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Maintaining Momentum Leading Campaigns (Level Two)

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Outline • • • • •

Defining momentum Identifying challenges Making a successful team Empowering individuals Maintaining performance

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Learning Outcomes • • • •

Deal with failure Motivate your team Manage performance Meet your campaigning goals

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Summary Go to the people Live with them Learn from them Love them Start with what they know Build with what they have But of the best leaders When the job is done The task accomplished All the people will say We have done it ourselves Lau Isu, China 700BC

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

Evaluation • Please complete and hand in your evaluation forms • Enjoy your day!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Passion, Training Perseverance &

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