines of communication? What if you walked in the house and talked to her about what it was that made you cheat? Speaking with a group of coeds from George Mason University not long ago, I took a bold dive into the look of relationships. More and more people are coming to terms with the possibility of their partner cheating, so they make room. They blow the dust off their lines of communication, and remove affair from their list of deal breakers. But those lines aren't yet fully open, and these small towns I often frequent haven't evolved as much as they should sexually, so what normally happens after the affair is roughly two weeks of fear that the entire condom wrapper may not have been discarded and the one you love most will find it tucked in the fitted sheet. You spend those two weeks planning exciting adventures out of the house in places the other woman knows nothing about, and you promise yourself, for those two weeks, you won't do it again. What happens after the cheating is you cheat again.

What happens after the cheating is you cheat again...



>>> creating the balance


ou blew getting her number. For those of you who have followed me, I ca ll this moment the carrot grow moment. For those of you who don’t, let me tell you the stor y.

A long time ago, in a la nd far far away (it was probably in the beginning of this centur y, in a land far far away, ca lled Brentwood).... I was in the Whole Foods in Brentwood in Los Angeles. It was a Tuesday night. I was doing my usua l thing; whenever I wa l ked into that Whole Foods, I was a l ways constantly looking for somebody to flir t with. I trained my brain that way, and it’s rea lly impor tant for men and women to train their brains that way, too. Now we've trained our brain now to constantly stare at our phone screens. These were the simpler days, in a land far far away, in a time when ever ybody was still innocent and not add icted to their phones. I wa l ked in; I d id the usua l look down each aisle to see who was in there, because to me it was efficient. I'd get my food, I'd hopefully connect with somebody, and get a great date, a nd have a fu ture girlfriend. Once again, mindset is ever ything. I d idn't wa l k in there with my phone, staring at it, ignoring people like people do today. Did I ma ke my point? Good. There she was. She was looking at the carrots. I, like I a l ways do, observed something. I wanted to ta l k to her, bu t being a nor ma l man, instead of thinking of what pickup line to use, I a llowed my brain and my creativity to notice something. I took a deep breath, which I a l ways do, and I noticed the fact that she was struggling to get carrots into a bag. I wa l ked over with confidence. I have no fear ta l king with somebody because she is another woman — a person. She's an equa l. She's not a fantasy, she's not somebody I need to va lidate myself in front of, she's just a nor ma l being and that's how I a l ways ta l k to ever ybody, whether it's a girl, an old man, an old woman, a child. Just ma ke a d ifference. I don't have any of that sexua l esca lation cra p and a ll the other stuff that people worr y abou t so much. I just know that I'm tr ying to ma ke a human to human connection. She’s struggling tr ying to get the carrots in a plastic bag. She couldn't get the plastic bag open. I looked at her, and I said, ƈAllow me.ƉI touched the carrots, wetted my fingers, pulled a new bag down, and having wet the fingers was


able to open up the bag. I shook it open and I held it open for her and a llowed her to pu t the carrots in. We stared at each other because it was one of those moments when you know you have instant attraction with somebody. I told her this was one of the greatest skills I possessed; it's my superhero power. Something like that. We ta l ked a little bit more and then we wa l ked away. I couldn't believe it. I actua lly wa l ked away from somebody I was so attracted to. So what d id I do next? I quickly got my stuff. I went into the line behind her, two people behind her. She smiled and said hi again. I smiled a nd said hi back. The little old lady and the man between us? Well, it was a buffer zone. I a llowed that to intimidate, or stop me from having a conversation. She swiped her card, paid her bill, and wa l ked ou t. As she wa l ked ou t, she looked back and smiled and waved at me one more time. What d id I do? I d id nothing. I d idn't run after her, I d idn't tell her that we should go ou t, I d idn't do a thing. Mista ke? A few weeks later I ran into her in a bar. She wa l ked in there. A friend of mine gave her a hug, and I said, do you know my carrot girl? He goes yeah, she's ama zing. I said, "who's the dude?," hoping that it was like a long-ter m boyfriend and we just had some flir tatious man-woman moment and there was nothing more. He looked at me and said, she just met him, two days ago, and they rea lly hit it off. She's been looking for a relationship for so long. She's ver y open. And I looked at him, and I said yeah, a nd I told him my carrot girl stor y. He looked at me and said, you blew it, and I said, yes I d id. We a ll have these stories, we a ll have our carrot girl. Bu t what you need to do, instead of thinking you blew it, you need to rea lize you've arrived. It's changing your mindset in ever ything. How many times d id the team that lost the AFC or NFC title game the following year go on to win the Super Bowl? Did they blow the AFC title game, or d id they ta ke their mindset and rea lize that they arrived? It's a ll abou t rea lizing you've arrived. It's a ll abou t you for mulating your mindset. It's a ll abou t how you deter mine the ou tcome to be. Yes, you blew it. Bu t once again, reframing it and saying to yourself: I'm ready. I'm ready to date the most beau tiful woman I can find. I'm no longer going to date what I've

"what you need to do, instead of thinking you blew it, you need to realize you've arrived."

been accepting. I can flir t with beau tiful women and they respond to me. Beau tiful women desire me. Beau tiful women crave me. Beau tiful women adore me. Beau tiful women respond to me the way I am, the magica l, ama zing version of myself. That's how you need to reframe it. Don't beat yourself up. Look at the win that just ha ppened. Because there was a major win that ha ppened. Embrace that win and then watch how you now can effor tlessly a pproach beau tiful women and the next one you'll ask ou t with confidence because you had a win and not a loss.



>>> work it

by erin gay

Could Chasing Mr. Right

become a thing?


o matter what we say, members of the opposite sex, tend to be our greatest influencers in life.

