Media campaigns

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Media & Power Leading Campaigns (Level 2)

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Outline • • • •

Media & Campaigns News Media Communicating with News Media Old vs New Media

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Learning Outcomes • Understand how media can benefit and detriment campaigns • Understand how news media works • Understand how to prepare for press conferences • Practice interview techniques • Learn how to utilise NEW media

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Media & Campaigns

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Media & Campaigns • How can campaigns benefit from Media coverage? • How can campaigns detriment from Media coverage?

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow


Leverage Misrepresen t


Bias Entrance


Endorsement Undermine

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

How can we get into the news? Direct action

Hold a vigil Involve a local celebrity

Give evidence to public enquiry Present a petition

Mark an anniversary Send a letter to someone important Launch a campaign

Welcome new proposals/ give reaction Stunts/displays

Condemn new proposals Hold an AGM Quiz election candidates

Lobby someone else’s meeting

Invite a dignitary to an event

Publish findings of survey or opinon poll

formation of new group HoldPerseverance a public meeting MedsinAnnounce Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, & Pow

News Media

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Understanding the Messenger 1) Don’t let the Media become the reality 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

(Create your own events/public conversations)

News is not the only type of media News needs events AND people Trust Local > National Consider timing/ markets Invest in contacts News = change to something we already understand (New things = social mainstream/ specialist press first!)

1) Target the media for your audience 2) Publicity ≠ success (? Effect) 3) Don’t waste time arguing!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

What are they looking for? News values = how valuable is the story – – – – – – – –

Frequency Threshold Clarity Meaningfulness Consonance Unexpectedness Continuity Context & Competition

– “Important” groups/ nations – Elite persons – Personalisation – Negativity – ? Educational value – ? Money – ? Sex

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Scandal & Conflict Scandal = Awfulness x

What can be done about the problem? What is being done about the problem?

x immoral profit x suppression/secrecy

Awefulness = 1st port of call = damage report Immoral profit = ?Malpractice ?Compromise at cost of ‌ Is it avoidable? Can something be done? Lots of problems – less that are clearly avoidable! Alternatives overlooked or SUPRESSED!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Scandal & Conflict • Check…. – – – – – –

Is it an accepted problem? Is a solution suppressed? Is a solution neglected? Is someone doing something awful? Is an immoral profit being made? If those responsible could do more?

More likely to get coverage with conflict or scandal!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Communicating with News Media

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Holding a Press Conference • Preparation & Control!!! – – – – –

Define story and key messages Remind news desk Time to suit media (10:30-11:30am) Check venue/ equipment Start & finish on time

• 3 appropriate speakers – – – – –

Different roles & subject areas Max 5 min each Experts & “real” people Provide with a brief Rehearse key points/ problem Q’s

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Holding a Press Conference • Manage journalists – Coffee & tea on tap – Names of attending journalists – Press pack on arrival • Quotes/ press release/ background material etc

– Start & finish on time

• Chairman

– Welcome/ breif intro (speakers & topic) – Invite questions

• And finally…

– No such thing as “off record” – Send press release to absent journalists – Evaluate the coverage gained!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Getting dressed for an Interview Jacket (Headline) – the main thing you want to say!

Shirt (Reasoning) – have 3 clean (good) ones!

Trousers (Facts) – news likes numbers! (don’t get caught with your pants down!)

Socks (Anecdotes) – have a story to tell! Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Getting dressed for an Interview

Don’t bring your dirty laundry!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Bridging How to get it back on track…. • • • • • • • • • • •

That’s an issue, but what the public are most concerned about is… Some say that, but what our research shows is… Yes that debate will run & run and today we are focused on… An important point and I’d like to answer that 3 ways if I may… I agree that needs answering and I will in a moment, if I may, but I first I would like to say… That’s an issue but the important thing to focus on is… Well I think the 3 main things to focus on are… Let me be absolutely clear… But what we know works in this field is… That’s a possibility but what we’re calling for is… That’s one view but we need to look at how this fits into the bigger picture.

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Getting dressed for an Interview • Now you are ready for your interview… let’s practice! • Groups of 3 – Interviewer – Interviewee – Observer

• Feedback

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Old vs New Media

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Awareness & Significance • Changes in news consumption – What do you use?

• Democratisation & “indymedia” • Participation news • Willingness to publish rumour/that which authority would suppress

 Global  Cheap & instant  Interactive  Distance & =ise Time  Accessible  Transferable  Sharing  Specialist info now widely available!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Coding & Re-coding • We’ve heard this all before….. – Sounds the same as previous stories – Weary, powerlessness, cynicism, distrust

• Recoding – Different versions/ interpretations on the way to the listener/ receiver/ public arena

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Coding & Re-coding Ways to avoid recoding‌. Communicate directly wherever possible Communicate in pictures – let them tell the story! Create events that are reported, NOT shown, NOT arguments!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

The New Rules… • • • • • • • • • • •

The law of connection The law of plentitude The law of exponential value The law of tipping points The law of increasing returns The law of inverse pricing The law of generosity The law of allegiance The law of devolution The law of churn The law of inefficiencies

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Summary • Know your enemy/ally • Look for opportunities to engage – Events, anniversaries, meetings – Elite/important groups/ individuals – Scandal & conflict

• Always dress for success (Be prepared!) • Make NEW media work FOR you! • Take back the power!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

Evaluation • Please complete your evaluation forms and hand in. • Enjoy your day!

Medsin Campaigns & Zero Generation Training Passion, Perseverance & Pow

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