For us females, most of us are influenced from quite an early age and have been subtly preparing for Mr. Right. Now ladies, before we all get


defensive and upset, notice I said MOST. During childhood, we’re taught to take care of our doll babies, like they were own living babies. Then we are given housekeeping toys, such at the easy bake oven or the life size playhouse that we maintain. If you were like me and grew up with brothers and a lot of male cousins, I found myself mostly indoors

and doing the girl chores such as cooking, and keeping everything clean while the boys roughhoused, played sports and did yard work. As females get older, we begin experimenting with hairstyles, makeup, and nail polish and those fun things that enhance our beauty. Innocently we are just being girls and having a good old time until that lovely thing called hormones and puberty sneaks up on us. We are then introduced to all these complicated feelings and emotions and the chase for Mr. Right begins. Deep down inside we all love a good chase. We love winning! We secretly love knowing we are the best and the hunt for the prey is in our animalistic nature. Too much? Ok, but seriously, we all loved a chase whether we realized it or not. Innocently it starts with the first crush. Usually a first crush happens during preteen/ teen years. We all remember those mushy confusing feelings. We obsessively thought about our crush and found any excuse to be near them. We gave them everything! From pens, pencils, candy, anything! We made sure they got treats at every opportunity, Halloween, Christmas, Friday, whenever. And then the heartbreak, he doesn’t feel the same about us, or have lost those feelings and given them to someone else. After that first heartbreak, we obsess about what is wrong with us and often times compare ourselves with the other female. And, this, my friend is where the Mr. Right chase continues. We brush it off, learn from it, some do, and move on. Let's fast forward a bit. Guy and girl graduate from high school, head into the big beautiful world to conquer life. Both are eager, excited and determined to be the best. They're focus and ready to take it all on. That is, until guy and girl meet in a different setting under different circumstances. They are both mature, independent. So, now the game is different! We think about the first crush and then the first teenage love affair and the little heartbreaks that might have followed. With all of the eighteen plus years of experience, we knew it all (insert sarcasm). Yes, we did. And this is where it all begins to get even more complicated. From each crush to fling we are seeking and chasing the next conquest. We don't like to admit to ourselves, but it’s a chase. So, yea, chasing Mr. Right can become a thing and it's

OK! Everybody needs somebody one-way or another. You might not necessarily need them now, today or tomorrow but eventually we do in our own way. A chase can be defined as something pursued. Pursuing something doesn't have to be bad or seen as bad. It's what you make it. A chase can be anything, simple and sweet and not only a negative or elaborate ridiculous thing. Here are a few examples of different types of chasers:

The Fairy Tale Princess/Hopeless Romantic Growing up she loved the princess themed movies where they fall in love at first sight and do everything they can to win the arm of the prince. No mater what obstacles are in the way, because they believe in that love, they will do just about anything to chase down their prince. Look at what Ariel did, she gave up her voice to have legs to walk next to her prince!

Daddy’s Girl Some women experience and observed love from those closest to them and some desire to one day have the great man in their life, the way that their father might have to been to their mother. They watch the affection he showered her with, the laughter in the kitchen as they sipped their cocktails and dance to old school records at birthday parties. Genuine happiness. So, they spend time chasing that dream. To find a man that can honor them as their father did their mother.

The Free Spirit Then you have some women that are just free spirits! They enjoy life and everything that it has to offer. They have a great job, great friends, and are happy! They may not be ready to settle down just yet into a long-term relationship, but they still enjoy a good chase. Dates, adventures, summer romances, flings. These women aren't fully consumed in the hopeless romantic fairy tail, but yet enjoy being a single independent female! Often times the term women chasing after men can come across as seeming to be crazy, fatal attraction. But a chase is what you make it. If you choose to chase for Mr. Right, do it on your terms and make sure you are receptive to your surroundings. Pay attention to what and who you are chasing. Is it worth it? Are you being led on an endless chase to nowhere? Ladies, chase your MR. Right at your own pace. Know what you want and how to get it. And to you men out there, enjoy being chased, but don't take advantage! So, yea. Chasing Mr. Right can become a thing and it's ok! It's your thing, your chase.


>>> fashion




>>> fashion



>>> fashion



>>> fashion



>>> fashion



>>> fashion




>>> face it


he question that's haunted every man at one point in his life. Whether you're the traditional man's man or a modern cultural savant, walking the tightrope of intimate grooming can be no small taskas is any level of personal pamper. To be clear...I'm definitely the later of both men; and I've been less shy taking a weed wacker to the forest. And really, I've done it all. Waxing. Sugaring. Powders/Creams. Clippers. I figure you're probably alarmed now... But you can avoid the hair removal roulette and follow these basic; fool proof, safe measures to battle the bush. The key (in my opinion) is moderation. No bare, less ye be confused for a pre-pubescent

ideal. I guarantee that your next romp will be that much more exciting when the same care and attention paid to your hair/beard when you reveal the love below. 2. This is no place to express your artistic proclivities. No designs fellas. No yellow brick road. No pointing arrows. No poodle puffs. We get it. You're different. But you get no points for pretty and risk making a mockery of your manhood. 3. Be consistent. The first chop will be laborious and strange. But once you get the hang of it, a biweekly visit should be all you need to keep up appearances.

BY rashad leamount 32

4. Exfoliate. Moisturize. Like the rest of your body, the sensitive areas need not be ashy or left to their own devices. Especially

once you start grooming these areas. It will help the skin to remain healthy which leads to less ingrown hairs and other grooming related woes. So yes, fellas you've got to buff & polish the mahogany. Once you've gotten the hang of the quick snip and you're more confident in your intimate grooming, invest in a proper shaver. The head you revel in special times deserves no less attention than the head above, which receives meticulous, weekly grooming. We hope.

OR BARE? lad. But certainly, no bear, cause really who wants that. We're cavemen no more. And while body hair is a personal choice, really fellas, it's time to grow a better set of balls. But this doesn't need to be an elaborate or surgical process. Remember, KISS. Keep it simple stupid. 1. If you wanna get kissed down there; (and who doesn't), don’t subject a willing participant to the perils of the amazon camouflaged by your chinos. Let's face it. We live in hot/wet conditions. If you've got grass inches long, you're just nesting that heat and unpleasantness in your pants. And when that special time comes, you risk ruining the whole vibe with funky smells. Grab a pair of grooming clippers, the ones you trim your beard with, and give Jimmy a little clean up. Specific length is all personal, but low enough to brush but not comb is

mangroomer ultimate pro bodygroomer retails for $49.99

Phillips norelco series 3100 bodygroom retails for $34.99



n o i t a t n e m e l p p u S D

o I have to take supplements to get a great body?

This is a question I get asked very often at Elite Fitness. Just like everything else in life there is a good and bad way to do everything. The best thing you can do is educate yourself. There is a lot of information and misinformation out there so be sure you speak to a fitness professional. To answer the question at hand lets first look at what supplements are and how they work with the body. Supplements, also referred to as Dietary Supplements are intended to provide nutrients to the body, that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities from our food. Supplements include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, amino acids and other substances. The truth is that we have been using supplements in some shape or form our entire lives. Think about when you were a child, the Flintstone vitamins, or the cod liver oil all of these are supplements. Most wellness and fitness programs that require you to do some form of physical activity is going to put stress on the body and utilize nutrients to run effectively. Using supplements is a great way to ensure that your body is getting all of the nutrients it needs to perform efficiently. This means that you don't have to take supplements, but depending on your training program I


would recommend you do. It's like the difference between building a house with a hammer and nails, or using a nail gun. So whether it's because the food quality is poor, nutrient deficient, or you need to get the nutrients in the body quickly to repair and recover, or you simply can't consume the amount of food to get the nutrients your body needs, supplementation is good to help you with your goal of building your dream body. Since there are so many options out there, we do recommend that you do your research so that you can get a better understanding of what your body needs. Your supplement program should work in concert with your meal and nutrition plan, and workout program. Also be sure to check with your physician before starting any supplement regimen. Common Supplements:


Is designed to increase your focus, endurance, strength and energy during a workout. It helps support blood flow to the muscle, give an intense vascular

pump, complete more reps and with recovery Creatine after the workout, ultimately giving faster results. Increases the body's ability to produce energy rapidly .

Testosterone Support

Is used to increase testosterone levels, which helps Vitamin C with performance, strength gains, and muscle Also known as Ascorbic Acid, is needed for the growth. growth and repair of tissues in the body, recovering from wounds and maintaining teeth and bones

Fat Burners

Are stimulants that increase the body's Multi Vitamin metabolism in order to promote faster fat burning Provide vitamins not taken in through the diet. for energy. It treats vitamin deficiency from illness, poor dieting, pregnancy, and many other conditions

Protein Powder

Gives that extra amount of protein needed and helps with optimizing muscle protein synthesis. It helps with muscle building, repair and maintenance and fat loss

Omega 3

Also known as the essential fats, provide the fatty acids the body needs, but are unable to produce alone.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) and other amino Joint Aid acid products Provides joints with the building blocks needed to

Known as the building blocks, they increase the repair themselves; it helps with joint problems. rate of protein synthesis and reduce the rate of protein breakdown. Glutamine Supports protein metabolism and helps with recovery after a workout Again, be sure to consult with your physician before adding supplementation to your regimen. Up next are a few exercisies that you can pretty much do anywhere and at any fitness level.

eq @callme. BY ETHAN QUANT | elite fitness


>>> mr. fitness

stability ball hamstring curl

Lay on the floor with the back of your calves resting on the ball. Raise your butt off the floor by lifting your hips towards the ceiling. Pull the ball in with your feet then push the ball back out to the starting position.


Position your feet against the wall to keep yourself from rolling on the ball. Place your upper body and hips on the ball laying face down. Raise your upper body off the ball while squeezing the lower back Then relax to return to starting position. Be sure to not overextend your body as you come up.

jack knife

With your hands on floor and arms extended down supporting upper body, place your feet on the ball. Once stabilized bend hips and knees, allowing shins to roll over top of ball. Pull knees toward chest until heels are under or near glutes. Return by extending hips and knees to starting position.


standing chest press

Anchor the resistance band to the door at chest height. Grab each handle with your back to the band. Step forward to reduce slack, positioning your hands at chest height. With elbows up and palms facing down, press the band straight out in front of you until your arms reach full extension, and squeeze your chest muscles. Return to starting position and repeat.

front raises

Stand on the middle of the band with feet shoulder-width apart and grip each handle at your sides with palms facing in. Next, without locking your elbows, bring your arms straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Slowly lower back down to starting position.

MODEL: Deon Mitchell Photographed by: Anita Clare in Nassau, Bahamas


>>> artist spotlight

Making Art Life the steffon grant story


BY clarence carvel


s there such a thing as a faith conscious artist?

in my work."

Yes? Maybe?

Like many artist, Steffon derives a great sense of accomplishment from his work. As he puts it, "Art gives me life. It doesnt make me 'feel happy,' but rather it gives me a sense of duty and direction."

Well, there is one artist who removes the guesswork and gives it to you straight, as far as his artistry is concerned. "My artwork is often times a response or a statement about the state of the world I live in. I am a Christian so my worldview is very faith-based. And so, because of this, I'm also careful about how I confront philosophies

The Bahamas has no shortage of artist, who in their own individual way contribute to the growth of the arts and culture movement in the country. As the arts platform expands, and as more doors continue to open for these creative expressionist, I believe the


>>> artist spotlight

possibilities are endless. Just how lucrative is it being an artist in such a small island nation? Moreover, is there a support system in place to help artist better their chances of not getting stuck as the 'struggling artist?' "The Bahamas is the only place I've ever tried to make a living with art," Steffon says. "Some days are better than others financially, but it is the incredible support system I have that keeps me afloat when I should be going under like many others in my field." For many creatives, being recognized or achieving some level of critical acclaim is a significant accomplishment. However, Steffon doesnt believe he has touched the mark just yet. "I've received lots of recognition for my work-- the latest being the Come Alive project at Atlantis Resorts: highlighting successful Bahamian Artists. But, it has not necessarily paid off in all the ways I want," he claims. "I have a handful of collectors but I do not hear about the conversations my art work tries to instigate. To me, the conversation and the financial reward are better indications of how well received my work has been. So far, I have a long way to go." With such a clear intention of what he wants to achieve as an artist, it's quite evident why he is in the spotlight these days. Like most artist today, Steffon is active on social media. While his social following is growing steadily, he hopes the impact can be felt in all areas of his brand. ‘ "There are 3 parts to my business: Commercial Art, Fine Art and Art Education. Social media has put my commercial art (graphics, signage, installations) on the map. However, I've yet to connect with the online

Photographed by Anita Clare at The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas Clothing by K. S. Moses



>>> artist spotlight


audience that cares to buy artwork or book private art sessions." What story is this creative trying to tell? Well, it depends on the customer. "I'm trying to tell the story of every person I do work for. In fact, I'm trying to teach them how to tell their own story through the use of visual art." The road ahead for Steffon Grant includes venturing into new markets where he can continue to challenge himself. Theres a lot still left to explore, and so this artist wants to take advantage of all that is out there to learn and experience. Steffon believes artist must do the emotional work of learning who they are, if they want to be successful. "If you are truly up and coming your work will speak for you. Learn yourself, be yourself and work on your craft. Connect with seasoned artists and become an apprentice...the independent artist dies. Join the conversations at art talks, art exhibitions and participate with other artists. Mostly, hold your head and don't be a statistic of this weird industry," he implored. When asked, what does he know for sure? "For sure, I know that my life is ordered by the Lord and not in a clichĂŠ kind of way," adding "I know that visual art is the next big industry in The Bahamas and will power the entire region once we invest in it now." With artist like Steffon and the many others who are hard at work creating and sharing and engaging the world with their art, the future looks bright. I expect so much more from this young artist. And you should too. You can follow Steffon Grant on Facebook and Instagram @BahamianArt




>>> feature

husband. father. mentor. icon. lifetime achiever.

cleophas adderley Images provided by Donald Knowles


Feature Sponsored by The ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards

Remembering O.P. 1955-2017 by Nicolette Bethel


oday, the unthinkable happened. (I am starting writing this post on July 5, 2017, but I know it will take some time to finish it, so make allowances.) Cleophas Adderley has died. He had been ill for some time, fighting a cancer that appeared under the guise of appendicitis, and fighting was the right word for it. He held it at bay far longer than anyone had the right to expect, given his genetics and the stage at which the cancer was discovered—so long, in fact, that we began to imagine, to hope, that he had it licked. But this year it became clear that his time was running out, like sand through a glass. There was nothing more that could be done. And yet. To be forced to say goodbye to Cleophas—O. P. to those who knew him long—was unthinkable. Today, he stepped out of his earthly body and moved somewhere else for good. Once upon a time, I asked my father if he (my father, Clement Bethel) was a musical genius. I had been told by many people that he was. The story that people loved most was the story of my four-year-old father watching his eldest sister Ruth practice the piano. Ruth was studying piano, as sixteen-year-old girls did back in the 1940s, especially sixteen-year-old girls who were part of Gospel Hall families. The Gospel Hall needed young hands to play piano for the big church service. I'm not sure whether she was studying with Mrs. Cumberbatch or with Miss Stuart, but the story I was told was my father would watch her practice, and then when she was finished he would climb up onto the piano stool and play the pieces she was slaughtering flawlessly. At four. I considered that genius, which prompted the question. No,” said my father. “I was a prodigy. That's different. You grow out of that. I'm not a genius. Cleophas is a musical genius.” I have known Cleophas almost as long as I have known myself. Perhaps there’s a span of a year or two that is different: I retain a few memories from the first two years of my life. But my first memory of him was as a tall thin boy who came to my father for music lessons. I


>>> feature


was two or three, and we had just moved into Norfolk Street, Shirlea, where we were renting a house from friends. There are a few things I remember about that house, in particular my father’s piano students. The one I remember best was Cleophas, possibly because the music that emanated from the front room when he was there was memorable. I was three; he would have been eleven or twelve, but to me he looked huge. He kept coming to my father for lessons, even after we moved into Johnson Road, and then, when he became a student at the Government High School, he used to visit our house not only to talk music to my father but also to talk French and Spanish with my mother.

There's an interview with Cleophas in the International Journal of Bahamian Studies. If you don't know the quality or range of his work, I urge you to read it. Even if you do, or think you do, read it anyway. Excerpts are on YouTube, but the interview was much longer. In it, he talks about his musical training, his musical influences, and his oeuvre, and as he does so I understand what my father meant when he called Cleophas a genius. Cleophas was a man whose first language was music, and he was also a man who spent his life trying to master the instruments and techniques that would allow him to get the music out of his head and into a form that other people could read, share, and play.

When my brother and I were grown up, Cleophas was one of those people who visited our home every Christmas. I saw him more often, of course. We moved in the same circles, as he was a member of Christ Church Cathedral, like me; as his mother was good friends with my grandmother, and we visited the house in Dorchester Street once or twice; as he sang in my father’s choir and hung out at the Yarallis’ with the rest of us. But every Christmas, after the sun had gone down and people had had their Christmas dinners, Cleophas would visit my parents, bringing my father and mother their Christmas presents. He was part of our extended family. He was a big brother, a cousin, a friend.

Many Bahamians didn't understand his music. Many dismissed it as “foreign” or “white” or “not Bahamian enough”. Here's what I think: a lot of those who did so have been raised to imagine that nationality trumps humanity. Many of them are the same people who believe that education destroys culture, that learning too much will erase one’s authenticity, that the only worthwhile talent is that which is raw, unpractised, and comes from the “soul”. Because they believe that they haven’t spent enough time with art from around the world to realize that every talented human being starts with similar impulses, and that it is only by studying, by spending time and effort to master and control one’s talent that one truly elevates it. Too many people

who believe in “talent” rather than effort and study end up creating things that are boring, ordinary, and done-before because they haven't spent enough time finding out what has and hasn’t already been shared and presented—without understanding, indeed, what it is that makes theirs unique. They're like people who look down at the ground and shout “AHA! I've discovered an ant!!”without knowing that ants were described and studied long ago, and who are surprised and hurt when people dismiss their contribution. Cleophas was most certainly not one of those people. He was born with a pure and massive talent. He was the kind of man who heard music always in his head. The music he heard was not simple. But it was pure, the kind of music which one can conclude comes straight from God himself. (Those people who are familiar with the play or movie Amadeus will understand what I mean here.) It was not imaginable; it was delivered to his head through some means we can conveniently call supernatural. (In Amadeus, the narrator Salieri describes it “as though he were taking dictation … as though he were hearing the voice of God.”) But because it was so pure and complete, he could not express it without mastering music itself. Cleophas’ music was often impossible for one voice to sing. What he heard in his head often required many voices, or orchestration. As he himself put it:


>>> feature



>>> feature 'the theme for the overture [of his opera Our Boys], I wrote when I was sixteen years old. At that time I was a student at Government High School and one of our studies was fugues. So it’s in fugal form, but it was too syncopated for the lesson (because you have to be able to play it). Then it dawned on me that this is something I need to develop when I have an orchestra or individual musicians. One musician can't play all those cross rhythms.' – Gangelhoff, Gibson & Johnson (2011), “From Classical to Calypso: An Interview with Bahamian Composer and Conductor Cleophas R. E. Adderley”. So to share what he heard in his head, to express the music that flowed inside it, Cleophas had to learn the theory behind writing down music. He had to learn to play instruments so he could play the music. He had to learn how to conduct, to arrange, to orchestrate. Thankfully, he did, and he has left the Bahamian people with a legacy that is unparallelled in this world. But Cleophas was not only a musician. He was a lawyer, a master of the English language, a connoisseur of the visual arts, an aficionado of ballet—and a tailor. He learned the latter skill from his grandfather, Robert M. Bailey, who, with Arthur Lunn, was one of the West Nassau tailors to the society which gathered around the Duke of Windsor in the 1940s. Cleophas used to make all his clothes, all his suits, and he designed and may at one time have actually made the prototypes of the costumes he used in the choir. His creativity and his brilliance were evident to all who talked to him. He was God's gift to us all. There's another interview with Cleophas, this one from the documentary about Winston Saunders’ life, When a Man Dreams Dreams. In this one, he talked about how he came to write his opera. As we remember him, as we mourn him, as we reflect on the loss to us all personally and to the nation as a whole, we need also to pay attention. In order to write what would become the first grand opera in the English-speaking Caribbean, Cleophas Adderley, genius and gift to the nation, was forced to sequester himself, was forced to find time to exercise his God-given talent. This tells us not only about him, but something about ourselves and our society. I have absolutely no doubt that over the next few weeks, politicians and civil servants and ordinary citizens will wax eloquent about what we have lost in Cleophas’ passing. Beyond the personal grief that those of us who knew him as a friend will feel, there is a national grief, a national loss as well. But we would be wise to be cautious here. Because I would say that our nation lost something before Cleophas died as well. For there was much more music in him. There was much, much, much more music in his head. I suspect he heard it all the time, that God talked to him in musical phrases and choruses, and that if he had had the time he would have


written more, much more. I'm not talking about his lifespan here. I'm talking about the hours he had available to him each day, and the fact that we have not created a society that allows creative Bahamians the space to exercise their talents to their fullest while at the same time they make a living. We need also to reflect on the poverty that we force on all Bahamians by not having created a space where people like Cleophas could flourish full time. The fact that Cleophas was a lawyer, not a full-time musician, that he had to work his creating around his day job, is an indictment on us all.

of heaven. We are blessed that he was allowed to walk with us, to talk with us, to be as human as he was with us (because anyone who knew and loved Cleophas knows that he was not the easiest person to please, not the easiest person to get along with; he was blunt and direct, he took offence easily, and he never hesitated to tell you—often in the mildest possible tones—when he was not happy). But he has left us also with a responsibility. As a people, we need to strive, as he did, for perfection in all that we do. And we need to ensure, going forward, that we will continue to produce musicians who are capable of mastering his music. And for that, our national love of mediocrity will just no longer do.

Cleophas Adderley has gone. He has left us with exquisite, difficult music that is hard for ordinary mortals to Walk good, O.P. You are beloved and you are already perform but, which when mastered, sounds like the voice missed.

< Pictured with his wife, Francoise Brooks Adderley and their son. Mr. Adderley was honored at the ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards on June 17 2017 for his work in nation building and youth development. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Icon Awards image by Braxton Gardiner for Brutha Magazine.


>>> feature


the men of icon 2017 The ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards

Founded in 2013 by Addis Huyler, The ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards acknowledges the exemplary achievements of men and women who have excelled in various industries thus contributing to the overall development of the Bahamian community.


What do you do? I'm a DJ - Dj Ovadose.

jasper thomas Rising Star

Now you’re officially an icon, how does that make you feel? It's very overwhelming right now. First and foremost I have to thank God for this opportunity right now, my parents - mom and dad -, my friends and my supporters everybody - it's an amazing feeling right now. I’m very humbled for this opportunity. How did you get into being a disc jockey? At an early age, I had a passion for music so my dad introduced me to a friend and as well as my uncle, he introduced me to a software and from there I practised and eventually mastered that and other software which elevated my skill and passion. I then ventured off into different genres of music. With everything there are highs and lows, what drives you to continue? My fans. Everybody who supports me, all the people who look up to me, the people who come to me and say you’re doing a really good job. They enjoy me as a person, as a DJ, and as an icon. Is there anything you’d say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Dream big. Faith without work is dead so always put in that work. Always believe, have a strong faith, keep God first and be positive. How can people find you? You can find me on all social media platforms @OvadoseTheDj

Photographed by Braxton Gardiner at The ALIV Bahamian Icon Awards


>>> feature

allan wallace Fine Art

What do you do? I'm a visual artist. How do you feeling winning an icon tonight? Feels great man. It always feels good to win something cause I didn't expect to win this. How did you get into visual art? My uncle Brian Wallace, I use to watch him draw from small and I never stopped. Is there anything you’d say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Just follow your dreams man, if someone says there is no room for that smile and say that is a good thing that means now it's your place to make that happen. Anything is possible. How can people find you? Instagram @AllanPachino and Facebook Allan Pachino Wallace

<<< trilogy Allan Wallace + Stefan Davis + Jamaal Rolle

People's Choice Award 56

What do you do? I'm a writer and director. You’re an icon winner for the second time, how does this make you feel? It feels great. When I won for Passage, it was the last award I got for that movie and this is the first award I got for Cargo. Cargo is very special to me, it is a film I started before Passage. There was a lot of trials and tribulations getting it off the ground and to be back here receiving this award first feels like we're on the right track.

kareem mortimer Recorded Entertainment Ensemble

How did you get into filmmaking? I've been in film since I left the Bahamas at 17 for school and never looked back. What drives you to continue? What drives me is stories. I think stories are important because they give you a sense of place and belonging. Once you have a sense of place and belonging then anything you want is possible. That is what I believe. Is there anything you'd say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Stay true to who you are. Always speak the truth. Always know your worth. How can people find you? You can google me or facebook me. I always try to get back to anyone who reaches out. I also have 5 titles online.


>>> feature

What do you do? I'm a fitness professional. You’re officially an icon winner, how does that make you feel? Feels great man. Feels really good to be recognized in the field that I'm in in terms of being an entrepreneur, especially coming from Kemp Road [laughs].. How did you first get into fitness? It all started playing sports from a kid growing up and I definitely think it just transferred all the way into fitness. I know with business and everything you have your highs and your lows, what drives you to continue? It's just passion man. Everyday I get up at 3:20am and work - I remember a quote from Steve Harvey where he says ‘if passion doesn't get you up, if it doesn't drive you then you're not passionate about it. What words would you say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? I'll say dream big, get a plan and follow through. How can people find you? MacFit360 on social media.

jimmy mackey Entrepreneurship


What do you do? I'm an actor. How did you get into acting? It started from a very young was a way to stay out of trouble after returning the States. How do you feel winning an icon tonight? I'm speechless right now. After all that hard work, it's good to be noticed and recognized. To get this is an honor and a privilege, even to just be nominated. With everything you have your highs and lows, how keeps you motivated? My family and my supporters. I don't like to say fans but my without them, there is no me. I also try to learn to from everybody regardless if you're a rookie or veteran. I take what I can from everyone and give back too. Is there anything you’d say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Go for it. Go for your goal. Don't ever stop. Don't let anyone tell you can't do it. You'll always have your doubters. Show them you can do it. How can people find you? I lay low [laughs] but you can find me on facebook at Remardo Russell.

remardo russell Entertainment


>>> feature

What do you do? I'm an educator and youth worker. You’re officially an icon, how does it make you feel? It makes me feel very humbled. It also makes me feel like I have a bigger responsibility now to lead by example and raise up the people around me. How did you first get into education? I was educated abroad and I came back to Harbour Island, where I'm from and I immediately saw some things that weren't available to students there and it made me think I really wish we could do more different things. Therefore, I started working at Harbour Island All Age School for an organization that worked with special needs kids called EEO, from there I started thinking of programs and people came on board with me. My family supported me, people partnered with our organization and it has been a big journey of the community really coming together to do something. I know teaching can be really strenuous, so what drives you to continue? Well obviously my students. Sometimes you're tired you feel like you can't make it into work. Your situations affect the young people you work with that are beyond your control. There are so many variables in the outcomes of a person's life and you're only one variable in a very complicated picture. I guess it's the idea that hey if I'm not there - if I give up - what if that was the final push that was going to turn a person's life around. So my students bring me back to work. My sense of duty, also the fun and joy of working with young people.

william simmons Youth Development


Is there anything you’d say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? Just do it. There's a work by Anne Frank that says ‘how beautiful it is you don't have to wait one minute to make the world a better place.’ You might not think - even I doubted myself - I thought well what difference can I make? But just start and people will come on board with you. Your friends and family will support you and will add their prayers and energy to your life’s work if you do it with a sincere heart. I am so blessed to have that experience and grateful to everyone who has supported me.

What do you do? I'm a medical doctor. Now you’re officially an icon winner, how does that make you feel? It's an interesting feeling because I don't know if doctors try to compete or try to win awards. You hope that you can make a difference in people's lives so you go out there everyday without thinking of winning any kind of award.

dr. cyprian strachan Health

How did you first get into medicine? Has it always been your passion? At the age of 5, I would say I wanted to be a doctor. I'm not sure if it is something I felt or implanted by my parents but it grew from there. All through highschool I said I was growing to be a doctor. I’ve been distracted and gotten away from medicine, worked in agriculture and different places yet it seem it always came back. Perhaps because I had to go to medical school and do this. It has been over 25 years out of medical school so I guess this is what I was supposed to do. I know you said sometimes you get distracted, what drives you to continue? Trying to help people. To make a difference in people's lives is my biggest thing. Is there anything you’d say to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps? If it is your true passion. You have to determine if you want to help people. Don't go after it thinking this is a way to make money but if you're trying to help people then go ahead.


>>> man on the rise

Shifting The Culture with travis miller 62

Photographed by Anita Clare at The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas


here's a lot thats said about the millennial generation. They're opinionated. They're bold. Theyre disruptive. Theyre defiant. And it goes and on. But the truth is, there is much to be celebrated about this very important group of young people. Now, and in the years to come. While we owe a great deal of what we have today to our parents and their parents and those who came way before them, there is no denying that millennials are changing our landscape and the conversation across all facets of society. So, what changed? Well we live in a much different time than that of previous generations. We have more access to technology, quicker access to information and a whole lot more people willing to risk and fail. We are evolving, and we owe a lot of whats taking place to the rise of the entrepreneur. En-tre-preneur, a word in times past that seemed synonymous only with persons who seemed too far to reach and too smart to comprehend. It was foreign. But not any longer. In recent years, weve welcomed companies like Facebook, AirBnB and Uber, and theyve all made our lives better in their own unique way. They've all showed us whats possible when you believe in yourself and your ideas, and have enough courage to take intentional action. As good as this all might sound though, none of this is a walk in the park. To be successful in todays world, whether as an entrepreneur or in achieving your own personal goals— whatever they might be, will require a shift in our mindset. A shift that Travis Miller often talks about in his own circle. A strategist by heart, Travis knows all too well how important having the right mindset, and being involved and engaged in productive conversations can help improve ones chances of success.

By clarence carvel


>>> man on the rise


Heres what Travis had to share in a recent interview: 1. Who is Travis Miller? I'm a Bahamian native who designs, develops and creates strategies for the web. Im driven by startups, community and entrepreneurship both local and abroad and I work with startups and businesses to build strong brands and create meaningful experiences on and offline. 2. What kind of child were you? Just like most kids interested in technology, I started breaking things and putting it back together. That general curiosity about the world was always welcomed by my parents and they always gave their support. When I wasnt breaking things I was heavy into video and card games. Looking back now I think those helped a lot when it comes to critical thinking and strategy. 3. What does it mean to you to "stand out"? Standing out to me nowadays means being real with yourself. We live in an age now where the screen is always on and we can express ourselves 24/7 through our posts, but there's still a lot of people just doing what they see the other person doing. We live in a world where we can emulate and edit an image of ourselves just by what we post, so I think when you go against the grain and post what youre genuinely interested in, you stick out one way or the next.

4. How would you describe the current business climate in the Bahamas? Business in the Bahamas is better than it was a few years ago, but that's true everywhere else in the world. As far as opportunities go I think theres a ton of opportunities that weve barely scratched the surface on, but where the disconnect lies is knowledge of the tools to get the most out of these opportunities. Now we have access to the internet that can connect everyone, everywhere, anytime. This opens up way more possibilities to us than generations before us.Whether it's solar energy, crowdfunding or innovations in transportation. These things are gonna knock on our door sooner rather than later and it's up to us to embrace how we can use them to our advantage now. I also see the business client becoming more regional in order to open up to new markets. Hopefully, there can be more collaboration between Caribbean nations in order to create products and services we couldn't even imagine years ago. 5. Who is an "entrepreneur"? My definition of an entrepreneur is someone who can design how their world works on their terms. How can we be happy doing what we want to do? The path of getting a definition of that for you is what makes entrepreneurship and art. Success is different for everybody, and in some areas, an entrepreneur solving problems for themselves can solve the biggest problem we all feel on an individual level. 6. How did "Shift The Culture" come about? Shift The Culture started was all because a group of friends and I wanted to get together and have discussions about different ideas, potential collaborations or just things that interest us. The goal was to build a community here where going through the day the day or working could be easier by talking and getting help from a likeminded group of people. 7. Have you/your idea been well received? By Whom? The main reason STC started was that one of biggest concerns after moving back home was not having a community of likeminded people that can motivate and push you. In that regard, I believe the idea of Shift The Culture has been well received by everyone. By all means, I think we have a few more years to really make any true impact, but were getting there. 8. What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs? My advice changes every year as I tend to go through the lessons myself, but I would say one biggest lesson I'm at now is respect and love the people around you. Everything I was able to accomplish or work through was because I had


>>> man on the rise people who believed in what we were trying to do or where we wanted to go. Everyone has their own lives to deal with, so to gravitate towards and work with people who share that time with you to build something meaningful is a blessing. Tell your colleagues, business partner or your family how much you appreciate their love and support. 9. What is your overarching vision for the work you do? If I had to sum it up it would be creating platforms that help businesses grow, run, and communicate better. Some of those platforms might be through the technology itself, others might be through avenues, like Meetups, Pitch Nights or Podcasts, competitions like Starter Island or even through opportunities and different ventures myself and the people I enjoy working with want to pursue. I would like to think this remains true and connects everything I try to do. 10. How important is creativity to success? Creativity and success go hand in hand but I look at the word creativity from a different perspective as well. I believe creativity to be how you look at the situation and how you tackle a problem with what you have. With that being said, I dont think to be a Creative is subscribed to one particular group of people. You just have to be open to looking at the world differently. Once you can do that, you start to engage problems differently and you create success your own way. 11. Is there such thing as a blueprint for success? If so, what's yours? Dont necessarily think theres one particular blueprint for success. Everyone has different paths and different interests so each person needs to create their own blueprint. Where we can all find the strength to succeed is being a support for each other when we encounter those challenges along the way. A lesson one person learned can help another person not get discouraged by what they may be facing or are about to face. 12. What do you know for sure? One thing I know for sure is you have to remember why you're doing what you're doing and what you are trying to accomplish. Constantly remind yourself of it the moment you feel unmotivated or think you're going in the wrong direction.



One thing I know for sure is you have to remember why you're doing what you're doing and what you are trying to accomplish.


>>> femme fatale


hat does it mean to be a confident and sexy woman in the 21st century?

For a lot of women, this question isn't the easiest to answer. With all the chatter in the world today about who a woman is, how she should look, what she should wear or do, it is very easy for women to get side tracked or consumed by everyone elses opinion but their own. In global pop culture, big names like Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez and Rihanna are revered as some of the most sexy and confident women of our time. These women are the epitome of women who own their space in the world. They are unapologetic, unbothered by restrictions and archaic laws, and they have enough courage to express themselves when and how they see fit. We dont always have to look beyond our shores for examples of women who embrace themselves and all their wondrous attributes. Many of them live right here at home. At arms length, are women who arent afraid to push the boundaries of conservative opinion. I had the awesome privilege of interviewing one of these home-grown women. Wendi Lewis, who goes by the stage name Wendi is a singer and performer in the Bahamas, and she is Brutha Magazines latest Femme Fatale. Forget what you think you know about this stage diva. She is most certainly more than what meets the eye.

catch'n up with



By clarence carvel

Photographed by Donald Knowles


>>> femme fatale

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It's not about what outsiders deem as acceptable, but what you deem as your best self.

Heres what Wendi had to share:

1. So you've been selected as Brutha Magazine's Femme Fatale, how do you feel about that? What a great honor! It feels really good to be recognized.

2. What's it like being one of the hottest female names in Bahamian music today? Well, it always feels good to be rated as one of the best. We all work hard to be the best in our respective industries, and as artists, we are sensitive about our work. I just want to remain humble and keep my focus on delivering great music and great performances.

3. Would you say this is your calling? If so, why? Being an artist is definitely my calling. I'm known to say that we are all decorated to fulfill our purpose. I know that I am 'decorated' to be a singer and performer. My first public performance happened when I was the tender age of 4 years old, and music has been a part of my life since then. Literally, it's all I know.

4. Tell us about your childhood. I grew up in a wonderful family where my parents showed my brother and sister and I lots of love, discipline and what a marriage should look like. We lived in the out islands and really became close knit. I grew up as an island gyal, and that's the best experience any child could ask for. Fishing, crabbing, safety, eating pigeon and turtle soup...I mean there is nothing better than island life. Once my family moved back to Nassau and adjusted to city life, singing became even more of the fabric of my entire family. I joined the Bahamas National Youth Choir, sang constantly for my school and government events. My family was with me every step of the way to support me.

5. Many women are not comfortable exposing too much of their body-- for various reasons. So, tell us how you are able to embrace your sexuality and express yourself so comfortably? When I'm on stage, I'm in costume. I don't really see it the same way other people may see it. In my everyday life, I'm pretty conservative in the way I dress which may be surprising to some people. On stage, I am in costume and I have to transform myself in order to give the audience a great experience. On a more practical note, feeling good about your body is a very personal thing. It's not about what outsiders deem as acceptable, but what you deem as your best self. A healthy diet and exercise does wonders for body image and self-esteem and I think more women should embrace a healthier way of life.

6. Describe your music style? I am a pop artist with influences from Whitney Houston, Aretha Franklin, BeyoncĂŠ, Ella Fitzgerald, Brandy and many more. My vocals are soprano and I am not afraid to be edgy with my voice. I learned to love every piece of it and that is reflected in the way I write lyrics and melody.

7. Who are your influences/role models? Aretha Franklin. Ella Fitzgerald. Brandy. BeyoncĂŠ. I am also heavily influenced by dance, drama, beauty, fashion and art. My role model is my father. He's gentle, yet firm and is easily liked and a protector. That's who I want to be.

8. Describe your perfect date? Wine, champagne, flowers, Italian food and a great movie. Lots of laughs and learning about 'firsts'. Oh, and oysters! There must be oysters!

9. What kind of guy gets your attention? Fitness is sexy to me. So is humor and confidence. I have a soft spot for some may expect, lol

10. What do you know for sure? Wow! What a question . I know that tomorrow is a new day, and a chance to right any wrongs.

11. What's next for Wendi242? Regional Domination! I would also like to do one more music video this year and an R&B single may be in the works to follow up my last EP, Risky Business.

12. What advice do you have for women struggling to embrace themselves? There are so many opinions and schools of thought on how a woman should be, what she should wear, how she should speak, if she should be loud, if she should be coy. There is too much talk! All a woman needs to do to embrace herself is accept and love herself. If along her journey she identifies things she wants to change, then do that!

13. Finish this sentence; Sexy is... Being yourself


>>> bruthaman

‘...never allow your inner voice to tell you that you cannot do something.’


Yes! You Can... BY Dawn munroe


n The Pursuit of Happiness, Chris Gardner made a statement that resonates with all those who strive to attain success. Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something, not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're gonna tell you that you can't do it. If you want something go get it, period.

What about Soichiro Honda? Honda was rejected by Toyota Motor Corporation after a job interview as an engineer leaving him unemployed for quite some time. Honda did not let rejection deter him. He later started to make scooters of his own at home resulting in the birth of his own business. Honda is now on the charts as a successful billion-dollar business across the world. Look around you.

Often, the word can’t is constantly repeated, whether it comes from a friend or family member, or even from a voice within ourselves. The moment we are asked to do something, before even thinking it through, the words I can't shows up. Why is this? Why is that we doubt ourselves? Why do we limit and force ourselves to believe that mediocrity is acceptable, when in fact it is not?

Lastly, Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard College and failed at his first attempt at co-founding a business with Paul Allen called Traf-O-Data. However, Gates and Allen later succeeded in creating the global monster called Microsoft. Today we all can attest to the success of this computer software company. These men are living examples of the statement Chris Gardner made.

Our capabilities are unbeknownst to us. We sometimes have no idea what we can do because we never try, and even when we try, we don't quite hit the mark.

Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something, because if those men and many others did, then you can too. In fact, let the word can’t create an urge within you to keep at what you’re doing. At the end of the day, let it be known that you turn your can’t into cans.

Light bulb! FAILURE! That's just it! We are afraid to try because we fear failing. But, did you know that if you never try then you automatically fail. Wayne Gretzky understood this when he said; You miss one hundred percent of the shots you dont take. Did you know that failure is one step closer to success? There has been no record of anyone in the world who has put their foot forward to do something and did not fail at least once or twice before becoming successful. Even the most famous men of all failed on the road to success. Take for instance the man known today who is responsible for the Ford vehicles that flood the streets, Henry Ford. His early business ventures failed many times leaving him penniless-- five times to be exact, for him to become the founder of the illustrious Ford Motor Company.

Moreover, never allow your inner voice to tell you that you cannot do something. Cease from listening to negative voices in your head. It's easy to say: I can't, because then you don't have to put in any work. But do not let that stop you from taking risks and doing things that you said you could not do, or rather what people told you that you would not do. There may be something that you have been pondering for a long time. Maybe you have been doubting yourself and never thought to just give that one thing a try. Let today be the day that you take I can’tand turn it into I can. Always remember; Yes, you CAN.



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